What a night! Well, I went ahead and put up the inflatable fox up in the front yard! It looks so cute! It has a Santa hat too! It's Adam's l...
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Out of all the days, the days of Christmas was/is the best. To be fulfilled with snow and to wear snow boots and stocking hats and mittens. To be in...
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Well, everything is almost said and done. Went with Adam to the store and loaded the cart with some good stuff. We all put up the tree, including th...
Not many days left until Christmas! 
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There was a Christmas mouse, all through the house. Hungry and in search of food. Avoiding all traps; avoiding all snaps. The mouse fed on chocolat...
Need a holiday friend? 
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Anyone game here? I love all sorts of video games and there are definitely some that I can name that are my favorites! Call of Duty, The Walking Dea...
I love gaming! 
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It's the middle of the week, alright it's almost the weekend, woohoo! 
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When you think of the sport men's basketball, who do you think of? When you think of clutch, who do you think of? When you think of high-flying...
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Another good morning! Boy, had I felt like sheep do when they feel at their worst. Or is it cows? I dunno. Either way I feel much, much better. P...
Hello early birds!  
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With just days left to the biggest holiday in history, I was the sickest girl in town. How was I going to get any shopping done? What kind of home w...
The countdown is still on!  Cheer up! 
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Hello, take a break from my writing and all the Christmas stuff! 
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Hello and good morning everyone! It's a bit early for me, but being up right now isn't so bad. Going to be eating here real soon. It migh...
What's up everybody? Good morning and happy early eatings!  I'm starving right now, so I'll catch ya on the flip side! 
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Merry Merry
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They did the Rumba! It was a good Rumba! It was so beautiful! I loved the fog, the silhouette of the singer, the voice of the performer. It was su...
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Halloween Nite for Janel and Val was magnificent! What a unique dance! It was very mystique!!!!! I knew I loved it, but when I watched it for the t...
Janel and Val dancing as Romeo and Juliet?  Okay! 
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Nothing to do with writing, but I love this photo. 
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Nothing to do with writing. 
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New to the merch store: cozy-ass sweatshirts.
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Everything was perfect! The stage, the dancers, AND, the music! It looked so much fun!!!!! That was a Jive in itself. Michael really can dance whe...
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