studyandhealthy · 5 years
- you are a studyblr
- you are super friendly
- you love when people message you
- you want to support everyone in the community 
one thing i love about this community is that it is one big family and everyone is ready to support eachother. reblog this and follow the people that also reblog and start some super cute supportive friendships because you all deserve the best 
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studyandhealthy · 5 years
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Tea - Adorable Food Goddess ep7
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studyandhealthy · 5 years
Tips for my study girls
A tip for anyone who suffers from painful period : you can miss classes. You can miss work. You can stay all day in your bed. 
It’s not our fault if we suffer from painful periods. It’s fucking natural. Most teachers will understand, especially men teachers. I once told one of my favorite male teacher that I had my period which was the reason of me feeling unwell and he was so sweet about it. The thing is, if you tell them that you have stomach pain, some don’t get it. We shouldn’t shy away from saying the word “period”. 
other tips include : - drinking rose tea (fluidities blood flow)
- getting a heat pack
-asking your doctor for a stronger medication if anything available “over the counter” doesn’t work
- sage essential oil diluted in some other sort of oil (coconut oil for example) and massage it on your stomach
-watching your favorite kdrama
Good luck loves !
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studyandhealthy · 5 years
A study tips that works : be friends with your teachers
If you’re in college or in high school, and if you don’t have multiple choice exams, this tips is for you.
When I was in high school, I was struggling a lot with physics. Science in general. So what I did was, I tried to show to my teachers that I actually wanted to succeed and that I was just a literary student struggling to understand physics. So I went to my teacher a few times after class, asking questions, even questions that I didn’t really think about. The point was to show that I actually cared. So, I worked harder, asked friends to help, which honestly was the best help ever, because I didn’t feel like I was dumb or anything like that. When I made a stupid mistake, we just laughed it off. 
I went from a F, to a C, to a B plus and finally an A. The teacher always made some comments at the end of my work to cheer me up. When I compared with my friends’ tests, I could see that he was way harsher with them, for the way you write the answers or for the presentation. They would loose a lot of points regarding those small things, and I would get all the points because he liked me.
At the end of the year I got an average of of B minus I think, which was very good if you think of my early grades. When I went to him to get my grades back, he told that he was very proud of me and that I could make it. 
This tips works better for humanities, since it’s more subjective. I remember having As in French because the teacher liked me and was wiling to understand my point of view. 
Good luck everyone, I hope that it will work for you too !
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studyandhealthy · 5 years
it’s okay to have days where you don’t study at all if you need a mental and/or physical break.
it’s okay to prioritize other things in your life over school, if they’re more important to you and benefit you moreso.
it’s okay to fail a test or get a bad grade or get on the bad side of a teacher; your academic career will never go perfectly, but that doesn’t mean it’s spoiled forever, and that you will go nowhere.
it’s okay to not be accepted into programs, classes, clubs, or anything of the sort. just keep going forward, and new & better things will come along.
failure! is! okay!
breaks! are! okay!
you! are! okay! 
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studyandhealthy · 5 years
Be kind with yourself !
I have always been very serious with my studies and honestly, now that I look back at it, I think that I should have been kinder with myself. My highschool was a very difficult one and my time there was very stressful. The thing is, I was stressing myself too. The result is, I now have health problems related to stress that are difficult to cure. So you see, maybe that paper you're writing now is important to you now, but it won't matter in 20 years. Colleges not only look at your grades, they look at what you do outside of school too. So I think that I could have gotten away with a few average grades here and there. I should have focused on my hobbies too. Because you know what happened when I got out of highschool ? I was lost. I didn't know what to do. It felt weird. Suddenly I didn't have to study. It was hard to go back to my old old hobbies. It felt weird. It felt as if I was wasting my time. So for all of you guys who follow those studyblrs, follow people who are into your hobbies too and take a break from those studyblr. It's a wonderful community that gives amazing study techniques, but sometimes it's good to look at something else and to do other things. Even laying on your bed doing nothing, it's actually quite healthy. Good luck everyone !
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studyandhealthy · 6 years
i hate making tea cuz i feel bad for throwing out the teabag. i’m always like i should eat this
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studyandhealthy · 6 years
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good morning! 
- L
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studyandhealthy · 6 years
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studyandhealthy · 6 years
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Library Date with Namjoon☕️
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studyandhealthy · 7 years
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19 | Notebooks and knickknacks 
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studyandhealthy · 7 years
honestly my number one piece of advice for students is to like. be pragmatic about studying. because lbr doing your headings in perfect calligraphy with a £5 brush pen isn’t going to improve your grades. re-writing and re-writing your notes until they’re instagram-worthy isn’t going to help you retain the information. planning in a £30 bullet journal which you’ll then feel pressured into making really aesthetic spreads for when a £5 planner would do the same job isn’t going to make you a better student. yes, 100% take pride in your notes and by all means treat yourself to nice stationery every now and again but pls don’t waste your time and money trying to reach some unattainable studyblr goals.
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studyandhealthy · 7 years
tag yourself student edition
who cares: reads books in class instead of listening, attention span of 5 seconds when studying, generally starts studying in the day before, lost all their new fancy pens by week 2, still somehow gets A*, sometimes starts arguing with the teacher
i can and i will: motivated af, watches legally blonde 24/7, big dreams and aspirations, bullet journal is goals, sometimes very forgetful but makes up for it through very hard work, wants to figure out everything by themselves before asking for help
hello my name is stressed: signed up for 10000 extracurriculars and can’t get out of them now, time management god, hates the glorification of all-nighters but stays up until 6 am anyway, has the highest expectations regarding themselves, needs a hug
aesthetics TM: desperately wants their notes to look perfect, spends all their money on stationery, loves to doodle, PUNS, is great in one specific class, always tries to help their friends with homework, study playlists!!!, can still easily feel overwhelmed and lost but they try and that’s enough
what: has lost their motivation somewhere along the way, has no idea what’s going on, “there was homework”, messy notes and messy life, really wants school to end, hates the education system, has no idea what they want to do after school tho
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studyandhealthy · 7 years
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did some back to school shopping today
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studyandhealthy · 7 years
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desk space before the whirlwind of exam week and studying hit it
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studyandhealthy · 7 years
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My school assigned summer reading books~ I might have gone a bit overboard with the annotating😅
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studyandhealthy · 7 years
quickfire study tips
congrats ! past papers are your new best friend. don’t forget the mark schemes.
repetition repetition repetition
start big and condense down. notes to mind maps to flashcards.
don’t spend a full day studying. please. you will hurt your brain.
teach someone! if there’s nobody to listen to you teach, teach your teddy bears god dammit
plan what you’re gonna do with your time. even just roughly. 
organise your shit, bruh. you don’t need fancy planners and wall posters, just know what you need to study and know what homework is due
flash cards are great but only if you keep reviewing them
mind maps are great for linking concepts !!!
make sure you’re looking after yourself bc you’ll never work well otherwise
on that note, here’s a bunch of foods that boost your brain power
extra reading !! books and articles and videos on your subject can massively help you in exams okay
practise recall, not recognition
just put your phone away. or turn it off. whatever works.
colour coding is great, so long as you don’t go overboard
don’t ! listen ! to! music ! with ! lyrics !!!!!!!!
my blog
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