#&.* l.c. | musings
fvrsaeken · 1 year
Lisa Barbara Castle tag drop
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once-was-muses · 2 years
@envychosen | In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song.
spotify wrapped no. 96, dealer's muse choice, drabble ok too
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At My Most Beautiful - R.E.M.
When asked to describe Edwin L.C. Kingor, the majority of people can't be faulted for using words like 'friendly,' 'outgoing,' 'gregarious'- he's spent many years training the extrovert part of being an extroverted introvert. He can play the part with the same poise and practice as any other role, so long as he has ample time to psych himself up for it.
Another descriptive which far less people would use for him is 'procrastinator,' but it's nevertheless accurate. He was meant to make this business call a month ago, then two weeks ago, then last Wednesday- He can pretend he's not quite as neurotic in face to face conversation, where he can watch the other party and react to them. Phone calls require him to fly quite literally blind. Damn his list of diagnoses.
When he punches in the number (bought off a fellow information trader), Edwin jumps in his seat when the phone begins to ring rather than inform him the line is busy or completely nonexistent. Quickly straightening his posture in his chair, checking his appearance in the reflection off his filing cabinet, he does his best to keep the anxious shrieking inside his head. As it turns out, he really didn't need to worry, because his heart leaps up into his throat as soon as a voice comes out of the speaker.
Struggling past the lump in his throat, Edwin stammers out, "y-yes, hi- Hello! Um, good e-evening. Is- Is this Dr. Sivana perchance?"
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ollieinoue · 2 years
also rly wanna see this 📖
Send 📖 for my muse to read out an entry in their journal/diary about yours.
[ ??/09/2020] [l.c.] - seems fun. cute. [ ??/10/2020] [l.c.] - shifty as fuck [ ??/11/2020] [l.c.] - i'd like to fuck them  [ ??/12/2020] [l.c.] - lmao this guy is such a fucking asshole
[ ??/01/2021] [l.c.] - happy birthday ! [ ??/02/2021] [l.c.] - okay. maybe they're allowed to be a little bit of an asshole. [ ??/03/2021] [l.c.] - helped me break into my dorm after i locked myself out. pretty fucking hot. [ ??/04/2021] [l.c.] - literally fucking mind altering. holy shit. [ ??/05/2021] [l.c.] - i hate him [ ??/06/2021] [l.c.] - i hate him [ ??/07/2021] [l.c.] - thinking of driving 5 hours to suck their dick lmao [ ??/08/2021] [l.c.] - i hate him [ ??/09/2021] [l.c.] - i think i'd actually do anything for this person wtf [ ??/10/2021] [l.c.] - lmao [ ??/11/2021] [l.c.] - do i like them or do i like that they're just clearly obsessed w me? [ ??/12/2021] [l.c.] - am i stupid to trust them?
[ ??/01/2022] [l.c.] - buy link birthday present [ ??/02/2022] [l.c.] - i’m such a fucking asshole [ ??/03/2022] [l.c.] - fuck me [ ??/04/2022] [l.c.] - i think i just like to be hurt idk [ ??/05/2022] [l.c.] - they would know what to do ... [ ??/06/2022] [l.c.] - piece of shit [ ??/07/2022] [l.c.] - i miss them.  [ ??/08/2022] [l.c.] - i wonder if he is busy rn... [ ??/09/2022] [l.c.] - i hate him [ ??/10/2022] [l.c.] - we should fuck in public more often. [ ??/11/2022] [l.c.] - i don't think they'll fuck me over on this... [ ??/12/2022] [l.c.] - link christmas gift
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inexorcble · 4 years
open to all ; your muse wants a baked good for some reason? came to talk with the bakery owner?
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“Hi, thank you so much for waiting. My only employee came down with a cold so she has been out this week and we have been absolutely slammed.” It was much later than she wanted to meet with a potential client, but as soon as she turned the sign to close, she approached them with her notebook and sat down at one of the small tables. Leah took a quick breath then smiled. “So, tell me about yourself. What is the event and what are you looking for?”
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nighttbound · 3 years
Edwin L.C. Kingor just one more boy-
Send me a name and I’ll say if my muse would get along with that person!
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--I'm obligated to say the sweet goth bat here, too, for every aforementioned reason. He tends to see the best in everyone even if he finds out about some of their...questionable pursuits, to a degree.
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Faust is dangerously in love with collecting knowledge (in Justice League he once kicked Hades out of the underworld and snatched up his whole library with much glee), and is, himself, more introverted. They share some of these similarities and seem to both have a slippery reputation. It would be something to see for sure.
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AND CHAIRFACE. He too has a history in acting and loves books. His fashion sense overlaps Edwin's so closely, it's practically eclipsed. He'd be happy to talk literature with him and show him where to get the best rare reads. My GOD their aesthetics and interests are so similar. He would love to meet a fellow well-read villain.
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almond-joyous · 5 years
Headcanons About My Muse’s...
His Writing Style!
Given the fact that Vados usually takes down mental notes for him, he doesn’t write often. That is to say, he can, as it was Vados who taught him to write after all. The God of Destruction must be able to write clearly, right? Communication, even in written form, is very important in order to display proper authority...
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While it isn’t the neatest, it is clear, and written in bulky letters.
Should you receive a written note from him? Consider it an honor. I headcanon his fighters were well rewarded after the Tournament of Power, with personal notes left behind. 
Sometimes, in his notes, he simply signs “L.C.”, to keep his profile on the low.
