#the christmas wish
your-divine-ribs · 2 months
The Christmas Wish Part 3
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Words: 3.3k
Sorry I’m slow to write new stuff at the moment but hope you enjoy the next part of this story 🤍
The Christmas Wish Masterlist Main Masterlist
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🤍 Sacha's POV 🤍
I have to bite back a giggle as I see Van settling his lanky frame into one of the tiny plastic chairs the kids use to sit in, his long legs bent and folded up awkwardly.
"Oh you don't have to sit there, I've bought a bigger chair in especially."
I drag over a larger version and he thanks me as he takes a seat, his eyes darting all around the classroom, taking everything in.
"God, this takes me back, except we had blackboards in my day."
"In your day," I echo, smirking. "Watch out, you're showing your age!"
He chuckles good-naturedly. "Yeah, feels like a long time ago, a very, very long time ago. Good times though, some of the best... carefree. You really don't realise it at the time do you? How easy you've got it when you're a kid, how simple things are..."
He trails off with a wistful smile and I detect an undercurrent of sadness that runs much deeper than a brief reflection of an untroubled youth.
"Adulthood is definitely over-rated," I venture, and then it's gone, his charming grin back in an instant, chasing away the cloud.
"I'll say. I guess we didn't read the small print eh? What the hell did we sign up for?"
He's gorgeous up close, even more so than in that damn video that had me captivated earlier in the staff room. His striking eyes that I'd been sure were blue at first seem more green now in the crisp wintry light filtering in through the classroom windows, specks of amber glinting in his irises. A faint dusting of freckles adorn his pale skin and I find myself wondering how they'd look darkened in the summer months, how his mousy brown hair might take on a golden hue.
Christ Sacha... pull yourself together and be professional for fuck's sake... and stop gawping. He's just a man.
"So... let's talk about Grace shall we? That's what you're here for."
I shift awkwardly in my seat, hands clasped in my lap, suddenly wishing I had something to play with. It's habit of mine when I'm feeling nervy, and I settle on smoothing out non-existent creases in my skirt.
"I think I know what all this is about," Van starts, brows pinched into a small frown. "It's that little shi... errr... that Ryan Carter isn't it? Gracie's class-mate? I've heard all about how he's been winding her up."
I bite the inside of my cheek to stem the grin that tries to surface in reaction to his almost curse word, the fact that I share his sentiment exactly when it comes the class nuisance. Not that I can let that show.
"It's not just Ryan though, it's Grace too I'm afraid. If you've spoken to her about him I take it that she's told you about why you've been called in to see me today?"
His frown deepens. "She's not a trouble maker, she's a good kid. She knows right from wrong and she's not scared to stand up for herself. I know sometimes she might be a little..." he pauses like he's searching for the right word "... feisty, but her heart's in the right place. Always has been, it's how we brought her up."
"She's physically lashed out at Ryan, not just once but twice now," I tell him, watching the frown dissipate as his brows raise up sharply in surprise. "I'm guessing she didn't tell you that bit though."
"When you say lashed out, what are we talking about here exactly?"
"Last week she trapped his fingers in the desk drawer, purposefully I might add. Yesterday she kicked him in the shin, hard. It nearly made him cry."
I fold my hands over my chest, trying again not to react to the ghost of a smile that twitches at the corners of his lips. I know exactly what he's thinking.
The little shit probably deserves it.
I'm thinking the same thing too. I wish we could just cut through all the bullshit and speak honestly and frankly but of course we can't. We're not two parents gossiping on the school playground, I'm the children's teacher and I have to act accordingly. I have a responsibility to all the kids.
"Ryan can be a disruptive member of class, but we can't just stand by and let the other kids take out their anger on him. Violence doesn't solve anything and they need to be taught that there's other, more acceptable ways to work out a disagreement. If we don't nip this in the bud it could escalate."
"I didn't realise," he says in dismay. "That's not like my Gracie at all, she's usually such a caring little girl, she wouldn't hurt a fly... well I mean she fights with her little brother all the time but I guess that's just siblings for you. She's not a bully. It's not in her nature, well not usually anyway."
It's never easy hearing tough news about your kids and I'm pleasantly surprised he's not on the defensive like some parents get. I was fully expecting him to be outraged and argumentative, the typical hot-headed type, spouting on about how perfect his kids are and how they'd never step out of line, all the while not having a clue what's really going on in his children's lives. There's none of that though. He looks crestfallen and a pang of sympathy runs through me. Maybe I shouldn't have been so biased and given him a chance before I made assumptions about him. He's actually right. Grace is a good kid and this behaviour is totally uncharacteristic of her.
"I'm not saying she's a bully," I say, carefully choosing my words. "I really don't think she's getting any kind of enjoyment out of it, it's not that. Your daughter's a kind, sweet caring girl, I've seen that right from the start of the school year. This is most unlike her and this is what I'm trying to work out. I feel like there must be something causing it, some outside factor making her act out of character."
His expression immediately darkens, his fists clenching where they're resting on his thighs, quite obviously perturbed. "Is she being bullied? Is one of the other kids picking on her, is that it? Is someone hurting her?"
"No!" I hurried reply. "That's not it, I'm positive it's not. We keep a very close eye on our children here and I'd know right away if anything like that was happening."
"Are you sure?" He asks, sitting forward in his seat.
"I'm certain," I say with conviction, then I pause, wondering how I'm going to put what I want to say into words without causing offence. Even if I tread carefully it might still not be careful enough. "I was... errr... I was wondering whether there's something going on at home at the moment? If she's worrying about something it could be manifesting itself in all sorts of ways. Kids act out sometimes when they're confused or angry or upset about something, and she did... errr... she did mention something the other day..."
"What did she say?"
I wince inside. Why did I have to bring up such a personal matter? It's not really my place unless the information's volunteered, that's what we had drilled into us during teacher training.
Don't get too involved unless there's genuine concerns about a child's welfare.
But I am concerned. And I want to help.
I keep my voice soft as I begin to talk, watching Van closely. "She was talking about Christmas... about making a wish for Santa... something about making you and her mum love each other again..."
I see a flash of grief in his eyes before he screws them shut tight like he's trying to block out painful memories. I almost reach out a pacifying hand to him but I stop myself just in time. I'm already over-stepping the mark in being too familiar.
