subyeta-blog · 5 years
How to get rid of acné (Part 1)
1) Drink Water—Yes, I know; you’ve probably heard everyone give this advice. But trust me, there is a reason why. The benefits of drinking an adequate amount of water is mind blowing. SO, DRINK YOUR WATER.
2) Can’t keep my hands to myself—I still struggle to stay dedicated to this but it has improved a lot overtime. So, keep those devilish hands to yourself. They contain bacterias which will make the situation worse. AND DONT YOU DARE POKE EM.
3) Ingredients—Do some research and find out what’s good for your skin and what’s not. I’ll post another post entirely focused on ingredients. So, DONT PUT SHIT ON YOUR FACE just because the product looks fancy and pretty.
5) Skincare Routine— Make a skin care routine that works for you and follow it RELEGIOUSLY. You might not see instant differences but it will make a huge difference in the long run.
🤢Before👀 💫After♥️
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