Hey now! We are so late! But, thanks naturalblkgirlsrock for showcasing Kayy Nova on your blog! We appreciate it! Much love <3 - Street Remedies Team
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Kaylia “Kayy Nova” Nelson
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Street Remedies Artist of the Month: Matt of Drunken Kung Fu Band By Kayy Nova
Street Remedies got invited to a late night concert when Drunken Kung Fu came into town to show us all of their dopeness packed into a little band. Every aspect of the band from the keyboardist to the drummer was pure perfection. I’m not a dancer at concerts but, I danced this night. And will most likely dance every time I hear them play live. On this night, I became an official Drunken Kung Fu Fan. I tracked down Matt ( Drummer) and got to ask him some questions. 
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Q. Tell us a little about what got you into music.
A. Shoot , anything musical I have loved since a kid. Drums got me though, and that allowed me to explore different styles.
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Q. What is the best way to describe your musical style?
A. Fonkysouledfied lol
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Q. Where are you from? 
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Q. What inspires you the most?
A. Life, my kid, people and learning! 
Q. .What/Who are your musical influences?
A. Everyone and everything, literally. Anybody that does music from their soul I am a fan. 
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Q. What was the spark that made you realize that you have a love for music? 
A.It's just kind of always been there, used to dream of performing in front of large crowds making revolutionary  music. 
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Q. Are you currently traveling/touring? 
A.Not at the moment
Q. How long have you been playing the drums? 
A.10+ years
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Q. .What music projects are you currently working on? 
A.Groovincible, drunken Kung fu and loophustla :)
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Q. .How can we find out more about you? 
A.Mattkleemusic.com Twitter : @mrgroovincible IG: loophustla
Thanks Matt for taking the time out to represent Drunken Kung Fu! Also, Thank you readers! As always, before you leave check some cool stuff from this artist. Also, go like Drunken Kung Fu on Facebook!
Kayy Nova Co-Founder Street Remedies Las Vegas
Like us on Facebook! Facebook.com/streetremedies
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#chreese Hip Hop Festival Recap #popeadrianbless
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Street Remedies Artist of the Month: Pope Adrian Bless By Kayy Nova
 Pope Adrian Bless is a humble man who holds a lyrical concoction of fire and ice. He created his own style ‘Alternative East’, an out of the box approach towards the art of Emceeing. His stage presence and performance is monstrous. But, he is also one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. 
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Q.  What inspired your stage name?
A.  Being a loser and wanting to feel like someone lol honestly, it's two origins. I was baptized when I was young. I'm going to say 18 or 19. I also was a huge Def Jam: Fight For NY geek. Bless was one of the characters I used in every match. Only because of his name. I took that name and decided it was going to be a nickname of sorts. Adrian came from a guy who I worked with, who never could remember my actual name. Within the year I decided 'Hey! Adrian Bless is a dope name!'  Pope came from the idea of having a title. It used to be The Pope. I dropped the 'The' and kept it as Pope. Everyone enjoy's being king and I wanted to differentiate myself from those individuals. It also doubles as an acronym. Powered Off Positive Energy.
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Q.  When did you realize that you wanted to take your craft seriously?
A.  I realized it when i was 13. I didn't think I was skilled enough to do anything else. Honestly, I sucked. Horribly, lol. I don't know what encouraged me to want to stick with it. Wait! I do know. Bow Wow wasn't too much older than me and I felt as if he could, then I could. So, all I did was write and write and write. Now, he is a footnote in the culture and I feel I'm on my way to being a pillar in it. Sorry, Shad? Lol
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Q.  What is the best way to explain your style of rapping?
A.  Alternative in combination with random noises and sounds and poetry. That's a question I get, frequently. I couldn't explain it, to anyone. Currently, I'm trying to name my style. Alternative East? That sounds like it'll sell. Yet, this'll do.
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Q.  Have you ever doubted yourself? How did/do you overcome those thoughts?
A. Yes! Man, yes. More times than I can count. I used to be the 'Glass Half Empty' guy. Didn't want to see the blessing in the drink, for nothing. Yet, glory to God, my support system stayed on my ass. Harshly, mind you. There wasn't a day I couldn't write or listen to genre's to remove the notion that there are people out there who are different. I fought with being different. When the trends and the waves are amongst us, it's easy to ride the tide and not make your own splash. I stayed around those who splashed to their own beat. Weird analogy. Just thought of it, lol but that's the greatest way to explain that. 
