#/ . * rel this must be the place ( maggie & percy )
ebullienced-a · 2 years
if maggie died?? percy would be SO angry. not at her, of course, but at the world in general. she always felt like she never had a proper childhood, but that she regained it somewhat when she met maggie, and losing her would mean losing her childhood all over again. it would very much be a I Stopped Pulling My Punches situation re: her vigilantism as well
im gonna shit myself !!!!!!!
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                                              ——— (part 1) ——–
Fandom: Fantastic Beast and Where They Come From
Just an extended must read list of awesome fanfics that is in no particular order :) ...
top favourites
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Author: nerdygaycas
Summary: Graves is the god of the Undeworld and Credence is the boy he falls madly in love with.
Lots of Bad Ideas
Author: anonymous
Summary: Credence's entire family has been murdered, all because of a mistake his mother made, and now, he's out for revenge.Unfortunately, he's just a kid, and he's gonna need the help of his neighbor, a hit man, to get said revenge.
Let's Die a Little
Author: whileyoustillcan (L_M_Biggs)
Summary: “You’re going to have so many others like me coming for that scent, Credence.” He groaned softly, slipping the pad of his thumb into the boy’s slack mouth. Credence shivered, sucking gently on the digit out of pure instinct as he stared up at the man before him. “You smell... So ripe... Like a fresh peach.” The thumb gave a soft, shallow thrust into Credence’s mouth and the boy whimpered, his lips parting slightly so that the man could press down on his tongue and see inside his mouth, those dark eyes fixed on the sight as if mesmerized.Graves leaned forward, eyes shifting so that staring down at Credence’s own eyes. “A man’s got to look out for his business... And you’re my business now, sweet boy.”
Author: superagentwolf
Summary: Sometimes, it is easier to understand the world- and what lies beyond the physical- through another. Credence and Graves are very different, yet somehow, despite everything, they are transcendent. They are more together.
Spare the Child, Spoil the Lover
Author: archea2
Summary: "That hag said wrong. And I would never beat a child, Credence. No more than I’d take a child to my bed. This, my man –" Mr Graves sighed a little, but the smile had gone to his eyes, glistening like the dark sweet cherry in Madam Picquery’s cocktail glass, that always stood on her desk "– is called spanking, and the line between the two is as wide as the line between No-Maj and Maj."
Devil's is Comin' For Your Soul
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence is surprised to find a man staying in the Brewster's house, and he says he's a friend of the family's.He goes over hoping to find his friend but instead finds something entirely unexpected.
If Thou Must Love Me
Author: ClutchHedonist, writingramblr
Summary: “You brought on new staff?” Graves finally asks her as the dinner dishes are being cleared from the table. “Oh! Yes.” She reports, “Miss Wakefield, in the kitchen? She was married over the winter. Avery recommended Mrs. Blair in her place. Scamander, to care for the garden and the stables.” “There was a boy I saw earlier-” Her eyes flick up to him, and she watches him for a long moment, “…Oh?”
Boy Next Door
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Officer Graves has a late night visitor. Offering medical assistance goes awry.
Modern 24/7 BDSM AU Series
Author: ClutchHedonist
Part 1: Notes on a Lifestyle
Summary: Three times that Percival Graves doesn't speak to Credence Barebone, and one that he does.
Part 2: Anima Mea
Summary: He barely makes it through the Gloria before his eyes begin to linger on the man, his broad, square jaw and the hint of grey at his temples. His hands tighten instinctively on the missal.
Part 3: Lux(uria)
Summary:  Graves’s voice is low, gentle, “I don’t plan to tell her about any of this. Do you?” “She’ll know. She always knows.”
Part 4: In My Sky
Summary: But when it’s ugly, really ugly, it sneaks into the cracks of his consciousness, sharp migraines and tense, breathless sleep. It’s never pictures – Graves finds that he rarely dreams in outright scenes. It’s all tight sensations, strangled and voiceless. It jerks him, gasping, out of sleep until he can catch his breath. It’s ugly.
Lead Me Not
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Incubus Graves accidentally gets invited into Priest Credence's church late one dark and stormy night...
Don't Judge a Book By the Cover
Author: StrawberryLane
Summary: MACUSA has a staff that loves to gossip, if nothing else. So these rare visits from Graves' husband keeps the rumor mill churning for days on end afterward. The biggest, most stubborn rumor right now is that Graves' young man is a squib, because no one has ever seen him do magic.
