wicked-mind · 3 years
The King and Queen: Chapter Five
Summary: Y/N is the Queen of Guns and James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is the King of New York City. She wants him as a buyer, but Bucky wants her to be his queen. After all, every King needs a Queen.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: +18 only, AU, Mafia!Bucky, Dark!Bucky, sexual content, drugs and guns mentioned, swearing, heart problems, pregnancy, lots of torture ( I put anything in that could be considered a trigger warning. If I missed any, let me know )
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Chapter five - The Uncooperative Queen
Natasha and Steve watched Bucky go on a rampage through the new club with the wooden bat, smashing anything he could. Steve had never seen Bucky in such a rage to the point of destroying something he worked so hard for, “What are we going to do, Nat?” He asks softly to the redhead.
Natasha watched Bucky closely, the phone with the live stream of Y/N still in her hand, “You are going to take James home.” She said as she looked up to Steve, “You’re going to try and calm him down so he doesn’t destroy everything in his path.”
Steve’s nodded at her words, wondering how she could be so calm in a situation like this, “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to do my job. I have to call the IRA Kings and the cartel to let them know what happened.” Natasha told Steve, passing him the phone, “Find a charger for that, don’t let it die. Try not to let him watch, but keep a close eye on it. She may try to give us some hints.” She finished before walking out the doors of the club.
Steve looked at the phone for a moment at the unconscious Y/N, before putting it in his pocket. He approached Bucky carefully, not wanting to be on the wrong side of the bat he carried, “Buck,” He said, “Let’s go home, see what we can figure out.”
Bucky turned to Steve, angry veins pulsing from his neck. He gripped the bat before swinging at glasses that were on the bar, “They fucking took her, Steve!” He yelled, “I let her get taken! I should’ve taken her to the hospital myself! Dammit!” He took another swing at a mirror on the wall, shattering it.
Steve stood in his spot, watching Bucky swing the bat, “Look, Buck,” He began, “Nobody’s home to feed Alpine. You should go feed the cat, for Y/N, right?” He asks, hoping to center his friend back from the rage that had built up.
Bucky looked at Steve at he spoke, nodding slowly at the mention of feeding Y/N’s cat. He drops the bat on the floor, “Right, Alpine.” He muttered out, at least there was something he could do for Y/N even it was just making sure her cat was taken care of. He followed Steve out of the club, getting in the car.
The ride home was silent, Bucky just staring out the window as he processed what was happening. Y/N was somewhere, probably freezing and being tortured. He couldn’t get the images of her out of his brain. He needed her back with him. How is a king supposed to function without his queen? When they got back to Bucky’s home, he walked inside in silence, immediately finding Alpine and scooping the cat up into his arms and walking over to the food bowl. He fed Alpine, stroking the white fur softly as he was lost in his own thoughts. Steve watched Bucky closely, wondering when the rage would hit him again. Natasha walked in a few moments later, clearing her throat to grab their attention, “There’s some things we need to talk about, James.” She said, keeping her face straight and emotionless.
Bucky and Steve both looked to Natasha as she spoke, curious what information was about to come out from the redhead. Bucky walked towards her, tucking his hands in his pocket as he narrowed his eyes, “What do you know, Natasha?”
Natasha watched Bucky carefully as he approached, “What do you know about the cartel deal that Y/N has?” She asks.
Bucky’s face twisted into confusion at the question, thinking he knew everything about Y/N’s business but now feeling unsure on how Nat’s question was presented, “I think the better question is what don’t I know?” He asks through his teeth.
Natasha let out small sigh, looking around the room as she thought about the information she was about to divulge before her eyes landed back to Bucky, “The cartel. Did Y/N ever tell you how she got the deal with them?”
Bucky kept his narrowed eyes on Natasha’s face, pulling a hand out of his pocket to run through his dark hair, “Her second husband wanted out of the deal, she didn’t. They decided to keep the deal going with her instead.” 
