susperfectus-a · 2 years
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
Bat becomes symbol.
Symbol becomes an impenetrable, unstoppable inhuman force.
Nothing but rage through his cowl. Nothing but darkness as he overwhelmed, overpowers ; making himself larger than life. A towering figure of spiked ears and haunting inevitable foot steps. The world seemed to quiet. His vision tunneled. All he can see in the capture of his rage is little man running, frightened for his life. And if he indulges, if he pushed the line a little closer, it’d be ham hanging from one of his pillars.
So even in his rage, he is calculated. One hand tied behind his back. His rage a mask as he kicks away a chair and picks up the other ; slamming it against a nearby wall. Shattering it into tiny pieces. Letting the sound of cracking wood echo between them.
    If he can’t make them fear the law ─ he will make them fear H I M.
And it’s nothing but wild panic through the slits of that mask. Man or animal? Is there any difference now? Prey was prey after all. And boy or animal when cornered all come squealing like little pigs.
The chase inescapably finds its end. And the Batman is left with a man turned into petty boy with a pen as his last resort. Monster against frightened monster. Bat against petty brat. And now he stills, nothing but a block of shadow with white glowing eyes, piercing as it stared down at the other.
   “ Ask the universe now, Lazlo. Will I BREAK YOUR HAND or stab you with your pen? “
Teeth slipping. Darkness baring teeth with a grin as he spoke. Calm words almost whispered like air as it bounced from wall to wall.
    “ I’m waiting. “
The sound of his old name is a beak ripping through the matter of the world. What a sucker punch, he should not be surprised, and yet his breath quickens, deepens as the tiredness catches up with him. He’s not built for this shit. Short legs scramble, pushing himself into a corner. The lights on the firmament go out one by one as the night with a deep, hateful voice approaches. Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words hurt on a completely different level. He cannot take it, damn it, he can’t. He’s close to pissing himself. The psychosis begins to wear off, and not even the moon is of help now.
It’s too dark, he cannot see. Where is Mommy? Her voice drowned out by the Bat’s, Pyg is left without guidance, and he’s ready to let the scorching hot tears break from under his eyes. But he doesn’t, he doesn’t. The snake eats its tail, every end is a new beginning. This scene will be repeated.
“D-don’t come any closer…” his hand shaking, he drools his nausea. “Or Mommy will destroy you…”
His fingers go lax, and the pen rattles across the floor. He cannot afford breaking his hands. They are a tool of creation, the obstetricians of art. The hands, these strong, beautiful hands come shaking to cover his eyes. 
“If you take me to the nest of white drones, I swear I’ll get out and slit your throat! I know who you are!”
A bluff, as obvious as his fear. He knows there’s nothing behind that mask, nothing but chaos humming the preternatural lies. The Big Bad Wolf that did blow the brick house down. What can an artist put up against it? Bad taste has always been prevalent.
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
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𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥. 𝐀𝐭 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐮𝐲 - 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥-𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬, 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭... 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐠'𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
Independent, private Professor Pyg of DC Batman. 21+, NSFW, triggering topics. Written by Blue. CARRD
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
Predatory eyes remained on him as her fingers flexed and relaxed around the stock of the gun. His movements were slow and calculated since her offer as if not to alarm her animalistic mind that she had a reason to shoot. The suspense began to stiffen in her joints and muscles, tension building until a faux rigor mortis kept her as still as a statue. Her only sign of life was the occasional blink and the soft, even rise and fall of her chest. He came to his decision and it was a wise one to accept her as a new employee and to allow him the privacy and protection he so desperately needed during his surgeries.
          “Rat?” Her lips formed the words as it fell off her tongue like a heavy brick. Name calling should’ve been left for another time but he was no ordinary man. Hell, he wasn’t even considered “normal” among the villains that scurried about, stealing, killing, and destroying. He was a creator with a twisted mind that was polluted with an unknown knowledge that forced the machine to work in an unimaginable way.
     The weapon remained locked on him as he approached the cabinet but it never fired. As peculiar as he was, she didn’t fear him trying anything so soon. The whiskey bottle came as a relief, she she predicted, he was smarter than most gave credit for. From what little she knew, he was considered insane and diabolical – at least by her current employer and his inner circle.