Where It's Better
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence had made a mistake. Dealing with a sea warlock to escape a life of confinement to one half of the world had seemed like a good plan at first, until he’d felt his throat empty, seen his voice as it appeared alone, red and glowing, as it floated out his mouth and into a jar the warlock placed on a shelf. “Go on then, you’ll drown if you stay here too long. Ah-ah-ah, but don’t forget, you’ll only have three days, if you can’t find someone to give you true love’s kiss, you’ll grow a tail again, but you’ll belong to me.”
Deserving of Love
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence has noticed the handsome man who lives across the street before, but knows he shouldn't.After a year of living by the boy with the pretty face and constant bleeding from a new injury, Graves is decided he's done keeping his distance.
Craving Series
Author: kamikaze43v3r
Part 1: Hunger
Summary: The hunger is black; a void and consuming. It takes everything inside him and it’s killing him slowly. He wishes it would stop. But it doesn’t.
Part 2: Desire
Summary: Credence Barebone dreams of Mister Graves. He imagines nightly, how his saviour’s large, warm hands would feel over his body.Percival Graves fantasizes about Young Credence. A beautiful, innocent boy who stole his attention. He wants to mar that pure beauty and taint him with his touch.
Part 3: Madness
Summary: The boy is a beauty like no other.Percival does not want to approach him. He dares not, lest he sullies the boy's sublimity.He only dares to dream.
Part 4: Faith
Summary: “What is your wish, Credence?” Graves asks, soft and gentle like a lover’s embrace. The young man named Credence is fading fast, but he proves to be much stronger than his delicate features.“I want -” Credence’s voice hitches from a sob. His eyes gaze deep into Graves’. “I want to live.”Graves answers him with a smile, and the young man dies.
Part 5: Amity
Summary: In which Graves hires an escort.
Part 6: Allure
Summary: The pale boy is hunched and curled up in a dark corner, hidden by shadows. His hands are shaking, long spindly fingers wrapped around the bloodied kitchen knife. The knife reflects the light and one could mistake the whole visage as a shadowy creature with glistening fangs.He is terrifying, and he is beautiful.
Sweet Boy
Author: derekmorgan
Summary: Credence is getting off by grinding against a pillow. All is great, except it gets unmistakably greater when Mr. Graves stumbles upon the erotic scene.
Like a Sunrise
Author: writingramblr
Summary: “He can stay with me as long as he needs to. I’m his only relative now.”Uncle Percy had looked so angry that day, in a suit that was probably borrowed just for the court appearance, and with bags under his eyes. He was still the bravest and handsomest man Credence had ever seen. Like a prince in a fairy tale.
The Weeds Grow Up
Author: FeoplePeel
Summary: Missus Margaret Graves, we regret to inform you of the death of your brother, Mister Perciv Clippy, I know it’s been a long time but please come home. We need you here, more than ever. I miss Margaret, I have your brother’s wand and the personal effects of his office. Come pick them up at your leisure. Seraphina Picquery, Madam President, MACUSA P.S.-I’m terribly sorry, Maggie.
FBaWtFT Kink Meme and Prompts
Author: Udunie
Summary: This will be a collection of short kink meme (and random prompt) fills for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Not gonna lie, it will mostly be Credence/Original!Graves :D
^sidenote: individual completed oneshots
The Only One Who Could Ever Reach Me
Author: hannanotmontana
Summary: Credence and Graves meet almost a year before Grindelwald takes over. This is how they meet, and how Graves learns the son of a preacher woman is much more than a boy beaten into submission. Credence learns the Graves, in a world full of magic, is the most wonderous thing he can ever find.
Fantastic Bond-Mates and Where to Find Them Series
Author: cheshirecat101
Part 1: Boys That Glitter Love The Dark
Summary: Percival Graves has been on the hunt for an Omega powerful enough to collapse every Alpha in a five mile radius when it goes into heat, and finally finds it in the form of Credence Barebone, an 18 year old Omega whose only protection comes from a supernatural allure and another Omega by the name of Newt Scamander. Rather than backing down and abandoning the immense power that Credence holds, Graves decides to bond with them both.After all, what's better than two for the price of one?