"I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bringing it up," I backtrack. "I'm really not trying to pry, I just thought you should know."
He curses low under his breath, eyes still closed as both hands reach up to push through his hair before falling limply to his sides. He looks defeated when he finally looks at me again.
"Me and Helen... the kids' mum... we've recently got divorced." He speaks the last word with obvious distaste and I pull a sympathetic face, lost for anything meaningful to say so uttering a quiet "sorry to hear that."
He huffs wearily. "It was never supposed to turn out that way, we had it made. The band were flying, the kids were happy, we were happy. Life was pretty fucking perfect... uhhh sorry," he mumbles an acknowledgement of the profanity which I quickly dismiss with a wave of my hand. "I was just so caught up in everything that I didn't see what was happening right in front of my face. Helen always felt I put the music first. It was my own stupid fault, if I'd noticed she was feeling that way instead of focussing on the damn band..."
"It must have been tough trying to juggle everything," I sympathise, feeling surprised and a little uncomfortable with how honest he's being. I was expecting him to shut down, not open up. "I'm not even a mum but working with kids I can see how demanding they are... it's a lot of work. And being in a touring band's not your average career, is it?"
"You're telling me," he nods in agreement. "The last year and a half were mental with the new album and all the gigging and promo we did... and that's aside from all the problems we were trying to fix. I tried to spend as much time at home as I could but it wasn't enough. I convinced myself I'd got the balance right, but looking back I know I was delusional. I guess there's only so many unanswered calls and missed anniversaries before something's got to give. And then by the time I realised things were that bad it was too late..."
Being proven right has never felt so bad. As Van speaks candidly about his shortcomings as a husband I don't feel the slightest bit of smug satisfaction that I'd shown Ellie earlier when I was being judgemental, I just feel sorry for him and the family that he's let down. And he's not finished yet, downcast gaze fixed on the floor as he continues.
"I'd had this dream of the band for so long, and then it was all falling into place… then falling apart. When I set my mind on something I go all out. I'm kinda like... I dunno... blinkered to what's going on around me..." He stops, eyes flicking up to meet mine again, his voice growing in strength like he needs to convey the truth of what he's saying. "I didn't neglect those kids though, I never did that! I love those kids. They mean the world to me."
I do reach out this time, a placating hand resting gently on his forearm. It's an instinctive reaction to his heartfelt admission, the way I note a glossiness in his eyes and a crack in his voice which I wasn't expecting from a simple classroom chat. It's quite obvious this man wears his heart on his sleeve with how open he's being about a difficult subject and my desire to help blooms warm and insistent in my chest.
"Look Mr McCann... uhhh... Van," I start, feeling a little out of my depth and picking out my words with care. "I hope you don't think I'm speaking out of turn when I say this, but speaking from experience I think the best thing you can do is just be there for your children as much you can. Let them know they can come and speak to you if they're ever worried about anything... and even though your life might be turned upside down it's really important that they don't feel that. They need consistency and stability and just to know how much they're loved. They're probably feeling a little lost and confused right now, kids' worlds are so small and they need to feel cared for and secure above all else."
I come to a stop and immediately feel self-conscious. It's the way he's looking at me, jaw a little slack and eyes a little wide like he's hanging on my every word. Jeez... something about him is so... intense. I crack a shy smile, snatching my hand away and resting it in my own lap, hoping to break the quiet kind of intensity of our interaction. "They're great kids... both of them. You really should be very proud."
Thankfully that seems to work. Talk of his children sets off a wide smile that flushes the sadness from his eyes, his whole face beaming like it's lit from within.
"They are and I am... sometimes I wonder how we created something so perfect. I've always dreamed about being a dad ya know, and I really don't want to fu... uhhh mess it up. I'll talk to them... and especially to Grace... find out what's really going on."
"You got this," I smile back, full of encouragement.
"I sure hope so," he says, finally sitting back, more relaxed. "And you said both kids... d'ya know Leo as well then?"
"Yeah, my friend Dan teaches reception year and Leo's in his class. He says he's as a bright as a button and so keen to learn, apparently he was the first kid in the class to master his phonics. He's always got his hand up to answer questions too, he's so eager... a real little bookworm too. Dan's really impressed!"
I can practically feel the pride emanating from Van. He's grinning ear to ear, overjoyed to hear praise for his son. He really has got a gorgeous smile, it's infectious, genuine with a hint of something playful that makes my belly flip like it's not done for a long time.
"Leo's dead smart, just like his mum," he enthuses. "He definitely got her brains and not mine, that's for sure. Gracie takes more after me... star quality that one. Could see her performing with her own band one day."
I'd have to agree with that, a lot of seven year olds shy away from being in the limelight but not Grace. She comes to life when she's got an audience. Now I know where she gets it from.
"That I can definitely see," I laugh. "She took her audition for Mary in the class nativity play very seriously, she even stuck a cushion up her jumper to look pregnant, said she was 'getting into character!’”
"Did she? That's class!" Van chuckles, and I immediately launch into telling him the humorous story of how his daughter was filling in for Joseph and one of the shepherds too as they'd forgotten their lines.
We're so caught up in our laughter and chatter that a loud rap on the classroom door startles us both. We both turn to see the door cracking open and Ellie's head appear around the frame.
"I thought you'd gone home!" I say in puzzlement, watch her face scrunch a little in awkwardness.
"I was on the way but I stopped by the office and started talking to Grace and Leo..." she pauses, her eyes darting between me and Van. "And I'm sorry to interrupt but I just wondered if you'd nearly finished because Grace has been complaining she's got tummy ache..."
"Daddy!" The door suddenly flies fully open and Grace and Leo both crash through it simultaneously, practically sending Ellie spinning.
"Alright kids?" Van greets them, arms outstretched as Leo hurls himself into his dad's lap and Grace flings her arms around his neck, cuddling into him from behind.
"I told them to stay in the office," I hear Ellie murmur but I shake my head to tell her that it's okay.
"It's fine, I think we're about done." I rise up out of my seat, practically melting at the heart-warming scene before me, watching Van basking in the affection his kids are heaping on him that's quite obviously wholly reciprocated. There's obviously a lot of love in that family despite the problems.
