“Often I’m a prisoner of my own mind—letting it think the thoughts I told myself to never think again.”
s.s. (stephenstilwell)
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smoke inhalation
the sun is orange and strangely
contained; if I’ve ever forgotten
the sun is round, I remember
now: this old star is simply on fire,
and the glow it casts - the life
it brings - is incidental, a strange truth
unmasked by the haze of smoke
filling this deep valley. ash falls
from the sky in little flurries,
and I try not to breathe. I never
thought fire would cool my passion,
but my lungs are heavy.
the radio announces,
…thousands of acres burned…
I feel the residue
on my skin, hair, clothes - my mood,
characterized by brown skies and red
sunrises. we talk about rain
as if it will cure us,
as if we have not already inhaled
enough smoke to become stars
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[word submitted by @hananja]
words will be said my time of distance will close a new season will begin this moment is bittersweet anxiously waiting for one message but knowing it is the end of our beginning and the beginning of our end in this moment i must ruin your hope you deserve all truth but the truth will set me free while weighing down your heart i know this is the starting block for us but our lives will begin apart from each other for the first time in a long time and i can’t help but hold out hope this is the first time that hope has ever hurt me
i am sorry for what i will do to you when i release myself from you
h.rae | universalmemoir
[join the project: submit a meaningful word here]
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These days have been
leaking from a
cracked chalice, leaving
stains on my
end table that
stare at me like
a mirror shattered with
a gavel but
I’ll savor the
drink from that
chalice and
wash the
stains away with
the tears I shed
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“We do not heal the past by dwelling there. We heal the past by living fully in the present.”
— Marianne Williamson
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In this process of growing up and rising from the ashes..the words have lost its way..
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The crumbs and pieces that are now left of me..
Are significantly of no use..
Same way as the morning sky has no use of the stars that made it beautiful few hours earlier...
And I think that's how it works..
And that's how it has always worked..
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“Why is love intensified by absence?”
— Audrey Niffenegger
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if it feels like fate has brought you back to the beginning, it’s ‘cause you weren’t ready the first time. there’s only the illusion of coming full circle. it’s always a spiral, either upward or downward. you choose which.
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The moment you think u have all figured out Everything crumbles into a billion pieces And you are send back to square one. #late #like #hmm #ohh #random #life #sucks #shitideas #whatever #validation #needed #asap #followme
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The moment you think u have all figured out Everything crumbles into a billion pieces And you are send back to square one. #late #like #hmm #ohh #random #life #sucks #shitideas #whatever #validation #needed #asap #followme
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#13reasonswhy #backtoyou #addicted I am soo much in love with this song. This song is one a loop in my playlist And since the song released it's being my ringtone. And I couldn't have it the other way @13reasonswhy @selenagomez 😂😂😂I know they won't notice this but why not give it a try. What's the worst that can happen
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When your priorities are clear. #howtobeabawse #lillysingh #subtleartofnotgivingafuck #markmason #fios #murakami #sputniksweetheart #13reasonswhy #turtlesallthewaydown #thinkingfastandslow #booksforlife My motto is quite simples. It's books before everything.
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not to love steve rogers on main but wouldnt it be iconic if steve didnt die but he still passed on the captain america mantle to sam and went and lived in a little apartment in brooklyn, and in all the upcoming marvel movies the end credits scene is just steve sam and bucky eating cereal regardless of what the movie is about. just 3 minutes of them fighting over who put the empty milk carton back in the fridge (it was bucky) 
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I am a bird without wings
Does that makes sense
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