Natasha bit her lip at his words before speaking again, “That’s technically true.” She said, “But what she couldn’t tell you is that when her second husband wanted out from dealing guns to the cartel, Y/N was approached by two deep undercover CIA agents in the cartel. Even the United States Government has a side in the cartel war. They told her if she didn’t keep the pipeline to guns open as the new boss, they’d ruin everything for her. Throw her and every affiliate of her’s in jail for the rest of their lives. So they offered her a deal- keep the pipeline open as well as keeping the secret of the CIA agents and she would be considered untouchable by any law enforcement agency unless there was indisputable footage of her committing crimes. Why do you think no agency has investigated or came after you two since you’ve met? Y/N was going to have you meet the two CIA agents in a few weeks during a gun exchange, sort things out with them.”
Bucky’s nostrils flared in anger at the new information, he had no idea. He thought it was odd nobody ever asked questions when Y/N and himself committed their ruthless crimes and now he knew why, “She’s been working hand in hand with the CIA and hasn’t told me?!” He suddenly yelled at Natasha, his hands gripping into fists.
Natasha stayed calm at Bucky’s anger, “She was going to tell you. Nobody knows except Y/N, myself, and now you and Steve.” She told him, her voice even, “I’ve informed them what happened. The CIA agents are doing everything in their power to try and figure out where the stream is coming from so we can find Y/N but it is bouncing through different VPNs all over the world.”
Bucky brought his hand to his face, taking deep breath. This information was a lot to process with everything going on. Y/N, his wife, was pregnant, kidnapped, being tortured, and was working with agents of the CIA. He could feel the rage slipping in, but didn’t want to disturb Alpine from eating the food. He points his finger suddenly at Natasha, “You will tell me immediately if the CIA come up with any information.” He hissed out at her. He walks over to Steve, holding out his hand for the phone with the live stream of Y/N on it. Steve handed it over willingly, not wanting to be on the other end of Bucky’s rage if he denied giving it to him, “I’ll be in my office.” He muttered out, opening the phone to see Y/N still sitting in the chair unconscious and alone. Bucky walks to his office, shutting the door behind him and sitting in his chair. He propped the phone up on his desk and sat back in his chair, staring at the live stream.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly, lifting her head as she looked around the room. Her cheek stung, figuring the blow to her face had opened up a small cut on her cheek bone. She looked around in the darkness, the only light in the room from the blinking red light on camera in front of her. Y/N stared into the lens of the camera, wondering who was watching. Her eyes flickered down to the tight ropes around her wrists, trying to pull her hand to get the ropes to give any leeway with no avail. She clenched her teeth as she took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. Y/N closed her eyes as she focused on her breathing, plans plotting her her head for the next time Walker would come in.
Bucky didn’t sleep, instead watching Y/N all night on the phone. He had gotten a charger for it so it didn’t die. He sipped on a glass of whiskey as he watched her breathe, knowing she was trying to stay calm and keep her heart rate down. He wished he could help calm her down, know she was going to be okay. But Y/N was out of his grasp and all he could do was watch and hope she knew he was there watching over her.
Natasha and Steve came into Bucky’s office in the morning. Steve sat in a chair across from Bucky, trying to get a read on how he was holding up. Natasha walked around to stand by Bucky to look at the phone, just in time to see John Walker approaching what looked like an unconscious Y/N, “As long as she doesn’t piss him off, he won’t hurt her too bad. He has to keep her alive for the red room.”
Steve almost scoffed at Natasha’s words but held it back, “Have you met her? She specializes in pissing people off.” 
Y/N heard the steel door start to open, slumping her head down and holding her breath. She relaxed her body, making it look like she wasn’t breathing and she was lifeless.
“Shit, get the doctor.” Walker spat out thinking Y/N may have had a heart attack. He walked over and pulled Y/N’s hair to prop her head up to see if she was awake. He leans his head down, his ear by her mouth to listen for any breathing.
Y/N opened her eyes when she felt him close to her face, leaning her head forward and biting down hard on Walker’s ear before pulling her head back. She heard him scream and pull away, causing the ear to tear from his head. She spit his ear onto the floor, then spit again to get the blood out of her mouth, “Sorry not sorry.” She hissed out at him.
Walker brought his hand up to feel his ear which was now missing, looking at it on the floor, “You fucking cunt.” He screamed at Y/N, moving toward her and kicked her in the chest, causing Y/N and the chair to fall backwards. He was on her in seconds, throwing punches to her face. He was eventually pulled back by another man.