          “I’m as likely to bite the hand as I am to take it. Fresh blood is far more delicious than old coagulated blood filled with pus and stale gas. But it depends on what’s in the other hand.”
     There was a pause as she wondered how he’d take her response and if it’d be worth the risk for him.
           “For the right price I’ll strut around in a bikini,” she replied, the corner of her mouth twitching upward slightly. While loyalty was the valued above all else, money was a huge motivator as well. With his counter offer, the gun’s safety is flicked on and it’s placed back in its holster, still hungry for blood.
           “Done,” she respond before holding out a bare hand. She’d have taken a single dollar more than what she was being paid due to her disdain and distaste for her current boss but being paid double was even better. He needn’t say anything further. “Pleased for the change now all that I ask is how would you like it done? I’m not shy when it comes to slow torture or if you’d prefer it quick I can do that as well. Or if you’d like it done yourself I can bring him in. I adapt to client needs.”
Tongue wandering around like a fat worm peeking out of a fistula, he takes his time to think over the alternative she offers. Oh, fuck. This city has no idea what’s crawled up its ass. Twenty-five grand isn’t enough to kill the omniscient brain of his, he can smell them coming. She’s got the stench of a gutter on her, just the smell he is looking for. Little fox in a sty, came for the chicken, she will be the cancer cell to take over the system.
He takes another swig.
“Oh honey. You’re not tall enough to do make-up for those who strut around in a bikini.”
Ugly, just like the rest of them. Nothing is sadder than an ugly woman. All she needs is a little fixin’, and he is about to suggest Ilizarov apparatus when she makes an offer of her own. He likes an assistant who doubles as a waiter. Pyg cards through his library of recipes, turns the mental image this way and that.
“You have to understand one thing, little rat,” his admonishing finger stabs the air as he approaches her, now that the hydra tells him it’s fine, it’s okay, the worst she’s gonna do is hit him. All these thick-skulled hyenas think it should work on anyone. But Pyg isn’t just anyone. He’s the ascent and the throne and the crown, “We do not kill. We do not torture. We fix people.” 
Walking past her into the anteroom, he frivolously waves his hand, gesturing to her to sit at the front of the table. Rummages around in a safe, pulls out a package of crackers and turns on the electric kettle. It roars to life, and he bites on the cookie with a flourish.
“You, for example. I look at you and can see your whole run through the maze. You’ll have a deep crease between your eyebrows by the time you’re 35. By forty your jowls will start to form. English-speaking females tend to get vertical wrinkles on their lips because they overpronounce the sound [m]. I could save you from all of that.”
He cocks his head, muttering to himself the approximate measurements and drawing puncture lines on her with his mind.
“Big breasts are a wonderful asset when you’re 17. When you’re approaching 30 they start sagging, just like your ass. Understand now, that I am offering a favor for a favor. Little improvements that no one will be able to tell apart from mother nature’s mercy.”
Slumping into the chair opposite her, he domes his fingers, looking at her hard and long.
“Furthermore, I can give you a face that will never be touched by age. And you will die beautiful. It only comes off the bone along with the skin and muscles.”
Jerking a nod at one of the dollotrons, he puts one leg on another.
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
Although Marianne stands her ground, as he comes around the table, she pulls her knife from its sheath where it was tucked out of view in her waistband. Stratton had given her a firearm to protect herself, and she carries it in a holster tucked at the small of her back, but Stratton’s recommendations were never her first choice if given one. It was nearly instinct to wield a knife, and she never denies her natural drives.
He spreads himself smug as shit across the table, and her fingers close painfully tight around the knife’s grip. She clenches her teeth hard on the skin of her inner cheek–nerves pulling tight as he hurls insult after insult her way.
Words cut too close to the quick–and they sear so familiarly on her ears. How many times has she asked herself the same thing when Stratton first expressed interest in her, how many times has Stratton posed the same question whenevers she threatened to leave. “You’re damaged goods, babe, who else would want you?”
In a single smooth, albeit sudden, motion, she steps forward, bringing the knife up and out in front of her. On some level, she knows he’s baiting her, but she doesn’t care. She had already put up with enough abuse for the night. The knife finds the soft space where the bones of his rib cage give way to soft flesh, and she gives it a twist for good measure.
