#jay talks here
*Tim looking tired as shit and being an asshole to everything that breathes near him*
Jason: Jesus kid, what train hit you?
Tim: *irritated* Don't call me kid. And the train that hit me is this stupid lead that I got stuck on for 3 days! I need to find that fucker-
Jason: Wow! Slow down a little...
*Tim wakes up after hitting his head on the Batcomputer*
Tim: *looks at Jason* What was I saying...
Jason: *getting out of his shock* ...That you either need 3 full days of sleep or a DynaPep with 3 shots of espresso??...
Tim: *squinting his eyes* Ya... that... that sounds about right...
Jason: Which one? The healthy option or the vigilante no sleep version?
Tim: *looking annoyed at Jay*
Jason: *stares back confused as to why Tim looks at him like he offended his honor or something*
Tim: *long sigh* Okay, fine. Give me that drink.
----------one super energetic drink later-----------
*Bruce, Dick, Jason, Damian, Steph and Cass stare at a Batcave's wall full of detailed plans to take down all the rogues in Gotham as Tim continues to write and loudly murmur to himself*
Steph: How... how did this happen?
Jason: *still staring at Tim like the others* Umm... I gave him a juiced up coffee to help him get over a case that was giving him trouble... he found the guy he was looking for not even 2 hours later, then returned mumbling to himself and started researching and writing on the walls like a maniac... I thought the kid had coffee before... right?
Alfred: *that appeared besides them without anyone notecing* That is true... but usually Master Tim takes what could be considered small doses of caffeine diluted in some tea. Not an entire cup of almost pure caffeine, I am afraid...
Jason: Well, shit...
*Tim continues to rant and make plans about basically world domination at that point... for about 2 more hours until he just falls off the Dinosaur where he was making his "Ultimate Speech to the World"
The other Batcave residents just hear a thud and run to see Jason on the ground under the Dinosaur with a sleeping Tim on his chest*
Jason: *sounding super exhausted after he followed Tim around during all of his crazy talk and final "Ultimate Speech"* Never let me give Tim a coffee ever again... EVER!! *and he collapses into sleep too*
*The others just nod to Jay's previous statement and Bruce picks up his boys to put them to a proper sleep, thinking about how to deal with Tim's crazy plans plastered all over the Batcave*
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shiraishi--kanade · 2 months
Make your own proseka OCs. Make your own proseka unit. By god, make it. If you have an idea, go with it. Proseka lore allows for boundless opportunities. They don't even have to be musicians to have a Sekai. They don't even necessarily have to be in Japan. Project Sekai as a game is a love song to art and artists. You are one. Go nuts.
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chococrystal · 3 months
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Agent walker in mob session #2256, playing Fortnite
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ahalliance · 6 months
some notable moments from the qsmp meta talk antoine, étoiles, baghera and co had yesterday, including the stuff i mentioned in this post <3 subtitles in eng, transcript in eng below the cut as well (I apologize for the bad video quality my wifi hates me)
[Video Transcript:
[First clip begins]
Etoiles: I’m— I’m gonna go on QSMP, I think
ZeratoR: (laughs) This really made him want to play Minecraft
Baghera: Ohh, lucky, I miss it
Etoiles: But— you still can’t come back?
Antoine: Well, technically, she could come back, but I don’t think it’s as simple as that
Baghera: (pained) Not as simple as that….
ZeratoR: What are you waiting for?
Etoiles: It’s Lost, it’s Lost
Antoine: Well, her character is dead in game
ZeratoR: Ahhh… but isn’t there a way to— to— a gimmick?
Antoine: No but don’t worry, there’ll probably be a gimmick (laughs) there’ll probably be a gimmick, don’t worry
Baghera: Don’t worry, don’t worry—
Antoine: No, she’s banned from the server! She’s banned from the server, it’s over
ZeratoR: Sucks! How did you die?
Antoine: Nuclear explosion
Baghera: Nuclear— yeah, nuclear explosion
ZeratoR: Ah yeah indeed you’re dead
Etoiles: That should have technically killed everyone—
Antoine: I hadn’t been there for a long time!
Etoiles: Well, I wasn’t there either— oh, well, you (laughs) you—
Antoine: I was elsewhere, I was elsewhere, dude
Etoiles: What a fraud you are (laughs)
ZeratoR: Where were you?
