#/ kaz is Not gonna let that one slide
scalproie · 3 years
guys quick which is the best: villains who get put in with the good guys in crossovers as well as the good guys from their own franchise for representation and nobody question it OR villains who stay villainous during the crossover except now they get to antagonize not only the good guys of their own franchise but from other franchises as well
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rubysunnday · 3 years
i found
Summary: Y/N found love in the one place it should never have been. In the Barrel for the Bastard of the Barrel
A/N: I've arisen from the dead, aka my tik tok hole. I wrote this piece for Magpie's 1.2k celebration (@magpiencrow) using the song prompt I Found by Amber Run.
I say using it. I planned on using it, forgot I was using it, remembered I was meant to be using it and plonked it in.
But alas. Here we are.
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The rain hadn't stopped all day. A thunderstorm had rolled in from the sea and had settled over Ketterdam, refusing to let up on its constant flashes of lightning and booms of thunder.
The humidity had given Y/N a migraine - one of the worst ones she'd had that year. She'd handed over her bartending role to Joe and had retreated the relatively quiet corner where Inej and Jesper were hiding.
Hiding being the optimal word.
There was unease amongst the three of them. A job the previous night hadn't gone to plan and Kaz had lost his temper with them all, removing himself to his office. None of them had seen him since last night and no one particularly wanted to see him.
Y/N knew she should probably go check on him but her head was pounding and she wasn't prepared for a shouting match.
"Someone should go talk to him."
Y/N scoffed, snatching up Jesper's shot glass and pressing it to her forehead, the condensation from the ice inside it easing the pounding momentarily. "Bagsy not me."
"Did you just say 'bagsy'?" Jesper asked, making a grabbing motion with his hand at his drink.
Y/N handed him his drink. "You introduced me to the bloody word." She sighed, sliding down in the booth, disappearing further under the table. "I'm not going to talk to him -one of you two can."
"Well, it truly is a lost cause if Y/N's giving up," Jesper muttered, sipping his drink.
Y/N titled her head back and exhaled slowly, closing her eyes. The heaviness of the air wasn't helping her head - nor was the problem known as Kaz.
Jesper glanced at her and his eyes narrowed with concern. He tapped Y/N's thigh. "Hey, you alright?"
"Mmm?" She opened her eyes and glanced at Jesper. Y/N patted his hand and closed her eyes again. "Fine, headache. Look, I think we should just leave Kaz to brood."
"He's not ok," Inej replied, twirling a knife between her fingers.
"When is he?" Y/N shot back. "Kaz will come to us when he's ready - there's not pointing in pissing him off before then." Y/N winced as someone smashed their glass against the wall and a fight started up in the far corner. Her overwhelmed brain wasn't happy."I'm gonna go outside."
She clambered over Jesper and slipped out the back door, winding through the piles of boxes and crates they'd yet to put away. The rain was still pouring down and the street outside the club was practically a river.
Y/N perched herself on an upturned crate and fished a cigarette out from her pocket - a habit she hadn't meant to pick up but somehow had. She found her lighter and lit the end of her cigarette, inhaling deeply before exhaling.
"I didn't know you smoked."
Y/N chuckled softly. She turned to look at Jesper. "I think it's a Kaz induced habit. Whenever he," she mimed strangling someone, "you know, I find myself smoking."
Jesper sat down on the crate next to her and Y/N silently offered him the cigarette. He took it and inhaled on it, his shoulders relaxing. Y/N leant back against the wall and watched one of the many leaking drain pipes outside the Crow Club.
"Kaz didn't mean what he said last night," Jesper said quietly, handing the cigarette back to Y/N.
Y/N lifted the cigarette to her lips and sighed. "Jesper, he never means it. He still says it, though. And he never apologises. But, alas, that is Kaz."
Jesper's leg brushed against Y/N's and she found herself relaxing a bit more in the presence of her friend.
"How many times have you thought about killing Kaz?"
Y/N laughed, her smile so wide it reached her eyes. "Oh, all the time. I have a whole plan as to how I'd do the deed and hide the body." She paused, glancing down at the smoking cigarette between her fingers. "I've thought about murdering him about as many times as I've thought about kissing him."
Jesper sighed softly, shifting close to Y/N and putting an arm around her shoulders. "Oh, Y/N."
She exhaled a laugh. "Yeah, yeah, I know." She nudged Jesper's knee. "You?"
"Every time he insults me - which is -"
" - every day," Y/N and Jesper said in unison. The two shared a glance and then burst out laughing.
"Saints, look at us bonding over our unrequited love," Jesper said, chuckling.
Y/N lifted her cigarette to her lips and took a long, deep drag on it. "He's such a dick."
"I know."
"I still love him."
"I know."
"Look, we have something in common! Finding love where it shouldn't be. In the form of our scary, incapable of loving anyone, boss." Y/N rested her head on Jesper's shoulder, linking her arm through his and cuddling into his side. "I'm glad you're here, Jes. Truly."
Jesper pressed a kiss onto the top of Y/N's head, resting his cheek on top of her hair. "I'm glad you're here too, Y/N."
Y/N nudged Jesper in the ribs. "Right, go on, off you go - this is all far too sentimental for my head."
Jesper laughed, standing up. He took off his blazer and chucked it at her. "Use it as an umbrella whilst you mope," he said in way of explanation at her confused frown. "Don't get shot!" Jesper called as he walked back inside.
Y/N snorted and laid the blazer over her legs. She inhaled and exhaled heavily, letting the end of her cigarette drop to the damp cobbles, stamping it out under her heel.
A pebble landed in a large puddle the other side of the alley, splashing loudly. Y/N looked up at the opposite window, frowning. As the ripples from the puddle settled, Y/N could just make out a silhouette of an all-black figure, looking out the window.
Y/N noticed the crow head cane in the figure's hand almost instantly. She stood up, pulling Jesper's blazer on and stepped out into the rain, not caring that she was getting wet.
"What?" Y/N asked, looking up at the window Kaz was standing in.
"Come here," Kaz called. Without waiting for her response, he turned away and, presumably, returned to his desk.
Y/N shook her head but obliged. She dragged a ladder out from behind a crate - she and Jesper had hidden it after they realised they couldn't do what Inej did and simply leap up onto the roofs and Saints forbid, need to use something to climb up there - and leant it against the building.
Kaz was sat at his desk in nothing but his waistcoat and shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. With his hands completely bare.
Y/N tried to look anywhere except at his hands. Or his bare arms. Or his face. In fact, she just tried to avoid looking at Kaz. The DeKappel on the wall suddenly proved to be very interesting.
"I have a job for you," Kaz said, his eyes firmly fixed on the paperwork in front of him.
Y/N resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Of course," she said pleasantly, trying to ignore the disappointment swirling inside her. She'd naively thought he'd apologise for what he'd said.
Not that he ever did apologise. Because, apparently, apologies were dangerous.
"I need you to go to Councilman Fere's house and talk to the footman - he's expecting one of us. Apparently, he has something of importance he needs to tell. But first, I wanted to discuss last night -"
"Oh, Kaz, can we not do this now?" Y/N asked, rubbing her forehead.
Yes, she wanted him to apologise. But judging from the tone he'd used, that wasn't going to happen.
She hated that, out of everyone in Ketterdam, she'd fallen for Kaz. Kaz - a man who didn't seem to know what emotions were.
"Because my head is killing me and I don't want to do this now," Y/N replied, snapping out of her inner thoughts. "We can discuss it tomorrow when, hopefully, my head isn't trying to murder me."
Kaz was watching her closely. Whether he noticed the pain behind her eyes or how she was ever so slightly squinting at the numerous candles, he said nothing.
Instead, all he said was "fine, tomorrow afternoon."
Y/N nodded, trying not to wince as a sharp pain lanced through the back of her head. She turned around to go, heading towards the door and her bed.
"Y/N, wait."
Y/N turned back around as Kaz threw something at her. She lurched forward and caught a small, silver tub. "What's this?" She asked, holding it up.
"Numbing cream," Kaz explained, sitting back down. "It helps with headaches and other things." He paused, twirling a pen between his slender fingers. "I use it for my knee."
Y/N was trying her absolute hardest to not smile. "Thanks, Kaz."
"Oh, and don't worry about that job," Kaz added, now thoroughly engrossed in his work again. "I'll send Jesper."
"Are you sure? I don't mind -"
"Go to bed, Y/N," Kaz said, his tone neither harsh nor gentle. He looked up at her, his eyes staring firmly at her. "Get some rest. If what this footman tells us what I think he will, we're going to have a long night tomorrow."
Y/N nodded, pocketing the tin of cream in Jesper's blazer. "Yeah, 'course. Night, Kaz."
Y/N stepped out of Kaz's office and closed the door. She leant back against it for a moment, exhaling her anxiety.
Any conversation with Kaz was dangerous - Y/N never knew if she was going to murder the man or shove him up against a wall and kiss him. She'd found love in the one place it shouldn't have been. In the Barrel. And she'd found it for the one person who would never love her back.
The Bastard of the Barrel.
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triptuckers · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy - Kaz Brekker
Request: yes! ‘Can I request Kaz/reader where one of them is jealous, maybe an argument occurs but with a happy ending. If you’re okay with that. If not I understand. I love your fics though! You’re an incredible writer’ Pairing:  Kaz Brekker x reader Summary:  You got a member of the Dime Lions talking, and got some valuable information. But Kaz isn’t happy with the method you used to get the information Warnings: mild angst, mentions of alcohol, jealous kaz  Word count:  1.9K A/N: me using an olivia rodrigo song as a title? yea. enjoy reading! :)
On one of her nightly journeys through the city, Inej had found out the Dime Lions were planning on stealing an expensive necklace. It so turned out that Kaz also had his eyes on said necklace. And he didn’t like the thought of it slipping through his fingers. 
He figured out which member knew the most about the job, and needed to get him talking. Kaz only knew the week in which the necklace would arrive, not the exact date, or how heavily it would be guarded.
Kaz had sent Inej to figure it out, but even she came back empty handed. Luckily, you knew the club the Dime Lion member liked to go to. It had gotten you to where you are now.
You, Jesper and Kaz are currently looking at him sitting at the bar in the club. You’d been looking at him for a while, keeping a sharp eye on him. It was already clear Kaz wouldn’t be the one to go up to him. Anyone would recognise that cane, or his limp if he decided to go in without it.
 Jesper wants to go inside and get the Dime Lion talking, but you’re quicker, placing a hand on his arm and pushing him back.
‘This is a job for a lady, Jesper.’ you say.
You reach up and pull the ribbon out of your hair, letting it fall down your back. You then take off you coat and hand it to Kaz. Lastly, you unbutton a few buttons of your shirt and run a hand through your hair.
Before either of them can argue, you’ve waved at them, told them ‘wish me luck!’, and are headed into the club.
You walk up to the bar and take place next to the Dime Lion, careful to keep one seat empty between the two of you. You signal for the barkeeper and order your favorite drink. 
Just as you’re about to reach into your pocket to get some money, your target next to you hands the barkeeper some money.
