#!!! ahh the motion conveyed in the first set
captainnameless · 2 years
Thinking about the "Carlos to Ferrari" news still being fresh during one of Charles and Lando's playdates, and Charles getting so frustrated because his daddy told him Lando was coming over to play, but instead Lando's just keeping to himself and sulking. Cue a disgruntled little Charles whining to Seb and Carlos about Lando not playing with him. 1
And well, that's HIS stubborn little refusing to play, and this is HIS future teammate (and all of the additional 'little' responsibilities that will come with Charles), so Carlos gives Seb a look that he hopes conveys 'I got this one.' He holds out his hand for Charles to take with a promise of, "Ahh, I guess that means more play time for me then, no?" And that's enough to make Charles, who had been growing restless and bored, nod enthusiastically. And as Carlos sits on the floor with Charles, bringing stuffies to life with silly voices, he can't keep his gaze from drifting towards Lando, sitting all alone despite Carlos' motionings for him to come sit with them. He's got one of Carlos' oversized papaya hoodies on, uses the excess fabric of the sleeves to cover his face, chews on the strings, and Carlos knows he's already trying to self-soothe, already trying to adjust to a future where his papa won't be there every time he needs him. Carlos and Charles had already moved on to the array of coloring books and sticker sheets when the first distressed cry of "My papa" is heard. Even after Carlos scrambles across the floor, pulls Lando into his arms, and begins rocking the sobbing little back and forth, the desperate mantra of "*my* papa" continues. "Your papa's right here, cariño. I know it's a lot, but no need to cry," Carlos will reassure repeatedly, desperate to make the heartbreaking wails stop. "A lot," Charles will jump in, nodding in agreement, "but my daddy says he's only leaving the team, not me." That is enough to quiet the sobs into sniffles. Carlos swears he feels his heart swell ten sizes bigger when Charles begins comfortingly rubbing a hand up and down Lando's arm. "Right. Your daddy's a smart man." And well, it might take several breakdowns and tantrums, but things would work out. Nobody was getting left behind, their 'little' families were just expanding. 5 👻 (SORRY fjskf) end of ask
i present to you a vintage 👻 anon ask that i love so very much.
but this is so very very sweet. i can so imagine Charles growing so restless. he’s pulling out all the big guns; the expensive train-set is out, he’s offered Lando his favorite dinosaur, told the younger he could pick a movie to watch or that he’d allow Lando to be Mario if he wanted to play Mario-Kart but Lando had denied every offer. there’s huffing and puffing both Sebastian and Carlos have heard as Charles has been moving past them dragging all kinds of stuff to the designated playroom.
Charles is running out of ideas and quite frankly a little offended his playdate doesn’t seem to wanna play and both Seb and Carlos getting an earful seems legit, and my beloved Carlos just wants to fix it all.
i can so imagine poor Bub tucked away in the corner working himself up, Carlos means well, tries to show Lando how fun playing with Charles is but all it’s doing is showing the little guy how he’s being replaced. he’d wanna be a good boy, a big boy, that doesn’t cry, but there’s only so much string chewing he can do before his nose stuffs up and he’s crying, mind too fuzzy to think or want anything other than Papa.
Carlos will feel terrible, spends a good 20 minutes to loving on lil’ Bub, and Charles’ll be an angel, once again surrounding Lando with all his favorite toys and activities and promising him they can still play them once Lando has calmed down.
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penny-anna · 3 years
just to be completely Shameless, for anyone just now interested in yennskier in the wake of s2 here are my Most yennskier fics:
Loose and Golden
“I have an immortal constitution,” she informed him. “I cannot get drunk.”
“Immoral as your constitution may be,” he said, “at the very least, madam, you are squiffy.” The bard downed his own drink and set down the glass, swaying a little in his seat. “Oh,” he remarked. “You’re going to drink me under the table, aren’t you?”
Prompt fill feat. season 2 Jaskier and his stupid hair.
Almost Innocent
Yennefer had killed a great many men and a fair few women. Most of them – almost all of them – had done something to deserve it. They were violent, selfish people and watching them die she felt nothing but the satisfaction of a job well done. What had Jaskier done, to bring this fate upon himself? He’d written a song. An insulting song about a nobleman with, evidently, very thin skin.
Yennefer is one of the most skilled assassins on the Continent; she trained for years at Aretuza to learn to kill without hesitation or remorse. But when she's hired to kill an unexpectedly charming bard she impulsively decides to throw it all away and start a new life. But the man who wants Jaskier dead is impatient and merciless enough to hire a witcher and witchers are brutal, unfeeling creatures.
...Aren't they?
geraskefer but mostly yennskier
lavender and mint and seaweed
This wasn’t her first choice of locale. But she hadn’t transformed in so long that her skin had begun to itch horribly, and she hadn’t had many options. A public bathhouse was out of the question. She was too tired to conjure a portal. She could go to an inn, but inn bathtubs were never big enough to let her stretch out her fins properly.
The poet’s bathtub was generously sized and he had a decently impressive selection of bath salts and oils. It must have been quite a shock to him, all things considered – it wasn’t every day you had one of your worst enemies arrive at your door and ask to use your bathtub to transform into a mermaid – but he was taking it gracefully.
mermaid yennefer self explanatory
a hundred buttons
“It’s this dress,” Yennefer admitted. “It fastens up the back with about a hundred miniature buttons. It’s, not strictly possible for one to remove it on one’s own.”
Jaskier snorted. “Oh? Well, how would usually get it off?”
“Usually I just,” she said, and motioned, trying to convey the general idea of I unfasten them all at once, with magic. “Whoosh.”
His eyes widened as he grasped the problem. “Ahh, I see,” he said. “That does sound very awkward.”
Temporarily bereft of her magic, Yennefer finds herself in a tricky position.
you know this one is retrospectively a bit s2 mood
Hirsute (a tale in five acts)
The bard's shirt, loose-fitting as it was, had come untucked at the back, revealing a strip of pale skin – and a line of dark hair running down the base of his spine, dipping out of sight down below the waistband of his breeches and up behind his shirt and doublet. It was the heat, she’d reflect later, that made her so uncharacteristically loose-lipped. “Does it go all the way up?”
Five times Yennefer was curious about Jaskier's back hair and one time she had her curiosity sated.
this is just a whole fic about how jaskier is rly hairy & I'm not sorry
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mainveyn · 3 years
hey urm i saw that u write for underrated characters so may i request for aone with prompt 46? sorry i know this is a bit weird for him so its okay if you don't feel like writing this
a/n : hihi 🤗 no need to feel sorry at all bc i love exploring underrated characters and your idea is absolutely amazing!! ahh thank u for requesting this and i had sm fun writing this 🥰 hope you will enjoy it!!
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【46】 "dance with me" - aone takanobu x reader
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the dim lighting on the street sets a soothing mood, despite the chattering around you only gets louder. you make yourself comfortable on a bench, strayed away from the crowd and the noise.
normally you’d join everyone in the campfire, lighting up firecrackers and taking memorable photos with your friends. but after a hectic week of finals and school work, you figured this is what you need. a little moment to appreciate the feeling of the grass grazing along your fingertips, wondering if the moon was this round all the time when you’re not given the luxury to observe it properly.
you hummed along to the soft music playing through that old radio, cringed at the uneven wavelength and how lyrics of the song got blurred out too. being lost in your thoughts for some time, you finally noticed someone took a seat beside you.
aone cleared his throat, making his presence known and politely asking for your attention. you slowly shifted in your seat to face him, your knees lightly touching his. he frowned a bit, silently asking if you’re okay but you reassured him with a nod. you find yourself unknowingly stretching out a content smile, hearts warming up at the idea of him checking on you.
but his stare was still there, locked on you like he did to his opponent on the court. it scares you at first but after spending two years together being friends with him, you start to see his eyelids slightly mellow out at the sight of you. it’s like he conveys his caring thoughts in his own language, and only a selected few could understand it. you were grateful you’re one of them.
but this time, his eyes glowed in a different hue. and his outstretched palm in front of you isn’t helping you to decipher his inner thoughts at all. your questioning gaze matched his, lips parted with unsaid words but adds up to your confusion features.
“dance with me,” your heart hurled back a bit, still not used to his deep voice that he rarely utilized. and you bet you looked like a fool now, for not being able to comprehend such a simple request because who’d imagined it? aone, out of all people, asking you for a dance?
he stood up with his hand still in front of you, his calloused fingers curled in a motion that urged you to take it. releasing a sigh, your fingertips slowly sprawled into his before he gently pulled you away from the bench.
the music playing next wasn’t really synching for a slow dance, but you two managed to form a pace. his soft grip on your waist guiding you as you awkwardly placed your hand against his chest, giggled that he is too tall for you to even reach his shoulders.
“didn’t know you were good at dancing,” you chuckled with a grin, poking fun at him is such a new experience that couldn’t miss. you yelped as he nudged you away slightly, worried for a moment that you might anger him. but he grabs your right hand up in the air, swiftly making you twirl under him before pulling you back for a tight embrace.
“let’s do it again some time,” you smiled up at the offer, cherishing his voice once again.
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reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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digressfromreality · 4 years
The Fall of Baby Might
Lana Yagi had been famous from the moment it was revealed who her father was, All Might, Japan’s number one hero. But had that revelation been worth it: the media scrutiny, the burden of legacy, the crippling seeds of doubt? Did Lana crumple under the pressure?
Izuku x Lana x Tomura
Part 4/Part 6
Part 5. Don’t have to like it, but you can’t deny you needed me (Where Did It Go? - Asking Alexandria)
(This chapter takes place before Lana was ‘found’ by Izuku).
There was something almost exhilarating about watching her interacting with members of his party. She walked around the room handing each one what they would like to eat. Not because she had asked, but because she had taken note what she saw them consume.
Really, she had become his player two. Emitter type, healing and comfort were her highest leveled skills. She had become less of a pawn of All Might and more like someone that that could see the truth.
He followed her into the kitchen, seeing that she was hard at work on some chores. Like a housewife, but this is where they both made a mistake. Seeking her validation turns to something else.
“I believe you deserve something special for all that you’ve accomplished.” Lana paused, looking up from the laundry she was folding to stare at Tomura. Her eyes sparkled at his compliment.
“Can I leave?” She asked with such hope in her voice.
Tomura snapped.
She gasped, when her head bounced off the wall before collapsing onto the floor. He had backhanded her with such force, it had knocked the wind out of her.
Others could hear the scuffle in the kitchen but knew better than get involved.
Tears pricked her eyes, and her face hurt. But she didn’t dare let out a scream or cry, either would enrage or entice him more, the latter was far more terrifying than the former. If he was angry, she could hope for a quick death, but if she had excited him, she could only hope he would knock her out first.
Shigaraki on the other hand, was torn between fury…and disappointment. After all this time, the hero syndrome was still embedded deep within the recesses of her mind. He glowered, of course, All Might’s daughter spent most of her years worshipping a false idol, but—
“Shhh… shh...” he knelt down to her level, she attempted to suppress a sniffle, refusing to look at him. He just needed a moment to think, just a moment. He figured out what he could do to keep her from leaving. He didn’t want to share her with the world.
She was nursing some swelling on her cheek. Fuck, his stupid ass forgot he was holding his handheld, now across her cheek a dark bruise marred her beautiful face. “Hey…look at me.”
Something about her broken smile brought him such satisfaction, perhaps it was the fact it was never was truly a happy smile. Her smile never reached her eyes, never conveyed its true sincerity. Only her words could soothe him, they spoke the truth long before her mind truly understood. “I can’t help getting anxious when you mention such crazy things.”
Trembling, and replying in the quietest voice, “I didn’t mean to make you worry.” He smirked, pulling her closer, trying not to put pressure on the injury.
“Tell me.” Tomura demanded, holding her face in front of his.
As conditioned, she responded with an earnest sounding, “I love you Tomura.” He nearly purred in gratification, it was all too simple…and addicting.
Hearing her speak his name brought tingles down his spine, he wanted to hear her say it again and again; scream it when withering below him. How All Might’s legacy has fallen, by his hands no less. Corrupting his daughter was his own personal caveat, but by doing so, he could destroy the successor in a way that the league could have never before.
Ahh…It was as if a dark cloud over him had dispelled. He would set this new plan in motion. She would finally see how little she had meant to hero society and see where she belonged. Right beside him.
He knew it would it destroy what was left of life she knew before and he had no intention of asking, but he would have forever to make it up to her.
With a devilish spark in his eye, he asked, “Do you still want to leave?”
“No.” Her answer was quick as it was assertive, it made him chuckle. He released his grip on her face, only to pull her into his arms. She rested her head carefully on his shoulder, accepting the comfort he was providing.
Tomura would turn everything familiar and sour it in her eyes. He had enough influence to disrupt her job and knew enough about her personal life to force distance without her realizing. In turn, she would ultimately choose to depend on him, the one source of stability in her life.
“I believe I was too quick to dismiss your wish. I just wanted to prevent you from getting hurt by those heroes.” She didn’t respond, but he could feel her heart frantically thumping away. His rapid change in mood made her uneasy. What did he mean by that? The heroes would hurt her?
He played with the ends of Lana’s hair watching her expressions change from denial to confusion. They wouldn’t be on the same side, but rather she will belong to him, and him only.
