#& with him comes all the WT haha
ssreeder · 1 year
Did I just binge read the entirety of LIAB over the last week in every moment of my free time? Yes. Am I caught up now? Yes. Do I never want this fic to end but also understand all good things eventually do? Also yes. Okayyyy but seriously though reedy my fucki g h e a r t oughhhh you're so talented I love every bit of this the torment the torture the detail bby gimme gimme more!!!!!! but also god let! them! kiss!!!!!!!!!! Also the way you write Jet like ooooh buddy that inner monolog is gonna be the death of you probably (most likely) Ngl I definitely have joined the Rasu fan club why is he so sweet help tbh I'd fall for his charms also thinking about what if he became friends with Reho I'd give our precious blabbermouth 2 minutes tops before Jee wants to murder him but Rasu takes him under his wing- introducing Smooth Talker 2.0 the tea shop couldnt handle all the new business. Ahhhhh there is so much more I could scream about this fic and probably will this is my first comment okayyyy ily byeeeeeee
(Still crying over Shen r.i.p. baby boy)
Omg please for Jee’s sanity do NOT put Reho in the teashop with him omg Jee would be on the first tram out of the city! Rasu is already on his nerves and the poor guy isn’t half as chatty as our man Reho lol.
Oh & not to mention Zuko is back so I’m sure Jees already gray hair will turn white from stress lol.
I’m really glad you’re enjoying liab it always makes me smile when I hear people are enjoying the story & all of the sad dark themes that go with it haha. Hopefully we get some happy times soon & YES! zukka kisses. They deserve it haha. <3
OH & I like that you enjoy Jet haha he is one of my favorites to write I love that chaotic flawed dude. He’s a mess I don’t wanna clean up
Thanks for the sweet ask :)
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fraudulent-cheese · 4 months
heatherra, dashawn, scottney
Ok dang, three interesting ones! Im gonna do these in the ship ask game format because fuck it we ball
Heatherra - don't ship it
Why don’t you ship it? IM SO SORRY I TRIEDDD MAN I TRIED SO HARDD i know about the fuckin "boyfriends come and go but girlfriends are forever" line and the idea of Sierra going from not liking her at all to being Heather's ultimate supporter is a neat idea but it just. Never clicked. That and the content about them doesn't tend to grab me. (doesn't help that i haven't watched WT yet and i don't have the time or motivation to commit to a full watch)
What would have made you like it? Idfk!!! Alot of Heather ships just don't click with me in general (like i either prefer them as friends or just. don't fucking get it), and canon Sierra is. a problem. give her therapy and then i'll consider it
also uhh im attached to the aroace Heather + aro Sierra headcanons too much oops
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I actually see where you guys are coming from at least! The fanart's great and they definitly work for me in some cases.
Dashawn - ship it
What made you ship it? I'll be real, @noahtally-famous's fics about these boys did. I love how they write them!!! They both have issues and are pretty opposite and their relationship 100% needs major amounts of compromise to work but damn they'd be cute i think
What are your favorite things about the ship? As i said, the opposites attract aspect here is pretty strong; Shawn is a survivalist who can hop from tree to tree, Dave looks like he spends 2 hours at most in the sun. Shawn could probably dive into a dumpster and be completely fine afterwards, Dave has a panic attack about grease on his hands. They do have some things in common: namely that they're both really weird. Only one is aware of it. Pretty funny to me.
Dave could probably calm Shawn down if he's panicking about zombies and Shawn can wash the dishes for Dave in return :D
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? There are like 5 shippers i don't even know people's general opinion on this ship??? so instead just have this image because i think it's cute
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Scottney - Don't ship it
Why don’t you ship it? I'll be real, it's just because i only like them as like. Fun stupid drama. That fucking clip of Scott eating dirt and asking if Courtney would cheat on him is peak comedy to me. comic relief straights. (it's a lesbian and a gay man)
What would have made you like it? Uhhhh nothing? lmao i already like them i just don't ship them haha
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? They're really funny to me. Honestly this template's biggest issue is that it assumes you don't like the ship at all if you don't ship it lmao
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE S4E18 "In A Mirror, Darkly Part 1"
oh my god its the freaking scene from the tng star trek movie. of vulcans landing and meeting zefram.
i like scruffy hair archer not hedgehog man XD PORTHOS NO COME BAKCK BEAGLETHOS linda and archer idk about that but also oml how archer caught her knife
oh my god first time we getr to see on screen tholian
im sorry but when archer said "break him"… sorry but some of hte best anger ive seen in post tos star trek series is archer. eugh hearing a dude as the computer voice is so odd majel come bacvk man if i could draw my face while watching all this ent mirrorverse haha blakc haired archer interesting OH MY GODDDA AAAAA ITS AN NC CONSTITUTIONAL CLASS STAR SHIP OH SHIIIT
THE FUCKING GREEEEEEN SHIIIIIIIRRRRRRT IM FUCKING CRYING IM IN TEARS HELLP MEEEEE FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUC FH THE PANTS IM im gonna faint oh my god im going to me l t help help me dude. what a fucking honour it must be to get to wear those clothes, hold those props, press those buttons, see those lights, hear those sounds… from where it all began….. what a f u c k i n g honour. G GG G G GORRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
whooAAAAAAAOHAAA seeing that animated gorn hol y shit i miss the disco eyes and the dress BUT IS HE WEARING THE DRESS THOUGH? THE DRESS? sorry seeing archer slide in from archers let was funny they should make a fucking star trek escape room. please. please. why has this not been done yet. PLESE. oh m;y god lok at the interiouir i want my house to ook like this i dont fucking care THE COMMUNICATORSS no but that green shirt works great on archer oh my god tpol has eye shadow THE FUCKING EYE SHADOW ugh the og phaser looks so nice to hold it looks so nice in the hand ugh i love all of it im fucking i cant contain myself OH OHHHH THATTTT GORNNNNNNNN THOUGHHHH??? NO I MISS HIS DISCO EYESSSSSS BRING BACK THE DISCO EYESSSS OH MY GOD HE HAS THE DRESSSS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR HEEEE HASS THEEE DRESSSSSSS FUCKKKKKKKK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 3D CHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS nobut gorn looked the BEST in tos… am i wrong though. am i wrong. oh my fuck.
im not into mirror linda park and archer lmaoooo ugh yesss the colourful wooden slices for data chips yesss AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE WAYYYY HOSHIIIII HOLDS THE KNIFEEEEE SULLUUUUU MY BAAAYYYYBEHHHHHH oof sorry but to see tpol punch like taht is so ummfph please i want to eat a vulcan knuckle sandwich
nah not my linda park sorry but damn she LIVES her roles love it. oml EMPRESS PARK ill TAKE IT.
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m88n · 2 years
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hi i’m aware i have been moving weird on here HAHA but idk bro it has been a p different past few weeks & for some reason i wanna talk about it kinda openly here . maybe cos i talk abt intimacy difficulties a fair bit w my fics in general
posted these tweets ytd & am currently bouta sob 4 the same reason js thinkin of being genuine of my feels man ... literally js sitting here feeling so . humbled n overwhelmed all at the same time man the Human Experience ™️ really is something else .....
is it bouta be shark week for me ??? Maybe . But it still ain't a lie that for once i chose to follow my gut to pursue something that i felt has always been too important to me n it ended up actually ... working out. idk . i’m just .. yeah
idk yeah, maybe i’m just humbled cos its like . i went thru so much n ventured out the distance which only managed to lead my way back home . idk maybe i’m just humbled by life in general
but errm yeah, try coming home to urself more often friends, it might not be too much of a bad idea 💙 9/10 would try to do again -1 cos it still scares the shit outta me but thats lifee i suppose aha
yeah also special thanks indeed 2 that guy on my last fic he rly made me take a good look into the mirror n see damn have u been real to urself or nah (the answer was no had no idea wt i ws doin w him n a lot of other ppl in retrospect) anyways hsjjfksnd i have been rambling seeya
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cythoughtsnmemories · 2 years
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Met bf at bugis to try a Vietnamese restaurant. Booo~ but glad that there's 2 shop selling d backpack I wanna get, so got to try on. I got 20% discount cos 7.7 sale. Can't wait for it to arrived. Can use it for my course and upcoming staycation!
Finally tried d curry chicken sandwich and I love it. Heng~ it's not spicy at all cos I weak 😂 tummy can't tahan in morning. I guess d cheese n egg helps reduce any spiciness in d curry chicken. Haven't got chance to meet Della in office, so today we decided to just eat at our canteen. $3.50 seafood soup...damn worth it!
So covid case has been above 9k+ and monkey pox in SG. why not I wfh while I still can. Okay also cos a little sian to go office too haha~ v little pple lah. Wfh also means I gotta meal prep. I have my cold soba w seaweed, egg and seafood tofu.
It's not easy to be bridesmaids seriously. Got to discuss, meet other bridesmaids budget n ensure bride enjoy d bachelorette celebration. Not been a bridesmaid before isn't a good answer or explanation u can't suggest d plan. Anw, we kind of go w my plan. Shall check again in early Aug to confirmed d activity.
I know it's too early to think of my bridesmaids but I really dk who to pick. Everyone seems busy n don't really take initiative to keep the project active. Wait till d day comes bah.
Wanted to cook lunch for bf n his mum but his mum wanted to go woodland blk 15 food industry to get some food, so I went over early. 4 hrs gone, and we settled lunch out. I tot nvm, those ingredients I bought can use to cook Sun lunch. End up his mum wanted to cook satay bee hoon with d gravy she bought ytd. As always, his mum over buy, and now got to eat it for dinner before I go home. Maybe I don't cook at his hse anymore. I had a hard time getting d right portion to cook too.
Planned to go picnic on Sat night w babe. Wanted to try sourdough pizza but contemplating if I should buy vegan food cos bf is trying to go no carbs. In d end he said cheat day HAHAHAHA weee~ bf always let me have happy belly 😝 it's d right choice! The pizza was really satisfying. Imma try d wkday deal someday to try all 4 flavours.
So grateful that bf is open to discuss abt future. Recently I shared an article on 2/3 of divorce was initiate by women due to unacceptable behaviour. I ask bf what's was his list of unacceptable behaviour and I gave mine. Lol I'm d ma fan one. Rmb d last gathering w his friends, bf was so afraid to carry d 7 mths old baby. I was quite affected seeing that. Thinking my husband is not gonna help take care of our baby. How am I suppose d handle when I need help during maternity. Tbh, I'm quite afraid to carry new born. So I shared this concern w him and he laughed. He said if it's his child, he sure dare to carry and he might even toss d baby after a mth. Wts?!! 😂 he is just afraid he injured other pple baby so he refused to carry or interact w kids. Phew~ but now I scared he anyhow toss d baby, omg!! It was a short n sweet dating session before we head back his hse to stayover.
I'm laying on my bed and felt like I can sleep anytime before 11am. Lucky I decided to wfh tmr. Went bouldering this morning w my friends. We hang there for abt 4hrs+, not d 1st time playing but usually went for eock climbing and testing out bouldering afterwards. This time it's fully on bouldering and I used up all my energy. Only had 2 small slice of cake n few cubes of apple in d morning. Now I could still feel numbness in my fingers. Not sure if I'll feel muscle ache tmr. Good luck to me.
0 notes
nightfayre · 3 years
Hello fay ! Its the anon abt how HT is not going to disappear from a.. long time ago lol. I loved reading your headcanon abt the potential futur of tianshan n i could totally see that even if its be so sad ! I have different ideas tho and would love to share it haha its going to be super long sry : my hc is contrary to jy, HT would be more free to stay in touch wth mgs bc HT is not an important heir from an official family but a heir from a bodyguard/righthand famly wth close ties wt the Yi / 1
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wait a damn minute anon, you may be on to something! I never considered this as a possibility! now that I’m looking back on it, it was strange that He Tian approached Jian Yi out of nowhere at the beginning of the story. and quite honestly, He Tian was a bit... obsessed with him. he stuck to him like glue, almost like how he does for Guan Shan now. and at first I thought He Tian was meant to be a “love interest competitor” for zhanyi, but it’s quite obvious that Jian Yi wanted nothing to do with him lol. and then of course Guan Shan entered the picture and He Tian had his efforts allocated elsewhere. 
so... I’m not exactly saying that He Tian was, like, planted into the same school as Jian Yi to spy on him or whatever because I find it hard to imagine He Tian willingly following an order like that. but still... what if?? like, what if the Jian and He families coordinated their sons attending the same school just for convenience, and then the two boys just happened to get caught up in the same friend group? or maybe He Cheng told He Tian to acquaint himself with Jian Yi for “business” purposes but didn’t really expect the two to actually hit it off? interesting theory!
there definitely is a connection between the He and Jian families, and we know this because He Cheng (or Qiu? both??) have mentioned on a few occasions that they are under the orders of Jian Yi’s father. but I don’t necessarily think that the He family is completely helpless to the Jian family? like, they aren’t just the Jian family’s bodyguards lol. they definitely have their own shit going on that He Tian wants no part of, we just don’t know exactly what that is yet. but it is still interesting to note the dynamics between the two families!
but I digress. there’s a part of me that’s still hesitant to think that He Tian will stay in touch with Guan Shan often after he leaves. as in, they’ll probably still talk, but I just don’t see them meeting in person and/or texting often. and I guess the biggest piece of evidence for this is the fact that He Tian texted Guan Shan from an unknown number when he went to visit his father. literally all He Tian was doing was visiting his father and he had to either borrow or buy a new phone just to text Guan Shan goodnight. and it was probably because his father lives in a secure/secluded location but I don’t know... there’s something that’s off about all of the security/surveillance He Tian himself is under as well. 
but either way, I also don’t believe it’ll be radio silence between tianshan after He Tian leaves. and I think He Tian knows he’ll come back after he leaves, he just doesn’t know how long he’ll be gone and... it probably scares him a bit, truthfully. he’s finally found someone to confide in again and he’s being forced to leave them soon after. it probably leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. and I suppose it’s the pessimist in me, but I just don’t think there’ll be any face-to-face visits between tianshan during that time. I don’t necessarily have any evidence for this thought, though. sorry!
as for that last ask you sent, I completely agree LOL. Old Xian is one of the strangest authors I have encountered. sometimes they’ll bring up a small detail or plot point that I forgot about and it makes everything seem so seamless and put-together and complete -- but then there’s so many HUGE plot points that have yet to be addressed and we literally have no clue if they ever will. it’s like a gamble lol and I guess that’s alluring in its own way. I don’t expect this story to be finished any time soon though, so I guess we can’t be too harsh about the nature of the plot just yet. but you’re right: I feel like Guan Shan and Zhengxi would have more than a few questions after He TIan and Jian Yi leave. who knows if they’ll ever actually ask them though!
oof, what a long response! but this is honestly one of the best headcanons/theories I think I’ve received in a long time! really made me think :p so thank you for this! oh, and thank you for reading allergy season! I’m happy to hear you enjoyed it <33
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hahanoiwont · 3 years
@bluerose2017 replied to this post: I feel that Frisk would get along so well with the more murder type sanses. Like Dust Sans from Dusttale, Nightmare, Killer, and Error. Frisk would understand their motives for being the bad guys.
