#audaciious: faye
lobselvith · 2 years
Faye's 5'1"
❛[   ⊗ HEIGHT COMPARISON ≻ accepting !
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
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. The attack had been sudden, a screech of gunfire and the sound of boots hitting the ground as the pair scrambled for cover.
. "Are you alright?" Arlynn asked with a wince. A graze on her arm and leg oozed blood, but the bullet currently sitting in her gut was the biggest concern. "Faye." If she was gone, Arlynn would burn the Green Eyes to the ground and sell their ashes for cow bedding.
. She poked her head around a corner, pistol in hand. A shot rang by and she returned it, hearing a woman yell when it connected. Satisfaction in that. She steeled herself to a wave of pain, searching for Faye. The initial attack had been such a clusterfuck that she assumed Faye was getting her weapons.
. "Our guests have no manners," she said, wincing, "but they have decent aim." She lifted her hand from the wound, red staining her skin. "There's two out there, and I think more... outside the house. You may have a better shot, love."
plotted starter for @audaciious
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@audaciious SAID: 💗 for any of them
⚔️ Compatibility Meme // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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“Interesting. I wouldn’t expect something so trivial to be so accurate. Our ‘relationship’ is hardly something that dominates my focus. Rather, it’s cultivated into more of a pleasant distraction.” The demon huffs an amused chuckle.
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normallyxstranger · 2 years
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@audaciious​​ | title; am I imagining this? (Carter & Faye) | cont. from here
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     As long as he kept his attention away from… that, he was fine. He could almost pretend it didn’t exist. 
     No. Not at all. He couldn’t pretend that. The horror of it was too real. 
     Carter took in another deep breath and rubbed at his nose. It helped some, but not enough. He didn’t think he’d smell anything but that horrid stench for the rest of his life. God, it was awful.
     Aware that Faye had stepped closer to him, he half-turned his head to view her in his peripheral vision. He could sense her doubt, something in what she said that made him suspect she didn’t believe it. “It could,” he said, his tone almost borderline insistent—which only showed how much this encounter had unnerved him. And here he thought he’d seen damn near everything. 
     “It could,” he repeated, bringing his thoughts back around to the present. “It's not typical, but I was on a case once where the, ah, suspect” —a higher demon, though he couldn’t exactly bring himself to say it aloud— “killed in a random pattern. Every instance was different than the last, seemingly unrelated crimes until he slipped up. I’m saying randomness could be deliberate.” 
     Something told him that might not be the case.
     “And I’m guessing animals were ruled out?” Well, they had to be, if what she told him was true. Still, he had to look at every possibility. She needed to fill him in more on the other cases. He knew so little. 
     Shaking his head and scrubbing a hand over his face, he glanced back toward the alley. “Do you think they’re all related or no? Any insight you have would be great. Catch me up to speed so maybe we can figure this out before it happens again.”
     God, don’t let it happen again.
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imprvdente · 2 years
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@audaciious​ sent: NOTE (fbi verse of course) from: send me  ‘ NOTE ‘ and i’ll tell you what my muse would write on a note left for yours.
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A note left on Faye’s desk
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unboundwanderers · 2 years
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A RIDE HOME \\ @audaciious // THE PINK DOCTOR & FAYE
               THE STRIP- Or well, this is FREESIDE- but he doesn't really know that. There's this bus stop that OLD BEN is sitting near. When this STRANGE GROANING & WHEEZING starts filling the air, Ben is aware enough to notice it- and what begins to appear sends him startled, running off. He's seen weird, but not that weird. Of course, The Securitrons don't even notice, they're not programmed to care about an anomaly like this... not yet, anyway. YOU SEE: Courier Six hasn't been dug up, yet. He hasn't even been SENT on the mission to deliver the Platinum Chip... so Ceasar's Legion and the NCR are tearing apart each other in the war and the strip is thriving off of it. Tis the way of life.
               THE TARDIS materializes on the strip corner, outside the gate- against a wall. It's a very clean and presentable Police Box! Seems not to be too significantly battered, its paneling is very nice- windows are presentable-- but when the MOST confusing man opens up the doors and walks out in the most colorful costume, it becomes EVIDENTLY clear that this man is not of this world. He locks up The Door tightly, sliding the key into his pocket and sweeping his coattails aside to rest his hands into his pockets. He seems a bit TAKEN ABACK by how DEVASTATED Earth is right now and thinks he might be in an ALTERNATE TIMELINE- but he's sure he would've noticed that, by now. He strokes the back of his head softly and hums, an eloquent but boastful voice is muttered through his lips, "Not the worst shape I've seen Earth in." He mutters.