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ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonal Celebration Week Submission: Reunion
In case Tumblr ate my direct submission to @boundforfreedomsonsal I’m also posting my submission myself with the Tumblr tagged. So finally the celebration is here, and here’s my first submission. Taking place around issue 50 of the Archie-series, this is my take on when Sonic woke Sally up. As well as my own fanfic head-canon injection where I personally feel after all the kerfuffle with Endgame, Sonic and Sally got their confessions out and started the road to being a couple there. Instead of the long, convoluted delayed process, we fans had to wait nearly ten years to see to fruition. 
 The only sound was the crunching of leaves under Sonic’s shoes after he slowed down upon reaching the memorial. His heart instantly ached at the sight of it, despite knowing from Doctor Quack that Sally wasn’t dead. However, the sight of her ‘viewing’ memorial and her body resting in the clear-view casket, just hammered home what was his reality until a few minutes ago. His heart was hammering in his chest. The closer he got, his brain reminding him of the water-fowl doctor’s words. ‘She’s alive, but in a coma. Her tenacious will-power probably saved her life as much as her getting medical attention quickly. However, while Sally’s body has mended, I have no clue if and when she will wake up.’ 
Sonic himself had been advised to stay in bed given how utterly fatigued he had been through the entire ‘Endgame’ fiasco as everyone was calling Sally’s seeming death, his frame-job, and Robotnik’s near victory which ended in his defeat. Shuddering Sonic looked at his hands, they still tingled from impacting on the fatso’s face, and by God, if the Ultimate Annihilator hadn’t taken out Robuttnik; he was ready to end him himself. A thought that scared him to the core, especially on how he still felt okay with the act if had taken Robotnik’s life.
Guess luck was looking out for him, and maybe, just maybe luck would hold out again.
As he reached the see-through casket, a disguised medical pod, his mind snapped back to the here and now. Sally looked so peaceful, so, very dead. He knew she wasn’t, but the brief flicker of thought made his heart jump, and his breathing increase for a moment. All the pent up emotions were wanting to spill out, but he held them in. Focusing back on his task, Sonic found the latches sealing the casket and input the combination code into the five buttons Doctor Quack had given him. After the code was inputted, a soft but potent ‘hiss’ sound could be heard as the casket was unsealed and could now be opened as he wished. Grasping the edge of the container, he pulls open the clear-top, which flipped open from the bottom before automatic hinges locked the canopy into place.
Looking down upon Sally’s form, he could now see clearly, she was breathing, but very shallowly. His gaze briefly went up to the clear-canopy of her viewing casket. He had to give kudos to Doctor Quack for installing some weird, trick into the thing that hid the fact Sally was breathing from anyone who came to pay their respects. If he hadn’t pulled out all the stops, Robotnik would have undoubted discovered the ruse and finished the job Snively set into motion through Drago and Hershey. Kneeling down, he reached out, softly touching her auburn hair, and gently began to caress it. Sally always had such soft hair, even when the humidity of the summer would frizzle it to heck, somehow she still kept it silky soft. Smiling Sonic trailed his hand down to her face, feeling those adorable cheek tufts, and very, very happy he could feel the warmth of her body under her fur. Another much-needed indicator she was alive, which helped set his still hammer-beating heart at ease to some degree.
As a soft breeze blew past him, the blue hedgehog stared at the Princess’ sleeping face, wishing her eyes would open. The last few days of thinking she had died weighed on him all the things he never got to say to her, the regrets of not having gotten to say such things to her. The denial of things to come, things he at the time felt he’d taken for granted that they would come in due time, only there was no time. Now, she was alive, but would she even wake up so he could make good on doing all those things he should have already said and made clear.
Life was too short, and thankfully he’d be given another chance, and if she’d only wake up, he’d make good on telling her everything he’d always felt. With a long sigh exhaling from his lips he looks down upon Sally’s peacefully, sleeping figure again as a stray thought crossed his mind.
“No way it’d work, just stupid story-book mumbo-jumbo…” He muttered to himself, but yet at the same time, what else did he have to lose? Stranger things have come true in his short life. Grasping the edges of the casket, Sonic leaned over, planting a soft kiss to Sally’s cheek, murmuring softly, almost pleadingly, hoping it might awaken her. “I love you, Sally, please come back to us, to me.” Pulling back from the kiss, he sat on his knees at her side, watching her, and unsurprised nothing happened. That’s what you get for putting hope in fairytale nonsense.
Just as Sonic was about to pick up Sally to take her back to the hospital, someplace less out in the open, he saw her eyebrows furrow and twitch. His breath caught in his throat as he saw more signs of Sally stirring awake. “Sal?” He asked quietly, hope slowly blooming into his tone. Her mouth opened and a low groan escaped, followed by her mouth smacking together as if she was trying to get rid of morning dry-ness of the throat. The cute ears on top of her head twitched, and her fingers began to move, unclasping from the pose she was placed in, and resting on the bottom of the casket. With a smooth, if slow motion, Sally pushed herself up into a sitting position; flinching as if the motion caused her a brief bout of pain. 
“Ahh…” Her voice was scratchy and parched, but clearly hers. Finally, her eyelids managed to force themselves open, and Sonic soon found those beautiful blue peepers looking into his own as Sally craned her head causing their gazes to meet at last. Her gaze turned to one of concern as she saw Sonic’s expression along with big-wet tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Sonic? Is that you? What’s wrong, are you okay-?” Sally’s words of confusion turned to concern and were soon interrupted as she found herself caught up in a big hug that threatened to expel the contents of her lungs as she found herself gasping for air.
“YOU’RE AWAKE!” Sonic cried, standing up fully with Sally in his arms, swinging her around as he both laughed and cried happily in pure, unadulterated joy.
“S-Sonic! A-air, can’t breathe!” Gasped the squirrel-munk as the blue hedgehog spun her around, adding a bit of dizziness to her lack of oxygen.
Realizing this, Sonic quickly sets her on her feet and lets go of her, but his hands instantly snatch hers and hold on. As if afraid letting go would allow her to disappear. “Sorry Sal! I just-I just…” His words trailed off as his voice broke. Unable to really say anything he just smiled at her. “J-just glad you’re back.”
Shaking her head, she gently pulls her hands from his and cups his face, looking concerned. “What happened Sonic? You never cry unless something big happened.”
Sniffling the hedgehog wiped his eyes, trying to dry his tears. “We all thought you were dead.”
Staring at him blankly, Sally couldn’t speak as it felt like a lump was in her throat, but she somehow managed after a few beats. “Dead?!” Her tone started off incredulous but as she looked about, one look at the memorial site told her Sonic wasn’t blowing things out of proportion. Putting a hand to her head, Sally wracked her brain and slowly recalled falling down the cut rope. “I fell, that’s right I fell, my rope was cut.”
With a nod, Sonic explained everything. Her near-death experience, his being framed for her murder, Robotnik’s plans, and all the little bits and pieces that fit into each puzzle-piece slot to make up the entire affair. Once Sonic finished, Sally stood staring briefly before moving closer and hugging him tightly.
“I’m so sorry Sonic, that you went through all that.”
Accepting the hug, Sonic fought the urge to squeeze her again and nuzzled against her face, unable to help himself. Luckily for him, Sally didn’t see to mind. “I’m just glad you’re alive, that’s all that matters.” Being able to hold her again alone made what he went through worth it alone. “We’ll catch ya’ up to speed. Gonna have lots to do especially as Buttnik’s gone for good.”
A soft smile formed on her beautiful face, as Sally exhaled gently. “I still can scarcely believe it. It-it’s really over isn’t it?” It was like a dream, and she prayed to whatever deity was listening this wasn’t the case. In fact, Sally reached down to her own wrist and pinched the skin under her fur. After a brief flash of pain, followed by a wince. Once nothing seemed to have changed, she let out a sound of relief. “I’m not dreaming am I?” “Not at all,” Sonic replied all smiles. “So the war’s over, we can stop fighting, well mostly.” With a nod and a shrug Sonic quipped. “Minus whatever under-bosses Buttnik left lying around Snotly, yeah we’re good.”
Both enjoy a much-needed chuckle, breaking the hug and just staring at one another. Recalling his earlier despair and regret for not ‘saying’ things to Sally, Sonic swallowed a hard lump in his throat and took her hands into his again. “Sally I gotta say something to you.”
Curious and intrigued, Sally grasped his hands, giving a friendly and assuring squeeze back. “Oh? What is it Sonic?”
It was now or never, he’d thought of this moment often. Of the various lines he could say, maybe even whip out his guitar and sing a rock-ballad; any and every avenue he’d entertained this moment in his brain for some time. Yet now; he couldn’t find any of his prior ideas truly worth their salt in conveying this moment.
So Sonic did what he did best, and improvised. “Sally I love you, I always have and I want you to know that!!” His words came out fast, yet were clear enough to be heard clearly despite the nervous-tick in his tone. Almost as soon as his confession came out, Sonic began to sweat and panic internally. Did he screw up by not being flowery, and all that mushy stuff girls were supposed to like? As this internal panic began to wreak his mind; he almost failed to take notice of Sally’s response.
The Princess’ eyes first went wide as her jaw began slack, staring at Sonic, to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Did she hear Sonic correctly? “Say it again Sonic, please.” She begged, her own heart beating loudly in her ears.
Sally’s words snapped Sonic out of his initial panic, and upon seeing those beautiful baby-blues looking at him inquiringly, he nodded as he mustered his courage and confidence. “I love you Sally Acorn, I always have.” Lifting her hands he placed both on his chest, allowing her to feel his widely beating heart. He felt her fingers curl in his chest fur, a sensation that almost distracted him from talking it felt so nice. “I don’t know when, but...I just knew it, we’ve been together since we were in diapers. You’re my best friend and without you in my life, it would suck a lot.” Licking his lips, he fought back any nervous lumps trying to make talking difficult. “I love you, and I need you in my life Sal-I, I thought I lost you and I can’t… I can’t let a day go by without letting you know.”
Sonic again found himself worried he screwed up as Sally’s eyes misted over and Tears began to leak from them. “Sal? D-did I say something-MMMPH?!” Now it was his turn to be interrupted, as Sally pulled him close, her arms now firmly around his neck and her lips over his. Soon Sonic’s eyes slowly close and he returned the kiss; his own arms wrapping around her waist and held her close as their bodies almost seemed to shift and rub together perfectly. Slowly the kiss evolved, becoming much more explicit as each opened their mouths, letting their tongues intertwine as a surging heat-formed between them. Not a sexual one, that was there but not prominently, this was the heat between two hearts that had found their way to one another.
Soon the kiss ended, and both parted, staring at one another as they tried to catch their breath. Sally recovered first, smiling warmly at Sonic as she brought a hand up to cup his cheek. “I love you too Sonic Hedgehog, always since I can remember.” Like him, she kept her words simple, any prior ‘showy’ confession was pushed aside in lieu of simple, direct but heartfelt. “Whatever is coming over the horizon I want to meet it with you at my side.”
“And you mine.” He smiled widely, like her he now had tears of joy in his eye. The two lean forward, resting their foreheads together as they basked at the moment. Robotnik might be gone, but the war was not yet over; and who knows what threats may lay over the next hill or around the bend.
Whatever was to come, they would face it together, now and forever.
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honeyjaez · 4 years
Maze of Miroh- Chapter 15: “Virus B1H7″
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Dowoon eyes widened and quickly snatched up the canister in his hand. Minho looked down to notice the older boys hand shaking as he traced the length of the container, a far off look in his eyes.
“Dowoon…do you know what this is?”
Time seemed to move suddenly slower as the young researcher raised his head from the canister eyes wide with dismay.
“I do…and it’s nothing good.”
 “What do you mean it’s nothing good?” Woojin’s face betrayed a look of worry that was beginning to form. When Dowoon didn’t respond at first, Woojin took a step forward, his eyes darkening slightly as he spoke with intensity “Dowoon….what exactly is this?”
Seeming to snap out of his daze, Dowoon’s eyes flashed up from the canister and locked eyes with Woojin briefly before passing on Minho’s own and finally landing on Jisungs’. The whole room held their breath, suddenly feeling an intense sense of pressure from the older man. Dowoon stared so harshly at Jisung, like he was trying to convey something in just his eyes but if he was, Jisung wasn’t getting it. After a few more tense moments, he let out a long, tired sigh and motioned for the three of them to follow him.
All three boys shared a look between each other before ultimately following. They were led to a set of stairs leading down to what Minho could only call a basement. It was damp and cold from the various cracks in the walls but from all the half empty coffee mugs littered around, Minho knew right away that it was the most used room in the house.
Jisung let out a whistle and Minho turned his head to see a large metal machine in the middle of the room.
Without hesitating, Dowoon took the canister in his hand and tossed it into a slot on the machine. Suddenly a holographic image shot out from the base of the machine, lighting up the whole room. Minho jumped back in shock but quickly recovered himself but not before he heard Jisung giggle quietly.
Dowoon stood at the machine, leaning his whole weight as if a heavy burden weighed him down. Finally he looked back up and stared directly at Jisung.
“You are right in thinking this is some biological weapon created by The Order… but it doesn’t attack and destroy the body in the way you might think a normal virus does….”
