streets-of-vale · 6 months
Streets of Vale - Info Dump - "Dolls"
"Dolls" is a generic and derogatory term used to refer to both men and women who have at least all four limbs replaced by cybernetic prosthetics. This term also used for those individuals who have nearly full body replacement. 
“Dolls” make up less than 0.25% of the total population of Remnant, as unfortunately many who undergo the required procedures perish on the table, succumbing to shock, rejection, or infection. The process is extremely invasive, time-consuming and expensive.
For the majority of those who survive this surgery, the only recourse for employment, capable of providing enough funds to repay the loans, required to pay the costs for the procedures, is via the sex trade. While there are those that find gainful employment in other sectors, or even as “Street Samurai”... for the majority that is not the case.
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(Images generated using perchance AI text-to-image)
WARNING: Unless a “Doll” is a registered member of the Military, Police Force or a PMC, it is HIGHLY ILLEGAL for them to have combat rated upgraded/modifications. Identification/Capture of such “Combat Dolls” of CDs is punishable by 50 years incarceration, with removal and replacement of the affected limbs with generic base models.
/===/ Legal Modifications (No an Exhaustive List) /===/
Synthetic skin - Comprised of a plastic polymer, this flexible overlay is used to cover the mechanical look of prosthetic limbs, to give a more natural look. Some installations include a transitional color system, that allows the user to change skin color at will. Color range is anything with in the visual spectrum.
Limb Illumination - Inspired by the undercarriage LED lighting systems of street racers, enterprising “Dolls” had LED strings wired into their limbs, to give an illuminated look to those that chose to forgo the use of synthetic skin. This illumination also included just the placing of LED lights in the finger tops, and or toes.
Blood / Air Filtration Systems - A modification, many individuals, not just those with extensive cybernetic alterations, chose to have installed. Enhances the removal of toxic and poisonous chemicals and additives from the air and blood stream. A favored modification for those who like to drink in excess, or smoke.
/===/ Illegal Modifications (Not an Exhaustive List) /===/
Strength Enhancements / Speed Enhancements Retractable Blades of any type / Taser (Shocking Grasp) Implant Chemical Injection or Vapor Dispersal Systems Integrated firearms / Smart-Link Targeting System
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streets-of-vale · 6 months
SoV - the Runaway (1.75)
/== Table of Contents ==/
Jaune took his time, using a round about route to get to the club. Hopping from bus to bus, and making sure he played up being nothing but a “working girl”. Swaying his hips, and making a show of adjusting his breasts with his hands. To add to his disguise before leaving the depot, he had slid into a restroom and swapped out his hoodie for a tank top, allowing him to show off some cleavage… completing his look. 
Too soon, though, he found himself watching the main entrance to the Club. Leaning against a lamp post, smoking a cigarette, he took his time, trying his best to not look like he was watching the entrance. Using his limited skills to identify possible threats. He was under no illusions, that the chances are if or when he entered the Club, that Junior would have a surprise waiting for him.
As he waited, he saw a pair of people enter. The confident way they approached the bouncer, and the quickness on which they were allowed entrance, raised questions in Jaune. You only were able to cut the line, if you had business with Junior, or the twins. Of course, he had no idea if that business had anything to do with him, and when a group of four, all dressed very up-scale, were permitted access.
“Shit.” That was the final straw for Jaune. He had seen enough, and his paranoia spiked, even further. To enter the club now was to invite a clusterfuck of trouble. “What did you expect, you ass.”
Jaune stepped away from his, observation post and sauntered his way down the street, past the line of patrons waiting to get into the club. He was tempted to slid in with the regular clientele, to get a lay of the situation, but he quashed that thought. Junior knew of Jaune’s Morph-kit. The bastard had paid for it and the surgery to install it. So he had a database of all of Jaune’s possible body measurements. While it wouldn’t out right identify him, a cross-reference through the cameras and that database would set him up for a conversation.