Yes!!! oh boy, yes. ok ok let's go down a really self-indulgent path with this, alright? we're about to have good fun. which i will put under a cut bc it may get long. (EDIT: haha yeah it got long. multiverse shenanigans ahoy)
so let's say Frisk follows the path from Fall Into Grace. They go straight to Horrortale, and they stay there for a bit--sure, Ht!Sans starts out hostile, but the both of them slowly learn to trust each other. By inches, they try to come to understand each other. They both have in common that they were lurched from a deeply violent society into Regular Undertale (but spooky); they both clearly broadcast their trust issues, and therefore can work on them together. At the end of Horrortale, they're planning on sticking it out together on the Surface.
Then Frisk disappears. In Horrortale, their disappearance is while Sans is looking elsewhere--it's just like HT!Frisk's disappearance originally, except this time, they got everyone to the Surface first.
So now, Horror is having his triggers stomped on. Not a fan. He wonders at first if this is just what happens--maybe Frisk is meant to disappear, and HT!Frisk didn't mean to abandon the Underground to its fate. Maybe Frisk isn't a human at all, but some sort of apparition that appears periodically and vanishes just as quick. Maybe he's still starving and it's all a delusion his mind made for him as he's dying.
Or maybe Red crashes through, absolutely ready to shoot first and ask questions later. And suddenly Horror has his answers. Alternate universes. Obviously. Very stabby alternate universes.
Frisk, meanwhile, lands in Dusttale.
Dusttale, to my knowledge, is the AU where the human (whether it's Frisk, Chara, or the player is unclear to me) does genocide after genocide, resetting dozens or hundreds of times until not only does Sans remember, he also goes insane. Given the inevitability of all his friends dying, and how his low stats prevent him from fighting the human until they've killed enough people that his karma effect becomes useful, he decides he's going to kill everyone, gain the LV for it, and then kill the human as soon as they come around.
This is not a great situation for Frisk to be wandering into. Given that they're nearly identical (clothing aside) to their Dusttale counterpart, and Sans is insane anyway, they're not likely to see mercy in this world. Frisk walks in, sees that Sans is crazy, dies, walks in, sees that Sans is crazy, dies, walks in...
Eventually, a la WT!Swapfell, Frisk figures out the right ways to dodge as much as possible of the initial ambush; but they can survive for minutes at a time, if that. This Sans's stats are hopelessly inflated, and he doesn't play fair. It comes down to their DETERMINATION versus his, in a mirror of the same struggle that drove him crazy in the first place. This time, Sans is inevitably killing every monster, and Frisk is the one who can't save them. But, in a conflict of interests like this, Frisk is always going to win--they have an unfair advantage, straight out. They're simply more DETERMINED.
Eventually, Sans is stumbling bleakly through his genocide, disassociated to the point of hardly understanding what he's doing and why. He kills people because he kills people. He has a vague certainty that he's keeping them safe, but he doesn't understand how. He knows that he used to be different. He knows this is somehow Frisk's fault. But his ability to remember across RESETs is being buried under his inability to think straight under the massive trauma. He doesn't understand why he's killing his brother. He knows he doesn't want to. He knows that Frisk can probably tell him, but he also needs to kill Frisk very quickly, before they can gain EXP from...the piles of dust?...because there are no surviving monsters to kill.
He finally stops before killing Frisk and asks them why. Why are they making him do this over and over again? Why are they looking at him like that? Why is everyone dead? Why, when he's felt so numb for so long, does it still feel like it hurts?
Frisk has no idea why this Sans has killed everyone. Months have passed in increments of a day or less, as Sans swiftly and efficiently executes all of his neighbors. He's learned every place that people will go, and he shows up where the most people are congregated at a given point in time, leaving nothing but dust by the time Frisk gets through the Ruins. They've never gotten out in time to save a single monster. They're pretty sure Sans is possessed, or something, because this isn't something he would ever do (insert irony with Red's desire to kill literally everyone in Underfell).
When Sans doesn't kill them right out the gate, as it were, they begin to hope that whatever has been forcing him to do this has let go, or at least worn out enough that he's beginning to fight through it. They're not totally wrong--whatever is left of Sans is waking up, a little bit, as he leaves behind his scripted execution.
Frisk goes to Dust and tries to hold him, rocking back and forth like Red would do for them when they woke up out of a nightmare. He almost kills them for it, but what's the point? They'd just come back, and Dust would have to kill everyone one more time. He's tired. He lets them do what they want. It mostly makes him feel worse, but he doesn't stop them.
There's a strong parallel here to Going Big; Going Home. In that story, Red went into a deep depression spiral for months following his realization that he couldn't bring himself to kill every monster in existence even if it would save his brother; in this story, Dust has killed everyone already and no longer sees any point in much of anything, struggling to understand what has happened to him and why he did what he did. He wants to Fall Down quietly, but his newfound stats and his desire to survive until he's sure Frisk is dead won't let him. Also, Frisk is standing in his way.
Seeing as Dust is apparently going to be docile and passive for the time being, Frisk takes his hand and walks him through Snowdin.
They see a vision of a massacre.
Piles of dust, items lying around as if people just dropped dead in the middle of whatever they were doing. Doors are hanging open from where people went to greet their friendly neighborhood skeleton and ask what he was knocking for, only to die in seconds. The Underground was only somewhat prepared for a human to go through and get violent, and they weren't prepared at all for one of their own to kill them. Frisk sees every evidence of a very efficient, merciless slaughter. Dust is looking blankly at it all, like he can't quite put together what it means.
Frisk gets a strong feeling that they shouldn't visit their brothers' home.
Instead, they bring him to a cabin far removed from town, visible only from Glyde's ledge, and push him to sit in a wooden armchair. They pat his hand to tell him to stay there while they look through the cabin for dust. They don't find any. Dust could have told them they wouldn't, except that he's having trouble finding his voice right now. He waits where they put him until they give him the all clear.
He's supposed to watch the human. They're supposed to be doing something for him to watch them for. But the kid in front of him seems mostly interested in holding his hand and trying to smile for him. He sits in stasis, with his drive all run out but without anything else to turn to.
The first week is mostly silent. Frisk doesn't speak, and doesn't really communicate anything that Dust would need a response for. Dust chats with his hallucination of Papyrus sometimes, but since Frisk can't see him, the conversations end there.
On a given day, Frisk will set Dust up in the chair with a book that they've decided he'd like, sometimes with a blanket or a glass of milk to go with it, and they'll venture out to the Underground. Dust will shadow them from a distance as they investigate for survivors. There aren't any. They'll come home with some supplies and fill up the cupboards. Dust will already be there, right where they left him, with the book opened up to a random different page than before. If it's towards the end of the book, Frisk will decide that he liked it and try to find more books of that kind.
They'll go to the kitchen and try to put something together for dinner, and Dust will take all the cooking implements from them and actually make the thing they're trying at. He silently revokes their cooking privileges when they try to shatter a bottle of vinegar into a salad. Papyrus says he should have just eaten it. He also says that Dust is infecting Frisk with his horrible tastes in food, just like he's probably infecting them with the dust on his hands. How long until they're a killer like him? Dust tries to argue that they were the killer in the first place, but the words ironically die in his mouth. The truth is bitter, and he's not even sure what it is anymore.
After that, Frisk is allowed to taste test and get ingredients, and otherwise they're watching with their eyes and not their hands.
Once the food is eaten and cleaned up, Frisk will bring out something for the two of them to do together. Board games, card games, hangman, puzzles. Frisk always deals for two. Dust doesn't see a point in fighting them on it, which Frisk decides is a very hopeful sign. Sometimes he breaks the rules and just sort of moves one thing to another spot blindly, but he is moving!
Frisk usually wins these games on account of being the only one paying attention, but since they let him keep his illegal moves, he wins Sorry by sorta pushing his pawns into his safety zone on the fourth turn. After the game, Frisk always decides it's bedtime, gives Dust another book, and leads him to a bedroom, where they leave him to take it from there. Rinse and repeat the next morning.
The second week, Dust starts glancing at the titles of the books he's given, and maybe the summary if it seems interesting. He tells them not to bring him encyclopedias anymore. They bring him a dictionary instead. It takes him four minutes to decide whether killing them is an appropriate response.
(Verdict: no. It wouldn't make a difference, anyway.)
The third week, he walks with them on an outing. Frisk steers away from population centers and takes a back way through Waterfall to look at the lights. They sit there in silence--even Papyrus is quiet. The echo flowers have each had their messages replaced with a single, loud clap. Nobody says, "Why are you doing this? What--Sans, wait, wait--!"
The fourth week, Dust starts reading the books he's supposedly been reading all day during the night. It's weird to feel bored in the ashes of civilization. He tells Frisk short, single-sentence descriptions of the more interesting ones. They seem happy. Dust is pretty sure there's some sort of Stockholm syndrome going on here, but he's not sure which way it goes.
One universe over, Red and Horror are searching through a universe that seems like it's had some extradimensional interference, but it can't possibly be the one Frisk is in, because it's a dead Underground. As far as they can tell, there are no survivors. Still, they keep coming back to it--it's the only potential positive they've found. And even though the universe seems to be a dead end, things keep moving in it--a book vanished here, a cupboard rearranged there. It's like someone is very stealthily looting the place.
After seven weeks of quiet, routine days with quiet, routine ups and downs, Dust is taking charge of a few things. He tells Frisk what groceries to get, and decides what to make for meals. He's attempting his first joke in a long time when he dryly bans Monopoly forever, but somewhat to his surprise, Frisk listens. The Monopoly board doesn't come out again. He's not sure what to make of this--that the person who drove him crazy is the person who's trying to make him sane. Most of the time, he chooses to forget that there's anything but this. Two people exist in the world, and one of them is an unstoppable killer and the other is a patient, even-tempered pacifist. He can't even tell which one is which anymore. It's whatever.
Left to his own devices, Dust may have spent years or longer like that. The Underground may not have the resources to sustain all of its inhabitants without things like farmers or energy, but it's got plenty for two people. But Frisk writes a very short letter for him, saying, can we try again? Can you not kill Papyrus? I miss him and I want him to be alive.
Well, with an argument like that.
Dust doesn't really want to see a RESET. It feels like it isn't worth it, having everyone alive again just to watch them die. Even if Frisk doesn't kill them, who's to say Dust won't? Even if he doesn't kill them, who's to say that Frisk won't, either? Maybe the Underground will just cave in. Dust is sure he can't have that life again, surrounded by living people when even Frisk and his hallucinations seem like a crowd sometimes. He's pretty sure his LV stopped going down a few RESETs ago. He doesn't think he can be Sans again.
Eventually, he decides it doesn't really matter what he wants. Frisk will do whatever they want and there's nothing he can do to stop them.
After the RESET, Dust wakes up to his brother's voice, telling him it's time to start the day, and also his brother's ghost, already with him as always. He goes to the square just to see if he's gonna lose it and kill everyone, and now that he's looking, he notices the split-second flinches when people recognize him. Most of them don't even notice it in themselves, but they know he's something dangerous. He heads to the Ruins door and waits.
It's easier once Frisk comes out. No one in the Ruins is dead. Dust and Frisk both didn't kill them, this time around. If he sticks really close to Frisk, he can pretend everyone's apprehension is just for the human in their midst. After all, Frisk is just as much a killer as he is. It's not his fault his LV's stuck at 20.
Frisk has a tough time making friends. The people of the Underground seem to expect them to be some terrifying killer, and everyone seems to want to protect each other by killing Frisk. It doesn't help that Dust doesn't like people in his space much, and flashes his spooky-eye look at anyone who gets within about three feet of the two of them. They're not quite sure who he thinks he's protecting, but they trust him to have good reasons to do what he does.
The only time Dust leaves their side for any significant period is when they're with the real, alive Papyrus, who frets about his brother. Sans has gone missing, he explains, but no one will believe him because they've all seen him around. But he hasn't come home. People who don't come home are missing. So Sans is missing. He's certainly missing dinner, and Papyrus needs to get him to come home before he eats nothing but ketchup and grease for his meals. Frisk knows their own Papyrus well enough to see what he isn't saying--that Papyrus needs to get him to come home before anything bad can happen to him. That Sans disappearing when he seems so listless and blank can't be a good thing. That Papyrus is scared for his brother.
Dust can't stand to see his living brother. The idea puts him in a cold sweat. If Papyrus is living, then Papyrus can die. He prefers the phantom--cruel as he is, at least he'll never leave Dust alone. Dust can never hurt him and never kill him. Frisk can't even see him. As long as Dust is alive to see him, Papyrus's ghost is safe.
When Frisk breaks the Barrier, Dust disappears quickly afterwards. They find him standing alone a little farther down the cliffside, isolating himself; and they grab his hand again like they always do, to bring him back home. They're surprised when they fall out of the world--they almost forgot. They'd almost hoped it wouldn't happen.
Dust doesn't try to stop them. Just like always, he follows them through. He kind of hopes for oblivion, for an end to choices that he always makes into mistakes, but he's not so lucky. He wakes up to Frisk's frantic shaking in a patch of flowers far Underground. This is Underswap, and Dust is about to have a horrible day.
I think in this AU, I'm going to leave Killer's story--mostly because I don't know his backstory very well, just that he's Nightmare's right hand man and assorted other factoids. And since Nightmare isn't technically a Sans, just the embodiment of negative emotions, his universe wouldn't even be in the running for Frisk to land in--similarly, I am too charmed by Error's story to change it. So here's where I think this goes from here.
Nightmare arrives in Horrortale, intending to recruit Horror. The guy's life is miserable, there's no reason for him not to hop out of his universe to cause mayhem as long as it's better than starving. But the universe isn't the same anymore. Nightmare considers wrecking stuff in order to snack off of negative emotions, but Horror and Red are scanning the hell out of the universe, so Horror is able to pick up on a hole being punched in it and appear in a matter of minutes. He asks why Nightmare is here, and Nightmare says honestly that he was here to recruit him as part of a small team to complete certain missions, embodiment of negativity, eternal struggle in the multiverse between Nightmare and Dream, food and five-star lodging provided, etc. But it seems like he's got something going here, so...?
