sunsandships · 3 months
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This is money cat. He only appears every 1,383,986,917,198,001 posts. If you repost this in 30 seconds he will bring u good wealth and fortune.
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sunsandships · 1 year
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Fang DuoBing and Di FeiSheng fighting over who gets to sleep with Li LuanHua in the guest room
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sunsandships · 1 year
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◠ ◟ ☾ It seems to be today. The battle at the East Sea ten years ago was on this day. I didn't expect after fighting to the death ten years ago, ten years later, we'd be drinking together like this in our wedding room. ☽ ◞ ◠
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sunsandships · 1 year
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Li Lianhua/Yi Xiangyi & Di Feisheng 1/?
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sunsandships · 1 year
I don’t say this enough. Actually I’ve never said this before but imagine being one of the disposable henchmen on that fucking ship when it happened. Imagine if one day someone brutally murdered the brother of the deadliest swordsman in all the lands and framed your boss (and therefore your entire gang) for it, so he calls an emergency meeting and declares “well, this is obviously a set up, but there’s no need to panic. I know exactly what’s going on. Somebody is trying to take advantage of his grief and turn the two of us–and our people–against each other, and we’re NOT gonna let them get what they want. I’m going to do whatever it takes to find the person responsible for this and make them pay” and you’re thinking Wow. He’s so good at crisis management. I knew I’d bet on the winning horse when I chose to join this gang. So you stand up and bow to him like “I’m on it boss. Leave it to me” but then your boss just kind of stares blankly at you and goes “what?” And it throws you off balance so you just stare back at him and repeat “what?” And he’s like “what are you ‘on’?”
You can tell that the vibes in the room are getting weird, but you hold your ground and answer: “Uh. Aren’t we going to get in touch with Sect Leader Li and finally tell him you have nothing to do with the murder of his brother? And that we’re gonna need his help in the upcoming investigation? Well the message could reach him before tomorrow morning if we send one of my falcons. I’m on it.” And your boss is like “wrong answer. What you’re ‘on,’ Captain Lu, is my goddamn nerves. Sit the fuck down” and so you do, even though your last name is Sima and you’ve never been a captain so you actually have no idea who the hell he thought he was speaking to. Then your boss is like “anyway. Sorry that you all had to see that. Well I’m sure everyone else in the room agrees that what this guy just suggested was stupid as all fuck, as this couldn’t have more clearly been a matter we’re supposed to handle on our own, instead of unnecessarily bothering a grieving man–who has a funeral to plan and host in a few days–with”
Now the several commanders sitting near him are shifting in their seats and exchanging nervous glances. One of the braver ones finally raises a hand and goes “hey boss? I think handling it on our own is no longer an option. Sect Leader Li just declared war on us and has been leading attacks against our branches across the city himself for two days, you need to contact him right now to tell him you’re not the one who killed his brother. It’s a fucking massacre out there, our men are dropping like flies" but then your boss just looks at her like she’s an idiot and goes "all the more reason for us to leave him alone then. Why would he have time to speak with me when he's busy attacking our men?" Now the vibes in the room have gone thoroughly viscous and rancid, but you think you know exactly what's going on here, so you stand again and announce "we understand. We will stand down for now and wait for further instructions" the guy sitting next to you looks like he wants to say something else, but you give him a look like “I got this. Leave this to me” and that’s the end of the meeting.
Five hours later you go into to your boss’s office (where he stands alone in front of an open window and with his back to you, staring out into the night wistfully) and begin your prepared speech: “Look, boss. I’m sorry that this happened to you. I know this must suck major ass, and I know you’re scared, but you’ve got to go and talk to him. And this isn’t about the peace between our people or the fact that we’re all gonna die horribly if you don’t, it’s for your own good.”