‘On me.’ he says.
You flash him a warm smile. ‘Why, thank you!’ you say. Sometimes they made it almost too easy for you. 
The Dime Lion smiles at you and lets his eyes wander over your face. You have to physically hold yourself back not to punch him in the jaw. But you’re on a job. All you have to do is get him talking. And if he’s so willing to buy you drinks, it shouldn’t be hard.
‘What’s a pretty girl like you doing out all by herself?’ he says. 
‘Just going for a drink.’ you say. 
‘Care for some company?’ he says, pulling the chair next to him back.
‘Don’t mind if I do.’ you say, and you slide off of your chair to sit down next to him. He smells like alcohol and you guess he’s had a lot of drinks already, celebrating his success too early.
He takes a sip of his drink and you notice the tattoo on his wrist. You plaster a shocked look upon your face and reach out to pull his arm toward you.
‘Are you part of one of those dangerous gangs?’ you say.
‘Dime Lions, yeah.’ he says, signalling to the barkeeper for another drink. 
‘You must be very brave.’ you say, looking up and smiling at him again.
‘I don’t like to brag, but yes, I am.’ he says. ‘Can’t be in a gang if you’re afraid of a little action.’
You fake a look of admiration on your face as you lean your chin on your hand, looking at him. ‘That sound really impressive.’ you say.
‘It’s not without danger, but it pays good money.’ he says, taking a sip of his drink. 
‘Really?’ you say.
‘We got an important job coming up. It should make us rich.’ he says.
‘Wow.’ you say. ‘Like, really rich?’
‘You could say that, yes.’ he says. ‘But I’m not supposed to talk to anyone about it.’
‘Oh.’ you say, letting your chin drop slightly. ‘I see.’ 
You move to get up, but he lays a hand on your arm to stop you. ‘Hey, don’t go.’ he says. ‘I suppose I could tell you a little bit about it, just not the details.’
You smile and sit back down. ‘Well, in that case. Let me order you another drink, and tell me a story.’ you say, signalling to the barkeeper. 
‘So, a promising job?’ you say as the barkeeper sets another drink down in front of him. 
‘Very. It’s an expensive necklace. Worth millions of kruge.’ he says. He reaches out and places his hand on your hip. He’s really testing your patience. You try not to show your annoyance.
You let your jaw drop slightly and lean in closer. ‘Millions?’ you whisper eagerly.
He nods. ‘That’s right. We’re winning big with this one. They’re shipping it all the way from Ravka, and it’s arriving on one of the docks on Wednesday night. That part of the docks belongs to the Dregs, but we have a plan on feeding them the wrong information. That necklace is as good as ours.’ he says.
‘You’re really smart.’ you say. ‘How come you’re not running your own gang?’ 
He laughs at your words and you giggle a bit. 
‘It’s not as easy as it looks.’ he says. ‘It takes skill, and practice, and you have to deal with a whole lot of planning. Not my speciality. But I am climbing up the ranks within the Dime Lions, I have to give you that.’
‘Well if you’re climbing the ranks as fast as you’re ordering drinks, it shouldn’t be a problem.’ you laugh, putting your hand on his arm. 
He laughs as well, then smiles at you. You finish your drink and get up.
‘Well, you have been lovely company.’ you say. ‘Do you come here often?’
‘I do.’ he says. ‘This is my favorite place.’
‘Then I might stumble in here a bit more. Maybe I’ll see a certain Dime Lion.’ you say with a wink. ‘Thanks for the drink.’
‘Thank you for the company.’ he says. ‘And I hope to see you again.’
‘I hope not.’ you mutter under your breath as you head out the bar, back to Kaz and Jesper.
When you reach them, they look like the exact opposites of each other. Jesper looks delighted and proud as you walk toward them. 
Kaz, on the other hand, has his lips pressed together so tightly they almost disappear into a thin line. And he looks ready to hit someone in the head with his cane.
‘Alright.’ you say, ignoring the look on Kaz’ face. ‘The necklace arrives on Wednesday night, on our docks. They’re going to plant wrong information to throw us off, but it’s going to be Wednesday night, that’s for sure. I don’t know how many people they’re going to send though, but it should be an easy job.’
Jesper lets out a low whistle. ‘Way to go, Y/N.’ he says. 
‘Like I said, a job for a lady. Tipsy men are willing to tell women everything if they think it’ll make them look impressive.’ you say, taking your coat from Kaz’ arm and putting it on.
‘I think you deserve another drink back at the Slat.’ says Jesper. ‘After you.’
You smile at him and start to walk back to the Slat. You spend almost half of the journey talking and laughing with Jesper, just messing around a bit. You notice Kaz hasn’t said a word, not even telling you good job for gathering the information. 
You hang back and fall into step next to Kaz. 
‘You okay?’ you ask him. Kaz gives a quick nod. You know he’s not much of a talker, but you expected a thank you for getting the job done. 
You try to get him to talk, but his answers are short, if he even answers at all.
‘Come on, Kaz, we got what we came for, didn’t we? Why are you upset?’ you say, looking at him.
‘I'm not upset that we got the information.’ he says, finally giving you a proper answer. ‘I don’t like the way we got it, though.’ he adds to it.
His answer puts a mischievous smile on your face.
‘Aw, is Kaz Brekker, jealous?’ you say teasingly, but Kaz doesn’t tease you back. He merely keeps on walking, not answering you.
‘Kaz, come on, I just did my job.’ you say.
‘Was it your job to practically sit in his lap?’ snaps Kaz. ‘To lay your hand on his arm, to allow him to put his hand on your hip?’
‘I only let him get close so I could get the information out of him. You know I wouldn’t do something like that, I'm yours, Kaz.’ you say, frowning that he could take it so personally.
‘Well you sure as hell made it look convincing you are his.’ grumbles Kaz.
You hold a hand up and get in front of him to stop him. Jesper curiously looks your way but you motion for him to keep walking. He continues walking, but does look over his shoulder every once in a while. You wait for Jesper to be out of reach when you start talking again.
‘I did my job, Kaz. Nothing more than that. There’s absolutely no reason for you to be jealous.’ you say.
‘I’m not jealous.’ says Kaz.
You raise your eyebrows at him. ‘Really?’ you say. ‘Then what’s all this? Because it looks a lot like jealousy to me.’
‘Did you see the way he looked at you?’ says Kaz.
‘Yes I did, but it’s nothing. He was drunk. He’s probably not gonna remember anything of it in the morning.’ you say.
‘What if he does remember it?’ says Kaz, looking at you.
You plant your hands on your hips. ‘Then I'll show him I'm yours.’ you say. ‘And he’ll think twice before even looking my way next time he sees me.’
You look at Kaz, but he still looks restless. You sigh and step closer to him. You reach out and take his gloved hand in his.
‘Look, Kaz, I need you to know I was friendly to him for the sake of the job. I have been and always will be yours.’ you say. 
Kaz looks from his hand in your to your face. 
‘I’m yours.’ you say. ‘No need to be jealous.’
‘I wasn’t jealous.’ he mumbles, making you laugh.
‘Oh, my dear, you definitely were. You should have seen your face. You looked like all you wanted to do was whack that Dime Lion over the head with your cane.’ you say.
‘I did want to do that.’ he admits, making you laugh again. 
‘No need to worry, Kaz.’ you say. ‘Though I would do it again for a job though, or maybe just for the sake of seeing you jealous.’
His head snaps up at your words. You bite your lip to hold your laughter.
‘You look really hot when you’re jealous.’ you say. You see him relaxing again, softly shaking his head at your words, but with a faint smile on his face.
‘You’re one of a kind, Y/N.’ he says as the two of you continue your way back to the Slat.
‘One of a kind, and all yours.’ you say.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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charles-rxwlands · 3 years
the aftermath of 'i love you.'
this is the sequel to my fic how kaz would react to 'i love you.' which was basically all angst. spoiler alert: this is all angst, too.
pairing: kaz brekker/reader but not exactly (??) cause they've broken up so uh
rating: teen
word count: 1.5k (rounded up)
summary: what happened after you said 'i love you,' to kaz
tags: gender neutral!reader, angst, unhappy ending
warnings: swearing, self-deprecating thoughts, and i think that's it? but pls lmk if anything else is needed
read on ao3
a/n: the writing quality of this really went 📉📈📉 but in my defense i wrote most of this while my brother watched tommy innit videos at full volume so ofc i was distracted.
and fyi muzzen is not an oc, he's one of the minor minor characters in soc!
once again, feedback and reblogs are appreciated! hope you enjoy reading <3
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Kaz's pov
He watched you from the other side of the room as you blatantly flirted with Muzzen. He had his glass of kvas (Jesper had begged for the club to order the ravkan mead for weeks) in a death grip. You ran your fingers through your hair, and smiled at something Muzzen had said. He tugged lightly on the collar of your jacket, making you laugh softly. Kaz's heart tightened, jealousy settling in his chest.
You looked happy, even as you conversed with the brainless bodyguard who probably couldn't count up to ten. Kaz hadn't been able to make you happy like that. But you had loved him anyway, and he had 'fucked you over', as you'd put it.
I love you.
You're a coward, Brekker.
Kaz let out something in between a sigh and a frustrated grunt. He drained the rest of his drink in one go, and set the glass down more violently than he'd intended. His scowl deepened, if that were even possible, when he sensex Inej slide into the seat next to him. He waited for her to speak, because he sure as hell wasn't going to initiate the conversation. What was there to say? You and him were over. And it was all his fault. 
"Kaz," Inej said. Her tone of voice was gentle - too gentle. He didn't want to be pitied, for fuck's sake. 
"What is it, Inej?" he snapped. 
"Tell me what happened between you and Y/n."
"Nothing to tell." He shrugged. 
Annoyance flickered over her face. "I care about you both, you know," she said. "I don't like seeing you two like this."
He gave her a withering look, if only to disguise the ugly feeling that flared up within him at her words. 
Don't care about me.
Don't love me.
You can't.
Kaz bit the inside of his cheek and hung his head. He studiously ignored Inej for a solid minute. At some point, he noticed that you and Muzzen had abandoned your corner table, most likely to go suck each other's faces off. The thought sent jolts of jealousy through his heart. 
"For Saint's sake- did she break your heart? Is that it?" she demanded, apparently having had enough of his silence.
He 'tsked' in annoyance, standing up abruptly. He snatched up his cane. "Maybe I broke hers," he muttered before walking off. He didn't want to answer questions today. Or ever.
Inej didn't follow him, and he was thankful for that. He trudged up the stairway, the rickety steps creaking under his weight. Emotions swirled within him, brewing up a storm. It was just a matter of time before he exploded, because as much as he hated to admit it, he was still human. Especially when it came to you. 
You had been one of the first people to see his humanity, and the last thing he wanted was to become another monster in your life.
But then again, maybe it was too late.
Suddenly, he bumped into someone. He hissed, flinching backwards. "Watch it-," his next words died on his tongue when he looked up, and came face to face with you. For a few, painfully awkward moments, the two of you held eye contact. Your face was stony, but your e/c eyes betrayed some kind of emotion that Kaz couldn't be bothered to decipher right now.