Nightmare is honestly fairly impressed that someone noticed him entering the universe so quickly, and he's hoping Horror may still be interested. It's too bad that Nightmare can't get Horror's lifelong trust and allegiance by rescuing him from a bad situation, but he's certain he can make it work. He only has one minion as of right now, that being Killer, and he'd like to have at least one more (if only so Killer will stop bothering him when he's trying to Plot Evilly. Also, Dream has two friends to Nightmare's one minion, and Nightmare can't be lagging behind, that's just unacceptable).
Horror may not need immediate rescue himself, but he sure knows someone who does. He asks a few careful questions about the multiverse--would i be able to visit other universes on my own? Yes. am i allowed to interfere with other universes? Encouraged, even. Especially where spreading misery is concerned. can i take someone out of a universe if they don't belong in it? What an oddly specific question. Nightmare is beginning to think he'll have a way to endear himself to Horror, after all.
Horror dismisses his questions as mostly being about the job he'll be doing--after all, if he's fighting people who travel between universes, of course he'd want to know if there are ways to track people across universes, or to tell if there's someone in a universe that doesn't belong there. Nightmare lets it pass without comment for the time being, but decides to keep an eye on the situation, to try to figure out what exactly Horror is looking for. If he's willing to leave his whole life behind and set himself up for a lifetime of fighting just for a chance to find it, then Nightmare has an easy way to earn his eternal loyalty. Muahaha.
Now of course, this is all for Evil reasons and not because Nightmare isn't sure how to make people like him if he doesn't provide some service or do some great favor for them. He certainly hasn't seen people love his brother for the happiness he provides, and said "I could do that >:( I could do Good Things for people and then they would Like Me and not hate me >:( and in fact I would do it while being Very Evil so I know they'll like me for me and not just because I'm, for example, a paragon of light and hope in the multiverse >>:( and then I would have better friends than Dream. and he will be super jealous. because i will have friends who like me. so there >>>:( this is what WINNING looks like, brother >:("
Now this would leave Red in the awkward position of being in the wrong universe and also missing in his own universe. I am not sure what I want to do with him here--he could come with Horror, and just sorta hang out as a Bad Sans. I know he's not normally one, but he comes from Edgy Universe so I could see it? But also, I know canonically Error steals from Red's chocolate supply, so I think it would be kind of hilarious if Error's been pissed bc his stock isn't being replenished, being as Red isn't around to buy more. And Nightmare could just. dump Red back in Underfell. Both as a favor to Error, to try to secure his loyalties at least a little, and as a show of how Powerful and Evil he is for his brand new recruit. Both options are tempting...I am undecided. But uh, something happens with Red. He is somewhere. Horror probably wouldn't just ditch him in Horrortale on his lonesome.
Now, Horror and Killer get along alright. Killer's got the sarcastic fast-talker charm, and Horror is getting used to being able to hold conversations at a normal speed again. And both of them get along with Nightmare. Killer is witty and challenging, and Horror is loyal and hardworking and (VERY important) knows how to cook great meals. No more mediocre fried rice. Scrambled eggs are no longer mysteriously watery. It is shocking how much home life improves with good food, and Horror is a big fan of having a seemingly endless pantry. His stipulation that a portion of everything gets sent home to Papyrus is a pain at first, but it's not so bad once it gets ingrained as a normal part of mealtimes. Sometimes his Papyrus visits, and that goes about as well as meeting family members of a dear friend for the first time can go. A bit awkward, but it settles into something positive.
The only weird thing is, with every new universe, Horror insists on making sure there's no one there who isn't native to that universe before havoc can begin. It's not a huge pain or anything, and it is a good move strategically, but it's a very specific request. Once it happens enough for Killer to get curious, it isn't long until the cat's out of the bag--a story of a sibling accidentally cast aside, a world that was cruel and unfair to them, a misunderstanding that made their brother think they were horrible and abandoned him to an awful fate when actually they'd done nothing wrong, and an endless journey that never seems to point home. And Horror was willing to put aside everything to try to bring them back--if not home, then at least to somewhere safe. To build new common ground together, after the old grounds went up in flames. To understand their side of it and see that they weren't wrong even if things looked kinda bad on their end, actually everything they did was completely justified, Dream--
Suffice to say that Nightmare is sympathetic. That is, he can see the strategic advantage to helping Horror find this sibling of his, and reunite them. Because then he'll have an endlessly loyal minion, and probably also an endlessly loyal minion-in-training. Obviously. He doesn't even believe in brotherly love, so obviously it's not out of some imagined desire to see his friend family underling scrape a happy ending out of what seems like an unrecoverable falling-out (complete with literal falling, in this case) with his sibling. It's just a matter of spending a tiny amount of effort searching for a months-old trace of a magical trail that's interrupted by not existing in some parts on account of time travel.
Killer iirc can't feel much of anything but hate, but he doesn't hate Horror, and it's not like he's forgotten what emotions are entirely. He does want the guy to be happy. They're kinda buds and Horror watches obscure competition shows at 3am with him when they both can't sleep. It'd be a little awkward to have a Frisk around, but at least it's not Chara. Most people he meets on a day-to-day basis are technically versions of him, anyway, and it's not like he can't differentiate them. He'd put up with it for Horror's sake. He'll only stab them if they're possessed, probably.
Thing is, when they do find Frisk (eventually Nightmare thinks to call in a favor from Error), Frisk is traveling universe to universe with some apathetic LV 20 Sans who is still trying to figure out when murder is and isn't the way he wants to solve his problems. Namely with other Sanses, since he has enough self-hatred that he can't imagine it's much of a loss. Thing is, he fcking hates it when Frisk time-travels, and it makes Frisk miserable, too, so he can't just murder every Sans who annoys him even slightly...but most Sanses don't take kindly to some LV 20 stranger wandering through...which means everything would just be easier if they were to go missing...not like more dust on his hands is gonna make a difference, right?
But no, Frisk always insists on going back to when the local Sans was alive, and it's just a waste of time and energy. So Dust mostly doesn't kill anyone who isn't a real jerk first. Mostly.
This is the scene that Nightmare & Co come upon when they finally catch up. They have to take a moment to regroup, because who even is this guy? He never leaves Frisk's side for long (local Sanses have a tendency to ambush and kill him for being a violent lunatic if they can get him alone, and then at least one party dies, and then time travel, etc.), he talks to thin air, he's generally Kinda Creepy.
Their initial thought is to try to get Frisk alone, but Dust in this time has noticed that they're being followed by a group of very suspicious characters, and tells Frisk to go on ahead while he lurks. It comes to a pretty devastating battle, between Dust's combat prowess and the gang's equally impressive abilities (Killer having done his own geno run, Nightmare having an impressive body count and also massive raw power on account of being kind of a demigod, and Horror himself being no slouch in combat). Frisk sits over in the next room like they're in the waiting room for a dentist's office, poking at echo flowers and waiting for their brother to be done with Mysterious Errands while ignoring three separate variations of Megalovania in the background.
Then Frisk figures, wait, there are a maximum of two Sanses...but three Megalovanias...that ain't right. Also, Dust said he wasn't gonna kill the local Sans this time. He didn't promise, but he said he would try, so he really shouldn't be sneaking off to pick fights. This is the conclusion Frisk comes to about six seconds before the wall is destroyed by stray blaster fire.
What they see through the wall is Dust, teleporting right out of combat to make sure they didn't get hurt or vaporized, and out of the rubble they can make out a goopy octopus Sans, a Target Sans (which makes other Sanses...walmart brand? food for thought), and a Sans that takes a second to place, because they really weren't expecting to see Horror here. And fighting Dust. Frisk is disappointed in him.
When the dust (magical and otherwise) settles, everyone ends up having a civilized conversation by the combined forces of Frisk and Nightmare. Killer and Dust were having fun, but not much was getting accomplished with massive property damage. It comes out that Nightmare's crew was coming by to get Frisk and rescue them from their endless tumble through the multiverse (which Error claims is giving him a headache anyway), and Frisk is very happy to agree to that part, and also to go live in a cool castle "for the time being." Allegedly, they will find somewhere else to stay soon, because Nightmare is not running a daycare for wayward interdimensional youth.
Frisk's condition is that Dust has to come with them, since he's been hopping through dimensions following them for so long now that they don't know what they'd do without him. Literally, every time the Barrier comes down, he waits for the hole in the world to open, takes a couple warm-up steps, and dives through after Frisk--he hasn't found a universe he could stand to stay in, yet. He hates the idea of living among people he remembers killing over and over again. At least if he follows Frisk around, he's with someone who seems to care about him for mystery reasons, and he might some day find an AU he'd be okay with. Maybe whichever one they settle with, if they find a way to stop falling. Which, it seems like they've got an opportunity here.
Nightmare is a-okay with gathering another unhinged duckling to take under his wing and occasionally let loose on unsuspecting universes (it's enrichment!!). He's seen that Dust is a great fighter, not too broken up about collateral, and having him around will make Frisk happy and therefore Horror will also be happy, therefore eternal loyalty, profit, etc.
(It has been a long time since Nightmare has been able to make someone he loves happy. It's been even longer since it's been so easy--what's one more mouth to feed? What's one more person who thinks Nightmare is capable of good without changing who he is?)
So Dust and Frisk end up moving in and Dust takes his place with the Bad Sanses.
Now there are a million things that could happen from here--well-meaning intervention from someone who discovers these psychopaths have kidnapped an innocent person for Clearly Nefarious Reasons, an intro scene between Frisk and Error (Error mentions that he's stolen their SOUL in uncountable universes and Frisk has no notable reaction to this, which really sucks the fun out of it for Error, so they end up watching trash TV together until Horror comes in to get Frisk for supper), Red's reunion with Frisk is gonna be great in any WT spinoff and especially in this, and general family sitcom shenanigans would be fantastic (can. can Dream babysit Frisk while everyone else is out. Nightmare absolutely forbids it bc Dream is a bad influence he doesn't like his people meeting Dream bc what if they like Dream more than they like Nightmare but what if it happens anyway. Ink wanders through while Error is babysitting and decides to Help, leading to an awkward day out with the Star Sanses, most of whom do not know Frisk at all. Ink forgets exactly who he's babysitting for and assumes they'll just come by and pick Frisk up eventually, which does happen, but there are a lot more accusations of kidnapping going around than is really necessary. Frisk and Blue are happy to see each other again at least).
Anyway this is,, a fantastic idea. rife with opportunity. I love it so much thank you for proposing it. wow,,
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missmaxime · 4 years
Mouth; room; close; keen
You really know what you’re asking, haha. I cherry-picked for the first three, because as it turns out I use those a lot. And fyi under ‘Close’ is a small excerpt of the Joan/Rio fic ;) 💕 MOUTH From ‘Shine a Light Now (This Time it’s got to be Good)’
“Apparently I am ‘overqualified’,” Beth complains dramatically, putting extra emphasis on it by adding sloppy air quotation marks. Phoebe starts opening her mouth to ask because she cuts her off with: “Find my Family a Pet, Season 5.” Phoebe sputters, grabbing a can of coke to rinse her mouth and spitting it on the pavement. “It’s animals, elderly ánd kids, the three circles of hell. Rookie stuff, damn sure you’re overqualified.”
From ‘Wild at Heart’ Chapter 5
Paul put the bag down, leaning onto the reception desk. “You don’t want to join me and Marissa for breakfast?” he asked. “I hear it’s delicious here.” Rio encircled his arm around Beth’s waist, squeezing it. He clacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Beth grabbed ahold of his hand, dragging it onto her belly. “Maybe we’ll join you tomorrow, Rio and I have an important appointment.” Rio stroked her through her coat, and Paul picked up on the hint.
From ‘If worst comes to worst, I left a note’
“Y’know what ya getting into?” he asks. She smirks. “Do you?” His eyes get darker and her attacks her mouth again, slipping his tongue between her lips. She circles her hand onto the back of his head, pulling him into her more. And, as much as she hates to admit it, it’s nothing like she ever experienced. Not with Dean, not with the two boys she kissed before, this is something more, and it’s frightening. Frightening, but thrilling. 
From ‘The Kaleidoscope of Love’
And she surges back into him, claiming his mouth. Their lips sliding over each other, erupting sparks in her chest she can’t remember feeling. Their position frustrates Beth, sitting next to each other, so she takes it upon herself to pull back from him – the groan he releases almost embarrassing. She doesn’t let him wait long, climbing onto him so she can straddle him. The trail his warm hands leave on her skin as he lets them travel up from her knees to her thighs, before sliding them under her dress is mesmerizing. She kissing him briefly on the lips. “More,” she breathes, quite sure her pitch is quite uneven. 
From (WT) ‘Come on baby, won’t you show some class’ [aka Mick locks Beth and Rio in a storage room because he’s tired of their shit]
Rio lets his fingers travel along her panties, feeling how wet she already is for him. He chuckles at that, increasing the pressure. “Yeah, you want me, don’t you darling?” He says, now slipping two fingers between her folds, feeling the heaviness of her wetness flooding his hand. He leans his head in, putting his mouth against her ear. “Don’t you?’ he asks, but sucks her earlobe in before she can answer, retracting a very repressed moan from her. That just riles her, and she tries to retract her bend leg from the table. But he grasps her ankle, keeping that leg in place. He reaches out with his other hand, buttoning open his pants, pulling down those and his boxers far enough to extract his lid. “Don’t, do, that,” he says, licking her face on one side in one long stroke. And she revels in it, against her better judgement. 
From (WT) ‘Get Well Soon’ [or the S3 deviation I started writing before S3 aired - FYI Orla is the realtor the girls use to find a store]
The day went by in a blur at best. Beth and Ruby had been cleaning the worst of the storage rooms for almost the entire day. Next they had painted the front-side of the store all white, immediately changing the look of it from depressed to welcoming. And when Orla entered the store around two she even took of her mouth mask. “Look who got this place close to presentable,” she stated, looking around somewhat impressed. Ruby threw her paintbrush into the turpentine. “I’m sure it still smells like fish,” she sighed. “Well, yeah,” Orla admitted. “But at least now it’s thinly masked by chemicals. And as you can tell by my face that’s something I’m way more comfortable with,” she joked. Ruby laughed, kind of surprised by Orla’s sense of humor. “I did hear it’s a bad idea to shoot anchovies up your forehead anyway.” Orla shrugged. “I’ll try anything with a success rate of over 85%, so bring it,” she smiled as she put a bunch of papers on the counter. 