"Am I in big trouble?" Grace frowns at her dad as he turns to her. "Because Leo says Christmas might be cancelled if we're too naughty."
"You're not in trouble angel but we do need to have a chat," Van tells her, a hand moving up to brush an unruly blonde curl out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. "But let's not worry about that now... and Christmas is mostly definitely not cancelled. What d'ya say to going to buy a Christmas tree right now, eh?"
The kids immediately erupt into cheers of excitement. Leo jumps up off Van's lap to bounce up and down whilst fist-bumping the air and Grace squeezes her little arms even tighter around her dad's neck so I think he might choke if she doesn't let go soon. Ellie and I exchange smiles and I don't miss the knowing glint in her eye as she watches me grinning away like an idiot. I quickly look away, back to Van who's getting to his feet.
"I don't suppose you know where's the best place to get a tree from round here do ya?" He looks between me and Ellie hopefully. "We've not been in our new place for long and to be honest I'm not usually the one to go out and buy all that stuff. I'm a bit clueless really."
I go to reply but Ellie gets in before me, moving further into the classroom towards us. "There's a brilliant place just on the outskirts of town called Harvey's. It's like a garden centre but they're fully kitted out for Christmas, it's like some kind of winter wonderland." She pauses, turns to me with a grin. "Sacha... you love it in there don't you? Weren't you just saying you were going there this afternoon to pick up some decorations yourself?"
It's an innocent enough comment but I know damn well what she's doing. I try to keep a neutral expression so my eyes don't narrow at her in suspicion. "I was but I'm not sure now, it's getting late and I don't have the car today... think it might rain too."
We all turn to look out the window at the grey skies, plump clouds threatening to spill with icy rain or maybe even snow the way the temperatures are plummeting.
"Why don't you come with us then Miss?" Grace's voice comes booming out, loud and enquiring. I whip my head around to see her tugging on her dad's jacket sleeve, looking up at him. "She can come with us can't she? She can help us to pick out a tree!"
"Oh I don't think so," I blurt, feeling my cheeks heating up at this unexpected turn of events. "I wouldn't want to intrude."
"You're very welcome... I'm sure we've got room for one more," Van replies, rather enthusiastically I note. "Can drop you off home afterwards too, save you from getting drenched. What d'ya say?"
The warm smile Van's wearing sets off little sparks of excitement fizzing around my belly and I have to will myself not to giggle like a teenage girl with a crush.
"Uhhh... yeah... sure," I mumble, feeling stunned that an after school meeting has somehow morphed into a festive shopping trip with one of my pupil's parents... and an extremely attractive one at that... my mind teases me.
"Ahh that's perfect!" Ellie announces, and I realise that she's already holding my coat which she thrusts into my hands. "Could you pick up some holly and ribbon for the Christmas wreaths we're making tomorrow in class? Oh... and some mistletoe too," she adds, nudging me purposefully but surreptitiously in the ribs as we all start towards the door.
That's it. I'm going to fucking kill her.
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snowbellewells · 5 months
Captain Swan Christmas Reruns presents: The Christmas Wish
Written by: @searchingwardrobes
Recommended by: @snowbellewells
Summary: Emma leaned forward, closed her eyes, and a wish bubbled up unbidden from the depths of her heart. "I wish I could just have a simple, domestic life. Is that even in the cards for me?" Breath left her on an exhale just as the wish floated through her mind, and the candle blew out. The "answer" to her wish had to be some kind of trick, however. After all, it wasn’t as if anything in the vision she received could ever in a million years be real. It was ridiculous. Captain Hook, the father of three driving a minivan? Impossible.
Rated G for Hallmark movie levels of fluff and Christmas feels
What we love: It’s like a Hallmark Christmas movie you can reread and enjoy whenever you want. I love how Melanie plays with the idea of a wish coming true - if Emma is willing to believe in it - and the various fairy tale characters playing their parts for the story to unfold. I like how it goes back to around the 3b time frame of the show, but then diverges and takes its own path from there. Plus, there are all the fun clever nods that readers will recognize, and a wonderfully cheery happy ending.
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catb-fics · 3 months
pls update single dad van 😩😩😩
I’m really going to try this weekend, I keep playing Van and Sacha’s meeting in my head but when I go to write it down it just sounds shit 😭
Feel free to send me any single dad Van inspo xxx
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The Christmas Wish
Summary: Henry Mills and Roland Locksley are best friends who decide to ask Santa for one thing this Christmas: to be brothers. It's a wish which will have life changing consequences for all, especially their single parents, Regina Mills and Robin Locksley.
FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
Excerpt (Chapter 1: A Wish for Santa):
Christmas was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.
As a single mother, Regina Mills did her best to make sure it was for her darling son, Henry. They decorated their house the day after Thanksgiving when the weather was still agreeable, allowing the two to hang multicolored lights around their windows as well as the columns and railings on their deck. Regina also swallowed down her fear of heights to climb up a ladder and place a lit-up Santa in his sleigh as it was pulled by his reindeer, including Rudolph and his blinking red nose, on her roof. Illuminated snowmen and blow up scenes were set out on the lawn, making sure they never missed their house throughout the month of December.
It still didn’t hold a candle to how bright Henry’s smile was and that alone made it all worth it.
Two weekends later always found them out in the forest around their little town of Storybrooke, Maine, where the best Douglas firs grew. She bundled Henry up in his warmest coat, a festive hat and scarf as well as his thickest gloves before donning similar apparel herself. Hand-in-hand they walked through rows of trees, searching for the right one to live in their living room until the New Year. Regina was willing to pay any cost for the best tree and drove their pick carefully home. They then spent the rest of the night decorating it with ornaments Regina had collected over the years and ones Henry had made since starting school. Beautiful glass orbs hung with handprint Santas and clothespin reindeer. All with a star on top, ready to shine down on the mount of presents Regina made sure he had to open every Christmas morning.
Getting that mound of presents, though, meant fighting crowds at the mall every year, which disrupted the tight schedules she created to help juggle mommyhood and her career. Yet she still managed to get Henry up, dressed, fed with a healthy breakfast and off to school with an equally healthy lunch each morning. Then she went off to either her office or court, depending on her cases as an assistant district attorney.
