#Jesper Fahey x you
Save Shadow And Bone
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gabbyshere · 1 month
Kaz: How did this happen?!
Jesper: Look, in my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Kaz: But wasn’t Y/n with you?!
Y/n: Well, in my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
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midnight-rain-fics · 1 year
{Mirrorball Part 2}
{Fandom: Grishaverse}
{Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem! reader x Jesper Fahey}
Summary: After accidentally confessing her feelings for her best friend and her boss, Y/N chooses to get drunk rather than facing the consequences of her actions.
A/N: I wrote this instead of going to sleep, curtesy of ❣️anon because positive feedback is really the best motivation of all. Also “schat” is a nickname used in the story, it means darling or treasure in Dutch.
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“Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it too soon to do this yet?
'Cause I know that it's delicate”
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Jesper was never good at waiting. He never had the patience of sitting idly as the hands of the clock struck by absentmindedly.
Even now, as he sat on the sofa with Kaz and Matthias at the Slat, he couldn't help the constant tapping of his boot against the wooden floor.
Kaz released a long sigh, no doubt annoyed by Jesper, and craned his neck to look at the entrance of the Slat. His jaw ticked as there was still no sign of anyone entering.
"When did they say they will be back again?" Jesper asked Matthias, who was sitting on the lone chair opposite Kaz, a book in his hands.
"They didn't," Matthias said, without looking up from his book.
Jesper vaguely remembered Y/N gifting it to Matthias for his birthday. None of the crows had known Matthias's birthday, except Y/N.
She had organized a surprise dinner for him, baked him a cake and gotten him a gift. Matthias had been nearly brought to tears as he hugged her and thanked her profusely.
And all Y/N did was smile. That damned smile. Jesper thinks his heart might have stopped the day she first gave him that smile.
Y/N was his best friend, just as Kaz was, even if he refused to admit it. And Jesper, curse his bad luck, had fallen in love with them both.
And now there might be a chance they might love him back, considering Y/N's confession last night but he couldn't know for sure because after stealing his heart and his breath, Y/N had proceeded to run up to her room as if hounds were chasing her.
And then she had avoided both Kaz and him the next day, going as far as to go drinking with Nina, just to avoid facing the aftermath of her confession.
And now Jesper was waiting, something that he absolutely loathed, just so he could see her again. Just so he could tell her everything that he had been keeping to himself.
Jesper risked a glance at Kaz, and to his surprise, Kaz was already looking at him. Jesper’s heart thrummed erratically in his chest, matching the pace of his foot tapping on the floor.
Kaz’s cane rested against his calf, stopping his movements, the weight was a surprise but not unwelcome. It was Kaz’s way of grounding Jesper in the present.
“Calm down, she will be back soon” Kaz mumbled low enough so only Jesper could hear him.
Loud, obnoxious laughter filled the Slat as Nina and Y/N drunkenly stumbled in. Jesper, Kaz and Matthias stood up immediately as the two girls nearly knocked into a table as they made their way towards them.
Y/N’s feet were barefoot and Nina seemed to be carrying the boots that she had been previously wearing.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she caught sight of Jesper and Kaz and she rushed towards them, stopping in front of Jesper, “There’s my boys!”
Jeaper could only watch in amusement as Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, “I missed you, Jesper”
“I missed you too, love” Jesper chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled back a little and looked down at her, brushing some hair out of her face, “Let’s get you to bed, yeah? I think you’ve had too much fun without me”
But Y/N wasn’t listening to him anymore, her eyes had connected with Kaz’s over Jesper’s shoulder and she was too busy staring at him.
“I missed you too, Kaz” Y/N said, lips pulled into a pout as she carelessly reached a hand out before abruptly pulling it back. The pout was ever present as Y/N put her head on Jesper’s shoulder, eyes still on Kaz.
Jesper didn’t have to turn around to see that Kaz had grown tense, the air had started to thicken with something that always fizzled between them when they were all together.
Jesper didn’t even notice Matthias lead a drunk Nina out of the room as he picked up Y/N and made a beeline for the stairs, stopping only to hear the clacking of Kaz’s cane behind him as he stopped outside Y/N’s door.
He waited for Kaz to open the door and gently put Y/N on the bed. He took a seat beside her, taking off her jacket and fixing her shirt before tucking a blanket around her.
Jesper could feel Kaz’s heated gaze on them as he ran a hand through Y/N’s hair, calming her down slightly. Y/N groaned, rubbing a hand down her face.
"Why did you drink so much, Y/N?" Jesper whispered, Y/N’s head leaning on his shoulder as she snuggled into his side.
Kaz stood at Y/N’s desk, pretending to overlook something to avoid looking at Jesper and Y/N. It made his skin itch to see them together, to not….to not be with them.
Kaz knew what they both wanted, who they wanted. But could he really be that person? What could he give them that they couldn’t give each other? He would just be an unwelcome addition to what they were. Never fully there.
Even if he wanted to be.
"Because you both hate me now" Y/N mumbled, her voice heartbreakingly small, she fiddled with the buttons on Jesper’s waistcoat, "And so I had to get over you"
"And did you?" Kaz didn’t mean for his voice to come out as cold as it did but the warning glare from Jesper was enough to let him know his frustrations towards his own shortcomings had seeped into his tone.
"No" Y/N mumbled, gone was the joyous phase of her drunkness, replaced by melancholy shining in her eyes. She hiccuped, meeting Kaz’s eyes, "I like you both too much, it's a problem"
"Oh, Y/N,” Jesper’s heart broke at the words, he stroked her hair and pressed a kiss to her temple.
"It's not fair, I love you but you don't love me,” Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes but she refused to let them fall. She was a crow, damnit! She wasn’t going to let her feelings ruin her friendships.
She had fought too hard to get where she was, and even if her feelings were unrequited, she would not lose her family, the crows, over it.
But was it truly so terrible? To love someone and to be loved in return?
"And who told you that, Y/N?"
Y/N tilted her head, eyebrows furrowed in thought. Kaz took a step forward and sat on the edge of her bed, one hand gripping his cane and the other stretched on the bed, centimetres from Y/N's.
"Who told you that I don't hold any affection for you" Kaz’s rasp filled the silence of the room, his words heavy with unsaid words and unspoken confessions. His gaze flittered to Jeaper who was watching them with bated breath, "Either of you"
"Do you?" Jesper asked, he was terrified to hope that Kaz would reciprocate his feeling. Their feelings. Because hope was dangerous but hope was all he had.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't" 
And truly, what more could Kaz say? Here he was, despite knowing better, despite his instincts telling him to turn around and walk away, even if it hurts, here he stood.
Exposed for them to pick at as they liked, just because he could not bare to see the hurt in Jesper’s eyes or the disappointment on Y/N’s face.
"Oh" Y/N mumbled, eyes switching between Jeaper and Kaz before a small smile graced her lips and she settled back in her pillows, still snuggled in Jesper’s side.
"Yes, oh,” Kaz rolled his eyes but the fondness was clear as day as he tapped her blanket, just above her knee, with his gloved hand, "Now go to sleep"
"Will you both stay? Just until I fall asleep"
"Of course, love"
“If I must”
“I want you to, Kaz”
“Then I will stay. Now go to sleep, Y/N”
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Despite going to bed at Saints knows what time, Y/N woke up early as she usually did. She begrudgingly got out of bed, and even as her head hurt and nausea crawled up her throat, she made her way to the kitchen, a blue shawl wrapped around her shoulders for warmth.
"Good morning, love" Jesper greeted cheerfully as Y/N slumped down on the chair beside him, "How are you feeling?"
Y/N let out a yawn and mumbled something that sounded unintelligible even to her own ears. Her sleep-lidded eyes closed as Y/N placed her head on the kitchen counter, the cool stone caressing her cheek pleasantly.
"What was that?"
"Only goats can understand that, Y/N" Kaz’s voice was softer than usual in the mornings and Y/N’s own heart hummed with joy at hearing it.
Mornings with Kaz and Jesper were sacred to Y/N, even before last night. They were the only ones awake at this hour, and she had a suspicion they had all adjusted their sleep patterns to wake up early just to have these first rays of the morning sun to themselves.
This moment in time existed for them alone; when Kaz’s cold exterior was chipped away to reveal a slightly less concrete armour and Jesper’s face relaxed in an easy smile, his presence filling the room with warmth.
This moment was hers. They were hers.
"I will get back to you with an answer within 5-7 business days, Jes" Y/N lifted her head, placing it on her palm and answered the boy sitting beside her.
She turned her gaze to meet bitter coffee-brown eyes staring at her, "Oh and screw you, Kaz"
"We aren't there yet, schat" Kaz’s lips pulled up in a slight smirk as he took a sip of his black coffee, which Y/N was sure contained more than 3 spoonfuls of sugar.
Who was he trying to fool with that black coffee? She had no idea.
Jesper choked on his food and Y/N patted his back, stealing a piece of toast off his plate with her other hand. Her head throbbed with the hangover that she was currently nursing.
Y/N turned her gaze away from a wide-eyed Jesper to a smug Kaz, her eyes narrowed in mock irritation, "I hate you"
"That's not what you said last night"
"Saints Kaz!" Y/N exclaimed, her eyes wide with incredulity as she hid her blushing face in her hands, "Why are you doing this today?"
"Because you have a hangover, Y/N" Jesper chuckled, pushing a plate of toast towards her and passing her the cup of coffee that Kaz had poured, just as she liked it.