               He walks out into the street, turning toward the freeside gate. He watches with his coattails thrown aside as a man MAKES A BREAK for it past the securitrons- tries to get through the gate into the strip-- and is promptly SHOT DEAD by the guards, ripped apart by bullets and torn to shreds. This takes the PINK-HAIRED, GOLDEN-EYED Doctor out of it for a moment as he makes sure his MAN BUN is tied tightly because that made him shiver.
                                                                           "Maybe... the worst state, after all..."
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poisonpicked · 2 years
@audaciious​ said:  “I followed you. I couldn’t just sit around, not doing anything." ( @ Jax from Faye) 
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“ya know, normally i’d be pretty fuckin’ pissed ‘bout someone pullin’ that shit...” jax grumbles, wiping the blood from the corner of his lip before he manages a smile over at faye. “but ya kinda saved my ass there so i ‘ppreciate it. don’t let it go to that big fuckin’ head of your’s, alright?” 
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chaosfindsaway · 2 years
@audaciious​ liked for a small starter!
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Elgyn pointed his gun ahead of him, finger hovering carefully near the trigger. Beads of sweat dribbled down the side of his face. The lights above him and Faye as they moved forward flickered on and off. Two men lay dead in the hallway that veered off to the right side of them and a sort of slimy substance dripped from the walls.
“No telling how many there are now,” Elgyn grunted quietly, keeping his focus ahead of them. “We’re gonna have to destroy this ship, Faye. Or else we risk them breeding even more.”
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maggicktouched · 1 year
She was a painful perfectionist by nature. It was what had kept her caged as a witch for so many years. Why pour over text books, why sit in meditation for hours, to barely master spells she had no natural aptitude for? But it also made her an astonishingly, frighteningly good necromancer---and business woman for that matter. Thus a vicious cycle formed. Precisian, domination, and perseverance gave her access to unfathomable power, and in turn, that power hungered for more and more. The wheel turned upon itself as the years passed, and now it was all she knew.
There was no reason for her to tackle wedding planning any differently. Faye was not so---focused, and Harper had been trying to war with her own instincts so that she wouldn't feel overwhelmed or demeaned. Generally, she had no qualms about making people small, about putting them under her thumb and watching them squirm and contort and give up everything they had to please her. But this was her wife. Or at least she would be in another few hours. If she would accept any equal in this world, it would be the woman she married.
The venue was perfect. An enormous antique greenhouse from the Victorian era. It had been in a dismal state when she'd bought it for the wedding, and it might have taken weeks or even years for a human workforce to get it in working shape---better yet up to her standard. Thankfully witches and vampires and wolves could work so much faster. She didn't have the patience for anything less.
The gardens were groomed to perfection, inside and out. Hundreds of rosebushes were bursting with dark, vibrant blooms in shades of purple or red, even black. Ivy clung to the polished glass and climbed the walls. Inside the floors shone and there was not a single table nor chair nor flower petal that dared to be out of place.
Harper smoothed her dress and looked at her clock. Faye had wanted a sunset wedding and a reception that spilled over into a moonlit reception. In approximately 90 minutes, the lighting would be perfect. They needed to get a move on.
"Faye?" Harper tapped the door with a single knuckle twice. "If you're superstitious I'll cover my eyes, but I'd like to come in, if that's alright."
She did as she promised and covered her eyes, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind her.
"Do you have everything you need? It's almost time."
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lobselvith · 2 years
‘  i’m okay.  i’m alright.  this is all in my mind.  ’ (From Faye)
❛[   ⊗ GROWLING SUGGESTIONS ≻ accepting !
`REACTION TO A WOUND OFT CAME WITH DENIAL. Surging adrenaline to HAMPER PAIN allotting idealization of nonexistence- the world the creature bestowed was LESION upon the psyche of unprepared (AND EVEN AMONG THOSE ACQUAINTED WITH THE RAZOR WOULD FEEL THE STING). Cold walls painted crimson tones, the bastardization of warmth as it crackled and PULSATED with life.  
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`AND LIKE INCISION SITE, THE ANGEL WAS THE SOURCE OF SPREAD. Ceiling its haven, CONTORTED and twisted to dangle fused digits towards a television scrambled and hissing below (STATIC BLENDING TO THE SOUNDS OF THE TWITCHING FRAME ABOVE IT). Valtiel chose device as source of COMMUNICATION- whether it be misconstrued as mere voices broken through scrambled signal, or properly digested as the divines response was not theirs to determine.          “&– - What comfort is there if this were to be delusion?” // @audaciious
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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⚔️ What jewel are your bones made of? ⚔️
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oh you are everything! ❍ indecisive, chamelonistic, flighty ❍ multitalented, innovative, extraordinary ❍ jack of all trades and master of all you touch ❍ containing multitudes ❍ you catch the light in different ways and all of them are you ❍ you get more selves than the rest of us, my darling. take this gift and use it well.
stolen from: @cflight tagging: @maximuses​ (Jean Vicquemere), @audaciious​ (Faye) @thxwxlf​ and anyone else who’s up for it!
