#pokemon dating sim
Greetings SWSH Enjoyers!
I'm here to announce (and tease) a POKEMON DATING SIM!
All the dateable characters are adults, of course, and they consist of..
The loveable farmer, Milo! Whose strong arms can hold you tight at night!
The quick-witted model, Nessa! Her strategies for loving you are through the roof!
The heartwarming Kabu! His firey spirit may even be too hot for you!
I am not going to describe Gordie as hard as rock! He'll make you swoon with even just a glance!
The Ice-cold trainer with a warm heart, Melony! We know you're into MIL- her kind-yet-strong demeanor!
The secret softie, Piers! Get ready to get serenaded every night!
The everloving Raihan! Dragons are known to wear their hearts on their sleeves!
The Champion of Hearts, Leon! He may seem distant, but he's sure to listen to you!
The character you play as will be well.. You! There won't be a specified race, gender, or anything really (except the fact that you aren't from Galar).
This lovely adventure is brought to you by yours truly @480pfootage and the sprites+cgs will be drawn by @pechadream!
The current plans are to get the scripting done by this year and release the game some time mid-next year. The game will be fully sfw and filled with fluff!
EDIT 6/3/2023 (game being pushed back!! sorry gang!!)
The plot will be posted shortly and we hope you stick with us for this ride! Thank you!
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Download 11/10/22
+Started Jayce’s pre-marriage schedule.
-I re-revamped the Honoguma line. I made them red(dish) at first because I was thinking that the art that somebody made of it was official. (I think it was reported as such for a long time.) Now they’re orange like intended, but if you’ve gotten used to the original color scheme you can download the “replaceable graphics” folder to replace them with colors closer to the original scheme I had them as.
Official art or not, I’m keeping Happa as it is because Chikorita never really changed between 1997 and 1999. It was really just the middle line that was different.
-I also re-revamped the Kurusu line. I’m not going to re-revamp all of the sprites. Not right away anyway. I just wanted to do the starters since they’re, well, the Pokemon the player starts with. (Besides Tauros.) I’ll show off the two that I think turned out best but I’m not going to have a comparison for all of them.
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-Fixed up Gorotora’s front sprite, including giving it a new tail.
-Gave the remaining Pokemon that didn’t have icons, icons. (So far)
+I made one future Pokemon look better(?) while I was at it. I mostly just had to fix up it’s (her’s?) colors.
-Now there’s an incentive to have both the Cacturne doll and the Pokemon guarding your berries. The Pokemon will run inside of your house if the weather is bad, it’s winter or if you have the Cacturne doll outside. It won’t do anything but be cute because it can’t hunt from inside.
The Murkrow will only destroy your berries in the morning, so if you have a TV you can see when there’s going to be bad weather and you can place the Cacturne outside and not have to worry about Murkrow for the rest of the day.
-The random NPC that’s inside of the Pokemon Center in Pomona will now only show up on Mondays, but if you talk to him while there’s a furniture store in town he’ll tell you what Pokemon you need to guard your berries. (It’s Meowth.)
-I found out how to eat food on the go! ...Mostly. You can’t just eat something straight from your bag- you need to sit in designated spots first. These are either cushions inside of a Pokemon Center or flowers. These areas are only in or near areas you can lose HP in.
For some reason it doesn’t work on “food” that doesn’t do anything for Pokemon, so no chocolate, cookies, etc. Because of that I removed those options if you’re “eating at home.” (I’m not about to make them effect Pokemon just for a few HP.) You can still make those things as gifts for people.
Ine’s cooking will still give you more HP than if you make food from home, for the most part. The exceptions are Ice Cream (since it’s not made for Pokemon) and anything you take to-go.
Because of this I made sure that you’ll lose HP outside of the town area in certain places. Mostly when you’re cutting trees or breaking rocks. (So far.) Breaking rocks in Tellus will only take a way half of your HP. You can eat at the Pokemon Center there.
The “trees” in the Proserpina gym will take away 1 HP each, but there are flowers where you can eat food while inside of that gym. I also added a couple of trees to Communa town that’ll take away 2 HP each, but will also give you 5 logs each.