"Sorry, Brekker," you apologised. Your tone was flat. "C'mon, Muzzen," you gestured for him to follow you back down with a jerk of your head.
His hand twitched at his side as you left, almost as if his body yearned for your presence. Your shoulders nearly touched - missing each other by less than a centimetre. He couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing. 
Letting out another sharp breath, Kaz resumed the walk back to his room. His footsteps grew quicker and more urgent. Your name echoed in his mind, as well as the three words that had haunted him for days now. 
Y/n. Y/n. Y/n.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
He slammed the door behind him when he finally reached his quarters. His cane fell to the floor, although his gloves stayed on. He stumbled into the cramped bathroom, bracing two hands against the rusty sink. He twisted the tap open, ignoring the squeak of the old mechanism that would have otherwise annoyed him. A gentle stream of water flowed from the tap head, and he splashed some on his face. 
No, he thought stubbornly, I am not going to break down because of Y/n.
The despair that rattled inside of him said otherwise.
f only he had reacted better when you'd told him you loved him. If only he hadn't yelled at you and called you all those horrible things that weren't true about you in the slightest. You weren't selfish at all. You were the exact opposite. You were kind, and thoughtful, and understanding - so, so understanding of him and his endless baggage. And he had- he had ruined it all, because of his own cowardice.
You're a coward, Brekker.
I know, he thought, not for the first time. I'm sorry. 
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Your pov
"I- I'm sorry, Muzzen, but I think I'm gonna turn in for the night," you said to the bodyguard, smiling sheepishly. "I've got a bit of a headache."
"It's alright," he said, giving a half-hearted smile back. It was clear he didn't believe you. You didn't know if that was because your acting skills weren't as up to par as you thought, or because the bodyguard was smarter than you made him out to be.
You all but ran up the stairs, nearly sagging in relief as the door closed behind you. You suddenly couldn't stand the feeling of the fabric of your coat on your skin and shrugged it off; Kaz had bought it for you, because of course the reminder of him lingered everywhere you went.
Your room wasn't anywhere near big, but it was a good way away from Kaz's, and for the first time, you were grateful for that. You couldn't deal with him at the moment.
Wait, no, that came out wrong. It wasn't him specifically that you couldn't deal with, it was the bad memories (or, rather, memory, as there was one key shitshow that had ruimed everything) that came with him.
Oh, Saints, why, why, why had you told him you loved him? Things had been going so well! And then you- you fucked it up. Yes, you had blatantly blamed this on Kaz the day of the argument, but deep down, you knew you were the one at fault. 
Your heart ached every time you thought of him. You missed Kaz. So, so much. It hadn't escaped you how he had been eyeing you and Muzzen earlier in the evening. You could only hope that he was staring out of jealousy, and not devising some foolproof plan to get rid of you.
What would it take for Kaz to forgive you? Or had you fucked things up beyond repair? 
"Shit," you whispered, leaning your head against the wall. Tears burned at the corners of your eyes. "Shit." You didn't know what exactly was 'shit'. Maybe the decision you came to moments later.
I'm going to apologise to him," you said to your empty room. "I will."
With a sniffle, you cracked open your door and slipped back outside. You had left your coat in a pile on the floor, making you vulnerable to the cold that pierced the empty areas of the Crow Club. Your feet carried you to Kaz's room naturally. You barely had to think about where you were going. Instead, you thought of Kaz himself. 
Kaz. Your fallen angel, you used to call him in your mind. You couldn't express how sorry you were. You didn't even know what you were sorry for. Loving him? Loving him, and saying it aloud? Loving him, and saying it aloud, because you were so sure he felt the same way? 
You had been being selfish. Kaz said so himself. Selfish and stupid. Of course Kaz didn't love you.
At last, you were in front of his door. You raised a fist to knock. Opened your mouth to call out. Except you did none of those. You just stood there, tears welling up in your eyes once again, a familiar pang of sadness in your chest. 
He wouldn't want to see you. How could he? This was your fault, wasn't it? It was your selfishness, and your wishful thinking that had gotten you two into this position. You missed him, but you wouldn't go as far as to think he missed you, too. If you attempted to apologise… would it really be for him? 
You wouldn't be selfish. Not again.
"I'm sorry," you whispered. 
You turned around, and walked away. 
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lina-lovebug · 3 years
Kaz Brekkers First Time
Kaz Brekker x fem! reader
Smut!! Oral (fem receiving), penetration
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Kaz never thought much about sex.
Even during the course if your relationship, he didn't think much on it. You respected his boundaries and even when he wanted to move forward with the little things, you reassured him that he never had to go outside his comfort zone.
But little by little, you both worked up to holding hands. Kaz had noticed the couples or hookups leaving the Crow Club with their hands intertwined, and although it didn't seem like a big deal, it was very intimate for him. Never letting someone go, physically or mentally, started with holding eachothers hands. He let you know he wanted to try one day and he immediately went in to grab your hand, trying to force himself to be a good boyfriend for you.
To be a good enough man.
But you felt him shaking, trying to ignore his own trauma, and immediately let him go. You didn't have to be a Heartrender to feel that he was extremely uncomfortable, so throughout the day, you would brush your hand against his or even hold eachothers pinky. By the end of the week, he found enough courage to intertwine your hands and it made him feel warm inside.
It was normal for you to be in your pajamas around him, but it was one particular night that Kaz felt. . .strange.
You came into his office wearing a robe, just a nighttime robe, and grabbed a few things before leaving but it had an effect on him. He noticed the small water droplets that fell from your hair and onto your plump breasts, sliding in between to who knows where. Yes, it was for a few seconds, but that's when he started to think about it.
And that was five months ago.
Kaz only took notice that maybe you missed sex to when he overheard a conversation between you and Jesper.
"You've never cum?!"
"Jesper, ssh!" You giggled.
"I mean, no, not really. Look, he was fine, but he never really asked if I came or not. It just ended when he did," You shrugged, referring to your ex boyfriend.
The very thought of you, an actual goddess, having to put up with a man who didn't even have the audacity to ask if it was good for you too, made Kaz angry. But, it also made him determined.
It was the winding down in the Crow Club, and you decided to say goodnight to the crew before joining your boyfriend.
"Kaz-" You stopped by his office but immediately saw that he wasn't there.
Which was very unusual for the Bastard of the Barrel.
You lingered for a moment before continuing to your shared room. You opened the door to a few more candles than usual, and that's when you spotted your boyfriend.
"Kaz, what-what is all this?" You asked, noticing the trail of rose petals and despite the candles, it was dimly lit and it felt cozy and warm.
"I love you, my darling. More than the world itself," You blushed, never having heard such daring words from his lips as he brought up your hand to them. You felt warm as his bright blue eyes lingered on you.
"I love you too, Kaz."
"I overheard your conversation with Jesper a few nights ago. It did make me upset that such a man could live with himself after what he has done," You were confused for a moment but it hit you and you felt embarrassed. How does one bring that up in conversation with your boyfriend?
"Or, rather what he hasn't done."
"How does one bring that up in conversation? Are you upset? I'm sorry I didn't tell you-"
"If anyone should be upset, it's you," He cut you off.
"I. . .I've found myself wondering about sex, and I want to do that with you. I want you to tell me where you feel good, where you want to be touched, and the fact that he thought you were fine is appalling."
"Kaz, communication goes both ways. It was also my fault for not telling him," You confessed.
"But, you want to move forward with this? Are you sure it's not too soon?" You asked, out of respect for his touch aversion but once you met his eyes, you felt yourself grow hot. He's a respectful man, but you could see the clear love and lust within his eyes. And you wondered how long he had been looking at you that way.
"I'm sure."
"Okay. If you feel uncomfortable or you want to stop, just tell me. I don't want your first time to be out of pressure," You reassured him, and he slowly nodded before dipping in and capturing your lips in his own.
You've had small pecks before with Kaz, but this was definitely different. His lips were slightly chapped, which you didn't mind as he applied a bit more pressure into the kiss and his hands wandered to your waist. Testing the waters, your hands ghosted his shirt before you pulled back for air but he didn't want your lips to leave his. He felt himself growing hot and your lips tasted like the sweets you were eating earlier, so he dove right back in.
He felt like his heart was going to burst from excitement. Both in his chest and down there.
Thank God he closed the curtains.
He felt needy, and the growing election his pants wasn't helping. He started to remove his shirt, and you pulled away to help undo the buttons. Your eyes slightly widened at his already growing erection and hurried the pace. It was only when his shirt was finally off that you knew that it wasn't going to be just a hug.
You were both going to be nude, sweaty, and closer than ever.
"Do you still want this?"
"Do you want to undress me?" You offered.
He started undoing your buttons, feeling nervous at how you may see him now. Did you think he was too skinny? Or too big? Did you even want to have sex, or were you just doing this because he wanted-
His train of negative thoughts stopped when he realized that you weren't wearing a bra. You slowly slipped off the remainder of your dress, and he let out a shaky breath as he looked at the goddess before him.
"What do you thi-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before he grabbed your waist and pulled you against him, smashing his lips deliciously into yours. You moaned at the contact because his erect member was still poking through his trousers, and you felt it against your heat.
His lips started to make their way down your neck, placing small pecks as he went down, and you felt yourself growing wetter against him.
You didn't want to push him, so you began to rub your thighs together to create some kind of friction as he decided to lead you to the bed and you collapsed into the sheets.
"I want to explore every inch of you. I want to taste you," He admitted shamefully.
"May I?"
"Yes, please, Kaz," You replied, needing some kind of release as he lowered himself and began placing kisses down your body. Curious, and unexpectedly making you even more wet, he poked his tongue out at your nipple and you bit your lip to hide your embarrassing sounds. He began to swirl his tongue around it, earning a moan from you as you gripped the sheets.
And he liked hearing these sounds from you, knowing that it was him making you feel this way. He went to toy with the other when he finally noticed that his hands were still covered by his gloves.
"You don't have to-"
"I want to," He cut you off, "I want to feel all of you."
He slowly took off his gloves, releasing a part of him that felt safe in them but also yearning to feel the women beneath him. And knew that gloves can't replicate the way real skin can feel like.
His hands ghosted your curve, lightly touching you before kissing back down you, and finally making his way to your heat. You only now recognized what he wanted to do, and felt excited but also nervous. Your ex never wanted to do anything like this, so you wondered how it would feel.
Kaz stared, not because he was disgusted, but because he saw how he effected you. You were really wet, all because of him, and he wondered how many times you felt that way and had to use other methods to get your release. He finally stopped waiting and his tongue licked a strip of you, and his eyes darted up to see your reaction.
You immediately let out a breathy moan, but knew that him continuing that wouldn't complain satisfy you.
"Kaz, can I. . .guide you?" You asked carefully, reaching for his head and looking at him.
"I want to make you feel good. Show me," He spoke confidently, and you gently grabbed a small chunk of his hair and guided him to your hole and your clit.