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uhthor · 5 years
soooo as of today this got rejected from the poetry competition i entered, so i guess i can post it here now!
for sarah, maddy, alex, sara and all of my other wonderful kastle fam <3
“the writer and her broken muse”
they say you are dangerous.
well, that’s what i have been told.
it’s what the world has been told upon your resurfacing.
they wrote your name in big black letters on their headlines
smeared your reputation in that very same ink,
and i will tell you this: the world is scared.
they are fearful of the way your calloused hands hold weapons.
they do not like that you release the mangled screams from your war torn carcass,
that you do what they are fearful of, so simply, so easily.
they want it to stop, they want to silence you:
but not me.
i see the purples of your bruises are painted on your face
as though your artist was careless. he did not want to spend time on you.
he cast you out for the world to see in your ugliest form
and you cry. you are emotional and you are vulnerable.
the world is still scared of you, scared to cross the transparent border that keeps them from you
they do not want to face the repercussions for what they did to you.
they do not want to face the hellfire you will unleash upon them.
they know exactly how they broke you, how they seeped into your mind and destroyed you.
because it is their fault, it is.
they are scared because they know what they did.
but not me.
you are honest with me.
near enough to friends; we sit and we talk.
it seems a while since you had someone to do that with;
i am happy it is me.
what made you let me into your warzone?
i don’t belong there, and you make that apparent;
but you do not tell me to leave, either.
i am inside of the turmoil of your mind,
right in the centre, placed there with a pillow to sleep on.
amidst all of the battle cries, i can drift to sleep.
their winds are calm when i tread light enough
and despite their adamant claims, you keep me safe.
i am almost unsure of how– but you do an incredible job.
maybe that is all you are trying to do; save yourself.
they all think that you are a monster,
with claws drenched in blood and an anger inside of you hard to tame,
but i cannot see these canvases the world pins you to, to your name:
they are not visible to me. not to me.
they did not get to know you the way i did.
if they had bothered, they would see: you are not that person at all.
their fears are greatly misplaced, they need not feel threatened at all.
because you are not the villain they made you.
what is to fear about healing?
and i will tell you this: i will set their fear on fire.
make them feel the way their words burned onto your skin, make it sink deep.
when they get close, they will not know what hits.
i will write the truth and i will bury them so deeply into their graves,
with my knives carved so sharply from the wit on my tongue,
and the veracity poured straight from your mouth.
they do not know what is going to hit once my words are on their paper.
they will know that this will be the last time they break you.
they will not make you apologise for healing, you cried aloud. for help, for love.
i hope i can be that for you. that i can give you the love you deserve.
maybe you can be that for me, too.
– l.c
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jesuisbiester-blog · 5 years
Subjectivity describes “the condition of being a person”, how this is experienced as well as the “processes by which we become a person” (Barker 2012, p.220). Subjectivity and identity appear to be linked to the environment and to particular assumptions, socio-economic inequalities and a person’s own experience of themselves. Greek theatre as a cultural construct, shaped Western civilisation through traditions of storytelling, created through religious and social practices which impacted on the kinds of characters portrayed on stage, providing background, history and context, a story of self – that is situated, yet partakes in its own active process of identity.
An Introduction to Greek Theatre, 11 January 2013 National Gallery UK. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSRLK7SogvE, viewed 15 March 2019.
Arthive, image,“Perseus saves Andromeda (Piero di Cosimo)”, https://arthive.com/artists/852~Piero_di_Cosimo/works/373823~Perseus_saves_Andromeda viewed 15 March 2019.
Barker, C, 2012, ‘Issues of subjectivity and identity’, Cultural studies: theory and practice, 4th edn, Sage, London, pp. 219-251.
Barker, C, 2004, The SAGE dictionary of cultural studies. Sage, London.
History of Masks, 2019, History of Masks -Ancient Greek Theatre Masks, viewed 15 March 2019,  http://www.historyofmasks.net/famous-masks/greek-masks/.
Mansfield, N, 2000, Subjectivity: Theories of the self from Freud to Haraway, Allen & Unwin, Australia.
Jenkins, R, 1996. ‘Theorising social identity’, Social Identity, Routledge, London.
Oedipus Rex/Preview of Actors’ Theatre Production, 11 August 2011 Nick Baldasare. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uBOy6QSvbM viewed 15 March 2019
Secret of the vine, image. “Minotaur” https://www.secretofthevine.com/minotaur , viewed 15 March 2019
The ancient origins of the Olympics -Armand D’Angour, 3 September 2015, TED-ED. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdHHus8IgYA viewed 15 March 2019
The Thinking Muse, image “Apollo and the Muses (Baldassarre Peruzzi)” http://thinkingmuse.com/9-muses/ viewed 20 March 2019
Valerie, S, 2016. ‘The Causa Corpora’, Actors and the art of performance: Under exposure, Palgrave Macmillan, UK.
Vincent, L.C. & Goncalo, J. A. (2014) ‘License to Steal: How the Creative Identity Entitles Dishonesty’, The ethics of creativity, Moran, S. Cropley, and D. Kaufman, C. J. (eds). pp.137-151 Palgrave Macmillan: UK
Wikimedia, image, “Portrait of the Poet Homer” https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/Dutch_-_Portrait_of_the_Poet_Homer_-_Walters_37646.jpg viewed 17 March 2019.
Wikipedia, image, “Echo and Narcissus (John William Waterhouse)”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echo_and_Narcissus#/media/File:John_William_Waterhouse_-_Echo_and_Narcissus_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg viewed 17 March 2019
Wikipedia, image “Roman mosaic Odysseus” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey#/media/File:Mosa%C3%AFque_d%27Ulysse_et_les_sir%C3%A8nes.jpg viewed 20 March 2019.
