suocadvice · 4 years
I'll be blunt: My obsession with Steven Universe isn't what it used to be, and I don't really have the drive to run this blog anymore. Like the blog founders did before me, I'm looking for an opportunity to pass ownership off to someone else. Ideally, I'd like to hand it off to a small team (probably 2-3 people) like the blog had originally, since running it alone hasn't been the best for me or y'all. Send a DM if you're interested!
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suocadvice · 4 years
I'll be blunt: My obsession with Steven Universe isn't what it used to be, and I don't really have the drive to run this blog anymore. Like the blog founders did before me, I'm looking for an opportunity to pass ownership off to someone else. Ideally, I'd like to hand it off to a small team (probably 2-3 people) like the blog had originally, since running it alone hasn't been the best for me or y'all. Send a DM if you're interested!
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suocadvice · 4 years
I'll be blunt: My obsession with Steven Universe isn't what it used to be, and I don't really have the drive to run this blog anymore. Like the blog founders did before me, I'm looking for an opportunity to pass ownership off to someone else. Ideally, I'd like to hand it off to a small team (probably 2-3 people) like the blog had originally, since running it alone hasn't been the best for me or y'all. Send a DM if you're interested!
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suocadvice · 5 years
Unanswered asks: I see you, and I’m getting to you. Just not in order. And kind of slowly. (Take it up with American secondary education.)
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suocadvice · 5 years
I have an OC, Black diamond, one of many I know lol, but I'm a bit stumped on what his powers should be, I was thinking some kind of energy absorption thing, to which he can project it into black energy orbs from his hands. As a stomp move he can create a small building sized black hole, I just wanted to know if this sounds too OP?
I think the black hole idea is very cool, though I understand your concern about it being overpowered, given how strong black holes are. Consider the powers of the canon Diamonds: growth and healing, including resurrection; lightning generation; forcing sadness onto others; light generation and mind control. While none of them are insurmountably powerful, they’re all very strong and versatile; being able to create and disperse small black holes actually fits well into that set, if you ask me. In fact, I think it fits more naturally into the set of Blue, Yellow, and White than Pink did: White’s mind control is a scaling-up of Blue’s emotional control, and Black’s black holes are a scaling-up of the destructive potential of Yellow’s lightning. All in all, black hole manipulation is on the stronger end of the Diamond power spectrum, but in the right hands I think it can still be balanced.
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suocadvice · 5 years
In order to hopefully stimulate my productivity in answering new asks, I’ve cleared out the inbox of old asks (for reasons related to how my brain deals with workload). Feel free to send in any asks you may have, including ones you sent before that went unanswered, but please remember to read the FAQ first!
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suocadvice · 5 years
what gem would control the wind like Lapis does?
This is a fun ask, because Lapis Lazuli doesn’t actually have established connections to water—it’s actually an air stone. This means that, even taking the show’s framework as immutable gospel (which I wouldn’t usually recommend), you’re totally allowed to choose any stone or crystal that you think looks right! I don’t have any particular gemstones in mind, but here’s some advice for your own consideration:
Think of colors you associate with air or wind and use Gemdat to find gems with those colors.
If you see a gem with a cut (shape) that reminds you of air or wind, you can use that stone or take inspiration from its cut for your design.
You can look for gems with air connotations, of course! A quick Google search for “air gems” gave me this and this, and there are definitely more places to find similar info.
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suocadvice · 5 years
I have a half gem OC that is a Hematite that can control shadows. Does it fit? (He can also redirect energy and remove poisons & purify blood)
In my opinion, shadow control fits the least out of any of those. Rich in iron, hematite draws its lingual root from the Latin word for “blood” and is traditionally used to remove toxins from blood, so that’s a good fit. Its relation to grounding and balancing of energy lend it well to energy redirection. Controlling shadows, however, doesn’t really mesh with its properties or its color; though black, it’s a very shiny crystal. You have two very good powersets; I see no reason to add a third, unless you think it’s integral to their story.
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suocadvice · 5 years
Going to answer some questions today! Life’s kept me busy, so sorry in advance to everyone who asked ages ago and is only getting an answer now.
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suocadvice · 6 years
Hope this is an okay question to ask - what would happen if two gems with their gems in the same place (like both have their gems on their chest) were to fuse? Would there just be two gems next to each other, would there only be one gem, or something else entirely?
It seems most likely that the two gems would arrange themselves side-by-side in some manner. Of course, it could always be interesting to see what happens when that isn’t the case…
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suocadvice · 6 years
what do you think would be good occupations (aristocrat, bodyguard, technician, etc) for malachite and hiddenite? if it helps, malachite can emit poison from their hands and manipulate plants, and hiddenite can find people and manipulate plants. also, what would be a good weapon for serpentine, and would it work to give her sentient/snake-like hair for a medusa kind of theme? thanks for all your help! 💚💚💚💚
Malachite and Hiddenite might be helpful in conquering worlds and/or overcoming resistance to Homeworld invasion; specialized fighters, in a sense. Malachite’s poison is obviously a great combat asset, and plant manipulation could be a useful strategic ability in areas still filled with plants before Kindergartening drains them of energy. On that note, areas dense with plant life, and thus nutrients for gem-making, could be a hassle to Kindergarten. Either or both of them might use their poison and/or plant control to clear space for the first Injectors, making them a sort of “Kindergarten establishment technician”.