Once again, a woman’s downfall is desire. An Eve out of gutter falls for a rotten apple, and he does nothing but bare two rows of his small, sharp teeth at her as she approaches, baring her sting. The flabby, white flesh weeps red from the smile she puts on it, and he grabs her shoulders, his eyes wide behind the mask.
 “Oh, but you’re no wolf until you blow my house down!”
 His momentum much greater than her own, he uses it to pull her into a spin around the room, and doesn’t stop. His strong surgeon hands clamp down on those small wrists, and he raises them to commence a make-believe dance.
 “Little fox is what you are, snuck your way into a farm, got your nose all red!”
 Disturbed by the commotion, the cherub-faced guards lumber into the office, their muscles taut and ready to fight. Letting go of one of Marianne’s arms, Pyg dips his fingers into the newly acquired opening and spreads the crimson smudge over her face.
 “Remember, pigs are omnivores!”
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
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This year has been plenty ass so far and boy i’m almost 30 and its scary so I just want to throw a quick appreciation to some of the kindest and warmest people as well as most talented and amazing writing partners and mutuals I have on here! Thank you for being a joy!  ALSO IM ALREADY SORRY if i forgot anyone!! 
 @gildedbloom , @deciphertheriddler , @madelich ,  @whxlmedwing , @theymarvcl , @littleqxinn, @notbatboy , @quinnzelles ,, @griim , @walksvally , @redhnds , @infernalrampage , @susperfectus , @volucerrubidus , @pumpcursed , @wafflesandbuttkicking , @redetct , @titanofthemoon , @visiion , @thatsmrfantastic , @spiderwcman , @rahbid , @lgbtcorp , @cowlgbt / @vmaeved, @drkroots , @bctglrl , @nodamnstogive , @conjobbed  ,  @lilacdreamt , @dementedspeedster , @wnterslder , @nineprowls , @tragedyfollowed , @docthompkins , @buglesgirlfriday , @covaci , @ataviisms (and other blogs i cant remember right now) , @wellplighted , @scientistm , @myhiraeth , @cosmicrayed , @poisoncvs , @appheirent, @swallowedblood​ , @fallesto , @tawruhs , @avisxe, @hoodedmenace , @waspfit , @warhunting , @violetvices , @snapzoom ( and just a lot of other blogs ) , @babydxhl , @stolenparticles , @desmuerte , @bigsharkdaddy, @xstrange , @heroheart , @fortislumen , @differentfuckingbreed , @crscendo​ !!!!!! , @citysavior , @moralcoded , @greatrspnsibility , @beffraye , @nrth-wind, @tremrs, @chernayavidua, @sonicanary, @cryptidsdad, @denieddeath , @dvarapala , @coolhearted, @killypool , @sshapeshifter , @biirdbrains , @cxttodd , @svpe , @vglnt , @kryptcnborn , @wafflesandbuttkicking , @unbearablyindifferent , @spectsilks , @soughtreasure , @illyanakozlov , @ricochetingtears , @sheraids , @twinzel , @spitsacid , @fearpowered , @askronian , @dcvilment , @lokadottr , @lanternslight , @wahrsagung , @mythaelogie , @yoakkemae , @spitsacid , @gammaragee , @risingod , @anotherwayout , , @the-arkham-librarian , @pagetorn , @deathslayus , @pagliyag , @bcbycop  , @merveiille , @godpowered , @shesquiinnsane ❤️!!!! 
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@tempestbrought​ : always my biggest and loveliest nerd :)) thank you for keeping me sane and being just the warmest and kindest person i’ve met here for what? 8 years going???? Idk but iluuuuuuuu
@shelassos / @failedcrown  : 😍😍😍😍😍 what else can I SAY that i haven’t said before? One of the  most passionate and dedicated writers on here and loveliest  people i’ve had the pleasure to be friends with on here!!!! You’re just reallllly fantastic and make me happy! :)))  also throws in @americanasitgets​ here cos you two are a package deal to me and i also adore them!!!! two of the best and loveliest writers i’ve had the pleasure of writing with!!! seriously so great!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖 like just so happy to have you guys on here still u.u
@shelightning  / @peaceseekr  , @cpxt / @ofangelicblood and @affcgato : i know u guys have other blogs but lol i’m still annoying you in the year of 2022 so i think that also deserves a special shoutout! iluuuuuuuuuuu!!!!  💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@lcvelj , @scealtire​ , @inaceae​ , @nofinalgirl​ HiiiI! c: that’s it! i just think you guys are so cool and amazing writers but u already know that :) ❤️‍🔥
@jewelstealr  / @decoresca / @deathtake  : Thank you for just being wonderful this year! It’s been a delight having youuuuuuu as a friend and just writing and enjoying all the little things that we do when we get the time!