Wikipedia, image “Tragic Comic Masks Hadrian’s Villa mosaic”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatre_of_ancient_Greece#/media/File:Tragic_comic_masks_-_roman_mosaic.jpg viewed 20 March 2019.
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starshua · 7 years
l.c ❥ the first forever
chan x reader; 100wtsily
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gif; mine
word count; 4.2k
synopsis; your fated meeting with your soulmate finally comes; fluffy soulmate!au + wtsily prompts “can i kiss you?” + “can i have this dance?” + a lil junhao
✎ this prompt was so cute i’m actually emotional i live for soulmate aus. also i had to add in the junhao i’m sorry sldjskfd
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“y/n, are you afraid to meet your soulmate?”
Looking up from the novel in your grasp, you turned to Minghao with a raised eyebrow. The boy grunted at your quizzical look, running an indignant hand through his hair. The movement drew your gaze to his wrist. You eyed his timer, instinctively taking note of the dwindling numbers lighting up his skin. He noticed and gently shook his wrist, watching as the strange digits dissipated into nothing.
“Not really,” you answered him, relocating your focus to his anxious expression. Sure, you were rather nervous, but not afraid. “I’m sure my soulmate is right for me, so...is there really anything to be scared of?” Minghao considered this and let out a melancholy puff of air, unintentionally blowing his bangs away from his forehead.
“I guess you’re right. I’m the one that should be nervous, anyway.” You nodded in agreement, sighing through chapped lips. You were both painfully aware: Minghao’s time was running out. From the time you two had first met, you had been mindful of who would encounter their soulmate first. For years, you had teased him about his potential partner, meaningless wonderings of what-ifs and maybes floating past your unguarded lips. He had laughed it all off, refusing to make any concrete decisions about the person he would spend his life with, but you had never failed to see the faint dusting of rose on his flushed cheeks when you revisited the topic.
“I want it to be a surprise,” he repeated time and time again until finally you ceased your musings and allowed Minghao to dwell on the subject by himself.
Well…mostly by himself. “How long?” you asked him, your steady voice betraying the erratic beating of your heart.
He didn’t even spare his wrist a glance. “Twenty-three hours and forty-two minutes. Give or take a little, I guess,” he said, his smile trembling like a leaf in the wind. You nodded like the admission didn’t affect you at all and directed your attention toward literally anything else. Tenderly, like you were afraid of making too much noise, causing too much of a disturbance, you flipped the page of the little book in your lap. It was a distraction at best, and it didn’t help even a little. You were keenly aware of the date and time that he would meet his soulmate—always had been—and you were even more acutely conscious of the fact that you would meet your soulmate a mere twelve hours and sixteen seconds later than he.
“Do you want me to be there?” you asked softly.
Minghao met your look of concern and flashed a gentle grin. “y/n, you’re my best friend. Of course I want you there. Who else is gonna keep me from shitting my pants?”
Laughter erupted from your chest as you absorbed his silly remark. Your giggling illuminated the apartment, bringing life to the desolate atmosphere. You cradled your stomach, laughing harder, as your spectacle of amusement brought pain to your sides. You two were being ridiculous, you thought. Hadn’t you just said that you weren’t afraid?
The bright sound of your laughter cajoled Minghao to join in the cadence of your mirth, a bout of his own merriment easily bubbling up in his throat. It felt incredible to laugh, to let the whole soulmate thing be fun even for a reason as arbitrary as this.
Slowly, the two of you calmed down and resumed your conversation, the gray settling back in. You discussed things of little importance and exchanged knowing looks, both of you silently aware of the building tension. Thoughts of your best friend meeting his soulmate tomorrow afternoon swirling around your mind as you skirted around the topics of love and destiny. From the fear and apprehension in Minghao’s eyes, you decided that staying silent was for the best. Not every inevitability needed to be discussed.
After an hour of chatting and idly exploring the programs on TV, the two of you called it a night and headed off to your respective spaces. You buried yourself underneath your covers, thoughts of the next day’s events racing through your head, disorienting you. It was becoming so very hard to think. Eventually, though, the gentle sound of rain pattering against your windowpane silenced your active mind, its gentle lull resonating in your ears. Soon, the feathery touches of sleep danced at the edge of your consciousness until, finally, your eyelids fluttered shut and the world of dreams overtook you.
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This is it, you told yourself as you sat down across from Minghao. The relative quiet of the café did nothing to ease your anxieties; the sounds of baristas chatting and coffee cups clinking filled your nervous ears, lighting all of your senses on fire as you shifted in your seat.
You looked at Minghao. On the surface, he looked entirely too calm, maybe even bored. Only the continuous shaking of his leg and the constant darting glances around the room alerted you to his anxiety.
“So what do you think they’ll look like?” he asked suddenly. You placed a hand on his shaking palm and shot him the most reassuring grin you could muster.
“Hao, does it matter? You’re gonna love how they look no matter what,” you told him. With a light laugh, you continued, “Stop worrying! All you need to do is make sure they love me almost as much as they’re going to love you.”
“If they’re my soulmate, they definitely will,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “My soul won’t be complete unless I have both of you.”
You smiled at him and ruffled his hair in an effort to take away from the cheesy atmosphere. He grinned—a small, playful thing—and smacked your hand away.
