Hiatus Over
Hello everyone! I’d like to make a post saying I’m back to answering requests again! I’d also like to say again how thankful I am for you guys still liking all of my writings and being totally okay with me taking my time! It’s late here where I live but I will be, hopefully, putting out requests tomorrow! Thank you again for sticking with me even though I left! I hope to create more stuff that all of you enjoy!
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BROOO!!!!! take ur time to recover and like vibe my guy ,, we aren’t bothered at all if u wanna take a break and just chill,, we understand and we’ll all be waiting 4 as long as long as we need to , don’t rush urself man , take as long as u need brotato chip :o))
I am incredibly blessed to have you guys wait for so long ;;; thanks for waiting so long for my unintended hiatus!! I am officially back and will begin working on requests again!! Im feeling a lot better mentally, my requests will still probably be a little slow but I’m hoping to have some posted tomorrow! Thanks again everyone ;; I love you all so much and hope your doing okay!
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how have you been broski?
Thanks for asking...but I haven’t been doing all that well recently. Been on an unintended Hiatus for a little bit, need to sort somethings out for myself mentally before I can start getting requests done again. Im sorry for taking so long especially after what happened with my computer.
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How would Rin, Susie and Amanda react to their s/o being left behind by their teammates? Love ur writing btw
Thank you!! I hope you like my writing for this as well!!
Rin Yamaoka/Spirit
It’s hard to say if Rin actually recognizes that its you, you know the entity pulls her into an inconsolable rage state when she had a trial. There seems to be a lull in her rage, her eyes staring at you and then flickering towards the door where your teammates just left.
She doesn’t really say anything but you can tell how gentle she has become, as she gently picks you up and carries you towards the door. When she sets you down, she gently pats your head before giving you a soft kiss. You know that she’ll get in trouble for letting you escape so easily, and a part of you wants to wait out the timer so she can at least get a kill and not be punished but with the way she’s looking at you...you knows that’s not what she wants.
After the trial is over, it’s you that makes your way towards Rin’s realm. When she sees you, a genuine smile comes across her face as she moves towards you. Asking you if your alright with what happened in the trial, if there is anything she needs to do to make you feel better, or if you would like to stay with her for a little bit. No matter how many times you ask if she’s angry at your teammates, Rin only gives you a mischievous smile.
The next time she sees your teammates in a trial though, her rage rivals that of a thousand volcanoes as she tracks them down individually and makes them pay for leaving you behind. Rin hopes that they learn from this lesson, because next time she’ll do more then just mori them. 
Is incredibly angry for you when she sees that they have left! Especially if you had been doing most of the rescues this match, it just makes her feel like your teammates underappreciated you and saw you as a good sacrifice for the killer.
You don’t deserve to be left behind, your sweet and fun, and! Susie just can’t fathom the fact that they would just up a leave you! She knows that none of the Legion, no matter how dysfunctional they could be sometimes, would never leave one of their members behind. Your pained groaning snaps her out of her thoughts, and she quickly tends to you so you can try to make it out.
Susie has the oddest luck in finding the hatch, no matter where she is on the map she can find it easily. So that’s where she brings you to first, because the doors could be way farther then where she thinks they are so the hatch is always her best bet.
After the trial, Susie quickly goes to find you and when she does she’s not leaving your side unless the Entity pulls them away. Susie also takes the time to chew the hell out of your teammates for leaving you behind, and she doesn’t take any excuse either. She’s seen survivor try to safe someone no matter if they had been on the hook before and even when they were severely injured. She’s gonna make it knows that next time, they may not be so lucky in escaping her.
Amanda Young/Pig
Amanda can’t really express the emotion that goes through her when she sees your teammates leave, it’s a bit of disgust for them and sadness for you. She knows the feeling of being given up on...and she hates that you had to go through something like that too.
If you have a trap on your face, she quickly takes a key that she keeps on her just for you and releases you from the trap. If your closer to the gate, then she’ll pick you up and try to get you as close to it as possible and if that isn’t possible then it’s a hurried race to find the hatch for you.
Amanda knows she should put you on a hook. the Entity could punish both of you for this but right now she doesn’t care. You need to get out a live, to tell those bastards how wrong it was to leave you after the whole match. To prove to them that you were able to get out without their help, if she wanted to go to the survivor’s campfire it would only be so she can watch you rip them to shreds with your words.
She makes sure to give you a rare dose of affection when the trial is done and over, your probably exhausted after everything and she’ll gladly help relieve some of that stress. The next time she sees your teammates though, they’re all going to be dead meat come next trial.