Bucky tensed at the sight of Y/N getting punched out of his view. He couldn’t see where Walker was punching her but prayed it wasn’t the stomach. Steve had stood and moved around the desk to watch also, his lips parted in shock at the sight. Bucky grips the glass of whiskey hard enough that the glass started to crack in his hands. He listened intently to the sound, hoping for any sign Y/N was alright. He felt a little relief when he saw a doctor enter the view of the camera.
A doctor came into the steel container, “Oh my god.” He gasped as he saw Walker without an ear and Y/N tipped over. This was the same doctor that had told Y/N she was pregnant the day before, he had been taken due to him knowing about Y/N’s heart condition and was tasked with keeping her alive, “If you get the dismembered ear on ice, I can stitch it back.” He told Walker, who picked up his ear and exited the container followed by the rest of his team. The doctor walked over to Y/N, “Hey, hey Y/N. It’s me, Doctor Avery.” He told her as she looked at the ceiling. Y/N’s face was all red, her eyebrow bleeding, her lip split, as well as a blood vessel popped in her right eye. Doctor Avery could tell that she had a broken nose, and knew that she was going to have large bruises and black eyes all along her face based on the fact that her face was already red and turning deeper shades of purple already, “Let’s sit you back up.” He told Y/N, pulling the chair up to the sitting position again. He noticed some blood on the back of her head and a laceration caused when she fell backwards and hit her head on the steel floor.
As soon as Bucky saw Y/N’s face, the glass in his hand cracked apart in his hard grasp. He wanted to throw everything off his desk at the wall, but contained the anger as he had to see if Y/N was okay. Natasha leaned forward to get a better look at Y/N’s injuries on the screen of the phone. Steve was promptly handing Bucky a towel for the mess of whiskey from the shattered glass.
Y/N let out a deep breath as Doctor Avery sat her back up, looking over at him, “I know you said no strenuous activities, but I just couldn’t help myself.” She breathed out with a small smile towards him, slightly wheezing as the air passed her lips.
Doctor Avery couldn’t help but smile a slight bit at her comment. At least she was awake and responsive which was a good sign. He walks over to the bag he brought with him, pulling out a machine to monitor her heart rate, oxygen, and blood pressure. He connects it to her finger and watches the stats go up on the screen. Her blood pressure was a little high, but her heart rate and oxygen were low which was of some concern, “Well, not great but alright given the situation we are in. Your oxygen and wheezing are concerning, could’ve punctured a lung when he kicked your chest.” He told her, hearing her wheeze with every breath and looking at the forming bruise of a footprint on Y/N’s chest.
Y/N blinked tiredly, her vision having  black spots from the beating she just took to her face. She looked at the doors to see if anybody was coming before leaning as close to the doctor as she could, “You brought an emergency medical bag, “ She breathed out towards him quietly, not loud enough for the speakers on the camera to pick up, “I’ve stolen enough of those I know there’s some sort of phone in there, probably satellite for emergencies.” She swallowed hard, it felt hard to breathe and some pain filled her chest with each breath, “You weren’t blindfolded when you came in, you know where we are which means they’ll kill you when you aren’t useful anymore.” She informed him, her voice still low, “I need you to make a call.”
The doctor promptly dialed the number on the phone in the bag Y/N had told him, quickly putting it in his pocket without letting the camera see. He left the line open and went back to treating Y/N, cleaning up the gash on the back of her head so he could apply some stitches.
“What are they saying? I can’t hear them!” Bucky hollered as he watched Y/N talk to the doctor and then fumbling in his bad. Natasha’s brow furrowed as her phone started ringing, looking at the screen. She didn’t recognize the number, but answered. She held the speaker to her ear, hearing Y/N’s and the doctors voice. She quickly put it on speaker and pressed the mute button so nobody would hear her voice on the other side of the line, “It’s Y/N. The doctor must’ve had a phone in his bag.” She informed Bucky and Steve, placing the phone onto the desk. They could hear Y/N wheezing with every breath, listening intently on what she and the doctor were saying.
Y/N kept blinking hard to keep her eyes open, the spots in her sight growing in size. She took deep breathes, each hitched with a soft wheeze, “Where are we besides in a shipping container?” She asked the doctor in a hushed tone so the camera audio wouldn’t pick it up but only the phone would, wanting to get information out of him and hoping that someone on the other end of the line was listening. 