“He is being mean today”
"He’s mean every day"
"What was that, Jes?”
“That’s what I thought”
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Jesper Fahey x reader x Wylan Van Eck
Summary: Wylan wants to learn how to pleasure you, and Jesper is more than happy to teach him...
It was something that Wylan had fantasized about countless times, an image he’d gotten himself off to far more often than he’d ever admit aloud: touching you, making love to you, making you come.  But his deepest fantasy had yet to play out for one crucial reason: Wylan had absolutely no idea how to pleasure a woman.  You and Jesper were the first relationship he’d ever been in, the first love he’d ever felt.  The three of you had gotten into some heated make-outs, but it had never progressed any further.
But Wylan wanted, oh how he wanted.  He wanted to run his hands over your body, he wanted to bury his face between your thighs, he wanted to thrust into you while Jesper called him his good boy.  The mere notion of doing so made Wylan achingly hard that he’d had to duck into the restroom and take care of himself so he could finish out the workday.  It had been nearly impossible to keep his cool when he returned home, and when the three of you had drifted up to the bedroom for the evening, Wylan made his move.
He pulled you into his arms and kissed you deeply, having to go up on his tiptoes just slightly to reach you.  You happily pulled your lover into you as you kissed him, never one to shy away from his affections.  Jesper came up behind Wylan and snaked his arms around his waist, kissing the mercher’s neck.  “Y/N,” Wylan sighed, reluctantly breaking the kiss.  “Y/N, I want… I want…”  “What do you want, baby?”  “I want to make you feel good.”
A white-hot bolt of arousal shot through you, and you felt your face flush.  “Really, baby?  You’re ready?”  You’d have taken Wylan to bed the second you met, but both you and Jesper hadn’t wanted to push him into anything he wasn’t completely ready for.  But he was ready now.  “I am, but…”  “But what, sweetheart?” Jesper asked, still pressing open mouthed kisses to Wylan’s neck.  “I don’t know what to do.”
The Zemini smirked, turning Wylan around so he was facing him.  “That’s alright, baby boy,” he said, tenderly cupping his cheek.  “I happen to be an excellent teacher.  And Y/N’ll tell you what she likes.”  Wylan nodded, and when he turned around, it was to find you seated on the bed, smiling at him.  “I’m yours, baby,” you said, and your lover surged towards you, kissing you hard as he lifted the hem of your sleep shirt, pulling his lips from yours only to remove it.
You didn’t have a bra on, and Wylan sucked in a breath.  “Ghezen, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, reaching for the waistband of your pants–a pair of Jesper’s sweats–next.  Wylan hurried to strip himself, and once he was naked, he was kissing you again.  Already you were breathless, dripping between your legs, and Jesper laid a hand on your shoulder.  “Are you ready, my darlings?” he asked, and Wylan eagerly nodded.
“Good.  Y/N, I want you to lie back, love.”  You did as you were bade, reclining against the pillows, one of your lovers on either side of you.  “Now baby, our Y/N is a sensitive little thing,” Jesper said, easing your legs apart.  “So if you’re doing something she likes, you’ll know it.”  “H-how will I know?”  Wylan sounded so unsure, so shy, and your heart squeezed.  “Like this.  Y/N, may I?”
“Please,” was your breathless response, and your lover smiled, trailing a hand from your knee up your thigh.  You spread your legs wider, hoping to entice your lover, and he smiled.  “See how wet she is for us?  For you, Wy?”  “Me?”  You reached for Wylan’s hand, squeezing it softly.  “Yes, baby.”  A flush creeped its way up the mercher’s neck, and Jesper continued.  “She’ll never admit it, but Y/N likes being teased.  Start out by rubbing her clit, not too hard, that might hurt, but not too light either.”
He demonstrated, running two fingers through your slit to gather your wetness.  When Jesper pressed against your clit, rubbing slow, gentle circles, you let your head fall back, a breathy moan leaving your mouth.  You heard Wylan’s breath catch, and you opened your eyes to find him watching with rapt attention, his cock hard and straining.  “Keep doing this for a little while,” Jesper said, rubbing your clit faster.  “You can speed up a little bit, but not too much, and right when it seems like she might come…”
“Jes!” you cried, and that was his cue.  Your lover pulled his hand back, causing you to whine.  “Why did you stop?” Wylan asked, and Jesper laughed.  “Because hearing her pretty little moans is half the fun.”  He then instructed Wylan how to finger you, how to find your g-spot, and what your tells were.  “She’ll start squirming when she’s close,” he said.  “Breathing a bit harder, her moans will get a little higher.  So if you want to edge her, stop what you’re doing then.”
After several demonstrations, Jesper pressed a kiss to your forehead and sat back.  “You’re not going to make her come?” Wylan asked, and Jesper shook his head.  “No, baby, that’s all you tonight.  But maybe give her a minute or so to calm down so she doesn’t come too quickly.”  Wylan nodded, moving up the bed to kiss you.  Lust coursed through your veins, and you pulled your lover closer, deepening the kiss.
“Wylan, touch me,” you breathed.  “Please baby, touch me.”  Wylan nodded, sitting back on his knees, looking at you with hungry eyes.  Slowly, he brought a hand to your cunt, swiping two fingers through your wetness, just as Jesper had.  When Wylan rubbed a slow circle on your clit, you bucked your hips and let out a strangled moan.  “That’s good, baby,” Jesper praised.  “Touch her just like that.”
Your lover was an apt student, copying Jesper’s motions almost exactly.  But Wylan’s touch was different; his hands slenderer, his touch gentler, his motions still somewhat hesitant.  But as you moaned his name, told him how good it felt, his confidence grew.  Just as Jesper had said, your moans went up in pitch and you began panting, and Wylan retracted his hand, earning a dejected whine from you.  
“Wylan,” you sighed, head lolling to the side.  “Wylan, fuck, please don’t stop.”  Where Jesper might have teased you, taunted you, Wylan pressed two fingers into your cunt, thrustung gently.  Your back arched and you keened, a hand reaching for his wrist.  “Fuck, Wy, oh shit!”  Wylan had crooked his fingers, finding your g-spot and pressing into it almost effortlessly.  “That’s it, Wy,” Jesper cooed, coming to kneel behind him, wrapping an arm around his waist and stroking his cock.  “Keep touching here like that, good boy.”
Wylan’s moans joined yours, making the most beautiful chorus Jesper had ever heard.  For several minutes yours and Wylan’s cries of pleasure, your praises filled the room, and soon, you felt your orgasm building.  “Wylan,” you moaned, gently rolling your hips against his hand.  “Wylan, please, right there, baby.  Please, I’m so close.  Don’t stop, please, right there.”  Wylan did as you asked, keeping the rhythm and pressure of his fingers consistent, and a moment later, you shattered.
With a cry of his name, you came, back bowing, eyes rolling back in your head.  Wylan felt a flush of pride, watching you fall apart on his hand; knowing you were feeling such pleasure and knowing it was him that had caused it.  And when you let out a whimper, a soft, desperate plea of, “Wylan,” and when Jesper twisted his wrist just so, the mercher released, his head tipping back to rest on Jesper’s shoulder.
Jesper felt his cock throb in his sleep pants at the sight of his lovers moaning and writhing for each other.  He eased Wylan to lie at your side before retreating to the bathroom, returning a moment later with warm washcloths to clean the two of you up.  In the moment or so he’d been gone, you and Wylan had gravitated towards each other and were now tangled in each other’s embraces, foreheads touching, eyes shut.
“Alright, my loves,” he said.  “Let me clean you up, then we can snuggle.”  It was one of Jesper’s favorite things, putting you back together after thoroughly ravishing you, and now he got to offer that loving ritual to Wylan too.  Both of you whimpered and protested, but Jesper managed to get the two of you clean, dressed, and tucked beneath the covers.  Wylan had snuggled into your chest again, and Jesper curled around him from behind.
“Did I do good?” he asked, and you wondered how your heart could swell and break at the same time.  Your sweet boy craved praise so much, craved validation, and lucky for him, you were more than happy to dole it out.  “So good, baby,” you said, kissing his forehead.  “You did so good, Wy.”  “Yes, you did, sweetheart,” Jesper echoed, kissing his shoulder.  “Our good boy.”
Wylan preened under your attention, letting out a contented hum.  “I love you, Wylan,” you said, gently tugging him closer.  “I love you too,” he mumbled, his post-orgasmic haze combined with yours and Jesper’s arms around him acting like a sedative.  He soon drifted off, and Jesper reached for and took your hand.  “And I love you, my sweet girl.”  You smiled, squeezing his hand.  “Love you too, Jes,” you replied, letting your eyes close and sleep claim you as well.
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frostandflamesfanfic · 5 months
Everyone Has a Talent (Jesper Fahey x Reader)
Request: No (self indulgent)
Pairing: Jesper Fahey x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Nothing except a very flirtatious Zemeni sharpshooter
Summary: Here in Ketterdam, you've finally found a home. Even though it's chaotic, you love your life. You love your friends. When walking through the city to deliver a message for the one and only Kaz Brekker, what happens when you catch your best friend flirting with himself in the mirror?
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As you walked through the streets of Ketterdam, you couldn't help but let a flicker of a smile spread across your face. The Barrel could be overwhelming at times, but it was home. You had arrived here at the lowest point of your life; you were orphaned, tired, and hungry. It didn't help that you were also down on your luck. The only way you were able to have a meal in your stomach was when you could afford to swipe scraps from neighboring carts and shops.