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Q.  Describe the feel of your album 'Neighborhood Lights' .
A.  NHL was... Hmm. Not to come off cliche, but it was what I felt, a year prior to release. It was the journal turned album. It was me getting to the people I loved, without mentioning them. A lot of my projects are like that. Trying to get to the ones who I need to hear versus appealing to an audience. The feel was a man child, in growth. Hoping those who loved him, for half, would be strong enough to love him, whole. It was a beautiful cry for help.
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Q.  What inspired the title of your album?
A.  I love titles. As blunt as can be, they don't always have to mean much. They do, after its over, but the sound of that made me want to create something powerful. That's my thing. It was being in the city and finding the beauty in the darkest parts of self. The hood is a beautiful place when you can find the memories that helped you develop still exists.
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Q.  How much of your life growing up influenced subjects in your songs?
A.  Everything. Everything. But, more so, the things in my adolescence and teenage years. Those were the key points. From 17 and onward. Those were all line worthy experiences that I wouldn't take back, today. If it did anything, it helped me create my heart, artistically. 
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Q.  How do you separate yourself from other artists?
A.  By not being a rapper. Honest. Don't be a rapper. Create. Be a creator. That's the difference. Punchlines and metaphors are great! Then again, who gives a fuck if you found a penny for your thoughts in a wishing well? Yes. That's one of my lines, lol but it could work, depending on how I facilitate it. That's all. It's being able to stay open minded and grounded enough to know the art is forever. We just contribute. Contribute you and not just your rhymes.
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Pope Adrian Bless at The Cypher II Indiana Ave, Indianapolis. 
Q.  Who would you want to work with in the future?
A.  This is touchy. Mick Jenkins. Joe Budden. That's it. No one else. Rhyme and emotion is all I care for. Those two embody both. 
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Chreece Hip Hop Music Festival Fountain Square, Indianapolis. 
Q.  Where can we all find 'Neighborhood Lights' ?
A.  www.popeadrianbless.com I, also, recently released my newest project 'Angel Musik IV: Revelations' You can find that on the site, as well.
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www.popeadrianbless.com to hear AMIV 
Thank you Pope for sharing your story with Street Remedies!
Also, thank you to the readers. You can support this blog by following us now ! Support this artist by going to www.popeadrianbless.com to hear his newest project! Help us out by sharing this interview on Facebook & Twitter. Before you leave check out “The Aura”  from Pope now!
Kayy Nova Co-Founder Street Remedies Las Vegas
Like us on Facebook !Facebook.com/streetremedies
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MC Rehema McNeil stopped by the WFYI studio today. We discussed her upcoming performance for the Chreece hip-hop festival and her EP"Davu".
The interview will air on Cultural Manifesto this Wednesday night at 9 on 90.1 WFYI Public Radio.
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Street Remedies Artist of the Month Rehema Mcneil!
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Street Remedies Artist of the Month : Rehema Mcneil By Kayy Nova
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Q. Where are you from? 
A. I am from  Memphis Tennessee.
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Q.  Were you into the arts as a child?
A. Yes I was ! I studied and practiced ballet and martial arts. At that age of probably six years old, I was entered into a ballet class by my mom. And, after;I think maybe the first week and a half; I quit because it was too painful for my toes. Then, a couple of weeks later, we went to see the Grand Opening performance. That day I regretted dropping out. I will never forget that experience.
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Q.What were your hobbies?
A.  My hobby was storytelling. I loved to create stories that were fictional, romantic and adventurous.
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Q. Do you remember the first song you ever wrote?/ How did you feel about it when it was new?/ How do you feel about it now?
A.  Honestly yes I do, but only bits and pieces of it. I remember it was actually a rap and it was very “ABC like”. I hadn't developed in my writing yet. I felt like it was the coolest thing I ever wrote, which is what we normally think after we write something. We automatically think its fire. Now, I feel like I have improved a lot. It was  a precious moment in my adolescence where I had more drive and passion than skill.
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Q. Fast forward to November 7th, 2014.It was the beginning of The Davu Experience;Your debut  album release party, and your first time showing the public that you are serious about your music; Did your roots in Spoken Word Poetry play a role in your passion to rap?
A.  The interesting thing is Davu was really supposed to be a poetry CD, however when I was in the studio writing for the project I felt like I had a certain stumbling block and so I asked the producer;Which is Terrance Anderson; if it would be cool if I tried something different and he said yes. Thus, I began to write a rap for the first song and then I continue to write more more rap structured songs. But, they all have a poetry influence to them by nature.