The doctor cleared his throat, trying to sound as normal as possible to not give any Hydra men outside the container suspicion, “The Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn.” He answered softly so the camera didn’t hear but hoped the phone would, slowly stitching up the laceration on her skull.
Bucky stood immediately as he heard the location, “Let’s go.” He demanded. Natasha shook her head as she heard the steel doors opening, “No wait, look, somebody’s coming in."
Y/N snapped her eyes open when she heard the steel door open, looking wide awake as Walker walked in. She sat herself up not wanting to show any weakness to her captor. Her eyes narrowed to look like she was glaring but she was really just trying to focus her vision. Her heart rate jumped a little bit on the monitor, causing it to beep quickly, “What? One bite out of you wasn’t enough?” She hissed out at Walker coldly, trying to hold back the soft wheezes.
Walker glared at her. He had a large gauze bandage where his right ear should be, “You’ll pay for that, bitch.” He warned lowly as he walked towards the table which had various tools and knives placed on it. He picked up a black knife slowly, admiring it, “Zemo wants to know where your gun warehouse is. But more importantly, he wants to know where Barnes keeps his drug supply.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed a little, “Is that the demands? You want to steal our supply?.” She said shaking her head at him, “I’m not telling you shit. I won’t be commanded or controlled by some man who has to tie down a woman just to get her in her underwear.”
Walker walked up to her, wrapping his hand around her throat roughly and glaring at her, “I know that you know everything. Kings tell their whores every detail.” He growled out at her, running the knife along the inside of her bare thigh with just enough pressure to draw blood in small lines, “Now tell me.”
Y/N winced slightly at the feeling of her thigh being sliced, but kept a glare on her face to the man who held her throat in his hand. It was already hard to breathe and this wasn’t helping, “Fine, fine.” She managed to hiss out at him, causing him to remove his hand from her throat. 
Bucky frowned slightly, wondering what Y/N was going to say. Whatever information she was about to give, he would have to prepare to take care of and switch around as to not let Hydra get their supply.
Y/N took in a deep breath before speaking again, “You want information on James? Fine… If you….” She breathed out softly, her head down. A slow smile painted across her lips as she continued, “If you call him ‘daddy’ he’ll make sure you have an extra orgasm.” She giggled softly.
Bucky almost smiled at her reply. That was Y/N, quick with the comebacks and a sharp, savage tongue. But his expression quickly turned to rage again.
Walker smiled darkly as if this was the reaction he was hoping for, an extra reason to cause Y/N pain. He forcefully stabbed the knife into Y/N’s left thigh, twisting it a little. He watched Y/N scream at the pain as the blade twisted in her leg. The heart rate monitor started beeping rapidly as she screamed, her heart rate jumping into the hundreds in a split second.
“You better just kill me.” Y/N growled out, “Because when I get out of here, and I will, I am going to lock you up in my basement!” Y/N screamed at Walker, “I’m going to keep you alive for weeks. I’m going to burn all the skin off of your body slowly, pull out your eyes with a grapefruit spoon, and feed them to my cat.”
Bucky looked at Natasha, “We are leaving. Now!” He yelled at her, not wanting to see Y/N be put through anymore than she already had. He didn’t know how much more her heart could take, not to mention the possibility of harm to his unborn child.
Natasha looked at him, putting our her hand on his chest to stop him, “No, you aren’t going in there. You will be killed on sight and with the state you’re in, you won’t be stealthy about it. The CIA agents have arrived in the state. The two of them and I will take care of this. You can wait in the car or meet us at the hospital.” She told him sternly. This was the best option to keep everybody alive. They couldn’t go in there guns blazing in a situation like this. Walker could kill Y/N as soon as he heard a commotion. 
Bucky glared at her command, “Are you fucking kidding me?! Wait in the car?! Do I look like someone you can boss around?!” He screamed at her, pushing Natasha’s hand away from him aggressively. He was ready to force her out of his way when Steve got between them.
Steve got in between the two, facing Bucky, “Go Nat, I’ll keep him here.” He said, knowing this was the best option. Steve was going to have to do everything he could to keep Bucky out of this situation for his own safety and Y/N’s, “Sorry Buck, it’s for your family’s own good.”