Antoine: I was elsewhere— somewhere else, I can’t say, it’s my lore, dude (laughs)
Etoiles: It’s his lore!
Antoine: I can’t say, dude, it’s my lore, dude
Étoiles: Antoine’s lore—
Baghera: Oh wow, you played around with that? Damn, I didn’t even see
ZeratoR: Basically he was glued to the bomb but well played to him
Etoiles: The lore in question (laughs)
Antoine: The lore in question, dude, it’s mad
Baghera: Take of yourselves guys! This was so cool
[Everyone says goodbye]
[Baghera leaves the call]
ZeratoR: Basically he was glued to the bomb but he found a gimmick
Antoine: Yeahhhh
Etoiles: The lore in question, just being the goat
Antoine: Yeah but the problem is that it’s my lore in every game, dude
Etoiles: (laughs) Oh but it’s really that. Antoine’s lore is being the goat
[Second clip begins]
Etoiles: Something that makes me laugh a bit is the fact that because there’s so many open plotlines it leads to fan theories that are sometimes really fun. There was a moment when my character’s skin, well, it was made for me with white eyes. And well I used it because I found it cool. And, actually, when I put it on, I read 65 tweets from people going, ‘hey, did you know that Etoiles’ character is blind because he actually lost his eyesight because he was—‘
Antoine: But you know on this server, the moment you say any sentence it gets overinterpreted in every way
Etoiles: It’s so funny—
Antoine: What’s wild is that there’s a billion theories on things, and for my part there are people that have understood some stuff about the theory and everything, which I find rather fun
Etoiles: Well it’s— you can’t reproach them because—
Antoine: Oh no precisely, I don’t want to reproach them, on the contrary I find it so cool!
Etoiles: Yeah but it’s funny the extent to which they get in their heads about it— like, you say one sentence on the server and you read a whole text of 65–
Antoine: Yeah, yeah it’s that
Etoiles: It’s really so funny
Angle Droit/Florence: Hmm, he said he was hungry at this given time, it’s surely a coded message
Etoiles: It’s really that!
Antoine: No but really, it’s really that, you know
Etoiles: But you know it’s honestly that, Florence
Antoine: You say a little sentence that’s supposed to be a joke and it’ll be interpreted seriously because ‘there’s this, and this, and that’, you see. But the thing is, it’s often completely wrong, but sometimes it’s correct. So they have every reason to continue theorising, honestly, I find. I think they have every reason to continue theorising, it’s very interesting
Etoiles: You’re just correct the goat, dude
[Third clip begins]
Etoiles: Basically I can say it because it’s out of roleplay and I think Antoine already knows it, because sometimes people are like, ‘yeah you can’t spoil the other streamers!’ but the streamers see everything—
Antoine: I know everything that happens on QSMP
Etoiles: —it’s just that the streamers don’t use the info rp wise. Basically I’m apart of an organisation on the server—
Antoine: What, you’re kidding, dude?!
[The others laugh]
ZeratoR: What the fuck?!
Antoine: I’m not supposed to know that, dude!
Etoiles: Basically I’m apart of an organisation that’s called the Resistance—
Antoine: (scoffs)
Etoiles: —and it’s completely hidden within the server, no one knows about it in the roleplay
ZeratoR: Even I knew about it, so
Etoiles: Yeah, well there you go. And therefore I have a hidden team that allows me to go into buildings, kill Federation agents that take care of the Island, and—
Antoine: But why would you want to kill Federation agents, dude?
Etoiles: Well because they’re not very nice, dude
ZeratoR: (laughs) Oh the lore is incredible. Well, it’s not nice to be mean, but…
Etoiles: The thing that’s funny—
Antoine: They’re not mean…
Etoiles: —is that I see messages from people on Twitter reacting like, ‘well I think it’s insane that Etoiles is killing Federation agents,’ when I don’t want to kill them. I never want to kill them. When I kill them, it’s because I’m forced to. And the last time, I didn’t want to kill them—
Antoine: That’s a really war criminal-esque phrase, that
ZeratoR: Clearly
Etoiles: No but bro, bro, it’s the admins themselves that told me, ‘return to the base, let’s fight,’ that’s what they said, bro, so I was like, ‘well, okay’ (laughs)
Antoine: Well that…
Etoiles: It was fun, honestly. And so when I saw all the messages on Twitter like, ‘Etoiles’ character has totally lost his mind,’ I was like, well—
Antoine: What, you don’t like white teddy bears, dude? Honestly, they’re so cool
Etoiles: Then again, white teddy bears aren’t really nice, dude
Antoine: Dude they are simply what I’d call the goat, honestly. They’re what I call the goat, personally, white teddy bears are called the goat
end Video Transcript.]