After a day spent arguing both in court and out of it, she picked up Henry from the school’s aftercare program. Tuesdays were for soccer practice while Thursdays were his scout meetings before a home-cooked meal and homework. Henry knew he was to take a bath and then he curled up next to her on the couch for an hour of reading. Once he was tucked in for the night, she returned to the couch for some good television and a glass of wine.
Their weekends were spent together, doing every fun thing Regina could think of. Day trips, movie marathons, games and the like filled those days and nights. Saturday nights were also bath nights for her, a chance for her to unwind from the week once Henry was asleep. Regina loved her weekends. It was a schedule that worked throughout the rest of the year and that Christmas screwed up. There were many trips to the mall either after work or on the weekends so she could find all the gifts she needed for Henry and her family. Because of this, there were more dinners spent at restaurants or fast food places than she would like. However, it was easier than trying to cook after being pushed and jostled by less than merry shoppers.
Yet the piece de resistance was the visit to Santa so Henry could tell him what he wanted.
Henry pulled her through the crowded mall, knowing the way to Santaland by heart as it was always set up in the dead center of the mall. “Come on, Mom,” he said. “We don’t want to miss Santa!”
“Slow down, Henry! Santa is not scheduled to return to the North Pole until seven o’clock,” Regina said, trying to rein in her son as she dug in her heels.
It didn’t appease her son. He only tugged her hand harder. “Come on, Mom. We’re going to be late.”
“Henry Daniel, I told you Santa’s not leaving for several hours. We won’t be late for him.”
“I’m not talking about Santa! We’ll be late meeting Roland!” Henry explained, looking exasperated. He looked like her, to be honest, even though they shared not a lick of DNA.
Regina knew she had a similar look on her face as they finally stopped. She blew out the side of the mouth, trying to get a loose tendril of dark hair out of her eye as she took stock of her situation. Her son had made plans with his best friend and forgot to tell her about them. Typical Henry.
Then again, he was only seven years old.
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 22: The Christmas Wish
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Word Count: 1849
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
CS Genre: 5x21 Canon Divergence (beware this one starts pretty angsty)
Notes:  This story was written for my “Christmas with Captain Swan” collection in 2020.
These last three months had been the worst, the hardest and the most painful of Emma’s life.  No contest.  She wouldn’t wish this pain on her worst enemy, not even on the worst villain they’d ever faced.
Three months ago today she’d left Killian in the Underworld after promising to go on with her life, after promising not to put her armor back on.
In the first few days, her time had been occupied with the battle against Hades.   Like with every villain they’d faced, it had taken a team effort, all of them, all of the Nevengers, as Henry liked to call them, working together to find a solution with the least collateral damage they could manage, but they’d succeeded in the end.  What was even more amazing was the fact that they’d definitively defeated Hades without losing any of the heroes (although Robin Hood had only narrowly ducked out of the way before being hit by the Olympian Crystal.)
The town had held a huge victory celebration in Granny’s after Hades’ defeat, and Emma supposed she should feel some sort of satisfaction at their victory, but all she felt was…empty.
Without Killian, it was hard to force herself to even get out of bed in the morning.  Turns out losing your true love felt a lot like having your heart pulled from your chest, only the pain never went away, never stopped, never seemed to lessen.
She tried her best for Henry’s sake, for her parents, who were clearly worried about her, for the promise she’d made Killian, but it felt like she was constantly alternating between aching sobs and white hot anger.  She tried to comfort herself with the thought that Killian had, no doubt, moved on, and that she’d join him one day when her time came, but it was cold comfort when she had to climb into her empty bed every night.
Everything reminded Emma of Killian. Everything.  Maybe one day the memories would be a comfort to her, but for now, they were like a dagger to her heart.
Emma had started going to see Dr. Hopper once a week, trying to work through her grief.  He told her she was doing well, that she was grieving in a healthy way, but if this was what healthy grieving felt like, she couldn’t imagine the dysfunctional kind.
Emma took a sip of her cocoa and looked up at the beautiful Christmas tree in the front room of the home Killian and Henry had picked out for her.  Her parents, Regina, Robin, Zelena and Henry had shown up at her doorstep this morning with the tree, all the decorations, and everything they needed to make enough Christmas cookies to feed the town.  They’d insisted on bringing her Christmas cheer and brightening up her life with the sights and smells and tastes of the season.
“I know this holiday will be hard for you, honey,” Snow said, giving her a big hug after they’d finished and everyone but her parents had left.  “I remember those first few holidays after my mom and then my dad passed.  The joy and excitement of everyone around me felt like a slap in the face.”
“How did you bear it, Mom?” Emma asked through her tears, which had started falling yet again. “I’m trying to be strong, I’m trying to go on with my life, but it feels like a part of me–a vital part–is just….gone, and I don’t even know how to function.”
Snow caressed Emma’s cheek.  “You let yourself feel what you’re feeling, and you give yourself time.  You lean on your family and let us help you.  I don’t want you to ever feel like you need to stay strong for your father and me.  If you need to cry, cry.  If you need to break down, break down.  We’ll be here to hold you, to give you whatever you need.”
She had finally broken down then, sobbing for what felt like hours in her parents’ arms, but when her emotions were spent, she had to admit she felt a little better.  It had been cathartic.
“Thanks,” Emma said, finally.  “For the tree and the cookies and everything.  It really is beautiful.”
David pulled her toward him, hugging her to him and holding the back of her head. “I’m glad you like it.  Enjoy it if you can, treasure the good memories.”
But after her parents left, it didn’t take long before the pain returned.  She’d been looking so forward to the first Christmas she and Killian would spend together as a couple.  She’d looked forward to all the firsts they’d have, looked forward to introducing him to all this realm’s traditions.  She’d looked forward to making Christmas memories and traditions of their own.
But that, all of that, had been stolen from her, from them. 
Emma looked up at the top of the tree, at the bright, shining star.  Her mom had told her that in the Enchanted Forest, they’d had a tradition of making a Christmas wish upon the star on top of the tree.  It was said that if your heart was true, your Christmas wish would be granted.
What the hell; couldn’t hurt.
“I wish–” she began, having to stop and clear her throat, will away the tears that threatened to overwhelm her again.  “I only have one wish.  I wish he was back here with me.”
She waited, but nothing happened.  She hadn’t expected it to, but somehow it still felt like a betrayal.