Part 2: Better A Bow (Than A Collar)
Summary: Newt and Credence surprise Graves with quite the Christmas present; both Omegas tied up like presents, all for the Alpha to unwrap as he pleases.Series
Part 3: Operation Stung By A Serpent
Summary: Newt has a thing for double penetration, Credence likes to hold hands during sex, and Graves just wants to get somebody pregnant.
Part 4: 5 Times Graves Dommed His Bondmates
Summary: Graves likes to thinks he has his Omegas under control. Well. At least most of the time.Series
French Maid Costume
Author: Shreiking_Beauty
Summary: Credence feels bad for not paying rent, so Mr. Graves says he can cook and clean for him instead. And he needs a uniform to clean in, doesn't he?
Like a House On Fire
Author: writingramblr
Summary: "There was no obvious sound whenever Mister Graves would appear at the end of the alleyway, but Credence would swear the air itself always crackled, and maybe time even stopped, as the man came from nothingness to walk right towards him, and every time, no matter how hard he tried, he always shrunk away."
Broad-Shouldered Beasts
Author: bygoneboy
Summary: In which Percival Graves receives a letter, and a proposal; in which Credence Barebone hears something he shouldn't, and comes to all the wrong conclusions.
Our Little Secret
Author: anonymous
Summary: Boy Scouts was just another way to pass the time, to avoid the belt, and Credence didn't even mind that the other kids hated him. But everything changed when the regular Scout Master got sick, and the replacement came in the form of a scowly dark haired man named Mister Graves.
This Thing of Darkness
Author: maggiedragon
Summary: Percival Graves knew he would have to pick up the pieces that Gellert Grindelwald had left of his life. He didn’t expect Credence Barebone to be one of those pieces.
If You Like Your Coffee Hot...
Author: thenightpainter
Summary: He’s there every day, always sitting by the window reading a newspaper. His hair always perfectly slicked back, the reading glasses sitting low on his nose fogging up as he brings the cup of coffee up to his lips.Credence has only been working at the coffee shop for a couple of month, ever since Tina had helped him find the job, but Mr. Graves had been there every day he had a shift, as early as the shop had opened.In other words: Graves is a regular at the coffee shop where Credence is working. Credence can't help but has a crush on him.
Author: Bearslayer
Summary: Percival initially regretted the promise he had made to Tina to check up on the Barebone boy, but when information is revealed about Credence implying magical heritage, it pushes forward a series of events that change both of their lives forever.
Midnight Special
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Graves finally makes a move on the checkout counter boy who he's been eyeing for weeks.
The Real Story
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Somewhat famous screenwriter Graves has to watch over Credence for a bit of time between school semesters.
What Pitiful Things are We
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence needs to be given permission for things.Graves tries to take care of what his boy wants as best as possible.
Gratitude and Forgiveness
Author: TheHedgehogSong
Summary: Credence holds his body rigid, trying to stop shivering as the cold wind cuts through him. He keeps his eyes glued to the sidewalk holding out the leaflets to passersby. A momentary relief is granted when a man comes to stand in front of Credence blocking the wind, he holds out a leaflet without looking up and the man's gloved hand takes hold of the paper but the stranger doesn't move on. After a few moments Credence's eyes flick up to look at the man's face and Credence feels his heart kick in his chest, he quickly returns to looking at the ground and hopes that his cheeks are flushed enough from the cold that the blush spreading across the face isn't noticeable."Tell me, do you believe these leaflets?" The man asks, he has a stern voice to match his stern appearance – dressed in dark and formal clothes he holds himself tall emitting an air of authority.
The Beast Beneath the Skin
Author: morwrach
Summary: Hidden under Mr Graves’ smart shirtsleeves is an enchanted tattoo of the wampus: a talisman for strength and a reminder of Ilvermorny. It rages and pounces and prowls. Credence is fixated with it.
To Kindle a Glowing Spark
Author: morwrach
Summary: MACUSA runs on hot gossip, and the presence of Director Graves' rumoured lover in the Wand Permit Department is fuelling the fire.
Color Blind Alone
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Graves is an alcoholic workaholic who tends to distance himself from anyone the second they act like they might care. It doesn't mean he is incapable of caring, for the right sort of person.
