#& she stopped the dust weaving bc she doesn’t need it any more. on account of. the maiden
bestworstcase · 4 months
...The thought when you consider that maybe another reason why Cinder's body might have gotten hurt at the end of Beacon is also because she wove what is essentially bomb particles into her dress that might have gotten blown up.
Which would also explain why she doesn't exactly do Dustweaving post-Beacon.
theme driven story.
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zombiejette · 5 years
RadioDust HCs:
ok kids. bc i have no chill yet no desire to clean these ramblings up into an actual fic, have some of my extremely self-indulgent hcs for this ship. this is gonna get long-winded and wild, so strap tf in.
General HCs:
Alastor is gray or demisexual. Meaning he is generally sex-repulsed until he becomes incredibly close to someone. This is pretty much my standard HC across the board for him, especially when I’m trying to ship him with Angel cuz lord knows there needs to be a middle ground between their sexual natures somewhere lol
Even after falling for someone, he still is fairly indifferent to sex, but he does enjoy eliciting reactions, especially from someone he knows well. And in the rare event that he cares for another, he does genuinely want to bring them pleasure. Therefore he sees sex more as an extension of this and is willing to participate to make his partner happy/is interested in creating their reactions
Likes to know he’s the only one to rile them up as well, part of his power kink
Alastor also has no idea what these identity terms mean either: is a clueless murderous old man
Angel is a tad more Woke™, especially after being in Hell for a while
Having younger generations of demon friends helps with this: Cherri or Vaggie being the ones to usually clue him in to more modern concepts
Drives Angel up a gd wall when he attempts to explain a modern invention/slang/pop culture reference to Alastor, who only digs his heels in with Not Understanding it just to piss him off more
Alastor not only does understand, but saves this fact for the times when he really wants to impress/screw with Angel, or when the knowledge comes in handy
He’ll never forget the look on Angel’s face when he casually informed him that the deer selfie filter is actually super offensive to him and would you please be a ‘deer’ and cease using it on insta thank you now there’s a love
Angel is now super paranoid that Alastor will see all his social media interactions somehow, despite him NOT having any accounts anywhere
Does not stop him from posting nsfw selfies and tagging them with #alastor/radiodemon in the least
Anemia HCs:
ok so i read somewhere that angel was anemic on the hazbin wiki info, or something?? i don’t know if that was real or not but uh... i took it and ran with it, so now it’s my hc, and this whooooole thing turned itself into a multi-part mini fic, which is all under the cut. if you’re dying of radiodust thirst like me, pls enjoy this mess.
Part One:
Angel is indeed anemic, and the first time Alastor finds out is when he literally passes out into his arms like a bad ‘Gone with the Wind’ parody
At first Alastor was disgusted, thinking this was yet another stupid ploy to hit on him... until he realized Angel wasn’t speaking anymore
Something that never happens
He wasn’t expecting to care, let alone lift the spider the rest of the way into his arms, carrying him to Charlie so she can figure this out
One second, Angel was fainting on him, the next, Alastor found himself sitting by his bed, placing a cool cloth over his brow and waiting for Charlie to get back with supplies
Almost like something out of those novels Mother used to think she had so cleverly hidden away
Somehow, that thought alone was not enough to make him leave, so there he dutifully remained
Even as Angel woke up, groggy, yet giving him maybe the smallest, softest smile he’d ever seen the demon make
”Al... you stayed...”
Well that was certainly something. The way it made his pulse race quicker and palms sweat under his gloves was definitely new. And apparently enough to keep him sticking around through Charlie’s fussing and prodding and Angel’s consequent refusal of said mothering
Until Alastor remembered that anemic means lack of iron
iron like from meat
meat like from animals
and animal meat was his specialty!
Without another word, he left for the kitchen, only to return with a giant steak dinner (clearly bullied out of the staff in a rush), complete with mashed potatoes and vegetables and a large glass of orange juice
Literally everything Angel never eats
He refused to leave until it was all eaten, sitting back in his chair and bribing Angel with the offer to tell him a story as he finished it
And so he does, weaving a vivid tale just like back in his radio star days, complete with voices and hand gestures
Never before had Angel and Charlie ever seen Alastor quite this engaged in something that wasn’t murder or chaos; instead spinning a yarn about a boy and his magical pig who helps him to find his lost twin sister
Angel is quite enraptured, naturally, having to be prompted to keep eating a couple times, and Charlie hangs back by the doorway, absolutely beside herself internally at what’s unfolding before her
Vaggie would no doubt try to convince her otherwise later, and she may just be a princess of hell, but she knows love when she sees it dammit!