As the two of you sat and chatted, you stole periodic glances at his wrist, each time taking a mental note of how long you had until his life changed for good. Minghao, on the other hand, was actively trying to keep the timer out of his sight. He was scared—terrified, really—of what was ahead. What kind of person would his soulmate be? Would the two of them fall in love due to their own feelings or merely because of fate? Was he really ready to meet his soulmate?
His thoughts were interrupted by the alarmed shout of a young man as he avoided an angry woman storming by. In a flurry of limbs, the young man landed with a hand braced on the table in front of Minghao, the other resting on a chair just behind your friend’s back.
“Hi,” the stranger breathed out sheepishly. Minghao returned his shy greeting and stared into the stranger’s eyes. There was something oddly familiar about him…
Minghao gasped and lifted up his wrist. A glaring row of zeroes sat there, almost daring him to question their ruling. The stranger blinked down at Minghao’s wrist and lifted his own, revealing the same drained timer. Their wrists let out small beams of light before the clocks dissipated into dust, their destinies finally fulfilled.
“I, uh. I’m Minghao. Xu Minghao,” your friend stuttered out. The other boy introduced himself as Wen Junhui before rushing off to the back of the café, returning breathlessly only a few minutes later with three drinks and some casual clothes on.
Minghao brushed off Junhui’s actions, telling him to go back to work and that they could talk later. The young man, who insisted on being called Jun, told the two of you that his boss had let him off early as soon as she heard about her new employee’s soulmate. Minghao flushed at the term, unmistakably still adjusting to his new situation. You had never seen him like this, and, frankly, you were loving it.
Upon closer inspection, so was Jun. Every time Minghao did anything remotely cute (a frequent occurrence, though you’d never tell him) it was like a new star lit up in Jun’s eyes. As adorable as it was, you needed to go. Third-wheeling was not on the agenda.
You excused yourself as subtly as possible, making up some activity that you had forgotten about. It wasn’t convincing in the least, and the wink you sent Minghao’s way as you left didn’t help your case. (The blush that raged across his face was so worth it.) You rushed out of the café before he could yell at you, a simple, “See you at home!” flying over your shoulder as you slipped out through the door.
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Six hours. Only six hours until I meet my soulmate.
Not that you were counting. Except you were, and it was driving you crazy.
Bzzt! Bzzt! Your phone screeched, stealing your attention as text notifications flooded your screen. They were all from Minghao, who was begging you to leave the apartment for a few hours so that he could have some time alone with Jun.
You groaned and sent him a text reminding him of your own soulmate issue. “Of course, I’ll be out! My timer stops at midnight, you moron,” you grumbled as you glanced over his apologies. You couldn’t even really blame him; if it were you, you would probably annoy him just as much.
And soon it would be you. The clock on the wall told you as much, emblazoning the time as if for the sole purpose of tormenting you.
Just a few more hours, y/n. You can do this, you told yourself. Not that you had a choice. Whoa, that was negative. You needed to get out of the living room. There were far too many stressors.
Well, if you were going to meet your soulmate tonight, you might as well look good for it, you decided. The outfits you had picked out with Minghao just a few days prior sat waiting in your bedroom. Each one would look incredible on you, you knew—Minghao had made sure of that—but the nervousness was creeping in, and your confidence was wilting.
In the hour it took Minghao to come back home, you had tried on every single article of clothing in your closet and redone your hair four times. It was a waste of time, naturally, because your favorite look was one your best friend had already chosen as his favorite days ago. Maybe he deserved more credit than you gave him.
“Hao?” you called, walking to meet him at the front door.
Minghao shut the door and turned to you, taking in your appearance. “y/n, you look amazing!” he marveled. He reached to fiddle with your sleeve, subtly slipping his hand out of his soulmate’s grasp. “We should choose each other’s outfits more often.”
You laughed and gave him a little twirl, showing off the full look.
Jun let out an appreciative hum and joined Minghao in front of you. “What’s the occasion?” he asked.
You lifted your wrist, summoning your timer so that he could see its dwindling numbers.
“Ah. Good luck,” Jun said. “It’ll turn out fine, though. I promise.” His gaze strayed to Minghao, affection swimming in his eyes, and you smiled. Maybe he was right.
“Since the festival is tonight, do you think you’ll meet your soulmate there?” Minghao asked.
You pursed your lips and considered his question. You hadn’t really thought about the festival at all, but as you pondered it, it seemed like the right choice. You weren’t sure if it was merely a sudden desire to join the festivities or if fate was giving you a little push, but either way, you decided to go.
“Yeah, I do, actually. Is it weird that I’m so sure?” you wondered.
Your best friend gave you a lopsided smile and shook his head. “Nah, I had a weird feeling about the café earlier. I think you’ve gotta go with your gut on this one, y/n,” he told you.
Jun nodded in agreement. “I felt the same thing this morning when I walked in for work.”
That was reassurance enough. You thanked them, grabbed your keys, and stepped out of the apartment, markedly aware of the four hours and thirty minutes that remained until you would meet the person that was destined to change your life.
It was going to be a long night.
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Three minutes and thirteen seconds.
Your apprehension was so palpable you could almost feel it gathering around in your throat as you swallowed. Your mind strayed, and the bustling street faded, separating you as you stumbled through the crowd. You had spent a lot of time running into friends at the festival, staying about an hour with each group that you had come across. When your clock had reduced to a mere fifteen minutes, you had said your goodbyes and drifted off into the sea of people.