“This was all a fucking mistake.” Jaune muttered to himself as he moved past the entrance, “What the fuck are you going to do now, big man… you’re a fucking twat, Jaune, a useless twat.”
Reaching the end of the block, he turned the corner, and continued on his way, until he reached a trash and debris choked alley. Ducking out of sight, he once again went through the painfully uncomfortable morph. Shirking his chest to double A, while expanding his hips and ass to the max. Eyes shifted to pale emerald, nails shortened, and his hair swapped to strawberry blond. He left his nail and make-up colors the same.
Activating the nano-augments in his clothing, he swapped from the more eye-catching design to a very mundane, plain color scheme. Satisfied, he pulled up his jacket hood, shouldered his pack and moved off, in a direction that would put as much distance between him and Junior as he could manage in Vale.
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Unknown by him, or anyone else for that matter, and basically invisible entity was watching from above. She was more than a little intrigued by what she saw. Contacting her team about her discovery. Quietly moving from the room top to the alley, she stepped out and watched the figure moving further away.
“Interesting.” she whispered to herself, as she moved forward to follow. She had gotten a reply from her team. It was an offer, and a sizable one at that. Which struck her as odd, very odd. “What have you gotten yourself into?”
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streets-of-vale · 6 months
SoV - the Runaway (1.5)
/== Table of Contents ==/
Not taking a chance, as soon as Jaune was out of sight, he activated his kit again. Swelling his chest to its maxim B-cup size, rounding his hips, and behind further, and slimming his thighs slightly. With a blink, his eyes swapped from pink to deep almost forest green, and his hair shimmer for a second going from pink and white to neon blue, streaked with red. With his body changed, he did his clothes, making them all black with white barbed wire designs, while also lower his heels from three-inch to two-inch heels.
Stopping next to a parked car, he fished out a small make-up kit, and used the side mirror to apply a blood-red shade of lipstick, that matched his long nails. Stashing the kit back in his pocket, Jaune moved off, giving his rear end a hypnotic sway, keeping with the image of being a “working girl”. Jaune hated this act, but it had served him well in the past, and would probably save his life in the future as well.
“All the world is a stage.” Jaune muttered to himself, partially quoting a famous play, before adding his own to it. “And you’re a bit player who is going to get his ass wasted.”
Jaune walked another block before catching another bus. Unlike the last time when he hid, trying to be unnoticed, this time he did the opposite. He winked and wiggled, waved and kissed, putting on a show, of someone looking for attention from everyone around them. Internally, he was petrified that whoever was after him. Whoever had wasted Noir, would know about his body kit, so he forced himself to act as if he had nothing to hide. Even if that meant he got groped more than a few times.
“Oh, a big boy are we?” Jaune faux moaned out, before licking his lips and wiggling his ass in the lap of the gang banger that had yanked him off his feet. “Keep that up, and a girl might get the wrong impression.”
Jaune felt humiliated, but he couldn’t let it show. He had been in similar situations before, he knew the cards to play, and to be honest if he had to he’d play the T-girl hooker role, he’d do what needed to be done. Especially if it put bodies between him and being found. Fortunately, it didn’t progress that far. No, he was just passed around between the gang members, both men and women. Giving lap dances, and getting fondled.
He stayed on the bus for almost forty-five minutes before it reached the main depot, his chosen destination. Dropping the hip sway, he just made a straight line to the locker bank.  Pilling a slim chain up from between his tits, he moved through the aisles of rentable lockers, until he found his. Opening it up, he pulled out a black pack. Inside he knew was a change of clothes, and a couple grand in lien. It was his emergency stash.
Locking up the locker, he moved out of the storage area, and took a seat in a nearby CCT-Booth. Popping some lien into the slot, he paid the connection fee and dialed his boss’ contact number, making sure to keep the video disabled.
“You better have a fucking good reason to be calling me on this number.”
“It’s Jaune.”
“Where the fucking hell are you?”
“I’m on the street, lying low.”
