#& i don't have to make up a fantasy version of you to justify being mad at you. i just need to tell the truth
asiancatboy · 5 months
i'm just saying there comes a point at which you have to think long and hard about the situation(s) you have found yourself in. the reason why you think i'm the common denominator across all of your failed relationships is because you are still obsessed with using me as a scapegoat for all your problems despite having zero evidence to suggest it's true, and because it's easier than admitting you have not changed in the past two years. perhaps you should look at yourself and your own actions
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cryobabyy · 4 months
Realistic predictions/analysis for the dynamic between Syd and Carmy for s3 and what the writers will potentially do with Claire.
Pls keep in note that my sydcarmy brain was OFF and the Film/Television production student brain was ON when I wrote this. I am trying to imagine their potential romance in the most realistic and grounded way possible don't be mad at me please I'm sensitive sjhdsajdsjdhsfafafjskdlfh okay lets get into it
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Carmy is back in a high-end kitchen environment, which means toxic ocd perfectionist Carmy is back because he has yet to deconstruct that part of himself
that being said, he wants that star, not only because it'll justify the pain of gutting his dead brother's restaurant and perhaps soothe his self-loathing, but also because Sydney wants it- and Carmy wants to keep Sydney. He wants to see her get what she wants.
Carmy still has the toxic mindset that success is defined by how much you suffered for it, and how much pain you've endured. He is back in an environment where he will forever be chasing perfection that doesn't exist. He has an incessant need for control that makes him difficult to work with.
Carmen holds the staff, especially Sydney, to impossible standards of perfection
HE WILL BE PLAGUED BY BLACK AND WHITE THINKING THIS ENTIRE SEASON (as opposed to the wishy-washy, one-foot-in-one-foot-out vibe we got last season)
Enter the partnership contract lol
To Carmy, the contract is a testament to his commitment to Sydney. He would have a professional and legal obligation to operate at the highest standard. You have my full focus, and I have yours. He's basically trying to correct his mistakes in s2 in the most extreme way.
The problem is that Sydney knows this means she would be legally and professionally bound to Carmen. It means she would have to subscribe to his toxic standards and warped ideas of success to uphold her end of the contract.
Sydney will be forced to reevaluate if the path to success Carmy has laid out will be worth the suffering. We saw last season that the stress literally made her vomit. She is asking herself: does it have to be like this? Is this really the only way?
Sydney will be presented with alternative opportunities because of the attention she's received from being professionally associated with Carmy.
They will become increasingly tempting as The Bear continues to bring out the worst in Carmy
Maybe Carmy catches wind of the attention Sydney has been getting, which he thinks explains why she has been stalling signing the contract.
Carmy feels rejected. Of course, he doesn't realize it's rejection that he's feeling. He confronts her from a professional angle. It devolves into a fight because he'll probably end up lashing out.
"This is what you wanted! I'm giving you what you want!"
It is, in fact, not what Sydney wants. LMFAO
Sydney, of course, wants Carmy. But she wants a version of Carmy that doesn't exist, and she's not sure he ever will.
Sydney's relationship with failure is important for her character. She initially wanted the success Carmen has.
At the end of s3 she realizes she just wants Carmy. As a friend and a creative partner (and in my most unhinged fantasies a lover :P). She wants the Carmy she gets when they're riffing off each other's ideas in his kitchen. She doesn't want the tunnel vision perfection machine version of himself when he's in his chef whites. She grows to resent that version.
s3 wraps up with their relationship on rocky terms
Best case scenario, Carmy tries to change
worst-case scenario, Sydney steps back from the bear
Carmy operates at extremes. He either pursues a personal life or his professional life. In his mind, it is impossible to have both.
Claire and Sydney/The Bear are on opposite ends of the spectrum
If he commits to Claire, he can't commit to the restaurant
If he commits to Sydney/The Bear, he can't commit to Claire
Instead of trying to find balance, Carmy throws himself into Sydney/The Bear
Fak obviously observes that this makes Camry worse, and decides to talk to Claire to suggest some sort of contact between the two. He probably thinks this might keep Carmy from nosediving further. I don't have any guesses for the context of their conversation though. It could be anything. I think it would be hilarious if Fak hurts himself during dinner service and has to go to the ER and the convo unfolds that way lol.
Meanwhile, Carmy thinks he's doing the right thing by presenting his most extreme and professional self to Sydney because he thinks it's what she wants. He wants to give her his full focus.
What Sydney actually wants is fucking BALANCE. Which is exactly what Carmy NEEDS, but doesn't think is possible.