ROOM From ‘Wild at Heart’ Chapter 5 (apparently I use this word a LOT in this chapter, Imma cut down on that one haha)
“No, we’re good,” Salazar answered. She exited the same way the game. “Got enough estrogen in the room as it is, right?” he said, grabbing his teacup and raising it to Rio. Who answered by raisin his own cup. Beth looked at him with disdain, she failed to hide it. She tried to separate this business Rio from the Rio she knew from the wedding, and even though she could fracture herself easily, breaking him up into different people was way harder. “Are you kidding me?” she shot at Rio. He gave her nothing. “We were in business before I was in your bed, you should give me some credits,” she said angrily. “My ass is on the line here too. And I sure as hell have more on that line than you do!”
From ‘If worst comes to worst, I left a note’
“Why didn’t you like me last time?” she asks. “Think you wouldn’t be interested.” Beth is taken aback by that, and it shows. “Why? You liked someone better?” she throws back. He laughs genuinely and shakes his head. “Nah. Just thought I’d was a bit out of your wheelhouse.” “Why?” she asks. But the buzzer goes off, and he wastes no time getting to the other side of the room to get to his next date.
From ‘The Kaleidoscope of Love’
Turner’s been on holiday with his boyfriend for a week in Bora Bora, and since he’s the only one who talks to the matches she doesn’t really have anything to do. She has already cleaned the front office and the break room and the cabinet with office supplies after two days, so now her most potentially productive activity is putting colorful post-its on her own face. Fortunately, just before she feels like her last braincells are dying off, the phone rings. And she scrambles to sit up in her chair, grabbing the horn. “Love Inc, Amber speaking, how may—” “Amber!” It’s Turner. He sounds agitated. “Well, hello sunshine,” she smiles, feel her own teeth crack at the faux sweet tone of it. “Cut the crap,” he orders. And she can’t really make out a lot of background noise, but the loud voices in the background, and actually – altogether chaos, don’t sound too promising. For him though, this sounds like all the opportunity for her. 
From ‘A Tail to Remember’ [AU where Beth suddenly sprouts a tail that acts on her deepest desires]
“What?” she croaks, her voice still paralyzed by sleep. She rubs her eyes with the back of her hand, and when she can see well through the dusk of the room, she sees Dean laying face down onto the ground next to the bed. “You pushed me!” he’s upset, face crowded with angry splotches of red. And, did she? She looks at where she’s at; still very much on her own side, not even close to the middle. “How?” she asks confused. He’s being all angry-toddler about it, gathering his covers and dumping them on the airbed. “I’m sure you just had a bad dream,” she offers. 
From ‘Get Well Soon’
Beth let the curtain drop back again and focused on the envelope, as she walked back to her room. She turned it around in her hands, there was no address, no stamp. She dropped onto the bed as she opened the crimson envelope in her hands, extracting the midnight blue card from it. In swirly silver printed handwriting it said ‘Get Well Soon!’ surrounded by differently shaped stars. Beth almost sighed in relief, recognizing the print from Lucy’s Etsy. When she opened it though, it felt like she was being doused in icy cold water. ‘Thinking of you lots!’ was staring at her, mocking her with a scarily recognizable handwriting even without the weird e’s he usually wrote. Without another thought Beth threw the card into a corner, dimmed the lights, and crawled into the bed, hoping it would swallow her while she would fight her nightmares that night. 
CLOSE From the ‘Untitled Joan Holloway/Rio’ fic
“I did tell him I’d give him a dollar if Mick would be there in promised time. He lived up to expectations,” she explained. Rio turned his head. “Give him two,” he ordered Mick, before returning his attention back to Joan. She felt great with Rio ignoring the line of people waiting outside to get in, the bouncer opening the door without even giving them a questioning look. Inside was a whole different experience than the rundown outside gave. It was still kind of dark but the lighting and music gave it an intimate and welcoming feel. He escorted her to a booth close to the bar, looking out onto the dance floor. It was very obvious she was one of the very few white people here. “What’s your poison?” he asked, signaling a waiter. “Maybe some bourbon?” she asked. He ordered a bottle of the good stuff. She liked that. She turned her back to him. “Would you mind, taking the pins out?” she asked, her chin pushed against her shoulder as she looked at him expectantly.
From ‘Wild at Heart’ Chapter 5
Beth drops her bag, and moves in on him. “You know, I shot that window pretty good last time,” she says haughtily. “Yeah, when you were on your feet,” he says. Beth takes the gun from him. And she’s taken back to that one night Rio shot Dean in the chest. And by now she’s pretty sure he wasn’t totally honest about not knowing if that shot would leave him alive. Especially after what she now knows she can do with a gun, much less Rio, who has years and years’ experience on her. “So, did Sal get back to you?” she asks, while she takes a stand close to him, taking a hold on his gun. 
From ‘The Kaleidoscope of Love’
It’s all he needs to fully attack her mouth. Entangling his hand in her hair, pulling her in as close as they can get. Their lips slandering, navigating to tend to each other’s needs, sucking and biting, both teasing and tending with conviction. She smiles a little when she thinks about the lipstick marks she’s probably leaving on his face, takes pride in marking him, letting everybody know what they’ve been up to. The thought makes her bolder, rocking her hips against his, a movement he immediately answers, groaning into her.
KEEN NOTHING (*le gasp*). Well, there is once, but it’s in the chapter of Shine A Light Now (This Time it’s got to be Good) where I’m working on now, and that’s just too rough of a draft.  
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pemfrost · 6 years
plance 86 and/or spideynova wt 89? :3c
I haven’t contributed to the garden in a while. (I’m going to write the other one eventually haha) Sorry for taking so long.
(Anyone else who sent prompts, I’m sorry and I’ll have time to write more soon!)
“So? It’s a coin.” Katie didn’t give the silver coin in Lance’s palm another glance, her focus solely on the screen in front of her. “Alien currency seems more of Hunk’s thing.”
Lance shimmied closer, thrusting the coin directly in her line of sight. She smashed the pause button on her controller and sighed quietly. Of all the times– he’d been no where all morning, and just when she set aside her current project and picked up a game for some relaxing robot killing…
She gently set the controller down, “I love you, but I really want some time to relax.”
“I know,” He said, tone more serious than she’d expected. His eyes flicked away from hers for a split second before he continued, “I thought we were going to take a walk into town tonight?”
“Yea, that still sounds good- maybe get something fancy for dinner?” She ignored the coin still held between them. “Let me finish this level.”
“O-Okay. Yea. Sure. No problem.”
“What?” She squinted at him as he tucked the coin in a pocket and plopped down on the couch beside her. “Not going to argue?”
“I can wait.” He leaned over and kissed her, just a quick peck on the lips.
She chased his lips, torn equally between trying to puzzle him out and wanting to relax their way to their bedroom. When they parted she turned to sit sideways on the couch to face him, “What’s the deal with the coin?” 
“It’s - uh- I just thought you might be… interested in it…?” Lance shrugged, and the movement was anything but the laid-back action it was intended to be. His shoulders were too stiff, his back too straight, his eyes too shifty.
“Show me, then.” She pawed at the front pocket of his jeans where he’d slipped the coin. The red tinge on Lance’s cheeks only fueled her curiosity.
“Okay-Okay!” He leaned up so he could pull out the coin. “Here,” He opened his palm to reveal an intricately carved silver coin. On first glance she’d dismissed it as pocket change, but the coin was a work of art.
“Wow- okay. I think I understand…” She didn’t, not entirely. The carved image depicted two figures, both seemingly Altean. Their clothes and poses reminded her of a renaissance painting back on Earth. They were crouched under a tree with a window of some sort next to them. “It’s… something?”
Lance wiggled his eyebrows. “Come on.” He plopped the coin into her hand.
She scrunched her nose, turning the coin around in her hand. It was heavier than she anticipated, so more likely it was meant as art. She traced a finger over the figures, trying to piece together exactly what Lance’s game was with this one. He’d brought her some interested tech to decipher over the years, but this was the first art-coin. There had to be a bigger picture, some sort of tech within it?
Her finger caught on the top edge where a small divot was cut into the metal. In the divot was a small hole, big enough for a small plug of some sort. “A sort of portable storage?”
When her thumb caught on the knight’s sword, she grinned. “Ah, a puzzle box then?” She worked at the metal, elated when her hunch turn out to be correct and the sword shimmed out of the sheath as she worked it.
“AH HAH!” She gleefully pulled the sword away from the coin, thrilled that it appeared to be the same size as the hole inside the divot. “I hope this isn’t some ancient, like, fancy grenade or something.”
She carefully aligned the sword, sliding it carefully downwards, ready for whatever alien tech it revealed. As the sword disappeared into the coin, the window next to the female figure slid up, first revealing a golden background, then words in a black swirling font.
Her heart raced, reading it three times before snapping her head up to Lance. He wasn’t on the couch in front of her, when had he-
“Katie-” His voice was rough from where he was kneeling on the floor. Between them he held a small box, a simple silver band was nestled inside. “I know you’ve said you hate over the top bull-”
She flung her arms around him, falling on top of him as he fell backwards as a few tears escaped down her cheeks.
“So, that’s a yes.”
“Yes,” she giggled, “I’ll marry the coin.”
He laughed along, “That doesn’t seem right. It can be the best coin at the wedding though.”
Inspired by this coin by Roman Booteen
Thank you for reading! This went a little long haha. Wrote this really quick and posted before I had to rush out- I’ll fix any errors later then post on AO3
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fraudulent-cheese · 6 months
So we got our first big gen 1 cameo! That and official canonisation of Owen's win! It was one of the season wins that had a clear better winner but a confirmation is nice! I feel like it fucks the timeline up since they just. reused Owen's design from TDI again. Im not looking into it
The challenges were really fun! I liked how the cooking challenge wasn't all athletisism, and while they've already done a human pinball challenge back in WT, this one was different enough that i didn't care all that much.
I think Damien is the most 6/10 contestant so far? Like he's nice and stuff but he doesn't grab me. Maybe the immunity idol thing can make him more interesting to me? Hope they do something with that! Oh, and Wayne or Raj are SOOOO getting the boot soon. They don't have much to do outside of comic relief and they're not invested in the current drama. Personally i'd prefer if Wayne got the boot over Raj? That or they don't get booted one episode after another. I want interesting conflict damnit!
ok fine i'll get it out of the way: i DONT care for Priyaleb. Like WOW THEY'RE PREDICTABLE. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY ZOKE, PRIYALEB IS THE NEW STANDARD FOR "STRAIGHT SHIP FOR STRAIGHT PEOPLE"! (no hate to either ships, i just. deeply don't care for them and wished their screentime were used on characters that didn't. you know. win the previous season)
the plotline was boring as hell and Zee getting axed because of it SUCKS. Caleb would've gotten the boot if he didn't have plot armor. Like give him immunity if you wanna kick Zee out so bad!!!!
transitionning to the eliminations, Ripaxel getting double elim because "haha gross ass couple" was predictable. I litterally called it twice in a row, they were gonna get eliminated for it and they did! I do think they were great and Ripaxel has legit won me over, sorry, i love Ripper being a gross idiot and Axel liking him for it. They were funny.
As said earlier, Zee getting the boot fucking sucks man,,, i loved him :''(
My predictions are, well, the same as last time's. Wayne/Raj getting the boot next, MKulia being real, Scary Girl coming back, the same as two weeks ago lmaoo
episode 7 was def the better out of the two tho
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mvssmallow · 5 years
CWAC: Chapter 29 Part I (temporary re-upload)
Cloudy With A Chance
Chapter 29 Part I: …of airplanes.
Day 0
“You what?”
“I need to go to Japan.”
He stares at Hanbin’s back, waiting waiting waiting for the next reaction with a racing heartbeat in his throat.
“It’s three days till Christmas.”
“I know.” He says with a tired sigh. “They want to meet a producer over there. It’s the last time he’s free before he goes on hiatus with his family for a month. They want to get a lock on him before I start on the album.”
Hanbin stops cleaning his desk and turns around to face him. “When do you leave?”
“Now. Today.” He says, even more exhausted at the thought of having to pack for the airport. “Jin booked our flights already. The cars coming over in half an hour.”
Hanbin nods then and half shrugs. “Yeah okay.”
He’s a little taken aback, unsure what he was expecting but some part of him thought (hoped) that his absence would be more upsetting. He didn’t want to make them sad and miserable but there are times where he just craves some kind of evidence that he’s important in Hanbin’s life.
“So you’re okay with this right?”
“Yeah, of course. It’s your job now.” Hanbin moves past him to open their drawers and rummage for the passports kept there. “Which backpack do you want to take with you?”
He feels oddly blindsided by everything that’s happened this afternoon. The sudden phone call. The impromptu flight. Hanbin’s blasé response. His internal dissatisfaction.
“Jiwon? Which one?”
“Um, the blue one.”
A blue camo print backpack is thrown on the bed and his passport is tucked into the front pocket. He watches as their wardrobe doors slide open and Hanbin pauses to survey all the pre-ironed t-shirts just hanging there.
“Do you want me to help you pack?”
No, I want you to miss me when I leave.
He can’t say that out loud so instead, he settles for: “Yeah, if you’re not doing anything.”
Hanbin scoffs. “What else would I be doing right now?”
They pack with quiet efficiency. Well, he watches Hanbin pack with quiet efficiency, the tense stillness only punctuated by Hanbin’s short questions and his own single word answers. It makes him want to yell really loudly or say something stupid.
But the hour’s almost up. The car will be here soon.
“Wait a minute.” He’s checking the contents of the backpack with a frown, pushing phone chargers and socks out of the way but still not finding the thing he wants. “Where’s your Snoopy t-shirt?”
Hanbin looks at him with confusion. “Snoopy? That shirt is so old. Don’t you want one of your newer-”
“No.” He shakes his head, suddenly pissed off for some reason. “I need that one.”
It comes out harsher than he wanted it to but if picking a fight is the only way he’s going to get Hanbin to react then he’ll play dirty for once.
But Hanbin just goes and looks for the damm t-shirt without saying anything. It drives him insane and he can’t really remember a time he was this frustrated about Hanbin’s selective mutism.
“Here.” A soft and greying t-shirt is held out towards him. “Are you going to wear it out? It’s so old. It’s seriously getting holes in the sleeves.”
He takes it and tucks safely into his backpack. “No. I’m not going to wear it out. I just want to take it with me.”
“Okay.” Hanbin says slowly, eyes suddenly piercing into the side of his face like they always do when they’re trying to read his mind.
The phone in his his pocket starts buzzing and ringing then. Great timing as always. The car is downstairs to pick him up.
“I gotta go.”
Hanbin walks him to the front door and watches him put on his jacket and tie up his shoelaces.
“So umm, I guess I’ll see you when I get back?” He says, prepared and resigned to leave with just a brief kiss. Who knows how affectionate Hanbin is feeling right now.
“Message me when you land? And when you go to sleep.” Hanbin instructs, his voice shaky and watery for a split second. “And when you’re packing again too, so you don’t forget anything.”