Emma turned from the tree, threw on her coat and nearly sprinted out the door. Suddenly her house felt stifling, the tree, the decorations, all of it was too much. She had to get out of here; had to be with him, even if “being with him” now consisted of standing before his headstone.
It was a beautiful evening, the wind calm, the snow glistening in the last rays of the sun.  He would have liked it; he’d always had a fondness for snow, though she told him she thought he was crazy for it.  She smiled through her tears as she rounded the corner and then stepped through the arches into the cemetery.  She remembered the day he’d coaxed her out in the snow with him.  She’d been miserable.  It. Was. So. Cold!  But he’d been as excited as a child, and somehow his joy had been infectious.
It had always been that way with him.  He brought her comfort and joy whenever she was with him, had since the very beginning, if she was truly honest with herself.  That’s why she’d been so cold and distant to him at first.  It scared her how much he made her feel.
She stooped down before his grave, laying a flask beside the flowers her mom had no doubt left.  “Hey, I thought you’d like this more than roses.  Thanks for the pages.  Hades…Hades he’s gone now.  It’s done, so I hope you’re in a better place.  I know I should be happy about that, but it just feels like now you’re really gone, and there’s nothing left to do but just–”
The sobs threatened to overcome her again, but with a force of will, she pushed them aside.
“I miss you.”
For long moments she remained there, looking down at the stark letters of his name etched on the headstone.  She should have something else engraved, shouldn’t she?  She should say something about what a true hero he was.  Somehow, nothing seemed appropriate.  How did you sum up how much someone meant to you, to everyone he met, in a few short words?
The twilight was quickly fading into night before Emma decided there was nothing for it but to go home.  She’d no more than turned away from the headstone, when a sudden whoosh, a rush of energy passed over her.
What the hell was that?
Her heart stopped and then began pounding.  It couldn’t be….could it?
She whirled around, not daring to hope, not daring to believe, but when she was once again facing the grave the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen met her.
She raced to him, leaped into his arms, her lips connecting to his in a desperate kiss.  Oh gods, if she was dreaming she never wanted to wake!  She’d missed him so much–the feel of his scruff against her face, the soft, silkiness of his hair through her fingers, his taste, his smell.  Him.
She pulled away, resting her forehead against his as the tears–happy tears this time–streamed from her eyes.
“How are you here?” she asked through her emotions, before surging forward, kissing his cheek, his mouth, any part of him she could reach.
He laughed joyfully.  “It was you, love, your wish,” he said in between kisses.  “For some time, Zeus has been looking for a way to reward us–all of us–for our part in defeating Hades, but until today his hands were tied.  King of Olympus though he be, there are immutable rules surrounding the Underworld.”
“Wait…what?” She asked, before diving in for more kisses.  “Never mind.  I don’t care how you’re here, I’m just glad you’re back.”
They remained standing before his empty grave, one kiss leading into another as night settled in around them and the snow began to fall.
“I am, Emma,” he said finally.  “I’m back, and I’ll never leave you again.  Never.”
She laughed, cupping his cheeks and bringing him down for yet another kiss.  “I’m going to hold you to that.”
Emma took his hand, leading him back to her home–his home too, she hoped–her heart feeling so full it might burst, as he exclaimed in wonder over the Christmas tree whose lights twinkled merrily in greeting.
“I have so much to tell you; so much to show you,” she said, laughing in pure, incandescent joy, as they sat together on the couch before the tree, holding each other close.  “Killian, you’re going to love Christmas!”
He smiled down at her, before leaning down and taking her lips yet again in a long, slow, achingly deep kiss.  “I’ve no doubt I will, Swan, but for the moment I have more pressing matters on my mind.”
“Yeah?” she asked.  “Like what?”
His grin turned mischievous.  “Like moving our reunion to your bedchamber where I can properly–or rather, not-at-all-properly–show you just how much I missed you and precisely how glad I am to be home.”
She laughed, taking his hand and leading him up the stairs.
Her Christmas wish had given them a second chance, and she was determined that she wouldn’t waste a second of it.
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tapiocats · 4 months
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Decay exists as an extant form of life
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travelingtostories · 5 months
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F I N I S H E D : The Christmas Wish by Lindsey Kelk.
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beggars-opera · 4 months
I hope all my followers and mutuals have a blissfully happy new year. I wish for you adventure if you want it, peace and quiet if you do not, comfort, warmth, good food, and an animal of your choice to snuggle with and keep away the horrors. I hope you persevere, and love, and live to the fullest. Tomorrow is a new day.
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libertyreads · 11 months
Book Review #77 of 2023--
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The Christmas Wish by Lindsey Kelk. Rating: 2.5 stars.
Read from June 14th to 16th.
Another Christmas in July June novel is complete. And I have to say how thankful I am that I’m getting a lot of these books from the library. This book is a prime example of something I was sure I was going to really like but in the end would have been a waste of money for me. This is a novel about a 32 year old lawyer who feels stuck in real life but ends up stuck in a Groundhog Day situation on Christmas. Will she ever be able to get it right and move forward both in life and in real time? If you’ve been around for a few of my Christmas in July reads, you’ll me getting an ARC of In a Holidaze and loving it. That one is a Christina Lauren novel that also has a Christmas Day time loop in it and that one is a book I rated 4.5 stars. So, what’s the difference here? What made this Christmas time loop not work for me?
My biggest issue with this one was that it was over the top on the Com side of the Rom-Com. Everything was so over the top disastrous in the first Christmas Day that I don’t know how this woman could ever look down the barrel of going through that day again, let alone doing it 10 times. At one point, our main character actually blows up the house--and herself--and is forced to redo Christmas thanks to actually dying. It’s just too much for me. I prefer a little bit of Com in my Rom-Com. I get second hand embarrassment so easily and there was almost no other emotion I was feeling for the first third of this novel. I also felt like it was almost wrong to slate this as a romance in the first place. The romance isn’t even the secondary plot line. I would say it’s the third. First, we have the main character’s issue with being stuck in her real life and having to make some hard choices. Second, we have her unhealthy relationship with almost literally every single member of her family and her having to make choices that will help create better relationships. Thirdly, we have the romance. I don’t mind that so much. As long as I’m expecting it. By the time we get to the romance I just don’t see the point.