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The Davu Experience Album Release Party. Hear Album here 
Q. When your album dropped, did you expect all of the love that you received?
A. Honestly, I freaked out  the night before it was going to release.  I asked Terrance if  I really should go through with it and if the project was going to be accepted or laughed at. He  reassured me that the project was hot and that people would love it. I felt that the project would receive a lot of love because most people have supported me throughout my journey with various types of art.
Q.  There are so many female Emcees out there. Yet, you manage to stick to your message without having to mention your ( insert explicit phrase here) We love that about you! Is this something that is a struggle? What would you say to young women and girls who want to do the same thing that you do?
A. Thank you! I enjoy being a rebel in a positive light. I believe that music can be just as enjoyable, fun and hype while still having a uplifting positive message. Without using profanity or promiscuity to gain attention and success. I strongly encourage any young girls and women that desire to pursue music to definitely go for it go after what your heart desires keep God first and stay ambitious while keeping an open mind to gain wisdom on further improvement.
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Q.    What has been the path to get you where you are today?
A. That is a great question! I would say mainly just having faith that God will provide a way and lead me  where I need to be. And to the people that could help move forward my artistry, also just having a strong drive and ambition to constantly want for improvement to be a part of my music and art.
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Q. When you were younger and breaking into the scene, you were very protected by pretty much everyone. Do you think that it helped/crippled  you in any way?   
A. Yes,  I would say it has helped me tremendously. I was able to remain in the area of concentration and away from drama or any debris that could of mentally crippled me in the long run in my artistry.
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Q.How did you break out and show everyone " Rehema is a Woman Now" ?
A. It was definitely through photo shoots. Within  my partnerships with different photographers and stylist, I was able to show my  “entering into womanhood”   ( giggles)  and a lot of my brothers and older siblings through poetry and fashion were surprised by how much I had matured and that now is different. 
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Q. What are your main musical influences?
A. My main musical influences would definitely be Janelle Monae, Lady Leshurr, Eve, Missy Elliott, and Lefteye.
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Q.   If you could travel anywhere in the world free of charge, where would it be?
A.Wow, that's a good question! Hmm I would say Africa possibly Nigeria. The African culture is so amazingly fruitful!
Thank you Rehema for sharing your journey with Street Remedies!
Also, thank you to the readers. You can support this blog by following us now ! And/or sharing this interview on Facebook & Twitter. Before you leave check out DAVU & Terrorist by Rehema Mcneil!
Kayy Nova Co-Founder Street Remedies Las Vegas
Like us on Facebook ! Facebook.com/streetremedies
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Check out Butterscotch ft our July artist of the Month Rasar. Dopeness
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Street Remedies Artist of the Month: Rasar by Kayy Nova
Rasar is a hard hitting emcee from Sacramento who is doing his music on his own terms, and it is working tremendously in his favor. This  artist is a breath of fresh air in the independent hip hop scence. He has been busy, but I’ve managed to chase him down. 
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Q.What was is like growing up in Sacramento?
A.  In 2002, Time Magazine named Sacramento the most diverse city in America. I didn't fully experience that diversity there as a child, but I was very aware of it. I went to school mostly with Caucasians and Mexicans, with a few Asians and a small handful of "African-Americans" (so many terms to describe us). I had a great childhood; I grew up in peaceful neighborhoods and was raised as an only child. I played basketball and had a pretty mellow life at home. I definitely experience brushes with racism, but that's expected in 'Murica.
I took martial arts from age 7-10, so that changed my life drastically, especially my mentality. Martial arts taught me a lot of discipline and the two creeds that stuck with me were: R.A.D. (Recognize.Avoid.Defend) and CAN-I (Constant and Never-ending Improvement). My mother suffered a health crisis at that time, which immediately stopped our training and it wasn't until I was fully able to realize that I almost lost her. This health-related brush with death led to a major shift in her consciousness and she became a raw-foodist. By my teens vegetarianism and other breaks from tradition began to shape my world view, although I enjoyed eating the Standard American Diet all through high school.