Lucky Charm
Author: anonymous
Summary: Graves lives next to a boy with sad eyes and pink lips, and normally, he wouldn't even bother with a mere mortal, but after seeing that the boy's mother beats him, he decides to step in, and ensure it never happens again.
Conventionally Belongs to Yesterday
Author: StrawberryLane
Summary: As it is, Percival's partner of choice isn't Camilla Truewood, nor is it any other pureblooded witch, like his mother so desperately wants.His partner is not only a half blood with a no-maj upbringing, but also a man. Add to the facts that Credence Barebone is an obscurial and you've got yourself a tremendously uncomfortable Thanksgiving dinner.
Over the Edge
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence is kept at home safe while Mister Graves gets tries to focus at work.Luckily, there's more fun to be had when Mister Graves gets off the clock than usual.
A Wild One
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Something is stalking Credence in the jungle.It might not be as dangerous as he thinks... or is it?
Feel the City Breaking
Author: LucyBrown45
Summary: New York, 1977 is a troubled city. In this damaged and dangerous place, Percival Graves is a weary cop dealing with a lot of demons: an estranged wife, difficult friendships and most recently the arrival of Credence Barebone in his life.
Out of All the Clubs
Author: writingramblr
Summary: It was just supposed to be a simple one night stand...
What's Mine Is Mine
Author: myboybuildscoffins24
Summary: Graves is the most feared Mob Boss in New York and Credence is his lover.
Of Cats and Dogs
Author: theescapist99
Summary: The next few days went like so:
1. Percival would wake up, and sneeze about twenty times. 2. He would go to work, sneezing about twenty more times. 3. He would spend much of the day practicing what he was going to tell Credence how this was his house, and he absolutely, positively, could not have a dog there. 4. But then Percival would go home, and Credence would be in a great mood, smiling and -- good god, since when did the boy blush so much? 5. And Percival would lose all determination until at least the next morning. 6. Rinse, and repeat.
Seven Words
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence lives in fear of those seven words that can turn his world upside down.
Toying with the Faithful
Author: MischiefHowl
Summary: Credence is a church boy and the blood of the pure is always the best for a vampire that can smell his sadness. Thus the little game of faith begins.
Foreigner's God
Author: GreenJewel
Summary: Each year, Graves, Lord of the Underworld would visit Mount Olympus once to fulfill the promise he made with his brothers. However, since that Winter festival, Mount Olympus had one more interesting thing to keep him return. Credence is his name, who was taken by Grindelwald from the mortal world to serve him on the Olympus. It's a complicated relationship because whatever Credence had with Grindelwald, it was not what it seemed. Graves should have known better.
Birds of a Feather
Author: Emmel, intravenusann
Summary: “Years ago, I wouldn’t have ever thought that pigeons were magical,” Credence says.“No one’s supposed to think they’re magical,” Percival tells him. “It would completely defeat the purpose.”
Case39: The Orphan
Author: anonymous
Summary: Officer Graves takes in a young boy accused by his former adoptive mother of being the devil. The claims are ridiculous, but there is something that's a little, off, about the boy.
Something this Wonderful
Author: JokerzPrincezz
Summary: Percival Graves was turned into a vampire by his twin brother in the 17th century, and has spent the last 400 years waiting for his mate, the person to whom his white string leads, to be born. In 1996 Credence Barebone is born to a bonded couple. The day he is born, Percival sets out to find him. In the mean time, Credence's parents die, and he is thrust into the arms of Mary Lou Barebone. Nearly two decades later, Percival and Credence find each other, but neither is what the other expected. Percival is determined to save Credence from his abusive home life, and Credence? He just wanted to be normal.
Bare-Stript Heart
Author: alamorn
Summary: Six months after he's pulled from the hole Grindelwald stashed him in, Graves is doing his best to drink the nightmares away. At a No-Maj speakeasy, avoiding everyone he knows, he spots a beautiful young man.
Author: kovu
Summary: Percival wants to throttle whatever idiotic vampire that thought it was a dandy idea to let a mere fledgling, who was hardly a few days turned, run amok. Unsupervised. On his territory, no less.
Author: becameapasttime (mitslits), Corvin
Summary: Credence lusts after the idea of being penetrated. At first it's a directionless want, it creeps into his mind as he lays in bed at night. Men he's seen throughout the day, the broad ones with big hands and mature eyes, run through his mind as he tests himself with his fingers.But one day, he sees a man that stops him in his tracks.