You found yourself staggering past boisterous individuals and massive hordes of wild teenagers until, eventually, you slipped away from the throng and wandered through an empty park. Stopping by its fountain, you stared down at the inky water and caught a glimpse of the remaining two and a half minutes from the liquid’s reflective surface.
With a quiet groan, you traipsed your way to the other end of the park, pausing only when you heard the whisper of a violin’s song grace your ears. You turned to see an older gentleman playing a romantic tune amid a swarm of awed onlookers, a proud grin lighting up his wrinkled face.
You took the time to pause and appreciate the melody waltzing through the air, a peaceful smile slipping past the anxiety and stress of the evening. The moment was disturbed, however, by a chest slamming into your side. With a start, you looked at the offender and opened your mouth to speak. Bitter words died on the tip of your tongue as you stared, captivated and wide-eyed, into the stranger’s eyes.
“Oh my God I’m so sorr—whoa,” he said, a reverent breath slipping past his parted lips. You blinked up at him slowly, only realizing that this scene was oddly familiar when you instinctively clutched at your wrist. Sure enough, when you checked your clock, you discovered that the numbers had already fallen to nothing. Seeing your actions, the boy exposed his own wrist to you, shyly displaying his similar lack of time.
“So...you’re my soulmate, then?” he asked quietly as if even he couldn’t believe it.
The timers disappeared from your wrists, and you nodded. “My name is y/n. And yours…?” you asked.
“Chan. It’s nice to finally meet you, y/n,” he returned. The sound of your name on his tongue sent shivers down your spine. Ecstasy and intrigue bubbled within your chest as he stuck out his palm, his enticing smile effortlessly speeding up the already rapid beating of your heart.
“Can I have this dance?” he asked with a voice so soft that you almost didn’t hear him. You gave him a small nod, and immediately he whisked you into his grasp, twirling and twisting you this way and that. You landed lightly in his arms, and a dizzy grin snuck its way onto your face.
As the two of you continued to dance, the crowd began shifting their attention from the violinist to you. Strangely enough, you didn’t mind; Chan’s confidence and natural affinity for dance seemed to be rubbing off on you. Quickly, your movements became less reserved, and with a playful shrug of his shoulders, Chan led you through some more complicated steps. He made you feel light as air as he spun you around, his warm hand on the small of your back the only thing seeming to anchor you to the ground.
Your dancing ceased as the song came to a sweet end and the violinist lowered his bow. The crowd clapped quietly as the two of you held your finishing position with you flush against each other’s chests. He was breathing heavily from the exertion, and his breath ghosted over your face. It smelled pleasantly of peppermint, and it mingled with yours as you stared up at him. Chan smiled brilliantly—it was already starting to grow on you—practically radiating the elation you were both feeling.
You laughed heartily at the enthusiastic viewers around you and returned Chan’s look with a blinding grin of your own. “Wanna go somewhere with fewer people?” you asked.
He raised a playful brow and leaned in even closer, sending heat all across your face. “Are you that eager to get me alone?” he teased.
You huffed, embarrassed, and smacked his chest lightly, suddenly conscious of the hand gently gripping your waist. “Is it wrong to want to get to know my soulmate?” you pouted.
Chan shook his head and reluctantly released his hold on you before taking your hand in his and leading you away from the sea of people.
“W-where are we—?” you started curiously. Chan shushed you, laughing as you huffed petulantly behind him. He led you through winding streets and weaved between countless festival booths, an excited grin remaining ever-present on his face.
You let Chan guide you through an unfamiliar park as you closed your eyes. The sound of tree branches swaying in the wind flew above your head as the long, dewy grass reached mischievously for your ankles. A warm breeze gusted through the air and swirled around you, bringing with it the scent of a balmy summer evening. The aromas of fried food and delicate sweets paraded along, chased and overshadowed by the smell of nature as you fell deeper and deeper into the night.
Chan finally stopped, and you opened your eyes to face the brilliance of the shining stars above your heads, nearly getting lost in the gleam of the galaxy. “We’re here,” he murmured. The deep rumble of his voice did wonders in bringing you back down to Earth.
A large fountain sat in front of you, its water quietly flowing out into a beautiful basin. Its trickle was so hushed that you hadn’t even heard it over the pounding of your heart within your chest. You took note of the stone path leading from the edge of the pool to the center of the fountain, and marveled at the pure artistry of it, enjoying the way the moon shone on the reflective surface of the liquid.
“Ready?” Chan asked. You were about to ask what he meant when he stepped up onto the ledge of the fountain and hopped in. You expected a splash, but then he waved you over from his place atop the stone path and continued walking along it. At the center of the structure sat a bench, and he moved calmly toward it as if he had done it a million times before.
Peering over the edge, you glanced over the steps jutting out above the water’s surface. Well, you thought, they look safe enough. You swung your legs over the barrier and gingerly made your way down the path to Chan.
You were slower, and he stood patiently as he waited for you to catch up, amusement coating his expression all the while as he watched you take careful strides from one stone to the next.
Once you were close enough, he stretched out his hand for you to take, and, bashfully, you placed your palm within his grasp and intertwined your fingers carefully with his. The two of you sat down on the bench just in front of the gushing fountain and spoke, quietly sharing details about yourselves and the lives that you were living.
As you looked around, you noticed the lack of water flow from the tallest spout on the fountain. With a curious furrowing of your brows, you turned to Chan and asked, “Does the top of this fountain not work?”
The boy directed his line of sight to the highest point of the structure and squinted at it. “Hmm...I don’t know,” he said slowly. He stood and lightly tapped the bottom of the fountain with the tip of his shoe before returning to his seat by your side.