“You really dog-fucked yourself, Jaune. What the fuck were you thinking, taking a side job? You ain’t no enforcer, or hired gun. You’re a courier!”
“How? Who?”
“That don't matter. Get your ass back to the club. And I mean now!”
“I… I’ll be there in an hour or so.” 
“Where are you?”
“I’m around.”
“Don't play with me, Jaune. Don’t even thinking of fucking playing with me. Where are you?”
“I’m on my way.” Jaune disconnected the call before Junior could say anything else. Jaune sat there for a few minutes, trying to collect his thoughts.
“Of course he would find out you fucking ass…” Jaune cursed at himself as he climbed out of the booth, “He’s an info broker, and you shit the bed big time.”
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streets-of-vale · 6 months
SoV - the Runaway (1.25)
/== Table of Contents ==/
Jaune’s hands were shaking as he sat in the rear of the bus, his hood pulled up to hid his face. His mind replaying the utter clusterfuck of a failure the simple escort mission had turned into. He could feel wetness welling up in his eyes as he recalled the rather plain looking young woman that had been his client… her name had been Noir.
“You don’t look like much.” the young woman with neon purple hair commented as Jaune approached. “You’re Arc, I take it?”
“Arc… short sweet. The ladies love it.” Jaune replied with a slight cringe. It had been the pass-phrase to confirm that he was the one she had contracted. He slid into the seat across the booth from her. “So, just an escort?”
“Yes. I have some data to drop off to my broker.”
“Why not use a courier, that has to be cheaper than hiring a bodyguard?” Jaune asked.
“Can’t trust them.”
Jaune felt that was slightly insulting. He was normally a courier, and one of the best Junior had on his crew. But he was also well aware that there had been issues with some in his normal line of work who went AWOL and sold off the info they were entrusted with.
“So whenever you’re ready.” Jaune commented. She looked as nervous about the whole situation as he felt.
“No time like the present.” she responded, standing up from her seat, cradling her cyberdeck against her chest. Jaune never understood why some always carried their decks on slings with them, where ever they went. But then again, he wasn’t much for the Net or the Cloud. He mimicked her auctions, and followed her out of the dinner.
The pair walked in silence, Jaune’s eyes scanning the people they were passing, hoping not to see any aggressive actions. He kept one hand in the pocket of his jean jacket, gripping his Rsh-12. It was an old piece, a revolver in an age of semi-automatics, but it did have the stopping power of a tank.
“So how far?” Jaune casually asked.
“An hour by foot.” Noir replied.
“I would suggest, we hop a bus.”
“Any reason why?”
“A bus would be a death-trap if anyone saw me.” Noir answered, as she reached up and pulled her own hood further forward.
So on they walked. Jaune keeping himself between Noir and the people passing them. His eyes nervously watching for signs of trouble. He saw the movement from the crowd, seconds too late. Noir’s eyes opened wide a fraction before the round struck her in the forehead, spraying the wall behind her with brain matter.
“FUCK!” Jaune pulled his own weapon, only to have it so casually knocked out of his grasp, followed by the gun that did in Noir being aim in his direction. Jaune didn’t hesitate and allowed the strike that disarmed him to twist him sideways. Remember some of his bare-bones self-defense training, he mule-kicked, catching his attacker in the gut.
Everything was a blur after that. Jaune ripped the deck from Noir’s corpse, and ran.
He disembarked from the bus about two blocks from his apartment, and when he was about half a block away from the entrance to the ratty apartment building he was living in, he noticed them. While they were dressed casually, he could tell they were out of place. NO one just hung around in this part of the sprawl. For professionals, it seemed like a real rookie mistake. Keeping his head down, and hood up, he made his way past them.
“Hey bitch!” one of the four yelled as Jaune attempted to pass by, Jaune turned towards the voice. “You live around here?”
“No, just passing through, on my way to work.” Jaune replied, using his voice modulator to give his voice a slightly seductive quality. “But I could be tempted to hang about… for the right price.”