TAGLIST: @mysticapples17​ @ttalisa​ @thomaslefteyebrow​ @certainwonderlandperfection​ @rorodendra​ @hommoturttle​ @loverboyseb​
If I missed anyone on the tag list or you’d like to be added, please let me know. As always, thank you for the support (:
193 notes · View notes
eulaties · 3 years
fics that have an asterisk (*) in front of them are my personal favorites! also, all of the fics listed are completed unless otherwise stated.
NOTE: these fic recs contain the ship feng xin/mu qing. just a word of warning for donghua-only watchers — most of these fics contain spoilers for the tgcf novels. proceed with caution!
this list was last updated on 7/9/23.
if you want general tgcf fic recs click here
if you want yushipei fic recs click here
if you want quanyin fic recs click here
if you want junmei fic recs click here
*the meaning of a dream • one-shot
SUMMARY: “feng xin runs into a dream demon, who tells him that the only way to leave the dream realm was to complete the tasks given to him. the thing is, in this reality, feng xin was dating...mu qing?”
TAGS: post-canon, soft mu qing, fluff, pining, light angst, festival date, first kiss, eventually getting together, happy ending
NOTES: this is the first fengqing fic i read and it’s definitely become one of my favorites!! it’s just...so soft.....also the ending was just ksdhskjfgh
*all the time in the world for us • one-shot
SUMMARY: “feng xin watches him and tries to figure out what he's thinking. another unspoken misunderstanding and they'll be arguing again. he sighs. it's the little things between them that drive him up the wall. it's also the little things that make him want to tear it down and start anew.”
TAGS: post-canon, getting together, they’re f-f-friends, practicing combat feat. romantic tension, helping your buddy tie up his hair after sparring practice, mutual pining, first kiss under the lanterns at the mid-autumn festival banquet
NOTES: this is such a good fic everybody needs to read it at least once!!
*love is like a punch to the face (it stings and lingers so well) • one-shot
SUMMARY: “feng xin knows that even if mu qing wants to be f-f-friends with him, he would never accept feng xin's true feelings for him. however, it only takes them 800 years, a truth potion, his highness' birthday coming up, a pair of divinely crafted swords at stake, and a goddess with a liking for couple game competitions for them to admit their true feelings about each other.”
TAGS: post-canon, idiots in love, mutual pining, bickering, truth potions, games, confessions, getting together, fluff, humor
NOTES: this one is really good! i actually was on the edge of my seat reading it haha
*mu qing and his cursed luck • one-shot
SUMMARY: “the five times feng xin and mu qing faked being in love, and the one time they didn't need to.”
TAGS: post-canon, 5+1, fake dating, enemies to friends to lovers, sharing a bed, idiots in love, tension, accidental first kiss, confessions, fluff, humor, light angst, background implied yushipei (bc i am here to push the yushipei agenda)
NOTES: words cannot describe how much i love this fic...read it yall
*take a piece of my heart and make it all your own • one-shot
SUMMARY: “mu qing has a problem, ends up going to hua cheng (of all people) for advice, and they end up not-bonding over it.”
TAGS: post-canon, humor, confessions, misunderstandings
*tear out this graceless heart • one-shot
SUMMARY: “however you have changed, feng xin hasn’t,” mu qing says bluntly. “he’s still—loyal to a fault. he’s as dumb as a bag of rocks, and he can never figure anything out or notice anything, but you fell in love with that, so you can’t fault him there. he likes to fight too much, but he’s also—so kind. kind and loyal to all those who are lucky enough to be in his affections.” a pause. jian lan’s eyes widen as she stares at him. “...i am no longer in love with him, but i think you are,” jian lan says finally.
TAGS: post-canon, ah yes angst pining my favorite, misunderstandings, idiots in love, mutual pining, mq rambling on and on about how he totally is not in love with fx, finally getting together after 800 years
NOTES: one of the best fengqing fics ive read, highly recommend! also i definitely consider all of this canon :D
*on trial • one-shot
SUMMARY: “if mu qing knew what company felt like, he'd feel awfully isolated. good for him that he never felt wanted.”