“Huh, I guess no—” you started, quickly being interrupted by a loud grumble. You sent a quizzical glance toward the source of the sound and watched in silent apprehension as water gushed sporadically from the top of the fountain. A single stream of liquid dumped itself upon your heads before sputtering out, the spout having returned to its previous barrenness.
The two of you sat in shocked silence before bursting out into bright, cacophonous laughter. In your eyes, Chan looked positively ridiculous; his hair clung messily to his forehead as tiny droplets went flying off of him with every cackle he released beside you. You didn’t look any better, of course, but the hilarity of the situation sent your worries about your appearance out the window. In truth, underneath Chan’s raucous amusement, he was wholly enraptured by the luminosity of the smile on your face.
It all felt so right—as if the moment was destined from the very start. Gazing at Chan, you couldn’t help but believe that every moment with him was meant to happen. Every little word, every breath, every look was one more fated instance to fill your soul to the brim. Every second with him was destiny winding its endless, ingenious string of fate more tightly around you, infinitely and intrinsically connecting your two souls together.
Gradually, your cachinnation died down, and you were able to return your focus to Chan. Having already settled down, the boy was watching you intently with a smitten fire to his gaze. He stared, flitting between your eyes and your lips as he leaned toward you, each incremental movement increasing the volume of your pounding heart.
Just as you felt his eyelashes fluttering against your cheek, he opened his mouth and spoke so inaudibly that you might not have heard him if the words hadn’t faintly brushed against the corner of your mouth.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, his eyes hooded and dazed.
You swallowed thickly and licked your lips at his question, loving the subtle intensity reflecting in his shining orbs. “You talk too much,” you replied.
He was about to retort when you pressed your lips to his in a brief kiss, retreating before he could even really process what had happened. He blinked in surprise as amusement spread across his face like wildfire. Without hesitation, he moved to press his lips against yours in a more sensual, relaxed kiss. Almost unconsciously, you threaded your fingers through Chan’s hair, eliciting a satisfied sigh from him. He smiled into the kiss and rubbed soothing circles into your hip with his thumb, relishing in the way you gripped his shoulder just a bit tighter when he dragged his teeth against your bottom lip and tugged.
Slowly, you broke away from the kiss and moved your hands to rest on his chest. You stared at him and giggled breathlessly, the sound pleasing Chan’s ears in the same way chimes did as they danced in the wind.
“You know,” he started softly, “we’re still completely soaked.”
He was right, of course—the uncomfortable weight dragging down your clothing verified his reminder, and a chill starting to set in.
You groaned, contemplating your options. “Well...we’re only a five-minute walk to my apartment. We could go there if you want?” you offered.
Chan swallowed a teasing comeback when he saw the shy fidgeting of your hands in your lap. “Sure,” he agreed.
The two of you walked to your apartment hand in hand, talking and laughing through barren streets. You told Chan about your day and warned him about your roommate and his own soulmate. Chan just smiled and said he couldn’t wait to meet them.
Soon enough, you came upon the doorstep, and, gingerly, you unlocked the door and let yourself in. Immediately, Minghao threw his door open and sprung out of his room, unquestionably full of energy and anticipation.
“y/n! How was meeting your soulma—” he began excitedly, stopping when he saw Chan by your side. An impish grin slid across his face. “...So I’ll take that as a good sign, then?” he asked slyly.
Your cheeks burned as you rolled your eyes at him, acutely aware of the hand holding yours. “Oh, shut up, Hao. Hand over some of your clothes, would you? We’re soaked, and Chan needs something a little less...soggy,” you told him.
He raised his hands in a sort of okay, fine gesture and disappeared off to his room, returning with a few articles of clothing and a sleepy Jun trailing behind him. Jun waved at you kindly and rested his chin on Minghao’s shoulder as you showed your soulmate the way to the bathroom.
Returning a few minutes later in your pajamas, you introduced everyone to Chan and caught up a little on what you had missed at home. After chatting for a few minutes, Chan realized what time it was and began gathering his things. He explained that his friend Soonyoung was waiting for him back home and that if he didn’t come back soon, the boy would likely never let Chan live it down.
You reluctantly said your goodbyes and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek, enjoying the blush that spread across his cheeks. As soon as the door clicked shut, you turned to the two boys and grinned.
“Hao, I have so much to tell you.”
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once-was-muses · 2 years
Tumblr media
○  name: Kirby
○  pronouns: I eat pronouns with breakfast (she/he/they, anything except it)
○   preference of communication: Tungle messaging is the best method, but I am on discord and will gladly hand the deets to mutuals
○    name of muse(s): m a n y. Abe Sapien, Antonio da Vinci (OC), Edwin L.C. Kingor/Bookworm, Sameer Park/Copperhead, Saint Bro'Dee Walker, Green Lantern Salaak tel Ouro, Dr. Linda Friitawa/Fright, Harriet Pratt/March Harriet, Harvey & Harv Dent/Two-Face, Jackdaw (OC), Dedan, Djehuty (or Thoth if you want to be Grecian), and Dr. Jonathan E. Keeny-Crane/Scarecrow.
○    experience/how long (months/years?): with "serious" Tumblr rp? About 4 years iirc. In total, though, closer to 12 I think.
○    platforms you’ve used: YouTube (iykyk), Google+, Skype for like 2 seconds, Gmail, DeviantArt, Tumblr
○   best experience: hard to pick just one, but there were some really damn funny moments in a previous group I was in (that unfortunately also ended in hellfire and lots of bullshit.) I've also met some longterm friends, and the first Internet friend I met in person is someone I still write with today.