“You’re a working girl, are ya?” the one that yelled out to her commented as she moved towards Jaune, a lecherous grin on his face. “So, what are your rates?”
“We’re on the clock, you fuck-head.” another informed, the first, before looking at Jaune. “Get your skank ass to your street corner.”
Jaune didn’t say another word, nodded and walked off.
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streets-of-vale · 6 months
SoV - the Runaway (1.0)
/== Table of Contents ==/
Jaune had taken the simple escort job, without his boss' knowledge. He was confident that he could handle it. But it had gone from easy to utter clusterfuck in seconds. His client was dead. Their brains splattered across a wall, and he was on the run. He knew better than to fight, considering how quickly one of the black suited figures had disarmed him. So he bolted. Using his moderate parkour skills, he was able to get away, but the crew of four were quickly on his tail.
He had his client’s deck in his hands, and as he ran, he connected himself to the piece of high-end tech. Jaune knew better than to try and hack, so he did a flash copy and then executed his scorched earth subroutine, rending the deck useless. Tossing it into a pile of trash, he kept running. Looking for a group of people he could slide into. His pursuers were professionals, but so was he. Maybe not in combat, but he was good at getting away.
Turning a corner and getting into a group of party goers, he ducked into an alley, and activated his mods. His boss Junior had spent a small fortune on his augments, all of which did nothing combat wise, but did give him some advantages… in being overlooked. He grunted in discomfort as his facial features softened. His chest, hips and buttocks expanded, giving him feminine curves. Activating the dermal connectors, his clothing shifted as he pulled from his image archive, changing the color and pattern.
His heels lifted and instead of flat shoes he was quickly balancing on three-inch heels. His eyes went from blue to pink, and his hair shimmered from blond to cherry red with white streaks. Reaching into an inside pocket, with his now long purple nails, and pulled out a cigarette case with a lighter. Quickly he lit a smoke to complete the image. It took about two minutes for everything to happen. Taking a breath to push away the discomfort, he turned and made a practiced stumble out of the alley.
Jaune’s mods and augments made him Junior’s best courier, and it hadn’t taken the young man long to pay back the expenses of the operations. He knew he was screwed. Taking a side job wasn’t kindly looked upon, and Jaune had fucked it up royally. He cursed himself as he played at being a slightly stoned party goer. His first and only client had been wasted. He now had a head full of who knows what, and was being chased by a corporate squad.
Leaning against a wall, as if he was going to pass out, he watched through lidded eyes as a couple of the men in black suits rushed past. He stayed where he was, letting his smoke burn out between his fingers. Once he was fairly confident the crew had moved on, he pushed off the wall, and continued his act all the way to a bus stop, where he waited for his preferred getaway vehicle.
Unknown to Jaune he was being watched, and that person was very interested in what he saw. Lie Ren had been on his way to see his outfitter. He needed to get his weapons overhauled, as they had failed during his team’s last mission. When he first saw the young man, rushing through the crowd, he knew instantly there was trouble following him, and was in the middle of trying to decide if he should step in and give a hint of “pro bono” assistance. Then he saw the blond’s body morph. Lie Ren had never seen such a collection or use of augments in that fashion.
“Very interesting.” he commented to himself as his pink eyes watched as the figure of interest stepped onto a bus, and vanished from sight.
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streets-of-vale · 6 months
Streets of Vale - Info Dump Body Morph Kit(s)
“The Body Morph Kit give the client the ability to reshape their body to be more in tune with their mood and changing desires” - SDC “Skin Deep Beauty” Products
Body Morph Kits are comprised of various individual procedures that can allow the patient to adjust various body traits. While these kits can be used to disguise one’s identity, they do not allow mimicry of other individuals, nor can they mask traditional identification systems such as retinal, fingerprint, or DNA scanners. Changes are cosmetic only.
The installation of such kits is extremely invasive, requiring weeks of recovery. All installations are permanent. Removal of required systems and modules will cause extensive tissue damage.