He still hasn’t turned around to look at you or said anything, but he hasn’t told you to shut up and get out either, so you continue: “Ok, I wasn’t gonna bring this up as this was, you know, none of my business, but yeah. I have a confession to make. There was this one morning when I was really hungover and called down the wrong falcon to examine the message it was carrying, and that was how I found out you and Sect Leader Li had been dating for two years. And from what I could skim from that letter, which I definitely didn’t mean to do, it seems like he’s really into you boss. Or at least certain parts of you whoa haha who said that. Anyway. What I’m trying to say here is that it’s obvious you guys have a good thing going on, and I’m sure that if you would just be open and honest with him, you’d find that he was more than ready to believe you. Also I ran into Sect Leader Li at the Jade Shadow Club a month ago, and I could just tell that he’s a reasonable man that would be willing to consider your side of the story from the way he was pressing you up against the railing of the main balcony and kissing you sloppy” and finally this gets him to turn around. Your boss squints at you over the dim candlelight and demands, “why were you at the Jade Shadow Club?” Which is obviously the last thing you expected out of his mouth, so you stare back at him stupidly and repeat “what?” Then your boss just goes “why were you at the Jade Shadow Club the night I put you on first watch for warehouse duty?” And honestly, you cannot believe that this fucking guy would remember the exact time and date he assigned you a specific task but not your goddamn name, so you hold his gaze and deadpan “I don’t know, why were you at the Jade Shadow Club with Sect Leader Li the night you told us you were on an important business trip to the Royal Palace?”
And that’s when you realize your boss is in an exceptional mood, because he pretends he didn’t hear what you just said to him instead of immediately exploding your eyeballs with his mind, and you’re like “wait a minute. I know that look. Please tell me you have good news. PLEASE tell me you already talked to him and our peace treaty is back in place.” You follow your boss to his desk as he closes the window and walks over to stand behind it, and he’s looking at you like he’d rather his office was currently being ransacked by a rabid crab-eating mongoose when he finally opens his mouth and says: “Yes, Captain, the situation is being dealt with. While you’re wasting precious hours being sentimental and foolish, I’ve already set the first phase of the investigation into motion and had a major breakthrough. Because my love language is acts of service” and you’re like “well to be perfectly honest, I can’t think of a single kind of service you could provide the man when he still thinks you sent your men–which I am a part of–to butcher his brother like a pig and leave him to bleed out on the side of the road. But I am dying to hear it” and your boss just goes “oh it’s nothing really. I just sent a team to intercept the hearse on its way to the funeral and took his brother’s dead body”
Now you’re thinking, there’s simply no way that any of this is real and actually happening. You must be trapped in a malignant time loop in which every day a different person in your life makes it their mission to find all the combinations of words that would immediately send you into cardiac arrest, and just keeps saying them to your face one after another until it actually kills you; today just happens to be this guy’s turn, and he’s on a fucking roll. “….So I can have my own forensic experts do a thorough examination on it here,” he explains. “Soon as I show him the autopsy report and the list of suspects we got from it the wedding is back on”
“Ok.” You say, no longer listening and not really talking to him, “ok, we can still fix this. We will. What you’re gonna do right now is. You’re gonna write him a letter. You’re gonna mention all the good times you’ve had together in the past two years–make sure you mention that night at the Jade Shadow Club–you’re gonna explain everything to him, okay, you’re gonna beg for his forgiveness. And you’re gonna grovel. And then I’m gonna have my falcon–no, it wouldn’t reach him in time. You know what, one thing we can do right now is get our demo team in here and just blow up this entire building, maybe he would be able to see the explosion from our warehouse at the Bleeding Bodhisattva Harbor that he’s currently burning to the ground, and when he gets here your letter will be the only thing left for him to find in the rubble. Yeah. Yeah that could work” and then your boss just looks at you and goes “why would I do that and cause a man in mourning further distress?”