"You can. . .lick smaller, or rub me there-" Your mouth formed in an "o" when he immediately took your advice, and his thumb started to gently rub your clit.
"J-just like that. Yes."
You started breathing heavily from this, and it only got better. His tongue started to work wonders, darting in and out of your hole and he felt so good. He started to rub himself against the bed, his cock staining his pants with precum as he watched you squirm.
"Ye-yes, don't stop," You breathed out as he started to rub faster, and your grip on his head became harder.
"Shit. Oh fu-fuck, Kaz."
"Am I making you feel good, darling?" He questioned.
"Fuck yes, Kaz. I feel so fucking good."
He continued this, wanting to keep tasting you and tasting you forever. The noises of his tongue and your moans only made him harder, if that was possible.
"I-I think I'm gonna cum," You whimpered, feeling something in the pit of your stomach as his tongue went faster in you and deeper.
"Cum in my mouth," He said huskily as your moans only got louder and after a few moments, you felt it all let go. You tried catching your breath as his tongue cleaned you up, still swiping against your sensitive bud.
He sat up, watching you catch your breath and come down from your high as he started to unbuckle his pants. His cock finally sprang forth, the tip pink and irritated and he so desperately wanted to feel you. He crawled over you, and gently kissed you.
"Do you still want this?" He asked.
"I need you inside me, Kaz. Please," He felt an immediate boost in confidence when you pleaded to feel him, and he lined himself up with your entrance before slowly going in. His head buried itself in your neck as he felt you clench around him, being tight yet so warm and wet for him.
He slowly started to rock his hips against yours, savoring how he felt inside of you and he looked at your face. Your face was in conplete euphoria, and he planted a loving kiss upon your lips. Feeling this close to you without shaking or overthinking anything made him so happy, and he always wanted to feel this way with you.
"I love you," Kaz whispered as he started to go faster.
"I love you too," You could barely get those three words out before a broken moan escaped your lips, and your legs wrapped around his waist as he slammed in harder and went in deeper.
But, he felt close.
Dangerously close.
You didn't expect him to completely make him his first time, but he felt embarrassed that he may look immature. But he couldn't stop himself.
"I-I'm going to cum-" He stuttered out.
"Cum inside me," Although you didn't explicitly mention how fast he was cumming, he still felt embarrassed as he let out a broken moan and then rested ontop of you.
"I'm sorry-"
"No. Don't apologize, Kaz," You told him, stroking his hair.
"It's your first time. No one's meant to last more than atleast five minutes, and you made me feel good. I love you," You held his face in your hands before giving him a slow kiss as he got himself out of you.
"Now, we need to shower."
"We did sweat quite a lot," He chuckled, and you felt overjoyed as a small smile tugged at his lips.
"Can I wash your hair?"
"Of course, love."
@subjecta13-thefangirl @darcysbxtch @starjane312 @rika90 @mahumf9 @dreamer-writer-fangirl @love-and-virtues @3000quackson @lonelystarship
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sol-korolevas · 3 years
@cityofstaars asked Hey! For your 1 word prompts can I get Jesper Fahey with 25 or 26? (Or both?) :) thank u
—return & protection; 
—jesper fahey x gn!reader; 
—a/n: not edited bc we will go out line soldiers. this is my first jesper request :)
—want to make a blurb request? see here
"Hey there, angel.”
It’s the playful lilt in his voice that stops you in your tracks. Your finger brushes against your side as crisp footfalls echo in your ears. A hopeless sheen of warmth blankets your cheeks after you lay your eyes on him. 
But there’s something different about Jesper’s gait. The easiness of it is cleaved by a limp. His one gloved hand is shielding something against his abdomen. 
“Are you hurt?” you ask him, although you’re already certain of it. Years of Healer practice has trained you to know exactly when a person is sick or injured. 
“I got hit by a blade,” Jesper blurts out. “A blade! From the Dime Lions!” He’s waving one hand around dramatically as you guide him into your clinic. And he’s still talking as you set him down on a cot. Finally, his mouth curls into a suave smirk as he looks up at you leaning over him. “But if this means I get to see you—” His words cut off as he winces. 
The blade has sunk a good two or three inches into his abdomen, hence his limping gait. Limp pieces of fabric are thrown onto the floor after you rip them from Jesper’s shirt. 
You frown. He didn’t do any first aid at all. 
Perhaps he didn’t have the time, But still—
“You could’ve died, or suffered something even worse,” you chide him. You press a hand just millimeters above his knife wound, feeling the way his flesh and blood hums. 
“Speak at my funeral, okay? But I know you angel, so you’re going to make sure I heal so good that I can return to work the next day.”
You can practically feel the smirk playing on his lips. This isn’t a tricky wound to heal at all, but Jesper’s moving so much that you can’t focus. Actually, anything where he’s involved is no easy task. 
A part of you is glad he returned and this is all he has. A knife wound. 
The flesh starts stitching close. Jesper’s breathing is faster, which makes you almost smile. 
“There,” you say, petting the flesh that’s now smooth and whole. “Now, are you going to pay up?” 
Jesper sits up as soon as you said it and grasps your wrists together. “Five hundred kruge,” he tells you, but you notice the warm glint in his eyes. “Five hundred kruge and a kiss goodbye, just for you.” 
His hand slides down and captures your own. The glove feels soft and warm against your flesh as he brings it up to his lips. You shiver as he places feather-light kisses on each of your knuckles. 
Letting out a shuddering breath, you ask, “How about you stay here from now on?”
A pause.
But you see it on his face, that head tilt and thoughtfulness. He’s weighing his options still, despite the asker being you. 
"Kaz might come in unannounced if that’s alright with you,” he says. 
“I know,” you tell him. Kaz has showed up from time-to-time by himself to look for Jesper. “I’m used to it.” You offer Jesper a placating smile. “And you can protect me, in exchange for me healing you and your friends.” You don’t miss the way Jesper grins. He moves to sit on the edge, long legs hanging off of the cot. 
“Mm, that’s right, and you can talk Kaz out of letting me work, no?” He lets go of your hand and wrist and pulls you close. 
“I thought you wanted to go to work tomorrow?” But you already know where this is going. Jesper doesn’t exactly like being cryptic or vague. 
“I can’t go to work if I’m too tired to do it,” Jesper says with a laugh and he winks as your cheeks heat up. “Plus, this is gonna be me celebrating for coming out of work in one piece again.” 
He leans back down as you climb onto the cot and cage him with your limbs. 
“No, Jesper,” you say quietly, brushing a hand down his cheek. “This is you repaying me for healing you.” 
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cryingoverkanej · 3 years
the crows in rollerskates:
(this is so long but its worth reading i promise)
anytime all six crows are in ketterdam they have an unspoken rule that they must congregate at the van eck mansion for dinner.
even kaz shows up. every time without fail. he says inej threatens him into it but really he just loves seeing his friends. matthias is alive idc
he’d never tell anyone that but they all know.
so one day after getting an invite from wylans very exhausted runner kaz locks up his office and makes his way through the sunday afternoon crowds.
jesper is buzzing.
wylan sighs at him but cant wipe the grin off his face at his husband’s happiness theyre married now because i said so
jesper has been gliding around the halls for the better part of a week testing out his new rollerskates.
he picked it up suprisingly quickly and was doing jumps and spins within the first day, far too close to the expensive vases for wylans liking.
wylan had had a go too, slipping and sliding, his face twisting into varying levels of uncertainty, falling with every step.
jesper was too busy laughing to catch him every time and so he ended up on the floor more often than not.
the next morning wylan had woken up early with a sore back, jesper was still fast asleep and one glance at the clock told him it would be at least three hours before his husband actually got up.
so out of determination but mostly spite, wylan crept out of bed, got washed and dressed and ventured downstairs to find the skates where jesper had left them in the corridor.
he had given his staff the day off in preparation for the crows dinner that evening so, without the risk of embarrassing himself further infront of a servant, wylan had slipped on the skates.
by the time jesper came downstairs four-and-a-half hours later wylan was skating around the ground floor with confidence much to jespers astonishment and delight.
nina and matthias had shown up not long after that and jes had taken the skates back to show off his moves.
“pleaseeee jes!”
“five more minutes nina!”
nina groaned. matthias grinned, she had wanted a go for the past hour but jesper was somehow still full of energy.
eventually he pulled to a dramatic stop and took a bow before untying the laces and handing them to nina.
she wasnt as smooth as jesper to say the least.
thud. “OW-” and a wide range of swearwords seemed to be her preferred reactions.
matthias got repeatedly swatted and hit away whenever he tried to help her.
“well don’t complain to me when you’re covered in bruises tomorrow”
“you can cover me in bruises later if you like” she winked.
matthias rolled his eyes but went bright red earning a satisfied chuckle from nina.
inej walked over and helped nina to her feet, slipping off her shoes and sliding over the floor in her socks to show nina the correct techniques.
nina copied somewhat successfully, only falling over half as much after that.
then jesper had had a brilliant idea and the five of them spent the next hour gathering every single cushion in the van eck mansion and piling them at the end of its longest corridor.
nina cried and skated towards the pile at full speed, landing in them and bursting into a fit of giggles as jesper jumped ontop of her.
wylan and matthias shared a glance that said ‘i-cannot-believe-we-married-these-literal-children’ before joining in their laughter along with inej.
“no no no no no.” matthias repeated as nina slipped off his shoes.
“yes yes yes yes yes.” she retorted.
matthias suprisingly wasn’t awful.
“it just feels like walking on ice” he’d said.
nina had been positively annoyed at how good matthias was and stuck her foot out when he sped past, her annoyance was replaced with disbelief when he jumped and swirled gracefully to avoid it before plummeting into the mountain of cushions.
inej was next, the shoes were far too big for her and jesper had to lend her two pairs of his fluffiest socks to make sure they didn’t slip off.
but still she skated perfectly, smoothly spinning like she was born to do so.
when they heard a knock at the door she glided eagerly over to let kaz in.
“hello kaz” she grinned.
“hello wraith” he replied fighting the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips, she’d missed that smile.
he tilted his head, she was suspiciously tall, before glancing down at her feet.
“jes got rollerskates.” she said.
“poor wylan.” he said stepping inside.
“hey! im rather good at it actually.” jesper said defensively.
“good at being annoying” wylan added.
inej kept the skates on throughout dinner, mostly because they could see she was happy with them on. and also because everyone had noticed how kaz was mesmerised by her as she slid round the mansion.
“kaz you should have a go!” said jesper when the group had settled by the fire and opened a box of chocolates.
kaz merely raised an eyebrow and waited for the sharpshooter to realise why that would be impossible.
“oh.” jesper said looking to kaz’ cane and bad leg resting on a pile of cushions.
“sorry” jesper gulped, embarrassed at how long it had taken him to remember that his best-friend-of-many-years was disabled.
then his face lit up.
“oh no,” said matthias.
wylan had a similar look of concern “jesper whetever you’re thinking-”
“-is a brilliant idea!” said nina, clearly catching onto his train of thought.
they both stood up and left the room clearly in search of something.
it wasn’t until ten minutes later they reappeared at the doorway slightly out of breath but faces both plastered with mischievous grins.
soon the six of them stood in the corridor and kaz realised what the two of them had planned. his eyes widened.