You found yourself at the front stoop of the Crow Club a few weeks after your arrival. At first, you thought you had gotten caught for lifting a few kruge from a lady's bag in an attempt to afford some real food. The next thing you knew, you were escorted to the back room awaiting a conference with the Bastard himself. Somehow you had managed to convince both Kaz Brekker and Per Haskell that you were worth the risk. They offered you a deal: five years of service and enough kruge to tide you over to wherever the next adventure took you -- no strings attached. How could you possibly refuse?
You had been working with the Dregs ever since. At some point, you even managed to prove yourself useful enough to be trusted on heists. The night Kaz totally didn't "relocate'' Jan Van Eck's prized De Kappel, you were there. You had run the surveillance during the job. It wasn't the most glamorous of responsibilities, but it still gave you a feeling of purpose. There were times that you would be called upon by Kaz to put together last-minute disguises to take on another job. Although that was incredibly infrequent.
Still, you couldn't complain. Kaz hadn't just given a roof over your head and a steady income; he had given you a family, too. You had started to grow closer to some of the Dregs after a few missions. Jesper Fahey (Kaz's overly flirty and gangly sharpshooter) and Inej Ghafa (Kaz's prized Wraith and...investment?) were two individuals you shared particularly close connections with. You would spend many nights keeping watch and waiting for new shipments to enter the Ketterdam docks. Conversation was bound to happen. At least, with one of them, anyway. Inej mostly kept to herself, only speaking when absolutely necessary.
Jesper was different, though. The two of you would use the time to catch up on what was happening in your lives, commiserating over how dead-ass broke you were, and for you to pester Jesper about his gambling addiction. It didn't matter what you talked about or what job you were on. You just enjoyed being together. One of your favorite conversations in particular was a game you would play. You would plan out these exotic days of adventure for when you could finally leave the busy city and explore. When Jesper had found out you wanted to travel, he encouraged you to save up for a trip.
"You never know when your last day may be," he insisted. "You deserve a trip, love. Treat yourself when this is all over. Just don't forget about us little people."
You'd be lying if you said you hadn't imagined what would happen if you brought Jesper along on your travels. What would your lives look like? Would your dynamic still be the same or would it be different? Would you start a life together? It wasn't that the thought scared you. It was quite the opposite, really. The idea of having a real- an actual life- with Jesper brought a smile to your face every time you thought about it. You just didn't know how he felt about it.
=  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =
As you continued your trek, you turned into an alcove where you found your best friend getting lost staring into a side mirror. Jesper was pretending to be some sort of suave gunslinger. Which, while he technically was, it never hurt to see him practice. He always looked so calm and so cool. The thwip of the weapons being removed from the holsters and placed back moments later was almost relaxing. You couldn't allow yourself to get distracted, though. You had a message and you were quite attached to the fingers Kaz had threatened to remove should you not find Jesper.
"Are you just going to stand there all day?" you began, a smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth.
Jesper grinned back at you through his shiny reflection. "What can I say?" he remarked. "When something looks this good, you need to stop and appreciate the true art."
A laugh escaped your lips. "I can't tell if you're flirting with yourself or the mirror."
"Couldn't it be both, love?" The Zemeni sharpshooter turned around and shot you a wink. "What's the problem with a little self-love?"
"It's a problem when it's distracting you from the task at hand."
"And just what might that be, love?" Jesper moved to place his revolvers back in his holster, resting his hands lazily on top of the handles. He loved those weapons more than life itself. You'd seen him play with them when he was bored, anxious, or plain fidgety. Which, needless to say, was always. It mesmerized you to watch him spin the weapons as if they were mere children's toys. Back and forward, round his index fingers...Saints, the things those hands have done…
You cleared your throat and shook your head to clear your thoughts. Can't afford to get distracted, you reminded yourself. The blush flashing across your cheeks almost caused you to hide. "Uh, Kaz needs you," you somehow managed to get out.
"He always needs me." It was meant to be a casual careless statement, but you could sense the subtle presence of pride laced in his voice. "I think he could spare a few minutes."
You stood there in silence for a minute, unsure of what to do next. The right thing to do would be to go find Kaz. But you and Jesper rarely had time together outside of heists…
"Come here."
You blinked. "What?"
Jesper gave you a small smile and pointed to a spot on the ground beside him. "I said come here."
You shoved your hands deep in your pockets and shrugged. "I'm fine right here, thanks," you responded. "What's the problem?"
"I want to show you something." He was determined when he wanted something. You had to give him that. You were surprised when he sighed and grabbed your arms, gently pulling you closer to the mirror. Jesper pointed to the mirror. "Look."
"Okay...that's me?" You were now confused. "What's wrong?"
Jesper gestured with his hands. "You look tense," he remarked. “Make a face at it. Just do something to relax."
"How can I relax?! I tried, but there's just too much to do!" you exclaimed in a bitter huff. "You make it look easy. What's the secret?"
Your friend made a little show by leaning down as if he was about to whisper in your ear. You had to repress a shiver as his breath fanned against your cheek. He was so close right now, his chest pressed against your back. It was an intimate feeling, but you had to stop yourself before you made a mistake that ruined everything. "Afraid it's a trade secret, love," he mused with a dramatically hushed tone and wink. "It's just yet another Jesper talent."
"I just wish I even had a single talent."
This confession seemed to surprise Jesper, whose eyes widened slightly. "Oh, I wouldn't say that," he said. "You have a great number of talents."
You gave a small shrug. "I make clothes and I hide in the shadows," you relented. "Nothing as groundbreaking as shooting a guy's hat off from twenty feet."
"Actually, it was twenty five, but..." Jesper caught himself when he recognized your giving him a steely glare. He cleared his throat. "That's besides the point. I'm sure we can find something for you." Suddenly, his dark complexion shone with an unexpected glow. "I've got it!"
You watched in the mirror as he reached into his holster and pulled out one of his prized mother-of-pearl encrusted revolvers. The cold metal was a shock against your skin as Jesper pressed the weapon securely in your palm. "Try this. I will have you know that if you break it, I may need to reconsider this partnership." Even though his tone was serious, you knew Jesper was joking...possibly. "Now, here. Spin it like this...now like that..."
The two of you spent the next twenty minutes practicing revolver spins in the alley mirror. There were a few times where you would end up losing your grip on the gun, but Jesper was standing right by you to make sure it wouldn't be too detrimental to the design. You were so engrossed in the lesson that you almost didn't notice how much your smile had grown from before. Your cheeks had a tint of pink against them due to Jesper's close proximity, but you knew it would fade in a second. You just wanted to enjoy this moment.
When you finally managed to get a full series of rotations, you jumped for joy. Without thinking, you quickly pulled Jesper into a kiss. It was a short-lived moment, but the contact set off a bushel of butterfly flutters in your stomach. "I'm so sorry!" you were quick to apologize. Kissing your best friend was one thing, but your coworker? That was a whole other set of wrong. "It won't happen again."
"...Why not?"
You froze, eyes locking onto Jesper's grey hues. "What?"
"What was so bad about kissing me?" he asked. "I didn't think it was half bad."
He liked it? your mind asked you. That's certainly surprising. "Well," you tried to explain. "We do work together."
"I do think I'd be able to exhibit control, love. You on the other hand..." Jesper held up his hands in mock apology, which only had a well placed smack sent in his direction. “Ow! Don’t hit me!”
"I can kiss you! I don't have a problem with it." You really needed to think before you spoke.
Before you could run away, you felt Jesper's hand graze your left cheek. You could feel the stingingly cold metal of his colorful rings. His fingers were calloused, yet soft after all his work in the Club and the field. "Then how about we try that again?"
Surprised, you nodded silently and his lips were over yours once more. The two of you stayed there for as long as possible without losing oxygen. The only problem with that was you never heard Kaz approach with his cane. "Jesper," he said. "We need to go. Now." Kaz paused for a moment. "And tell your kissing pal that when the two of you are done, they're needed to collect some coin from the vault."
With a sigh against your lips, Jesper pulled away. "Right away, boss," he replied.
"This better not affect your performances," Kaz warned. He then nodded and limped away with his cane clutched tightly in his hand. It was just you and Jesper again. Alone. In the alleyway.
"Well, love," Jesper apologized. "I hate to kiss and run, but I"m afraid I'm needed." He pecked your cheek quickly before shrugging on his coat. It made your cheeks flush again. "We'll continue this when I get back, yeah?"
You could only wordlessly nod in agreement, causing him to give a curt nod as well. "Good." He began to walk away. "Oh, and by the way," he said in a louder tone. "I do think we found your talent."
Author's Note: Okay, so hi. I completely disappeared from the writing circuit forever ago and still haven't completely come back. I wrote this fic almost two years ago when I first got into the Grishaverse fandom. It is posted on my AO3 if you want to see it in its former glory, but I felt it was high time to upload it here. When I found this in my docs, I was kind of surprised at how I captured his character, but I didn't hate it??
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little snippet of my writing again. If you did, please drop a like and reblog this fic so I know whether or not to bring back my favorite cheeky guy again. I hope to be back to writing some fic soon, as I'm taking a creative writing class this semester in uni, so the ideas should be flowing again!! Make sure to follow so you don't miss a thing -- we're so close to 500 followers, which is insane to me. Can't tell you how grateful I am for each and every single one of my fellow fandom people <3
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atlabeth · 1 year
i’m your gal — jesper fahey
summary: two durasts in the barrel, one a sharpshooter and one a gunsmith. blackmail’s really the only answer, isn’t it?
a/n: blackmail is love in the barrel i guess. also fun fact: i started this before i even started six of crows because i guess i think i don’t need to know the source material that i write fic for anymore but now ive read both soc and ck so im good
wc: 3.7k
warning(s): fem!reader, blackmail obviously. guns, talks of death, constant threats, questionable romantic tactics. kaz hates everything
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You were roused from an unpleasant bout of sleep by knocking—slamming, rather—against your door. You frowned as you rubbed your eyes and stood up from your chair.