○    rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: abundant hypocrisy (everyone is a wee hypocrite now and again, but like nigh constantly is an issue), one thing all the time 24/7/365, pushing relationships/assuming a pre-established ship because it's "canon," railroading me in threads, straight up rape, unnecessary ooc drama, pregnancy and related topics without any prior discussion, lack of care for disabilities and real world limitations-
○    fluff, angst, or smut: yes. All three are good. Just purely one of them, two or all three mixed together- just so long as it's not the Only Thing I write with a partner.
○    plots or memes: yes. I prefer to send memes as a first contact kind of thing, but I'm 1,000% open to going right into plotting.
○    long or short replies: y e s. I myself bounce around in reply length, so I see no point in holding anyone to a specific sentence count. Of course, if I'm receiving one-liner after one-liner, that's different.
○    best time to write: like. For awakeness/consciousness? Days I'm off work or have the 12-5 shift. Mondays and Wednesdays kick my ass.
○    are you like your muse(s): each of these bastards have a few features reminiscent of myself, for better or worse. That seems to be part of what keeps me interested in writing a muse. As for the most like me, I think that'd be Jon, Dedan- except I'm not a fan of kids :p- and Jackdaw.
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netmyname-blog · 7 years
Langevin Frierson LA
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/langevin-frierson/langevin-frierson-la/
Langevin Frierson LA
Langevin Frierson LA Top Web Results.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Impact of the Respiratory Microbiome on Host Responses to … Nov 3, 2017 … Predict a severe form of influenza in children, Complication, Langevin et al. ….. Kuss S.K., Best G.T., Etheredge C.A., Pruijssers A.J., Frierson J.M., Hooper … Abt M.C., Osborne L.C., Monticelli L.A., Doering T.A., Alenghat T., …
www.hqmc.marines.mil U.S. House of Representatives Liaison James Langevin (RI-02). Captain Blake Pletz Rep. Mac Thornberry (TX-13). Major Jonathan Wagner Rep. Michael Turner (OH-10). Major Anthony Laretto Rep.
www.mercedes-benz.com Mercedes-Benz International: News, Pictures, Videos & Livestreams. Exclusive reports and current films: experience a broad range of topics from the fascinating world of Mercedes-Benz.
www.oprm.va.gov Veterans Health Administration (VHA) 271, 00664, ALFONZO FAISON, FAISON ALFONZO, 3350 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR …. 336, 00613, ALLISON A LANGEVIN, LANGEVIN ALLISO, 510 BUTLER …… 5163, 00636, DONALD FRIERSON, FRIERSON DONALD, 138 BIOMED, 4101 …
colby-sawyer.edu Fall/Winter 2000 LA with their two children. Son. Doug returned to …… Mr. and Mrs. Eric Langevin P'02. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffery Lashar …… Patricia Browne Frierson. Joyce Starratt …
www.molinahealthcare.com STAR+PLUS a la ausencia o la necesidad de relevo para la persona que le cuida sin …… Frierson, John H MD. Muse, Roger K MD …… Langevin, Anne Marie R MD. Quezada …
www.in.gov Indiana Missing Person Bulletin Jun 5, 2002 … DE LA CRUZ,KRISTOFER. 7/5/2001. INDIANAPOLIS METROPOLITAN POLICE. DEPARTMENT MISSING. 8/12/2018. DEAN,CODY. 1/15/2002.
www.ricoh.fr | Ricoh France Offrir une plateforme d'échange bienveillante et de coaching à celles qui souhaitent partager leurs idées et expériences, telle est la vocation de ce programme, …
www.fda.gov U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page August 31, 2018 – La FDA ayuda a facilitar el comercio entre los socios comerciales estadounidenses y extranjeros con un nuevo programa de certificación de …
www.firststop.fr First Stop Home-Page En poursuivant votre navigation sur notre site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies destinés à améliorer la performance de ce site, à en adapter les …
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almond-joyous · 7 years
Put a “Ü” in my ask for a sticky note left on your fridge in the morning by my muse. || accepting
"Sugar, Vados is wanting to take you shopping. She made you strawberry things in here to bribe you. Wait, I wasn't supposed to say that.
- Big Bro L.C."
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Astrea e Clio – Le donne in Italia tra diritto e storia
Il Lions Club Adrano Bronte Biancavilla, su iniziativa del suo Presidente Prof. Giovanni Scuderi ed in collaborazione con la Prof. Grazia Liotta – Componente Comitato Distrettuale del Service “Abuso sui minori e violenza sulle donne” – ha organizzato ad Adrano presso la Sala del Palazzo Bianchi, una conferenza dal titolo “ASTREA e CLIO –  Le donne in Italia tra diritto e Storia”.
Dopo il cerimoniale prende la parola il Presidente Prof. Giovanni Scuderi il quale ringrazia il Sindaco del Comune di Adrano per la disponibilità nell’offrire i locali, ringrazia le relatrici Avv. Valeria  Sicurella –  legale dell’Associazione THAMAIA – e  La Dott.ssa Alessia Facineroso – storica presso l’Università di Catania – ma in particolare ringrazia la Prof. Grazia Liotta, nostra socia, per l’impegno  profuso nell’organizzare il service.
