syncingships · 2 years
We lost this absolute king today. My heart is broken. Rest easy Jubei 💔
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syncingships · 2 years
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My visual novel university project is almost done! It’s been a blast to make. Here’s a rough sketch of Pearl looking pretty in pink from one of her old modelling photos. :>
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syncingships · 2 years
In most Soulsborne games whenever there's a reviled figure, it's often revealed in obscure notes and vague dialogue that merely alludes to the circumstances or personality.
But every NPC in Limgrave when given the chance to be asked about Godrick is like:
"I fucking hate Godrick so fucking much. I want him dead and the crows to pull him apart whilst he's still breathing. I can't think of anyone worse taking over Limgrave, I wish he would be hit by a comet. If I had the chance I would pull him apart limb by limb. He so fucking pathetic. One death would not be enough to justify my wrath towards the bastard..."
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syncingships · 3 years
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Art by James Suret
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syncingships · 3 years
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syncingships · 3 years
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My cat sometimes does this thing where his toes look like little boney human fingers and I'm not sure how to feel about it
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syncingships · 3 years
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syncingships · 3 years
This fills my heart with so much wonder and glee it's not even funny. Those teeny tiny takoyaki ❤
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Cutting and folding and glueing these boxes is gonna drive me crazy but it's worth it. It's worth it for a tiny vending machine.
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syncingships · 3 years
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syncingships · 3 years
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Quarian artist 
her name is Isah’Beil Nar Liaha she was an Indentured servant to Marceau De Vasco and he fell for her
the little balls around her are her weapons of choice, made for unique combat they function a lot like the combat drones
she is a dancer, artist and singer, very respected in her culture 
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syncingships · 3 years
Adding mine to the pile, when I worked in retail my brain was so fried and sleep deprived one morning that I rattled off "HI, GOOD MORNING, CAN I GET YOU ANYTHING ELSE TODAY"to someone.
As they were walking in.
Meanwhile, on Twitter:
Brain farts, a thread
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syncingships · 3 years
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Pearl is an elderly alien belonging to a race of shapeshifters
Conversation about this could be opened by the player noting the difference between her appearance and her care plan photo
While Pearl could once shapeshift at will, her age and deteriorating health have made her ability more unstable – she may appear with different features and characteristics on different days. She presents with antlers for this prototype.
Shapeshifters are fairly uncommon in this time period. Despite her frailty, due to her ability, some staff and fellow clients view her as untrustworthy and “false.”
Very kind and gentle demeanour, but has a playful sense of humour – player can point out that even with her lack of control over her ability, she rarely presents as a predator, instead mimicking prey animals such as fish, deer and rabbits.
Pearl makes a conscious effort to dress and appear as humanoid and “normal” as possible, to help staff feel more at ease.
Loves photography, cinema and nature documentaries.
Previously worked as a model; was highly sought after in some circles due to her shapeshifting
In her younger days with more control over her ability, she adored the ocean and so enjoyed her aquatic forms the most; fish, turtles, dolphins, etc. Could be reflected in her room decor with an ocean/aquatic motif
Photographs/framed posters in her room could be examined for dialogue options, ask about previous work/family
“Pearl” is not her real name, real name is redacted from her care plan; could be a running theme with clients for a possible darker undercurrent to story, erasing clients’ previous identities
Lore dump for a character in my new university assignment; set in a nursing home for monsters/aliens/other creatures, I love visual novels and I love a cute bouncy anime waifu as much as the next gal but where’s the love for elderly extraterrestrials
Please note the elderly extraterrestrials will not be romancable, but will definitely appreciate you spending time with them and maybe doing a jigsaw puzzle or two and maybe getting to the bottom of why no staff are allowed up to the second floor
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syncingships · 3 years
Guys, guys listen. This is so important as an artist or any creative. Make time for stupid shit.  Like I mean just draw DUMB things, write nonsense blurbs, sculpt that funny little man.  Its warm up right? But you CANT warm up if you worry about little things like quality and meaning.  You are getting in your own way.  Just do DUMB things in your craft all the time for the hell of it. For the joy of it. Please im begging you.
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syncingships · 3 years
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Dark Souls fanart by Cristopher Lozano
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syncingships · 3 years
Lil guys are growing up and teething
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syncingships · 3 years
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syncingships · 3 years
The slimes are back!
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