The elder trailed off, letting his head fall again, but before he could hide again, Minho caught a glimpse of the man’s eyes. Now he didn’t know much about this Dowoon guy, but he knew a painful memory when he saw one, and he definitely saw one passing through the scientists own eyes.
Dowoon shook his head, like he was trying to shake the last of whatever memory passed through him. “I don’t know where to begin…”
Woojin took a few strides forward until he was next to the man and laid a comforting hand on his  shoulder. “Try from the beginning.”
This seemed to work on the elder boy, because he nodded slightly and looked back up, eyes locking with Jisung.
“Its name is B1H7…and it’s what my team was investigating before The Order killed them.”
Minho noticed movement from Jisung and looked over to see youngest tense up, his eyes growing wide.
Minho suddenly realized the deeper meaning behind Dowoon’s words.
This thing…whatever it was, was ultimately what led the previous team, Sungjin’s team- Jisung’s and Seungmins brothers to death.
“As for its effectiveness” Dowoon continued “Let just say, if it gets out….  No one, and I mean no one will be safe……it will be devastating to not only Spector, but the world itself.”
But Woojin was no longer looking at the scientist, his gaze now staying on Jisung’s frozen form, eyes narrowing slightly. “Jisung? You knew about this the whole time?”
His voice echoed a tone of betrayal and Jisung must have sensed it too because he quickly snapped out of it and shook his head violently. “I knew the name….” his voice was so small and quiet “but I didn’t know that what we stole….and I still don’t know what it does….”
Dowoon let out another sigh and nodded “I figured Younghyun must have told you….” He looked at Woojin who now stood off next to himself and pushed up his glasses, turning back to the holographic projection.
“B1H7 is a behavioral virus.” He went on to explain. “Unlike most viruses that attack the body’s cells and destroys it, this strain goes for the brain….I don’t know exactly how it does this biologically, Younghyun never figured it out,  but it goes for the part of the brain that stores your functionality….. Makes you do things…  forces your body to act more or so less against your will.”
Right then and there, Minho knew exactly what it was that Chan had him steal from the factory.
“Like mind control…” he murmured in horror
Dowoon nodded in confirmation towards Minho, taking a step away from a shocked Jisung. “We didn’t know who created the strain but we knew we couldn’t let The Order use it. If we did, it could mean The Order’s complete victory. We as of right now still have the freedom to choose. The freedom to fight. We have the freedom to make the decision in the end. The second that is taken away is the exact moment we’ve have lost the battle.”
“With all due respect Dowoon” Woojin spoke up from the side, his voice grim “How do you know that’s exactly what the strain does?”
The elder let out a small laugh, shaking his head “I must admit, we too were all skeptical about the strains effects. But during one of our infiltration mission where we tried to steal the strain, I made a mistake and a few of us were caught.” He told with a small laugh as if reminiscing the old times. “The Order used us as testing dummies and I had the misfortune to watch as Jae and Younghyun went at each other’s throats and not in their normally playful way.”
“Okay” Woojin mused, a hand under his chin in deep thought. “So say it is a mind control virus. What can we do about this?”
“Younghyun and I were close on working on a vaccine” Dowoon explained “But before we could finish it he was killed.”
Minho eyes went to Jisung’s face who was hiding his eyes behind his hair. He noticed the smaller boys hands tensed up in tighten fists but made no noise like he was listening.
“I thought we had destroyed enough of this strain that The Order would have given up.” He pulled out the canister and held it tightly in his hands “But seeing this now, I understand The Order was always one step ahead of us…”
“This is bad” Woojin murmured quietly “We need to get back to the others now… we need to let them know what it is we are facing…”
“But Chan is still here and unconscious” Minho objected.
“And sadly you guys really should not be roaming around the tunnels at this time.” Dowoon agreed “Can you call Seungmin?” he offered.
Woojin shook his head, a look of annoyance on his face. “Seonghwa swiped my phone off of me when he found us”.
Dowoon nodded grimly “And sadly our phones don’t reach the surface…”
Woojin quickly shook himself, taking strides towards the stairs.
“Chan is the only one with a working phone now….lets hope Zico isn’t stupid enough to take that away from him…”
“Well that settles it…” Jisung finally spoke up, snapping himself back into the conversation with a new sense of fire “Let’s go to Chan.”
The party made their way upstairs in back into the Livingroom.
“Will they let us just walk around freely?” Minho pipped up.
“Looks like you won’t have to” Dowoon spoke up, motioning towards the now opened door. Minho followed his gaze and saw with a sense of relief, Hongjoong sitting at the base of Dowoon’s stairs outside, leaning back. He seemed to feel the gaze of others and turned his head slightly to lock eyes with them.
“Ahh just in time” the red haired boy lazily said out loud “I didn’t want to eavesdrop on your conversation so I waited out here for you all.”
“Hongjoong” Woojin said, smiling “What are you still doing here?”
“I just got back from talking to Yunho and as I was leaving, Chan woke up so I came by to bring you all to him.”
“Let’s go!” Woojin exclaimed, rushing out. Jisung gave Minho a half amused, half quiet look and followed their hyung. Minho took a step to follow.
Minho wait!” Dowoon suddenly grabbed his arm, stopping him in a frenzy. He looked up at the older boy, face confused
“What is it?”
Dowoon seemed unable to speak for a few moments, looking at his feet. Finally he snapped his head up and locked eyes with Minho, a look of quiet desperation on his face. “I know Jisung….and I especially know Chan” he started “Chan won’t ever admit to it, but even now he longs to avenge Sungjin and the others.”
Minho tilted his head slightly, puzzled. “Is that such a bad thing?”.
Dowoon smiled sadly and shook his head slightly “Not at all. But he needs to keep a level head about this. I know this strain is dangerous, and I know Chan will do ever thing in his power to save the people of Spector…..But if he rushes into this just like Sungjin did, then your team will share the same fate as mine…. Please…” his voice broke “Don’t let them share the same fate as my brothers…”
Dowoon’s words waivered at the end and Minho swiftly reconncected his brain to who was standing in front of him.
Minho had heard wonderful stories of Sungjin’s admirable team from the others. He might not remember them, but he had come to learn just how important they were to his members. At what the team was able to accomplish and how they were tragically murdered by The Order in a public execution. This wasn’t just a friend of Chan. Dowoon was also someone who also fought the fight against the Order and lost more than he could ever bare.
What does that feel like?
Minho found himself thinking in Dowoon’s shoes and how it must have felt, how it feels to lose as much as he did.
He already lost Hyunjae and Jeongwoo which was enough to put Minho in a relentless cycle of pain, but what about the others? How would he feel if he lost any them…or all of them?
While he still had a long ways to go with the other members, he knew he had begun to form close relationships within. Felix, and Hyunjin for example.  
Minho couldn’t explain it, but in the short amount of time since he joined the crew he felt an intense feeling of protectiveness over the older boy.
Maybe it was because of his late night chats with the boy he had become fond of. Maybe it was his never-ending dedication to his dream. Chan burned so brightly that it was almost hard to see at what it was he was seeing. A better world.
Whatever it was, Minho knew that losing Chan was not an option. No matter what. The rest of them could die, but Chan needed to stay alive. The world needed more people like him.
But that brought Minho to one last person in his mind.
What would he do if Jisung died? Sure they got off to a really bad start, and let’s face it, they still had a long ways to go…but Minho found himself oddly connected to Jisung. So much so that the very thought of losing him had him clenching in fear.
He found himself thinking back to that fateful day when they went to rescue Jeongwoo. Jisung was mad at him for endangering the lives of his members for Jeongwoo.
Minho had gone frozen stiff during Jisung’s rant, but noticed that tears were flowing down the younger’s face as he yelled, almost as if the words he was saying hurt him too. Jisung knew this but made no attempt to hide it. “He isn’t worth them!” he managed to choke out.  
Minho was finally starting to understand just what Jisung meant by that.
“I would never be able to face the others but especially Younghyun and Wonpil if I let their little brothers share the same fate as them.” He said it with such deep convictions that Minho could only nod his head awkwardly, eyes wide.
“I promise Dowoon” he managed to choke out “I’ll take care of them…”
Dowoon seemed to accept this answer and quickly let the younger boy go before following quickly behind.
 Back At Headquarters
 “Felix!” Changbin yelled as he opened the door to the practice room. Chan and the others left nearly twelve hours ago and still had heard no word from the team. Changbin could feel his anxiety raising with every minute that went by without word from them and knew the rest of the team was feeling it as well.
They all had their own ways of dealing with anxiety. Changbin himself would calm himself by cleaning his guns. Seungmin had chess. Hyunjin was still in the lab, trying to figure out exactly what the strain did with Innie helping him.
The only person Changbin hadn’t seen for a while Felix who was supposed to be resting his leg but was nowhere to be found. Finally as a last ditch effort he came to the practice room to see if the infuriating energy filled boy was practicing despite Woojin’s wishes.
But as he opened the door, expecting to see him, he was meet with an empty room.
Changbin’s stomach churned with disappointment and even more anxiety as he realized the younger boy was nowhere to be found.
Where is the idiot?
He knew there was only one person to ask. One person who knew everything,
“Innie!” he yelled, barging into the lab. He was off to Hyunjin’s side trying hard not to break the beaker in his hand.  At the sound of the grizzly voice, Jeongin jumped, nearly dropping the beaker.
“Wha- Hey Changbin! Don’t scare me like that!” the youngest snapped “I nearly dropped this acid on Hyunjin hyung!”
Changbin muttered a somewhat apology before walking further in. “Have either of you seen Felix? I can’t find him anywhere”
“And why do you think I saw him last?” Jeongin huffed
“Because you and Felix are always getting into some sort of trouble”
“Am not!” Jeongin argued
“Innie please” Hyunjin spoke up for the first time, not taking his eyes off the slide “We know Felix has been sneaking you outside for the past year”
This piece of information caught Jeongin off guard but he quickly recovered and crossed his arms, sticking out a tongue in defiance
“Well he wouldn’t have to sneak me out if you guys would just let me go outside like the rest of you”
“You know why we can’t do that Innie” Hyunjin warned
“I know I know.” Jeongin raised his arms in surrender “But in all honesty I haven’t seen him for a few hours. Ask Seungminnie hyung, he was the last person to see Felix.”
Changbin growled in frustration but turned around and headed for the once place he knew the four eyes bastard would be. Walking into the quiet room, Changbin saw Seungmins small form on the chair in the corner staring intently on his one person chess game. Even from here, Changbin could tell Seungmin wasn’t in a playful mood and he swallowed the small amount of fear that he felt and made his way over to him.
“Seungmin” Changbin called out. The boy in question didn’t take his eyes off of his chest game but hummed quietly in response, letting him know he was listening.
“Have you seen Felix?” he started. “Innie says you were the last person who saw him.”
“Yeah” he hummed out “I sent him out a few hours ago.”
Changbin froze
He what?
“What did you just say?” Changbin asked, voice getting dangerously dark “Like out as in outside?!”
“Of course like outside.” Seungmin scoffed, acting like Changbin’s question was idiotic.   “Where else would I mean?”
“Seungmin” Changbin said very slowly “and I mean this with all the love I actually have for you and that big brain of yours…….. ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!”
Changbin was fuming “You send Felix outside?! With a still recovering gunshot wound?! I thought we all agreed that Felix was getting too noticed by The Order and that he needed to lay low for a bit?!”
Seungmin sighed in exasperation, finally taking his eyes away from his game. “He is a trained assassin. What use is he if he gets noticed by the enemy?”
Changbin honestly couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He began pacing back and forth as he tried to control his anger.
“I swear to god Seungmin, when Chan gets ba-“
“Chan isn’t back.” Seungmin interrupted again “In fact we don’t know if Chan will be back. Or Woojin, or Jisung or even Minho for that matter.” He growled “The fact of the matter is Chan left me in charge, and there’s something I needed to get checked out… Ever since that day in the factory when Minho got shot there is something that doesn’t sit quite right with me. Something we haven’t noticed yet.” He explained.
“Chan feels it too…” he continued to explain “We need to figure out what it is we are missing in The Orders plan before it kills us just like my brother and the others.” He pushed passed Changbin roughly, clearly done with his game of chess and headed towards the meeting room “If Felix ends up dead or captured on this errand I sent him on then you have full reign to kill me later. But have a little faith in him hyung.”
And just like that, the cherry red head disappeared, leaving a frustrated and panicking Changbin alone in the room. Time felt frozen for a few moments longer before the young gunman suddenly bolted into movement, grabbing his jacket from the chair nearby and rushing out of the door.
As he exited the hideout, he began heading down the dimly lit stairs and passed the fake office spaces. He roughly pushed the door that led outside open and almost staggered backwards as he was met face to face with the one face he most desperately wanted to see and beat at the same time.
Lee Felix.