There were moments of self-reflection that I thought were beautiful. I know how hard it is to look at your life and try to figure out what the next step forward is. We also get some actual funny moments that aren’t over dramatic or over wrought which I enjoyed. The romance when it was there was actually good. I just don’t feel like I understand who they are as a couple or why they like each other. But there were quite a few sweet moments that would also have this poignant side to them thanks to the fact that he wouldn’t remember them the next day. The Christmas scenes we got were good. Very festive. I just wish we had more of them in the novel.
Overall, I give the book a 2.5 star rating, the romance a 2.75 star rating, and the holiday-ness of it all 3 poinsettias.
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attleboy · 4 months
happy holidays and merry christmas from the digital circus!! enjoy these complimentary wintry postcards to commemorate your [eternal] stay!! :D
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5ummit · 4 months
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The Winter Soldier in What If...? Season 2
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your-divine-ribs · 2 months
The Christmas Wish Part 2
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Words: 2.5k
I’ll get part 3 posted sometime this week… xxx
The Christmas Wish Masterlist Main Masterlist
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🤍 Van's POV 🤍
"We both need a pound for the Christmas raffle... and we can't wear our uniforms today, it's Christmas jumper day!"
"You burnt the toast AGAIN! Ughhh I can't eat it!"
"I want braids today Daddy, Maisie said she's going to wear braids and we said we were going to match!"
It's going to be one of those days, I can just tell. My head's spinning and it's not even 8am yet. I gulp the dregs of my tea down and turn to face my children. How can two such angelic beings be so goddamn exhausting?
"C'mon kids, go easy on me, one at a time," I smile weakly at them, digging into the pocket of my skinny jeans and coming out with a handful of fluff. "Damn it, I've not got any change on me... who carries loose change these days anyway?"
"Mummy always does... she has everything we need!" Leo pipes up, his gap-toothed grin faltering as his big sister elbows him harshly in the ribs. "Oww!"
"Hey, hey, what was that for?" I swiftly turn to Grace and she offers me nothing but a shrug. "Gracie... c'mon..." I glare at her pointedly and her little face eventually creases into a sheepish frown, her voice quiet and tentative when she finally speaks.
"I told Leo not to say that stuff about mummy... you know... about how she looks after us better."
Ouch... that stings. I must visibly wince as Grace jumps down off the breakfast bar stool and immediately flings her arms around my waist. "I didn't mean it daddy, I didn't mean it to sound like that. You're the best daddy there is! You're just as good as mummy, you're just different, you do stuff in a different way, that's all."
That's one way of phrasing it...
"It's okay angel, I know what you mean," I sigh, planting a soft kiss in her parting, stroking her hair. "I'm trying my best honey, I really am."
"I know you are daddy."
Leo jumps down too, not wanting to miss out on the opportunity for a cuddle and I envelope him as well, all of us glued together in a big family bear hug in the middle of the kitchen.
"I'll call in to the corner shop on the way to school and get you some change. We don't have Christmas jumpers but Leo... go and grab your felt tips, we can make our own. And Grace... go get your brush, I'll see what I can do."
The kids break away and I run my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath. I'd never imagined that having children would be quite so challenging and relentless, but then again I'd never signed up for this.
Having kids was always my end goal of course, it was my ultimate wish come true, a culmination of everything that I'd worked towards and hard for. I'd been saving for as long as I could remember, squirrelling away a portion of money from touring before we even got signed in preparation for this part of my life. It was supposed to be a good life, a better life. It was supposed to be more meaningful... and it was. I loved them so much it fucking scared me sometimes. It's just that whenever I envisioned this picture-postcard idealised dream I wasn't doing it alone. I was always with somebody, it was a partnership. I was doing it alongside the woman I loved... the mother of my children.
"What are we gonna do with these?"
Leo's enquiring voice breaks me out of my troubled thoughts and I see him standing there holding his pack of brightly coloured felt tip pens aloft.
"You'll see... c'mon take this off." I scoop him up to sit on my knee at the kitchen table, helping him to shrug out of his school uniform jumper. "We don't need no shop-bought naff Christmas jumpers, we'll make our own. They'll be just as good... nah... actually they'll be better... miles better. Now what d'ya want? Santa? Rudolph? A Christmas tree?"
"Rudolph!" Leo laughs, watching me as I spread his jumper out on the table and reach for the pens. "With a big red, shiny nose!"
"Mummy's not going to be happy with you doing that."
I can actually hear my ex-wife's stern tone in my daughter's voice and I can fully imagine the roasting I'll be getting later for ruining the kids' school uniforms. I figure that I'd rather incur her wrath and have two happy children though. It's not like I need to worry about appeasing her anymore, not now that fucking boyfriend of hers has moved in and they're playing happy families. The thought makes my throat feel tight but I swallow down the lump that's arisen, trying to focus instead on the things that I do actually have control over.
"Don't worry about mummy, I'll deal with her. Youse two are gonna be the best dressed kids in school today! Look at that Leo... proper artist at work here. Some mad drawing skills I've got, eh?"
"But it looks like a giraffe!" Leo giggles, pointing at the comical looking reindeer I've drawn on the front of his school jumper. "Reindeers don't have such long necks! And it's got an extra leg!"
"No it's not silly, that's a tail!" Grace chips in. She's giggling now too, reaching for the green felt tip as she announces out loud. "I'm doing a Christmas tree on mine. I'm a really good drawer, Miss Wilson told me so. She's always telling me how bright I am!"
"Brighter than the star on the top of any Christmas tree, eh kiddo?" I grin at her, pride warming me through with a pleasant glow. "So I suppose you'll be getting a good report then will ya when I go to parents' evening after school today?"
Grace freezes at my words, her smile instantly morphing into a worried looking frown, her eyes darting quickly up to me before they're fixed on the table below.
"But it's not parents' evening daddy, not today," she says quietly.
"Oh really?" This is news to me. "So why else would the school office be leaving me a voicemail, asking me to come and see your teacher today after school at 3.30pm?"
It's not very often my daughter's lost for words but she's silent now, shrugging as her lips pull into a flat line. She won't take her eyes off the tabletop, refusing to look me in the eye.