There’s also some flowers you can eat on in your farm, and you can eat on a crater (that I added) in the top floor of the Augusta cave.
So far these are the only new areas where you can lose/gain HP. I changed the descriptions of the items that can heal you so you’ll know what items they are when you see them.
-Watching something live so I finished and added two more plots. By the way, if you water the four new plots with a Shiny Sprayduck it won’t water some of the plots next to them, but it will water the plot on the opposite side to them. This is because I’m making them in the assumption that they’ll be next to each other and not just making the two lines longer some day.
-You can now buy tea to sit down and drink at Ine’s restaurant. I should’ve done that in the first place since tea is kind of her specialty. (I’m not spelling that the way you probably want me to.) You can gain 25 HP just from drinking it.
-I reduced Tauros’ starting level from 10 to 7. It doesn’t matter if you already got Tauros at level 10. I just wanted there to be a stronger incentive to use the starters.
-Realized that I never actually make it so you can play the “Dating sim demo.” (I guess that’s what happens when I make a mini game while getting over side effects of a shot.) You can now.
-A while ago I was going to make it so if you miss somebody’s date after a certain point you’ll miss your chance at going to it and will lose 10 points with the person. (15 if they’re Alderic.) And then I completely forgot that I had this idea when I finally got to writing the dates. So I did that.
I didn’t make it avoidable for you to have another chance though. In fact, I made it fairly easy- as long as you’re not in the forest, beach, Pomona town, Duellona clearing, bar, restaurant, or your bedroom from 1 AM - 5 AM they won’t despawn from their date spot.
So if you’re fooling around outside of these spots or inside of your barn area (minus your bedroom) while somebody’s waiting on you and it reaches 1 AM, you can continue to fool around until 5 AM and still go on that date as long as you don’t touch those areas.
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alfheimr · 8 months
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i drew this way over a year ago but i think i just forgot to post it here. ingo adventure dx
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braveolivine · 2 months
HII I wanted to ask if you're still open for requests? Your Friede and the kids art gives me life so I'd like to ask if it's possible to request one where Friede's just sporting that Proud Dad look when he's observing the kids doing something good? Like the sort of warm gaze and smile he doesn't realise he's sporting until someone points it out. Please and thank you!
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@rising-volteccers i loved this request so much ... i think it happens soooo often and friede doesnt even realize he has that look while the rest of the rvt fondly sigh & shake their head bc with how private he tries to be, his parental love is all too apparent LOL
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suureol · 1 year
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arven invites you over to smoke with him
violet version
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olschu · 1 year
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FINALLYYYY i have a proper compilation of my paradox au complete with actual reference sheets!!! my brain's been going crazy over this au for the past several weeks (shoutout to hassius discord for fueling my brainrot)
to sum it up: two paradoxes are beamed to present day paldea and it is now larry's problem
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sincerely-sofie · 4 months
Hey, y'all remember me saying I made a tiny TPiaG visual novel?
You can download it now from Itch.io here!
Have fun and enjoy my first official adventure into posting my games!
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snudibranchs · 7 months
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decided to preplan a custom card and it turned into this digital art project
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furyohin4urr20 · 5 months
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my dearest sillies
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snaggemon · 1 year
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Your rival, all grown up.
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Download 10/23/2022
Before you download this version: I have no idea if this will replace your character or not. I’d go to:
Graphics > Characters
And copy either TrChar000, Boy_Run, Boy_Surf, and Boy_Bike, or TrChar001, Girl_Run, Girl_Surf and Girl_Bike and paste them somewhere outside the game’s files. If your character changed after downloading this version, close your game, then paste the copied files into the “characters” folder and say “yes” to replace them.
I’ve forgotten how Cerise’s event connects so I started a new game and made some changes based on my playthrough.
+Started on Cerise’s pre-marriage schedule.
+Worked on some future graphics while waiting for the game to compress.
-I made Mikon look a lot better.
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I’m not sure why I made it all one color before, but damn this looks so much better.
Also I changed it’s shiny to be gold like Vulpix. I did have it have Alolan Vulpix’s colors at first, but...
-I came up with an original quest for Alan’s first one.