You had to stop falling asleep at your desk, you thought sourly as you walked through the narrow hallway to your “front door”. When you opened it, you weren’t surprised by what you saw.
“Fahey,” you said flatly. “I assume you’re here—”
“For my gun,” he said, pushing past you to get inside. “Yes, that would be right. Shoddy service that it took you all this time to get here.”
You scowled as you shut the door and followed him. “My hours haven’t even started, azel. You’re lucky I’ve even let you in—I should charge you double the kruge for your nerve.”
“Yeah, but you can’t deny your handsomest customer.” He winked at you, and you rolled your eyes as you pushed open the door to your office. At least he had the decency to wait for that.
“My most annoying customer,” you corrected. “Tell me, do you get your nerve from Novyi Zem or the Wandering Isle?” 
“Neither,” he said, his hand resting on his holster as he, per course, refused to take a seat. “It’s all homegrown by yours truly.” 
“How lovely,” you said wryly. You took a seat at your pathetic excuse of a desk and stared at him. “Do you have the rest of my money?” 
“As if I would walk in here without all my payment,” Jesper said. He pulled out a few wads of bundled up kruge, and you raised an eyebrow as you took them. You pulled the bands off and began to count, not bothering to look up at him as you spoke. 
“How much of this did you gamble away before today?” you asked. “If it’s honestly all here, then you’ll have surprised me, Fahey.” 
Jesper pressed a hand to his heart. “You wound me. Of course it’s all there.” 
“Forgive me for my assumptions,” you said wryly. “Your reputation just precedes you.”
“These guns are more important than my life,” said Jesper, and you couldn’t tell whether or not he was joking. “The money’s all there.”
You finished counting—it really was all there, though the differing amounts of wear and grime on the bills showed he had in fact won some of it back—and you chuckled. “Congratulations. You’ve managed not to be a thief for one day.” 
“That wounds me further,” Jesper commented, and he crossed his arms. “Now, I’d like to see my pistols, new and old. It’s been very difficult living without them these past few weeks.” 
“My work doesn’t come cheap, Fahey,” you said as you knelt down, “and it doesn’t come quick either.” 
You pulled your knife out of its sheath and pried up the floorboard from underneath the spot your chair usually was, then turned the lock back and forth until your safe opened. You pulled out the guns and set them on your desk, standing back up as you shut the safe with the heel of your boot. 
“Well,” you said, “what do you think?” 
You could have sworn he went a little teary-eyed, and you couldn’t help but smile.
When Jesper Fahey, sharpshooter for the Dregs and well-known for his ability to gamble away his life’s savings in a night, nearly toppled your door from his amount of knocking, you had half a mind to turn him away. But his Fabrikator-made, Zemeni revolvers were almost as beautiful as him, and when he offered to pay you a whole lot of kruge to make an exact replica, you could hardly turn it down. 
He carried twin revolvers everywhere he went, but apparently, during a heist gone wrong, one of the twins was fatally wounded. Jesper himself was a Durast, but he told you he wasn’t nearly skilled enough to bring it back to life. Word had spread of your abilities—a little more than you’d have liked, if you were being honest—and he found his way to your door. It took a lot of convincing to get him to leave the other with you so you could make a true replica, and you could tell every step taken without them at his side hurt. 
He picked up the pistol you’d made. He held it up to the light, knocked his knuckles against it, looked at it from every angle possible, then held up his other one and looked at it in comparison from every angle possible. Jesper spun out the barrel, clicked it back in, and did the same thing a few more times until he looked at you and grinned. 
“She’s beautiful,” Jesper whispered, and he tucked them into his holsters. A weight visibly lifted off his shoulders, and the electric energy that always buzzed around him seemed to dissipate some. “How do you do it? How did you get it exactly the same? Even the pearls— the damn sheen is the same.” 
You shrugged. “It’s my job. I’m good at it.” 
He shook his head. “I could kiss you right now. You’re incredible.” 
“You’re pretty, Fahey, but you’re annoying.” You smiled. “Let’s stick to business.” 
“How are you not indentured by now?” he asked incredulously. “Surely some merch has gotten their claws in you.” 
“I told you,” you said with a slight smile, “I’m good at my job. And my job includes staying independent.” 
“Surely everyone knows you’re Grisha by now,” said Jesper. 
You shrugged. “No one can prove anything. And if you say a word,” you looked at his guns, “I’ll give them a slow death.” 
Jesper’s eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t dare.” 
You offered another pleasant smile. “Get out of my office, Fahey.” 
“Pleasure doing business with you,” called Jesper as he walked out, a hand held up in parting as he left you with a wink.
You just huffed a laugh and shook your head. One credit to Ketterdam was that you were never bored. 
“Kaz,” Jesper begged, “please.”
“Absolutely not,” he stated. “We don’t have the resources.”
“She is the resources!” he exclaimed. “She’s a Durast, and she makes the best weapons I’ve ever seen. Besides, she doesn’t have to be part of your circle—she’ll do fine as a plain old Dreg, or even just a supplier.”
“You’re a Durast,” Kaz said coldly. “Can you not do exactly what she does?”
“No,” Jesper insisted, “nobody can. She makes a living off of selling her Grisha weapons because they’re unmatched by anyone else’s.”
“I’m aware,” he said. “I’ve been keeping tabs on her ever since she sold her first weapon in the Barrel. She hasn’t encroached on our territory, so I’ve let her be.” 
“So you know everything she can do,” Jesper said. “Even more reason to hire her.” 
“I don’t see why you don’t just improve your abilities.”
“I don’t know, Kaz,” he said, making a mockery of his words, “I might just be trying to avoid earning an indenture.”
“She’s not indentured,” Kaz pointed out. 
“Because nobody knows that they’re Grisha weapons, not for sure, besides me.”
“I know,” said Kaz. 
“You know everything,” Jesper grumbled. “And any other person in the Barrel who has experience with Fabrikator weapons, I suppose, but that’s not the point.” Jesper’s eyes glistened. “There are a whole lot of suspicions floating around. And that’s how we get her.”
“…You’re suggesting we blackmail her,” Kaz said, and he leaned back in his chair. 
“I wouldn’t put it like that,” Jesper said, “but, uh—yes.” He cleared his throat. “We would be blackmailing her.”
“Go on,” he said. 
“It’s pretty simple,” Jesper shrugged. “She works for us for a reduced rate, we promise not to throw her to the wolves. You get to keep most of your kruge, she gets to keep her life and most of her independence, and we get the best weapons on this side of the True Sea for the Dregs.”
“Interesting.” Kaz glanced down at his papers then back at Jesper. “Anything else?”
His eyes glinted. “I saw Pekka Rollins outside her building the other day. I’ve heard through some circles that he secretly commissioned a few weapons from her—my bet is that he was testing her goods, and now he wants her permanently on his side.”
Kaz’s jaw clenched. Thank the Saints for his grudge, because it would make this a lot easier. 
“Talk to Inej and Nina. See if they know anything I don’t.” Highly unlikely, Jesper wanted to say, seeing as Dirtyhands knew everything that went on in the Barrel, but he nodded. “If you’re lucky, we’ll pay her a visit tonight.”
“You’re actually agreeing with me,” Jesper marveled. “Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”
Kaz scowled. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“I would never.” Jesper grinned, already starting to back towards the door. “You’d better prepare for a midnight escapade.”
He didn’t wait for a response—likely that he wouldn’t get one anyway—and shut the door with a sigh behind him. Jesper practically flew down the stairs, never so thankful for the rarity that was both Nina and Inej idling. They were sat at the bar together conversing, and without much care for it all, Jesper slid in next to them. 
“What an entrance,” remarked Inej. 
“I know how to make them,” he said, “but we tragically don’t have time to talk about my greatness. What do you two know about the gunsmith near the Exchange?” 
“Above the bakery?” Nina asked. Jesper nodded, and she grinned. “The Grisha Gunsmith. She’s playing a dangerous game.” 
Inej frowned. “How do you know?”
Jesper glanced at her. “You didn’t know?” 
“Of course I know.” Inej sounded almost offended. “I just wanted to know how you know.” 
“I can just sense it,” she said. “Maybe it’s a Heartrender thing.”
“It is not a Heartrender thing,” Jesper scoffed. “I know about her and I’m not a Heartrender.”
“I believe Nina,” Inej said, and Jesper groaned.
“You are all impossible, do you know that?”
Nina laughed and she held up a hand. “Alright. Yes, I know she’s Grisha, and we’re decently acquainted. Most of the Grisha in Ketterdam know each other—we pass things along, try and keep each other safe.” 
“So?” Jesper leaned forward. “Have you got anything?” 
“She was born in Ketterdam. Had a brief spout at the university before she dropped out, and then she decided to make a living in the Barrel.” She shrugged. “At least, that’s what she’s told me.” 