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(Images generated by perchance ai text-to-image)
Eye Kit The natural lens of your eyes are replaced by a special set of intraocular lens. These lenses are specially treated that with the proper application of a specific pattern of electrical surges will change the tint of your eyes. The controller for the system is wired into the brain, and uses the central nervous system to deliver the pattern of charges that induce the color change.
Voice Modulation - A special electronic amplifier is affixed to the patient's vocal cords. In the case of male patients, the Adam’s apple is removed. Using a similar system as the Eye kit a controller is wired into the brain, and using the body’s central nervous system to transmit a pattern of electrical charges, the patient can modify their voice with in the normal ranges of the human voice. 
Breast  / Buttocks / Facial / Hip / Thigh Augmentation Kits - Using an inert gel, a set of micro pumps upon activation can cause specifically designed sacks embedded in the appropriate location’s tissue and muscle to inflate or deflate. There by increasing or decreasing the size appearance of the patient’s breasts. - Storage tanks for the system are secured inside the pelvic region, fastened to the lower spine. While a specialized cloned synthetic elastic skin graft is used to provide more room for expansion in the patient's chosen locations.
Breasts = Allows for the increase of up to 1 cup size in female patients. In male patients, cup size ranges from A to B.  Buttocks = Moderate increase of 2.5 to 5 cm, with gentle rounding and shaping. Facial = Only provides for a softening or sharpening of facial features. Hips = Moderate increase of 2.5 to 5 cm, with a gentle rounding and shaping. Thighs = Moderate increase in diameter of 2.5 to 5 cm, with the appropriate tapper.
Synthetic Nails - The patient's nails and cuticles are permanently removed, and replaced with a synthetic acrylic system that is treated with a special polymer non-chip resin that when the proper pattern of electrical charges will change color and “grow out” up to 2 cm. The nails are retractable. The main controller unit is wired to the brain. This system has NO combat applications.
Hair Kit - Patient’s scalp is removed and replaced with a cloned synthetic one, that has been embedded with mono-filament hairs, set to the patient’s original hair color. The filaments are impregnated with a polymer that with a specific electrical charge pattern will cause a color change. The range of color pallet is with in the normal spectrum of light. As with other color change systems, the controller is wired to the brain. - This “hair” does not grow, so the patient must specify the length prior to installation.
Multi-System Control - In those patients that request multiple morph systems, the individual controllers can be swapped out for a multiple system unit.
(These Posts are to expand on Concepts/Ideas that will show up in the SoV stories. They are far from complete, and feedback is welcome.)
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streets-of-vale · 6 months
SoV - the Runaway (1.0)
/== Table of Contents ==/
Jaune had taken the simple escort job, without his boss' knowledge. He was confident that he could handle it. But it had gone from easy to utter clusterfuck in seconds. His client was dead. Their brains splattered across a wall, and he was on the run. He knew better than to fight, considering how quickly one of the black suited figures had disarmed him. So he bolted. Using his moderate parkour skills, he was able to get away, but the crew of four were quickly on his tail.
He had his client’s deck in his hands, and as he ran, he connected himself to the piece of high-end tech. Jaune knew better than to try and hack, so he did a flash copy and then executed his scorched earth subroutine, rending the deck useless. Tossing it into a pile of trash, he kept running. Looking for a group of people he could slide into. His pursuers were professionals, but so was he. Maybe not in combat, but he was good at getting away.
Turning a corner and getting into a group of party goers, he ducked into an alley, and activated his mods. His boss Junior had spent a small fortune on his augments, all of which did nothing combat wise, but did give him some advantages… in being overlooked. He grunted in discomfort as his facial features softened. His chest, hips and buttocks expanded, giving him feminine curves. Activating the dermal connectors, his clothing shifted as he pulled from his image archive, changing the color and pattern.