He cracks the first smile of the day. “Yeah, I’ll just message you everything okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.”
Then he sees it; the slumped shoulders, the downcast eyes that never meet his and the subtle frown pulling at the corners of Hanbin’s mouth. He can feel fingers playing with the straps of his backpack, even though there’s nothing to fix or adjust.
Well, finally.
“Come here.” He says softly, pulling at Hanbin’s t-shirt and relieved when there’s no resistance at all. Just a sigh.
He’s going to write a song about this one day. He knows it. This exact feeling whenever he pulls Hanbin’s slightly smaller body into his, the initial thrill of butterflies followed by the deep warm ache that comes from something so good, so unbelievable, so comforting, so his.
“Gonna miss me?” He asks. Fuck subtlety, he needs to hear the words sometimes.
There’s a nod against his chest that makes him want to laugh. Typical Hanbin.
“Say it baby. I wanna hear it.”
“Jiwon….” Hanbin whines.
“Baby..” He echoes with another laugh. “You’re gonna make me late if you don’t say it. I’m not leaving till you do.”
There’s more protesting and he can feel the outlines of Hanbin’s face as it tries to bury itself further into his chest. “Illmissyou.”
“What was that?”
Hanbin looks up at him then, all big doe eyes, long eyeslashes and static in his hair. “I’ll miss you.”
“You better.” He says with a relieved grin.
They don’t kiss for half as long as he wanted them to but it’s long enough for the phone to buzz in his pocket again.
“Ahh shit. I really have to go.”
Hanbin’s clinging onto him now, he can feel the slight panic and desperation in the way those fingers dig into his arm. He wonders if it’s wrong to want Hanbin to be like this all the time. It probably makes him a sadist or something but truthfully, nobody has ever needed him before and it’d be nice if that happened at least once in his life.
“Okay, well. I’ll message you when-”
“-I love you.”
It is so quiet against his own voice but he still hears it loud and clear.
Does he stop breathing? For a second? Or a minute. One of those. He’s not sure which one. The backpack is dropped to the ground and he holds that beautifully nervous face in his hands for so long that his phone buzzes in his pocket for a third time and he has the fleeting though that his Beatbox team should just go to Japan without him.
“Fuck, Hanbin.” He says in hushed disbelief. “Why did you have to say it right now? Worst timing ever. Shit, how am I supposed to leave?”
There’s the most sheepish of shrugs that makes Hanbin look even smaller. Maybe small enough to fit into his backpack.
“I really need to go but fuck, I’m gonna miss you so much. You have no idea. I haven’t even left and I miss you already. Wanna come with me? Please come with me?”
Hanbin laughs at his dramatics before leaning up to kiss him in that infuriatingly slow and sweet way that satisfies every empty part of his soul.
“Mmmmlove you.” He murmurs against those soft lips.
“I know.” Hanbin says with a smile before pushing him away gently. “Go to work. I’ll be here when you get back.”
He doesn’t bother hiding his sigh as he picks up his backpack. Every step outside their apartment door is harder than the one before it. He looks at Hanbin leaning against the doorframe in that old disneyland t-shirt, his hair is a mess, cheek flushed and there’s some kind of wistful bittersweet look on his face.
He loves him more than he loves his entire life.
It’s a crazy thought that he’d only read about or seen in movies, believing for all these years that they were unrealistic, impossible and overdramatic….until now.
“Don’t do anything stupid!” He shouts from down the corridor.
“Can’t anyway. My stupid is going to Japan!” Hanbin shouts back.
It’s weird.
Too many years spent on a diet of Linklater movies, Murakami books and songs about longing has got him expecting something that never comes. He expected to feel some big gaping hole when Jiwon left for the airport but he doesn’t.
Of course he misses him. He misses him a lot.
But that hollow melancholy that he felt when they broke up isn’t there. Which is good he supposes, he doesn’t want that feeling back. Ever.
It doesn’t really feel like Jiwon went anywhere though. He’s been gone for barely 20 minutes before the first of the texts come. It makes him smile like an idiot.
[did we pack snoopy?xj]
[Yeah we did. He’s in there. Don’t worry. hx]
He thought it’d end there until Jiwon lands in Japan but there’s another buzz of his phone after a few minutes.
[did we pack my passport?]
[YES omg]
[did we pack the killr bees]
[Yes. We packed everything you wanted. Stop asking me. Lol.]
[im bored.]
[Its been like 20 minutes.]
[Yeah I kno. Then we have to wt at the airprt]
[Your life is so hard. Poor baby.]
[Haha am I your baby now?]
[Idk, I have to check with my boyfriend]
[Wts he like]
[Better than you]
[wll thats rude]
[Talk to me when you have a record deal]
[its ok, gt my own bf. hes not as good as u tho]
[You can’t even pretend in texts?]
[haha nope. Can’t pretend like ur not the best]
[You need to get out more]
[nah, got u now. im nevr leavng]
It’s just a few words, full of typos, but it still makes his stomach drop.
[But what should we do about my boyfriend?]
[idk get a biggr bed haha]
[im kiddin! you gotta be crazy if u think im gonna share you]
[hey we’re here, hve to go. talk later.]
[love you baby xj]
[Have a safe flight. Love you too.xhx]
The smile doesn’t leave his face. Not for the entire time he makes dinner for himself. It’s only when he sits down at their table that he feels it, the hollow emptiness of the chair next to him, the off-balanced quietness of the apartment, the way there’s only one plate on the table. He looks at his phone but the screen is still black. He can’t even send a message, Jiwon would be in the middle of his flight.
The rest of the night isn’t much better. Even when he knows Jiwon has landed, there’s no texts. Maybe he was just busy.
He cleans up alone. Showers alone. Gets into an empty bed alone. And there’s still no message.
[Hey I’m going to bed now. Hope you’re okay over there. xh]
He doesn’t really sleep though. He can hear the traffic outside his window and it was always weirdly comforting to him, something to do with the mundaness of life continuing on regardless of how bad his day is. But it’s not working tonight, maybe it was only comforting listening to that sound when he had Jiwon’s warm body next to him.  
It’s 1:30am when his dark room lights up from a text on his phone.
[are u still awake]
He expects another text marathon but Jiwon ends up calling.
“Hi baby.” Jiwon’s voice sounds rough, exhausted and muffled, like half of his face is against a pillow. “You okay to talk?”
“Yeah.” He’s not sure why it makes him sad that Jiwon has to even ask.
“Sorry I didn’t message or call. Jin got pissed that I was on the phone so much and just took it. He wanted to pack all this stuff into our schedule before Christmas. We just got back from this dinner with a bunch of Japanese rappers. I’m never drinking again.”
He laughs to cover up his paranoia. “Yeah? Did you have a good time?”
Jiwon groans in pain. “I think there should be an age limit on alcohol.”
“There is.”
“It should be like, 30.”
He laughs for real this time. “What happened? Did you do something stupid?”
“Didn’t dislocate any jaws today?”
“No, I did not.” Jiwon says bitterly. “We just did a few shots. I’m gonna be so hungover tomorrow and that’s when we’re meeting Doc.”
His ears perk up at that and a shiver runs down his spine. “Who?”
“Doc McKinney. That’s the producer they want to get for my album. Which isn’t even half written by the way, I don’t get why they’re-”
“Wait. Doc McKinney? The american producer?”
“Yeah? You know him?”
“Tablo met him at some company event last month. Thank god he can speak English. They think it’ll be good promo to have a big shot producer on my album but why the hell would he want to work with a no name?” Jiwon laughs then. “Imagine what’s going on in his head. From the Weeknd to me. What a joke.”
“It’s not a joke.” He says firmly. “You’re good on your own but if you got him on your debut Jiwon….that would be crazy.”
“Yeah I know. I’m not gonna put much into it though. We got Tablo, that’s enough.”
Out of the two of them, he doesn’t know how he ended up being the more ambitious one when all the talent was with Jiwon.
“Still try though, right? You never know where it’ll go. It’s always good to make some contacts in the music business. He might be handy when you get into the US market.”
Jiwon snorts down the phone line. “US market? Are you tripping? I’m not even in the Korean market.”
“You should aim high.” He says, smiling at the dark ceiling. “You have the talent and personality for it.”
“I love talking to you. My ego grows like three sizes bigger every time.”
“Hey you know what else grows three sizes bigger?”
He groans at Jiwon’s lame line. “Seriously? That’s how you’re going to change the topic?”
“Yep. That’s how I’m gonna do it.” Jiwon says, words getting more and more slurred. “What are you wearing?”
“Wait. Do you have your own room?”
There’s a bark of laughter down the line. “Yeah, I do. I’m not that much of freak Hanbin. I’m not you.”
He goes red, even though nobody can see him. “I have never done it in a room full of other people! What are you talking about?!”
“I mean, you like it when you think you might get caught.”
He stays silent, trying to think of an answer that doesn’t self-sabotage or reveal any of his other kinks.
“Am I right?” Jiwon asks with a chuckle. “I am, aren’t I? You are so loud. Remember that time in the carpark? I get so hard whenever I think about it.”
Of course he remembers that night. He remembers it so vividly that he can still smell the sweat on Jiwon’s skin, the hunger in his eyes and the way he always comes with that deep growl.
“Baby? You still there?”
His hand was already wandering down between his legs. “Yeah, I’m still here. I’m just….”
“…thinking about it?”
“Good. What are you wearing?”
“Puppy pyjamas?”
Jiwon groans. “Why do you have to be so fucking cute at a time like this?!”
“You asked! What are you wearing?”
He laughs. “Well, why do you have to be so fucking cute too?”
“Snoopy smells like you.”
His hand stops in its track. His stomach does that nervous flip again.
“Yeah yeah, I know. I’m supposed to be nasty and talk about how much I want to fuck you right now. But here I am telling you that I took your stupid t-shirt to Japan just so I can pretend I’m sleeping with you. Fuck!” Jiwon laughs at his own ridiculousness. “I can’t even do phone sex right.”
He waits until his breathing sounds normal again. “I….really want to fly over there. Like, right now.”
“Miss me?”
“Yeah, I really do. It sucks being in this bed without you.”
“Well, it sucks being in another country without you. God, how lame are we? It hasn’t even been 24 hours.” Jiwon says in exhaustion before yawning. “My body is so confused right now.”
“What do you mean?”
“It doesn’t know if it’s awake or asleep. I’m half hard but half not. I really need to come but I’m too tired. And I miss you, so I’m sad, but I’m talking to you right now, so I’m kinda not.”
“You’re a mess.” He says with a chuckle, wanting to reach through the phone line to pull Jiwon into their bed. “What you need is sleep. Big day tomorrow.”
“I can’t sleep though! My dick is waiting for me to do something.”
“Well, what do you want me to do about it?”
“I don’t know? Do it with me?”
He kicks his blankets off and throws the puppy pyjamas on the ground. He knew this was coming. “Take your pants off. And Snoopy too.”
He waits for the rustling on the other end to stop before talking again.
“I want to hear you touching yourself. Can you do that? I want to hear all those noises you make.”
“Fuck…..you sound so hot talking like this.” Jiwon says. “I’m so hard right now.”
“Good. What are you thinking about?”
“What your mouth feels like. I wish it was here with me.”
“Just my mouth?” He laughs. ‘What would you do with the rest of me?”
There’s a soft muffled sound, like Jiwon was rolling over in bed. “Mmm, no. I wanna hear what you wanna do.”
He’s stroking himself with a faster rhythm now and as much as the words always make him cringe, he’s so turned on and out of his mind that it’s like someone else just took over.
“I kind of…..want you to fuck me backstage after one of your shows.”
There’s a deep moan through the phone’s static. “Keep going, babe.”
“Sometimes I watch you on stage and you’re so sweaty and aggressive. I always wanted to pull you behind the curtains and lick all that sweat off you.”
“Mmmhmm. Then what?”
“Then you’d push me on the ground and I’d complain that my knees hurt. But you wouldn’t care. You’d hold my jaw and make me open my mouth just so you can fuck into it until I’m gagging and begging you to stop.”
“Keep going keep going….I’m so close…”
His hand is so wet now and he can hear Jiwon’s erratic breathing through the phone.
“I wouldn’t want you to stop though. I want it to hurt. I want to taste you when you cum in my mouth and when you’re done, I want you to fuck me and fill me up so much that it drips down my legs…”
There’s a strained ‘fuck!’ through the phone line followed by that familiar raspy growl and whispers of his name. His own head is full of flashbacks of that night in the carpark, he remembers Jiwon’s eyes as he pushed in, so deep and slow that the stretch made him want to scream. It was an overwhelming mix of desperation, aggression and possession. It’s that memory that makes him close his eyes now and cum all over his hand with a drawn out moan.
There’s a few seconds of silence where all he can hear is their breathing but suddenly Jiwon starts laughing.
“Nothing nothing. I was just thinking of how much trouble you’re gonna be in when I come home.”
He smiles in the darkness, sweaty and aching everywhere. How the hell are they going to handle three days apart?
Soundtrack: July - Kris
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gracrps · 7 years
favorite rp experiences, favorite ships, favorite users, good parts of your day, favorite memories.
Another great experience I’ve had was a gossip girl, vampire diaries roleplay called Within Temptation! It was the first roleplay where I really learned how to expand on my writing and understand my character, thanks to a few tips from my fellow members. I had always been used to one-liners or a few paragraphs, so when I asked one of the members how she went about writing so much, she told me she just expanded on how her character felt, what he went through to get to this point, and how it aids their situation. I mean, obviously, the answer should be pretty blatant, but it was one of those moments where someone had to say it for me to really acknowledge it. This roleplay also helped me grow my affinity for Stefan Salvatore, who I played, and learned about so deeply. I really appreciate him as a character now, thanks to WT. 
positive rpc ask meme!