Then a window opens from the outside. Your boss’s personal secretary sticks his head into the room and says “hey boss? He’s not in mourning anymore. He’s coming here to beat your ass because now not only does he think you killed his brother, he’s also convinced that you stole his body to do weird stuff to it” and your first reaction is to yell at him “are you completely out of your mind? Get off of that ledge right now and get in here, we’re on the fifth floor for the love of–” (Your boss: “He’s been there this entire time. We were actually in the middle of an important discussion when you rudely interrupted us with your babbling”) Then your brain registers his words and you feel your soul leave your body. You look over to your boss, whose mood just brightens even further, and hear him say: “Really? He managed to find time to see me in that hectic schedule? I’m touched. Tell him to meet me at the Eastern Sea” And you hear yourself say “Why the Eastern Sea?” And your boss’s secretary just looks at you the way one looks at an insect they’re about to smear onto a rock and goes “you will never understand a warrior’s bond. God, this is why you’ve been here for ten years and still a fucking flag bearer” which would’ve been a devastating burn, except that you aren’t a flag bearer and actually joined the team just five months ago, so it actually makes you feel as good as anything possibly can given the circumstances. And then the circumstances quickly worsen as you find yourself on that ship heading out to the Eastern Sea, because today already sucks so fucking bad and this might as well happen, and suddenly surrounded by the blood-curdling screams of your shipmates and the thuds and thumps of their bodies dropping to the floor. “Hey boss?” You shout at him from your hiding place under the table, “I think Sect Leader Li is here to see you. You really should go out there and talk to him” and your boss is like “I’ll just stay right here and wait for him to come to me. I don’t want to seem desperate” and you’re like “you SHOULD be desperate right now. I am desperate. I’m desperate for you to get out there and words-of-affirmation us out of this mess, he’s killing everybody. He just killed Wang Qi” and your boss is like “who the fuck is Wang Qi?” And Wang Qi was your second-favorite nephew, but you don’t say anything because if he didn’t remember the last forty-seven times you told him he’s not gonna remember now. Now the noises outside are starting to give you a feeling that you should probably get as far away from your boss as possible while you still can, so you crawl out from under the table and haul ass, but the moment you emerge from the cabin you see something flying towards you. You try to duck out of its way. Years of working with falcons (and five months of working with people who are extremely good with hidden weapons and not at all opposed to using them to get a promotion) made you fast, but still not as fast as the fastest sword under the sky.
You can hear your boss finally getting out of the cabin; you turn your head with difficulty to see him slowly approaching, and because you’ve actually always had an embarrassing little crush on your boss (let’s be honest. Why else would you be here), as you lay there bleeding out on the deck, you’re still gripping all of your remaining consciousness and strength by its pussy to mouth at him “TELL HIM. TELL HIM YOU DIDN’T DO IT. TELL HIM EVERYTHING YOU DID WAS FOR HIM. GET ON YOUR KNEES AND APOLOGIZE. SHOW HIM THAT AUTOPSY REPORT”
The deadliest swordsman in all the lands steps over you, and raises his sword again. He points it at your boss, eyes blazing, and says through gritted teeth: “I’m going to give you one last chance. Where is my brother’s body?” And the last thing you see before darkness claims you is your boss looking him dead in the eyes and saying “Wouldn’t you like to know, only child”
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sunsandships · 1 year
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook text posts 1/???
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sunsandships · 2 years
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father and daughter 🥺🥺🥺
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sunsandships · 2 years
my thoughts on the wuji hh candy. 🍭
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I cannot NOT talk about this at length, considering how much noise it made in the fandom. now that it’s died down as it should, I will just leave this here to look back on and put my thoughts. Everything below is my personal opinion / observation only. This is one of those things that fall under the gray area and really challenges what is really the “right way” to participate in this fandom, if that’s even possible.
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to recap, cheng yi shared new bts and gave a clue about the holding hands cpn. then she confirmed it, sort of.
What happened after was lots of turtles celebrated and declared SZD, but my favorite tho were all the fanarts that came out inspired by it. 🤍
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Then it went on HS, specifically the word hand and the name Chengyi. Take note that the names of the boys are out of it. If someone out there was scraping keywords that has XZ or WYB’s name on it, then they would miss this. Imagine how much more clicks and unwanted attention this would have gotten if their names were attached to it. It’s the last thing we want. This is why we have codenames for the boys and don’t mention their actual names especially for CPN posts. At the very least the HS was not something incriminating like “ XZ/WYB held hands”. Turtles then decided to not click on it or search anymore, trying to let the HS go down on it’s own. Which we already did for other risky BXG related HS before.