Eventually, she can sense the story’s end coming near, and as much as she wants to hear it, she wants their story to begin more, so she quietly slips away and leaves them alone
The tale indeed ends and Angel swallows the last of the drink, both quiet a moment, looking at each other
“…. Where’d ya hear that one Al?”
“Hear it?”
“Ya know, where’d you get it from? Some old fairy tale book? A movie? It’s real good and I know Molly would love that it’s basically just like us, so if ya tell me where to find it I can-“
“Nowhere. I made it up.”
“You made that up!!? Just now!?”
a small chuckle “Yes, that is what storytellers do…”
“… For me?”
Alastor pauses at that, regarding him again
“I suppose… Yes, yes that one was just for you. About you, really… with some… embellishments,” he twirls a hand nonchalantly in the air before returning it to the other in his lap “Either way I’ve never told it to anyone before, if that’s what you’re after.”
And there’s that smile again, the one that Angel never wore before today, and the one that Alastor would find himself chasing every day since, whether he realizes it or not
Part Two:
The only downside to this is now Alastor will not leave Angel alone about his iron intake
Constantly asking him if he’s had anything substantial today, pushing juices and vitamins and most of all meat onto him, sometimes holding him hostage to watch him eat it
Angel would be flattered if it didn’t interfere with his drug and alcohol habit so much
“Al, geez let up wouldya!? I’m already in Hell, why do I gotta be HELLthy too huh??” a smirk accompanied that, despite himself
the radio demon sighs “As much as I appreciate a well-timed pun, I must insist” he taps where Angel’s nose would be on a normal face “I’m already well aware that you’ll never be ‘healthy’, but I’d take conscious as a consolation prize.”
“Really?? YOU prefer me conscious??”
“Don’t flatter yourself-” he scoffed faintly “I have a hotel to endorse, and you are it’s prized resident, my opinions on the matter non-withstanding. I can’t very well have the famed Angel Dust dropping like a fly at a moment’s notice over such a small thing as malnutrition. What kind of operation would this look like if we couldn’t at least keep on top of something as simple as anemia, hmm?”
For once, Angel had nothing to return fire with, since the last time someone gave him such a convincing speech about his well-being was his sister right before his death, and he really didn’t feel like putting anyone through that agony again
Not even Alastor
After that, Angel takes whatever food Al gives him in annoyed silence, but he still takes it
Though it’s getting harder and harder to remain annoyed when what Alastor gives him starts increasing in quality
At first it’s swiped energy bars or simply juice, but then progresses to sandwiches and fruit and deviled eggs and little spinach quiches and tortes and assortments of cheeses that can’t be easy to procure down here, even with Alastor’s influence
If you cornered him, Angel would never admit it, but he actually forgot how much he missed real food after being inebriated constantly, and Al’s little treats become the new highlight of his day
He’ll even stop using some of the harder drugs so he can better taste them
Charlie would never tell them for fear of the whole thing stopping on an embarrassed dime, but she’s so so proud of them both for this little secret transaction
Angel does start looking and acting better as a result, even though he still abuses alcohol and softer drugs and def keeps his sexual nature intact
But he’s less irritable and prone to lashing out, and his coloring is brighter and his hair sleeker
He also isn’t as tired as often and hasn’t fainted at all since the first time, just feeling overall stronger and more lucid
Which he can’t really complain about even though he wants to
Part Three:
The hotel even benefits from this, some small press circulating about Angel’s newfound constitution and attributing it to their work
In celebration, one night Alastor invites him to a proper dinner at one of Hell’s most famous fancy restaurants
One where the press could easily find them if they wanted
Angel knows this is just to show off his progress but doesn’t shy away from it- for once excited to eat out somewhere and not “eat out” if ya know what I mean
Besides, Alastor doesn’t seem that perturbed to be seen in public with him either, a rare development and not one to scoff at
They both dress up nicer than normal for it, making a big show as the hotel’s representatives, even walking in arm-in-arm
Angel is not immune to the certain type of looks they get as they arrive, and wonders if he should tell Al
Seeing the man with one of his more casual and less murderous smiles on as they take their seats convinces him not to
It would be a shame to get their outfits all bloody anyway
Especially since Angel decided to return to his drag look for the evening, complete with a new skintight velvet dress, feeling far fancier all dolled up than in any of his menswear
The glances Al gives him from time to time don’t hurt either, eyes noticeably lingering on his exaggerated chest fluff each time
Something Angel has no problem with, leaning forward and accentuating it more, resting his chin on a hand lightly to prop his figure up
Alastor orders for the both of them since he knows the place better, raving about their veal and venison dishes on the way over
Earlier in the year, this might have unnerved Angel more, knowing the demon’s penchant for savagery and carnage when it came to “hunting”, but now? He found it almost charming, that Al was so invested in the meat selection of Hell’s dining establishments that he even made his own ranking system for the best places to get each type of animal, who better prepared it according to cuisine, and how each cut measured up in quality
Angel took the liberty of perusing their liquor selection to create his own ranking system, just to be fair
Would be impolite to let Al do all the work on this date after all
….. wait…..