A Soft Epilogue
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Graves' Incubi nature has lead him to death's door from his capture, but the recently rescued Obscurial Credence volunteers to save him, not quite knowing what that entails....
The Stray
Author: jeahtastic, pineapplebreads, writingramblr
Summary: Graves never had an affinity for animals, having spent the last two decades living in a city where the only wildlife consisted of pigeons and the occasional owl. And memo rats, if that counted. But to see a pitiful little creature like this get abused, well, it stirred up a protective instinct he didn’t know he had in him.In which Graves accidentally adopts a stray cat and wakes up to a boy in his bed instead.
Author: spunknbite
Summary: An old, favorite game, played between him and countless partners. Partners past were in on the game, knew it was game. This boy though - an oblivious little squib starved for praise, love, any sort of parental affection - this was decidedly real.
Not Broken Just Bent
Author: Miralana
Summary: His mother had always said that soulmates are something that only happen to those, who are cursed by a witch. Credence has known for years that the name on his skin is only there to pull him away from the light and into a life full of witchcraft and misery. But when he meets Mr Graves, it isn't at all like his mother told him. Instead, there is something odd about the connection between them. Something that doesn't feel right.
Eternity in a Heartbeat
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence is an anti-social werewolf who has a chance encounter with a vampire, late one summer night, but instead of simply killing him, and preventing loss of life in his current town of residence, he agrees to a parlay of sorts, in return for a favor.Graves is a vampire who's been living the quiet and good life for over two centuries, and he can't believe he let himself get lured into such an easy trap by a goddamn werewolf. However, the werewolf makes him an offer, he really can't afford to refuse.
Curious as a Cat
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence gets rescued by Mister Graves just as he's decided to run away from the Second Salemers.
Giggle Water
Author: spunknbite
Summary: “My dear Credence, I wouldn't have taken you for an affectionate drunk.” His voice is soft and when Credence opens his eyes to see if he’s angry, Mister Graves is smiling at him, amusement apparent on his face. Credence smiles and presses his face into the crook of Mister Graves’ neck, nudging.Or, Grindelwald plies Credence with wine in the hopes of learning more about the Obscurus.
And in His Hand, I Found Peace
Author: TeaSippinSpirit
Summary: Credence is cornered in an alley by a stranger, who has an unusual fever.
Angel on His Shoulder
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence has been a man of God nearly all his life, and nothing and no one could cause him to stumble.....Until a man in a perfectly tailored suit walked in, and turned his world upside down.~Graves isn't a religious man, but he could almost believe in a higher power when he meets the young priest with a face like an angel.....How is he to go about turning him away from the light?
Shooting Stars & Silver Moons
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence is used to seeing everyone around him in some form or manner of a relationship, but overall tends to shun that sort of thing himself...until one day, a handsome stranger enters the coffee shop and snags his attention.Percival has always thought himself too busy to allow for any sort of connection beyond a one night stand, but when he encounters a barista with more than an interest, he decides he can bend his rule...for him.
Author: avidita
Summary: "centonis", Latin: made of old rags sewn togetherThat small fizzle of burning obscurus darkness that flit away as Newt glanced to the rubble, it escaped through the obliviating rain, and reformed into Credence - weakened, injured, amnesiac, furious and tired. At least Mr.Graves is with him.
Almost Missed You
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Percival Graves hears someone singing one night walking home, mere days after having caught and apprehended Grindelwald, and he decides to investigate.What he finds will change his life forever.
Author: GrotesqueEnchantment
Summary: She warned them of the dangers of New York City in the night. Told them about monsters with sharp fangs and a thirst for blood.
The Silver and Golden Boys' Toy
Author: writingramblr
Summary: The Graves Brothers have been in competition since birth, but never like this.When Joshua takes Credence in after the Second Salemers are exposed for the cult they are, he finds his own brother flirting with his new foster son, and instead of trying to end it, he tries to one up him.
Burgundy Whirlpools
Author: butterymagicalprince
Summary: In which Credence is a vampire, and Newt offers to save him from himself.
^sidenote: this is Newt/Credence XD
The Reward of A Well-Spent Youth
Author: jeahtastic
Summary: Credence is rewarded by finally getting fucked by Mr. Graves' enormous cock.