“absolutely not.” he said.
they had pulled out one of wylans best chairs, some expensive ravkan design that was supposed to be worth half a million kruge.
and it had wheels.
kaz turned around and started to make his way grumpily back to the living room when inej stepped in his way.
“you sit your ass down on that chair kaz or i will steal all coffee and everyone knows without it you’d just wither and die.”
the others laughed but inej was only half joking. kaz knew that and reluctantly set aside his cane and sat down.
“what now?” he said with a scowl.
“you know what.” replied inej.
and with that she grabbed the back of the chair and started pushing him towards the cushions. she still had the rollerskates on as the two of them hurtled along the floor.
inej screamed excitedly and kaz let out a muffled cry as he practically flew out of the chair landing face first in the cushions.
she jumped in a few feet away from him grinning wildly at the look on his face.
he looked… happy.
hair messy, shaking his head and failing to hide a smile. then he started giggling, like a child.
from behind they heard four other sets of running footsteps followed by a clash of thuds and laughs as wylan, jesper, nina and matthias joined them.
none of them made it a big deal that kaz seemed so relaxed, he wouldn’t want the attention. and none of them got too close so they might accidentally touch.
so they stayed, sprawled across the cushions laughing, for what must have been hours.
then as the sun set and they grew more and more drowsy they drifted to sleep.
even kaz brekker, dirtyhands, the bastard of the barrel, dozed off in the company of his friends.
(ig - pcttigrws if someone does fanart of this i’ll love you forever. also gonna post it on ao3 [pcttigrwsfics] )
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INEFFABLE - Kaz Brekker
Chapter One - Now
If you would like to read this on Wattpad, it’s on there as well, my @ is in_my_feels_probably and there’s a few visuals and better descriptions and stuff on there. otherwise, enjoy, let me know what you think, and you can check out my masterlist for updates and more. 
don’t forget to read the prologue, it’s important to the story!
INEFFABLE – Kaz Brekker
ineffable (adj.) too great to be expressed in words, utterly indescribable; too sacred to speak of. 
Chapter One - Now
Elham gazed up from her book, sitting at the bar, to the sound of a gunshot at one of the card tables. Sighing, she got up from her seat, sliding her book to Rotty to take back to her room. And to think she was finally going to get a quiet night in the Slat, the previous night being not so quiet.
She began making her way over to the table, where Jesper was sitting leaning back, a knowing smirk on his face, his pistol smoking in its holster. Before she could reach the table, the familiar sound of a cane clicking on the ground was getting closer and closer to her. A light grin on her face, she slowed her pace, allowing Kaz to catch up, nod in her direction, and pass her.
“No loud noises at the table, Jesper. You’ll scare off the pigeons.”
Elham barely paid attention to the two boys' conversation, instead pocketing the counterfeit Zemeni coin left on the table, as well as a few Ravkan bills. Kaz was well aware she had slipped the money in her pocket, but he chose not to say anything, watching Jesper make his way to guard the door. She had been a big help in the previous night's heist, and arguing with her wasn’t worth the slew of sarcastic comments she would send his way. If there was a next time, he’d reprimand her. At least that’s how he justified it to himself. Elham knew his threats were hollow, to her they always were.
Elham trailed behind Kaz as Rotty had returned to talk to him about a missing Dekappel painting. He rambled on about how hard it must have been to steal it from the merchant, how advanced the security system was, locked down to the nines, complete with a Fabrikator made lock. She smirked to herself, eyes pointed towards the floor, trying not to laugh.
Kaz tapped the back of her leg with his cane, signaling her to go before she made Rotty suspicious, and she turned making her way up the stairs to Kaz’s office. She went straight for her chair, the one spot in the room she felt comfortable being in. This was Kaz’s space, and despite the two growing close over the years, and her constantly in his office or room, she still felt the need to confide herself to the space he had given her.
He had put that chair in by the window after he noticed how uncomfortable she looked on the window ledge when she came into his office to read, or chat about a heist. And plus, the window’s ledge was Inej’s spot, occupied by her as she came and went, feeding the crows and returning to the rooftops. Elham made herself comfortable in the chair, glancing around the room, eyes landing on the Dekappel hung on the wall.
Lifting the painting hadn’t been the easiest job. She wasn’t sure why Kaz had even decided to steal it in the first place. Nobody knew it was them who had taken it. Perhaps he did it for his own satisfaction, to prove he couldn’t be bested by some “advanced” security system. Or secretly, he had a taste for the finer things in life, and was too embarrassed to be caught shopping for a piece of art himself, and he sure as hell wasn’t about to ask Elham to get something for him. He’d never hear the end of it.
She’d like to think his reason was the latter.
Elham grinned to herself, reaching to pick up one of the books scattered across Kaz’s desk, when he walked into the room, latching the door behind him. He said nothing, only slightly scoffing at her position, curled up in the chair by the window in what looked like the most uncomfortable way she could possibly be. He could feel his own leg aching at the idea of contorting it the way she currently had hers, but she only smirked up at him, like this was the most comfortable she had been all day.
Sometimes, he thought to himself that everything Elham did was to spite him, or to try and get some sort of visible reaction. As the years passed by, his mask became harder and harder to read, and she made multiple attempts to slip through the cracks and see what was underneath. Unfortunately, this attempt was futile, and he made his way through the archway into his room, heading for the bathroom sink.
Elham, who had been shuffling her feet waiting for Kaz to finish, stood as she felt a draft hit her. She slowly made her way around the corner, only to meet his eyes already looking at her in the mirror, and then glancing towards the open window behind him. He faced forward again as he watched Elham’s lips turn up into a smile as she looked at the window.
“Hello, Inej. What information do you have for me?”
“A lead on a job. A big one. Enough money to change lives.”
Elham smirked to herself as she gave Inej a quick hug. “I don’t think it’ll take much to change someone’s life in the Barrel. I mean, look at us.”
“A million kruge?” Inej asked, smirking. Elham whipped her head towards her at that, then turned to meet Kaz’s eyes in the mirror. He gave her a nod, and she took that as her que to leave.
As the unofficial mother of the group, it was her job to round up the Crows and inform the Dregs, to make sure they were ready for a heist. Mostly, her job was to round up Jesper, make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. Jesper, of course, was at one of the gambling tables, leaned back in his chair, staring intently at his cards.
“Jesper!” He looked up from his hand and glanced around the room till his eyes fell on her. She motioned for him to follow, and he met her by the staircase leading to Kaz’s office. “We have a job. I don’t know the details yet, but just be prepared for me to come find you or Kaz to give you an order. Oh and Jesper, love, pick another game. How many hands am I gonna have to watch you play before you run out of bills? Really, it’s getting hard to watch at this point.”
She quickly took off back up the stairs before his swat could meet her arm, only to nearly run into Inej on the way up.
“Inej? What’s wrong?” Elham asked, catching Inej’s hand and giving it a squeeze.
“He infuriates me sometimes. I honestly don’t know how you deal with him.” She gave Elham a light smile before continuing down the stairs, heading in Jesper’s direction. Elham climbed the stairs once more and made her way back into Kaz’s office.
“You’re serious? The Fold? You know how to get across the Fold?” She gave Kaz an exasperated look. In all her years of knowing him, this might have been the most idiotic idea he’s had yet. But, with a million kruge on the table, she knew there was nothing stopping him.
“No, I don't know how to get across. But I may know a few people who do. Come on, go and find Jesper, tell him the plan. We’re meeting with Dreesen at midnight. I’ll meet you all in the alley in half an hour.”
She nodded, turning to head towards the door. “Kaz...does Pekka know about this job?”
His eyes darkened at the mention of the name, his grip on his cane’s head becoming tighter. He shook his head with uncertainty, face set with a hardened look. Elham nodded, jaw clenching at the thought. Dealing with Pekka Rollins certainly wasn’t on her to do list, and in all honesty, she was hoping to never meet the man.
Throughout the years, Kaz had told her bits and pieces about what Pekka had done to him, and she had learned for herself what kind of a monster he and his men could be. His Dime Lion’s were the reason she started killing in the first place. Pekka Rollins could count his days. With Dirtyhands and the Valkyrie after him, he was certainly doomed.
Seeing her eyes drift, her thoughts cloud, he sighed, tapping her ankle with the end of his cane, and her eyes met his. “Go on, Valkyrie. And think about losing the murderous look on your face before you scare the pigeons.” His tone was laced with sarcasm, a tactic she normally used on him.
“I’ll think about it.”
A few hours later, the Crows had interrogated the slew of people Kaz and Jesper knew that claimed they knew a way across the Fold. Of course, none of them had a safe way, and Elham began pondering if the million kruge was worth the imminent death. They were back in the Crow Club, sitting in a booth. Inej was twirling her knife, Elham was sharpening her sword, and Kaz was glancing around with his usual look of annoyance. Jesper finally broke the silence.
“Here’s what I don’t get.”
“We’re going to be here all night.” Inej commented. Elham let out a laugh at that, patting Jesper on the shoulder.
“I’m going to have to get a drink for this conversation. Anyone want one?” Elham asked, heading for the bar. She returned to the table with shots in hand, to hear Jesper mention General Kirigan. She stopped in her tracks, setting the drinks on the table, before taking a step back.
“Are you alright, El?” Jesper asked, but she didn’t hear. Her mind raced back to her days at the Little Palace, to the warnings from Baghra about the General. Her thoughts continued tangling together, and she was unaware of Jesper and Inej’s attempts to get her attention.
She glanced up at the voice. Kaz’s voice. Elham cleared her throat.
“Sorry, I’m fine. Just got sidetracked. Sorry to miss what I’m sure were your very intelligent remarks, Jesper.” She quickly changed the subject, missing how Kaz’s eyes lingered on her. She slid back into the booth, throwing back a shot. They continued their conversation, Elham quieter than before. Kaz didn’t miss that either.
“Well, as I was saying. This whole job sounds like a trap, anyways.” Jesper said, before sipping one of the drinks Elham had brought over.
“A trap would sound easy. This is something else.” Kaz remarked.
“Boss, boss. We intercepted a note from Dreesen. It’s from the Orchid. Say’s they require the services of a Heartrender. Tonight. Doesn’t say why, just that they need it before midnight.” One of the Dregs who had come running over explained.
Elham smirked. “Oh we are absolutely not letting this job go.”
“You don’t bring in a Heartrender unless you need an answer out of someone who isn’t willing to talk. That’s how we get this job before anyone else. Bring Dreeson a Heartrender.”
“Boss, just one problem. Pekka Rollins knows.”
Kaz glanced at Elham, who only looked more determined. Elham downed another shot, before standing up.
“Well. I’m feeling particularly vengeful tonight. Let’s go get a Heartrender.”
A/N - hi everyone, sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. i've been busy and didn't have much motivation to write, but I'm ready to go again. let me know what you think so far, and thank you for the support!