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bu-blegh-ost · 10 months
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The time has finally come, @girlsonlytreehouse !!!
Today I shall share with you the fruits of my work. But first, allow me to take you on a journey I myself have been through while counting all of this shit down.
First things first, I decided to count the rolls in the context of the characters rather than the people playing them, simply because the luck of the actual people could not be measured accurately if I only take Riptide into consideration (and also I thought it would be more fun). The guys have several different campaigns, some that I do not have access to, so I've decided to seperate all their Riptide rolls into characters they play instead, cause then we can clearly see which character is the luckiest. But ofc if you want this to be attributed differently, the data remains unchanged, so that way you all can interpret the results however you wanted and still have all the info you need on hand.
Another issue were the advantage/disadvantage rolls. When a character rolls at advantage, they roll twice and the only roll that counts is the one that was higher, while the other is discarded and the opposite goes for disadvantage. So for example if you roll at Disadvantage and you roll a nat 20 and a 2, that nat 20 technically doesn't matter. Despite that I decided to count each adv/disadv roll anyway, because despite the fact that it does not count, it was still physically ROLLED, which means it contributes to the character's overall pool of luck. I tried to separate them at first so you guys can make your own decision whether to add them or not, but in the end I decided against it cause it was insanely hard to keep up with. There were just too many and too often, which led me to believe that it was fair enough to count everything as long as they actually rolled a dice.
Which brings me to the last complication, which is of course Gillion's Prophetic Screwup. At the beginning of the campaign Gillion was able to exchange anything that he actually rolled into a nat 20, and in return the DM can change any roll he does afterwards into a nat 1. That way there was supposed to be an equal number of wild unrolled nat 20's and nat 1's to balance Gillion out back to 0, but it didn't turn out this way. In more cases than not, Grizzly would either forget or fail to find a good place to screw Gillion over, so the ability bacame much too unbalanced. So they changed it somwhere in the middle of Edison Kingdom Arc. From then on, if Gill rolled anything from 1-10 it would automatically become a nat 1, and if he rolled from 11-20, that'd be a nat 20 instead. Either way these rolls had nothing to do with luck, as he wasn't actually rolling anything, thus I decided not to count these 'artificial' nat 20's/1's. However I did keep track of them nonetheless and I'll still give you the number of those, just separately, and from then on you guys can make your own decision on whether or not you wish to count it.
Without further ado, here are the nat 20's results (up to ep106):
Gillion: 52
Chip: 58
Jay: 55
Goobleck: 8
Surprised? Yeah I was as well. First things first I never expected this to be this close. And never in my right mind could I possibly predict that it would he CHIP of all people to have the highest score here. But I've seen it with my own eyes. And tell you what. Jay had this in the bag for most of the damn series. She would consistently roll good and always when you need a good roll the most. There were times when she would have such a massive lead it was unthinkable she could loose it. But then she would just kinda...stop rolling good for a bit and allow the other two to catch up. It just wasn't as visble if you don't pay much attention, but I thought it to be cute. It's as she was waiting for them <3 But she was still mostly leading. It was only the current arc that made Chip surpass her. After his terrible luck in Feywilde, he bounced back so strongly right after, that he managed to jump in front of the luck queen herself.