The fork clattering to the floor jarred Angel back to his senses, realizing his elbow had slipped abruptly from its perch at the very thought, almost in an allergic reaction to the word
Al only raised a controlled eyebrow at the flustered way Angel ducked down to retrieve it under the table skirt
Which is of course the very moment the paparazzi decided to start snapping their pictures
Alastor quickly spun around at the flashing lights, smiling dangerously at them and stopping some of the more cowardly photographers, but not quite enough
Angel, oblivious, continued rooting around for the fork, all the while inching closer and closer towards Alastor’s seat
“Angel!” Al hissed, finally reaching under and putting a hand on Angel’s hair to still him. Of course not making this look any better. “Sit up. Now.”
“Wait, but I almost got it Al-ahh!”
He was roughly pulled up by the back of his dress and sat up, hair mussed and face flushed incriminatingly, only making Alastor groan in defeat at some more camera snaps
It took half a second, but Angel suddenly understood, face blank in momentary shock
Alastor fully expected him to turn it into another lewd joke, brush it off and dig the hole deeper, most certainly at the expense of his own comfort
He quickly steeled himself for the impending barrage of innuendos and unwanted touching
What he wasn’t prepared for was Angel to suddenly leave the table, storming right up to the cameramen with the angriest look he’d ever seen on the spider’s face
“Ey ya parasites!! Let me see those!” he holds a couple of impatient hands out for their cameras, still fuming
Some actually comply out of complete shock, not at all used to Angel Dust getting mad about being photographed ever, especially over anything sexual
Angel proceeds to delete the photos off the first camera… then gets more and more frustrated when the pictures just wouldn’t stop coming. After a while, he just smashes the camera on the ground in a huff
“Fuck this it’ll take too long!” he points to the remaining paparazzi with intact cameras, still shocked and clutching them “Y’all are gonna delete every SINGLE photo you took of that little misunderstanding just now, alright?? Or else I’m gonna keep smashing cameras! Got it??”
They all nod and start deleting hurriedly
“And if ANY a ya think about gettin’ wise and leaking some anyway… well… let’s just say I had a much more deadly occupation than porn star when I was alive…” his face darkens at that, putting on his best godfathers voice to hit it home “And I ain’t afraid a comin’ out of retirement temporarily… Capisce?”
They capisce
He returns to the table with a resigned sigh and combs through his wig to tame it again, taking out a compact to fix his face
Completely ignoring the stunned absence of a smile on Alastor’s
Eventually Angel dares to glance at it and gives him an involuntary cringe
“Ah... Sorry Al…” he starts slowly, stowing the compact away again in his bosom and looking down chagrined “I know I went and made a scene in your favorite place and… and yer probably real mad and all an’… oh damn, Charlie’s gonna kill me if you don’t firs-“
“-Thank you.”
“W.. wait what??”
“Thank you…” Alastor repeated, if only to assure himself he was really saying it “I… it was… I never expected you to get mad…”
“I thought you’d let them… run with it” he waves a hand, explaining himself, somewhat awkwardly “Especially since it… it would help you. Your reputation. To be caught with the radio demon like… like that.”