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It was up there for some time, considering the time it was released in the afternoon, it could easily be removed if either of the boys wanted to. Usually, “explosive” stuff are released very late at night to early morning, so it can stay up on HS for longer. So that people have the time to save everything before an artist/company can have everything removed in the morning. but to be fair— I think their team is looking for their names and this HS looked like it was about someone/something else so it could be that their teams missed it. One popular fandom opinion tho is the boys allowed it to hang on there. It’s not the first time an HS related to them was left on it’s own and not paid to go down. If they really hated being related to each other and CQL, wouldn’t it be in their best interest to suppress it? or maybe they think it’s harmless — well most of it were. Then that’s it. I don’t see much noise from so/os on both side. It was mostly self-contained among us. I mean, look at the numbers on the actual post and the follow-up comment.
This is a small number for a platform like Weibo. for the number of turtles + their solo fans. The HS has far more but those are inflated and could be casual clicks too.
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Then hours later, CY posted a photoset with her face on it probably so people who will click on her profile and search for it will see that post instead of the other. I’m not a fan of her nor will I pretend to know what she’s thinking about, but if i’m a casual person who clicks on her profile to get more “tea”, her face alone is a good distraction. I will think, Oh, she’s trending cause she’s pretty. You wouldn’t bother scrolling and think that the random drawing/fanart below is the reason why.
Only turtles will recognize the doll she is holding is a Yibo doll ( pair xz/wyb doll referenced below ). Also part of the caption reminded me of a line in a popular BJYX fanfic As You Wish “Being loved by you, I can’t go anywhere.” I haven’t read the fic ( I know, the horror ) but I still recognize this line because of how loved it is by the fandom. The actual line was : “Having been loved by you, I feel as if I’ve been trapped forever.” So if there is anything i know for sure about her, she’s one of us. A turtle.
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Right now, everything seems to be back to “normal” with not much screaming and crying from bxgs. We still have fanworks here and there, but i wanna say there is some calm already. There is no need to panic, as i said, enjoy this and move on. It’s best to keep this as part of turtle history and a fake candy.
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Now the main discussion on this is what’s the motive. Why was this released. I always encourage turtles to read between the lines and look at the context for when things are shared.
The Wuji BTS was posted 12/14. A week after the XZ video leak / anti-attack. It was released 12/7, then there was some quiet, probably gg’s team not wanting more eyes on his name. We’ve said to wait for a candy, well, this might be it. I guess a question people have is how close is she ( from what we know ) to the boys? Aside from that 2018 recording where she had photos with them and was for work. Interacted with them in 2019 during the promos. The last thing I saw from her was a post in 2020 of a RoseOnly merch that she said was from XZ ( XZ’s team sends packages/ gift boxes to friends etc ). So this tells us there is still some connection aside from the 2018 recording. Her account seldom has posts so it’s hard to track. Did she share this video to uplift turtles somehow? Probably. Was this posted with blessing from either of the boys? It could be.
The next day, she posts that drawing, sort of confirming what we all suspected. They held hands. Is it the most scandalous thing in the world? No it’s not. Not even in the realm of C-ent. In that drawing, it was depicted as if they held hands for a second then let go and laughed.
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Considering what the song is for and what it’s all about, it can pass as something done for the cameras. Tho tbh, the connection between them at the time, anyone with eyes could see was special. It’s not a connection you can manufacture. LH really wanted them to record this together and so they both made the effort to have the time despite their busy schedules. The “safety” feature in her post is that it was depicted as a drawing. No video. No photo of the moment. This gives a sort of disassociation from the actual XZ and WYB. Only fans will know who these are. She did not mention their names. She did not tag them or make a hashtag which entertainment blogs usually do to make going on the HS faster and have more numbers. I feel like this one was more of her giving something to the fandom on her own accord. A turtle who got too excited and wanted to share this small piece.
like most of you, the mention of NDA expiry threw me off. Maybe she said that to explain why she only talked now and that it’s something she kept for some time. The thing is, this is not the worse that happened with an NDA connected with them expired. I understand why there was worry because the last time was the BTS material NDA expiring. It was a fun time and candy overload with all the videos and audio but since it literally had the boys face in it— some were twisted into negative stories. This is why most of it were deleted and not shared anymore. So to me, that cute drawing was next to nothing. Tho I’m still very much 50/50 and I agree that we have to keep our guard up. Not everyone is a friend. You can still enjoy it, I encourage you to do so, but keep in mind that these people have their own selfish reasons of doing things too.