Quindi prende la parola la Prof. Grazia Liotta la quale introduce il tema scelto “Astrea e Clio” e ne spiega il significato: entrambe erano Muse della Mitologia greca, rispettivamente, Vergine stellare simboleggiante la Giustizia e la Storia.  La conferenza, quindi, sarà imperniata su due fronti: un aspetto storico presentato dalla dott.ssa Alessia Facineroso dal tema “FRANCA E LE ALTRE: battaglie legali dal delitto d’onore al femminicidio” mentre l’Avv. Valeria Sicurella tratterà: “La fabbrica, il seggio, la piazza. Il lungo cammino verso l’emancipazione femminile”.
Prende la parola la dott.ssa Alessia Facineroso: l’intervento ha avuto carattere e impostazione prevalentemente storico ed ha ripercorso la strada italiana verso la fruizione femminile dei diritti politici e civili (immissione nel mercato del lavoro, diritto di voto, tutela della maternità, battaglie per divorzio e aborto, ma anche ruolo femminile in occasione delle guerre mondiali e delle battaglie per la modernizzazione del sistema politico italiano).
L’intervento è proseguito evidenziando censure e continuità dell’età contemporanea e muovendosi in un dialogo costante con le vicende europee e mondiali (estensione del movimento suffragista, lotta delle donne in favore della pace).
L’avv.Valeria Sicurella ha dato al suo intervento un taglio prevalentemente giuridico, ha illustrato l’evoluzione della legislazione italiana in tema di diritti delle donne, ha evidenziato la lunga strada percorsa verso una “giustizia di genere” illustrando al tempo stesso le lacune che ancora si frappongono ad una piena fruizione dei diritti civili e della tutela femminile. In particolare si è soffermata sul percorso, che dovrebbe essere ricostruito, che va dall’abolizione del delitto d’onore (e qui richiama la battaglia di Franca Viola) ai nostri giorni fornendo dati e interpretazioni del dilagante fenomeno del femminicidio.
Subito dopo si è aperto il dibattito dei soci presenti e dai cittadini partecipanti i quali hanno posto domande e chiarimenti alle due relatrici.
A conclusione il Presidente   ringrazia le due relatrici per le splendide, chiare e interessanti relazione ed offre loro un omaggio floreale ed il guidoncino del Club.
Maria Teresa Mazza – Addetto Stampa L.C. Adrano Bronte Biancavilla
LC Adrano Bronte Biancavilla Astrea e Clio - Le donne in Italia tra diritto e storia Il Lions Club Adrano Bronte Biancavilla, su iniziativa del suo Presidente Prof.
0 notes
netmyname-blog · 7 years
Langevin Frierson LA
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/langevin-frierson/langevin-frierson-la/
Langevin Frierson LA
Langevin Frierson LA Top Web Results.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Impact of the Respiratory Microbiome on Host Responses to … Nov 3, 2017 … Predict a severe form of influenza in children, Complication, Langevin et al. ….. Kuss S.K., Best G.T., Etheredge C.A., Pruijssers A.J., Frierson J.M., Hooper … Abt M.C., Osborne L.C., Monticelli L.A., Doering T.A., Alenghat T., …
www.hqmc.marines.mil U.S. House of Representatives Liaison James Langevin (RI-02). Captain Blake Pletz Rep. Mac Thornberry (TX-13). Major Jonathan Wagner Rep. Michael Turner (OH-10). Major Anthony Laretto Rep.
www.mercedes-benz.com Mercedes-Benz International: News, Pictures, Videos & Livestreams. Exclusive reports and current films: experience a broad range of topics from the fascinating world of Mercedes-Benz.
www.oprm.va.gov Veterans Health Administration (VHA) 271, 00664, ALFONZO FAISON, FAISON ALFONZO, 3350 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR …. 336, 00613, ALLISON A LANGEVIN, LANGEVIN ALLISO, 510 BUTLER …… 5163, 00636, DONALD FRIERSON, FRIERSON DONALD, 138 BIOMED, 4101 …
colby-sawyer.edu Fall/Winter 2000 LA with their two children. Son. Doug returned to …… Mr. and Mrs. Eric Langevin P'02. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffery Lashar …… Patricia Browne Frierson. Joyce Starratt …
www.molinahealthcare.com STAR+PLUS a la ausencia o la necesidad de relevo para la persona que le cuida sin …… Frierson, John H MD. Muse, Roger K MD …… Langevin, Anne Marie R MD. Quezada …
www.in.gov Indiana Missing Person Bulletin Jun 5, 2002 … DE LA CRUZ,KRISTOFER. 7/5/2001. INDIANAPOLIS METROPOLITAN POLICE. DEPARTMENT MISSING. 8/12/2018. DEAN,CODY. 1/15/2002.
www.ricoh.fr | Ricoh France Offrir une plateforme d'échange bienveillante et de coaching à celles qui souhaitent partager leurs idées et expériences, telle est la vocation de ce programme, …
www.fda.gov U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page August 31, 2018 – La FDA ayuda a facilitar el comercio entre los socios comerciales estadounidenses y extranjeros con un nuevo programa de certificación de …
www.firststop.fr First Stop Home-Page En poursuivant votre navigation sur notre site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies destinés à améliorer la performance de ce site, à en adapter les …
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almond-joyous · 7 years
Put a “Ü” in my ask for a sticky note left on your fridge in the morning by my muse. || accepting
"Dude, that parrty was awesom. Do again real sooon!
- L.C. (ps i'm gonna have such a headache)"
0 notes
almond-joyous · 7 years
Put a “Ü” in my ask for a sticky note left on your fridge in the morning by my muse. || accepting
"Random earthling: you need more food because I ate it all. Not really that sorry, but sorry.
- L.C."
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