@metuant   I MISS YOU ILU ALWAYS !!!!!!! 
@notacircusmonkey / @shroudedheart , @tiderider​ IDK WHERE U GUYS ARE ( i say as im sure im going to annoy you on whatsapp later ) but iluuu
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TO THE COOL KIDS ( that have just really been NICE AMAZING PEOPLE and just so overwhlmingly talented and just give me so much joy knowing we’re friends?? and even more when they reply to me okay!!! I just think they’re soooooo coooool!!! so thank you for writing/beig friends/mutals/talking or just aknowledging me ) Like I have just overwhelming adoration for their TALENT AND KINDNESS!! amaaaazing people!!! 
@divminded / @starxhal  ( some of the best taste in writing and  muses love it ) ,  @damncd / @crimelcrd ( bambi’s number one fan ??? it me 💕  ) , @femtale​ (iluuuuu tldr ALSO JUST ONE OF MY FAVORITE WRITERS !! they’re so gooood i cry!!  ) , @ghxstmaker / @onexbadday (and all ur other blogs that tumblr won’t let me tag ) , @rcddeath / @rollingthundcr (also all ur other blogs haha ALSO ALSO ALSO just reallllly goood and amazing writer! always in awe of their dedication    💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 ), @wingbcrn  ( big fan uwu just an absolute sunshine! ) , @zataraa / @tobargain  ( an absolue delight!!! 💕 💕 💕 ) , @weapn ( unbelievably more screaming cos i love their funky little muse ), @modelscience / @memorao / @woremagic ( imu and ilu ), @hexsreality ( ahhhhhh also really big fan!!!! ), @bcywonder ( ALSOOO think they’re neat u.u ) , @rageclaws ( also more screaming cos they’re also cool )  , @riddlethat ( ahhhhhhhh they’re so cool ) , @crimeloyalty ( 💕💕💕also amazing writers and people award with our favorite cryptid enthusiast 💕💕💕 @crimeroyalty ) , @rplcmnt / @herrwagner , @ecoterrcrist  💕  @emxncipatcd (cos i think they’re a packaged deal ), @hellblazrs ( 🖤 🖤 🖤 like broose’s soul ), @alwaysxtrying / @batcowmaster ( ALSO what a greaaaat great friend and writer!!!! ) , @moonknighttm (haha also all ur other blogs i just love them ) , @clawsair ( greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttt amazing showstopping writer! ), @auuteur ( just!!!! so much incredible writing and muses ), @hopesigil / @bloodswcrn / @ also all ur othe rblogs haha ( one of the most incredible writers ive met on here!!! ),  @facesplit ( i just think they’re neat!!! ), @auroradicit (❤️‍🔥) , @curaetive / @haeroeine ( [affectionate ] my biggest annoyance ], @mythous ( hi imu :))) ur still rad ) , @jornalist ( she and lois can step on me!! ),  @teachesgrace ( ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 ) , @outlawiism ( throws glitter at them cos theyre great ), @hiredassault ( boy do i just think they’re so cool???!! liike  !!!! ) , @supermantm ( ty for always being kenneth/sunshine personified ),  @americanalien (is also just so kind and so good i miss them)  @youngheroics ( also think they’re just ridiculously talented!! ) , @volchietsa , @defyxoblivion ( ❤️‍🔥 just !!! ❤️‍🔥 ), @batcrested ( ALSOOOO realllyyyyyyyy great writer i lovee them ) , @mythxcbitch ( hi imu and iluuuu and also just incredible writer!! ), @leadersdontrun​  ( parooooooooooooooooooo my heart ) ,  @king-crane ( I WILL SCREAM TILL THE END OF TIME, one of my absolute favorites!! ), @weretorn (just also one of my favorite writers on here!! even if we dont have anything on this blog haha )  @bytheanchor (cos imu ), and last but not the least cos I’M SURE IM GOING TO FORGET @mademyth  advance happppy birthday ilu (hopefully i dont forget but just in case) !!!!!!! like its just  AMAZING writers and characterizations everywhere! 