And now I bet you're curious about the other side of the coin. Give it up for natural 1's!:
Gillion: 55
Chip: 53
Jay: 52
Goobleck: 1
You see, I kind of expected it to be Gill, but I need you guys to know that this wasn't the case at all times. Jay? Yes. If there is one thing that's consistent is that she had the lowest amount of natural 1s at all times almost, but the person that was suffering from nat 1 curse for a long while was Chip. In the Feywilde Arc he would be so far ahead of everyone, that I was genuinely sure that there is no way anyone catches up to him. But then he popped off in the next arc with nat 20's and Gillion? Oh my gosh, Gillion didn't disappoint. I've never seen a man fail this much let me tell you XD He ended up with the least nat 20's as well, but I thought the difference would be much higher until he didn't roll 4 fucking nat 20s in ep 100 and then this double nat 20 attack roll in the Black Sea whduihdius AND HE CAUGHT UP AS WELL, more or less.
Idunno, maybe this is just how luck works, but it truly seems that the trio shares their successes and burdens almost equally. They support each other and in return fate has their backs as well. Honestly I couldn't have hoped for better results. Also can we give shout out to Goobleck, the true MVP? He's been on the show only for a while but look at this nat1 - nat20 ratio!!! Go goop man goo!!!
So now for the additional stuff that I also counted just for fun:
*Prophethic screwup nats:
Before the rules changed Gillion replaced 8 of his rolls into natural 20s, and in return Grizzly replaced 3 of his rolls into natural 1s.
After the rules changed he only got high enough number for 4 nat 20s, and a low enough number for 7 nat 1s.
So that together makes additional 12 nat 20s and 10 nat 1s from the prophetic screwup alone. I don't think they should be added, but the numbers are there so feel free to do whatever you want with them :)
Downs and death saves:
Throughout the campaign Gillion went down 14 times and rolled 8 death saves.
Chip went down 6 times and rolled 4 death saves.
Jay went down 4 times and rolled 3 death saves.
No shocker here, Gillion dies a lot XD
In their journey Gillion knighted 4 people: Julien Booker, Clorton, Garrieth and Duke.
Corruption score:
Thus far each character has the following amount of corruption points (Black Sea):
Gillion: 0
Chip: 2
Jay: 3
Queen: 1
Gryffon: 2 (i think, unsure abt that one, may edit later XD)
Earl: 1
That is all I have for now. I may be clinically insane :)
Good day to everyone and I hope you found this data interesting. Take care <3
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writer-room · 8 months
Of course Jay would end up as a manager in the former Realm of Madness, it's Jay. Dude literally could not thrive anywhere else. Any other option would have him being kidnapped again, and god knows that guy has been tortured more than enough.
Now, on an analyzing scale, I do have to wonder if Jay's just the manager for displacing people, and if that's the case, does it have anything to do with him trying to find the others? That, if his friends were lost, then at some point they'd surely end up down here and he could find them? Which would be extra painful when remembering how close Arin was to just missing him, and the fact that Nya showing up in some other remains of the Realm of Madness means that she was probably really close to him and had no idea.
However, if I know Jay Walker, and I have roughly 12 years worth of episodes to know him, then let's be entirely honest with ourselves here: dude just fucked around and found out. He's high off his newfound power and it's gonna take about an entire season to drag him away from the Administration and give up his cushy 'doing nothing all day' lifestyle to go back to almost dying every other week. And it will finally end with him deciding to come home in about 10 minutes, Tournament of Elements style, and it's probably going to be because he misses Nya. Except they're also going to let him be a snarky little bitch again, which means it's going to be an absolute nightmare, and I'm thrilled
#ninjago#ninjago dragons rising#dragons rising#lego ninjago#lego ninjago dragons rising#jay walker#ninjago jay#nya#text post#talk#headcanons#ideas#the administration#ninjago administration#agent walker#dragons rising jay#IM SO EXCITED FOR HIM TO BE INSUFFERABLE AGAIN!! YESSSS JAY BE A LITTLE SHT AGAIN I MISSED YOU#NO MORE OF THIS UWU JAY HES SUCH AN ASHOLE AND I WANT THAT BACK#'hes a ten but--' 'hes a zero. and i want him so bad' thats nya abt jay do you understand. like thats the dynamic here#jay absolutely tripped face-first into becoming manager and is just here to chill & not deal with that above merge nonsense#dude definietly doesnt even know the mergequakes are happening. he takes nothing seriously until he sees one happening#and even then hes like 'well the administration might be fine so lets just stay here then??' no you dumb fck the world is ending <3#i cant