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When you know you gotta work on requests cause you were gone for a long period but all you can think about is drawing your ocs. 
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Hey can you do hcs for the prompt where reader snaps and kills another survivor but this time with Anna, Susie and Amanda?
Of course! I honestly really love this prompt, it lets me pull out the angst hardcore!
Anna doesn’t need you to tell her someone is messing you, she’s been raised to spot the differences in body language from animals and a humans is no different. She can easily tell that your upset, and even though she respects the fact you may want to deal with it yourself she wants you to lean on her sometimes.
It’s in her own realm when it happens, she’s chasing after the bloody footprints of the survivor that has been messing with you. She holds no grudge against them, though she hates them for the fact they enjoy tormenting you though. It’s then when she happens upon you, your slamming one of the axes that are found in every closet into the survivors face.
Anna is immediately set into a protective mode, using her strength to rip the ax out of your hands. Even though your covered in blood, she wraps you in her arms and carries you to her house. She does not care that a trial is going on, does not care about punishment, you are desperately in need to be somewhere far away from that situation. She holds you as you finally come to realization about what you down, holding you tighter as you sob, Anna isn’t going to let you go back to the campfire after this. You don’t need to be around that survivor for a while, and she will do all she can to comfort you while you try to get through this.
You may not talk to her about whats going on, but Susie is a lot smarter then most people give her for. She notices your not as bubbly or helping with most of her antics like you used to, so she has a feeling that something is up with you and another survivor but she doesn’t push you for information.
She hears the screaming of the other survivor, it sounds horrific and filled with anguish. Susie wonders if the survivor accidentally hurt themselves around Mount Ormond, it wouldn’t be surprising especially with all the things sticking up out of the ground. When she investigates the noise, her worst fears come to life in an instant. It’s you, sitting on top of the survivor jabbing a bloody piece of scrap metal into them. The person is already dead, but that didn’t seem to deter you, as you stabbed over and over again.
It reminds her to much of what happened before they came here, them brutally killing that poor janitor. Your weapon even reminds her of her own that she clutches in her hand, and it’s way to much for her to bare. Susie immediately upon you, tackling you into the snow covered ground as she clings to you. It takes her a while to realize but she’s crying, her bubbly voice cracking into sobs as she begs you not to do something like that anymore. She doesn’t want you to end up like her, not a killer who never wanted this to begin with, so she begs you to take back what you did...because she’s scared of losing you.
Amanda has dealt with situations like this way before coming to the Entities Realm, she doesn’t need to see anything or talk to you about your problems much like Anna she can see it from the look on your face when asked about the other survivors. Someone is clearly bothering you, but no matter how much she tries to get you to tell her who you never do.
The trial had been a brutal one to say the least, out of the four survivors that were pulled into it only two were left: You and another survivor. Amanda had searched all over for the other survivor, hoping to find them before you. Instead she does wind up finding you first, your sitting there next to a generator just staring out at the distance. When Amanda follows your gaze she sees the mangled corpse of the other survivor, the trap around their head had seemed to set off even though Amanda herself knew that it had more time. Your dead eye stare gave her all the information she needed, you purposely detonated the mask yourself by fixing the generator and then just sat back and watched as the person died in front of you.
All Amanda can do is watch you, seeing you do this reminds her too much of what happened when she was with Jigsaw. Watching sinners fight one another for some sort of freedom that can never be obtain, but somehow this is much worse then anything she’s ever been apart of. You weren’t suppose to ever get your hands dirty with her traps, but the deed is done and all Amanda can do is stare at you. It’s when you begin to cry that she steps closer, wrapping you in her arms as she holds you close. Even now that there was blood on you hands, Amanda would do anything to make sure no more blood was added to it.
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Before sending i just wanted to ask, are you okay with writing eating disorders? i don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or waste your time so i’m just gonna ask now. thank you so much, your very talented!!
Thank you for asking! Unfortunately, I’m not very comfortable with eating disorders. I don’t want to get in on the reason why it does cause it’s very personal. I’m really sorry! If you want to send it something different, I’d be happy to answer it!
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heyo -- Thank you for the lovely little julie and susie hc and all :>> If I'm doing this wrong I'm sorry-- I'm new to Tumblr and- yeah-- sorry jdj If you don't mind, could you write head cannons for yui, rin, susie and julie with a short, affectionate female s/o? Quarantine really do be messin with my ego tho jhdbdd
Your welcome!! I love Julie and Susie a lot and I love writing headcanons for them! Also you aren’t doing this wrong and I’d be happy to do your request!! Fluffy times ahead!!