Sydney potentially walks away to find it elsewhere with someone else.
Carmy is angsty about it, obviously.
Carmy and Claire will probably reconcile, before or after his potential falling out with Sydney
If they do get back together, I don't think it's sustainable for Carmy. They both have very demanding careers, and Claire triggers trauma associated with his past. They might like each other, but they are incompatible, IMO.
I do think Sydney and Carmy will end up together eventually tho lol. Eventually, Carmy will realize that Sydney is his balance. The problem is that Carmy currently is incapable of providing Sydney balance. But if he learns that he can be that for her, he might realize that he wants her beyond professional partnership. Fingers crossed lol.
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hello-nichya-here · 10 months
i hate that the general public has the ideia that sandor only sees sansa as a "little sister" and has a stronger bond with arya… got did irreparable damage to society
I get far less mad at the "He's closer to Arya" thing when the people saying it are honest about refering solely to show as that's the only version of the story they've consumed. What I cannot stand is the people that only watched the show and then try to use it as evidence to claim Sandor was closer to Arya IN THE BOOKS THEY'VE NEVER EVEN FUCKING READ!
Buddy, in the books he beat, threatened and insulted her every other paragraph. He HAD moments of campassion towards her, and Arya did take notice and retribute it sometimes, but their dynamic is overwhelmingly negative and toxic. They're not friends, he doesn't see her as someone dear to him, and Arya was 110% justified in leaving him to die - something Sandor himself acknowledges.
Don't get me wrong, I do believe has good in him, and that he will BECOME a good person, as that's clearly what's being set up, but for 90% of the story he is an absolute bastard, even when actively trying to be nice to the Stark girls - and he has ALWAYS put way more effort to be gentler towards Sansa than he ever did to anyone else on Earth, Arya very much included.
He talks about her all the time, makes his romantic/sexual interest in her very clear, and cries on his "death" about how he failed to protect her. More importantly, while he DID threaten Sansa when offering to rescue her, he was in the middle of a PTSD episode, and all it took for him to breakdown crying and leave her alone was her singing a song about mercy. He never bonded with Arya on that level or ever got even close to respecting her wish to not be around him like he did with Sansa.
And let's not forget why Sansa sang to him: because Sandor demanded a LOVE SONG about the fool-turned-knight that rescued the pretty girl and then became her lover. He wants to be Sansa's hero and wants her to LOVE him. He almost kissed her during that whole mess, and George R.R. Martin has Sansa misremember the event to include an actual kiss, because Sansa was, in his own words, "correcting" that moment - not by ignoring all the awful parts of it mind you, but by making Fantasy!Sandor act on his obvious attraction to her, because the fact that he didn't was more important in her head than him literally threatening her life.
In case that last bit didn't make obvious: the book was not subtle about Sandor NOT thinking of Sansa as his "little sister", but as the object of his lust/love AND the poor, innocent maiden that is waiting for a true knight to rescue her and safely take her back to her family's castle - and despite her not being reckless enough to run off with such an unstable man, Sansa DOES have feelings for him too. Hell, even the show wasn't always unwilling to go there, as they do have some moments that scream "there's something there"
I REALLY need to make a whole separate post on how GOT completely destroyed Sansa and Arya (plus Sandor) as characters, and how their dynamics with "The Hound" were all wrong since Dumb & Dumber clearly didn't get that they were not supposed to side with Sandor's "everyone is awful, so all awful things are justified" mentality.
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swiftfootedachilles · 7 months
Hey, from an actual Jew, how about NOT fetishizing Jewish culture and maybe stop talking about it? Like damn, you wonder why people are unfollowing and blocking you and then you’re posting shit like this. We aren’t here for you to pick and choose parts of our culture to pull from and just throw in your fantasy world. I don’t give a shit whether you’re an ‘admirer’ or not. Seriously. Take a good look at yourself. Miss me with this dumbass bullshit.
