suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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Doodle dump doodly dump help me bob Ross
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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Day 8 & 9. Ink is not my friend, so I have to draw digitally, but luckily line art isn’t my friend either, so you’re still only getting slightly better than if it was ink junk.
“To those lost in a sea of darkness, light is a precious gift...”
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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I have two roomates, who each have a black cat. The second black cat (who’s technically the first) is named Oliver. Oliver never shuts up. And doesn’t cope with change well. Brought a dresser home once, the poor lil dude spent 30 solid minutes screaming his head off. Ollie is moody, and demands love, and can’t stand being told no. Ollie was also originally named Kylo Ren. which, in hindsight, makes sense. 
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
Check out this killer bit of mythology from my friend!
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2/52 in 1page1week Anubis and Bastet crossing the Nile, just in case.
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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#inktober day 6: Drool
I mean, spidey can’t be suave all the time.
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
Day 5: Candy
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Day 5: Candy
“Because sometimes the workplace has less rules than the classroom”
#inktober #digitalart #inktoberchallenge #myqualityisfailing #whathaveidone #sendarthelp #letstudentseat #hungrystudent #areoplane #plane #mechanic #engineer #girlpower #butrealltwhynofoodintheclassroom #unfair
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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Day 3 of Inktober: Roasted
Wish that I could be like de cool kids.
#inktober #roasted
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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Day 2 of Inktober: tranquil
“Oh Little Star, Don’t Forget To Breathe”
See more @ https://www.deviantart.com/winterwolfe15
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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One Day Late; One Hour Behind
That feeling when you’re laying in bed, being perpetually late to everything, unable to beat your 2 minute late curse, and still laying in bed....
Whoo! http://fav.me/dcofaka
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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This is Zoe. Zoe has a strawberry. Zoe is a Ferret. Zoe is a gift for a friend’s young daughter who just recently lost hear dear ferret. It sucks to lose a dear pet, and I don’t know the daughter well enough to say anything...helpful. So maybe I can help make the memory of Zoe a little more sweet.
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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Hiding in a Forest
Been listening to Evan Hansen lately, and it’s given me the perfect conditions to revisit my own boy of regret and anxiety: Filo! Lil Lion Cub Filo & his caretaker Niisita the Bear. From the same book as Dorthy, Filo is based on Lions and Niisita on the American Brown Bear.
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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Sweetie boy Novisium for the win!
My little star boy all grown up. Been working on character redesigns for two of my stories recently, but I had to draw these up first.
Noviusium is based on the star Castor, Alpha Geminorum is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Gemini and one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Pollux is the twin star to Castor in the Gemini Constellation, but Castor is known as "the head of the foremost twin" commonly being brighter than Pollux.
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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“Enough!” a new voice cascaded over the court leaving none able to speak. Castor had stepped forward, one arm around Novius as the other stripped away his mask. All emotions were present and not a glint was merciful. “One day,” he continued, unfazed by the rising court and murmurs of displeasure from those seated behind, “you’ll see him like I do. Brave. Strong. Naïve. And a far better King than you’ll ever be. You who sits on a throne and looks down upon those less then him. Yes he may be slow now, and constantly late, but unlike you he doesn’t judge. Its his naivety that gives him compassion beyond belief.” Meta paused for a breath. Never had Novius seen this side of his friend. He was always the calm the one; the law abiding one; the one who would do everything to keep the court and king happy. But now he stood between the master of stars and the public eye: unhinged. He could feel Meta’s hand tight on his shoulder and the pounding of his heart. He had paused, but the pressure in the room was only building. “Novius…..” Meta began, head lowered as if he knew the weight the next words would hold, “Novius is the only one I have ever seen in this blackhole of a kingdom who treats everyone equally. For that he has my every respect, and will one day have the respect of all. I know, despite what you think, My Lord…” Meta took on last breath before his death, glowing eyes piercing, uncovered, upon the King. “He will be a thrilling King and I wish you could see that.”
The King stumbled back as visions swept into his mind…
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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“Come here” she said, “I’ve found something…” Novius could see every star, but he placed his eye to the telescopic lens all the same. To his surprise, it brought the stars closer, a welcomed sight of home. The orb in question seemed familiar, but from the Earth’s space he couldn’t place it.
“It’s incredibly minor,” she continued, “but I’ve noticed over the last year a form of separation. A mixture of eclipsing binary and spectroscopic binary conditions that have only recently began to show with greater momentum!” Abby was obviously entranced by these words, fingers gliding over star maps to the side, but Novius could only look to her in inquiry. Abby’s face beamed with the pride of Hertzspong. “They’re your stars, Novius. Your’s and Metazecrons.”
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
Since When Did Drawing Make You Tired
Since nighttime stopped. So I might as well try. #latenight #monotone #insomnia
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suchwolfecreations · 6 years
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CHrIsTMaS GiFtS!!!! For two of my littlest cousins! At first my only female cousin was getting a different image...but then I couldn’t stand the “boys get superheros girls get pretty flowers” junk and HAD to find her a superhero too. She’s still getting the pretty flowers too, but every young lady needs a sick superhero to look up to, and who’s better than Supergirl who some argue is stronger than Superman himself!
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suchwolfecreations · 7 years
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ChRIsTmAs GIftS my eldest cousin (15 cause he’s old and i’m old and we’re all old here) loves Ironman. So MERRY CHRISTMAS TO HIM. Never let your dreams die, Cuz! even if they turn into a giant army of murderous robots. 
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