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
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Jill looked, her pretty eyes unmoved by her patient’s behavior, as usual. It took experience and skills, to distance herself so perfectly from the nastiness, and the insults, and sometimes even the violence. Perhaps, it even took a bit of disdain. She found that it helped to put her frustration into more productive hobbies. Like murder. 
Perhaps she’d have to let some steam go after today’s session. 
“Do you find it comforting, to imagine this is a zoo? And that I’m a zookeeper? Or do you simply wish to have the moral high ground during our session?”
A pause, to write down something. 
“But if you’re a pig, then, surely, this place being a farm would be a more fitting analogy.” 
She tilted her head, a polite smile curving her lips. 
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“And a farmer simply wishes to cater to their animal’s well being, wouldn’t you say? At worse, to milk the cows for milk, and use the chickens for eggs.”
And the pigs to the slaughter house. 
“Would you rather feel watched, or used?”
The scritch scratch of the pen unnerves him. Right now, drugged to the point of sobriety, shackled, forced into a chair with a hard seat, he feels like a mollusc ripped out of its shell and squeezed into some unnatural, angular shape. He sniffs, disassembles the pyramid of her perfume and finds it vulgar an unimaginative. His mouth does a particularly complex twist as he thinks over his strategy. Whatever he throws at her, bounces off her. Pyg, being the massive bitch he is, is used to different reactions to his quips.
 Tongue caught between his sharp little teeth, he focuses on the pen for a while. What wouldn’t he give to reach over the table and plant it in her eye. He knows a thousand ways to cause unfixable damage, knows ways to make her shed the doll mask and replace it with another.
 A squint as he readjusts himself in the seat, small fingers flexing in, flexing out.
 “I am not responding to anything with the question mark at the end anymore.”
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I know I disappear from this blog regularly and shit, but from now on I’ll try to be more or less regular here. 
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I know I disappear from this blog regularly and shit, but from now on I’ll try to be more or less regular here. 
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
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     It’s an entire circus watching and listening to him. There is a disconnect from this world and perhaps he was on a higher plane or just as delusional as many of the Arkham Asylum patients. She could see the wheels and cogs of his mind spin and shutter with the slightest of movements. He was a difficult book to read, written in an ancient scripture that most, and maybe no one, had seen before. 
     Her trigger finger grew stiff as she watched with a malicious gaze. Part of her wanted to pull the trigger and splatter that enigmatic mind all over the wall behind him and put him out of his misery. But there was still her disdain and loathing of her current payer. She didn’t wish to do much more with him and killing him without someone paying her to do so would only tarnish her rep. 
     His question on her education had her bristling. Not because it’d been rude but because she knew it was inadequate. She had barely passed high school to her mentor’s mild disappointment. Had her scores been any lower she might’ve failed and that would’ve been the end. No, she did the bare minimum; too busy pumping her body with booze and drugs that dulled the pain and drowned the anger and fucked a guy or two to fill the aching in her. All temporary solutions that gave her peace as long s she was under their influences. 
          “I stopped right before college but I’m streetwise. I know the ins and outs of damn near every criminal empire in this city and can acquire just about anything you might need. I know who to trust and who’ll sell you out. I know how to sniff out a cop posing as a crook in no time. And most importantly, I know how to kill without getting caught.” 
     Well, most of the time. But even when she’d been captured in the past it had either been because she needed to get into a facility or she slipped up. However, she always escaped and was able to purge her information from the system. 
          “It depends on the job. Signal jobs work differently than full time,” her arms remained horizontal, never wavering but the barrel had been shifted slightly to the left of his head so as to show she was willing to speak and if her finger did get tired the bullet wouldn’t strike him. 
          “I got paid twenty-five thousand for your head. I don’t care if you offer a penny more. Match it or make a counter offer and I’ll kill the guy after you and come work with you.” She suggested.
He smells the whole city on her, she did not lie here. Every syphilis-ridden breath, every pusher ruining a teenager’s life on a street corner, every rotten piece of meat in Michelin star restaurants. Bruce Wayne himself dines on that shit. Pyg works hard to be noticed. He needs sponsorship, like he had before. Someone to look over the concrete jungle while the boar feasts on the sores of their collective unconscious. He is not thrown off by her size for a second, it’s the knowledge of leeways that is important.