The way his voice became so small on the last two words worried Angel much more than he’ll ever admit. The way you could hear the mortification behind his smile. He always knew Al was adverse to the act but never had he seen him actually terrified by it. Paralyzed by the stark realization of how close he came to becoming its subject… even if only as a rumor
It simply emboldened Angel’s resolve
the spider scoffed lightly “Well yeah… maybe if that’s what we had been doin’… or if you were into that stuff at all…”
“I mean we weren’t even actually tryin’! I was just lookin’ fer a dumb fork for cryin’ out loud-!“
“No… no what about… me being into it?”
a pause, and then a one-shouldered shrug “Well it’s not the same thing as a payin customer is it?… Like you don’ even LIKE sex and stuff and… it’s different when it’s just us flirtin’ and bullshittin’ around at the hotel… I know you hate that too but at least there no one ain’t tryin’ ya capitalize on yer pain. Word never gets out. No one knows just how much I get under yer skin, so it’s almost like it never happened. But these pictures…” he waved both of his right hands in unison, motioning for emphasis “They’re permanent.. and they’d only be helpin’ my reputation while hurtin’ yours…”
Alastor just continues to stare
“A-and the hotel’s… of course…”
Finally a smile returns to his face, but with no hint of anything except appreciation behind it
“Of course…”
Part Four:
The rest of dinner went smoothly
Al had indeed picked well, and the dishes were some of the best Angel had ever tasted, other than his Momma’s cooking of course
When Al made a small chuckle at even that joke, Angel knew he must’ve done something right to land this far in the radio demon’s good graces
Though it could very well be the booze’s doing
Angel had insisted on ordering their drinks to compensate for the fiasco earlier, and had created specialty cocktails for each of them, based on what they ate
He was relieved when Alastor gave a small hum of approval mid-sip, downing a generous amount with an easy smile
And then finishing off three more with dinner
Both were quite full and loose by the time they finished, even getting a small tray of beignets for desert
They found they hadn’t even argued once, save for small asides and joking prods. But really arguing? Hadn’t even crossed their minds. Instead they bonded over jazz artists they both liked, reminisced about the 30′s while filling each other in on the decades they missed, talked a bit about their hometowns, and threw some mutual shade about residents of the hotel they couldn’t stand
Turns out they had quite a lot in common…
They paid on the hotel’s tab and finally headed out to the limo, only swaying slightly and linking arms again to subtly stabilize each other
This time the paparazzi was nowhere in sight, probably long scared off by now
Which is good since Alastor had suddenly removed his arm from Angel’s to pull him in around the waist, keeping the demon from tripping over a nearby curb by pressing him further into his side. Out of reflex, entirely.
After all, it’s not like he’d ever willingly choose to close their proximity. Just like he’d never willingly choose to notice the way Angel’s chest bounced softly against his, or how four hands grasping onto him felt oddly right, or how tempting the velvet hugging the curve of Angel’s lower back became under his fingertips
He’d only occasionally felt this way about accidental invasions of personal space before, and that fact did nothing to reassure him or his nerves
Nor did the pounding of his undead heart in his ears
Angel was also feeling the tension, but for a whole ‘nother reason
Drinks always made him more forward, and having a full belly for once numbed that urge into more of a simmering lust, cozy and comfortable and heavy
Getting tangled up in Alastor’s arms suddenly only made him want one thing
One thing he was telling himself desperately not to do
Which was real hard with Al’s face so so close to his, looking back at him with his own flush dusting along his cheeks and that smile still there, but slightly parted, waiting, hesitant of what it wanted to become but open to suggestions
Suggestions that Angel had plenty of
“You… you were about to trip… my dear…” Alastor finally explained in a hush, dipping a finger into the still water between them and rippling it quietly, grip on him still firm
“…. Ah…” slowly Angel righted himself, not moving away from him, but leaning on him less “That…. that sounds like me…” he offered a lopsided grin at his own joke, daring to look Alastor in the eyes again
Looking for what exactly, he wasn’t sure
And guessed he would never find out, seeing the moment vanish underfoot with the crunch of the limo’s tires, pulling up beside them
Alastor still offered him his hand though, helping guide Angel inside first, then sliding in after
Sitting at least one person apart, the drive begins in unsteady silence, neither exactly looking away but definitely not trying to confront anything either
