taddeusthefrog · 2 years
AJ and Tad, are you OK? I know you have had a ton of changes in the last year or so.
Hey, AJ here!
Yes we have, and there's only more change to come. It is finally time for me to move out of my parents house. And it is not exactly a happy situation-- my parents aren't understanding of my depression and sometimes my meds lose their effectiveness and until i can get the dose upped or meds changed then i have a really hard time taking care of myself.
That said, most of my precious energy was going towards doing household chores while neglecting things like my personal chores (laundry, cleaning my room, showering and brushing teeth regularly) but it was getting to a point where that little energy wasn't enough to keep up anymore.
I also pay my parents $400 a month to cover things like insurance and phone bills, which they still pay for on family plans.
I bought some moscow mule supplies (legally, as i am 24) with my own money and didn't bother hiding them like usual -- they were out of sight from the doorway to my room but if you went inside, you would see them.
I decided to trust my parents with not going into my room, but alas, they barged in looking for a pan. A pan you use on the stove. Like i would even take that to my room. My mom saw the alcohol, freaked out and confiscated all of it.
I threatened to take the money i spent on the alcohol out of next month's rent. Then my dad blew up and said i already don't pay him nearly enough for "all that [I] eat and use". Which is extremely offensive to bring up how much i eat specifically, because i already have an eating disorder!! And on top of that, i buy most of my own food and usually only eat dinner at home, if that....
He wouldn't tell me what my rent is actually going towards and got mad when i asked him to show me.
He said he was being extremely kind by letting me stay here for just $400 a month and all i have to contribute is household chores
I don't know if it's dramatic but i can't live in a place with no privacy or respect for my boundaries nor any compassion for my mental illnesses.
On top of that i am also changing psychiatrists and looking to change jobs, so. There is a lot going on.
Sorry this isn't the usual cheery post. I appreciate you guys asking if we are okay.
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taddeusthefrog · 2 years
Hey! Im getting a spring green frog on Saturday. Do you have any ideas where i can get similar clothes to tads for mine?
AJ: I get most of my stuff from build a bear, the rest is handmade. I just kind of make up the patterns but looking at shirt seams and doing that on a smaller scale for Tad. I don't think that helps, but it might!
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taddeusthefrog · 2 years
The pictures of Tad on other websites are ones taken from here....
AJ: Bummer. Unfortunately when u post things online u open yourself up to them being stolen. As long as people aren't claiming them as their own, i think i'm okay with that, though obviously i would appreciate it if they just linked back to my posts. I don't see how there's much i can do about it, but thank you for letting me know!
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taddeusthefrog · 2 years
AJ, do you only own Frog Build a Bears?
AJ: yep! I've thought about other plushies from BAB but i dunno, nothing really charms me as much as the frogs do.
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taddeusthefrog · 2 years
AJ, did you know pictures of Tad are on Pinterest and Reddit?
AJ: Specifically Tad? I'd be interested to see that. I know i'm not the only person to blush their spring green frog's cheeks.
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taddeusthefrog · 2 years
AJ, are you Sprout? How was your dentist appointment? Tad, are you looking forward to meeting Heather and what are your favorite frog facts?
AJ: Yea i just have too many sideblogs lol. Idk which of 'em get tagged with what anymore, but Sprout is one of my nicknames!
Tad: yes! I think she might like to borrow my chamomile sweater!
AJ: my favorite frog fact is too gruesome to tell here. Let's just say, some frogs are really metal! I also think it's cool that some of them can hibernate and survive freezing. Also very metal.
Tad: i like how toads have potato shaped bumps behind their eyes, and how poison dart frogs are so brightly colored! Did you also know that all toads are frogs but not all frogs are toads?
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taddeusthefrog · 2 years
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We're going to the dentist!! I'm wearing my favorite cute comfy clothes, and a leather jacket to match with Tad!!
Dentists are still medical professionals, so it's important to wear a mask when you go to one until you get called back for your appointment.