Felix infuriated Changbin in so many ways, both similar and differently than the rest of their other members. He was always so loud, and full of energy which when put together with Changbin’s own quiet and introvert personality makes for some awkward conversations. But other than that the younger boy was too reckless. Before Minho joined, Felix was the newest addition to the team and Changbin still hadn’t figured him out. He had been with the team for over a year now and yet there still knew nothing of the younger boys past or where he came from. But on top of that, he had no concept of danger and constantly puts himself in harm’s way because he prefers to work alone. The only saving grace in that is it doesn’t endanger the other members….but that didn’t necessarily help Changbin. The worst part in all this is for some reason, Changbin lets him get away with it all. He was crazily dangerous, but with one of the sweetest smiles on the planet.  He will come home covered in blood, both the enemies and his own and Changbin would ready to rip the younger apart but when the ginger haired boy would give him these sad puppy dog looking eyes, suddenly Changbin acts like it wasn’t his fault…when it so clearly was.
“Changbin!” the younger exclaimed, his soft brown eyes wide with genuine surprise.
For Changbin, it was all infuriating.
“What are you doing here?” the younger asked, looking up the shorter male up and down. Changbin quickly tried to think of something harsh to say, and bit his tongue at sighing in relief seeing the younger boy okay.
“What am I doing here?!” Changbin hissed out “ I swear to god Lee Felix if your job is to give me a heart attack every 5 seconds then you are doing a perfect job! What are you doing outside?!”
“But Seungminni-“
“I don’t care what four-eyes said!” he hissed “You could have gotten hurt, or captured, or or-“ he was rambling now, unable to stop himself from thinking of all the horrible things that could have happened to the boy.
Felix continued to stare at Changbin as he ranted before quickly catching on and giving the shorter boy a wide grin. “Ohhhh I get it” he said with a cheeky smile “You were worried about me.”
Changbin swiftly felt his face flush, feeling caught and he quickly pulled himself back and lifting his noise in disdain.  “Get the wax out of your ears idiot” he hissed harshly “I was only worried because you are our best fighter and losing you would be deter-Wha!“
Changbin’s words were cut off as Felix suddenly grabbed a hold of his hand and was pulled down the steps and onto the barren streets. Changbin, still in a mild state of shock, allowed the younger to pull him a few more blocks until they came down to the nearby river the flowed through Spector. It was nearly sundown and the sky was now cast in beautiful pinks and oranges. The light reflected off the river water in a way that Changbin could almost call it stunning.
Felix led them to the small bridge that crossed over and slowed down once they met the mid-way point. Changbin was acutely aware of his hand still holding Felix’s. Somehow along the run, Felix had interlocked their fingers together and suddenly all Changbin could think about was how small and soft his hands were in his. He would rather die than admit this out loud, but he didn’t want to move his hand away.
And infuriatingly neither does Felix. Great…. Just great. He silently cursed the boy next to him until movement in the corner of his eyes made his head snapped over and his instincts kick in.  
But to his embarrassment, on the other side of the bridge was just another couple taking a casual stroll, the man holding an umbrella over them both. It wasn’t raining, but Changbin isn’t one to pry…they probably like their privacy. And Felix didn’t seemed too concerned with them either. If they meant us harm, Felix’s assassin instincts would kick in almost immediately.
Still…this wasn’t a good idea.
“Felix…” Changbin murmured out, turning back to the taller boy who was staring dreamily at the sunset “It isn’t safe right now” he urged softly “We should go back-“
“It’s just like home…” he whispered wistfully.
This caught Changbin off guard and he found himself blinking like an idiot at him. “W-Wha?”
Felix didn’t take his eyes off the landscape in front of him, but quickly smiled warmly in amusement. “The sunset.” he went on to explain “ The colors….the water….It looked just like this back home….”
Changbin’s brained worked fast, trying to think of something intelligent or thoughtful to say but annoyingly found himself drawing blanks. Just don’t say anything mean Changbin for the love of god.
“Psh! It’s just a sunset….it’s like this everywhere else” he scoffed harshly.
God Dammit Changbin. I hate you.
But if Felix was hurt by Changbin’s own bluntness, he showed no signs. If anything his smile got wider.
“Nonsense” he said “Life is made up of a bunch of little moments like these. Staring at a gorgeous sky. It makes me think back to home… the sun setting past the mountains, casting dancing lights on the lake below….”
Felix’s trialed off, his voice full of longing and his eyes filled with past memories “Sometimes I just miss it….you know?”
Without even thinking about it, Changbin quickly squeezed Felix’s hand in a sense of comfort. He turned his own eyes towards the down casting sky and nodded in silent agreement.
“I can’t say I do Felix. I grew up my entire life in this shit hole”
The older boy paused, a fleeting memory pass through him.
“…But I hope that one day I might.”
Changbin felt Felix tense up in his hands and he mentally smirked in triumph but victory was short lived as Felix quickly spun around to look him in the eye. As Changbin caught Felix’s eye, he sucked in air a little too quickly and forced himself not to cough out in spurts.
The way Felix was standing and how his head was turned caused the lights coming from the sun set to hit him in a way that made Changbin’s brain melt for the first time. His soft brown eyes glowed almost gold in the orange hues and all Changbin could do was stare in awe at the beautiful creature in front of him.
Stupid, infuriating beautiful Felix
“This is a moment in itself Changbin.” Felix said softly “Remember it”
Forget it Changbin. Forget it right now.
“A-Ah” he nodded
Felix didn’t seem to notice his hyung’s internal struggle and looked back up to the sky, noticing its darkening. “We should head back. It’s not safe out here.”
This snapped the older boy out of his daze and he quickly rounded on the younger. “I’ve been saying that this whole time idiot!” he hissed in annoyance. Felix remained unbothered and laughed even at the smaller boy’s anger, running forward and disconnecting their hands.  “Hey Changbin?” he called back.
“What?” he muttered, unable to look the boy in the eye from pure embarrassment, but he could just tell from the tone in his voice that he was giving him a wide, toothy grin.
“Thanks for worrying about me.”
 The two ran back towards the base unaware at the two pairs of eyes following them as they went. The sweet, beautiful couple that Changbin noticed removed the umbrella from their heads, revealing their faces.
“Is that him?” the woman asked.
“Is it” the man confirmed, eyes following the gingers retreating body. “Lee Felix. An assassin who trained in the Hatgan Mountain’s.”
“There are no records anywhere of a Felix” the woman commented, pushing her way towards to where Changbin and Felix had just been.
“No” the young man agreed “There wouldn’t be. But that’s definitely him. I would know”
“Hmph!” the woman scoffed “Well what do we do now? You are in fact the key player here in the President’s plan Hyunjae….” The woman spoke with a mild tone of disgust towards him but Hyunjae ignored her and continued to stare at Felix’s receding figure, his brown eyes narrowing in thought.
“No Soyeon…that’s where you are wrong. Someone else still has yet to play their hand in this game”
     The Under
Their walk (or run) back to the infirmary was much faster this time, though he did get quite a chuckle at Jisung’s reaction to running up the stairs.
“I’m…better…with.speed and..s-strength..not..e-.endurance you ass-hole” he had puffed while on the ground. Minho smirked cockily at the boy and offered a hand to help him up which he gladly took.
“Whatever you say…Princess”
After that, the rest of the walk was spent hiding behind Woojin as to avoid Jisung’s deadly blows.
Eventually they made it back to the medical tent and Minho was relieved when they were allowed to enter this time. Woojin shot through the door almost immediately after they were granted access with Minho, Jisung, Dowoon and Hongjoong following a bit slower.
Inside, Minho saw dozens of beds laid in a row full of the sick an injured, numerous patients began coughing up a storm and sweating profusely.
There must be a flu going around…
t the very end of their row was where Minho saw Chan, bandaged up, but awake  nonetheless and sitting up. He let out a long sigh that had been building up since he saw the boy knocked unconscious and he made his way over, Woojin already at Chan’s side.
“-I’m so sorry Chan!” the elder boy nearly cried, holding onto his friends hand “If I had just seen the rock then I could hav-“
He was caught off when Chan took his own hand to Woojin’s mouth, covering him in silence.
“Woojin… I would gladly give my life for you….for any of you” he added as Minho and Jisung made their way up closer.
Jisung quickly took Chans other bedside and Minho noticed his eyes were dark, glistening with silent tears. He clutched Chan’s hand so tightly that Minho noticed his arm was shaking. Chan turned away from Woojin and smiled down at Jisung’s shaking figure.
“I’m sorry Sungie…” Minho hear Chan murmur quietly “I worried you…”
Jisung shook his head violent from side to side, wiping his nose quickly “You aren’t allowed to die Bang Chan. Do you understand me?” he sniffed
Chan smiled sweetly and nodded a single time at the younger boy’s requests. He then turned and looked up from Jisung to make eye contact with Minho who suddenly felt rather embarrassed.
“Thank you for taking care of them Minho.”
His worlds caught Minho off guard and he was unable to look at Chan’s proud and grateful look, choosing to instead look at the ground.
“I-It was nothing.” He stuttered.
“Ahh” a new voice chimed in “So this is the famous Minho.”
All heads turned and looked to see a handsome stranger rolling his way over to them. He had the fluffiest brown hair he had ever seen with brown eyes to match. Minho could only guess he was about their age from his height but even that was a guess due to the fact that he was in a wheelchair, physically impaired.
“How do you know my name?” Minho asked, not used to the attention he was suddenly getting from strangers knowing his name.
The young man rolled his way over until he sat next to Hongjoong, a wide smile on his face. “Zico told us. We wanted to know who it was that put San in such a state.”
Minho’s eyes blew wide and a familiar wave of guilt crashed over him “O-Oh…”
What does one say in this situation?
The young man must have noticed his awkward stance and waved a hand in submission.
“Don’t worry. I’m not Seonghwa. Being the doctor here I know that nine times out of ten San deserves it. Besides-” he added with a wink “You’ll get enough grief from Wooyoung that I can save my breath.”
“Yunho” Woojin suddenly breathed, coming up from behind. The brown haired boy caught a glimpse of his hyung and his face broke out in an even bigger smile. He left Hongjoong and quickly made his way to Woojin, who met him half way. The two young men clasped their hands together and remained unmoving for a few moments, just taking in each other’s appearance.
“Everyone” the handsome doctor called out “This is Yunho. One of the smartest doctors I’ve had the pleasure of working with.”
Hongjoong looked over with a sense of pride on his face and Minho remembered that he mentioned Yunho was part of Hongjoongs own group.
“It’s good to see you Hyung” Yunho said, smiling.
“And you Yunho” Woojin mused “I’m sorry for leaving just like that I-“
Yunho waved a hand in the air, silencing him “I understand hyung” he confessed “It’s sad I couldn’t come with you, but you couldn’t have smuggled all of us out without retaliation from Zico.”
“Still” Woojin grumbled “I should have at least tried…”
Yunho took his hand that was in the air and quickly slapped the elder boy on the arm and moved away to look at the others. “And you would have been killed. Now-” he continued on “Chan, if you are able to walk, then I must politely ask you to get the hell out because as you can see, I’m not short of work.”
His words were harsh, but Minho caught a glimpse of playfulness in the younger man’s eyes. Chan gave out a hearty laugh and nodded, pulling out the sheets from below him.
“Yunho don’t work too hard.” Hongjoong called out, holding open the door. Minho watched as Yunho bent down to observe a patient withering in pain, not even bothering to look at Hongjoong as he spoke.
“We will have more time to talk tonight. Now leave!” he shooed away.
The party headed back outside the tent, Chan and Dowoon deep in conversation as the caught up with one another.
“Now-“ Chan suddenly called back, breaking away from his private conversation with Dowoon. “What did I miss?”
In the corner of his eye, Minho noticed Woojin shaking his head slightly. He doesn’t hesitate getting back into it.
“Did you guys figure out what the virus does?” he questioned when no one answered him. As if on que, an intense amount of pressure weighed down on the team, their brief moment of happiness dispersing with the remembrance of the treat the loomed over them.
“Chan” Woojin spoke up, voice grave “We have a problem…”
Chan groaned out loud “What else is new… okay tell me.”
“The virus is a behavioral virus” Jisung spoke first. “It attacks the brain and forces people to do things or say things against their will.”  
Chan’s eyes widened with alarm “So it’s a form of mind control?”
“That it is” Dowoon interjected “We were investigating it right before the others were killed…. We don’t know who created it, but we know it is something The Order has been working on for years.” He explained “It is a means to an end.”
Chan’s expression didn’t change but he placed a hand on his face, in deep thought. His gaze latched onto Dowoon’s, “How close were you guy to a vaccine?”
Dowoon shook his head, eyes sad “I’m sorry Chan, all the information we had on a possible vaccine was lost when they killed Younghyun…”
Chan went quiet, obviously trying too hard to think of a solution. But was there any point? It felt pretty hopeless in their current situation, and unless by some miracle they happened to come across a possible vaccine, there was no guarantee of its success.
And even if it did, how can they administer it across the whole city without getting caught?
Finally Chan snapped his fingers in excitement. “Jisung. Do you still have your brother’s old computer?”
Jisung looked at him, somewhat puzzled “Wha…err…I mean yes I do hyung but I already went through all his files after he died and I can confidently say I saw nothing about a virus nor a vaccine in his notes.”
“Yes and you are our genius hacker so I trust you.” He responded “But who was the one person on this earth smarter at hacking than you? Who had access to your brother’s files?”
Realization struck Jisung at what Chan was trying to say and suddenly his own eyes got wide “Wonpil hyung….”
