Will there be a way to help with the game? (etc. artists, writters, etc?)
I think I responded to this in a comment some bit ago, but thank you anon we should actually make a post about this
Sweet Apples, Sappy Applins is just gonna be a lil friend project me (yours truly, @480pfootage) and my friend (@pechadream) are collaborating on. So we aren't currently looking for any extra help
HOWEVER, if our interest in this starts majorly lacking then I don't mind passing this project off to someone else :3 (I'd gladly help with coding ^^)
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How is the game going?
it sure is going
(Scripting & Coding is hard when your interest in the series is fading, but it will be finished eventually!)
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would we get to choose the characters in the story or will we fall in love with all
You'd get to choose which characters you'd want to end up with :3
and hell if you don't want to end up with anyone or go the romantic routes there's an ending for that too!
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Since the game is being split off into four different days (and also because development is taking time cough cough) we were wondering if you guys would want the game to be published by day (like in chapters) or would you want the game to be finished before it is published in one go
thanx :3
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Sorry gamers!
The game might have to be delayed a lil bit because the script writer (me) is currently unhappy with how the dialogue is going. We're gonna have to push the current schedule for writing it a bit more into 2023 but hopefully this game will be done by the end of this year >:3
We will try to keep updating you all though :3
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how’s the game coming along?
We are currently still working on the script for the first day
but as to keep our interest in the game we are also working on making the title screen :D
As said in the introduction post the schedule is to finish up the script by this year and start work on the coding by 2023, the game will be posted around mid-2023 :)
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Will the adults from the dlc ever be in the game?
Currently with the plot we are unable to put in some characters (i.e. Sonia, dlc characters, and Rose if you like him) and I'm also not that familiar with the dlc characters.
We might add those characters in if we were to update the game after it is finished, but for now it is, sadly, a no
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is this gonna be on computer and/or mobile? and also is it gonna be free or???? v interested 👁
The game is going to be free and on PC!
We are planning to upload it onto itch.io and then people will be able to download it onto their computers off of there :)
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Gaol Ubhal -
A holiday celebrated by all of Galar, lasting for four days during the first week of spring. The holiday supposesdly started when the people of olden Galar went through a famine, only to be saved by the sweet scent of an Appletun, leading them to food.
To this day the holiday is celebrated as a reminder of the bond pokemon have with humans, but the trend of people confessing to someone they fancy with an Applin during this holiday is starting to frequently occur.
You are Galar's shining champion. Winter melts away as the region falls into spring, and you were just notified about a meeting you had to attend.
After finishing your morning activities, you finally head out to Wyndon stadium... But instead you ended up tripping on a loveball planted infront of your suite! A loveball containing.. an Applin?!
Will you figure out who the sender is? Or will you spend your first Gaol Ubhal alone?
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Greetings SWSH Enjoyers!
I'm here to announce (and tease) a POKEMON DATING SIM!
All the dateable characters are adults, of course, and they consist of..
The loveable farmer, Milo! Whose strong arms can hold you tight at night!
The quick-witted model, Nessa! Her strategies for loving you are through the roof!
The heartwarming Kabu! His firey spirit may even be too hot for you!
I am not going to describe Gordie as hard as rock! He'll make you swoon with even just a glance!
The Ice-cold trainer with a warm heart, Melony! We know you're into MIL- her kind-yet-strong demeanor!
The secret softie, Piers! Get ready to get serenaded every night!
The everloving Raihan! Dragons are known to wear their hearts on their sleeves!
The Champion of Hearts, Leon! He may seem distant, but he's sure to listen to you!
The character you play as will be well.. You! There won't be a specified race, gender, or anything really (except the fact that you aren't from Galar).
This lovely adventure is brought to you by yours truly @480pfootage and the sprites+cgs will be drawn by @pechadream!
The current plans are to get the scripting done by this year and release the game some time mid-next year. The game will be fully sfw and filled with fluff!
EDIT 6/3/2023 (game being pushed back!! sorry gang!!)
The plot will be posted shortly and we hope you stick with us for this ride! Thank you!
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"Huh, an Applin?"
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