not really sure how it's fetishizing judaism to say i mickey had gotten to explore a connection with jewish culture. the show fucks up representing so many minority groups and only uses jewishness as a punchline after terrys death so yeah i do like the idea of maybe some genuine representation. when i called myself an admirer i meant ive been considering converting for many years, not as somebody who finds judaism ~cool~ or whatever. the only reason i even had the gall to talk about it is because ive been "actual jews" in the fandom previously discuss mickey being jewish by patrilineal descent. i don't have some fantasy world where i make up a fun lil version of judaism to imagine blorbos in, i want to be in my local jewish community to learn and understand all of the customs and culture and religion. but i cant do that right now because i live in a homogenous rural area with family that would kick me out and cut me off if i began the conversion process, so i haven't been able to get the exposure i need and i have to rely on the voices of jews on online platforms rather than in-person. im sorry if that not always accurate to your personal experiences but i promise im not here to fantasize about some gay jewish version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding im just using my blog as an outlet for my interests, which includes religious, philosophical, and cultural. i want to know specifically why the posts i made are antisemitic fetishism because i seriously don't know
also, i have been getting hate in the fandom for a couple months now. which included disgusting transphobic remarks. for saying that people should research gay sex if they are going to write it in fanfiction. so if you're mad specifically about me making posts regarding judaism, let's stick to that subject. maybe don't justify the hate ive gotten in the past
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I wish the fandom discourse surrounding Jason wasn’t what it was because it honestly really sours my opinion of him a lot of the times. I’ll read something with him in it and I’ll be like “he was neat in this and I liked his character” and then I go on tumblr and I see the worst takes imaginable like “Jason only hurts people who deserve it” or “Jason can’t be blamed because he has pit madness” or “Jason is women-coded” and I’m just like “nvm I don’t like him anymore” 😔. I want to like him but at least 50% of the people who talk about him need some reading comprehension first lol
Ya that is so true... and i feel like in most cases is not even just "needing reading comprehension" at this point. There are people that genuinelly never read comics or don't want to, but are interested in the characters, i guess. Or they just read 1 issue and other specific posts online about them... though this might just be speculation on my part... but still.
Jason is a complex character and one that in some ways can resonate with a lot of people. Which is great. But, it also leads to people somehow becoming blind to the character's mistakes and outright inconsistecies in his actions and motivations, which is what actually makes him so interesting in the first place.
Also, either talking about some readers or non-readers, both tend to pick and choose what constitutes "good" or "meaningful" or "real" writing for a character (especially one like Jason). Like ya, the canon writing can be inconsistent at times (and sometimes to a annoying and disrespectful degree), but that doesn't automatically erase all the character development, thoughts and experiencies that led Jason down the path he did. I mean, how tf can you seriously "look in my eyes and say" that Jay's actions in, and some after, UTRH are "good/justified by the pit/completely justifiable by his trauma/etc".
Like, i love Jason, and he is in my top favourite characters. Lots of people love this character, and understandably for various reasons, but i think some people also need to reevaluate if they are actually "falling in love" with the actual character presented to us in canon or a fantasy version of him that they created and then spread around the internet. And well, sometimes it feels like some people have the need to make their fave characters "squeacky clean", because they are afraid to support a "bad/evil" character or something... and like, your favourite characters and stories don't define your morality, lol, only the motivations that you have for liking them in the first place, with messed up filosofies and actions in all. This is meant to be entertaining, not a morality contest online, lmao... but i think i am kinda getting ahead of myself... the point is that people seem to have gotten too used to having just the way they want it, despite the actual "truth" that comes from canon, and some also treat it like some kind of contest of "who is the most traumatized uwu boi out there".... especially with the Batboys... okay sorry for the rant, but i am so tired of people just looking at the stories and the situations in them just from the perspective of their fave.
What is the point of having a fave in an universe/stories where the fave can do no wrong and where you choose to ignore the other characters' motivations and if your fave is actually "in the right" in any capacity. Also, your fave being in the wrong is very fun to read, ok. Stop interpreting everything they do with "emotional and moral" justifications. Sometimes they are just messed up individuals and that are wrong in the actions they have taken - and this is great,, it's wonderful, because it gives them more complexities and it gives you more to explore with your fave... so the question is: why do people like so much to "minimize" their fave and put them (usually) in the victim that did no wrong box... like, where is the fun in that, really? I mean, if some people want a flawless character that did no wrong ever or whose wrongs can be always somehow justified, then i think they should probably look into other characters in dc to get attached to and talk about or if they don't find them in dc look for them in something else that might be more to their liking (just a suggestion, idk).
Anyways, i think the best thing that can be done is to try to instead spread more knowledge about how Jason and other characters are actually like. Because it is very difficult to make people change their minds when they already reach certain conclusions. And also to how to start reading comic books in some cases... though other people in fandom are doing a ton of meta posts and reading guides for characters to help new readers, is just a question of personal want and understanding if they truly want to engange with this media as it truly is.
Also, if you like a character in canon material, i think that you shouldn't let fanon interpretations ruin them for you... i understand it can be kinda hard because it is every where, unfortunatly. But hey, maybe the more people start talking more reasonably about them and truly coming from canon, things in fandom discourse might change (or at least i hope it does a little, lol).
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