“That’s why she seems so familiar!” Jesper exclaimed. “We had a class together! I hardly remember what it was, but it’s not like it really matters now, but still—dropping out of university to recklessly sell weapons.” He couldn’t help but smile. “Truly a woman after my own heart.” He then turned to Inej. “What have you, Wraith?” 
“All of that is true,” Inej said, inclining her head. “She’s been making weapons since her university days, and she’s done freelance work for a lot of gangs over the years. The Razorgulls seem to favor her, but Pekka Rollins and his Dime Lions seem to like her too, especially as of late.” 
“Interesting, interesting.” Jesper nodded a few times. “Very interesting. At least I was right on the Rollins front.” 
“I’ve also seen her around West Stave doing work,” Inej said. Usually her lip curled when she spoke of the canal, but instead there was a glint in her eye. “She slips weapons to girls who need it most.”
Jesper nodded, and he held Inej’s gaze for a moment longer. “Admirable.”  
“Why are you so interested in this anyway?” Nina asked. “Seems a lot more trouble than it’s worth.” 
“I want her on our team,” he said. “She’s brilliant. I only have until tonight to convince Kaz this is a worthy investment, and I convince him by convincing you.”
“Then convince us, Fahey,” Nina said with a smile.
“Our dear Wraith.” He clasped his hands together in front of Inej and he saw the mirth spark in her eyes. “How would you feel if your knives could never break?”
“They don’t break in the first place,” she said.
“But if they did,” Jesper said, “she could fix them.”
“Couldn’t you just do it?” she asked.
Jesper groaned and pulled back. “Why does everyone think I can do what she does just because I’m a Fabrikator too?”
“…I have seen some of her weapons,” Nina said. “They’re near indestructible. I’ve heard she makes her bullets too.”
“She does,” Jesper said, giddy like a little kid as he pulled out one of his pistols and set it on the table. “This is Ace made, and it’s the best damn thing I’ve ever held. Doesn’t it look exactly like my old one?”
Nina studied it, reaching out a hand that was then receded with the look Jesper gave her. “Very much like it.”
Inej, rather, cocked an eyebrow. “‘Ace made’?”
“That’s what she goes by,” he said. “Y’know, ‘ace shooter’ and all?”
“Nobody calls her that in the Barrel,” Nina said, a grin forming as she crossed her arms. 
Jesper shrugged defensively. “I do. It’s catchier than the Grisha Gunsmith, and it doesn’t expose her.” 
Nina leaned forward, that glint in her eye that Jesper didn’t exactly like. “Your heart is beating pretty fast for talk about guns and catchy nicknames.”
“Ah,” Inej nodded, “that’s why you want her to join us so badly.”
“I want her to be on our side because she makes incredible weapons,” huffed Jesper, “and because I certainly don’t want her as an enemy.”
“And because you think she’s beautiful,” Nina cooed. 
“Which is not a crime,” Jesper defended. “So what? You flirt with anything that moves, Nina.”
She tipped her shoulder. “Fair.”
“I think getting her on our side is smart,” Inej said. “She deals a lot of quality weapons to a lot of gangs—funneling that straight to the Dregs would be of aid.” 
“Thank you, Inej,” Jesper said solemnly. “Kaz holds your opinion much higher than any of ours.” 
She glanced away, though the smallest smile curled on her lips. Nina grinned and nodded to Jesper. 
“Good luck with all this,” Nina said. “I hope the blackmail doesn’t ruin your relationship too much.” 
“This is the Barrel,” said Jesper. “Blackmail is practically flirting.” 
“Saints, Jesper,” Nina muttered. “It really isn’t.” 
Jesper had to admit, he did feel the slightest bit of guilt as he stood in front of your front door—rather, the door to the shoddy space you rented out above a bakery—Bastard of the Barrel next to him. Just this morning, you saved him from a fate worse than death and replicated his revolver with Fabrikator perfection he’d previously thought impossible. 
And now, he was thanking you by getting you stuck with the Dregs. 
Maybe blackmail didn’t pass as flirting, but it was just as common in the Barrel. It wasn’t something to make himself feel better, it was the truth—no matter how good you were, sooner or later, you would get caught up in a mess you couldn’t get out of. This was the smartest option.
Thankfully, he didn’t have time to revel in his thoughts for much longer as the door was opened, and you were remarkably poor at hiding your surprise. You looked a bit of a mess, and Jesper figured they were your rude awakening. You were still beautiful as ever, and he allowed a moment to take you in. 
“Gentlemen,” you said levelly, staring at both of them. Jesper couldn’t remember the last time he’d been referred to as a gentleman—the word was probably foreign to Kaz. “What brings you back—” you glared at Jesper— “to my door at this hour?” 
“A business offer.” Kaz looked every bit the intimidator and he wasn’t even trying. He was just standing there, gloved hands resting on the crow head of his cane, as he spoke with that coal rasp of a voice. “It would be smart to let us in.” 
Maybe you were better at hiding your surprise than Jesper thought, because your expression remained as still as your voice as you stepped aside and let them both in. Jesper noticed you locked the door behind them. He didn’t know what use you thought that would be, but he understood—petty comforts were still comforts. 
“Kaz Brekker,” you said, coming to a stop behind your desk. Your poster was a whole lot stiffer, tone much more restrained. “I never thought I would see you at my door. How’s your cane working for you?” 
“I don’t need a replacement,” he said. 
You hummed. “Good. I don’t much like crows.” 
“Pity,” said Kaz. Jesper swallowed, fingers tapping nervously on his revolvers. He spent so much time around Kaz, he almost forgot what it was like for those that weren’t used to him. The man was terrifying when you didn’t know he wouldn’t kill you. 
“Kvas?” you asked, holding the bottle up. Both of them shook their heads. You shrugged and poured a bit more in your glass.
“Remind you of home?” Jesper asked.
You huffed a laugh. “You could say that. Now, what do you two want?”
“Your service,” Kaz said. 
You raised an eyebrow. “You, or the Dregs?” 
“Both,” he answered. 
The gesture turned to a frown. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” 
“We want you to work with us,” Jesper translated. “We want you to be a Dreg.” 
Your eyes flashed with something he couldn’t fully place. “And where is this coming from, Fahey?” 
He shrugged. “We could use your skills.” 
“My skills have been around for a while,” you said. You pulled out your knife from its sheath, and Jesper’s skin felt very fragile all of a sudden. He was very thankful when you instead started twirling it between your fingers. “Your intimate knowledge of my skills has only been around since this morning.” 
“I’ve been aware of you since you first settled in the Barrel,” Kaz corrected, and he tapped his cane on the floor. “Since the moment you made your first payment on this wreck.”
“Of course,” you said wryly. “Did you know that I promised his guns a very slow death if he spread word of me?” 
“His guns will remain unharmed,” Kaz said. “I can’t have a sharpshooter without pistols. And I can’t have a gunsmith without hands.” 
Your burning gaze turned to Jesper. He almost took a step back from the force of it. 
“I’m not stupid, gentlemen,” you said after a moment of angry staring. “I hear what they say about me, about the rumored Grisha gunsmith. I’ve managed to avoid an indenture by equal parts smarts and luck, but I have backroads—I can leave Ketterdam, Kerch as a whole, overnight if I have to. You don’t get to this place without being able to disappear.”
“You’ll find the Dregs are quite organized,” said Kaz, “and quite experienced at bringing our competition down. In spite of backroads.”
“Ah,” you said flatly, staring at the wall as you continued to play with your blade. “This is a threat.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” Jesper shrugged. “You work with us, nobody will have confirmation that you’re Grisha. And if anyone tries anything with you, you’ll be protected.”
“And if I don’t?” you asked lazily.
“You’ll end up indentured to some lecher or dead on the streets within a week,” Kaz said. 
Your lips twisted into a smile, which Jesper assumed was more of a facade than anything. “I love dealing with you Dregs. Straight to the point.”
“It’s a better deal than anyone else would give you,” Jesper said. 
“You come in here, threaten me and my business, and ask me to work for you for free?” You laughed sharply, stabbing the blade you’d been twirling across your fingers into the wood of your desk. “You’ve got some nerve, Dirtyhands.”
“It’s a simple choice,” he said, gloved fingers running down the head of his cane. “I assume you’re intelligent enough to make the right one.”
“And it’s not exactly for free,” Jesper added. “You’ll get a base rate from Per Haskell. And you can still take commissions from anybody so long as they’re allied with us.”
“So you’re telling me no more special orders for Mister Rollins,” you said wryly, eyes narrowed on Kaz.
Nothing in his expression changed, though the rasp of his voice became a bit rougher. “No. And I expect a detailed summary of all the work you’ve ever done for the Dime Lions.”
You huffed as you pulled the blade out. “I always thought I’d end up floating in the harbour or indentured to some councilman before I ended up working for the Bastard of the Barrel.”
“It’s not all bad,” said Jesper with a shrug. “We’re quite good company, if I say so myself.”
Your eyes trailed over to his forearm, his rolled up sleeve revealing the ink of the Dregs. “When do you mark me?”
“After you sign the contract,” Kaz said. 
“It’ll be extra protection,” Jesper said. “Another bonus. Much less likely to get nabbed off the street if you’ve got the Dregs on your arm.”
You stared at both of them for a good, long moment, hardened eyes narrowing in. Jesper could only guess at what was running through your mind at the moment. He knew he was thinking of how attractive you were when you looked like you wanted to drive that knife through both their hearts. 
“I’ll be paid enough that I won’t lose this place,” you finally said.
Kaz nodded.
“And I’ll still be able to make a living through commissions to those allied with the Dregs.”
