#& Hope Lehane / sacredslaycd
disulta · 10 months
@sacredslaycd asked - You gave me your word but that didn't matter
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SHE CAN’T FAULT HOPE’S FEELINGS OF BETRAYAL. The school was built with a promise of safety for all of it’s students, one that she had dutifully repeated for each and every tour and open day, that she’s only coming to terms with being a lie. Safety isn’t cages and prison worlds, never being tought how to protect themselves with their powers. (Putting students on pedestals and demanding their self-sacrifice.)
"I'm sorry, I thought-" That her dad had their best interests at heart? If that were true, he would've been more honest with them about the Merge and what it meant, taught them actual control, or actually been there for his daughters instead of playing pretend father to hope mikaelson.
"It was supposed to be safe."
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cursedslaeyer · 1 year
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#CURSEDSLAEYER, { original character. }
Private / Mutually Exclusive. Original Character Hope Lehane from Joss Wheedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe with verses heavily intertwined with Holly Black's the Cruel Prince. Blog is mostly based on the show & books; but takes some aspects from the comics + diverges into au's and runs ten miles in every direction on five different tracks. (i.e. very chaotic). Low activity, penned by Tink, 26, GMT. Previously sacredslaycd.
Heavily affiliated with cruelprincae's Cardan & dhampirslays Jo Summers.
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a study in: growing up too fast, living with abandonment, surviving trauma, the loss of innocence, growing up in your parents shadow, fighting with your demons, self sacrifice, being in love with your best friend, having your destiny picked for you, surviving the prophecy, what it means to be a slayer, losing the one you love, learning to trust, a weapon or a child? & learning to let go.
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daught3rsong · 7 months
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song bird in a cage . . . ! #DAUGHT3RSONG. an old personal blog I have recently overhauled to scream about the things I love. You may recognise me from insta if you're in the cosplay community or you may recognise my edits and this layout from my role-play blogs on this hellsite. I'll be using this as another base to promote my crackship commissions blog and honestly to just make friends who adore the same things as me. Doctor Who / Alex Kingston / River Song fanatic. Also big on the mcu, hotd, and l&o svu.
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blog roll: @sacredslaycd, @oblitum and @cag3dsong about: tink, 27, she/her, gmt activity: varies 001. old drabble blog 002. Hope Lehane (OC) drabbles, 003. ao3 (super duper low updates), 004. commission blog currently reading: The Ruby's Curse , currently watching: The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.
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dhampirslays · 3 years
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@sacredslaycd gets a heart break cause  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“ Stop looking at me like that.   With pity in your eyes.
  all I am to you is a tragedy, right ?
  Stop it.   Stop fucking looking at me like that.   Do you hear me ?
  I will break you with my blood stained teeth. “
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fiveslays-a · 4 years
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Thrack! Down Faith went in a flash, an interrupted moment between her and her daughter. Granted it wasn’t a complete bonding moment, her guard was down for only a second to allow the swing to take place. Demon. Of course it was and in demon fashion, crash a party at the most inconvenient times. Standing back to place, Faith stands to position, gathering a look around to their company to a group of four. Their lips curling to a malicious sneer, eyes as red as crimson rubies scanning them like a free buffet. Boy were they about to be in for it. “Guess we’ll have to finish this later cuz we got company.” Two to the left, two to the right. She recognizes them immediately to be low ranking demons, an easy neck snap if Hope could pull through. “I’ll take the left, you take the right.”
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sacredslaycdd · 3 years
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          Hello! Welcome to Sacredslaycd; a selective, private, dual muse blog for canon (divergent) Dawn Summers and original character, Hope Lehane from Buffy The Vampire Slayer! Blog is mostly based on the show but takes some aspects from the comics and runs ten miles in every direction on five different tracks. (i.e. very chaotic)
      I’m Jess, 25+, I use she/her pronouns and am usually pretty low on the activity scale. I usually operate on a week away basis once placement rolls round as my weeks can get up to 60 hours with travel. Currently living at uni so activity is better than usual but may still be spotty at times as assignments and exams take over. Super Friendly, discord is available upon request for plotting and chatting. 