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emmaannaelisabeth · 3 years
I’m sorry okay!? I couldn’t help it! (tw:death, blood)
what if the landmine sign in episode 3 consisted of only writing, what if there was no picture?
and what if wylan was with the crows. and he was walking first. and didn’t care for the sign.
“wylan!” kaz shouts and takes a rushed step forward, but stops. inej’s eyes widen, she gasps quietly, kaz can feel her body tense beside him as she steels herself to go after him.
wylan turns around, “yes?” his eyes glitter in the dark, his red curls embrace his face excitedly and he carries his head high. and then BOOM.
and jesper isn’t there.
OR, wylan and jesper come with the alabaster cole. wylan doesn’t stop at the sign, jesper feels his heart seize with terror.
“wylan, stop!” he shouts, frozen for a moment, his mind split in half by the realisation that wylan might get fucking blown up.
wylan stops abruptly and turns around, panting, squinting his eyes at jesper. “cmon, jes, they’re just there!”
jesper can’t talk. wylan stands there, moonlight dancing on his skin, chest rising and falling quickly, with dignity, as if they had accomplished something big. his eyes glitter from the rush, the red curls caress his forehead.
and jesper would beg him to kiss him if this was any other day, any other place. but death could be anywhere around him. and jesper can’t even think. he wants to tell him to walk back the exact way he ran, but then wylan shifts his weight, moves his leg an inch.
a scream tears through jesper’s throat and he runs, not thinking about anything except for the red headed boy that holds his heart in his hand.
no one can hear him over the explosion, but kaz and inej stare in horror as they see jesper rush into the unknown. he slides down in the sand, lands right beside wylan.
“hey hey”, he mumbles, lets his gaze sweep over wylan. “you’re.. you’re gonna-“
wylan whimpers and grits his teeth, presses his head back into the sand. jesper grabs his hand, holds his it tight. horror flashes through jesper’s body, anguish pumps through his veins.
wylans leg is gone, cut off in the middle of his thigh. it’s a mess. jesper feels sick.
he doesn’t know what to do. I- I should stop the bleeding.
he let’s go of wylan’s hand - it falls weakly down in the sand - and takes off his belt, wires it around the rest of wylan’s thigh and tightens it, refuses to throw up at the sight that meets him.
wylan gasps, yelps in pain. jesper tries not to listen. he looks down, he’s sitting in a pool of blood.
“hey, hey wy”, he mumbles, cups wylan’s face in his hands. glittering eyes open slowly, find jespers. is he crying?
tears roll down wylan’s perfect cheeks, his breath trembles, he lets out the smallest whimper, completely shattering jesper’s heart.
“I-“ he begins. “-didn’t know.” he draws in a sharp breath and whimpers again.
“you couldn’t have, not your fault”, jesper mumbles. grabs wylan’s hand.
“hurts”, wylan whispers.
jesper doesn’t answer, he simply bends forward, puts his forehead against wylan’s and feels the tears come. no, please, please, saints, don’t take him from me.
“I love you”, jesper whispers, voice broken and thin.
wylan smiles, his eyes slide shut, he’s to weak to say it back.
“wylan”, jesper says. why is he so pale? he shouldn’t be so pale, no, no, NO.
glittering eyes flutter open and a the fraction of a smile passes his lips. “I like… they way to say my name”, he whispers, every word he says weaker than the first, until he isn’t speaking anymore, and his eyes slide shut.
his small hand, suddenly loses its grip around jespers.
“no, no, no”, he gasps. “no, wylan, NO!” jesper claps wylan’s cheek. no response.
“no, no wylan! you’re my.. you’re my.. you can’t leave me!” jesper sobs, buries his face in wylan’s hair, sobs again.
“you’re my sunshine..” his voice breaks and he kisses wylan’s cheek, his jaw, his lips, his forehead, his eyebrow, as if it could bring him back.
but they boy he is kissing, is only wylan. he is only wylan van eck.
and jesper’s kisses can’t save him.
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
Wait omg I haven’t really seen any posts with a dom souda, could you do an nsfw dom souda x fem reader?
Dom! Kazuichi Souda x fem S/O
The fact that you haven’t seen any dom Souda is really sending me rn because you’re right
Also doesn’t souda canonly have abs wait hello 
Anyways I split this up between a scene and hc bc my brain is poopoo peepee rn all I can focus on is dnd bye BAHAHAHHA
-Mod Souda
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He licks his lips, watching you fan yourself.
You’re sitting on the floor, and he is sitting at a table drinking coffee.
He never used to wake up this early before.
It isn’t a particularly warm day but you had found the thing while going through the boxes of miscellaneous stuff you had stored away. A lot of things got put away when he moved in.
Still, out of curiosity, you find yourself going through them again.
And then, something takes your interest.
You don’t remember hiding this away. You had assumed it was lost in your laundry basket or in some of your many drawers.
You pull out a pair of black handcuffs, the cuffs in the shape of a heart. 
Kazuichi’s interest is piqued. He crouches behind you.
“Those look uncomfortable.”
You purse your lips. “If they were uncomfortable then I wouldn’t keep them.”
“You’ve used them before?”
The disbelief in his voice makes you want to laugh. 
Instead of responding, you give him a kiss on his forehead before standing up.
“I’ll put them on the night stand.”
And throughout the day, surprisingly, he had forgotten about them.
He was more interested in the fact that you were gonna teach him how to fix the holes in his old jumper. 
That’s how most of your days are spent. You helping him, and teaching him all of the things he didn’t even know he didn’t know. 
Like how to pack food to put it in the fridge, or how to know if brownies are finished or not.
“A toothpick, Kaz. A fork works too.”
But when you were changing into your pajamas, he noticed the things again. His eyes flicker from the bed to the handcuffs. 
“You only have one pair?”
You didn’t even know what he was talking about until you turned around. It even takes you a second to process the question.
“I don’t like having my arms spread out, if that’s what you mean. I’d rather use one.”
“You know a lot about what you like.”
The two of you meet eyes. “And you don’t?”
He doesn’t respond. Not to that, at least. “Do you want to try them?”
“Right now?”
The room is empty except for you two, but he still finds himself looking around in case he is being watched.
“Right now.”
There’s a pause in the tone of things when he starts taking slow steps towards you. In response, you meet him in the middle and kiss him.
It catches him off guard. But he is quick to wrap his arms around you. 
You recognize the way he kisses.
He likes keeping a steady pace. He savors the way you taste.
Kissing him is easy.
It’s the ability to contain yourself when he pushes you against the bed that’s hard.
It’s almost like there are roses - flower petals decorated all around you. 
The feeling of him pressed up in between your legs is almost foreign. Usually you are the one crawling ontop of him.
Now, you can see how the friction can be addicting.
He lets you reposition yourself, laying with your head on a pillow and your hands above you. 
The two cuffs go around your wrists as the chain wraps across a single post on the bed frame. 
His chest is near your mouth. If the shirt wasn’t there, you wouldn’t hesitate to lick up his sternum. 
“Did I do it right?” He murmurs in a soft voice.
You test it out. Wiggling, pulling your wrists. It’s fine, just how you remember.
He smiles at the confirmation. 
A short second passes before he is positioned against you again.
His lips connect to your neck. 
It gives you tingles down your spine, lingering in your lower back, which feels like a million feathers are brushing against you.
His hand rests on the skin of your shoulder blade. It slides to your collarbone, and then, after his lips pull away, against your neck.
The way he takes off clothes is gentle. Though, your shirt stays on, which makes the feeling of his hands climbing underneath even better. Cold hands against your warm skin.
And he positions your leg on top of his shoulder. His teeth dig into your thigh, watching you wince and whine.
You both giggle together whenever he accidentally tickles you, too. The lightheartedness in his heart never lets up.
The arousal he gets from seeing you biting your lips in disobedience of your submissive position can get him out of his usual smiles and uneasiness.
Likes to feel your hot tongue wrap around his fingers when he sticks them in your mouth. You suck as he probes your mouth.
He grabs your face, too, making you kiss him. He never holds you hard enough to make you ache. But the ass slaps sting for awhile after.
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kendbrekker · 3 years
The last shot
Warning: language, mention of death, gambling, and drinking.
Please enjoy, and be nice, this is my first time writing a fanfic and sending it out.
‘Why am I here?’ You wonder as you lay your cards on the table and leaning back on your chair. ‘And why did Kat put me Jes.” As much as you love your brother, Kaz can be a pain in the ass. You knew the plan way before the mission even started. “Mathias and Kaz, Inez, Nina, and Wylan, y/n and Jesper.” Even though Kaz was the Bastard of the Barrel, he could be completely stupid. Looking at Jesper, you try to settle the butterflies that were flying around your stomach. As you can see Jesper lean forward to put his money down, you can see two black cloaked men enter the gambling den. “Jes,” you whisper, sitting up and grabbing his shoulder. “Jesper.” You say again, resting your hand on your gun. “Hmm” he murmurs, grabbing his glass and taking a sip, leaning back. Looking back towards the door, you realize that the two men are gone. “Never mind,” you whisper, grabbing your own glass and taking a sip. As you pull your money towards you, you can feel a hand resting on the back the back of your neck, and sliding down to your butt. Turning red, you turn towards Jesper to see him smiling deviously at you, face flushed red. Swallowing, you remember the second part that Kaz told you about your mission. “Remember y/n, you and Jesper are supposed to be dating for the mission. Try your best.” Blushing, you grab Jesper’s tie, and you pull him close to your mouth. “Y/n?” He murmurs, placing his hand on your face, looking deep into your eyes. You smile, looking at the deep grey eyes in front of you. As you lean in you meet his lips, you can feel him shift lightly, and you hear a hitch in his breath.  As you open your mouth to question Jesper’s change in action, you can feel him launch his body at you, throwing you backwards, and onto the floor. “Jes?” You whisper, feeling his head centimeters from yours. “Shut up y/n” he whispers, cradling your head close to his. “Just shut up.” As you lay there, you can hear gunshots and screams around the room. Slowly getting up, you and Jesper pull out your guns, and start shooting. Pushing the table over, you grab Jesper’s hand, and you pull him towards the door. As you reach out towards the door, you trip over something, falling towards the down. Looking down, you can see a mangled and bloody body sprawled across the floor. Swallow nausea, you try to climb up, but fall down shortly after. Fuck. You twisted your ankle. As you lay there, you can see Jesper shooting to more men in black coats, pistols blazing, and screaming with glee. As you try to sit up, you can see a man with his hands covered in blood stepping towards Jesper, knife out, arm raised. Pushing yourself up, you scream. “Jesper watch out!” You can see Jesper turn towards you, and you scream in horror as you see the knife graze his arm and scrape deep into his stomach. Pulling yourself to your feet, you run towards to Jesper, who is swaying on the spot. As you get to him, he falls backwards, landing in your arms. “Fuck y/n, they finally got me.” He whispers, hands shaking as he places his pistols back in place. Pressing your lips to his temple, you press your hand on the wound, tears slipping down your face. “Shhh,” you whisper, choking on tears. “You’re gonna be okay. Don’t worry.” Smiling, Jesper reaches his hand up, and places it on your cheek. Groaning, he tenses up, and grabs his side. When he pulls his hand away, you can both see that it is slick with blood. “Outside.” You can hear Jesper whisper. “I want to see the stars.” Letting tears stream down your face, you put Jesper’s arm over your shoulder, and you limp out, holding your pistol limply by your side. Feeling the sting of the cold air on your skin, you collapse against the building, shaking holding Jesper tight. Pressing your hand against Jesper’s side, you press your forehead against his, letting your tears pour down your face. “Oh Jes,” you sob, hugging him tight. “Not like this, not now.” You sob as Jesper rests his head in your lap, eyes turning glassy. “Y/n” whispers Jesper, pulling himself into a sitting position. “Y/n take my coat off.” Staring into his eyes, you let a
shaking laugh out. “What?” You murmur, entwining your fingers with Jesper’s. You were always told that madness was the last thing before death, but why did it have to be with the person you loved the most? “Take my coat off and lift up my shirt.” Murmurs Jesper, resting his head on your shoulder. Shaking, you pull his jacket off, and lifting his shirt off. Blinking, you shake your head, trying to figure out what you were looking at. Sitting on the ground, you can feel your mouth drop open as Jesper stands up, takes his shirt off, and pulls a fleshy bag off his stomach and chest area. Sitting back down, Jesper wipes the blood off his hands, and takes your face in his warm and calloused hands. Looking into his eyes, you open and close your mouth, trying not to sob. Putting your hands on his shoulders, you can feel Jesper pulling you in, your mouth meeting his. Relaxing your shoulders, you wrap your one hand around his neck, and placing the other one in his hair, pulling it slightly. Breaking away, you rest your forehead against Jesper’s head, breathes mingling, and eyes tears and entranced in each other’s. “It was all fake?” You whisper, standing up and grabbing Jesper’s hand. Pulling you forward, Jesper starts striding back towards to the Crow Club. Meeting his stride, you smile as he rubs his fingers over your knuckles. “Fake to you, real to most.” He murmurs, as you both turn into the Crow Club, splitting off, and heading to bed.
