god I hate my family
You know how sometimes your family can annoy you so much that you just want to scream. I swear I hate it here. This family is  the most toxic thing I've ever seen. My brother likes to play video games, you see? Which is pretty understandable. Now, per request of my (stupid) father he stopped for today. Now what does a child do when it has nothing to do anymore because its raining outside and it can’t visit their friends? Its hyperactive and loud, at least my brother is. 
My father works from home and he amount of times he comes and screams at my brother for being a literal child, I mean he's not even a teenager yet, its truly astounding. He antagonizes my brother so much, like he provokes him and then is surprised when my brother gets angry. It’s like my father never grew up or something. he literally pouts. He gets annoyed easily and then gets so fucking angry without any reason. And I understand that my little brother is annoying, he loud and obnoxious but come on what do you expect from a child that's hauled up inside all day? I can manage him better because I do have hobbies that don’t require me to go out and my parens trust me more with electronics, but if I didn’t have that? I would be just as obnoxious. I think my brother does it subconsciously to get attention because both my parents work a lot and even when they are home their not really ready to talk a lot with him. I do talk with him but its more like sibling squabbles than anything else. I swear I could write an entire book about the stupid thing my parents call parenting... Its not that, at least it shouldn't be. 
My father is also the reason I will probably not talk about my sexuality with my family for a few years. He literally told me that gender and sexuality are basically the same thing, or at least that they are heavily dependent on each other. I don’t think he would even try to understand what romantic means and would just dismiss it entirely. He’s very conservative and you can debate with him all you want he won’t change his stand. You won’t believe how often I have had discussions about sexuality with my father or my mother and they are so fucking heteronormative. They think of the gay as weird, I don’t think they know what bisexuality is and they sure as hell don’t belief in something like non binary or gender fluidity. I can’t talk with them about ninety percent of the topics I want to talk about because it always, always ends in a fight.
But the whole sexuality and gender issues is actually prolly going to be a blog post or maybe even more than one on their own. 
until then, bye bye, 
boys, gals and nonbinary pals 
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A short introduction
this is mostly for the poor dudes that somehow found their way onto my blog. Honestly, I'm not writing this for anybody but myself and I actually don’t really care if other people like this or not. 
That being said, I’ll introduce myself and this blog anyway. 
I won't tell you my name, you can just call me a mess, because I am. A mess, I mean. I am not entirely sure how to define my sexuality rn, but I think aromantic bisexual fits best atm. I will use this blog to rant. About what, you ask? About literally everything. I will rant about my mess of a family, about the last fanfic I read or about school. Just everything. Really, this is more of a digital diary than anything else. 
I like marvel, comics in general and books. A lot of books. I also draw a lot, mostly digital and I think I might post a thing or two on here, too. I write fanfic like nobodies business, and I am extremely introverted. I would love to one day become wither an author/journalist or an artist but im telling my parents im going into pharmacy or something bc they sure as hell won't accept anything less. So yeah, that basically sums up who I am... that's kinda depressing actually... oh well, its not like I care... 
Anyway, this is all for now, expect the first of many rants soon
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