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(  Photo: Rasar and his band The Lique  )
Q. What albums did you grow up listening to?
A.  I own about 300 CDs, most of which are still at my parents' house. I can't list all the major moments, but I'd have to say my favorite artists were: 2pac, Redman, Eminem, Slick Rick, DMX, Ma$e, Notorious B.I.G...oh,  I'm never going to thoroughly answer this. I bought pretty much every rap CD I wanted from 1997-2003 and some R&B. This is one of the roughest questions. I bought every Jay-Z album up to "The Blueprint 2"
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Q.When did you discover your talent ?
A. As a joke, I was dared to rhyme in August 1998. Earlier that summer, I had a friend who suggested we start a rap group. It was completely unreal and far-fetched to me. I was hit by the rhyme bug in February 1999 when my favorite song at the time, "Da Art of Storytelling. Pt. II (Remix)" feat. Slick Rick blasted through the radio. I've been focused on it ever since that day.
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( Rasar on Ted Talks https://youtu.be/HXoGjKW7Dc4 ) 
Q. Did you have any mentors/did anyone pour into your gifts?
A.  Funny, I made a post recently about mentors just before seeing this question. Yes, I had some OG's that helped guide me through the game. At age 16, I connected with a guy named Will who had been in the industry for over 20 years and he had me buy This Business of Music and think about the work behind the work. Then, When I was 18, two separate emcees took me under their wings; I now refer to them as my hip-hop godmother and godfather; Miss Marianna and Old Ghost were pivotal hip-hop mentors that also showed me some larger things about the world. Above all, both of my parents have been my #1 fans since I started in junior high.
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Q.  Can you remember your first live performance? Were you nervous?
A.  Yes, my first performance was May 28, 1999 @ Buljan Middle School. It was the school talent show. There was a kid named Jimmy that was in 3 acts that night and he made it his personal concert. I remember he did "Anything" by 3T, "Anywhere" by 112 and one other song. Then, I went on last. There were supposed to be 4 of us, but two of them got scurred and I hold it against them to this day, because they made up lame excuses. This was before everyone could see what you're up to online. Anyway, one true cat stuck with me - Matt. We rhymed over Craig Mack's "What I Need (Remix)" instrumental, which I dubbed on a tape from the vinyl. I only knew one rhyme of my own that whole year. Matt was not a rapper, but he was a huge Busta Rhymes fan, so he did both verses from "Put Ya Hands Where My Eyes Could See", I did my one original verse and LL Cool J's verse from "4,3,2,1". I don't think there was a winner, but the assistant principal pulled me out of English class a week or 2 later about the performance asking me "why you grabba you crotch?!". I will never forget that, I didn't grab myself but I reviewed VHS and saw that I did keep me hands in the area because I didn't know how to use my whole body as a performer. Yes, I was nervous, but it was such a rush and I couldn't wait to do it again.
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( Rasar and Butterscotch at the Blue Note Jazz Club NY)
Q. What place has been the most exciting for you to perform?
A. I'd say my experiences in Berlin, Germany and Taichung, Taiwan were the two most unbelievably dope performance experiences I've ever had. Taiwan was with my homegirl, Butterscotch, and we headlined in front of well over 10,000 people. There are no words to describe that level of immense connection. The Berlin story takes about 30 minutes to thoroughly tell, but it was at an event called "The Swag Jam" in the early hours of Weds, October 22, 2014 and that was, by far, the single best hip-hop experience I've had in my life so far. It's hard to pick because I've been doing this over 15 years now. I can't skip over how awesome it was emceeing Rose.Rabbit.Lie. in Las Vegas and playing the Blue Note Jazz Festival in New York with Beka Gochiashvili.
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( Rasar and Joseph in the Well )
Q.Are you Bi-lingual? Multi-Lingual? If not, have you attempted to learn?
A. Hablo un poco de espanol. ( I speak a little Spanish <3 ) 
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Q. What is the main message that you want everyone to receive from your music?
A. My main message is: Seek Truth through knowledge of Self, be inspired by Love, and live out what matters most to you.
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Q What have you learned about yourself as an artist on your journey? 
A.   My artistic journey has taught me the that my words, thoughts, and actions are much more powerful that what society would lead me to believe. I manifest much of my Reality through focused intent. Talk is NOT cheap if you understand its true value and how to use it. The power of positive, motivational, action-based relationships is key.
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Q.If you were not an Emcee what would you be doing with your time?
A.  If I were not an emcee, I'd be teaching something. I love to study and share knowledge.
BONUS: My 3 major acts are: my solo work, my jazz/hip-hop band - The Lique, and my acoustic soul/hip-hop band - CAMRA (w/Cameron Calloway). Everyone please go my website: www.rasarmusic.com
Thank you so much Rasar for taking the time to speak with Street Remedies! We learned a little more about you as a person & artist. 