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reb-ravka · 3 years
Rule of wolves predictions
Spoilers for King of Scars and Six of Crows ahead!!
1. Nikolai won't end up marrying Princess Ehri, Queen Makhi will definitely mess things up at last minute with a surprise attack or something.
2. Zoya will have an epic scene as the dragon (as can be seen on the cover of row)
3. Things are gonna go downhill during Nikolai and Ehri's wedding, because we know Leigh and her habit of not letting grand events slide by without any trouble.
4. Who's this crow who's gonna make an appearance in row? Personally I think it's either Jesper (as some people predicted) or Kaz or (this might be the wildest prediction yet but...) Matthias.
5. Yes. I said it. Matthias. Why, you might ask? Well, because I believe there's a chance he might be resurrected in row. This might seem like wishful thinking BUT did you guys see the wolves on the cover? And the tree that looks like djel? You can't look at them and tell me there isn't gonna be a big turnover in Nina's story.
6. Matthias' wolf is gonna make a big appearance. We saw him in kos, but Nina wasn't able to get a hold of him. Well, now is the time for that.
7. One of the triumvirate might die. Could be Tolya.
8. Unlike popular opinion, I don't think Nikolai is going to die. It doesn't make sense. If he's gone, ravka will be torn to shreds, and I don't think Leigh would do that.
9. Zoya will become queen one way or another, there was too much foreshadowing throught the grishaverse books to deny this
10. Nikolai and Zoya will admit their feelings for each other, but it might not end well though I wish it does!! (😭😭😭)
11. Jarl Brum will die.
12. Nikolai will be able to use The darkling somehow to defeat the monster inside him
Feel free to add more!
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triptuckers · 3 years
Taking care of you - Jesper Fahey
Request: yes! “Omg I got so happy when I saw that your requests were open because I looooove your writing 🥰 Is it okay if I request a Jesper one where the reader, his gf, goes out partying with Nina after a job for the Dregs so she returns to the Slat in the middle of the night a little drunk so Jesper has to make sure she gets in their bed okay and how he takes care of her in the morning. Just some domestic, fluff with Mr. Fahey 💛💛 Thanks in advance!!!” Pairing:  Jesper Fahey x reader Summary:  Jesper takes care of you after you come home drunk after a night out Warnings: none Word count:  1.5K A/N: MORE SOFT JESPER !!!! I am a sucker for sweet, caring, lovable boyfriend Jesper. thank you so much for requesting this, enjoy reading! :)
Every once in a while, you allowed yourself to blow off some steam. Your favorite way to do so, was to go out with Nina. Going out with Nina was always fun. 
You’d go to a bar, get a few drinks in, and happily gossip away. And if you really needed to let go, you’d dance with her, even though most of the bars didn’t even have live music. Somehow Nina always found someone who could take care of the music. 
Tonight, after a successful job, all it took was one glance for you to loop your arm through Nina’s, and you were on your way. 
Of course, Jesper had promised to wait up for you. Even though you told him he shouldn’t, that you could tell he was tired and he deserved some rest. He’d refused to go to bed before you got home. 
And he keeps his promise. He’s sitting at one of the tables with Kaz, when the door opens.
You and Nina walk in. Or rather, Nina walks in, while you’re heavily leaning onto her shoulder. 
‘Hi guys!’ you say happily, when you notice Jesper and Kaz. Your heels dangle from your hand as you wave at them. 
‘I guess you two had fun, huh?’ says Jesper, already amused by your happy and bubbly state.
‘It was amazing. I beat Nina.’ you say as Jesper walks over to the two of you. He looks at Nina, silently asking for an explanation.
‘Shots competition.’ she says, sounding surprisingly sober. ‘But it takes a lot more drink to get me drunk. Y/N’s only got a few, but she already claims she can rob the entire Merchant council on her own.’
‘I can!’ you say, sounding offended.
Jesper chuckles. ‘Thanks for getting her home, I'll take her upstairs.’ he says.
‘Oh thank god.’ says Nina, removing your arm from her shoulders and handing you over to your boyfriend.
‘Nina, don’t go, the night’s still young!’ you say. 
‘Night’s not young, Y/N.’ says Nina as she walks over to join Kaz. ‘And you’re Jesper’s problem now!’ she calls over her shoulder. 
You turn to look at Jesper. ‘I’m always your problem.’ you say, grinning at him.
‘Luckily, you’re a delight to have around.’ says Jesper, wrapping an arm around your waist and starting to guide you to the stairs.
‘How many drinks did you have?’ he asks you.
‘A few.’ you say, trying to sound convincing. Jesper raises an eyebrow at you. ‘A few more than that?’ you say in question and he chuckles. 
‘Do you think you can walk the stairs?’ asks Jesper.
‘No!’ calls Nina from the other side of the room. ‘I basically had to drag her back here. Do not let her walk those stairs, she’s gonna trip and end up with a broken neck.’
‘Alright then.’ says Jesper, moving to stand in front of you. He takes your arms and puts both of them around his neck, but he dodges you when you try to kiss him. You look up at him and pout your lips.
‘Not when you’re drunk, darling.’ he says. ‘And I need to be able to see the stairs when I'm walking. I don’t want to trip and have both of us end up piled on the floor.’
‘I would love to have you piled up on top of me.’ you murmur. 
Jesper laughs softly and hooks his arms around you. He lifts you and you wrap your legs around his waist as he starts to walk up the stairs. You bury your face in his neck and feel sleep slowly getting to you. After laughing and dancing with Nina, and the journey back to the Slat, you couldn’t ignore how tired your legs felt.
When he arrives at his floor, Jesper keeps one hand on your back as he opens the door to his room with the other. 
Once he gets to the bed, he carefully sets you down. You look up at him and smile tiredly. His heart absolutely melts at the sight of you. Clearly tired, but you still got that happy energy of a night out buzzing around you.
Jesper closes the door and walks back to you, offering his hand. You take it and allow him to pull you to your feet. He turns you around and starts loosening up the corset on the back of your dress.
‘I thought you didn’t want to do anything.’ you say teasingly, though your voice sounds tired.
‘We’re not going to do anything, darling, I told you. Not when you’re drunk.’ says Jesper.
‘Tomorrow?’ you say.
‘If your headache isn’t killing you tomorrow morning, then sure.’ he says, helping you out of your dress. 
He gets a shirt out of his closet and holds it up for you to slide your arms in. Your eyes study his face as he buttons up the shirt.
‘Jesper?’ you say.
‘Yes, love?’ he says, fastening the last button.
‘I love you. You know that right?’ you say.
Jesper chuckles. ‘Yes, love, I know. I love you too.’ he says. ‘But now it’s time for you to get some sleep.’
‘I’m not that tired.’ you say, suppressing a yawn.
‘Sure you aren’t.’ says Jesper, gently pushing you toward the bed. You lay down and pull the covers up, already feeling your tired body shutting down. 
‘Sweet dreams, darling.’ says Jesper and you feel him kiss your cheek before you fall asleep.
The first thing you notice when you wake up the next morning is a pounding headache. You squeeze your eyes shut and press your palms to your eyes.
Going out with Nina was always fun. Except for the part where you claimed you could drink her under the table. You never could. 
You turn over, reaching out for Jesper, but he isn’t there. You open your eyes and frown. He’s always next to you when you wake up. You always wake up at least an hour or two before he does. So it’s strange he’s not next to you.
When you roll over again to look out the window, you notice it’s not morning. The sun is high in the sky, and you can hear the sounds of people talking in the street below.
Then the door opens slowly and Jesper pokes his head around the corner. He smiles when he sees you.
‘You’re awake!’ he says, opening the door further and stepping into the room.
‘Room’s bright.’ you grumble, closing your eyes again.
‘I’m sure every room is bright to you, given that you got very drunk last night. You must have a killer hangover.’ says Jesper.
‘How bad was it?’ you ask him.
‘Oh, it wasn’t that bad. Just the usual. You lost a drinking game to Nina and couldn’t keep your hands off of me. I’m used to that last part though.’ he says.
‘Did you get me coffee?’ you say.
‘Even better.’ he says. ‘Coffee and waffles form the place near the docks you love so much.’
Upon hearing his words, you open your eyes immediately. Jesper is standing next to the bed, looking down at you. It’s only then you notice the small bag and steaming mug in his hands.
‘Did I mention I love you?’ you say, sitting up and taking the bag from his hands.
‘You tell me that several times a day, so yes.’ says Jesper and he sets the mug of coffee down on the bedside table. ‘How’s the headache?’
‘Not as bad as the last time.’ you say.
‘You mean when you threw a pillow at my face when I said “good morning” to you?’ says Jesper. 
You narrow your eyes at him. Last time you got hungover, every sound was loud, including Jesper’s voice. You were frustrated and irritable and had indeed thrown a pillow at his face. He’s never going to let you forget about it.
‘Watch it, despite the fact my head feels too heavy for my neck, I can still aim very well.’ you say, making Jesper chuckle.