“To your heart’s content,” Jesper confirmed. 
“I want you to do the tattoo,” you said, looking straight at Jesper. “You’re obviously the one that got me into this mess, so you might as well solidify it.” 
Jesper shifted uneasily. He hoped you would renege on your promise of a slow death. “Right.”
Again, you stared at them. And then you sighed heavily, plucked the knife off the table, and shoved it in its sheath. 
“I guess I’m your gal, then.” You threw back your glass of kvas, standing and offering a charming smile. “I hope you’ve got room for two Durasts, Mister Brekker. Otherwise, you’re the one that’ll be out on the street, pretty boy.”
Jesper’s eyes twinkled. “You think I’m pretty?”
“And far too annoying for your own good.”
He grinned. “You think I’m pretty.” 
And the slight upturn of your lips was worth Kaz’s incredulous scoffs. 
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restinslices · 6 months
Jesper Fahey x Spouse (no gender specified) Word count: 2150 Summary: You and Jesper aged differently. You aged as any Otkazat’sya did. Jesper on the other hand is Grisha and ages much slower. As your mortality gets closer and closer, you and Jesper have a much needed talk. Wrote this on my phone at midnight😀
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People could say a lot of negative things about Jesper Fahey. 
He was a shit gambler, a flirt, a drunk, he didn't think, he could be selfish at times, he could give you a headache with one sentence, among other things that could make anyone go in the opposite direction. 
But it was impossible to say he wasn't loving. Jesper held onto people and treated everyone like family, even when there were conflicts. There were plenty of times when you and Jesper would have a disagreement, yet he still looked at you like he'd both die and kill for you. Jesper could sometimes make promises he'd easily break for the right price. The promises he made to you though? There was no card game, no shiny gun, no heist, no amount of cash that could make him turn on you. 
Jesper supposed that's how he got himself to where he was now and honestly? He wasn't sure he liked it. 
Was it selfish to say apart of him wished you two never became something more or maybe that he never met you? Was it selfish to look at your aging body and wish he walked away and stayed away after The Ice Court heist? Maybe. He wasn't sure he cared though. 
Aging gave him a tap on the shoulder, but aging slammed into you. That didn't mean you were unattractive in his eyes, it just meant your body felt the stings of aging. Bad knees, hips, shoulder pains, wrinkles, all that was normal and expected. Jesper practically looked the same as he did when you two met. You were closer to death but he felt like the true ghost; forever stuck in a single moment. No changes to himself, only to his environment and the people around him. 
Or maybe even a time loop, but only for himself. Everyone else was free and moved on. Not him though. 
Jesper didn't realize he was staring until you said something, 
“A penny for your thoughts?”. 
“You're staring”
“Oh” Jesper said with realization, “an accident”. Partially true. 
He smoothed out the blankets in front of him to distract himself but that worked as well as anyone would imagine. Your face was imprinted on his mind, and although Jesper could've just laid down and went straight to sleep, he knew it'd be all he'd see when he closed his eyes. 
Jesper heard you close and set your book down, then felt your eyes on him. 
“What're you doing?”
“Smoothing these blankets. They're quite wrinkly”
“Why? Why does anyone do anything?”
You sighed, “why won't you look at me?”
“I'm getting rid of the wrinkles on this blanket like I said”
“Because you can't get rid of mine?”. Jesper's hands stopped moving and he finally looked at you and another wave of sorrow hit him. Why did your inevitable death hit him so hard? 
Maybe it was because you were the last one left. 
Kaz, Inej, Wylan, Matthias, they were all gone by now. Matthias’ death was the first hit he received since his mom passed and as time went on the rest of his family, even if not by blood, passed on. Sure, he had Nina but Nina’s home was Ravka. Nina was more often busy than not and she was not the fondest of Kerch. Many times you suggested moving to Ravka for a “change of scenery”. He knew the truth though. You wanted him to get used to living somewhere else so he could be closer to Nina and not alone. You were the last consistent thing attached to his younger life and by some twist of fate, he'd be doomed to outlive majority of the people he met. He wondered if he did something awful in a past life to deserve this. 
“You've gone quiet again Jes”
He shook his head. “I don't know what to say”
“Too much on your brain? Don't know how to get it out?”. He assumed you took his silence as an answer because next you said “just say whatever, even if it doesn't make sense”. 
He took a deep breath then. It's not like you two hasn't talked about this before, but it was usually a small conversation that he'd slip his way out of with some dumb excuse. 
“I have something to do”. “I'm tired”. “Let's go eat”. “I have to go write a letter”. The list went on and on. This time though he couldn't think of an excuse and with limited time, he knew he had to speak to your living body now instead of a tombstone. 
“I don't think I'm ready to do this without you”
“Do what?”
“Live”. It came out breathy and quiet. He could tell he had upset you by how deep your frown was. Or maybe that was another sign of aging. He couldn't tell. 
“I can't do it”. 
“Yes you can”
“I can't”
“Jesper Fahey you can break into a Fjerdan Ice Court, escape, survive months at sea with Kaz Brekker, go toe to toe with every gang in Ketterdam and you still use the words 'I can't’?”. In any other circumstance he would've laughed and made some comment about how amazing he is. He didn't this time though. Nothing really felt enjoyable or funny anymore. Not when you could have some attack at any moment and be gone. 
“You're beautiful,” he said. “Absolutely stunning. I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as you”
“There's the stars and sea yet I’m the most beautiful thing you've seen?”. 
He nodded. “Absolutely”. 
“Is that why you're with me then? My charming looks?”
“You could look like all things wrong with the world and I'd still want you”
“Jesper the poet? I think I like it”. Your fragile hand held his and your eyes locked onto his. “You can live without me-”
“I can't”. The tears he had been fighting so hard to keep away finally slipped. He didn't bother wiping them away, too scared to let go of your hand. “I wanna be able to but I can't”
“Why?”, he  repeated. “I just can't”. 
Your thumb rubbing over his hand soothed him for a moment, but only a moment. That calmness died when you spoke again. 
“If this is hard for you, you can go. You don't have to see me like this”
“Where would I go?”, he asked with furrowed brows and a mix of hurt and confusion etched on his face. 
You shrugged. “Ravka maybe? Make it your new home-”
“My home is here. With you”
“You'll have to find a new one when I go”. 
His hand slipped from yours, frustration building in his chest. It all sounded so easy but it was only easy because you were the one dying. You wouldn't have to feel another part of you ripped away. You wouldn't feel anything anymore. He would. 
He'd think about it almost everyday and a hole would form in his chest and pull him into this thick fog and within this fog he'd hear the future. He'd hear a heart monitor go flat. He'd hear your breathing become shallow before it eventually stopped. He'd hear his own crying. Yet you would come along and act as if everything was alright. You'd be calm and fine while he was breaking on the inside. 
“Jesper Fahey, I am going to die and there's nothing you can do about it”. 
“Jesper Fahey, I am going to die and there's nothing you can do about it”. 
But you didn't stop. You repeated it again and again and he thought he must've been hallucinating and finally reached his breaking point. He covered his ears but you grabbed his hands and intertwined your fingers with his. You opened your mouth but he cut you off with a broken voice. 
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because you don't understand you can't control this”
“I understand fully” he said quickly. “That's the whole problem. Can you stop being calm and show some sort of emotion for once?”
“What do you want me to do? To cry? To think about it and stress myself to a migraine like you do everyday?”. He hated how you looked at him then; with pity. It felt like with one foot in the grave, you'd always use the other to stay near him and soothe him and it made him feel selfish. “You wanna know how I feel?”. He didn't answer but you continued anyway. “I am terrified of death. Faith exists to calm us of this fear but honestly, I'm still scared. I don't know what's next. I don't know how it'll feel. I don't know if I'll see a light or if I'll be in darkness. I don't know how I'll go out and I don't know how it'll feel to take my last breath. I'm terrified but worrying about it everyday? That's not living. I'll be on my deathbed slipping away and all I'll think about is how I should've lived more”
“You are so stressed about me dying but honestly Jes? You're just making yourself live through the inevitable every single day. We should be loving each other now more than ever when we have the time. We're gonna get to my final moments and we'll both have regrets, the only difference is you'll have to live with yours”. 
Jesper couldn't help but let tears fall from his eyes. He knew you were right and that he should be holding you close during this time, but he couldn't help but listen to the tiny voice in his head that drove him insane everyday. Everyday was a reminder that for some unknown reason, he'd live much longer. Years would pass and he'd forget your face and always have to look at pictures or letters to remember you. One day he'd even forget your voice. How long would that take? 10 years? 20? 30? 
The more he thought, the more his breathing became erratic and his vision blurred. Blinking away tears didn't work. They'd just come back. You guided his head to your shoulder before your hand found its way to his back to rub circles on it. Jesper wasn't known to cry, but he cried. Hard. And you let him. When his breathing returned to normal, it wasn't because he was no longer sad. It was because he was exhausted. His eyes and nose had gone red by now and his face felt incredibly sore. 
When he quieted down, you spoke again. “I want to love you while I still can but if you don't want to see what'll eventually happen… I’m… I'm willing to let you go”. It was hard for you to say. He could tell because of how quiet it came out. Were you willing to? Probably. Did you want to? Absolutely not. He didn't need to ask or look at you to know. 
Jesper had a big choice to make. He stayed, spent the rest of your life with you and eventually buried you or he could leave and try to get a jumpstart at a new life. He wouldn't see age continue to eat at you and when your time came, he wouldn't be there. He'd be leaving you alone. He probably wouldn't know exactly when you died. Years would pass and he'd just guess that you were gone. 