I know that look. I know it all too well. My heart sinks, the pride retreating. Leo starts shaking his head at his sister, tutting whilst wearing a wide smirk.
"You're in big trouble aren't ya? If Santa finds out..."
"Shut up Leo!" She snaps, her cheeks glowing hotly.
"Gracie... is there something you wanna tell me love?"
Yeah... it's definitely gonna be one of those days.
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🤍 Sacha's POV 🤍
I can really do without staying behind after class today. With just three weeks to go until Christmas I have a to do list a mile long and I've not even started ticking things off yet. I've been so busy dreaming up festive themed lessons for the school-kids to keep the Christmas magic alive that I've been neglecting my own seasonal plans.
My tree's usually up and decorated by December 1st, the whole house decked out like Santa's grotto, but this year the only thing I've managed to do is haul the tree out of the loft. It's been sitting in my hallway in its box for over a week now, taunting me every time I walk past. I've just been so tired after work I've been favouring lazing on the sofa watching trash TV when really there's a million and one other more productive things I should be doing. I've not even had chance to go shopping yet for the new tree decorations I promised myself that I'd get this year. Maybe I could walk into town this afternoon after this meeting with Grace's dad...
Ughhh the meeting... just the thought of it makes my gut clench with apprehension. It's all good when eager mums and dads are lapping up the praise at parents' evening, proudly beaming whilst I tell them how well behaved and perfect-mannered their sons are or how bright and inquisitive their daughters are. The mood swiftly changes though when I'm breaking the bad news to them that their sweet little cherubs aren't quite as angelic as they think. I'm still fuming about the formal complaint that Ryan Carter's mum tried to raise with the Headmaster when I told her that her son had been bullying the smaller kids in class. She refused to believe that her perfect little blue-eyed boy would ever step out of line and she even had the audacity to tell me that I was victimising him! I could tell that the apple didn't fall far from the tree with that one. She was so rude.
I glance at my watch... 3.36pm. He's late.
I'm trying not to let my pre-conceived ideas of Grace's so-called 'famous rockstar' dad influence my feelings before I've even met him but I just can't help myself. Against my better judgement I'd succumbed to Ellie's teasing in the staff room at lunchtime. She'd waved her phone around excitedly in my face announcing that I was in for a treat later because Grace's dad was, in her words, “a massive dilf".
I can't help but smile as I recall the humorous scene from earlier when I'd told Ellie that talking about the kids' parents in that way was inappropriate. She'd just smirked gleefully at my slack jaw as I'd proceeded to watch a clip of a live performance where Grace's dad was practically making out with the microphone on stage. I couldn't deny he was attractive.
"Told ya so!" She'd grinned, but I was resolute, shaking my head emphatically.
"I don't care if he's cute, I'll bet you any money he's neglecting those kids. I can see it now, Grace has already told me about her parents splitting up. Guys like her dad are all the same, I bet he's full of himself. Bet the lure of fame and money was too tempting for him and he's run off with some model or something!"
"You can't judge a book by its cover!" She laughs but I'm not budging. I know all too well the struggles of having an absent father. Men are so fickle.
Grace has been acting out of character all day, she's been unusually quiet and withdrawn. Any attempts at drawing out her usually cheerful nature have fallen flat. Even the announcement that she'd bagged the role of Mary in the class nativity play didn't have the expected effect, I just got a weak smile and a quiet "thank you Miss." I'm not sure whether she's just nervous about me speaking to her dad about her behaviour or whether there's something more serious going on at home, some underlying issue that's dampening her vivacious demeanour. Either way I'm determined to find out and help in any way that I can.
Ellie says I shouldn't get too involved but I didn't just take this job to teach kids to read and write. I fully feel like I'm helping to shape little lives and instilling good values and helping them to try and make sense of any confusing emotions. I still vividly remember my primary school teachers to this day, more fondly than any of my secondary school teachers and most of the academics at university too. These young years should be the most fun and carefree time of any person's life.
It's 3.45pm now... this doesn't bode well if he can't even be bothered to turn up on time for an appointment to talk about his own child. Maybe he's not going to show up at all. It's not like I ever see him at school pick up time. It's always either Grace's mum or another guy... a family friend I believe even though the kids call him 'Uncle Larry'. In the mornings the kids get dropped off early for breakfast club before I've arrived so I have no idea if he's even set foot near the school before.
I think of Grace and Leo sitting in the school office right now waiting and my heart aches for them. Maybe I should go down and see them? Ask the office to put another call through to the dad? Sighing heavily I get up from my seat and pick up my half-drunk cup of coffee, making for the door.
My head's down as I pull open the door, chuntering to myself about irresponsible parents, completely distracted so that I don't even notice the person who's on the other side. Even if I had the collision would probably be unavoidable. The tall figure's barrelling along that quickly and carelessly that our bodies bump each other's with enough force that I cry out in shock, upending my coffee cup and spilling the contents.
"What the.... Oh... I'm so sorry! My coffee!"
The thankfully not scalding liquid slops out and all over the front of a black suede jacket and I quickly assess the damage before I wrench my eyes upwards to finally see who's standing in front of me.
"Shit... am sorry love... was in so much of a rush I didn't see ya there! Ya drenched me!"
It's him. I can tell straight away after watching that video. Mousy brown hair long enough that it curls at his collar pushed back off his handsome face, blue eyes wide and bright as he peers down on me. He's wearing a slightly crooked grin that lights up his whole face and I falter for a second before I quickly re-gain my composure.
"I'm really sorry about that, you completely took me by surprise. It's Mr McCann isn't it? I was starting to think you weren't gonna show. I was just coming to see..." I trail off, letting my eyes wander down as he chuckles, brushing himself down. "Your jacket... I hope it's not ruined."
"Ahh, this old thing? Nah, it's fine, don't worry." He looks unbothered and I breathe an internal sigh of relief. "And it is me... you can call me Van though... and I guess you must be the amazing Miss Wilson I've been hearing so much about!"
My cheeks warm automatically and I laugh to cover my embarrassment, surprised when he sticks out a hand in a greeting. He's certainly charming enough and I remind myself sternly that we're here to discuss an important matter, not stand here exchanging pleasantries in the corridor.
"That's me!" I smile, taking the hand that he offers. "And seeing as we're on first name terms you can call me Sacha."