Yui Kimura
Absolutely loves the fact that your smaller then her, she can easily wrap you in her jacket and pull you into an embrace after trials. She may also just pick you up and carry you, it’s just so easy and it allows you to smother her with affection if you wanted too.
Yui is very protective of you, not because your smaller then her but because of how sweet you are. She doesn’t want to see you light get broken, so in and out of trials she tries her hardest to make sure your always smiling and happy.
After trials when there are few people at the campfire, Yui will pull you in close and just bask in being close to you and your affection. She may return your kisses or snuggles with some of her own
Spirit/Yin Yamaoka
Honestly loves that your super affectionate, but is also worried that your gonna wind up hurting yourself on the glass that’s permanently stuck in her body. If that doesn’t deter you then she’ll try to keep those piece of herself away while you two are together.
Since she can’t be super affectionate without hurting you, she absolutely loves to just hold your hand after a long day of trials. She may even press kisses along your face, and giggles when you return the affection back onto her. 
When she’s feeling more like herself and not as the spirit, she childishly float away when you begin trying to show affection. Since your a lot smaller then her, you have to try and reach for her on your tiptoes. When you start pouting she’ll take mercy on you, pressing kisses against your face.
Susie is actually surprised that your smaller then her! She’s not used to having to be taller then someone but she absolutely loves your height!! Your perfect for snuggling and she can just pull you into her lap.
She’s super affectionate as well! So you two always wind up in a snuggling affectionate bundle, where you both just give each other kisses, nuzzles, and just lay in each others presence. The rest of Legion likes to make the “Ew gross” jokes while you two are being affectionate, but Susie just ignores them because your just too cute!
Loves if you just sit in her lap and give her kisses, Susie will think it’s the cutest thing ever. She’ll wrap you in the biggest hugs you’ve ever been give, and return you affection tenfold.
Absolutely abuses the fact that she’s taller then you, sweeping hugs, lifting you up out of nowhere, and just wrapping herself around you when your hanging out with her. She does like wrapping you in her jacket and just holding you close to her.
Does not tolerate any shit towards you from the rest of the Legion, especially when your showering her with affection. She knows that Joey and Frank like to make gross faces or say something, and she will instantly be on them if they make you stop. She loves how affectionate you are and doesn’t want anyone to tell you differently.
During trials and she learns that she’s up against you, she may find you and corner you just so she can dish out some of her own affection. It doesn’t last as long as you want, but she’s got other people to catch. She’ll make sure to continue giving you affection after the trial is over.
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So it’s is a bit weird but...when I get really tired and am fighting to not fall asleep I get a lazy eye, like one eye looks forward and the other rolls to look towards my nose. It’s like my tell that I’m struggling to stay awake. So I was wondering how Danny, Quentin, and Jake would react their first time noticing the sleepy/lazy eye on their friend/significant other😅
I don’t think its weird at all!! I’d be happy to write something like this! Also I’m gonna do headcanons for if they’re a friend and if they’re s/o does this!
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
If your his friend:
Danny is oddly fascinated watching your eye starts to move on its own, like when it starts to happen he will get extremely close so he could watch. He’s a shit and he may out of curiosity try to poke the one that rolls towards your nose, just to see if it will move the other way. He doesn’t even register the fact that your struggling to stay asleep, he just wants to watch and it can be kind of unsettling at times.
If your his s/o:
While he would still be extremely fascinated, Danny picks up the fact that your struggling to stay awake. Instead of staring at you for who knows how many hours, he will pull you close to the point where your chests are touching. He’ll joke about being your guardian angel and that you can fall asleep because he wouldn’t let anything happen to you. He rather you sleep next to him instead of at the campfire with the other survivors, let’s him hold you and watch you to his heart’s content.
Quentin Smith
If your his friend:
Isn’t really bothered by the fact that you get a lazy eye when your struggling to stay awake. Quentin knows what it’s like to struggle to stay awake and even now he still suffers from it, but your his friend and he wants you to get some rest when your tired. He will try to coax you into sleeping by suggesting you use his shoulder as a pillow, he wants you to know he’s here for you so you don’t have to struggle staying awake.