Also, thank you to the readers. You can support this blog by following us now ! And/or sharing this interview on social media. Before you leave check out this cool video of Rasar and Butterscotch !
Like us on Facebook! Facebook.com/streetremedies
Kayy Nova Co-Founder Street Remedies Las Vegas
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Street Remedies Artist of the month in all his dopeness...RASAR
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Coming soon!Kayy Nova will be interviewing with RASAR ; Street Remedies Artist of the Month ; You can find it on tumblr soon! Until then,make sure you show June's Artist of the Month some love and check out DUWOPRose the Vinylist by visiting...
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Street Remedies Artist of the month :DUWOPRose the Vinylist  by Kayy Nova
DUWOPRose is a quiet storm of a Vinylist . She is located locally in Las Vegas. Her resume is impressive, and her spirit is light. She did not even hesitate to say yes when asked to be Street Remedies Artist of the Month. Here is the awesome result of getting to talk with this awesome person. 
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Q. When did you start DJing - and what or who were your early passions and influences?
A. I was influenced at an early age when my Mother, Anita would record classical music & poetry for my Father, Romualdo on cassette tapes. Since they were over 8,000 miles apart, her connection with him was through music. Sending him tapes of our recordings, we felt closer to him and was able to share our growth while he worked in the states and my Mother raised my brother and I in the Philippines. 
We flew to the states when I was 9 years old to meet my Father in Cerritos, CA. In that time period, I was around my cousin Sheila and she played some of the best mixes I've ever heard at a very young age. At that point, I was intrigued by the sounds of music blending in one and knew it was what I wanted to create. Months to a year later, we moved to Las Vegas where my Father resided. Vegas was hotter than I remember so I stayed in my room most of the time sketching and listening to the radio, back when Soul4Real, Jade, Xscape, Hi-Five etc. was Top40! I constantly bought blank tapes to record, pause, record, pause, (REPEAT) mixing my favorite songs and favorite parts of every song! My generic version of mixes before I got a pair of turntables! My journey as a DJ all started with collecting vinyl records at age 13 in 1995. Saving my lunch money, selling my artwork to ride the bus to Da Joynt, a local record store owned by Eloff. I never left that store empty handed. Whether it be purchasing vinyl records, stickers, a shirt or a cassette tape... I supported that store and went home happy adding something musical to my collection!
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Q. You have what I believe to be the coolest name ever! It is so fitting to what you do.So when you came up with the acronym "Divine Universoul Warrior Overstanding Pain" what inspired you to use those powerful words, and do you still use that to define yourself? 
A. Thanks! Yes, it's part of me. The acronym/definition derived from what I have gone through growing up. It first enlightened me when I turned 25 in 2007, a friend of mine by the name of Youthinasia let me borrow this book called "The Rebirth of Gods"  by Dr. Paul Goss. It turned my life around. The title was exactly what I felt during and especially after reading the book. I was reminded that there's a Divine plan for all of us from the very beginning, it's Universal. That God is within and a part of our soul. I must face any obstacles like a true Warrior Overstanding that Pain is temporary. We all have a purpose. Defining the nature of oneself helps me through my journey. 
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Q. How old were you when you started?
A. I started DJing when I got my first pair of turntables for my 18th b(earth)day. Inviting selective MCs like Synickle, Tiwaeis, Likewhyz & Adjacent for sessions. Droppin' beats, scratchin and mastering to blend all kinds of music in one. My first gig was when I was asked to rock for a house party, then parking lot set for Guerilla Media, practicing with The Living Mechanism, being one of the resident DJs at the Cooler Lounge with the Fresh Foundations, Aloha Kitchen for Fundamentals with DJ Kriscut, Slip, Usho and Wicky and so forth...
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Q. You've performed at House of Blues, Luxor , Mandalay Bay and recently The Sayers Club. It's safe to say that you are popular. But you are so humble which is something to be proud of. How do you do it? 
A. Remembering where I came from and my family. That keeps me grounded.
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  Q. What do you love most about Djing? 
A. That I am able to share the music that makes a difference in my world. Collecting vinyl records. Traveling from one venue to another. 
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Q. I must ask you about those beautiful  locs of yours because they are definitely a trademark that people know you by. How long have you had them ? And when did you make the decision to commit to loc your hair? 