FAVORITE SHIPS !!!!!! I have so many !!!!!! But, okay… I will attempt to list them all from my poor excuse of a memory, and/or narrow it down to my real real real favs that I can’t live without :-) but, of course, the list will grow as roleplaying lives on~
Richard & Eleanor ( Evan Peters and AnnaSophia Robb — They were this, poor boy / rich girl ship that happened out of nowhere between myself and @vcorhees  way back in the day. They really feel like a couple to me, and I guess I love them because a lot of my ‘ships’ take a long time to get to that point where they’re finally a couple, but it just happened so effortlessly for them. They really couldn’t be any more different, yet mesh so well together… they were my core reasons for loving both Evan & AnnaSophia ) — Stephen & Wendy ( Max Irons and Jessica Alba — Okay, I know I know. They’re really new and really fresh and hardly a ship. I might be getting ahead of myself, but I feel like these two are such a classic “opposites attract” or “friendship turned into something more” that it really gets me excited to see where their thread goes. I really like these two, the chem is off the charts !!! )  
Alice & Patrick ( Olivia Cooke and Logan Lerman — So these two really helped me as a writer. At the time, Patrick was in and out of relationships with various girls and honestly, it was mostly because I was bored when ships finally became couples. I admit it was a huge flaw I had as a roleplayer until Alice came along, shout out to @nierps  for sliding into my life like that. She challenged Patrick in such a real way that helped me admit to myself that your character will be the bad guy, if not sometimes, all the time. I’m so thankful that they happened because now, it helps me shape my characters in such a real way that I wouldn’t have before. ) 
Indiana & Silas ( Nina Dobrev and Hunter Parrish — Okay, so talk about the slowest of all the burns. I think slow burns are great but are so hard to stay committed to in a roleplay filled with options thrown at your feet. However, when you feel that connection, that you know you’d love to see play out on some sort of screen, that you’d be rooting for sitting in your seat… that’s when it’s easy to stay committed. Contrary to my last ship, Indiana and Silas taught me how to stay committed, and that it’s safe to put your ship through real-life tragedies and struggles, without fearing abandonment as a roleplayer. I want to thank @veronicalodgv for always meeting me with the same amount of enthusiasm that I wouldn’t have if she hadn’t too. ) 
Sara & Ace ( Phoebe Tonkin and Bill Skarsgard — They are your typical, push and pull, hate to love you type of couple. At first, I assumed my thread with @electricinndigo would turn into some sort of hate sex kind of thing, which I wasn’t totally comfortable with because my smut is shit, honestly, lmfao. But I have to say, Ace and Sara are really turning into a ship that is so promising, that I’d really love to see what else they go through. I think this ship is also really important to me because I find it quite difficult to challenge a ship when it’s in an indie instead of a roleplay community. You’re not being thrown other ‘options’ or having other characters chime in on your character or ship. Frankly, I haven’t been in indie for that long, but I was quick to judge the easiness of shipping when you have no one else to challenge you. That’s why Sara and Ace are special to me, because they challenge each other, and it’s opening more doors for the other ships I have. So, Kellie!! Thank you for that. )
Blake & Cindy ( Matthew Daddario and Lee Jieun — So @requicms​ and I have been writing these two for a long time now, haha, but no complaints are coming from me whatsoever. My adoration for Matthew is definitely satsified when it comes to these two, as well as my thirst for a POC ship!!! Lbr, I feel like they’re soooo cute. Anyway, Cindy is such a hard character for me to be flexible with, so the fact that I’m shipping her with Blake is such a huge thing for me as a writer. It helps me go through the steps of opening a character up to something intimiate and real, and with these two, it’s just so pure and innocent. It’s not like any other ship I’ve had, so I really love these two for helping me try out something new, with a character as closed off as Cindy. ) 
These are a few honorable mentions that I really want to give a shout out to. I know some of these are brand new, but it’s just me feeling out the potential with what few threads we have going on~ [ Jude & Hannah ( Jamie Campbell Bower & Haley Bennett ) @eightysixed​ / Adele & Ben ( Holland Roden & Lucas Till ) @snikklefritsrps​ / Adam & Jana ( Paul Wesley & Kristin Kreuk ) / Cameron & Silas ( Kat McNamara & Hunter Parrish ) @wisteria1x1 / River & Mallory ( Nick Robinson & AnnaSophia Robb ) / Harrison & Prue ( KJ Apa and Stefanie Scott ) @holywitchkid ]
Okay, so assuming this means my mutuals…. @electricinndigo​, I want to go on and on about how much I love her but I feel like that’s really repetitive because I’ve done it more than twice, haha. She’s just amazing. I love her writing style, her gifs, her muses… the list goes on. @requicms​, there’s something amazing about having as much characters as her and being as invested to each and every one of them that blows my mind. I mean, I might be getting ahead of myself, but our plethora of threads really challenges me to not be lazy and put the same amount of effort in order to not just ‘reply bc I have to’. Thank you for challenging me, Lisa! @nierps​, LORD don’t even get me started, lmfao. Nie is the god of all writers, I aspire to be as amazing as her ( hence I probably should’ve finished /proper/ college ). I can’t even go on, I feel like I’ll just be babbling with how great and cool she is. @veronicalodgv​, okay I know she doesn’t indie enough, but tee has become such a close friend of mine since we’ve met all those years ago. she’s the best admin i’ve ever had the honor to be under, who can so effortlessly handle the stress that comes with it. i think the fact that she’s fair without having to bend over backwards to make people happy is really admirable, esp coming from someone like me, who feels like they have to do that when you’re in an admin position. i can’t wait to work with you the future, you’ll always have a special place in my heart @armyofskanksx​, so while I gotta admit that we don’t have a lot of the same favorite face claims (x your kindness is unreal. i really do appreciate your time and patience when it came to helping me learn how to gif, i can’t even explain my gratitude. thank you so much. 
While I don’t love going to work and dealing with the bullshit that is the nursing home, I feel pretty lucky to be there. Sitting all day isn’t great for my health, but being in the lobby when it’s 6pm and everyone went home is probably the second place I get the most inspiration for my writing. I also have a time limit, so I try and squeeze in all my writing before 7:30pm, which is when I have to leave because if my husband is home, I can’t focus on my writing. I also love going home (surprising, I know) and seeing my pup. I love the process of getting ready for bed, like taking off the makeup and tending to skin care, getting into your home clothes… while I sometimes rush towards the process, that’s my ‘me’ time, you know? I don’t have as much me time since I got married, lmfao.
It’s bittersweet, but one of them would have to be all the times I used to just sit in one of my ex-best friends car. We used to be this trio that loved to drive around and just talk about how we felt and our dreams of being this band that made it big ( we were a church band, fyi lmao ) There was something magical about his car and him driving, with me in the passenger seat and @vcorhees in the back. We were best friends that just… fell so effortlessly into any kind of conversation. We’d pig out, smoke pot & *other, confide in one another and just enjoyed the simplicities of being in each other’s company. I mean, we were more than just friends, we were family. It was a hard slap in the face when that fell apart, but I believe God has a reason for everything and even if I don’t know the reason yet, I trust he’s gonna be alright, despite my reservations. 
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alittleagreste · 7 years
hey just another miraculous AU
JUST A PSA IM ON MOBILE AND IT WONT LET ME PUT A READ MORE??? I went all out I wrote like the entire plot of the movie Has a tangled AU been done??? Probably ??? Who cares ??? Okay so -“this is the story of how I died… OH DONT WORRY ITS A FUN STORY HAHA!! and it starts with a magic, golden flower” -Queen Momma Agreste gets hella sick and she’s gotta have this baby right, so King Gabriel sends for the ‘mythical’ golden flower -surprise surprise they find the flower, which completely enrages a forest wizard named Hawkmoth who has been using it for its intense power and the immortality it grants -Queen Momma Agreste drinks the flower tea and boom we have a baby prince, Adrien, with a full head of blonde locks and he’s just cute and all is good -of course Hawkmoth wants to join the fun so he kidnaps Adrien for the powers his hair possesses -so Hawkmoth and Adrien are living up in this tower in the woods now and Adrien learns to recite this poem to use his power (the song basically but spoken) -King Gabe and Queen Momma Agreste light off these little butterfly lanterns on his birthday and there’s just a swarm of glowing butterflies on his birthday and he knows its for him -also important Adrien befriends a little chameleon that he names Plagg ;) -So fast forward like nearly 17-ish years and cut to scene with Marinette, Chloé and Sabrina all pulling off a sick heist to steal the Crown of the Black Cat, which is basically Adrien’s crown he was supposed to get on his coronation day -(So if you haven’t caught it yet, Adrien is Rapunzel and Marinette is Flynn Ryder) -So basically Marinette’s nom de plume is Ladybug, its what she goes by on all her heists and what she’s wanted as -So anyway Her and Chlo and Sab all break into the castle and snatch the crown, they get chased by the guards, including the best guard Alya, and the best horse Tikki -Cue a joke by Mari with her wanted poster about how they “ just can’t get my ____ right” each time it’s a different thing -after this, ur girl Ladybug totally is selfish at this point in the story and takes the crown and leaves Chloé and Sabrina for the guards -Alya gets thrown off of Tikki but Tikki still chases after Marinette. Until Marinette finds a hidden lil cave, that’s more like a lil rock hallway that leads to a meadow with a fairly nice tower -So what should Marinette do?? Climb the tower of course! -Don’t worry Adrien doesn’t hit her with a frying pan, she literally eats shit when she walks in and knocks herself out. Clumsy Girl y’know. -Adrien is just like ???? Wt F wHo thE heCk just smacked their face on my floo- ITS A FEMALE WHAT PLAGG HELP WHAT DO I DO IVE NEVER SEEN A REAL LIVE GIRL ONLY IN THOSE BOOKS -Plagg is very obviously annoyed and is like “boi put her somewhere and show hawkmoth you can handle yourself (even though she knocked herself out)” -Adrien kinda catches on so he literally just pulls her to a closet and puts her in -her bag falls open as he’s moving her to an upright position and the black crystals of the crown catch his attention -basically an “ooh shiny!” moment,,And he takes it and looks in the mirror and tries to figure out what it is -he puts it on his arm and looks through it and then puts it on his head -and he’s like “woah I look like those princes from my book” “haha as if” -(LIKE BOI YOU ARE SHHSHDJS) -anyway so hawkmoth comes home from wherever the hell he went, town or whatever idk, and Adrien is like !! FATHER LOOK WHAT I DID!! -Hawkmoth does not care literally at all he’s like “Adrien please recite your poem for me it calms me” and Adrien rushes through it and HM is just like ??? bOI -Adrien tries to show him our girl Lady Luck -Hawkmoth will have None of That -“You can’t handle yourself, the world is dangerous” -He literally doesn’t listen to Adrien’s pleas to leave the tower at all either -“you are NOT like anyone else! You are my son!” (u thought) -so what does Adrien do?? Plan an escape plan, and sends HM on a mission that will take like 3 days or smth -Adrien has long hair btw I forgot to mention just not nearly as long as rapunzel’s was -His is more like maybe brushing the floor -and hawk moth climbs a rope ladder or smth to get in there’s plot holes leave me be -ANYwaY after hawkmoth leaves, he tapes Mari to a chair or ties her or something -and Plagg wakes her up by sticking Camembert in her mouth -and she’s like !!! WHAt the HEck Ew -after she wakes up Adrien is like “what you want why you here please don’t kill me” -When he steps into the light and she sees him she’s literally rendered speechless like she can’t form words bc he is actually so beautiful -“h-hi-I mean hello- I mean-uh-why are you in this-uh-tower, who are you???” -Adrien doesn’t trust her at all bc the wanted poster in her bag and the crown literally screams criminal -he’s desperate though so he’s like “alright listen up, whoever you are, something brought you to me. Call it fate, destiny-” “A horse” “Im not finished… you were brought to me today for a reason, and that’s to help me. You’re going to be my guide” -Marinette is like “awh man I wish I could but see I have to get this cro-OH NO, WHERE IS MY BAG?” -Adrien holds it up like ;) and she’s just so done -“If you take me to see the lights tomorrow, I will return it to you, if you refuse, I’ll turn you in.” -“wait the stupid butterfly lanterns they light off for the lost prince?” -Adrien is totally in awe that they’re not some weird star thing, they’re butterflies -she shakes her head and knows she can’t really refuse so she plans it out in her head on how she can cheat the system -Adrien’s already covered that in his head though she can’t get away with anytHing -(except maybe making him fall in love with her ;)))) -So she agrees and she’s like “The names Ladybug” -he’s kinda like ¿ strange name but Okay!! “My name is Adrien!” -ANYWAy they leave the tower and Adrien is like 👀👀 this is no bueno I should not be doing this but omg I’ve never felt so FREE!!! -he has a blast omg that boy goes running through the woods and he’s laughing and he’s like “FATHER WOULD BE SO ANGRY BUT I DONT CARE” -meanwhile hawkmoth sees Tikki in the woods and has an “oh SHIT Adrien” moment -Runs back home, there’s nothing and no one there, aside from Mari’s wanted poster that fell out of the bag -meanwhile with the Lovebirds™ -He and Mari end up at this pub with some Angry men, including the bar owner Nino, and Adrien ends up singing about his dreams and everyone has fun -the scene that stemmed this idea happens with Mari singing about how her dream involves her being rich on an island -and surprise surprise Hawkmoth finds them but so do the guards and they escape through a tunnel under the pub that Nino shows them, and it leads out into the dry side of a dam -Intense Battle Scene™ -Mari is a badass but then Adrien totally comes out of nowhere like “I came here to attack and I’m honestly having a good time” -They get trapped in a cave that’s filling with water post battle bc they broke shit -they’re literally lowkey going to die and Adrien is like “I’m so sorry I got you into this mess. We’re going to die here and I’m so sorry Ladybug” -and she just softly says “Marinette” -Adrien is like “????? what” -and Marinette starts crying and she’s like -“my name isn’t Ladybug if you couldn’t tell. It’s Marinette. I called myself Ladybug because I always wanted to be like a superhero. I never was one though. All I am is an orphan with a permanent record.” -and here we have Adrien “Actual Adoration” Agreste because if we wasn’t in love with her before, he is most certainly in love with her now -and then he remembers!! -HIS HAIR GLOWS WHEN HE SAYS THE POEM THEY CAN LOOK UNDERWATER -so he’s like “marinette please go with the flow” and he recites the poem in his head and his hair just illuminates -she’s like “WHAT THE FUCJTN” -but she’s not ready for death so they dig rocks out and they end up dropping into a river -they come up on the bank gasping like “oh fuck dude” -“MARINETTE WE’RE ALIVE!!!” -“his hair glows? His hair glows! Plagg why does his hair glow???” -“Marinette?” “this is surreal. I’m dead we died” “Marinette” “what the hell is going on” “MARINETTE!” “What!” -he’s standing there dripping water and extending his hand to her -and she’s like “oh no” because he looks so hot standing there dripping water and she maybe has the tiniest crush on him -oh who am I kidding the sun rays behind him and his radiant smile sends her head over heels into complete love for this ray of light -so he pulls Marinette out of the river and they go find a lil clearing and they make a campfire -and Adrien looks at Marinette and frowns -and she’s like “What what what’s wrong is something wrong with me??” -and he just laughs a bit, “no no you just have a cut on