DOC - can be found here, contains everything you need to know! 
DAWN - Anything relating to Dawn can be found here, includes details of divergence and verses. 
MEMES - I reblog alot! 
JO - Joyce Summers, Hope’s best friend, very integrated into her bio and an important part of her storyline can be found here. 
      && that’s about it! Don’t be a dick and we’ll get along just fine! Happy Writing!
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duskwolf · 3 years
@sacredslaycd / LEHANE, HOPE
   The words sounded like English, but they were distinctly not. Whereas the Quileute language was entirely removed from all those Western sounds, its own thing entirely, the way she spoke now was only a few steps removed from the language they both shared. He grinned as she finished, a brow raising coyly. "Cool, so -- how do you say ‘I think your knife is badass’ in Latin?”
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oblitcm · 3 years
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Hello! Welcome to oblitcm; a selective, private, original multi-fandom and multi-muse! Blog is created for my multi-fandom oc and other select muses i’d like to write more. This blog is mostly canon based but we love au’s so for that purpose we may take canon aspects and run ten miles in every direction on five different tracks. (i.e. very chaotic)
     I’m Jess, 25+, I use she/her pronouns and am usually pretty low on the activity scale. I tend to operate on a week away basis, meaning, 99% of writing and plotting takes place on the weekend and i’m not truly here in the week. Full time uni student and currently working a full time job- My weeks get up to almost 60 hours with travel. Super Friendly, discord is available upon request for plotting and chatting.
     Most things can be found on my blog under tabs but for easy navigation i’ll link the things I can that aren’t under tabs, down below! 
Muses - Currently only specifies the canon’s I play, doesn’t contain oc’s besides Bryn, i’m working on it. Also doesn’t contain trial muses.  Prompts & Memes - can be found here! feel free to send in as many as you like!  Other blog - Sacredslaycd is my main blog and is a dual blog containing canon divergent Dawn Summers and an OC, Hope Lehane, miracle child of you guessed it, Faith Lehane && Angel, born of a prophecy.  Recc - Blog under recc is for one of my closest friends on this hellsite we all love. An incredible writer who’s pretty damn good at crossovers aswell as all things Buffy so how about you go give her some love?
     && that’s about it! Don’t be a dick and we’ll get along just fine! Happy Writing!
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dhampirslays · 3 years
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“  But, you know, she was the one person I could be myself around and never feel judged. The one person that I knew would always pick up the phone, or call me back. She was the one person who made me feel brave because no matter what happened, no matter how bad or embarrassing or shitty it was, I knew that I had her in my corner. That if it all went to hell, I could talk to her and it would be fine. ”
personals do not interact | @sacredslaycd​ is allowed to reblog
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dhampirslays · 3 years
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dhampirslays · 2 years
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independent & private buffy the vampire slayer OCs, dedicated to Hope Lehane & Joyce Summers as slayed by jess & chrissie ( @sacredslaycd & @dhampirslays​ )
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duskwolf · 3 years
@sacredslaycd / LEHANE, HOPE
   It didn’t take much for him to lose patience, but he held onto it now with claws invisible, ones below that surface that could easily emerge if called upon. There was something oddly infuriating about her, about this inability to fully escape run ins like this. He didn’t stick his nose too far into the business of Forks were things weren’t his business. ( Of course where vampires and real threats were concerned, it was always his business, built into his blood. But the Lehane dhampir was the grey area around that hard line, and he was simply cautious to keep an eye on her now, without the urge as of yet for a full frontal attack. ) The truth was she was irritating because he couldn’t put his finger on her. Besides, she didn’t seem to need a reason to not be too fond of him either.
   "Oh, look who it is. You again.”
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