The Holy Father Made His Mark
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Guardian Angel or not, Credence Barebone has a mysterious benefactor, and slowly begins to suspect the handsome stranger who watches him from across the street of being said gift giver.
Shadow Dreams (Against My Skin)
Author: oppisum
Summary: Percival isn’t blind. He knows how Credence feels towards him. He’s also aware how those feelings eat him from the inside, how every flash of happiness at Percival’s touch is followed by an even stronger expression of guilt.Percival shouldn’t be so obsessed with the boy. He knows better than this, he really does, and he has no intention of adding himself to the list of people who have abused Credence’s trust. Or, in which there’s a lot of rain, and Graves can’t let a sad, drenched Credence catch his death in the cold.
Necessary Precaution
Author: anonymous
Summary: Poor Veela Credence accidentally sets off an alarm in MACUSA. Obviously, this calls for a strip and cavity search in front of all the employees. Or something. With his Veela allure, no one can be bothered to thing straight.
The Darkness Within
Author: StrawberryLane
Summary: After close to a week in the hospital, he'd finally been able to return home, to his own place that he hadn't actually seen in close to two months, because Grindelwald had held him captive in a basement somewhere in Brooklyn – Graves doesn't quite know where, nor does he have any desire to find out. He hates that basement more than anything else in the world.The point is, he'd returned home after being forced to stay in the hospital for almost seven days, cautious of any nasty surprise Grindelwald might have left behind at his arrest.He really hadn't been expecting to be met by a dark haired, naked boy half his age lounging in his bed.
Teacher's Pet
Author: eatingcroutons
Summary: Credence is a 17-year-old student at Ilvermorny, and asks his favourite teacher for a favour. Unbeknownst to him, the Percival Graves he thinks he's talking to is Grindelwald in disguise. And Grindelwald doesn't hesitate to take advantage of the pretty, vulnerable opportunity that's fallen into his lap.
Of Plenty
Author: brittlelimbs
Summary: Credence is not unfamiliar with being the means. When Mr. Graves asks him, politely, on a Sunday afternoon, to help him with a project, he says: yes, sir.Or: Graves needs copious amounts of human semen for a potion and Credence is helpless to supply.
Horrible and Terrible and Good All At Once
Author: Mellow_Yellow
Summary: Graves was a lead Auror, and as such prided himself on his ability to stay calm in a crisis, to keep his head, to remain even-keeled and articulate no matter the situation. So no one was more surprised than he was when he opened his mouth and heard himself blurting out, “Excuse me, ma’am, but I would like to purchase your son.”Seemingly without hesitation, and before Mary Lou had the chance to respond, Credence burst forth with his own, “Yes, sir, you may have me.”Then they both fell silent, equally shocked at their words. Merlin’s balls. Somewhere upstate, Graves was sure his father had just burst into laughter and had no idea why.
What Grace I Have
Author: gothyringwald
Summary: An AU based on the 2002 film Secretary.Credence is a shy young man who gets a job as the secretary to Mr Graves, a demanding lawyer. Mr Graves finds Credence's willing obedience irresistible and the two begin to forge a relationship that is not strictly professional.
Two Man Share One Face
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Credence finds out the truth about his hero, and the truth is ugly, far more than his scars, and while his life might have improved when Mister Graves took him home, it also got worse, much worse.
^sidenote: you need an AO3 account
Author: case
Summary: At a branch of Ilvermorny devoted to squibs and delinquents, Credence goes into heat. Mr. Graves devises a punishment for him.
more fics: part 2
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ebullienced-a · 2 years
❛ you’re the first friend i ever had. ❜ // for maggie!
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pulling a face , maggie flicks her hand out and lightly whacks percy in the upper arm .
" that's bullshit , nahhhh - " she scoffs and sips a capri-sun . " although i kinda get what y'mean , like . cause little rodge was my best pal at school and he was my cousin and all . " she pauses , bug-brown eyes catching the pair looking over at her .
" coming here , it's like finding your place , ent it ? as in a home . and i guess you were my first real friend too , huh , roomie . " she's grinning , her overgrown mouth that loves so much to be as loud as possible splitting in two .
" c'mon our perce , let's go see if pete 'n jubie are up for a party tonight . "
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