Chan nodded, “Wonpil wasn’t just a Miracle blessed with super human engineering. Wonpil was also the fastest and smartest hacker in the city who trained you on everything you know!”
“Are you suggesting Wonpil hid the files away so that no one other than himself could get a hold of it?” Woojin asked.
Chan nodded.
“It would make sense” Dowoon spoke up “Wonpil for all that he was, was super smart when it came to stuff like this…..”
“But say the file does exists” Woojin challenged “  If he made it so that no one but himself knew where it was then how are we supposed to get it?”
Chan’s eyes landed back onto Jisung who was quiet, eyes narrowed as he thought hard. “Well it just means Jisung will finally have to surpass his master…” He turned to look at Woojin who seemed skeptical, and Minho who just seemed lost “Look, I know it is not the answer we were hoping for….but it is a start.”
“I agree with Chan” Hongjoong spoke up from the side, entering the conversation for the first time. When he felt a bunch of eyes on him he quickly shrugged, taking a step away from them.  “I don’t know what exactly it is you all are talking about, but it sounds to me like Chan has the best laid out plan for right now. You guys are smart, I’m sure you can figure out a way…”
“Thank you Hongjoong”  Chan thanked earnestly.
“Chan,” Jisung spoke up “We NEED to get back. I was nowhere close to cracking Wonpil’s system before, if this is the plan we go with, I need to start right away on Younghyun’s computer.”
“I know Jisungie…” Chan sympathized
“We also need to call Seungmin and tell him what we’ve learned.” Woojin added. “Chan, I lost my phone in the rubble, do you have yours?”
Chan reached for inside his pocket and frowned when he pulled them out with nothing in them.  “Mine must have fallen out in the collapse too….”
“Great” Woojin grumbled “Just Great.”
“Nothing you can do about it now” Hongjoong muttered passed “It’s getting dark and leaving now is not an option…. You can stay with us in the meantime. Leave in the morning…”
“Besides” Hongjoong added with a small smirk towards Minho “I’m sure the others will want to meet you as well”
Minho gulped.
This was going to be a long night
As Always. Likes and reblogs are much appreciated. Let me know what you think of the story so far and hit me up for questions or suggestions :) 
22 notes · View notes
triscribe · 4 years
Legacy, Prologue
“You must be joking.”
Tarot blinked. “Uh, no. What makes you say that?”
Despite wearing a helmet without moving parts, the white lenses that protected Goshawk’s eyes seemed to sharpen their glare.  Or maybe it was the dry tone of the deep voice that came out through a hidden speaker that conveyed the air of growing annoyance. “Isn’t your little heroic country club meant for super-humans only?”
*Ouch,* Golem muttered in her earpiece. Tarot resisted the urge to wince.
“Well, it’s true that we’re a bit lacking in the Basic human department - but that’s part of why we want to invite you and your partner to join!” She shifted to better angle herself to address both crimefighters, Kestrel crouched on the edge of the rooftop whereas Goshawk stood with hands on hips in the very center. “The fact that you two have kept up your work for six years now, caused visible signs of improvement in your city, and haven’t suffered any major losses or defeats makes you more impressive than half the heroes I know. The Collab could really use expertise like yours, and you both being Basic is just the icing on top.”
Kestrel’s helmet tilted slightly to one side, and after a moment Goshawk’s did the same. Tarot glanced between them, but couldn’t get anything from metal plates or white lenses. Her fingers twitched, and a second later the woman flicked her hands, going through the motions of shuffling a deck, which summoned her cards from the astral pocket where they usually rested. After a further few moments of silence, Tarot plucked a random card, glanced at the design, and then tucked it back into the deck. Five of Swords, mind games, hostility.
Goshawk’s hands moved from his hips to fold in front of his chest.
Another card, and Tarot glanced towards Kestrel as he hopped off the roof’s guardrail to lean against it nonchalantly. Page of Wands, newly inspired, excited about life and work.
As the two crimefighters properly faced each other, clearly sharing a private conversation through some sort of connection between their helmets, Tarot checked one last card. The Hanged Man, surrender, new perspective, enlightenment.
Two helmets straightened upright. “We, might, be interested,” Goshawk stated, in a manner that sounded more defeated than anything else.
“Would it be possible to get a little better idea of what we’re signing on with, thought?” Kestrel asked, bouncing on his feet. “Take a tour, read the pamphlets, meet some faces?”
Tarot grinned, dropping her cards back into their astral pocket. “Sure thing. Would now suit?”
“No,” Goshawk said immediately. “We have work to do right now. Tomorrow.”
“Morning, afternoon or evening?”
“Mid-morning. We’ll meet here again by ten.”
“Sounds like a plan!” Folding one arm behind her back, opposite going over her heart with a flourish, Tarot dropped into a neat bow. “Goshawk, Kestrel, a pleasure to meet you both. Good night and good hunting!” With that, the hand behind her back twisted and pulled, activating a card she always kept up her sleeve: Four of Wands, celebration, safety, home.
Blazing light obscured the world, and when Tarot next blinked, she was standing in the workroom of her house. “Did you get that, Golem?”
*Loud and clear, we’ll have a Skip waiting for the three of you at oh ten hundred tomorrow.*
“Excellent. And, make sure none of the louder idiots are around HQ, will you? Rumor has it the Legend City Birds don’t much like brash arrogance. Or Goshawk doesn’t, at least.”
*Uhh, that might be a bit trickier - Duke is scheduled for AM monitor duty.*
Tarot groaned. “Just what we need. If he tries to pick a fight with either of them, I’m tossing that moron straight into the Trench.”
*Preeetty sure Musketeer would have a problem with that...*
“Too bad. The worst she can do is stick me on detainment duty for a year, and I’ll take that over losing these two potential recruits because of Duke’s stupidity anytime.”
As she went to change out of her uniform, Golem voiced a perplexed question. *Why are you so hung up on bringing these guys into the Collaboration anyway?*
“Have you seen their stats? A twenty year low for their city’s crime rate, eight major supervillains captured and turned over to Con-Tain, three bio-terrorist plots interrupted and four major corruption cases cracked wide open? And that’s just the headline items - Goshawk and Kestrel could be giving lessons on investigation and ambush tactics to half our ranks for crying out loud, they’re that good!”
*Yeah... but aren’t they also responsible for a bunch of cop injuries and medical retirements?*
Tarot snorted. “In a city with a ninety percent caucasian police force known for discrimination and racial profiling when they first started. I don’t know if it holds true across the board, but at least a dozen of those cases of police injury were from the Birds intervening in what would’ve been lethal force used on unarmed suspects.”
“Mm-hm. I guarantee any cop they hurt was in self-defense or to prevent a death. And! One of their corruption cases a couple years ago involved the LPD Commissioner himself, which led to a lot of turnover in the precincts, bringing in a record high of minority and women officers. Reported injuries from Goshawk or Kestrel have gone into decline ever since.”
*Well, that’s good.* Golem paused. *So, can I join your tour tomorrow?*
“Sure thing.”
“This is a bad idea.”
“This is a great idea! The Global Collaboration of Crimefighting and Anti-Terrorism, June! The biggest name in international superhero cooperation wants to recruit us!”
Setting down her Goshawk helmet, June leveled a glare at her sister. “They want to recruit our diversity points. There hasn’t been a Basic human member of the Collab in three decades, Janae. They’re full of Morphs, Magi, and Mythics with a few Cosmics thrown in - people who think having powers is an excuse to play dress up and pretend to be world saviors.”
Janae sighed dramatically, flopping dramatically onto their couch with one hand holding up her Kestrel helmet as if it were the skull in Hamlet’s soliloquy. “And as ev-rybody knows, you hate being invited to anything purely so people can gain ‘diversity points’.”
“But June, just think how much good we could do! The Collab hosts all kinds of seminars to make their members better, we could talk about all sorts of things! Investigating, documenting evidence, determining the best people to work with from inside the district attorney’s office-”
“Not every crimefighter has to deal with the same issues we did,” June cut in, removing her cape and folding it neatly.
“But a lot of them could benefit from our experience! Think of how many more crooks in uniform we could help put away just by sharing our tactics, now and in future!” Sitting upright, Janae leveled a finger at her big sister. “And just think of what we could get out of it, too.”
June arched an eyebrow, undoing the clasps of her padded chest armor. “A whole bunch more noses getting stuck into our business?”
“No, you paranoid loser. Resources, databases, heck, even back-up from time to time. Having even just one extra set of hands to go up against Razore would’ve been nice, y’know.” 
Both women frowned at that particular set of memories, June’s hand unconsciously skimming over her side, where a set of four scars sliced their way across her ribcage beneath layers of reinforced armor. “We do fine as it is.”
“We really do not,” Janae huffed, settling back again. “You and me in the field with only four people to support us? And only three adults, at that. The Collab has entire sub-divisions of engineers, scientists, medics, you name it. Reinforcements like that would do us a lot of good.”
Tugging off her gloves, June frowned - a more thoughtful expression than grumpy, which Janae took to be a good sign. “...I’ll think about that. But tomorrow’s ‘tour’ will be the deciding factor - I don’t want us to join an organization that needs to be cleaned up worse than the LPD did.”
Her sister grimaced. “Yeah, alright, I can go along with that. Although-”
“We would not be in a position to clean house from the inside, Janae, not as the newbies being watched from all corners. And I wouldn’t want to risk them finding out our identities to hold over our heads as blackmail, not with Tasha and Aunt Jasmine on the line.”
“Fine.” A pause. “Where are those two, anyway?”
“Auntie left today for her old squad’s reunion, remember? And Tasha needed to head to bed early tonight for her class field trip tomorrow morning.”
“Ahh, that’s right,” Janae snickered. “And she begged us to not be at Lunar R&D at the same time.”
“Kyron’s working tomorrow though, isn’t he?”
“He is. And he’s promised to hold off on any embarrassing acts until the class is just about ready to leave.” A slight smirk tugged at the corners of June’s mouth.
“Oh good. I’ll have to borrow the security tapes to see what he comes up with.”
“You do that.”
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“We All Will Be Together” Chapter 2: Celebrating Regina
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Robin heard Regina's alarm go off right on schedule. She silenced it seconds later and then slipped from their bed. He kept his eyes closed and his breathing even, listening as she hurried into the bathroom to take her shower. It was their usual morning routine and he had set the thermoset to go off soon so that by the time she got out, the room was warm enough for her to change comfortably. Normally, his alarm would then go off and he would get up to get ready himself before they went to wake their boys. But today would be different.
Once the door clicked shut and the shower turned on, Robin shut off his own alarm clock and pushed back the covers. He pulled on his robe and hurried down the hall to the boys' bathroom to get ready. They were on a schedule--especially since his wife loved them—and he had everything timed down to the minute. Robin couldn't waste a single second.
Within minutes, he went through his morning routine before quickly changing into a button-down blue shirt and navy pants for the day. Robin ran his brush through his hair and then went to Roland's room first. His son had taken after Marian and was a morning person, so there was chance he was awake already. If so, that would just leave waking Henry up--which could either go easily or end up being a fight.
Opening the door, Robin was relieved to see Roland sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes. He smiled. "Good morning, my boy."
"Morning, Papa. Is Mom up?" Roland asked.
Robin nodded. "So I need you to get up and get ready while I go wake your brother, okay?"
"Okay, Papa." He pushed his blankets back and climbed out of bed, ready to get dressed for the day.
Assured that Roland was getting changed, Robin closed the door and headed next door to see how easy it would be to rouse Henry that morning. He prayed the boy wouldn't put up too much of fight and that everything would continue to go smoothly.
He squared his shoulders and opened the door leading to Henry's room. The boy's brown hair was just visible under his Captain America blanket and his nightlight was starting to dim as sunlight began to fill the room. Robin clicked the little lamp off before leaning down to shake his stepson. "Henry? Henry, it's time to wake up."
A groan greeted him and Henry rolled away from him. "Five more minutes, Dad."
"Not today," Robin told him, pulling on the blankets. "We need to get everything ready for your mother. So up and at 'em, Henry."
He gave a good yank, uncovering the boy. Henry shivered as he sat up, scowling at Robin. "That's not fair."
"Please get dressed and meet me downstairs with your brother," Robin said, placing the blankets back down. "Your mother will be out of the shower soon. We don't have much time to prepare her breakfast."
Sighing, Henry sat up and nodded. "Fine. But I'm doing this for Mom."
"Exactly," Robin told him, walking out the door so he could head downstairs.
           He had stayed up the night before, claiming to have some work to do when Regina had tried to entice him to bed. It had taken all his willpower to resist her, especially when she pouted those luscious red lips and dropped her voice into a breathy lower octave. Yet he managed and once she went upstairs, he stole into the kitchen to set everything up. He brought the balloons up from the basement, tying them to her chair—one “Happy Birthday” balloon surrounded by several purple and red ones. Robin then placed a bouquet of purple roses into the vase in the middle of the table. It was perfect for her—not much but not too little.
           It still looked perfect as he walked into the kitchen that morning, glad he had stayed up. He knew that if he had gotten up this morning to do it, Regina would’ve been suspicious about why he was up so early.
           “I heard the water turn off,” Roland said from his perch at the island. “Mom’s going to be down soon.”