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susperfectus-a · 2 years
Predatory eyes remained on him as her fingers flexed and relaxed around the stock of the gun. His movements were slow and calculated since her offer as if not to alarm her animalistic mind that she had a reason to shoot. The suspense began to stiffen in her joints and muscles, tension building until a faux rigor mortis kept her as still as a statue. Her only sign of life was the occasional blink and the soft, even rise and fall of her chest. He came to his decision and it was a wise one to accept her as a new employee and to allow him the privacy and protection he so desperately needed during his surgeries.
          “Rat?” Her lips formed the words as it fell off her tongue like a heavy brick. Name calling should’ve been left for another time but he was no ordinary man. Hell, he wasn’t even considered “normal” among the villains that scurried about, stealing, killing, and destroying. He was a creator with a twisted mind that was polluted with an unknown knowledge that forced the machine to work in an unimaginable way.
     The weapon remained locked on him as he approached the cabinet but it never fired. As peculiar as he was, she didn’t fear him trying anything so soon. The whiskey bottle came as a relief, she she predicted, he was smarter than most gave credit for. From what little she knew, he was considered insane and diabolical – at least by her current employer and his inner circle.
          “I’m as likely to bite the hand as I am to take it. Fresh blood is far more delicious than old coagulated blood filled with pus and stale gas. But it depends on what’s in the other hand.”
     There was a pause as she wondered how he’d take her response and if it’d be worth the risk for him.
           “For the right price I’ll strut around in a bikini,” she replied, the corner of her mouth twitching upward slightly. While loyalty was the valued above all else, money was a huge motivator as well. With his counter offer, the gun’s safety is flicked on and it’s placed back in its holster, still hungry for blood.
           “Done,” she respond before holding out a bare hand. She’d have taken a single dollar more than what she was being paid due to her disdain and distaste for her current boss but being paid double was even better. He needn’t say anything further. “Pleased for the change now all that I ask is how would you like it done? I’m not shy when it comes to slow torture or if you’d prefer it quick I can do that as well. Or if you’d like it done yourself I can bring him in. I adapt to client needs.”
Tongue wandering around like a fat worm peeking out of a fistula, he takes his time to think over the alternative she offers. Oh, fuck. This city has no idea what’s crawled up its ass. Twenty-five grand isn’t enough to kill the omniscient brain of his, he can smell them coming. She’s got the stench of a gutter on her, just the smell he is looking for. Little fox in a sty, came for the chicken, she will be the cancer cell to take over the system.
He takes another swig.
“Oh honey. You’re not tall enough to do make-up for those who strut around in a bikini.”
Ugly, just like the rest of them. Nothing is sadder than an ugly woman. All she needs is a little fixin’, and he is about to suggest Ilizarov apparatus when she makes an offer of her own. He likes an assistant who doubles as a waiter. Pyg cards through his library of recipes, turns the mental image this way and that.
“You have to understand one thing, little rat,” his admonishing finger stabs the air as he approaches her, now that the hydra tells him it’s fine, it’s okay, the worst she’s gonna do is hit him. All these thick-skulled hyenas think it should work on anyone. But Pyg isn’t just anyone. He’s the ascent and the throne and the crown, “We do not kill. We do not torture. We fix people.” 
Walking past her into the anteroom, he frivolously waves his hand, gesturing to her to sit at the front of the table. Rummages around in a safe, pulls out a package of crackers and turns on the electric kettle. It roars to life, and he bites on the cookie with a flourish.
“You, for example. I look at you and can see your whole run through the maze. You’ll have a deep crease between your eyebrows by the time you’re 35. By forty your jowls will start to form. English-speaking females tend to get vertical wrinkles on their lips because they overpronounce the sound [m]. I could save you from all of that.”
He cocks his head, muttering to himself the approximate measurements and drawing puncture lines on her with his mind.
“Big breasts are a wonderful asset when you’re 17. When you’re approaching 30 they start sagging, just like your ass. Understand now, that I am offering a favor for a favor. Little improvements that no one will be able to tell apart from mother nature’s mercy.”
Slumping into the chair opposite her, he domes his fingers, looking at her hard and long.
“Furthermore, I can give you a face that will never be touched by age. And you will die beautiful. It only comes off the bone along with the skin and muscles.”
Jerking a nod at one of the dollotrons, he puts one leg on another.
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ruinouss-archived · 2 years
|| Decided to just throw Faye on a new muse’s blog and make it a multi because multiple accounts is a lot of work lmao. You can catch me over at @audaciious​
All drafts/starters received at this point are queued and I’m just going to let it run out. If you would like to follow and continue a thread please tag the new blog! Thank you!!!
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