If your his s/o:
Very much the same if you were a friend, except Quentin will offer to be your napping buddy. He rarely sleeps at all around the campfire, but he’ll happily nap with you if it helps you fall asleep faster. Even if he doesn’t wind up falling asleep, he’s still gonna stick close to you and make sure your sleep is uninterrupted.
Jake Park
If your his friend:
Jake is slightly worried about the fact your eyes start to become lazy when you struggling to stay awake. He may not know much about how lazy eyes work but he’s worried that one day your eyes are going to get stuck like that. He’s also worried about the fact that your struggling to stay asleep, he may not show it outwardly but he tries to make you comfortable around the campfire so you can easily fall asleep. Jake doesn’t want anything to happen to you if your struggling to stay awake during trials, the killers will take any chance they get.
If your his s/o:
If Jake was slightly worried as a friend, he’s even more worried because your his s/o. He tries very hard to hide his emotions,but seeing you struggling staying awake and what it does to your eyes. He just want’s you to go to sleep as quickly as possible. He’ll wrap his jacket around you and pull you closer to him so you can use him as a pillow. He much rather you sleep, then you struggle to stay awake.
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[new reader here, huge fan of your hcs
Oh!! Oh my gosh thank you 💕💕!! Im glad you like my headcanons, if you have any request you want to send in I’d be happy to answer them!!
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May I get some headcanons of the doctor with an insecure male s/o?
Of course you can! I hope you enjoy these!
Herman Carter/Doctor with a insecure male s/o
Herman doesn’t mind the fact that your insecure, sad to say at first he kind of overlooks it before he realizes how insecure you are. After he realizes, Herman tries his best to assure you of your worries.
Herman does try his best to comfort you in his own ways, but he’s not that good at comforting people when their feeling like this. He’s used to prodding them with electricity to try and see if he can erase that feeling of the brain. He did think about asking you if you would want to try it, but he knows you wouldn’t be up for it.
If your insecure about Herman looking at another man, be they survivor or killer, he will quickly rip that thought from your head, not literally he is a gentleman after all. He makes sure to tell you that he loves you and that nothing would ever change him from choosing you. Even if you two weren’t stuck in this hell and in the normal world, Herman would always choose you no matter what happens.
If you happen to be insecure about other things, appearance, you skills in trials, etc. He will point out your perfections and explain how amazing they are and the fact that there is nothing making you bad or horrible, and if anyone told you that...well they’re in for a little appointment with him.
Herman loves you for who you are, perfections and flaws in all. To him that is what makes you who you are, and that’s the reason he fell in love with you. While he’s still learning in the arts of comforting people, he will try his best to assure you and tell you all the wonderful things he knows about you.
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Hey who do you think would enjoy seeing their s/o wearing their clothing? Bc honestly I die for the kind of fluff that comes with it
Oh man same!! Im here for that fluff as well! Gonna do this one a lot like I did the little spoon request if that’s okay!
Killers who love seeing their s/o wearing their clothes
Evan Macmillan
Bubba Sawyer
Caleb Quinn
Frank Morrison
Amanda Young
Danny Johnson
Survivors who love seeing their s/o wearing their clothes
David King
Yui Kimura
Meg Thomas
Ace Visconti
Jane Romero
Zarina Kassir
Laurie Strode
Jeff Johansen
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you dont have to reply to this but think u for doing my request uwu
Your absolutely welcome! I may not know what request you sent in but I want you to know that I had an absolute joy in writing it!
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Hey there, I hope you're doing well! If you don't mind, could I request something for Herman, Bubba, and Jeff with an autistic S/O? I wonder what they'd think about their partner's hyperfixations, stims, and possibly getting overstimulated and/or going nonverbal during a trial. It's fine if you don't feel comfy doing this!
Hello! I am sorry to say that I don’t feel comfy with this! I’ve been trying to figure out ways to write for this request but I feel like I would be portraying the autistic S/O wrong as I have no experience with autism. I don’t want to portray it wrong and in a bad light! Thank you for understanding that I may not be comfortable with this it means a lot! 
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Oh I hope your laptop gets fixed! I know what a pain that can be. Could I request some assholery Frank and his SO at the beginning of their relationship? (Survivor SO)
Thank you! It took awhile but it’s all fixed now! Hopefully it won’t mess up in the future cause I love answering your guys requests!
Frank and S/O at the beginning of their relationship
Frank is used to having the most control in a relationship, he bossed Julie around and they both technically used each other for their own gains. So his view on relationships like that are a little toxic, but unlike Julie he actually really likes you. 