A. I have been lockin for 9 years now. These are actually my third set of locs. I made the decision to loc my first set when I was a senior in High School. Cut the first two sets and locs kept growing back on its own. Hence why this set is my longest cause it's never been cut or trimmed.
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Q. What has been the most challenging part of doing what you do?
A. That technology is moving so fast but I still find passion in diggin' for vinyl records and spinning them for my live sets. There are many challenges to spinnin all vinyl, but to get through the whole set during those challenges, that's the path to Self Mastery.
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Q. What do you find the most rewarding? 
A. The most rewarding thing about being a Vinyl DJ, for me, is the satisfaction of supporting artists who still puts music out on vinyl records and to help keep vinyl alive. Q. When is your next performance? And lastly where can we keep up with DUWOPRose The Vinylist? 
A. Next performance will be with Rhyme N Rhythm at the Bunkhouse Saloon Saturday, June 6th, with SoulSessions at Raw Remedies Sunday, June 7th, PYT at the Gold Spike Wednesday, June 10th 2015... You can keep up with me and listen to my recordings and mixes at www.mixcrate.com/duwoprose 
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Thank you so much for being Street Remedies Artist of the Month! It was an honor to be able to find out a little more about you, and be able to share it with the world. 
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Find out more about the artist by going to mixcrate,com/duwoprose. Keep an eye out, Street Remedies will be following everything this Artist will be up to for an entire month! If you don’t know, now you know!
Kayy Nova Co-Founder Street Remedies Las Vegas
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Cameron Calloway has a husky and soulful voice that just draws you in. His songwriting is phenomenal, and to top it off he is just a really cool guy to be around. He is so humble, and Vegas is blessed to have him as a local.
He has performed at Bunk House Saloon, Vegas on the Mic, Sofar Las Vegas and was covered by Las Vegas Weekly. Find out more about the artist by checking out his website. 
Copy and paste the link cameroncalloway.com
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Street Remedies Artist of the month : Cameron Calloway by Kayy Nova
I saw Cameron Calloway for the first time at an open mic less than  1 year ago called the Human Experience when it was held at The Beat Coffee House. He immediately caught my attention with his in depth story telling while flawlessly playing the acoustic guitar. His stories would then tie into beautifully worded lyrics and his voice was soulful; pulling from old school influences of different genres; I was officially a fan. Recently I got to catch up with him for an interview. 
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Cameron:  The 1st song I ever remember hearing as a child is Take on me by A-ha , love that song and the music video! it inspired me to draw.
Cameron: Currently I've been listening to Alabama Shakes, awesome band and the lead singer Brittany Howard has a killer voice! Led Zepplin , I can't believe I'm just now diving into their music, they're beyond amazing   & Mos Def who is a phenomenal lyricist, I've also been missing out on his music these past few years .
Cameron:  Hmm, song I'm most proud of? Would probably be "State of Misery" and I say that only because it's been the most challenging for me to write. It's a song about reflection of what's going on around me but also looking at myself and realizing that I have to change my ways too in order to start seeing a better world .
Cameron:  No I don't really regret writing any of my songs, they've all helped me cope at whatever it was I was going through at the time, I wrote some stuff when I 1st started playing the guitar, those are really corny cheese love songs haha.
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Cameron:  Having a Column about me in the weekly was really awesome! I'm truly grateful to have been apart of that! I've met a lot of people who I've never met before saying they really enjoy my music, so having another outlet to spread my music around is very humbling!
Cameron:  No, I wouldn't consider myself a local celebrity at all, that's the least of my worries.
Cameron: Hmm, very little when it comes to censoring myself , I try to be completely honest in my music and leave everything I have to say on a song.
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Cameron:  Yes, May 22nd at the Velveteen Rabbit! I'll be playing that show with my band, and the Lique will also be performing! They're so dope! haha.
Cameron: If I wasn't a musician I would probably be a musician haha seriously though I have no idea because music itself means so much to my spirit & soul, I really don't see myself doing anything else but this.
Cameron: What next for me? putting out an EP is huge right now, and then working on playing cities outside of Las Vegas! And yes please follow me on my website www.cameroncalloway.com & stay tuned! Peace & love.
Thank you Cameron for taking the time out to talk to Street Remedies and allowing us to go one step closer to bringing unity in the musical community.
Please check out his website but before you leave, take a look at this awesome video!
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