wait for him to be mean again. i miss when he was mean. i like it when my main heroes are allowed to be pricks but pricks who#ultimately do the right thing. maybe jay has to be pushed a few times but the guilt usually makes him be good in the end#also i just know hes gonna get dragged out specifically because of nya. jay just isnt cooperating & kai stares into the camera before going#'im calling nya' and jay just SPRINGS to life from where he was doing ragdoll to protest zane carrying him like#'YOU DIDNT TELL ME NYA WAS WITH YOU. WHERE IS SHE'#'IF NYA WASNT WITH ME I WOULDNT BE WASTING MY TIME WITH YOUR ANNOYING AS S'#'OH FCK YOU--' and then they start fistfighting until zanes the one to actually call nya and drag jay out by the ear#like do you see it do you see the vision
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sprinkle-jay · 4 months
riz taking disadvantage in survival because he's not taking good care of himself oh i feel SICK
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sluckythewizard · 3 months
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these are A BIT OLD but uhhh here check out these aggio doodles i did forever ago. still VERY happy w my colors :3
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tornoleander · 1 month
Nya has the best writing out of anyone in skybound an I will not hear otherwise
(this is just a rant but I will finish my argument with evidence soon but I was feeling like yelling at phone)
Just watched a video completely butchering her character.
I’m fuming about Nya’s treatment in general like RRRRR SHE IS LIKE THE BEST WRITTEN. Most people I see talk about her never tried to see Nya’s motivation.
And because she’s grumpy and won’t take bullshit treatment. And a large part of the audience Treat her like she’s a brat for it like…
Her ark against all odds is great. The only reason so many people don’t get that is ALL because of the awful framing and them focusing on Jay at all the wrong times I PROMISE YOU.
The audience is made to focus on Jay’s feelings in moments that should’ve been about her.
Nya always thought she would end up with Jay like she said later on. She always loved him She wasn’t trying to hurt or play with his feelings but she had bigger problems, and she simply didn’t want to be dating him. Because she hated how that would make her be perceived. Which was the issues that she overcame by the end.
She is frustrated by way she’s perceived by the city. They only see her as her gender. A self insert of sorts. (There’s a scene about it first ep subtle but boils my blood) Not a person. She HATES IT.
Nya has A lot more going on like it was never her Job to walk on eggshells around Jays feelings. She was having a lot harder of a time that first episode but more screen time was dedicated to Jays moping about her.
Just AAA ggghg
LIKE EVERYONE REWATCH SKYBOUND AND FOCUS ON NYA Specifically. Ignore how much the narrative drags you to look at Jay. I swear Nya’s struggle is shockingly the most well written bit
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jasonsmirrorball · 10 months
thinking about laying your head on jason's lap while he's reading his book and playing with your hair..
sobs into my pillow this is all i want please
just...dozy afternoons when the sun is light and pleasant as it comes through the window. maybe you're at his apartment, where he's pushed his bed against the window and it's made a pretty little sunspot that spans across his entire, ridiculously large bed that you tease him for because one man does not need a bed that big. but he always just looks at you and grins a little and says it's because he knew he'd have you to share it with and you fake being sick because it's so utterly corny but it gives you butterflies all the same.
anyway. classes are out for the afternoon and you've come back to his, had lunch and the mid-afternoon sleepiness hits but you aren't fully tired yet, so the both of you are just curled up in his bed. he'd just done the laundry last night so the sheets smell clean and fresh, and they're so soft–perks of dating a rich boy, i guess, thousand thread count sheets that you consider nicking if the both of you ever break up.
he's got your head in his lap, fingers tracing over your hairline and temple as he reads one of his books. occasionally, he'll lift his hand and the scratch of pen against paper will fill the silence. you're dozing on and off, warmed by the sun and the faint detergent smell that reaches your nose.
i imagine if you've got your hair in braids, he'll run his fingers over the woven strands and fiddle with a braid aimlessly, maybe twirl it gently around a finger. fingers scratching lightly at your scalp, at the nape of your neck.
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kittycat-in-the-dark · 5 months
Can I be a little bitch for a second and complain about something...
(Also because I haven't written a post in a while, lol)
People that hate Damian Wayne's character are weird.