your knee” -she looks down at her knee and winces at the long, deep cut and just shrugs it off because it’ll heal eventually -Adrien trusts Marinette to the point now that he can show her the reason he’s hidden away -“don’t freak out okay” -he holds a lock of hair in his hands and presses it to her cut and recites the poem -and Marinette is like ¿ wth boI -and once he’s done he just grins and he’s like “good as new” -Mari is confused as hell and when he moves his hand away and the cuts not there she literally opens her mouth to shriek -and Adrien is like “PLEASE DONT FREAK OUT IM SORRY” -and she’s like “hahahaha why would I freak out I’m just curious whydoesyourhairglowandwhydoesithavemagicalhealingpowershowlonghasitdonethat?” -and Adrien is sheepishly just like “forever I guess,,, that’s why I was hidden away, because people want my hair for its power.” -He moves some hair to the side to show a pale blonde lock of hair cut off at the nape of his neck and explains that if it’s cut it turns pale and loses its power -Marinette is like really shook but she pushes it down and suggests they sleep so they can be ready for the butterfly lights tomorrow -cut to scene of Hawkmoth pissed as hell in the woods as he fades into the shadows -he’s now talking to Chloé and Sabrina and making a Plan -so next day Adrien wakes up to Marinette screaming and is very confused to see her literally trying to fight a horse -like she literally almost has Tikki in a headlock and Tikki has a hoof pushing on her shoulder and shit -Adrien has never been more confused but he goes and breaks it up and he’s like “hey there girly what’s your name” and he looks at her name thing and he’s like “Tikki!! That’s a nice name!” -And Tikki whines or something and Mari chuckles or something and Tikki is back at it with trying to capture her -But Adrien hits her with these kitten eyes and is like “I realllyyyyyyy need her to take me to the kingdom so I can see the butterflies, please let me have that, then you can fight her until you can’t stand!” -Marinette is so very thankful for that one -so they head to the Kingdom, now with Tikki coming along with them -They’re having a blast and when they get to the kingdom they have all sorts of fun -Adrien shows Marinette some of the books he has at home and she shows him the books that inspired Ladybug -they get food from the market -and Adrien keeps seeing images of this baby boy with bright green eyes and golden locks and theres something familiar about everything -and then, oh boy and then, someone starts playing music and Adrien is like !! “mari come dance with me” -and she’s like “nah I’m okay you go” -and he starts dancing and soon a ton of people have joined in and Adrien comes around the circle and grabs Marinette -and they dance around with people and they’re desperately hoping it works out so they can dance together -surprise!!! They do but they join hands as the song ends and they’re like “awh damn” -so after that ends Marinette and Adrien are both blushing and she points out that it’s almost sundown and they have somewhere to go -they go out into the middle of the lake in a lil boat and Adrien is so so so excited and so is Mari bc Adrien is so happy -the sun goes down and Adrien looks at Marinette completely giddy like !! :DD -and she just smiles so wide back at him because holy fuck she’s never felt so in love in her whole life -Adrien is flicking the surface of the water and watching the waves when he sees the first light -suddenly literally thousands of butterfly lanterns are floating all around them and Adrien is just in complete awe -Marinette clears her throat and he turns to look at her and she has two lanterns in her hand -and Adrien smiles and turn behind him and grabs the bag with the crown and he’s like “I should’ve given this to you sooner, but I was scared… I’m not scared anymore. You know what I mean?” -and she just pushes it down, “I’m starting to” -AND AT LAST I SEE THE LIGHT -And they’re literally a centimeter away from locking lips when Marinette can see Chloé on the beach -and she decides right then to give Chloé the crown and go wherever with Adrien -Adrien of course thinks at first that she’s betraying his trust but doesn’t believe that because he loves her okay? -Cue Adrien getting worried and going to look for her -Hawkmoth fighting Chloé or something and she passes out and he sees Adrien -and he’s like “I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD IM SO HAPPY YOU’RE OKAY” (he says as he takes handfuls of his hair) -Adrien is like “yea okay but Marinette” -And hawkmoth, fricken rat, points to the boat heading toward the kingdom -and he’s like “I think she’s got something better to do” -Adrien is broke af how could this happen how could they love each other so much and just have her break the trust so easily -he’s just kinda done with it so he’s accepted it and goes back to the tower with HM -Meanwhile Marinette wakes up from getting knocked tf out and Tikki is whining super loud bc Marinette is in danger and she can tell -some guards are drawn bc of the whines and Mari has the crown tied to her hand and she’s like “shit” -they throw her in jail and she’s gonna be hung then next morning -Tikki is on a mission and she books it to Nino’s pub -back in the tower Hawkmoth has finished lecturing Adrien and leave him to himself -Adrien takes out the little kingdom flag he got and looks at it -and suddenly he starts to see the symbol everywhere -it’s hidden in all his paintings around his room -and suddenly now he knows -that baby boy is Him -he leaves his room determined to get somewhere -Hawkmoth is like ?? “What’s wrong Adrien?” -“I’m the lost Prince” -“what?” -“I’m the lost Prince! Aren’t I father? Or should I even call you that?” -oh hawkmoth is Pissed -Adrien tries to leave to go find Marinette and Hawkmoth is like “she’s going to be dead when you get there, she’s due to hang for her crimes” -and Adrien is screwed and he can’t do anything so he surrenders -back at the castle -Nino and his bar mates have arrived and they’re kicking ass for Marinette -And she ends up on Tikki’s back and is like all sappy like “thank you for saving me it means a lot really” -Tikki doesn’t care she just needs to get Mari to Adrien like now -so sick montage of tikki running to the tower -and Marinette scales the tower -and she’s in! And there’s Adrien! Chained to the wall with tape on his mouth? -and suddenly Marinette has a sharp pain in her side where Hawkmoth totally just stabbed her -she slams into a mirror and breaks it and just kinda slumps against the wall with all the shards -Adrien is flipping shit,,, he’s taking on the chains and screaming into the tape and he’s crying and she’s crying and hawkmoth is just standing over her like -“poor little thief got what was coming to her” -Hawmoth goes to grab Adrien and take him to a new area, where no one could find them -but Adrien fights him so hard -he’s yanking back and kicking -and Hawkmoth yells “STOP FIGHTING” -Adrien gets the tape off enough so he can speak -“I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING YOU, I WILL FIGHT UNTIL THE DAY I DIE” -he glances at Mari and she’s staring at him with tears in her eyes, clenching her side -“unless…unless you let me heal her. If you just let me heal her I will go wherever with you, no fighting” -Hawkmoth doesn’t want to deal with his crap so he’s like “whatever” -he chains Marinette to the staircase banister, “in case you get any ideas” he says -Adrien runs over to her and he’s brushing her hair back from her face and he’s crying and she’s crying -and he presses some hair and his hands to her wound and he’s like “shhhh shhhh it’s okay you’ll be okay we’ll be okay” -and she’s crying so much and she’s like “no you won’t be you can’t just go be a slave to him” -and it’s in slow motion when she grabs his hair and swings a jagged piece of the mirror up and slices it at the base of his neck -Hawkmoth is y e l l i n g because there goes all the power he was able to have -Adrien is completely shocked, he doesn’t really understand what the hell just happened -all he can see is Hawkmoth drastically aging into a very very old man and stumbling until Plagg trips him and sends him falling out of the window -it takes him a whole second to realize Marinette is still in his arms, dying with no way for him to save her -“no no no Marinette stay with me, please please you can’t go” -she just weakly smiles at him and she’s like “I never got to tell you” -and she winces and tries to sit up more to reach for him -“you were my new dream” -“you were mine” -cue gross ugly sobs from me because Marinette slowly slips away -Adrien cries out in complete anguish and just holds her limp body, crying because he loved her so much oh my god -his tears fall on her face and he’s too broken to notice the golden rays coming off of her until they completely consume the room -and Adrien is so confused,,, why are all these golden rays surrounding Marinette -and she shifts in his arms and he’s like !!!!!! -he looks down at her and her eyes open and she’s like -“have I ever told you I’ve got a thing for green eyes” -Adrien barely has time to laugh before they’re slamming their lips together, crying and just so so so happy that they’re okay -they leave the tower and go back to the kingdom, because Adrien knows now that he is the lost Prince -also Marinette sort of needs to make amends with the kingdom bc she’s in love with Adrien dammit and she’s not gonna lose him -Adrien sees Momma Agreste and Gabriel -and everyone is So Happy!!! And they’re hugging!!! -And Marinette is just standing off to the side content that he’s with his family -and then momma yanks her into the hug circle -and then there’s a mini fast forward and Look at That!!! We’re at a celebration !!! -and we have some Cute ass scenes of Prince Adrien talking to the citizens of the kingdom -and Mari snatches his crown off his head -and he just rolls his eyes and they kiss -and the camera slowly pans up onto an announcement -For a royal wedding
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
only problem with all that is qatar is psg's owner&as per rules if a player wants to pay his own release clause it should NOT come from the club he is going to or anyone related to that club idk what it will be but sure as hell one big shady deal this wud be the whole transfer. But its too much money why would ney or his entourage reject it.&pls dont say messi would've messi is a different kinda person so let that be not everyone is messi&that doesn't make them bad. Ney is doing wt he wants to
(I dont know if this was a reply to something but I just agree with you haha)
Anonymous said:In 1 month he destroyed his image... It's sad he's leaving the club this way... so dirty. He will not be remembered in barça's history
Yeah his image isn't going to be good when he leaves... 
Anonymous said:I've officially lost all respect for Neymar.... I never thought he would stoop so low to want to leave a club he claims to love and respect.. to drag the fans on for so long is disrespectful if he knew all along that he was going to leave!! And as each day goes by with the news spreading its as if though it's for the money his departure how sneaky and a sly!! As a neymar fan I've never been so disappointed and disgusted....
Club love doesn't exist no more. Only with a few players. You’ve seen how messy he left Santos. THAT is the club who gave him all and who he also gave his all for. Made history with but also controversy. And his transfer from Santos to Barca is of course surrounded by controversy. Now it’s clear he won't ever play for them again. never. 
I do think he loves Barca. Or has some kind of love for us, but he wants to move on. Choose his own path. 
Anonymous said:Wow!! I'm shocked it actually seems like his on the verge of leaving .... why not tell us in the beginning instead of waiting so long oooh wait we know why because of his daddy's bound that will be paid on Monday how pathetic I'm so angry 😡!!! Just leave already neymar
His dad was suppose to receive that amount of money last year, but agreed to postpone it. When nothing is officially signed Barca still has to pay him that and I think even if they do sign that Barca still owes them that money 
You wanna be mad about that money be mad at Barca for agreeing with it. 
Anonymous said:seriously I dont understand wtf is interensting about PSG I didnt get why dani alv left juve for PSG and now Neymar !! please just let me diiiid
Everyone is asking themselves that.... 
Anonymous said:so when do you think neymar will finally speak up and we will all get the answer ??
Next week I hope, but it was also rumored he would do this week... We dont know when he will until he does.. 
Anonymous said:omg I am suffering we as loyal fans we must do something like sign a petition or hashtags on social media we must move cant let ney make such big mistake just to have more money cant deal with this too much insanity
Just tag him or his friends in photos I would say... I mean I think many Brazilians like the idea of him comig ‘out of Leo’s shadow’ also combined with the ARG vs BRA rivalry and the popularity of PSG (thanks to the  many Brazilians they have). 
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imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 29} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received before this IWSY chapter was posted ^^)
@jungshaking said: I was so hyped during work yesterday. I thought "oh yes a new chapter tonight" MULTIPLE times, but I had to remind myself each time that it was Monday 😩😭 (cont.) tbh I'm so scared that the upcoming IWSY chapter will be the last now that Yoongi is gone
Haha you poor thing! It’s coming soon so no need to wait any longer! And don’t worry, it’s not the last chapter ^^ :3
Anonymous said: IT'S TUESDAY I'M EXCITED
I’m excited and nervous :(
@killingalltheflowers said: I kinda... just tried Merlot wine because of IWSY xD
Ooooh what did you think of it?
Anonymous said: I really think "I was here" by beyonce suits IWSY's last chapter
Yesssssssssss! You’re right!
Anonymous said: Not sure why but I imagined the Sine Nomine to look like a titan with grey hair (from aot)
You can imagine them to look like however you please!! I encourage that wholeheartedly heh ^^
Anonymous said: I am reaaaaady come and snatch my wig oh Saraaaa Take my heaaaaart take it all  *kiss yr cute ass cheeks* --wifey anon 🐇
I hope it won’t disappoint you ^^ and yes pls give me all the kissies and cuddles~~
Anonymous said: Heheheheh it is tuesday ...... 😏😏😏
Indeed it is *wiggles brows*
@jynxy24 said: IWSY IS COMING AND IF YOU'LL PLEASE SPARE MY HEARTEU. I HAVE EXAMS AND I WANT TO PASS BEFORE I DIE. I love you, Sara!! (I'm hoping for a great chapter kukuku :3)
I hope it will spare your heart! And don’t worry my love I’m sure you will do amazingly in your exams ^^ I really hope you will think the chapter is great, I tried very hard :)
@clara-licht said: So in the end, I didn't get the univ invitation and I also didn't get the Wings Tour ticket even after waiting in the venue for hours, so I felt really shitty even until now. (I still can't listen to 2!3! or I'll break down in tears) But still, I look forward to Wednesdays because IWSY can always get my mind off these problems even if only for a while. How many more chapters do you reckon it will be? I, for one, don't want it to end but all good things will come to an end after all :')
Awh babe I’m so so sorry to hear that :/ that really sucks but don’t worry, BTS will definitely be coming back to where you live in the future and you can have another chance to see them okay? Same with the University, are you able to apply for another one? Did you get any more offers? I’m glad that IWSY can make you a little happy ^^ And I’ not 100% sure, but I suspect that next week might be the last chapter, I haven’t fully decided yet! But the final chapter will have ‘Final Chapter’ written in the title :D
@nora2bts said: Hiii! I'm sorry I don't want to be annoying or anything but I binge read "IWSU" and I reallyyyyyyy loved it a lot! I was just wondering if u were gonna post part 29 today, since I can't wait, I've been waiting for what seems an eternity! 😂😂😂 I just wanted to let u know that I really enjoyed your stories, thank you 😊 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You’re not annoying love! I do write at the top of every chapter that IWSY is posted every Tuesday evening between 9-10pm UK time and I have always stayed true to that so fear not! Thank you so much for enjoying the story my love, you’re so welcome ^^
@clara-licht said: I was listening to Spring Day when I read chapter 29 and for the first time since WT in Jakarta I can listen to the song and sing it happily instead of feeling hurt and upset, because I was so excited throughout the chapter! So thank you for that :) I can't stop smiling, gosh! I really, REALLY want to know how Jiminnie is faring. And I think I fell for Namjoon. That sweet, sweet boy 😍 Oh btw, how old are they all by now? Including Namjoon, Yoongi (had he been alive), Jin, and Hobi?