TAGS: post-canon, character study, mu qing-centric, angst, pre-canon flashbacks, hurt/comfort, hopeful ending
*golden light soothes a hurt heart • one-shot
SUMMARY: “feng xin asks mu qing to teach him the waltz. mu qing, in a flash of absolute stupidity, agrees.”
TAGS: mutual pining, waltzing, miscommunication, fluff, humor, light angst, flirting, getting together
*kisses made of blood and flower petals • one-shot
SUMMARY: “pride and adrenaline throbbed so loudly in his veins that his ears rang, but he was tired. feng xin was, too. standing firm with tall posture he wouldn't give away any of it, but the fingers under mu qing's chin trembled ever so slightly. they were weak for a moment, indulging in the comfort of each other's lips.”
TAGS: pre-canon, kissing in the rain, fengqing are secret rivals with benefits, angst, mid-autumn festival banquet, plays, open-ended ending, suggestive
*to give and to care • one-shot
SUMMARY: “mu qing really doesn’t care about feng xin, okay? the guy’s a bastard, an absolute thorn in his side and has been for the last 800 and some years. they’ve never gotten along, seen eye-to-eye, or even made it though a single conversation without throwing insults at each other. so no, mu qing doesn’t care when feng xin is absent from the heavenly realm for over a month. he couldn’t give less of a fuck. he just…notices, is all.” OR: feng xin is grieving, and mu qing doesn't understand why he cares so much.
TAGS: post-canon, mourning, hurt/comfort, angst, unreliable narrator mu qing strikes again, misunderstandings miscommunications & denial (3 in 1), eventual getting together, fluff
*unfurl • one-shot
SUMMARY: “somehow, feng xin's grin brightens. there should be a law against smiles like his, mu qing thinks in a moment of what must be delirium.” OR: a story about tea, laughter, and the mortifying (wonderful, life-changing) ordeal of being known.
TAGS: post-canon, mutual pining, fluff, comfort, friendships, banter, tea
*entwine • one-shot
SUMMARY: “when mu qing is tipsy enough to laugh at feng xin's jokes, that's the sign that it's time to get him home and—at his request—help him get ready for bed.” OR: a story about laughter, intimacy, and falling just a little bit more in love (even if neither are quite ready to admit it).
TAGS: post-canon, mutual pining, fluff, non-sexual intimacy, hairbrushing
*try again, try again, try again • multi-chapter (4/4)
SUMMARY: “you want to—to kiss me again?” yes. more than anything. out loud, feng xin says, “i just don’t want you holding a bad kiss over my head for the rest of eternity. are you gonna let me make this up to you or are you gonna be a little bitch about it?”
TAGS: told from feng xin’s pov, in which they both kiss each other a lot, but at the same time Not Really because they’re too stubborn to properly confess, supposed unrequited love, they are both idiots, practice makes perfect
*an open secret (invites unsolicited advice) • one-shot
SUMMARY: "feng xin and mu qing are friends. they go on missions together, fight beside each other, make one another laugh. it's a pleasant change for the two of them. so maybe they're just a tiny bit in love with each other. neither of them is willing to ruin the friendship they've finally found, because the other certainly doesn't feel the same way...right?” or: a little story of poorly-hidden feelings, well-meaning friends, and a few small nudges in the right direction at just the right time.
TAGS: post-canon, alternating pov, mutual pining, friendship, fluff, humor, relationship advice, getting together
the rivals edition to hate, joy, and love • one-shot
SUMMARY: “in which feng xin and mu qing navigate their relationship with each other after the grand re-opening of puji shrine – from finding out what happened during xie lian’s first banishment, to getting closure in ghost city, to being friends, and maybe even more.”
TAGS: post-canon fix-it, enemies to lovers, idiots in love, drunk first kiss, getting together, fluff, humor, angst, misunderstandings, background hualian
CW: there are some suggestive parts in this fic but nothing explicit happens
beautiful • one-shot
SUMMARY: “mu qing is quite beautiful, isn’t he?” feng xin jumps at the voice that’s clearly directed to him. he physically balks, he might’ve even scowled at hearing that. beautiful? no. that—that word isn’t one you throw around to describe a person he has seen as a traitor for more than eight hundred years.
TAGS: post-canon, bickering, soft mu qing, arguments, misunderstandings, tension, pining, feng xin is repressed, silver-haired mu qing, background hualian, open-ended happy ending
and they were, in fact, roommates • one-shot
SUMMARY: “feng xin and mu qing fight. shi qingxuan is traumatized by what they hear.”