His large hand envelopes mine in a warm, firm handshake and I'm almost dismayed when he lets go.
"Sacha," he repeats, still grinning. "I tell ya, Gracie's always going on about ya. It's good to finally put a face to a name."
"Same here... Grace talks about you a lot too... her famous rockstar dad!"
"I hope it's all good," he replies and it's at that point my smile must slip as his face creases a little in concern as he steps back. "So... what's she been up to then?"
Here goes...
"Let's go and sit down and have a little chat shall we?"
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warandpeas · 4 months
World Peace
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catb-fics · 1 month
Single Dad Van needs a dachshund so he can say “do you want to see my Weiner” and embarrass the kids
Omg ha ha he so would and the kids would despair of him 😂
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We All Will Be Together
Summary:  Set in my "The Christmas Wish" verse. Santa has granted Henry and Roland's wish by making them brothers. Robin and Regina have decided to stay married. Follow them as they spend their first year as a family by seeing how they celebrate the special occasions throughout the year.
Chapter 1: FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter 7: The Wedding
FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
"Are you sure about this? I know we said that we wanted the full experience but we're also already married. I don't think we need to worry about this particular superstition," Robin said, standing outside the church with an overnight bag in his hand and looking hesitant to leave her.
She reached out, pressing her hand against his cheek as she smiled. "I know but I don't want to tempt fate. So can we just do this to put my mind at ease?"
Robin, though, didn't look convinced. "I know your morning sickness hasn't been as bad as it once was but what if you do get sick during the night? I don't want you to be sick by yourself."
"I'll be fine," she assured him, knowing he had been waking with her whenever she was sick to rub her back or hold her hair. It had been comforting to have him beside her during those moments. But they had lessened as she approached the end of her first trimester and the start of her second, so she was confident that she would not be sick that night.
"But what if you are?" he pressed, clearly reluctant to leave her side. For a moment, she wondered if maybe it would just be best to just let him stay and spend the night with her. She would love to fall asleep in his arms like she always did.
But she also wanted the full experience and that included the groom and bride spending the night before the wedding apart. So she squeezed his hands. "Tink is staying with me. If I get sick, she'll be there. And if it's really bad, she will call you. Promise."
He pressed his lips together but finally nodded. "Alright. Then I'll see you here tomorrow."
"Yes, you will," she assured him, pulling him closer as she rose up on her toes to give him a kiss.
He leaned into the kiss, deepening it for a few minutes before pulling away. "I can't wait for tomorrow night," he told her.
"I'm sure you can't," she teased him gently. She then gave him a little push. "Go on. Enjoy your night with John and the boys."
"I will," he replied, gently brushing some hair from her face. "And you enjoy some pampering before the wedding."
She smiled, nodding as John stepped out of the church. He clapped Robin on the back. "You ready to go, mate?"
"I am," he said, giving Regina's hand one more squeeze. "See you tomorrow."
John guided Robin down the stairs. They rounded up the boys and Regina watched as they climbed into Robin's truck. He gave her one last smile before getting the driver's seat and pulling away from the church. She followed the truck until it turned the corner and disappeared from her sight.
"Regina? Are you okay?" Archie asked, coming to stand next to her.
She nodded, looking up at him. "It's just…we haven't spent a night apart since we got married and I'm surprised that I'm nervous about sleeping alone."
He chuckled. "It is surprising how easily the right person can integrate into one's life, huh?"
"Yeah," she said, unable to imagine her life without Robin anymore. He now always seemed to be there and she loved it.
"Well, it's only for one night," Archie said. "You're a strong woman, Regina. I know you'll be fine."
Regina felt a bit buoyed by his words. "Thank you. So are you going to stop by tomorrow morning as we get ready for the wedding?"
Archie grinned but shook his head. "I think I would just get in the way so I'll just come a bit later. Tink's already promised to text me for when you're in your dress. I don't want to miss that."
"Good," Regina said, kissing his cheek. "Thank you, Archie. I couldn't ask for a better friend."
"Neither could I," he replied, hugging her. "Have a goodnight, Regina. And then tomorrow, we'll celebrate your much deserved happily ever after."
He headed down the stairs as Mary Margaret came out of the church, followed by Tink. They locked arms with Regina as Mary Margaret asked: "You ready to head home?"
"I am," Regina said. "I'm excited to see what you two have planned for me for the rest of the evening."
Tink grinned, guiding her down the stairs. "Well, we have an early night planned for you. Just a relaxing bath and then bed. Because everything we then start early tomorrow."
"Do I want to hear how packed my morning is going to be tomorrow?" she asked, amused and a little nervous that Tink and Mary Margaret would try to do too much.
"It'll be fine," Tink said. "Just trust me."
Regina sighed, nodding. "Alright. But if I think it's too much, I reserve the right to tell you to skip some things. Deal?"
"Deal," Mary Margaret replied. "Tomorrow is all about you. We're just there to make it perfect."
"Well, let's not worry about perfection. Let's just worry about having a good day," Regina told her.
Tink paused as they reached the car, looking her over with a soft smile. "Listen to that. It sounds more like Regina Locksley than Regina Mills."
"Robin certainly has rubbed off on me," Regina agreed, opening the door to the car. "I wonder how I rubbed off on him."
"He's definitely happier," Tink said, sliding into the car next to her.
Regina paused, frowning. "He always seemed happy to me before."
"And so were you," she countered, giving Regina a look. "Wouldn't you agree you're happier now that you and Henry are a family with Robin and Roland?"
"Of course I am," Regina replied. She then paused before realizing what her friend was getting at. "So naturally Robin is just as happy that Henry and I are now part of his family."
Tink nodded. "Exactly."
Mary Margaret started the car, glancing back at them. "And it's only been six months. I'm sure we'll all start to see more of your influence on Robin soon."
"Agreed," Tink said. She then leaned forward and tapped the driver's seat. "Now, let's go! We all need to get plenty of rest before tomorrow."
Laughing, Mary Margaret put the car in drive and pulled away from the church. Regina leaned back, watching it disappear behind her. The next time she saw it, she would be wearing her wedding gown and walking down the aisle to pledge to spend the rest of her life with Robin in front of their friends and family.
She couldn't wait.
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maureen2musings · 4 months
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