Like, let me make something clear first: people are obviously allowed to dislike Damian as a character for wtv reason (although, it is better when the reasons that people dislike him for come from actual canon and not fanon, and it's not because of, ya know, stuff like racism...).
However, it's really hilarious (in a dumb way, sorry not sorry) when I see fans of Jason and Tim specifically (which is funny, considering I'm one as well) shit on Damian as if he is like a little monster that did the most horrible shit imaginable just because in the stories he first appeared in, in main canon, he did some questionable actions, such as cutting Tim's line. But most of the time these same people almost never talk about what were Damian's reasons to do this and some even say stuff like "Jason was justified in shooting Damian that one time./It was satisfying to see the brat being shot by Jason." or something else like that.
And I sit here like: excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK??
Look, I get the argument "these are fictional characters written by adults, so it doesn't matter that Damian is a kid, he still did messed up things" to a certain degree. However, it still doesn't change that they are still writting a child. And just because some of you people don't like Damian because he is a brat, that doesn't mean you can completely ignore (or outright make up/change) the context surrounding Damian's character, while at the same time giving characters like Jason Todd, that at the time Damian was introduced in Post-Crisis did way way more messed up shit, justifications such as "it's bad writing", "it's classist", "Jason has trauma".
WHEN THE SAME/SIMILAR FREAKING REASONS APPLY TO DAMIAN'S CHARACTER AND WRITING AS WELL!!! Aka, "bad writing" (that can be everywhere for any character, not just for Jason, duh), "racist writing" (unfortunately), "Damian has trauma" (yes, yes he was. And he came with some fucked up baggage of it when he first met his father, just like Jason did, why do some people ignore this just because of Damian's heritage or something).
ALSO: some people sure love to forget that there is a big ass difference between "Damian is a 9-year-old that grew up in an assasssins cult, and thus he isn't familiar/adjusted with his dad's world and rules" and "Jason is a grown ass man that keeps hurting other people because of his trauma, including people that have nothing to do with his trauma to begin with" (*cough* Mia Dearden *cough*, *cough* The Titans *cough*; also, opposite to Damian, he didn't grow up being taught to kill people, lmao). So, like, idk dude, they all have messed-up trauma and you don't see all of them going on killing sprees and torturing innnocent people because of it...
Like, I love Jason, I love Tim. But I don't hate Damian, Dick and/or Bruce, just because in certain situations they wronged my faves. Also, it's good to recognize that the faves messed up too. That they hurt other people. I mean, why the fuck do some of you people justify Jason (especially him) and Tim's wrong actions to the moon and back, but don't extend the same courtesy to other characters in similar situations... like, it doesn't seem fair or make that much sense to me...
Like,, really, I'm sorry but people saying in the same breath that "Jason deserves to be understood on his violence because of his trauma" and "Damian is evil because he tried to hurt people" (also because of trauma, btw) are kinda hypocritical, sorry (not sorry actually).
(Also, why tf do some people make "who is the most traumatized Batboy" type competitions that usually downplay the trauma of the Batboys/Batfamily members they don't care about or like?? The point of the Batfamily is that they all are messed up people that came together by chance and because they share similar trauma and desire to help others, while at the same time being a dysfuncional mess of a family. Like, that's the fun part. And ya, that also means they have to have moments where they get along and recognise when they fucked up. And all of them had situations where they fucked up and hurt others. There is no "100% innocent/justified" member in the Batfam. All of them fucked up big time at some point, okay?? And that is part of what makes them interesting characters. Like, sorry for ranting so much but I don't understand people that act as if their favourite characters can never do any wrong or did any wrong when they actually did...)
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morrowalker · 5 months
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⚠️DO NOT tag this as ship.
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lunabug2004 · 5 months
This is kinda a follow-up to my last post. I’m fully rewatching s4 rn for the first time since it came out and I’m sorry but I don’t see how Dustin and Mike are in the wrong with the Hellfire campaign/championship game situation. I love Lucas and I feel absolutely awful every time I see him sad, but I don’t think anyone was in the wrong here. I just think that they all had different priorities bc they’re growing up and unfortunately that happens.