           Robin nodded, clapping his hand together. “Okay, so we’re going to have to make something quick. What’s a quick breakfast?”
           “Cereal?” Roland suggested, earning a glare from his father. They were going to give Regina something better than cereal on her birthday.
           “Mom loves eggs,” Henry said, stumbling bleary-eyed into the kitchen. “Sunnyside up.”
           Robin smiled, resisting the urge to muss up the boy’s hair. “Great! I’ll get started on that. Henry, can I trust you to make some toast for your mother?”
           “Yes, Dad,” Henry said, hurrying toward the counter.
           “Thank you.” Robin then turned to Roland. “And can you set up the coffee in the Keurig? You know Mum’s favorite, right?”
           Roland nodded before heading off to the pantry where they kept the Keurig pods. With both boys hard at work, Robin opened the refrigerator and pulled out the fresh carton of eggs Regina had bought at the grocery store. It was time for Sunnyside up eggs for his beautiful wife.
           As Robin worked on the eggs, he saw Henry opened the refrigerator and pull out a jar full of something that looked like very thick applesauce. He raised his eyebrow. “What’s that?”
           “Apple butter,” Henry replied. “Mom’s favorite.”
           “Ahh. Good call, Henry,” he praised. “Just be careful with that jar.”
           Henry promised he would as he carefully carried it over to the table, placing it by Regina’s chair. Robin glanced over to find Roland cautiously picking up Regina’s favorite mug, now filled with coffee. He asked Henry to get Regina’s favorite creamer and the other boy obliged, hurrying back over to the refrigerator.
           Robin heard doors opening and closing upstairs. He knew it was Regina checking to see if their sons were awake and getting ready for school, which meant she was going to be coming down any minute now. Plating her eggs, he placed the toast Henry made next to them and brought them over to the table.
           “Okay, boys,” he said, pulling them close to him. “Your mum is almost here. Big smiles.”
           “Robin? Henry? Roland? Are you in here?” Regina entered the kitchen, still putting in one of her earrings. She was dressed for work—a black pantsuit with a silky red shirt under the jacket. Robin thought she looked absolutely beautiful.
           Her brown eyes widened as she took in the balloons, the flowers, her breakfast and the three of them. “What is going on?”
           “Happy birthday!” they exclaimed. Henry and Roland then raced toward her, hugging her at the same time.
           She wrapped her arms around them even as she glanced around, still looking surprised. “You…You did this for me?”
           “Of course we did,” Roland said, looking up at her with adoration in his eyes.
           Henry nodded. “It’s your birthday!”
           Robin stepped closer, smiling at her. “And we love you so much, we want to celebrate you from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep.”
           “Sap,” she said, though she smiled back at him and he could see tears glistening in her eyes.
           He cupped her cheek, smirking. “You love me for it.”
           “I do,” she replied, closing the gap between them to kiss him. It was chaste and quick, but it still conveyed all the love they felt for each other.
           He loved that particular talent of theirs.
           Pulling back, Robin motioned to the table. “Your breakfast is served. You should eat it before it gets cold.”
           “Yeah, Mom! It’s your favorite—Sunnyside up eggs and toast with apple butter,” Henry said, grabbing her hand and tugging her toward the table.
           Roland gently pushed her from behind. “And I made your favorite coffee with your favorite creamer.”
           She chuckled as she looked over the breakfast, sitting down at the table. Regina then kissed each boy on the cheek. “It looks amazing. Thank you…but what about all of you? Did you eat?”
           Roland and Henry looked up at Robin with wide eyes and he chuckled. “Do you boys want eggs too?”
           “Scrambled, please!” Roland exclaimed and Henry nodded in agreement.
           Chuckling, Robin nodded. “Okay. Go get plates and silverware for yourselves while I make your eggs for you.”
           The boys did that while Robin cracked a few more eggs. He watched as Henry opened the refrigerator again, pulling out the ketchup bottle, and frowned. “What’s that for?”
           “My eggs,” Henry replied. “You can’t have scrambled eggs without ketchup.”
           “Okay,” Robin said, trying not to crinkle his nose. He wasn’t fond of eating his eggs that way but he wasn’t going to make Henry feel bad for it. The boy should enjoy his eggs however he liked.
           Roland appeared beside him, looking up at Robin. “Can we have some juice please?”
           “I can get it for them,” Regina offered, standing from the table.
           Henry stepped in front of her, almost blocking her path as he shook his head. “It’s your birthday, Mom.”
           She chuckled, crouching down to tuck her fingers under his chin. “I know, sweetheart, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get you and your brother some juice. It would make me really happy to do that.”
           “Oh,” Henry said, sounding surprised. “Okay, then. Thank you, Mom.”
           “Yeah, thank you, Mom,” Roland echoed, moving toward the table himself.
           Regina caught Robin’s eye and winked as she opened the refrigerator. She pulled out the orange juice, brushing past him as she headed to grab two glasses. “You didn’t have to do this,” she whispered to him.
           “Do what?” he asked. “Make a big deal about your birthday? Of course I did. I am never going to miss a chance to celebrate you.”
           She shook her head as she smiled, kissing him again before pouring two glasses of juice. “Hurry up with those eggs. We don’t want to be late,” she warned him.
           “Right,” he said, plating the rest of the eggs and carrying them over to the table. “Breakfast is served.”
           Everyone took their seats and Robin realized that Regina had also placed a mug of coffee by his chair. He gave her a look and she only smiled in response. “Best birthday ever,” she declared.
           “And it’s just getting started,” Roland told her.
           Henry nodded. “We’ve got things planned all day for you.”
           “Do you?” she asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin as she raised an eyebrow. “You do realize that both your father and I have work while you two have school, right?”
           “But you and I have a lunch break,” Robin reminded her, smirking at her. “I’ve already talked to Mal and your court calendar is clear for a couple hours.”
           She stared at him, her mouth falling open a bit. “You did what?”
           He held up his hands, knowing how much she hated to have people change things without her consent—he understood why she didn’t like it after spending only a few hours with her mother. He understood a lot after that. “I didn’t ask her to do anything for me. I only asked if you would have some time free for a birthday lunch and she said that you already had that time free.”
            “Oh,” she said, blinking a few times as a smile slowly bloomed on her face. “So where are we going to lunch?”
           He shrugged. While he had had a few places in mind, he knew that the final decision needed to be left up to her. It was her birthday and he wanted to minimize how many surprises he sprung on her. Breakfast had seemed safe enough but all her meals was too much. “Do you want to go somewhere in particular?”
           “I don’t know,” she said, “but I have been craving Spanish food lately. I’m not entirely sure if there is a place in Storybrooke where I can get some.”
           “Spanish food. I think I can do that,” he said, stroking his chin. None of the places he had considered fit hat description but he was sure John would have a recommendation or two.
           Regina checked her watch. “Thank you for the breakfast, boys, but you two need to get ready for school. The bus will be here any minute.”
           Henry and Roland jumped up, each kissing her on the cheek before hurrying from the room. Standing, Robin followed them and watched as they put on their shoes and their coats. Both boys picked up their school bags as he opened the door, revealing the bus just pulling up at the end of the walk. He hugged both of them, kissing the tops of their heads. “Have a good day and I’ll pick you up later, okay?”
           “Okay, Papa,” Roland said as Henry nodded. They hurried down the walk and got on the bus.
           He closed the door as Regina came up behind him. She smiled as she slid on her shoes. “I have to go as well. Thank you for breakfast.”
           “You’re welcome,” he said, gently gripping her waist. “Have a good day, sweetheart. I’ll see you for lunch.”
           She smiled, pressing her forehead to his. “I can’t wait.”
           He kissed her before turning to pull down her coat. As he handed it to her, he told her: “Have a good day, Regina.”
           “You too.” She gave him a quick kiss as she straightened up her coat. Regina picked up her briefcase before heading out of the house.
           He closed the door behind her and took a deep breath, getting ready for his own work day.
Non-smut version on FFN
Smut on AO3 or Wattpad
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serenity-writes · 6 years
A Gift of Pleasure (Scandal in the Spotlight) NSFW
Kyohei’s got a very special present for you. You think it’s just an innocent pair of underwear. He’s got a tiny remote that says otherwise. Let the sexiest Revance singer tease and please you.
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“Just wear them. Come on…” Kyohei has that gleam in his eyes, the one that promises he’s up to no good. But he’s currently pairing it with his trademark Sir Kyo smile, a deadly combination that he knows you're never able to resist, even after being together for nearly two years. Tease.
You bit down on your bottom lip, considering the lacy fabric he’s currently holding. Kyohei makes it a point to dangle it in front of you, as if trying to seduce you with the underwear. “I got them for you. You might as well use them.”
His insistence is getting a little suspicious. “Why do you want me to wear them so badly?” You ask, but know that he’s too smart to answer. “We have to go, or we’ll be late for the shoot.” Revance is filming a talk show today. Everyone else had already filtered out of the house into the car; you’re the only ones left.
“Let me put it this way, babe. I want to be sitting on the filming couch, thinking about how my woman is wearing something I bought for her. I want to be thinking about how they’re touching your skin with your every move…” He draws closer, moving until his lips are right next to your ear. “Do this for me, please?” His words drip with sex, sounding just like he does when he whispers words of love while you make love. Uh oh. Your cheeks flush with heat as soon as the memories hit your mind. It’s too dangerous to be thinking of things like that; you don’t have the time.
“Fine!” You agree, perhaps a little hastily, only really thinking of getting to the shoot. “I’ll wear them.”
“That’s my girl.” He grins, tossing a hand through his hair. “I’ll go first.” He winks and exits your room.
Two minutes later, you climb into the car, feeling a little frazzled from Kyohei’s earlier seduction. He sits across from you, looking perfectly calm. Evil.
“Finally! Jeez, you’re going to make us late!” Nagito teases, running a hand through his relaxed blonde hair. “Were you up to no good with Kyo?” Now he’s the one that has the perverted look on his face.
“I don’t want to hear that from you,” Iori replies. “Somehow, you’re the one on time today, Nagi.”
“It happens sometimes.” Nagito’s cheeky smile hangs on his lips.
Takashi sits beside Nagi, humming a low tune to himself as he drowns out all other noise with his earphones. Kota’s absorbed into his handheld gaming console, no doubt blasting away extra-terrestrial monsters or something of the sort. You make it a point to ignore Kyohei’s gaze as payback for his earlier teasing. Instead, you pull out the schedule for the rest of the week, making sure to memorize what needs to be done. And once you reach the venue, it’s all business between you two – true professionals.
You don’t get a chance to relax from the moment you arrive, but it’s something you’re long used to. The boys have to get into makeup, into costumes, into equipment testing… The work never really ends. Finally, you get to take a breather when the show begins. You take your usual place in the back near the cameras. You take a sip of water from a little plastic cup, watching as the band settles into the huge talk-show couch, facing their host, world-famous Ellie. They’re halfway through the program, and everything’s progressing smoothly.
You can’t help but stare at Kyohei. He looks damn good any day of the week, but there’s something mischievous about his features today that has your eyes glued to him. The rest of the boys might as well not be there in your mind; all you can see is your boyfriend, grinning and joking along. It’s that magnetic attitude that drew you towards him in the first place.
“So, Kota!” Ellie’s moved off Kyohei, focusing on the cat-eyed member beside him. The cameras follow accordingly.
Kyohei’s aware of how the shoots work, having been in the industry for so long. You watch as his hand slips smoothly into his pocket. Hmm, but why? You watch in confusion as he turns his gaze slowly in your direction, and your eyes meet. Then you feel it.
It’s quiet and subtle, but you can feel it. The vibration in your crotch is insistent, though it remains weak. To your surprise, it feels… good. But in such a place? You know very well these feelings are inappropriate for such a venue. Your eyes widen in surprise as you try to convey “what the heck!” to Kyohei with your stare. His response is an infuriating smirk.
“Stop it!” You try to mouth, but his hand never leaves his pocket. You actually feel the vibration move up a notch. “Hey!” But now your mind is wandering. You imagine Kyohei’s hand on the little toy, massaging it on your clit as he plants sweet kisses all over your skin. Ahh, no! You shake your head, trying to get these thoughts out of your mind. You watch Kyohei barely hold back his laughter at the sight.
“Hmph.” You twist your lips into a pout. If he won’t stop it, then you’ll just take the panties off. Going underwearless wasn’t ideal, but it was the better option at the moment. You turn, about to leave, when an assistant rushes up to you, looking frazzled. You recognize her as one of the new hires, one who’s still getting the hang of things.
“Miss!” She begins in a hushed tone, but you can tell she’s panicking. “We just had a cancellation for tomorrow for the music video shoot, and the advertisement group wants to move up the time. What should we do? And the other group…” There’s no way you can leave now. You grit your teeth as you force yourself to listen to her and ignore the drumming vibrations down below.
After what feels like an eternity, the schedule is finally sorted out. You breathe a sigh as you whirl around to send Kyohei one more glare before turning on your heel. You miss seeing that Kyohei’s fingers twitch in his pocket, pushing the up button on his magic remote, but you definitely feel it.