That is until Alastor starts to fidget with his bow tie, inexplicably feeling very warm
Deciding to simply undo it entirely and redo it looser, he starts it out like usual, but his fingers can’t seem to find their footing and keeps losing track of the last few steps
On the third try, Angel sighs dramatically beside him
“Honestly Al…”
And just like that, the spider is making use of his extra arms and tugging the whole mess loose again, faces mere inches apart as he concentrates and deftly reties it in a perfect bow, which gently hugs the base of Al’s throat as his adam’s apple bobs with a nervous kind of grace
It ends far too quickly and now there is nothing left to keep them in this close… nothing Alastor can invent to explain away how Angel’s fingers linger on the edges of the fabric, or how he wants to undo more of his clothing just for those hands to fix him up again
So he does the only logical thing he can think of
The kiss hits Angel with a sort of intensity he wasn’t expecting, feeling himself pulled in by two gloved hands on his bare shoulders, touch light but not unsure, desperate but without any urgency, simply grounding them together in this moment
Their lips moved against each other’s slowly, mounting in a gentle exploration with Angel deferring to Alastor’s lead, his lower set of hands lightly resting along Al’s hips, asking permission at first until a soft moan granted him it
Eyes fluttering closed, the kiss deepened until it became a series of many, some opened-mouthed, tongues hinting at entering but never actually doing so, and all of them amidst small noises and panting breaths, desire simmering just under the surface of it all
Angel had never kissed like this… never thought to kiss like this… the boiling heat of lust kept at bay by a promise to just make out, to just keep it at another’s pace. All the while flushing his body with a white hot pulsing want that could only wait for someone else to grant it release?? Oh he could die all over again from this torture and would only beg for more. Never getting it being it’s own bittersweet reward
Alastor grappling meanwhile with why he suddenly wanted so very much as well, why, as he clung to Angel’s soft fur-lined skin and let their mouths dance relentlessly, he never once wanted to pull away. Never wanted to run and hide in the solace and safety of the self, was all too happy to let Angel’s hands cup and hold his hips and reward him with moaning sounds he rarely ever makes
His head was swimming in it, and he was oddly eager to let himself drown
Eventually they parted, breathless and slow but mutual, eyes opening again and glossily gazing at the other, searching for silent signs of yes, no, more?, sorry?, good?
“A-Al… I..”
Fingertips graced the speaking lips to silence them again, a small shake of the head a confirmation of no apology needed. “… That was… I liked that…” He offered, smiling small and gentle for once, an acknowledgement of how very rare this had really been. How nothing about this was usual, but not necessarily unwanted
Angel was now convinced he’d died twice
“You… yeah?” he smiled back, just as hopeful
Another nod, Alastor chewing words behind his closed mouth, clearly processing something
“… I don’t… I don’t want you to get… too excited but…”
Angel surprised him with his patience
“… I have kissed before. I… actually more than that as well but...” he shakes his head to keep himself on track before he loses his nerve “It’s not often. And it’s definitely not for fun… not for just… anyone.”
Angel hopes to heaven his smile isn’t too excited
a small exhale before continuing “What I’m trying to say is…. I can’t guarantee anything. I cant... predict how I’ll feel about more… or about everything. But I can tell you that I liked this. And… I’d like to do this sometimes… with you. If you don’t push me for more…”
Two hands held Alastor’s close to his chest, squeezing them once with an earnest smile
“I promise Al. I promise I won’t push… at least I’ll really really try. I know I’m shitty at self-restraint and I won’t lie, I’m fuckin’ pent up as shit right now…” his small chuckle was met with a slightly sarcastic eyebrow, feigning momentary annoyance “But… but I really liked that too. I ain’t never… I ain’t never felt this good after just makin’ out! I didn’t know I could…”
Alastor hums a bit in amusement, hands traveling from Angel’s grip to slide gently down the sides of the velvet dress he’s poured into “Well… seems tonight was a good one for a lot of firsts…” he watched Angel’s small shiver with some glee “Though I might just blame it all on this devilish dress…”
a breathless chuckle “Oh yeah, Al? You like it that much?”
“Yes…” no hesitation as he strokes small circles into the fabric with his thumbs, just over the start of Angel’s hipbones “I’ve always been partial to velvet…. and pretty creatures wearing it…”
Their second kiss lasted all the way home
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