-I got tired trying to woo Cerise to 35 points so I made a second request for every candidate. (Besides Pierce.) All of them are requests to trade Pokemon. Some of them are easier than others, but the harder ones rewards you better. 
For example, Ollie wants a female Combee. If you trade one to her she’ll give you a Darumaka that’s holding an Eviolite and has Inner Focus. The only exception is Esmaralda, who asks for something really easy to get and will give you really amazing. A lot of the Pokemon they’ll offer will be Pokemon that they bred their starter with to get. So with Cerise it’ll be Fennekin, for Rebecca it’ll be Tepig, etc.
Speaking of,
-I added the Alolan Vulpix line. This includes Alolan Mikon, just because. I know that doesn’t really make sense since the Pokemon doesn’t exist in Alola but it doesn’t exist in any other completed game either, and I felt like making one, so... This is what Kalani will trade you for Staryu. (Which you’d need a Good Rod to get.)
-I changed most of the Pokemon who evolves by location’s methods:
--Magneton will now evolve using a Thunder Stone
--Nosepass will now evolve using a Metal Coat (it works like an evolution stone in this game.)
Leafeon and Glaceon still evolves by location, since said locations are right next to your farm.
Glitch and oversight fixes:
-For some reason the game would crash if you chose to be a female at the start of the game, so I now have a work-around- it’ll change your character to look like the character you chose once you step in front of Tauros’ Pokeball. Because for some reason when it’s in an event that automatically runs, it crashes, but if you touch it, it won’t.
-I attempted to fix the lag in your room again. I did notice that I accidentally had two events processing your HP instead of one so I deleted one. If that doesn’t do it I dunno what will at this point.
-I made sure that when you leave the beach, you’ll come out of it not standing in front of a tree.
-If you don’t have the National Dex yet, Kiana will send you a letter after you go to bed to see her so she can give one to you.
-I adjusted the weight and height of Wyrdeer. I chose the weight and height of a “standard” Wyrdeer.
-The harbor will now show the full HUD display. (I think. I may have forgotten some things.)
-Added a couple of trees to the entrance getting out of the beach.
-When you water the berries they won’t turn into another progress of that berry now. I had that leftover from when I had the berries change when you took a step outside of your house that I removed because it was corrupting the maps.
-There was one Silvanus woods map that connected to Pomona Town during Halloween that I think I just sort of forgot about or something. I deleted it and now if you try to leave the event it’ll just end and you can go on playing the game like normal.
-You now can’t go to the beach during a holiday where the event is being held in town until the event is over. (At least for some of them.)
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dovelyscribbles · 2 years
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Happy Halloween!!! 🎃👻
For Halloween I drew Cove as N and Cam as Willow bc those two are my fav characters and they look very similar to each other ✨
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necrogfie · 1 month
ngl looking at the long ass post i wrote abt a silly game really made me go 'damn that why nobody want to fuck me'
the 'he just railed me and now he's explaining the entire lore of fnaf' meme is literally me expect i fuck nobody, we do not get to that stage, we aren't even at the foreplay stage, we are at the your enter my room and as soon as you sit on my bed stage, i start to ramble about why character B is a better boyfriend than character A in a weirdly named and obscure dating sim that is not well know and how nobody gives a fuck about
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antidotesprout · 2 years
Tried telling art brain to wait until I had more done, but apparently art brain decided it'd rather slap these down immediately. Anyway enjoy your transparent dating sim Piers I guess
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The eyes and mouths are all separate layers to create mix and match expressions. First time making anything like this. Probably will do more for shits and giggles idk idk
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salamanding · 1 year
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You went back to their place
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pokemonfangame · 2 years
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...But what to do when you already have?
Bored with your hum-drum life as a SnaggeMon Master, you find yourself once again running errands for the Professor and the SnaggeMon Champion's League. Of course, not all goes as expected, when you're taken hostage by a handsome (albeit irritating) Team Golde grunt!
Will this encounter be yet another one-hit-KO and run? Or...Is it possible that perhaps something more can blossom?
- Gender-Neutral, masculine love-interest experience!
- Fully voiced!
The following game demo contains: SUGGESTIVE THEMES, FREQUENT USE OF PROFANITIES.  
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