You two butt heads constantly as Frank is dealing you like how he dealt with Julie, he’ll boss you around trying to make you do things only he wants to do and he’ll very rarely regard your opinions because he feels like he’s always right. You are absolutely tired of him treating you like this so you fight back to try and get him to stop.
Its in Frank’s nature to pull asshole stunts even if he’s stuck in the entities realm for forever. He’ll find some way to pull an awful prank and finds it hilarious when you get upset. It honestly doesn’t faze him when you start throwing insults his way until you say you aren’t going to come back anymore. He will then try his hardest to get you to stay, despite him being a dick he doesn’t want you to leave him. 
It takes a long time for him to realize that he really isn’t being the best boyfriend, it helps that you have Joey on your side to help things out. Frank may see Susie and Julie as family, but he feels ganged up upon when it’s them coming to him about your problems with him. Joey will take it slow and actually explain to Frank why his actions make you so upset. 
Once Frank realizes he’s been kind of a dick, he’s gonna try his hardest to make up to you. If you leave because of all the stupid and dumb shit he’s done, he’s gonna feel absolutely horrible about it cause he knows it’ll be his fault. It take a while but eventually you two come to an even footing about your relationship and things become a little smoother. He still a dick but he’s not as harsh as he was before.
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Headcanons for Herman,ghostface,Frank, and trapper with A Small S/O That likes calling them Cute Pet names in and out of trials? Please? 😳👉👈 [ Sorry to hear your laptops is giving u trouble btw :( ]
It’s okay it’s all fixed now!! Also right after we got my laptop fixed we started having trouble with the internet but!! Now officially everything is fixed and I hope you enjoy this!!
Herman Carter/Doctor
Herman always chuckles at the cute nicknames you give him, no matter if its a cheesy or general nickname that you would give your partner. He thinks it’s adorable that you give someone like him a nickname, and he wonders how you come up with some of them.
Doesn’t actually have any feelings about you calling him cute nicknames inside of trials. He likes to see how many you come up with while he’s hunting you down, depending on if he likes them Herman may spare you.
When things are quiet and you two are in Lery’s Memorial Institute, he’ll take your smaller hands into his and press a toothy kiss onto them. When he’s at his most calmest, he’ll utter some sweet nicknames back at you and it will be the softest things you ever see him do when he’s calm.
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
Danny honestly loves the cute names you give him! They could range to the ridiculous ones and he’d still love them. He doesn’t care if you use them in or out of trial, he likes to think your using them during trial to show others your together. It gives him a huge ego boost!
Danny will try to one up you with your nicknames sometimes, trying to come up with something so cheesy and cute that it gets you so flustered. Sometimes he succeeds and teases you about it, but if you laugh instead at it he loves it even more.
Since your smaller then him, he likes to pull you into his lap and hold you close. It becomes a cuddle session where you both just give each other cute, cheesy, and ridiculous nicknames until one of you taps out.
Frank Morrison/Legion
Frank doesn’t mind the cute nicknames in private, though he likes to scoff and tell you not to call him something so sappy. It’s when you use them in public he might actually throw a fit.
He doesn’t want to look “uncool” in front of all the other killers, and he thinks that them hearing you call him cute nicknames will “ruin his image”. Frank prefers that you call him “Handsome”, “Hot stuff”, or something along those lines. He thinks they make him look cool instead of the cuter ones you use.
At the end of the day when there are no more trials, when it’s just the two of you are alone without the rest of legion. Frank and you will just be laying in bed together, and in that moment Frank will let his softer side show. Allowing you to call him cute little nicknames while he lays next to you and enjoying your presence.
Evan Macmillan/Trapper
He loves you with his whole heart but please don’t call him the cute little nicknames you give him during a trial. Evan doesn’t want others to hear the nicknames cause he feels like it’s something saved when you too are together.
Evan also doesn’t want to hear anyone else call him by your nicknames, it puts him in a grumpy mood because you should be the only one who calls him that. He may wind up strangling or maiming a survivor during trial if they wind up mockingly say the nicknames towards him.
I think it’s been said before, but Evan loves that fact that you are smaller than him. He likes to pick you up and hold you close, and if you kiss his face while calling him by his nickname he will get extremely flustered.
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Before I post some requests and me answering some asks, I want to say thank you!!! I never imagined so many people would follow me and I’m just really happy!! I’m so glad that you guys enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy your guy’s requests! Thanks for still sending in requests when I was having troubles with my computer, I hope to write out many good requests for you guys!
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