“Eep!” You let out a surprised yelp as the sensation grows trifold. Oh God, it feels way too good. And the knowledge that Kyohei is fingering the remote in his pocket, toying with you, isn’t helping one bit. Heat surges to your face as you squeeze your legs together, completely aware of the dampness between your legs.
“Are you okay?” A nearby staff member peers at you, delaying your escape. “You look kind of flushed.”
“I’m, uh, fine!” You manage to say, along with a weak smile. You can’t exactly tell him you want to wrench Kyohei off the show right now and push your lips to his.
“Why don’t you sit down?” He gestures to the nearby couch.
“Noo, it’s okay, I really—”
“Don’t worry, nothing’s going to go wrong. Just take a break!”
Damn my habit of working too hard, you think to yourself. This stage manager is used to making sure you slow down and take a breather. You’re shepherded into the seat. You cross your legs as soon as you’re down, trying to supress the vibrations that only seem to grow. Help, you think desperately as you glare at his perfectly composed, stupidly gorgeous face.
After what feels like an eternity, the show ends. “Great job, everyone!” The quietness of set bubbles up as staff members begin to pack and debrief.
“Fantastic show. We’d love to have you back on again.” The show host shoots them her most brilliant grin.
“Thank you for having us!” Iori says, his face alight in his prince mode.
“Anything for you,” Nagito chimes in as he puts a familiar hand on the host’s shoulder. His smile grows even wider when he notices her blush.
“Hopefully we’ll have a new song we can debut next time.” Takashi cuts Nagito off before he can do anything more. “We have to go change now.”
Nagito is wrenched away from the crestfallen host. You’re grateful for the distraction as you stand up. The vibration is easier to ignore when you’re in motion. You begin to follow the boys, going over the schedule again. Nagi and Takashi have a variety show to film, Kota has to meet about his upcoming movie, and Iori has an advertisement gig. That leaves… Kyohei with nothing. Just as you lift your head to gaze at him, you find that your eyes meet.
Then Kyohei grabs your arm and has yanked you into a nearby, empty change room. He’s turned the panties off; he intends to be the one to please you now.
You whirl around to face him but find your back pushed against the wall as his lips capture yours. His teeth sink into your bottom lip as he devours you, tongue lapping at yours while his eager fingers lift your skirt. Then his fingers are at your heat, drowning in your arousal as he smirks at the wetness he finds there.
“It’s your fault,” you gasp, but can’t really complain when he circles your clit, using only one expert finger to rub. Pleasure is heady in your system and you can do nothing but cling to him, the manly scent of him your comfort and aphrodisiac.
He nuzzles into your neck, sucking hard on the skin to leave color blooming. “I know.” Normally he would take his time, but he’s been fighting instincts too. Watching your face change with each tick upwards of the remote… Knowing just how much you must have been craving his cock… No man on earth could resist such a thing.
“Kyo—” He cuts you off with another desperate kiss, and you give in. You let him hook your legs around his waist as he rips the panties off you; just as well, for they’ve served their purpose. The back of your head is pressed against the wall as he shoves his cock against your heat, wetting himself between your folds.
“Fuck, I need you,” he breathes out, a second before you feel him push inside. Ohhhh… The frantic moan is from both of your mouths. That familiar stretch is every bit as sinful as the first time. Nothing can compare to his cock, truly. Nothing can be as filling, as satisfying and frustrating. You pull him in, wanting him up against the deepest part of you, so you can give him everything. Deliberately, he grinds himself over your clit, wanting to hear you sing with desire.
“I need you too,” you gasp, giving him what he so desires as he fucks you against the wall, powerful arms supporting your legs. You choke down the moans that bubble up, for fear of being heard. Instead, you breathe them out beside his ear as he shudders in response.
“You have no idea—I wanted to just fuck you right there in the studio.” Each stroke of his cock leaves you aching for more. You’re careful not to leave marks on his body, but you want to dig your nails into him to hold him closer. He’s merciless, yet still somehow gentle as he slams himself into you, hilted to his very base. “You’re so damn sexy.” His guttural growl has you losing your mind, exploding into the climax he sends you into with that quick pace he knows is your weakness.
Damn, you love this man. You respond in kind, the rapid tightening of your sex dragging into him over his own peak, crashing down in the carnal of ways as he gives his last desperate thrusts, spilling every ounce of his fever into you. All you can do is cling, lost to the moment as he lavishes kisses upon your skin.
When sanity returns to you, it occurs that you may have been a tad too loud. But seeing the fat smirk that sits upon his face, maybe you don’t mind that. “Don’t ever do that again,” you say as you poke his nose.
“Didn’t you enjoy it, babe?” He hugs you close, burying his nose in the crook of your neck.
“That’s not the point.”
“Fine.” He acquiesces, lifting up to carry you to the counter, where he begins to tug at the straps of your dress. “No panties.” He nibbles a trail down your chest, his tongue circling a taut nipple as his hands trail down to your heat. “I’ll just use my fingers instead.”
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This was sitting in my WIPs for a long time and I never even noticed oops. I’ve always liked the concept of vibrating panties haha... This scenario just struck me. I hope you enjoyed~
Masterlist ♡
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vskpop · 8 years
February 2017 ⋅ What do you say to BTS? Not today
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Draw Me - Wonder Girls 
I really hope that starting my monthly post with the goodbye song from a disbanded group will not become a constant this year, but it’s already the second time in a row it happens. I guess at least they’re getting a chance to give fans closure (goodbye, 4minute).
On one hand, it’s surprising that the Wonder Girls lasted through so many member changes, random concepts and failed American debuts. On the other, I was also shocked to see them finally give up just as they had seemingly found their new path with the band concept.
Without wanting to delve too deep into the situation (I’ve already done that with 2NE1 and it was enough), it’s incredibly frustrating that they disbanded as they started to put their own stamp on their music and put out interesting things that actually reflected what they wanted to do.
Even if you’re not into rock-ish ballads, Draw Me is worth listening to just for the bridge, which hits me like a ton of bricks every single time.
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 Act. 2 Narcissus - Gugudan
Gugudan’s debut had one of the cutest cute concepts of 2016; I was still pleased with it, all considered. I wouldn’t have been too bothered if they had continued on that route, but A Girl Like Me is so good that it might end up as one of my favourite comebacks of the whole year (and yes, I know it’s February).
The song itself is great; none of the girls spend the entire time singing in the highest pitch they can produce, and all the main singers get decent parts.
What I was especially impressed with was the styling and concept for A Girl Like Me. While a lot of girl group concepts are ridiculously vague, after the mermaid concept Gugudan went for an original and well-developed “Narcissus” (aka vain) concept. I adore how they managed to find a different variation on the subject for each of the members.
I would hardly call this female empowerment but, in the realm of k-pop, seeing girls singing about how great they are is not that common. They were so into the concept that the physical album has a mirror in it, which pretty much seals the deal for me.
Knock Knock - Twice 
After the tragedy that was TT, Twice were a lost cause for me, and I’m not sure that the situation has changed much. Considering the disgusted expressions that Nayeon and Jungyeon have in 90% of the live performances of Knock Knock, I’m going to say that this comeback was a step in the right direction, but there’s still a  long way to go.
Just like Red Velvet, Twice have been subject to ridiculous infantilisation, made worse by a simultaneous sexualisation. Knock Knock still has childish motifs like pajama parties and fairytale books, but it’s not all-out kindergarten like TT was.
While it’s still not nearly as good as Like Ooh Ahh, this new song is delightfully catchy and the “pretty rebels” concept (sic - and yes, throwing pillows at each other is the most rebellious thing they do)  is much less disturbing that the “sexy Tinkerbell” one.
Rookie - Red Velvet 
I was obsessed with the kindergarten-like chant in Red Velvet’s Ice Cream Cake for months after it was released. The perfect balance of stylishness, weirdness and childishness of their “red” was their signature style, and what set them apart from the other girl groups that debuted around the same time.
The more they move forward, the more their comebacks lean heavily towards a kindergarten-y, bubblegum-y aesthetic. In Rookie, the five members of Red Velvet are thrown into a Narnia-cum-Alice-in-Wonderland scenario, they wear puffy baby blue pinafore dresses, and chant “lookie lookie, my super lookie lookie lookie” in the highest-pitched voice they can produce.
The atmosphere and tone don’t feel dissimilar to the colorful, childlike concepts  NCT Dream have been doing. The difference and/or the problem lie in the fact that NCT Dream are aged 17 or under, but the only 17-year-old in Red Velvet is Yeri. Joy is 21; Wendy and Seulgi 23; Irene is about to turn 26.
It’s ironic to think that this is what they have to perform, when their labelmate SNSD’s Taeyeon hated Gee (another song that hinges on childishness, innocence and repetition) when she was 19.
Is this oversaturated iteration of the cute concept better than them acting like sexy toddlers à la Twice’s TT? Definitely. It’s still really disappointing to see such an original, distinctive project fade into something more conventional.
Adding insult to injury, the best songs on the album are Body Talk, which would have been perfect for a “velvet” comeback, and Talk To Me, which could have represented an ideal medium between the “red” and the “velvet”.
Wings: You Never Walk Alone - BTS 
BTS’ Wings as a whole was one of my top three albums of 2016; this is probably why I found the new songs in the You Never Walk Alone a little underwhelming. Despite the high concept, they don’t have the same bite as any of the original Wings tracks.
Strangely rock-ish Spring Day seems to have picked up some cues from Day6, but with a much busier, artificial production. The various parts of the songs feel clunkily assembled and, even though the end result is good enough, it’s still one of the least unique songs of their production.
The music video is - as usual - is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, and it’s gorgeously shot; the lyrics are beautiful, emotional and uplifting; I always appreciate when V gets some non-falsetto singing; however, in the end it still feels uninspired and “less-than” in comparison to any other 2015-2016 BTS song.
Talking about “less-than”, I am furious that BTS’ team thought that putting out Not Today would be a good idea. While I have to acknowledge that in any other circumstance it would be an ok song, it just falls flat in comparison to previous BTS hype songs.
Everything, from the pacing of the song to the vocal gimmicks used by the members (think of Jimin saying “aaawww!” and the last line of Not Today’s pre-chorus), reminds me of a poorer version of Fire. I know that BTS are known for their bangers and they had to throw one in there, but this sounds like a rip-off made by a lesser group.
The MV for Not Today looks remarkably like a sportswear advert - especially the slow motion sequences around minute 3. It wouldn’t be terribly surprising, since they’re sponsored by Puma, but it doesn’t quite pay off as a music video.
My favourite of the “add-on” songs is what should arguably be the title track, You Never Walk Alone, which conveys the same message as Spring Day with a much more interesting structure, incisive raps and a style that matches the original Wings songs much better.
I’ve said before and I will say again that, in my eyes, BTS are the most likely candidates to be the Big Bang of the third generation; I can’t rule out that in a few years I’ll have changed my opinion on You Never Walk Alone, but for now I’ll have to try to write it off as necessary growing pains.
I’m just glad to see that they managed to go another comeback without letting go of the true BTS trope, dirty concrete walls.
 Don’t Recall - K.A.R.D. 
Because DSP Media has hardly been the best company lately (or ever?), I have been trying not to get too attached to their new group, K.A.R.D, especially while terms like “predebut group” and “project group” keep being thrown around and they are not promoting on shows.
Their first single Oh Na Na arrived a bit too close to the end of the year for it to end up my 2016 list, but I have been listening to it pretty much non-stop. I am quite surprised that I’m not disappointed with their second single Don’t Recall, and I possibly like it even more.
While tropical house (drink!) has been done to death in k-pop, K.A.R.D manage to make it moody and nostalgic, and most of all not sounding same-y and forgettable, by moving towards a dancehall vibe and adding a hook that’s not as obvious but just as perfect as Oh Na Na’s.
K.A.R.D’s international success has been ridiculous (and I’ve been on that bandwagon from day 1), so I’m hoping that they will manage to survive 2017 despite their agency.
Also, they have to be the first group to release fan theories to their own video.
More songs of note 
My Day - Day6
Come Over - DEAN  
 Zero - Dino (Seventeen) 
Yesterday - Block B
Tina - MASC
  My First and Last & Dunk Shot - NCT Dream
 Roar & Jungle Game - SF9
 Circle’s Dream & Strawberry - Subin (Dalshabet)
  Dance With Me - VAV
  Drought - W Project
 The Song - Zion.T
Tablo & Eric Nam have a Gallant-less go at Cave Me In.
  How do Seventeen manage to keep improving when they already seemed perfect?
All AKMU is good AKMU. 
 Dreamcatcher literally did a cute concept cover a day after releasing this Maroon 5 gay anthem. 
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cviperfan · 8 years
Soiran fic, 2/?
Title: The Second Time Around Series: Bleach Pairings: Soifon/Rangiku Matsumoto, Yoruichi Shihouin/Kuukaku Shiba, hints of Rangiku/Gin, Yoruichi/Soifon, Nanao/Lisa Rating: M Chapter Warning(s): n/a Summary: Eleven years after the final battle, a well-timed getaway brings two perfect strangers together, and as time passes, attraction might become something more.  Sometimes, people can surprise you. Post-series, canon ending compliant.
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Chapter 2: Tension
"Wow," Rangiku whistled as she and Soifon hit a break in the long, winding stone path.  "I've gotta say, the brochure didn't do this place any justice."