His heels lifted and instead of flat shoes he was quickly balancing on three-inch heels. His eyes went from blue to pink, and his hair shimmered from blond to cherry red with white streaks. Reaching into an inside pocket, with his now long purple nails, and pulled out a cigarette case with a lighter. Quickly he lit a smoke to complete the image. It took about two minutes for everything to happen. Taking a breath to push away the discomfort, he turned and made a practiced stumble out of the alley.
Jaune’s mods and augments made him Junior’s best courier, and it hadn’t taken the young man long to pay back the expenses of the operations. He knew he was screwed. Taking a side job wasn’t kindly looked upon, and Jaune had fucked it up royally. He cursed himself as he played at being a slightly stoned party goer. His first and only client had been wasted. He now had a head full of who knows what, and was being chased by a corporate squad.
Leaning against a wall, as if he was going to pass out, he watched through lidded eyes as a couple of the men in black suits rushed past. He stayed where he was, letting his smoke burn out between his fingers. Once he was fairly confident the crew had moved on, he pushed off the wall, and continued his act all the way to a bus stop, where he waited for his preferred getaway vehicle.
Unknown to Jaune he was being watched, and that person was very interested in what he saw. Lie Ren had been on his way to see his outfitter. He needed to get his weapons overhauled, as they had failed during his team’s last mission. When he first saw the young man, rushing through the crowd, he knew instantly there was trouble following him, and was in the middle of trying to decide if he should step in and give a hint of “pro bono” assistance. Then he saw the blond’s body morph. Lie Ren had never seen such a collection or use of augments in that fashion.
“Very interesting.” he commented to himself as his pink eyes watched as the figure of interest stepped onto a bus, and vanished from sight.
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streets-of-vale · 6 months
SoV - the Runaway
Jaune Arc, had always wanted to be someone he considered strong, and noble. He grew up reading and digesting anything and everything he could find on paper and on the NET in regards to the figures called "Street Samurai".
He tried, he really did, but even with all his effort he was only ever mediocre when it came to combat of any type. Still he would not let his dream die, and at the age of fifteen he vanished from the small home city of Ansel to the metropolis of Vale.
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(Image generated by perchance ai text to image)
For the next six years he worked as a courier. Ferrying paper and electronic data between various clients. While he continued to train, in an attempt to better his combat skills, though what he found he was best at was being unnoticed.
Yet he still wanted to be a "Street Samurai" to be known as a guy that could protect people and get jobs done.
/== Chapters ==/
1.0 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 2.0 /
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streets-of-vale · 6 months
What is this??? A SIDE-BLOG???
Original Blog : NovanKenn
So I've decided to put a lot of effort in my idea of a cyber-punk version of RWBY. So instead of clogging up my main block with info dumps... I've decided to create a side blog just for this Alternate Universe. Inspirations for this AU will come from the following... Shadowrun *TOPPS Company Inc. NetRunner (CCG) *Wizards of the Coast Ghost in the Shell (1995 Anime) *Bandai Visual / Manga Entertainment
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(I claim no rights to these images. All images sourced from the web using Google)
/== Info Dumps (Cyberware)==/ Body Morph Kit - DataJack Expanded Storage - Sub-dermal Armor Cyber Deck - Programs "Dolls" -
/== Info Dumps (Hardware)==/ Nano-Aug Clothing - Polymer Make-up
/== Info Dumps (Corporations)==/ SDC (Schnee Dynamic Constructs) OP (Ozpin Pharmaceuticals) Merlot Industries
/== Info Dumps (Gangs/Bars)==/ Axe Gang - the Club the Doll House - Beacon White Fang
/== Reader Feedback Polls ==/ Character Archetypes : Jaune Arc - Nora Valkyre - Pyrrha Nikos - Lie Ren Ruby Rose - Weiss Schnee - Blake Belladonna - Yang Xaio Long Cinder Fall - Emerald Sustrai - Mercury Black
/== Stories ==/
SoV - the Runaway / SoV - Family Ties
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