TAGS: modern au, fengqing as roommates, fluff, mostly humor, bickering, sexual tension that gets resolved
NOTES: implied sex but nothing explicit happens in the fic
loosen it up • one-shot
SUMMARY: “feng xin and mu qing are on a date. feng xin thinks mu qing looks more gorgeous with his hair down.”
TAGS: post-canon, established relationship, date, fluff, they’re so cute, blushy mu qing, flustered feng xin
no one left to turn to • one-shot
TAGS: canon-divergent, unresolved tension, pining, fengqing kissing under a guise of “transferring spiritual energy”, this fic takes place when they’re lost in the caverns below mount tong’lu, open-ended ending
be my boyf-f-friend? • one-shot
SUMMARY: “today, mu qing was going to confess to feng xin...but he didn't expect that there would be a toddler at home.”
TAGS: modern au, fluff, mostly humor, mu qing getting the courage to ask feng xin out, pining, misunderstandings, bickering, getting together
special menu • one-shot
SUMMARY: “feng xin becomes a regular at a tiny restaurant. it's only because the food is good and xie lian keeps dragging him there, and decidedly not because of the waiter. he swears. no matter what his friends say.”
TAGS: modern au, waiter!mu qing, feng xin is so whipped, mu qing thinks its funny, mutual pining, bantering, fluff, humor
a lantern for your friendship • one-shot
SUMMARY: “mu qing has been lighting a lantern for feng xin every year since his ascension and feng xin finds out. xie lian and hua cheng ‘help’ the two talk it out.”
TAGS: post-canon, misunderstandings, mu qing blushes a lot, mutual pining, light angst, getting trapped together, eventual fluff, first kiss
if it is the heaven’s will • one-shot
SUMMARY: “in the kingdom of xian le, every youth waits for their 19th birthday to discover the words of their soulmate inscribed on their body. feng xin turns 19 and wakes up to something he hadn't expected.”
TAGS: soulmate au, canon-divergence, bickering, enemies to lovers, fluff, idiots in love
hard to reach (harder to love) • one-shot
SUMMARY: “feng xin tries to set up xie lian and hua cheng, but ends up setting himself up with mu qing by mistake. it would be easy; pretend to date mu qing for a few weeks and then break up...right?”
TAGS: modern au, fake dating, fluff, humor, light angst, bickering, mutual pining, silver-haired mu qing, actually getting together, background hualian
the five sweetest words • one-shot
SUMMARY: “feng xin is more repressed than he thought and mu qing, of all people, helps him be honest with himself.”
TAGS: post-canon, fluff, angst, communication, closure, bickering, blushy mu qing, silver-haired mu qing, confessions, getting together, happy ending
i’m fair with everyone else but you • one-shot
SUMMARY: “trapped in a small space together, stuck until help reaches them, mu qing is forced to confront the complicated feelings he has toward feng xin.”
TAGS: post-canon, hurt/comfort, angst, introspection, confessions, fluff, cuddling, mutual pining, bickering, they’re both touch-starved lmao
a lover’s prayer • one-shot
SUMMARY: “in every mortal corner of the world, nan yang and xuan zhen were worshipped as sworn brothers and fated lovers, caught in a conflict eight hundred years long. with each whisper and prayer the story grew, made of the hopes of a thousand voices and the belief of ten thousand devotees. the love of star crossed gods, said the whispers."
TAGS: humor, fluff, basically fengqing getting worshipped as a couple, mutual pining, enemies to lovers
are you in love yet? • one-shot
SUMMARY: “mu qing was beautiful. feng xin knew that; was painfully aware of it like a thorn in his tongue, a blade in his side. he knew it, knew it deeply, yet it still managed to sting in the best of ways. or: mu qing starts wearing his hair differently. feng xin falls apart over it (and falls in love).”
TAGS: post-canon, feng xin being whipped for mu qing, silver-haired mu qing, mutual pining, fluff, getting together
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localcultivator · 4 years
Me reading your 18fic: oh sure, spend an indefinite amount of time together it's not like y'all might fall in love or something...