Jesper was ashamed of how long it took him to make a decision. Leaving seemed so good. The pain of watching you continue to grow old would be no more, but then he'd be left with another pain; the pain of never seeing you again. Of knowing he abandoned you when all you wanted was to hold him close. You had no family and no notable friends besides him and Nina now. You'd probably be found and with no one to identify you, who knew what would become of your body in Kerch. A body with no name. And he'd become a body with no home. 
“I'm not going anywhere”. He finally lifted his head up to look at you and although he still felt that pang in his heart, he didn't look away and try to avoid your gaze. He just looked at you, mapping every detail of your face so he could look back and remember just how beautiful you were when you're gone. 
“I am so going to miss you”
“Of course you will” you said with a small smile and you finally got a chuckle out of him, even if it was small. 
You didn't have forever. You both knew you were on limited time and one day you'd be apart, but you both promised to love and cherish the time you still had together and maybe, just maybe, you'd see each other in the next life when the sun finally set on the both of you. 
I am feral for this man in the most wholesome way possible. Legit just wanna hold his hand and hear him talk about dumb shit.
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sileaz · 1 year
Gemstone ✦ J.F.
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✦ Jesper Fahey x Fem! Lantsov! Reader
━━━━━ ( SYNOPSIS. ) Your monotonous life as the youngest Lantsov takes an unexpected turn when, one evening, you come face to face with a man⏤ "a Crow," he insists⏤who seems determined to steal a mysterious jewel. 
5K words ✦ Fluff
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In a distant province, at the crossroads of several lands—Fjerda to the north and Shu Han to the south—stood a kingdom both adored and despised: Ravka. The few lonely souls, strangers to this land, who wished to cross its borders had to face the dark horror of the fold or the unpredictability of the True Sea when you did not come from the East.
If, luckily, your feet managed to tread the paved ground of the capital, Os Alta, then your gaze would be instantly drawn to the castle overlooking the city. It dominated the land, its tallest tower almost touching the sun as it was high in the sky, sending shade over the streets which, observed from above, took the form of a gigantic star. In the outer area, where peasants and simple souls lived, the houses piled up in a dancing procession of bricks, roofs, and whimsical walls. Small, large, squares, long… none were similar. Each house seemed to have been carefully shaped by the own hands of those who lived behind its walls.
One needed to venture into the heart of the city for the buildings to become more structured, losing their charm but gaining in size and prestige. Colours also disappeared, replaced by the monotonous grey of the stone, sometimes adorned with the shine of gold but without ever provoking in the retina of the passers-by a flamboyant explosion similar to those triggered by the peripheric villages. The Ravkan elite were jealous of the beautiful sight they sometimes saw on their way out of the city, separated in their carriages.  
They covered the villages. At every corner of the streets, of the houses, the flowers decorated and coloured the hamlets with a palette of hues which could be seen nowhere else. They were an ode to greenery, colour, and joy. Its inhabitants spent their days telling each other the news of the day without worrying about the horrors that this world had to offer. It was as if the Fold had not touched them. Perhaps they wished to hide all the fear that poverty and the uncertainty of tomorrow could bring in this blooming spectacle.  
Roses, hydrangeas, cornflowers, honeysuckles, lilies… all were there, adding their colours to the great and ubiquitous floral harmony, which Os Alta’s centre could only envy, as did the prettiest flower in the kingdom, trapped in the colour-and-flowerless castle. Lovely, radiant, delicate; she was a bud still waiting to be picked.
For gilding blinds the sorrow, no one knew that, enclosed in the top of her golden tower—the highest in the castle—her petals were fading one by one. Slowly. Painfully.
The sound of the piano resonated the room. It was heard, it was understood and appreciated. It made itself understood by all those present except by the person who played it. You could see your fingers moving with grace and delicacy. You were not feeling the music, you were enduring it. For you, this was not a melody, it could not possibly become one. Those were only sounds; sounds without any poetry, nor any meaning.
In the middle of this symphony, suddenly, a false note.A false note that sounded better than a note perfectly played. A false note that reminded you that nothing could be perfect — despite what your mother endeavoured herself to tell you. You wanted to smile, smile at the joy that this mistake had caused you. But you held back, keeping your back straight, your gaze fixed on the music sheet and its lines stained with shapes, of which you understood only a quarter.
“Start again.”
The voice was carried away by the draught, but nevertheless, it reached your ears: a low voice, a firm tone—annoyance. Just like that, your hands began to move again, to move to the rhythm of the notes, without any fault. The sound escaped from the strings pinched by the hammers, encompassing the room in a musical trance in which you did not participate. Your gestures, alike that of a puppet controlled by strings, stopped abruptly when, at last, the final three notes resonated several minutes later.
“You’ll play it until it reaches perfection. It is out of the question to pass for fools because of you at the gala.”
“Yes, mother.”
Receiving a positive comment from your genetrix was impossible. This lack of acknowledgment hurt you more than you wanted to admit, but no one knew about this. Your mother—the Queen—had, after all, done an exceptional job when she had taught you the art of hiding your emotions.
“A dignified queen must always appear in control of the situation, even if she is not.”
“A respectable queen must not let her emotions supplant her wisdom. They are detrimental and useless.”
These sentences were simple excerpts that made up the long list of manners you had to learn. For your parents, most specifically your mother, these were the most important thing to remember. They had focused on instructing their values. They had tried to turn you into their perfect little pet. They had not noticed how they had deprived you of freedom. They had grown attached to perfection, even more than to their own daughter.
These pieces of advice had fixed themselves in your mind. You didn’t let any feelings appear. Never an ounce of fear, anger, sadness could be seen on your face. Never once you questioned this method. Never once you thought that, perhaps, humankind needed it. Never once you thought that perhaps, it was vital for humans to show their emotions.
The most painful thing was to see that this did not apply to your brothers. Nikolai had been allowed to travel at sea, becoming a privateer guided by the wind. Vasily, when he was alive, had had the chance to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh, alcohol, life.
The sound of many steps, followed by one of a closing door was the warning signal to drop this mask that had become too heavy for you; this illusion of a model princess, the worthy heir to the throne of Ravka. The citizens thought they had a strong woman in front of them, ready to lead their destiny to glory as your father had tried and failed to do.
They were wrong.
You were none of that. Sometimes, your thoughts would take you on a journey into a parallel world, a world in which royalty did not flow through your veins, a world in which luxury was only one thing you could dream of.
You stood still for a while, staring at those black and white keys; these keys that contradicted the saying, “life is not just black or white.” And it was true. Life was not reduced to two side. Life was an expanse of hues, unique to each individual. Most people had a colourful expanse, similar to the various flowers adorning the village’s streets. Some, more melancholic, held an expanse of dark tones, as dark as the Fold. You, however, had only ever experienced an expanse of grey. Your life had taken the form of a repetitive and boring rhythm, a rhythm that did not make you sing, a rhythm that did not make you dance, a rhythm that made you want to sit on a chair and stay motionless.
Resuming touch with reality, you looked around. Only silence answered you. No maid, no valet, but most of all, no mother, something that relaxed you. Your shoulders, until then tensed, fell back into their natural place, just like the curvature of your back, until then so straight that it had made you feel acute pain in your kidneys.
It was a routine you cherished, that of being able to remove for a few moments this mask of the perfect student, to be able to cut the puppet’s strings. The unfortunate thing, and above all the most painful, however, was knowing that these threads and this mask would control you again in a few hours. Oh, how much you hated this life. If only you could run away, your existence would immediately become simpler. You envied criminals and their lawless world. No more responsibilities, no more orders, no more parents and their lack of empathy. Nothing more than freedom.
How beautiful it was to dream...
You waited for a few moments, finding solace in this silence which, while some might have described it as deafening, differed so much from the sound of this damned piano. That was maybe why you thought of it as beautiful. Standing up was a difficult task to achieve; no matter the season, day, time, your maids persisted in covering your body with the most delicate fabrics and intriguing knots, the beauty of the outfit had always prevailed over comfort, forcing you to keep a smile on your face while your chest was constantly compressed.
When, finally, you headed for your quarters, walking with a steady and assured step, you admired the windows and the beautiful landscape they offered you. The sunset had been magnificent and the moon, almost full, had risen, pouring its silvery light over the plain, the mountain and the mounds that rose here and there.
During your journey among the huge corridors empty of any presence, you observed the bindings of the walls for which you could not pretend care. The people your mother and brothers invited, governors, diplomats from neighbouring lands, were ecstatic at every detail of these walls, floors. They admired the finesse with which the sculptor had carved the stones, the candlesticks covered in gold and the precision of the carpenter who had created the dressers.
All you could see was bricks, candles, and wood. Nothing less, nothing more. There was nothing worth babbling in admiration, after all, it was obvious that these people possessed excessive castles and other dwellings adorned with the same, if not better, attributes. It was only the result of the sheer hypocrisy in which the court of the king, your father, had bathed. Among this crowd, all wanted to be thought highly of, thus laughing falsely at every word, before criticizing those with whom they had just discussed.
However, you were careful to not share your observations with these people, who would laugh with contempt at each of your words, wondering how such an ungrateful and uneducated girl would become the queen.