A Serpentine with Medusa-style snakelike hair would be a fitting thematic touch. (Idea; don’t feel obligated to use it: Her hair could be animated by a gem shard for each snake-strand, taken from shattered rebels/enemies, giving each strand its own semi-sentience.) With that established, a few weapons come to mind:- forked longswords, as those wielded by the Marilith from Dungeons and Dragons- an aegis (circular shield, or protective cloak), like the Aegis Athena of Greek mythology- a dagger(s), possibly wavy; resembling the fangs of a snake and often poisoned like one
I hope this helps you! If you have any more questions, I’ll do my best to follow up with them in a timely manner.
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suocadvice · 6 years
So I have a fusion gem, aventurine, which is a fusion of an emerald and a pearl. The emerald's weapon is a lance, and the pearl's is a kind of bubble gun. I want to know what you think of the choice of aventurine, the choice of weapons, and what weapon you think aventurine would have! Thanks!
Since Pearls tend to be light or pastel colors (from what we’ve seen), Aventurine is an excellent gem choice. It blends both the colors and the opacities very nicely. For a weapon, my immediate thought is a harpoon gun, since it combines the spear and (bubble) gun into a well-known, effective weapon. I hope this helps!
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suocadvice · 6 years
Hey there! I have a Diamond OC that's part of a Common Diamonds AU. I wanted to know if that was a bad idea in general, or if it should be fine as long as people know it's an AU? I can elaborate more on the AU, but basically, it's as it seems, Diamonds are more common than gems are lead to believe, and it is possible for new ones to be grown. It's based on the fact that diamonds in our real world are actually very common, but they wouldn't be /as/ common as in our real world.
It’s never a “bad idea” to make an OC. I've seen plenty of Diamonds without use of an AU; there’s nothing wrong with it. If you want to make that OC and associate it with that AU, go for it! You do you.
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suocadvice · 6 years
Hi,my Malachite oc is a terraformer, (as they tend to represent the earth.) Shes loyal, and motherly (it's a protective stone.) And tends to never focus on herself, even if she needs to. A very empathetic gem too. I was having issues working out a weapon. Perhaps a staff or even a parasol?
Parasols seem like they might be a little too airy for an earth-oriented gem, but you could definitely use it if you think it would make for a good design. If you do go that route, consider that the umbrella part could possibly be used as a shield. A staff sounds like a pretty good way to go; it’s solid and grounded, unlike the parasol, and is capable of defense/protection in skilled hands. Your emphasis on earth, protection, and selflessness also make me think of a shield, perhaps a rectangular one to mimic stone. I hope this helps!
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suocadvice · 6 years
I'm making a fusion whose components have light manipulation and darkness manipulation each and I'm having trouble thinking of what those two powers mixed would be.
Sorry this took a while to get to. Control over two polar opposites (ex. fire and ice) can be tricky to combine, but darkness and light are really just two sides of the same coin. Darkness is the absence of light, and manipulating it is much the same as light manipulation. The fusion could have control over both, perhaps to a finer degree. Alternatively/additionally, since the physical forms of gems are made out of light, they might have some measure of control over the forms of other gems, being able to reshape or even dematerialize them if they can overcome their will.
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suocadvice · 6 years
I’m Planning to make a gem that was sliced in half and is able to take form as two gem the size of rubies that have the weapons of a boomerang and a staff and when fused to make the whole gem the weapon becomes a scythe the gem stone is split in two with the left side on the right hand of one and the right side on the left hand of the other The gem is a mystic topaz and I was wondering on powers and colours
Sorry I put this off so long!
Mystic Topaz comes in a number of colors, including greens, blues, and purples-- usually more than one at once. As a fusion, this scheme of several highly contrasting colors could potentially work out. As for powers, topaz is said to grant strength, protection, and sometimes even invisibility. Mystic Topaz would likely be resilient, and might have some sort of protective barrier, empowered strike, and/or temporary cloaking. I hope this helps!
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suocadvice · 6 years
Hi again. Sorry to bother you so soon after the last question. Thanks for the advice on Amber BTW it really helped. Kyanite the mineral is commonly found as blue with some yellow. So I made my character blue with a few yellow stripes. I was thinking the reason could be that she, and the formula for other Kyanites, were a gift from Yellow Diamond to Blue Diamond. The issue is I'm not sure if that's believable. Do you think Yellow Diamond (or any diamond) would do something like that? Thank you!
Short answer: Yes I think it would be reasonable for a Diamond to “gift” a new type of gem to another.Long answwer: As shown by Pink’s immaturity and White’s apparent importance, not all the Diamonds and their courts are on par with one another. They regard each other as family of some sort, with clear emotional attachment to one another (if not their courts). So if Blue’s court was lacking in some specific talent, it seems within Yellow’s character to (“begrudgingly”) give her a new type of gem to fill that gap.
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