I'm bringing my little sequin flip bag with me today! Inside i have my phone, lip balm, and a mask. In case you forget, you can bring your toothbrush and toothpaste so u can brush before you see the dentist, but i made sure to do that at home. Having a sequin flip bag will be good for stimming with my hands while i'm in the dentist's chair! I think maybe i should have put a tangle or stress ball in there too, now that i think about it.
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taddeusthefrog · 2 years
Sorry for being inactive on this blog! I adopted the hoppy swirls frog and she's on her way here. Her name will be Heather and she's lavender scented.
Tomorrow Tad will be coming with me to the dentist.
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taddeusthefrog · 2 years
Hi AJ, Tad, Polly, Fresa. How have you been feeling and doing?
AJ: Hello friend! I have been okay!! I actually went on vacation recently (to the Florida Keys) and then came back to work, and I'm working a lot.
Tad: I didn't get to come on vacation, there was no room for me :(
AJ: Maybe next time, buddy. You can still look at all the pictures I took!
Here's some pictures from the sea turtle hospital we visited. I know plenty of sea turtle facts now! This sea turtle is a Loggerhead named Medea. If you rescue a sea turtle, you get to name it! There was even a sea turtle named Frozone here, lol.
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taddeusthefrog · 3 years
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Hoppy new year from our family to yours!!
Tad: AJ and I have already come up with our new year's resolutions, but if you don't like resolutions or haven't come up with any yet, you're fine too!
AJ: That's right! I take resolutions seriously so I make sure its a reasonable goal.
Fresa: A reasonable new year's resolution is one that's not only acheivable, but one that's achievable in the span of a year.
AJ: My new year's resolution is to be kinder to myself.
Tad: That's good! I'm helping AJ remember that it's not okay to be rude to yourself when you're upset, trigger yourself on purpose, or do things that you know will upset you.
AJ: That's right. It's something I struggle with because it's how I have been treated in the past or am used to handling things, but I know it's not good for me. I'm going to therapy this year too!!
Fresa: We love therapy! We are so proud of our followers who are in therapy. Therapy isn't easy and even starting it is a big step.
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taddeusthefrog · 3 years
Being a good person is a choice. Don’t let people fool you into believing that truly good people never have bad thoughts, are never tempted by the easier path, by the low road, never mess up or act out selfishly. Never believe a person can be good without making a conscious effort.
Every single time you do something good, you’ve made a decision to make the world a little brighter.
Goodness is not an inherent trait, it is a choice. Keep making it! I see you, I’m proud of you, and I’m rooting for you!
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taddeusthefrog · 3 years
AJ, what gifts do you like receiving from other people? Tad and Polly, will you help make more Christmas cookies or treats?
AJ: i really don't mind what it is as long as it shows that the person put thought into it and it shows they pay attention to me and my interests! Like this year i got a shark plushie because i love sharks, and a nendoroid of one of my favorite characters!
Tad: Yes, we still have some dough we never got around to using 😵‍💫
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taddeusthefrog · 3 years
AJ, what are your favorite Christmas gifts from past years?
AJ: I always like getting craft stuff!! I like getting embroidery kits and once I got a diamond painting kit!
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taddeusthefrog · 3 years
Merry Christmas, AJ, Tad, and Polly. I hope you have had an awesome day.
Tad: Thank you!! Merry belated Christmas to you as well. And Happy belated Hannukah as well. I hope that whatever you celebrate, Kwanzaa, Yule, or Solstice, that you had a happy one!
Polly seems to be happy too.
AJ: We love you all!
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taddeusthefrog · 3 years
AJ, have you heard of the Build a Bear Cubscription?
AJ: I have not! Do you wanna tell me more about it or where I can find out about it? I'd appreciate that :)
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taddeusthefrog · 3 years
Congratulations on your promotion, AJ.
AJ: Thank you!! I hope you are recieving blessings in the new year as well!
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taddeusthefrog · 3 years
Have you seen the new Build a Bear Frog?
AJ: yes! I have already bought one bc i guess we are just collecting them all now
Tad: big family!!!
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