Under the mask, his lips purse in distaste. A high-school graduate, her biggest achievement before she stopped gnawing on the granite of science. Sticky palms, stamps on white tongues, awkward sex and forgotten condoms. He’s been through a high school much different, but he did his share of standing on his knees.
“Soylent Green material, I see.” His latex-coated fingers come to rub at his weak chin. The skin there is smooth and clean, like a woman’s. Pyg takes self-care seriously. “I love wise folk. But they don’t know how to tie a tube so that your happenings stop. I’ll teach you, little rat.”
Now, he only has to chip it. Skip the burning of a brand into her flank, he needs a fix of her brains. A strong, capable woman. Would be a shame to lose her to common stupidity. Pyg straightens his back, saunters across the theater, aware of the pistol’s hungry eye trained on him. He takes it slowly, letting her see his every motion like a sluggish dance of nonchalance. Reaches into a cabinet where a half-full bottle of whiskey rests. Takes the cap off, knocks back a generous swig.
“When you eat through lots of corpses, chances are you’re in a mass grave. Would you take a hand from above?”
Pyg’s pink, brisk little tongue flicks out to lick the residue of alcohol off his lips.
“Would you sing, and dance, and skip to my littlest violin?”
She names the price, and he almost drops the bottle on the pristine tiles.
“Twenty-five grand? For my head?”
This must be some mistake. His head holds universes, brims with knowledge. It can’t cost some stinking twenty-five thousand New World Order dollars. His precious skull contains eyes, doors, worms from other dimensions. If he tore out their eyes, they couldn’t be blinder. Twenty-five thousand. He feels rage fill him like hot water fills a boiler.
“I raise you fifty for theirs.”
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susperfectus-a · 3 years
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He Wei (Chinese, b. 1987)
Clonazepam, 2021
Oil on canvas
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susperfectus-a · 3 years
hey! so I’m actually on the meat hook right now but
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susperfectus-a · 3 years
i love misery bloodshed destruction mutilation horror agony and disintegration i love violence and never ending trauma and going down deeper down like the roots of old trees
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susperfectus-a · 3 years
“So, you disapprove of the current state of Academia?” asked Jill, unbothered by his snarky comment. Her eyebrows hadn’t even trembled, and she looked at him, her polite smile just as intact and secure.
She knew, of course, that anything that would ever leave his lips would only tell her things about him and not herself, including insults directed at her. Arkham’s patients were not famous for their tact or their politeness, and if she disapproved of rudeness in general, she had learned to see them as petulant infants. You wouldn’t blame a child for being incredibly inappropriate, wouldn’t you?
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“Do you usually find that people’s values are attached to their academic achievements?”
Her eyebrows were raised ever so slightly. Jill found that once a psychiatrist was free of questions of disgust and morals, good therapy could start. Thankfully for her, her own personal hobbies made her particularly accepting of her patients’ inclinations.
“You have quite the curriculum yourself, Professor Pyg. It must be frustrating, to feel surrounded by worthless people.”
He wiggles his pudgy fingers at the armrests, feeling the leather straps dig into his tender skin and leaving red marks. How unsightly it will look when he’s finally released. And his nails have not been properly groomed for a week. He is denied the simplest of conveniences, and no amount of civility on her part will make him calm down. Cocking his head, he regards her from under the heavy brow.
“As a matter of fact, I do. Have you ever seen an academically successful child shove a jock’s head into the toilet? I don’t think so. People who are striving for knowledge are more human than those who don’t.”
Everyone who’s ever done something like that on his watch. Everyone. They are all having their fiftieth reconstructive surgery at the moment, and his heart fills with joy at the thought, even though the quacks that call themselves plastic surgeons are destroying his art. Like scraping a precious ancient mural off a temple wall.
His upper lip twitches in disdain, baring some of the small white teeth.
“Don’t toady up to me. You think you’re slick, with your expensive suit and brand pen? I know what you think. You think you are a zookeeper in one cage with an ape who throws its own shit through the bars.”
Her attitude is infuriating, just like any shrink’s out there. Their pills kill creativity. They kill everything that’s so alive and vibrant in him.
“Well, baby, I’m no ape. I’m a pig.”
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susperfectus-a · 3 years
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@susperfectus​ said: Pyg 5′7″
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