‘I asked Kaz if he can skip you today if he needs to get things done.’ says Jesper.
You meant to say ‘thank you’, but through a mouth of waffles it’s hard to form any words. You swallow it and smile.
‘You’re an angel.’ you say.
‘I know, I'm the best.’ says Jesper. ‘I'm off to do all the little annoying jobs he usually makes you do because you don’t mind all the running around. And as for you, stay here, I'll come check in occasionally with a new delivery of the latest gossip, along with limitless kisses.’
You smile again. ‘What would I do without you, Jesper?’ you say.
‘Fall into the dark pit that is called life, without any sunshine in human form, like me, to cheer you up.’ says Jesper making you laugh. 
Being hungover wasn’t that bad. Especially when Jesper Fahey was around.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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thesvenqueen · 3 years
on to the next one, yeah yeah
S&B Episode 5
- ohhhh love this title slide yes yes - damn can y'all stop nearly killing Mal for one episode sheesh I get he is a soldier but my god dude - "no guns, no knives, no weapons of any kind" HA sure sure - YES. thank you for slightly teasing what the fuck the king is doing to poor Genya that fucking pig - "I want you to be careful...Poweful men." YES GENYA. I really, truly think Genya was ready to be Alina's friend more that the Darkling's spy but she just...couldn't do it but oh that warning says so much yo. SO MUCH. - D A V I D!!!!!! HI DAVID!!!! - Genya, I saw that slip up lmao you're adorableeeee - Bro, they are barely talking to each other but god they are flirting so MUCH RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD - yes she was talking to you David you dork - I fully appreciate them showing Kaz struggling to walk with his leg. I was nervous they'd just, ignore it but I'm so so happy they made sure to show it was difficult for him to walk without his cane after a long time. bless. - Jesper, you fucking flirt - lol never doubt Jesper on his knowledge of shit, he knows exactly what he's talking about - "or two hats" Alina lol - Oh Fedyor, you're adorable and BETTER HALF?!?! YOU'RE DATING IVAN OMG - Kaz wut?....wait.....there is a plan within a plan isn't there? - Ivan? funny? sure. - mmmm the manipulation and isolation from what she's known is complete and now there is just...the Darkling. - *eye roll* ughhhhhhh gross. - YOU ARE SUCH A FLIRT JESPER....and a good one at that, goodness - "I'm a terrible actor" boy that is a LIE - gd Zoya CHILL - mmmm, yeah that look tells me there is def a plan within the plan - WHERE. IS. YOUR. YOUNGEST. SON. BITCH. - Damn Alina said "fuck Mal" and is all confident now lol alright then, whatever works I guess - DAVIDDD you precious bean, I see you boy. That smile at Genya was so cute - Kaz, I uh, think you about to be proven wrong bout that but sure - She'll bring honor to us alllllllll - Oh Inej's reaction to Alina, bless it - Ok Jesper, get you some!! but now go date Wylan lmao - MAL!! YOU MADE IT! - preacher man can you just...not - yeah yeah Mal is here bitch what you gonna do? - Mal sensing the desperation, he knows something is up. Good move on bargaining to see her before telling him where it is - He answered you QUICK - Mmmm I feel like you weren't gonna tell her you manipulative git - I KNEW HE WAS UP TO SOMETHING WAS UP WITH HIM!!! I FUCKING KNEW IT THAT SNEAKY CONDUCTOR BITCH - Oh poor Marie :( - Yes Kaz, my boy KNEW - UGH You only knew about those flowers from Mal you fucking UGHHHHHHHHHH - plan f?? HA Kaz def has a plan Z at this point - Oh Mal you in danger boy - DAMN MAL I TAKE THAT BACK MY GOD BOY - gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross - he just happened to leave out the fact Mal is legit down the hall, the man she legit has been missing for MONTHS, so he could make out with her and pull her in more, UGH manipulating gross motherfucker - gotta admit that kiss before he left though, smooth but also GROSS - heeeeey Baghra, sorry you had to witness that lmao - Alina's face when she realizes she's been manipulated though, god that hurts. I really hate it for her - girl why do you never LISTEN JESUS - Limping man? bitch, who the fuck you talking to?? - THERES THE DIRTYHANDS I KNOW AND LOVE YES - God having to remember this is 3 years before Kaz becomes hella ruthless, much more than he is in the books and god getting the glimpse of that was *chefs kiss* - I N E J OH MY GOD SHE KILLED FOR HIM HOLY SHIT - Oh you could tell Kaz wanted to hold & comfort her but couldn't do it ughhhh - hehehehe yeah your girl gone bitch - oh shit mom and son going at IT. Get him Baghra - HAHAHA JESPER'S REACTION TO ALINA GETTING IN THE CARRIAGE I CAN'T HAHAHAHA - "just ask" Kaz is literally about to beat the shit out of you just tell him
SUCH. A. GOOD. EPISODE. WOWOWOWOWOW. The truth is finally coming out on the Darkling and it's beginning to crumble, lets gooooo. Also, the Wraith & Dirtyhands are beginning to emerge lets yeah yeah yeah I love it!!
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xcaptain-winghead · 3 years
KazInej for hug 16, "not wanting to let go" plzkthx 😭
Swear to god if tumblr eats this one too I'm gonna eat it, lmao. But, yes, here you are! It got sad, to no one's surprise, lol
One More Moment
rating: G fandom: Shadow & Bone relationship: Inej Ghafa & Kaz Brekker (pre-ship if you squint/wanna read it that way) prompt: Hug 16: not wanting to let go summary: After paying off Inej's bond with Heleen it's time for the Wraith to join the Sun Summoner. wordcount: 545
Just as Inej had hoped the look on Heleen’s face when Kaz cleared the books and not only wiped out Inej’s debt, but reclaimed the Crow Club was priceless. It was a look that Inej would remember and think back upon fondly for the rest of her days.
What came next was going to be a less fond memory.
“We— I need you.” Kaz’s voice was quiet, tight, and Inej knew how much it was costing him to admit that fact for a second time.
Her fingers flexed, wanting to reach out and give him some sort of comfort, but she knew better, knew that Kaz preferred to be the one who initiated physical touches. “It won’t be for forever. Crows never forget, and I won’t forget where my home is.” Honestly, Alina’s clear need of Inej and her skills and sensibilities was the only thing that could take her away from Kaz and Jesper for any length of time.
Kaz’s hand tightened on his cane and he swallowed hard, as if he could swallow down the lump of emotion caught sticky and sour in his throat. “This is it, then."
Inej sighed, the soft sound lost in the ambient noise of Ketterdam, and resisted the urge to repeat her earlier reassurance. "It is. Try and stay out of too much trouble, will you?" She wanted to hug him, but again she held herself back, instead attempting to convey some semblance of that comforting warmth through her eyes as they met.
Not wanting to draw things out any further (and hide the fact that she could feel the corners of her eyes beginning to sting with tears) she turned to go. She didn't manage more than four steps before she heard the click-clack of Kaz's cane against the cobblestones and his unique gait hurrying after her.
She stopped, of course she stopped. What else could she possibly do? Turning on her heel the last thing she expected was for Kaz to reach out a tug her against his chest, arms enveloping her in an almost too tight hug. Despite her surprise her arms were sliding right back around him, finding the space where she fit perfectly and hugging him back just as tight. A sob tore free from her chest, but she managed to twist it into a rough laugh before it escaped her mouth, the sound muffled against Kaz's coat.
"I take it this means you'll miss me?" Kaz was taller than she was, so the words were spoken mostly into his chest, but she knew he would hear her, he always heard her, even when he pretended not to.
Instead of answering her mostly rhetorical question he just held her close, head bent to press his face into her soft, sweet-smelling hair. "You better write." The words were mostly a grumble, but they were serious and firm.
She chuckled, allowing him to hold her as close as he needed. "You hate getting letters."
"Not from you, I don't."
The simple declaration choked her up and now it was her arms that were tightening around him. There wasn't any harm in holding on for just a little longer, was there? Just another moment, and then she'd take her leave.
Just one more moment.
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nymsonlinecottage · 4 years
ok i thought of this when I woke up at 3am because of allergies so I was probably only half awake but: Skylar getting tired of Kaz and Chase's annoying little disagreements, so forces them to dance with each other. Something about "being in sync now will help you be in sync irl"
2/2: then ofc chase and kaz are like "psh fine." and do what she says cuz she's Skylar. But then they catch Feels.
oh my gosh, I love this
• Chase and Kaz fought about everything
• movies, songs, food, training, phones, books, the messiness within the penthouse, the level of sarcasm that is used during team meetings, memes- it got very out of hand
• Skylar was sick of it
• she told both of them to meet her in the basement one day, and she didn't tell them what they were gonna do, but they did as she said because Skylar lowkey terrifies both of them
• when Kaz and Chase got there, they saw that Skylar had set up a speaker and was connecting it to her phone
• obviously they were like "what's going on??"
• and Skylar gave them the excuse that dancing together would make them be more comfortable working together, on missions and in general, and the whole team would benefit from them getting more in tuned to one another, and it was their responsibility to become more in sync
• and that was a load off bullshit, because Skylar was really just tired of the two being oblivious to their feelings for one another, and this was the only think she could think of doing that would force them to confront their massive crushes for one another head on
• she basically put on some music and was like "kay, y'all have fun with that, imma head out"
• "you're not staying??"
• "lol no, I'm going to get a smoothie"
• once Skylar left, Chase and Kaz kinda debated just not even doing anything, but they really didn't want to run that risk of Skylar figuring out they didn't do as she told them to
• and, hey, it's basically just training, how awkward could it be?
• the answer is very awkward
• "are we supposed to... ballroom dance? Like, tango?"
• "I'm not tangoing with you"
• "so cha-cha?"
• "definitely not"
• "cha-cha slide?"
• "wha- no"
• "waltz?"
• "over my dead body"
• they probably argued about what to do for fifteen minutes but, in their defense, there are many forms of dance to choose from and none of them sounded very appealing to Chase
• finally, Kaz got sick of Chase being such a pain so he dragged Chase up from his seat to the middle of the cleared floor
• "look, Skylar's gonna be back any minute, and if we aren't dancing when she returns she'll never let us hear the end of it, so let's just dance, for fucks sake!"
• Chase huffed, but didn't argue (for once in his life)
• right away, it became very apparent to Kaz that Chase was not a dancer
• Kaz wasn't either, but he at least had some dancing skills and could manage not stepping on his partner's toes every two seconds
• but honestly... it was kinda cute to Kaz when Chase stammered out an apology after tripping or something like that
• Chase was mainly just aware of how close he was to Kaz, and how Kaz had his hand on Chase's waist, and how his other hand was holding Chase's hand, and how close he was to Kaz-
• it was kind of distracting
• after a bit, Skylar was back in the basement, smoothie in hand, and was pleased to see the boys attempt dancing
• and, a few days later, she was very pleased when Kaz ran into her room, screeching "I HAVE A PROBLEM," and asked her for help on asking Chase out
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