Dustin and Mike did exactly what Lucas asked of them, they asked Eddie to move the campaign. Then they got denied and given a whole speech about how they’re the whole future of the club by a person who took them in when they felt left behind by Lucas, and people expect them to ditch HF to go to the game? I’m sorry but no. Not to mention the campaign was planned beforehand and obv no one expected the team to get to the championship game or else they would’ve had a sub for Lucas prepared. It was a scheduling conflict. It happens. It sucks but no one’s at fault for it.
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aurorangen · 5 months
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After graduation came a break before work started for Renee. It was also Jay and Miracle's wedding! Renee and Vincent travelled all the way to Chestnut Ridge for this special occasion and it was such a joy to see Jay again! Though Vincent felt a bit light-headed upon arriving. He was just tired from the long journey, right? But don't worry he felt a lot better after a nap on the bench.
Renee: Finally we are here! Now where are we meant to meet Jay and Miracle? Vincent: Uhh my head [takes a moment to respond] Didn't he say New Appaloosa? The town centre? Renee: Let me check google maps again. Aha! We are in New Appaloosa.
[Renee continues looking. She zooms out to Oasis Springs, to an area of endless desert…just out of curiosity] Renee: I guess they couldn't update the map as there's no evidence. So this place must be Strangervil-
[Vincent's mind goes blank for a second and suddenly Renee's voice seems so far away. His head sways to one side and his eyes struggle to stay open. He could see Renee but everything looks blurry] Renee: Vince! Are you ok? [she grabs hold of him and they walk towards a bench to sit down]
Vincent: Shit. I just blanked out for a sec. God, I'm so knackered from the flight. Renee: Here have some water. We'll rest for a bit longer, there's time [snuggles close to him] Vincent: [smiles and rests his eyes] What would I do without you Renee?
Jay: [clears throat] Ahem still recognise me? Renee: Jay!?! Ahh Jay, it really is you! Damn, it's been so long! Jay: You're the same as always! I missed you, Renee.
Renee: And Miracle [squeals] Woah you're so beautiful in person! Miracle: Thanks gorgeous! You're exactly how Jay had described! [sees Vincent resting] Oh is Vincent OK? Renee: Yeah he's just tired. Hey Vince look who's arrived.
Vincent: Oh it's Jay and Miracle! Sorry, my head's a bit [he blinks a few times] It's so good to finally meet you two, just call me Vince, any friend of Renee is a friend of mine! And congrats, we can't wait for the big day! Jay: We've been dreaming about it forever, right Mir? And I've heard so much about you Vince.
[The guys continue walking as they get to know more about each other] Vincent: [nudges him] Oh god what did Renee tell you? Hopefully only good things eh? Jay: Well…interesting to say the least [they laugh together]
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writer-room · 8 months
One among many things I love about Dragons Risings writing is that they're so unapologetic about making the original team very cool, but also absolute dorks.
It's just kinda refreshing to me? Like, yeah, sure, Lloyd's the super-awesome Green Ninja who's a descendant of God, Kai could set the world on fire if he wanted, Nya does not hesitate and was the ocean that one time, Zane will casually mention the most insane shit he did on a whim, Cole has a lava and rock monster form, etc, but like...they're also losers. Lloyd gets bullied constantly and tries to explain what a crab is, Kai has so much intelligence but so little wisdom at all given times, Nya has a 'shit happens' attitude as if she is not actively failing through this shit happening, Zane talks to a broom with Pixal's face on it, and Cole has it together the most by being a 9-to-5 dad with a boyfriend who he 100% believed was his power crux.
They're just people, y'know? Saving the world a hundred times over doesn't mean they're not still 20-something nerds who've been stuck doing this since they were teenagers. One cannot erase the time they had bad boy doppelgangers for like two minutes. Or had to raise their teacher. Or had the weirdest relationship drama. Or were huge video game and tech geeks.
And Dragons Rising isn't afraid to let them be that. To acknowledge, yeah, objectively, they're cool as hell, but to also admit that they're just kinda fucking around and finding out. It's a wonder what consistent and likeable characterization can do, who woulda thought?
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hungharrington · 19 days
it’s been so long since i’ve touched the draft of a little less conversation pt two that i keep having to scroll up like hey what’s everyone wearing. steve still got his shirt? ah man he’s taken off his shirt twice
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