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vex-verlain · 6 years
2018 #ficgoals progress as of 05/24/18
Fics read: 23 (excluding my own) Comments left: 23 #beagoodreader Total words read: 1,082,267 Longest fic: 163,502 words Shortest fic: 1,979 words Fandoms: 3 (Black Sails, Harry Potter, Kingsman) Pairings: 3 (plus two threesomes because I was feeling adventurous)
2018 #bookgoals progress as of 05/24/18
Books read: 6 (excluding the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy compendium, because I read it constantly from random spots) Fiction books read: 0 Nonfiction books read: 6 Total words read: Who knows? Amazon doesn't provide totals. Books in progress: 6 (yeah...I have...issues)
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terresdebrume · 7 years
My writerly evening so far
Me: *looks through wip folder to get to seadla*
Me: *counts 18fics and two series that need finishing, not including things I have no idea how to finish*
Me @ me: W H Y
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vex-verlain · 6 years
2018 #ficgoals progress as of 07/11/18
Fics read: 56 (excluding my own) Comments left: 56 #beagoodreader Total words read: 2,349,334 Longest fic: 223,282 words Shortest fic: 428 words Fandoms: 8 1. Black Sails (TV) 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) 3. Doctrine of Labyrinths (Sarah Monette) 4. The Fast and the Furious (Movies) 5. Harry Potter (Books/Movie) 6. Kingsman (Movies) 7. The Robot Series (Isaac Asimov) 8. Smallville (TV) Main Pairings: 9 (plus two threesomes because I was feeling adventurous) 1. James Flint/Charles Vane 2. Rupert Giles/Ethan Rayne 3. Mildmay Foxe/Felix Harrowgate 4. Kalliphorne/Kalliphorne’s Husband 5. Brian O’Conner/Dominic Toretto 6. Harry Potter/Severus Snape 7. Harry Hart/Eggsy Unwin 8. Elijah Baley/R. Daneel Olivaw 9. Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
2018 #bookgoals progress as of 07/11/18
Books read: 9 (excluding the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy compendium, because I read it constantly from random spots) Fiction books read: 3 Nonfiction books read: 6 Total words read: Who knows? Amazon doesn’t provide totals. Books in progress: 5 (yeah…I have…issues) (1 fiction; 4 nonfiction)
0 notes
vex-verlain · 6 years
2018 #ficgoals progress as of 07/02/18
Fics read: 54 (excluding my own) Comments left: 54 #beagoodreader Total words read: 2,182,686 Longest fic: 223,282 words Shortest fic: 428 words Fandoms: 7 1. Black Sails (TV) 2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) 3. Doctrine of Labyrinths (Sarah Monette) 4. Harry Potter (Books/Movie) 5. Kingsman (Movies) 6. The Robot Series (Isaac Asimov) 7. Smallville (TV) Main Pairings: 8 (plus two threesomes because I was feeling adventurous) 1. James Flint/Charles Vane 2. Rupert Giles/Ethan Rayne 3. Mildmay Foxe/Felix Harrowgate 4. Kalliphorne/Kalliphorne's Husband 5. Harry Potter/Severus Snape 6. Harry Hart/Eggsy Unwin 7. Elijah Baley/R. Daneel Olivaw 8. Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
2018 #bookgoals progress as of 07/02/18
Books read: 6 (excluding the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy compendium, because I read it constantly from random spots) Fiction books read: 0 Nonfiction books read: 6 Total words read: Who knows? Amazon doesn’t provide totals. Books in progress: 6 (yeah…I have…issues) (2 fiction; 4 nonfiction)
0 notes
vex-verlain · 6 years
2018 #ficgoals progress as of 06/01/18
Fics read: 29 (excluding my own) Comments left: 29 #beagoodreader Total words read: 1,552,866 Longest fic: 223,282 words Shortest fic: 1,979 words Fandoms: 3 (Black Sails, Harry Potter, Kingsman) Pairings: 3 (plus two threesomes because I was feeling adventurous)
2018 #bookgoals progress as of 06/01/18
Books read: 6 (excluding the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy compendium, because I read it constantly from random spots) Fiction books read: 0 Nonfiction books read: 6 Total words read: Who knows? Amazon doesn’t provide totals. Books in progress: 6 (yeah…I have…issues)
0 notes