AwwwwHHHH YES! I’m glad it holds no bad memories for you now my love ^^ Thank you for reading the chapter dear :D And as for their ages, I did specify Yoongi’s was older than Taehyung in a precious chapter (I just can’t remember which chapter, sorry!) and Namjoon is University/college age so somewhere between 18-25 (I decided not to give a specific age). Unfortunately, I never specified Hoseok and Seokjin’s ages in the story but they would have been University age too :D
Anonymous said: “Not only his sun his moon and all his stars" I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE
@semisweetsuga said: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@shineeshawol204 said: AHHHHHHHHHHHH (cont.) I retract my former statement of you being a BiTcH because mmm i is happy now :) much content, very pleased
YAY I’M NO LONGER THE BITCH, I CAN DIE IN PEACE c: hehe ^^ thank you doll!
@killingalltheflowers said: This. This was the cutest and most heartwarming chapter ending ever. I'm so happy I'm able to go to bed calmly and happily and fluffily for once after reading IWSY xD
It was so heartwarming I felt all floofy when I was writing a lot of it :3 I hope you have a great sleep and have nice fluffy dreams of Kookie! :3
Anonymous said: OK HOLD ON SO CHAPTER 29 WAS AMAZING and then I was just reading your responses to the questions abt chap 28 and then I saw "Don’t threaten me with a good time" and then I was all like waIT A SEC DO U LISTEN TO PANIC! LIKE ALTHOUGH IM NOT A HUGE FAN THE SONGS ARE AMAZING ٩( ᐛ )و
LISTEN I WAS AND STILL AM TRASH FOR PANIC! - AS WELL AS FALL OUT BOY AND MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE I was the definition of a myspace scene queen in my early teens but I listened to an eclectic mix of music - not just those types of bands hehe :3
@animeimmortal said: YAH. DONT LEAVE ME ON THAT 'WILL YOU MARRY ME' SHIT. GAH!. im sorry i love you ❤ buT LIKE BRUHHH i want MOrE ❤❤❤
Listen - I will always leave you hanging c: hehe I love you too! Thank you for reading the chapter as always beautiful ^^
Anonymous said: Babe, the 29th part of IWSY was absolutely amazing ;-; but i feel that the end is nearing.. I loved IWSY so much it brought me to tears and it hurts to think that so beautiful a thing would actually be coming to an end.. Your writing skills are on fleek and the story is well woven.. Thank you so much for such an incredible experience ~ ❤😭😘
The end is definitely nearing, sadly enough :c IWSY has become a real world to me for the past almost 30 weeks of my life! lol :3 I suspect that next week will be the final chapter, but I don’t know for 100% so don’t quote me on that ;D Your words about me are beautiful and I don’t deserve them, but thank you so much my love ^^
Anonymous said: Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy!! I'm really excited about how IWSY will end! I hope it ends happily!
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows for everyone yay!!
Anonymous said: aaWWWWWWEEHHHH i knew this was coming >////< !! i was so glad for Y/N and Kookie until "wait.. whY IS SHE HAVING A CHILD WHEN THEY AREN'T MARRIED" xD. Keep up the good work Sara!! -holoAnon
Hahaha don’t worry it was just a little accident! Even if Jungkook were to never marry Y/N, I’m sure their relationship would still be a solid, loving and caring one ^^ for all three of them! :D thank you so much holoAnon! :D
Anonymous said: I'm so happy that Joonie is finally at peace with the notion of being a vampire, and the way Y/N told Tae about how Yoongi was happy in his own little world with Tae and their parents was so incredibly heartwarming and what made it even better was what that meant to Tae, and I just ugh. This chapter made me soft. Like Yoongi's gummy smile soft. Thank you for always writing such amazing stories.
Yes - I was excited to reveal why Namjoon was the way he was, so that everyone could understand him better. I felt that this chapter was the best time to do that as the other chapters before the ball kind of painted him in a negative light. But he always had a heart full of gold c: YOONGI’S GUMMY SMILE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING EVER HE SHOULD ALWAYS SMILE LIKE THAT :D hehe~ aww thank you so much and you’re welcome for the story dear ^^
@kookietaejimin said: hi!!! do you know how long iwsy is going to be?
Next week MIGHT be the last chapter but I don’t know yet - sorry! ^^
@mysr3 said: "Will you Marry me?"u warm n tortured my heart at the same time for this cliff hanging 😍does this mean IWSY almost over?😖Saraaa how can u managed to b more awesome n amazing than u already r hmm?😘this Ch is so touching! Luv how u mentioned Yoongi~just so sweet n meaningful gosh😍hv to find Prince Jungkook for me asap. The whole thing is well laid out, characters interaction, decisions n everything is on point since the beginning of this series. U genius Girl!Thank you so much! I love U❤️❤️❤️ (cont.) Sry ps Namjoon is such moral character n Y/N's new demeanor is goddess. Am I smelling smut coming next wk hehehe🤔😝
Warming and torturing is something I love doing :D hehe~ IWSY is almost over, yes :( But fear not! I plan on doing a spin off for Tae and Jimin in the future (maybe like 2-3 chapters) on how their relationship formed way before Y/N met Jungkook :D For those of you who love Vampire VMIN! ^^ Thank you for loving the layout and the plot - you warmed my heart in return :D I love you too and thank you so much my dear!! ;3
@adhewitt said: YAY MARRIAGE
Anonymous said: Gaaaahhh!!! I was waiting for this 😭 I'm crying, will this be a happy ending already? -anonph13
Thank you for waiting for it my love! :3 and a happy ending certainly looks likely, doesn’t it? ^^ hehe :3 Thank you for reading!
@noceurash said: I LOVE YOU!! [sweet chapters like this make my heart so happy hghg] i hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow and i love you!!! ~~~ your writing continues to be so great and i love it. <3
I LOVE YOU TOO!! Awww I’m so happy that it make your heart happy! You’re so cute you literally said i love you twice i swear to god I live for pure lil beans like you :3 I hope you’ll have a fantastic day too!! :3
@jynxy24 said: The ending made me cry god!!!!
Awwwww I hope they were tears of happiness!!
Anonymous said: Wow. This last IWSY update was so pure and beautiful. I love it.
Thank you so much my love :3 I’m really happy that you liked it!~
@koreaisanaddiction said: great chapter. one of my theories were correct. the one about namjoon. but the one about the baby was wrong. i realized i thought about it in the eyes of human logic not vampiric. oh well better luck next time for me i guess.
Thank you for thinking it was great! And yay! one out of two isn’t bad at all heh ^^ Don’t worry dear, I’m still really happy you enjoyed it :)
Anonymous said: Is it bad that I'm actually really completely genuinely satisfied with the ending of chapter 29 of ISWY? and that it would be completely fine if you just stopped the series right there? I dunno, but the way you wrote this chapter, it doesn't make me feel the need to question anything. Sara, you ended it perfectly and now, you're turning me from a loyal maknae-line stan to a namjoon stan. That.... not many people can do. *applauds* Anyways, I love you, take care, and keep writing! <3 - army anon
Awwwww that’s so freaking sweet I CAN’T guh ~~~ I’m legit crying at your message right now, seriously :( haha OKAY I’m good~ lol Well it looks like right now there will be one more chapter to go, but I’m not completely sure or decided yet. There’s still one or two things I’d like to include to wrap things up once and for all :3 AND OMG NAMJOON SNATCHED YOU?! Uh oh..makenae line is gonna have to step up their game if they want you back :3 I love you too and thank you so much for being so kind to me always, you have no idea how happy and cheerful it makes me :)
@min-ty said: SARA OMG THE CHAPTER WAS SO GOOD I say this every week but I find it absolutely necessary that I do BUT SHOOK THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS STORY INTO MY LIFE
Hahahah it’s okay I will still appreciate it 100% no matter how many times you might say it! Seriously :) THANK YOU FOR READING MY STORY because it makes me so incredibly happy :) Thank you thank you thank you ^^
@ananyak26 said: OMG OMGOMG! Part 29 !!!! Yea the last line was soooo adorable!I'm fangirling right nowxD.(Obviously the chapter was good too but the last line oh god!) Great jooobbb!!
Ahhhh yes the last line! Wedding bells!! :3 hehe thank you my lovely, I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter :3
Anonymous said: u don't know how excited i am when it comes to tuesday!!! i'm so in love w ur iwsy series that i almost literally ran home today to read chapter 29!!!! i really love your readings and please don'r ever stop writing 😢😢💜
I’m so happy that you get excited when Tuesdays come! You’re so cute hehe :D Thank you so much and don’t worry, I won’t ever stop writing! ^^
Anonymous said: IWSY lmao idek what to say anymore it's been like 6 months HAHA I've been reading since the first chapter rolled out its like watching my kid grow up HAHA thank you for writing such a good series have a good week ! -eggyook (cont.) --eggyook  Forgot to say, good luck for your exams !! You can do it :)))
Ahhh thank you for sticking with the story for such a long time! And yeah I feel you, I feel like IWSY has been a huge part of my life and the world has come alive for me this entire time xD Like I’ve kind of been living there in my mind hehe^^ Thank you so much my love and I’ll try my best of my exams! I hope you have a good week too :D
@lostheretics said: petition to make a better life for namjun pls sign it for him he's just a sMol bEan istg T_T it's aLMOST ENDING!!!!   or is it not............*dead af*
Awwwwh don’t worry he’ll have a good like with Y/N and the Jeon’s! And yes, it’s absolutely almost ending :(
Anonymous said: Another great chapter of IWSY but why do I feel like it is coming to an end 😢😢😢
Thank you my love! And yes you’re right - it’s coming to an end :( 30 weeks is a looooong time!
Anonymous said: ahhh bittersweet feeling about I won't stop you like everything is fine now yay and can't wait for the baby but it's gonna end soon I'm so sad
Yes I feel the same way to be honest! IWSY feels like my baby and it’s all grown up now haha c:
Anonymous said: is it just me or is part 29 shorter ??? oh my gosh I can't get enough of it T.T I honestly think after the end of the series you should gather all the chapters and make it into a story book. it's way too good!! -bunnykookie96
Hiya love! Hmmm well it’s the same length as any other chapter really :3 Possibly because it’s just drawing to an end that one might feel like it’s shorter :(  I actually would really love to do that but I have no idea how lol :c Anyway, thank you so much for reading the new chapter my deary!! :3
Anonymous said: I have trust issues because of u its just too fluffy 🤔 Also do you have back dimples ?  And last but not least I can smell a smut coming soon :))) --wifey anon 🐇
I guess I’ll just have to prove you wrong! :3 And yes - I do have back dimples - fun fact, they are referred to as “Dimples of Venus” heh c: I put it in because, well, I just wanted to ;D thank you so much my love and I hope you have a good day/night! :3
I have no idea what a princess diaries is o.o Sorry! :(
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I'm feeling so off about jm after the last vlive I was like is he dating someone? reasons: 1_he was on his phone the whole time (it could be him monitoring their vlive reading cmtns(he did look up for the lyrics of lys u can tell he was reading 14:01) or...) 2-he was painfully acting cute did aegyo to the cam wtout reason ( yeah ik it could a fanservice) 3_sorry miss u love u he said those wt soft shy smile ( yeah prob it's the only eng words he kn)4_rise his voice point to the cam r u watching
Hi anon~, thank you for sending me an ask…
and… you just touched my sore spot xD
I mean, it’s not that serious, but yes, I do have this weird fetish about (idol) texting. Like when I watched the Vlive live and saw Jimin being so engrossed in texting, I really was distracted and thought that he could be texting his lover or sth, but then I got over it because he was singing so beautifully my mind just couldn’t function anymore and let my heart taking over ♥.
But now that I read your ask, I went back to see the parts you pointed out, and it’s like… 50-50 for me. I understand where you were coming from with 1 and 4, but for 2 and 3 like you said, I believed he was in a really good mood (he said the concert was good),  thanks to that we have him being his cute natural self with extra aegyo. And for the English part, when I was watching without the subs, I vaguely guessed that he said so because he hadn’t appeared on Vlive for a long time, which is why he’s sorry to us (for not going live for so long), and he misses us, loves us too (can you believe I screamed after he finished every single sentence, because I actually understood what he said TT_TT). And the subs confirmed my guess so I didn’t question it anymore.
We also talked about texting above right, I believe he was texting most of the time in the 1st part too. Like you can tell he was listening to Jin but he wasn’t really there until Jin repeated himself and called for Jimin’s attention. The thing is we don’t know who he texted with. I didn’t notice that “are you watching?” thing, but now that you said it I felt… weird too. But it’s not strange for Jimin to suddenly say those things, is it? (suddenly I feel like I have a memory loss, it’s like my head is preventing me from questioning anymore haha)
But well, let’s think about it carefully. You know, Jimin is the most conscious of his image, right? He’s very cautious, and careful. Do you think he’d risk texting his (supposed) girlfriend in front of hundred thousand fans watching? I don’t. Let’s say we can’t see his screen, we don’t know who he was texting, but we’d question it, like you and I did, right? It’s too risky imo. Besides, if it’s actually his lover, don’t you think Jin or the staff/cameraman would do something about it? They wouldn’t just sit there and let him text his gf for like 10 minutes on live broadcast, at least that’s what I wouldn’t do, if I cared about my member and my group. But again, it could be that they didn’t think of this too seriously, which I doubt. Jin didn’t seem pissed at all when Jimin was distracted, perhaps he’s used to it, or perhaps he knew it’s sth important to Jimin (could be his family members).
The thing is, you and I will never know. We can only suspect. But what is important to me is not the fact that he is dating or not. I’m the most worried if it gets out, because they’re still growing, and they can be much bigger than they are now, including Jimin himself. I just don’t want things like this to hinder him. Even tho I ship Jikook/Kookmin hard, that doesn’t mean there’s not a part in me which reminds me that he can always date a girl (or a guy, if we’re careful, but I strongly doubt there’s any other guy except Jeon Jungkook), and even more than that. My exp with Kpop for years lets me know that being busy or having no time can just be an excuse. They can always find time for things like that, if their lovers are patient or dedicated enough. That’s what I hope as well, if he ever dates anyone, I just hope that one is a good person, and can take care of him mentally. He’s insecure and needs constant reassurance and supports, things fans can’t really provide if we’re not by his side physically.
All in all, thank you for sharing your observation with me. Let’s just… let it go, I guess? It could be an ugly truth, but we can never know. If he’s happily dating someone, I’m happy for him (tho inside me it’ll still hurt a bit, just a little bit ^^~)
But actually, if I could, I’d lovingly punch him like he did with Jungkook, then wish him happiness xD. His angelic voice will heal everything ♥
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