As her experience went, there wasn't much in the human world that impressed Soifon, but the resort, nestled deep in the forest hillside of Fukuoka, certainly came close.
Set in a vast clearing dotted with maple trees, the hotel had been built into a rocky outcropping, rooms and levels peeking out from a rather imposing central building with high arches and a shingled roof.  A waterfall running parallel to the hotel flowed into an impossibly clear blue river that pooled at the foot of the building's rock facade before continuing on down the mountain, the cloud of mist and spray framing the hotel beautifully in the early morning light, and as the pair made their way up the stairs to the main lobby they passed a meticulously maintained flower garden that seemed to possess every hue imaginable.
After the long trip from Karakura by train (preceded by picking up their gigai, and both of them changing into casual clothes) and the following hike, Soifon was almost ready to actually consider this a real vacation.
The contrast between the Second Division Captain and the Tenth Division Lieutenant's enthusiasm couldn't have been clearer as they checked in and were promptly given a succinct tour of the property by the concierge.  After being shown through the spacious, elegant main hall to the in-house restaurant and the extensive treatments and services available in the spa, they were taken to their room on the third floor, and with a terse nod from Soifon the receptionist gave the pair an opportunity to get settled in.
Rangiku, for her part, was already beaming at the thought of exploring the range of food options on the extensive menu, and getting in a massage before bed, the hard details of which Soifon was barely paying attention to as she turned the lock and opened the door to Suite 305.
Passing through the threshold, Rangiku gave a delighted gasp, and even Soifon was, ironically, rendered speechless.  Even with the gleaming, cherry-wood floors and a pair of spacious beds and the large flatscreen, the immediate draw of the room was the onsen immediately outside of the glass balcony door, overlooking a stunning view of the city skyline bordered by the surrounding trees that was nothing short of postcard perfect.
"Unbelievable!  I really didn't think each room had its own private bath," Rangiku smiled as she haphazardly threw her bags to the floor and flopped onto the far bed. "This is going to be incredible after spending a day in the city, right Soifon?"
At that Soifon quirked an eyebrow in Rangiku's direction, but the blonde woman seemed unfazed.
"Come on, we're on vacation, remember?  Let's set formality aside and enjoy ourselves!"
"If you say so, Lieutenant," Soifon replied curtly.  After setting her bag on the bed, Soifon removed the second room key from her pocket and handed it to Rangiku.
"Ah, thanks!  Anyway, ready to go?"
"I'm sorry?" Soifon wondered, finally turning to look at her companion.
"Well, it's still pretty early in the day, right?  We have plenty of time to start sightseeing!  I think we can get to Fukuoka Castle from the bus stop if we leave now."
"Lieutenant, you're free to do as you wish, but I have no plans to leave.  If I'm going to be obligated into a 'vacation' I'm at least going to make sure it's a quiet one."
"Oh no," Rangiku declared firmly, and Soifon was taken aback by her boldness (though if what she'd heard about the leeway she could manage with Captain Hitsugaya was true, it should have been natural to expect).  "This is an amazing place to visit and I'm not about to let you miss out on it by being all gloomy in the room all day... even if, well, you do outrank me.  But we're off-duty, remember?  Little things like rank don't matter today!"
Soifon raised a finger and opened her mouth to protest, but Rangiku used the opportunity to grab her by her raised arm and pull her out the door.
"Don't worry, I've got everything figured out!  I have a whole plan for this week!"
Relenting to the much taller woman's almost manic pace, Soifon only grumbled.
The trip back into the sleepy town the hotel was part of was much faster coming downhill, and from the bus stop it was only a half-hour or so to the ruins of Fukuoka Castle, already full of tourists like themselves.
"Isn't this great?" Rangiku declared, already furiously snapping pictures with a disposable camera.  "Ahh, this place would look amazing in spring!  Hey Soifon!"
"Wh--" The captain managed, shaken out of her blank stare as Rangiku stooped slightly down to her height, aimed the camera around at them, and quickly took a picture.  Caught mid-motion and with her face scrunched up from the flash, Soifon silently vowed to destroy the film before Rangiku had a chance to get it developed.
"Oh, there's a tour group leaving!  Quick, let's tag along!"
Resigned to the situation, Soifon followed at a much slower pace, arms crossed and expression disdainful.
An hour later, weighed down with souvenirs (Rangiku insisted on bringing back something for everyone, as she tended to on her human world excursions), Rangiku unfolded a map she'd kept in the back pocket of her jeans, struggling to hold out the large sheet while Soifon adjusted the bags Rangiku had summarily hoisted off onto her.  She hadn't said a word since they'd left the hotel, but the dead-eyed glare still fixed on her face said volumes.
"I think we should have enough time to hit Ohtori Park, make our way to the open-air market and grab something to eat before we head back, sound good?  There's an amazing little okonomiyaki place in there you just have to try."
As she folded the map back up, Soifon moved to hand one of the large bags back to Rangiku, who apparently didn't notice the gesture as she waved the smaller woman forward.
Biting her tongue, Soifon followed.
When they finally came back to Suite 305, Rangiku stretched and yawned, tossing her small shopping bag onto the bed as Soifon collapsed on the floor just over the threshold, panting as the mountain of souvenirs and candies and clothes she'd been precariously balancing tumbled to the ground.
"Ah!  Now that was a great first day, wasn't it?  I feel like we got a lot done!"
Soifon was still glaring daggers in Rangiku's back as the blonde took off her windbreaker and tossed it onto a nearby chair, then passed to grab a set of plush towels from the closet.
"C'mon, let's check out the onsen!  I bet it feels great at night, and there's plenty of room!"
"You go ahead," Soifon replied, speaking for the first time in hours and trying, despite her impatience, to keep the irritation out of her voice. "...I'm going to use the shower and then go to sleep."
"Really?  It's no trouble!  Ooh, I can call room service and see if they can bring up some drinks--"
"I wasn't aware we were required to spend every second of this trip around each other, Matsumoto."  Despite her certainty that she'd maintained control of her emotions, there was just enough of an edge to her tone that Rangiku's seemingly permanent smile faltered, just for a moment.
"W-well, no, of course not," Rangiku managed, her cheerfulness returning, "I just thought that you might want to--"
"I'll see you in the morning," Soifon cut her off.  "Just shut the blinds when you go out there.  I don't need the lights keeping me awake."
"Uh... sure!  Better to turn in early I guess, I've got even more planned for tomorrow!"
The bathroom door shutting behind Soifon, hard enough to qualify as a slam, eloquently conveyed the Captain's response.
The next morning at breakfast, Rangiku was still enthusiastic, and had outlined a few destinations for them in the city, mostly exploring the shopping center and visiting a few nearby shrines for pictures.
By the time they'd returned, Soifon's sullen mood had caught up with her.
The pair didn't speak as they entered the room and added Rangiku's new set of bags to the already impressive pile, the tense silence finally broken as Soifon headed toward the bathroom and spoke.
"I'm showering and going to bed.  Keep the lights off if you're going to be out there again."
"Are you really going to be like this the whole week?"
Soifon paused at the sudden question from Rangiku, her brow furrowed and voice laced with a rare anger as she looked at the back of the Captain's head.  When Soifon said nothing, she continued, tossing her hands up in irritation.
"Maybe if you... I don't know, actually tried to relax, for once, you'd have fun here.  If you just make an effort to--"
"Oh, did you want me to have fun, Lieutenant?" Soifon interrupted, her eyes flashing dangerously as she practically spat the title like it was an insult.  "...or was that something Ise-san and the rest of the Women's Association asked you to make sure of?"
At the accusation, Rangiku didn't respond, but firmly stood her ground.  Taking her silence as an admission of guilt, Soifon pressed on.
"You think I don't know what I'm actually doing here?  That the overlap with the wedding was some coincidence?  Let me guess-- everyone was worried that the stupid little girl following Yoruichi-sama around with the stupid crush was going to make a mess of the whole ceremony somehow, and it was better for everyone to send me out of the way, is that about right?!"
When Rangiku still didn't answer her, Soifon took a long, shaky breath, her fists balled up and trembling.  She could feel bitter tears of humiliation fighting their way up, but the sheer force of her indignity kept them down.
"If my being there is enough to ruin it for everyone else, then who am I to show up?  As though I don't know where I'm not wanted.  Well, let me tell you, Lieutenant, I certainly don't need to be watched like a child, so if this 'vacation' is so important to you, you certainly have my permission to do what you want, but you can leave me out of it.  You don't have to do me any favors by acting like you and the rest of Soul Society aren't laughing at me behind my back."
"I'm not here for them."
"Is that so?  Then why are you here?  What could have possessed you to decide to come?!"  
I'm here because... well, I was worried about you."
Rangiku's reply was so quiet, so harsh, that Soifon thought for a moment she must have misheard the blonde woman.  After a long moment, Rangiku sighed, meeting Soifon's gaze with a rare, measured patience she normally didn't exercise.
"Look, I won't pretend the trip didn't catch my eye, but I never once thought your feelings for Yoruichi-san were stupid, or that you were making a fool out of yourself.  To be completely honest, I... well, I always sort of hoped you two would end up together."
At her admission, Soifon blinked, the red hot fury she'd felt only moments ago evaporating as uncertainty took root.  Exhaling, Rangiku managed a sad half-smile at her companion, her eyes distant and soft.
"I...I know what it's like when you're left behind with no answers, and how easy it is to just fall into a loop of blaming and hating yourself when you're all alone.  I know what it's like when it seems like it was just you who cared, and there was never anything there except what you imagined up for yourself.  I know how much that hurts and I just... I thought you might want someone to help take your mind off it.  That's all."
"Look," Rangiku continued after another uncomfortable stretch of silence, "...If you want to spend the rest of this trip cooped up here, that's your business and I won't bother you anymore.  But I'm not leaving either.  Enjoy your shower, Captain."
With that, Rangiku grabbed another set of towels, turned around and left out the balcony door, closing the blinds as she did so, leaving Soifon standing in place with nothing to say.  When she came back in, she passed the apparently sleeping Captain as she prepared for bed, unaware that she was lying awake, staring at nothing in the dark.
Rangiku sat in the restaurant the next morning, absentmindedly eating her fried egg and rice, quietly annoyed that even hours after 'talking' to Soifon she could barely taste it.  
Honestly, she was at a loss for a plan now; everything had been set up around getting Soifon out of the hotel, but it certainly looked like she was planning to sleep in and ignore her for the rest of the trip, so a backup was necessary.  There was still plenty to do in the city, she supposed, and they'd only hit a few of the really good stores at the shopping center yesterday...
"Good morning, Matsumoto."
Shaken out of her thoughts by a familiar voice, Rangiku looked up from her table to find Soifon standing up next to her, dressed in the matching hotel-provided yukata that she herself was wearing, her slightly damp black hair indicating that she'd recently come out of the onsen.  There was something different in her demeanor, almost remorseful, but there was a bit of coldness in Rangiku's tone as she acknowledged the Captain.
"...Is it all right if I sit with you?"
Rangiku shrugged, suddenly interested in her fruit salad, and Soifon took that as permission to sit on the corner beside her.  A waiter quickly acknowledged her, and after placing a simple order (boiled fish and miso soup), the pair were left alone, an awkward silence hanging even surrounded as they were by other patrons and guests.
"Every time you went to the human world... well, every time you came 'here,'" Soifon began, "...you always brought something back with you for everyone.  And each time you did so for me, it was always had to do with cats.  Black cats."
There was something so different about her tone-- something uncertain, vulnerable-- that despite herself, Rangiku found herself listening intently, even as she continued to focus on her food.
"I never thought much about it before, but... it wasn't a coincidence.  It was about Yoruichi-sama, wasn't it?  Was it... some kind of sign of support?"
Rangiku said nothing, only continued to steadily eat, and finally Soifon took a deep breath before letting it out slowly.
"I'm... sorry for my behavior the last few days.  And for what I said to you yesterday. I know Gin Ichimaru was... very important to you and I didn't intend to remind you of--"
"Don't talk about him."
It was firm and direct and the look on Rangiku's face was so strikingly cold that Soifon recoiled instinctively, and catching herself, Rangiku sighed and turned back to her food.  It took Soifon a moment before she dared break the silence again.
"The point is... you're right.  I... I've had a terrible attitude toward you this whole time, and the reason you're here is to help me.  So... i-if you're still willing to help me have... 'fun' on this vacation... I'm willing to trust your judgment. I'm... going to try to be more open-minded and accept your advice."
For the first time since the conversation began, Rangiku stopped what she was doing and looked over at Soifon.  Aside from the rare moments her crush on Yoruichi had been readily apparent, she was so used to the stone-faced, austere, authoritative facade of the Second Division Captain that seeing her uncertain and making a sincere apology was beyond unexpected.  There was a softness about her at this very moment that made it difficult to keep giving her the cold shoulder.
"So," Rangiku spoke up eventually, "...You're willing to commit to whatever I decide to do?  No more grumbling?"
"...Yes.  I promise."
She stared at Soifon for a long moment before finally breaking into a smile, and the tension in Soifon's shoulders seemed to ease ever so slightly.
"Glad to hear it, Soifon."
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