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When talk of “wanting a video” of HH was down on the comments of the bts, I really didn’t want it. I don’t need it. I think most of the people who wanted it are those who needed it as a saving grace from the XZ video leak— which is not the same thing. If you fail to see how that was an attack on gg and how sinister it all is, then maybe you shouldn’t be a turtle. or maybe re evaluate why you’re here in the first place. I’ve ( and most of us ) said to wait for a big candy but did we really need it? I mentioned that because of their track record not that I think we are entitled to any of it. I want them to spend more time together and be safe, that’s all. We are already so spoiled with all things we get from them and asking for more seems like inviting trouble. Real-life couple in C-ent don’t even flaunt their relationships online because they wanna keep as much of it private. There are some who even if they attend together won’t even sit or interact with each other.
This has always been my pain point with the fandom, which is more prevalent with the mothership ( c-turtles ) and passed on to international fans. It’s a message that we’ve always tried to pass here on tumblr, you don’t need daily candies as proof. The problem with wanting proof is how far will people go to get it? How invasive can you go and pass it on as candy just because it somehow proves a point? How many lies are you gonna say just to give candies to followers and get clout? It never ends. It’s a rabbit hole that misses the point of what it is to be a BXG. We are their fans. We watch their projects. We support their endorsements if we can. We are genuinely interested in them as people. The moment you look at everything and make everything candy, getting all nervous and doubtful if you don’t find any for a second is a sign to stop. Take a second. Why are you here?. I think the only way for a turtle to thrive and stay as one for a long time is to genuinely be a fan of them as individuals too. I understand the need for candy, but that shouldn’t be only thing that sustains you.
I hope we all find the perfect balance in this fandom — supporting their works, candies and participating in the community. 💛💛💛
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sunsandships · 2 years
wow this really reminds me of Nahida’s burst
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Strawberry Hill House—a Gothic Revival villa that was built in Twickenham, London 1749
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sunsandships · 2 years
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A meadow of forget-me-nots in bloom.
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sunsandships · 2 years
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that winter red plum blossoms mood but substituting these lil berries from trader joe’s instead
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sunsandships · 2 years
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Dreams (1990)
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sunsandships · 2 years
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🦢 Chu Wanning in flowers 🌸 // Pls don’t re-upload or use
🔥 This artwork in HD for print  ->  Patreon
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sunsandships · 2 years
The night gardener once asked me if I knew how citrus trees died: when they reach old age, if they are not cut down and they manage to survive drought, disease and innumerable attacks of pests, fungi and plagues, they succumb from overabundance. When they come to the end of their life cycle, they put out a final, massive crop of lemons. In their last spring their flowers bud and blossom in enormous bunches and fill the air with a smell so sweet that it stings your nostrils from two blocks away; then their fruits ripen all at once, whole limbs break off due to their excessive weight, and after a few weeks the ground is covered with rotting lemons. It is a strange sight, he said, to see such exuberance before death.
When We Cease to Understand the World, Benjamín Labatut
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sunsandships · 2 years
Do you ever eat popcorn out of the palm of your own hand with such ardent desperation that you feel like both a wild horse and the gentle schoolgirl feeding it treats to gain its affection 
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sunsandships · 2 years
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🪷Lotus frame earrings🪷
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sunsandships · 2 years
scrolling twitter today and then coming over here is like walking out of a burning building and then walking into the calm remains of a building that burnt down 5 years ago and has been reclaimed by nature.
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