#&frankly if you ARE a swer the way you claim to be as a way to wiggle yourself into my good graces&bypass the obvious weirdness of this
jvzebel-x · 2 years
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hardpacker · 2 years
impressed by the way so many capital p Posters and even more impactful advocates will genuinely, or opportunistically, claim to be in support of body autonomy by way of alleged anti-racism, trans rights, SWers, reproductive rights (occasionally disability and fat liberation to a lesser degree) all of which are framed in labour rights if not 100% socialism/communism. and yet, mystifyingly, will never-- LITERALLY NEVER-- mention trans guys explicitly. and when they do, it sounds like a footnote that's been hassled out of them "o fuck, shit, right, that." i assume it's due to their social circles or something, like they don't hear about any firsthand/in person. but i also don't think they care.
in response to a friend, i said that at this point i really do (voluntarily and not) shut off Trans Brain and become emotionally 2D to handle it. i shut off a whole entire part of me because running headfirst into this wall over and over is too much. for all that's evolved since, i think back to 2015-2016-2017 or so, when i started trying to impart the consequence of this incomplete analysis. and so little has changed other than a heightened risk of ruination through alienation and physical and material harm. and this is acceptable. i've been thanked for speaking about it which is wonderful but even people closer to me give up if there's no commonality, instead of the lack of it being meaningful too.
aside from all that there is still a huge reliance on appearance-based disses, especially fatphobia and ableism. which i'm sure is tied to the above: if people consider ugliness a moral flaw then whatever abuse comes by thru the law of attraction (something i think more people believe in than they themselves realise.) all of this is intermixed with transphobia. if a lot of trans guys are fat and/or disabled and thru their transition and alignment to men, unfuckable and incomprehensible to the most influential allies (/chasers,) we're basically just dead weight, occasionally taking up precious attention, so, frankly, not quite dead enough. it's a huge problem. i long ago muted whatever terms i could think of to avoid this, because the only type of news or Posts about trans guys that crossed my peripheral vision were negative ones.
waiting for the floor to cave in underneath me is no way to live and has dramatically altered my sense of comfort among both strangers and friends. when i say i don't get this shit, i mean it. when it comes to the people you consider enemies, are there not better reasons to bully them back? it really makes any other position seem deeply insincere.
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