The castle was plunged into darkness with one exception; on the stones the yellow glow of the still illuminated candlesticks glowed. Your hands caressed the soft fabric of your white silk dress out of sheer nervousness. The wind was howling, crashing against the windows and trees. Chills ran down your spine. The grip on the fabric not loosening, you picked up the pace, hoping to get to your room as soon as possible. Something was terrifying about being alone in this vastness.
Your trembling pupils grew larger as the candlelight dimmed. You felt that the temperature of the castle had suddenly dropped, your whole body beginning to shiver. The silence that you had enjoyed earlier had been broken, disturbed by whispers, footsteps that seemed to become louder. Passing by the throne room, your whole body froze when your eye caught something abnormal.
The door was ajar.
That had never happened before, you were sure of it. In all the moments that made up your miserable life, never had you seen this door open at night. The castle guards made sure to lock it every night, before beginning their rounds. This room was only open to the public on very rare occasions; even yourself could count on your fingers the number of times your feet had treaded the tiled floor. Of course, the gala was approaching fast, but why start preparations in the middle of the night? It was complete nonsense.
Deciding that it would be a wise decision to check what was going on, you approached the carved and gilded door, full of apprehension.
You did not believe in all the nonsense that the old madwoman of the village uttered all day long, this lady whom all the inhabitants had praised for her talents as an oracle. There was nothing more ridiculous than thinking of having power over the future yet so uncertain and anything else mystical. However, and as much as you hated to admit it, as you stood, ready to open that door, you could only trust your instinct. Something didn’t feel right.
Trembling, your fingers wrapped themselves around one of the handles, ready to push it to glimpse inside. With your gaze fixed on your action, it was impossible for you to notice the human silhouette that merged with yours.
“Hello there.”
A bloodcurdling scream resonated in the castle. Yours.
“Shush, princess. It would be a shame to get caught. Don’t you think?”
A hand was pressed against your mouth, forcing you to swallow back your protests. Pupils trembling, heart beating fast, your first reaction was to struggle. Your assailant took the blows without flinching as if your kicks were just a caress. Many tears flowed down your cheeks. Fear slowly crept into your veins, like a snake crawling through a deserted forest, not wanting to be spotted by potential prey. 
The only exception being that, here, you were the prey.
What was going to happen to you? Was this how your life was going to end, at the hands of a criminal? The latter loosened his grip on your waist, but while you saw an opportunity to escape, your ambitions were completely destroyed when he, instead, imprisoned your wrists. The man pulled you into the room with him before closing the door, which you were sure awoke the whole castle.
"Sorry princess, but I need you to stay quiet a little longer.”
A candle was lit, illuminating the face of the man who would surely be responsible for your death. You felt your cheeks warm at the sight of man. Tall and graceful, his features exuded a mix mischievousness and innocence—what a joke, you thought. A slight mocking but sweet smile was addressed to you. A smile so beautiful it must have been carved by the sun itself. He was beautiful, even ethereal. Never had your father’s pretenders reached the level of beauty you were now facing. His curly black hair fell before dark eyes, sparkling of malice. Bowing, he grabbed your hand to lay a kiss on it, a gift from his pink and thin lips.
"My name is Jesper, princess. It is an honour to meet the one who makes the entire kingdom swoon,” he winked.  
“The honour is not mutual. Unhand me at this instant, thief.”
“Ouch, careful with your words, princess! I’m not a thief. I’m a Crow,” he insisted.
You had heard about this name. Nikolai had mentioned it in one of his many letters. You could not remember the exact term he had used to describe them, but there was no doubt that crime was a byword for it.
It was just your luck to be faced with a member of one of the Ketterdam gangs.
For the first time in many months, a dose of adrenaline rushed in your veins. For the first time in many years, the excitement of being a part of an adventure—even though you were the victim — rushed in your veins. For the first time in your life, you felt alive.
You were pathetic, you knew it, walking into the lion's den so simply. Perhaps it was because you so desperately wished to live and feel, even fear. Perhaps it was because he had been the only one in several years to speak to you with a semblance of emotions in his voice, even if it was malice. This tone changed from the contemptuous one used by all those with whom you had been forced to converse.
This man, you did not know him, had just spoken to you as a normal person, if we ignored the excessive use of “princess.” So, yes, maybe this man—a strange character—, who had just broken in the castle if we were to judge the dust on his hands and face, should have been reported to the guards from the moment his hand had met yours… That should have been his destiny, yes, but you could not bring yourself to do it.  
“I demand you to immediately let go of my hand, sir,” you repeated, for he had seemed deaf to your order the first time.
He did so, but not without caressing your skin which he found to be as soft as a plum. The harmonious features that made up your face were royal, worthy of a queen. You were one of the most beautiful sculptures of beauty, a faithful allegory of the saints. Jesper could not look away from your figure. He found your beauty almost poetic as it told a story. On your skin, he saw the expression line caused by excessive and forced laughter. In your eyes, he could see the redness caused by repressed tears. The image you sent back was that of a masterpiece of celestial and melancholy.
All these rumours, those which spoke of an heiress with beauty as pure as a Saint were true.
After straightening his posture, the shooter dusted off his clothes. This particular gesture caused you to draw your attention to them. The black suit adorning his body made you frown, confirming your thoughts. An outfit like this had no place in this castle.
"Who are you, and what is the reason for your presence here, sir?”
A smile lit up his face as he approached you—making your breath hitch at the same time. What a strange man, you thought. He didn’t seem to care about anything, not even the fact that a single word coming out of your mouth could lead him to death. His step was light, giving the impression that he was floating rather than walking. With one hand, he grabs a strand of your hair, wriggling it around his index finger. Two mischievous eyes met yours.
To say you were surprised at this closeness with a stranger was an understatement. Wanting to keep you pure for your husband, your mother had strictly forbidden you to approach men, no matter their age, without a chaperone. Since childhood, your thoughts had been occupied by the responsibilities of being queen, the future that awaited you, never had you had time to find a moment to let your imagination flow to men. This land was totally unknown for you.
That’s why you didn't understand what was happening to you.
Why had your heart suddenly started to beat wildly when the scents of tobacco and musk, an exquisite combination, had reached your senses?
“I already told you,” a sly smile appeared on his face, “The name’s Jesper. The prettiest member of the Crows. As for my presence here… I am looking for a particular object, a gemstone if I may add.” He refrained from saying more. Kaz would kill him.
It was as if someone had just poured a bucket full of ice water on your body. A grimace formed on your face, a face that, you hated to admit, when you were angered, took on features that were known to belong to your mother. Your hand abruptly put an end to his touch by pulling his finger out of your hair. Two steps backwards were taken before an accusatory finger was pointed towards him.
"If you think I will let you steal my brother’s crown or his sceptre, then you’re absolutely wrong. You must leave before I warn the guards about your arrival and how you manhandled me.” 
“It won’t be necessary, sweetheart,” he replied, starting once again to play with your hair. He admired for a few moments the strands against which his fingers were slipping, they shone so much that he could have confused them with silk. You swatted his hand away, huffing. This man was slowly but surely pissing you off. "The gemstone will already be too far away for it to be recovered.”
Impossible. The guards had been chosen amongst the bravest and strongest men in Ravka. It was not a wretched criminal—his clothes made him look like one—that was going to counter that. He was alone, there were dozens of them. You shared your thoughts with him, scoffing at how ridiculous and overconfident he sounded.
"What is this jewel, anyway?” you went on, annoyance slowly increasing. “It must be small if you think its disappearance will not be noticed.”
He imprisoned between his long fingers your chin, which he directed upwards, before plunging his gaze into yours. His pupils were unstable, constantly going back and forth on your lips, your cheeks, your forehead, your hair… 
You were really beautiful, ethereal even, he thought. 
This man—that you had never heard of—was watching, even scrutinizing you, so intensely that you broke the eye contact, embarrassed. With his simple glance, the man had just sent the immeasurable number of lessons given by your mother flying. Even if it was impossible to hide the erratic beat of your heart and the warmth of your cheeks, you tried to maintain a neutral expression.
The words he articulated were spoken in a soft but mischievous voice, in the same tone that someone who would have taken to tell a secret.
"It’s the most beautiful gemstone in the kingdom. It is said that its beauty exceeds that of a pure diamond. Many wish to make it theirs; hypnotized at the thought of seeing this mysterious treasure with their own eyes. It is however inaccessible, enclosed between the walls of this castle. Only the most reckless tried to overcome this obstacle, but no one had succeeded. No one until me.”
"I… I am… not sure I understand what you may be talking about, Mr. Jesper.” Your voice was trembling, by the Saints, why was it trembling?
He shrugged, reassuring you that you would soon understand what his words meant. Looking around, assessing the room in which you were both still standing, his gaze finally landed on a small door at the back, next to the imposing throne. You swallowed when you understood where his eyes were focused. In this room was the wanted gemstone, worth millions of kruge. If by misfortune, this Jesper, whoever he was, managed to gain access to this room, your mother would have his head and yours with it.
"You cannot do that.” The façade you were trying to keep intact was starting to crack, its bases weakening at each of his words. It would collapse soon, for sure. Nevertheless, you had to hold it together until he was no longer in front of you. It was out of the question for him to see how his mere presence was managing to destabilize you.
"It isn’t in there. Though I might have to return one day. I could use some diamonds or even rubies. I’m not picky. Both suit my complexion, he sassed.”
What a boor!
The way he behaved triggered in you a fire that was increasingly becoming more difficult to contain. You were bubbling with anger. Didn’t this man understand what his presence here meant? Didn’t he understand how dangerous it was for him, for you? Frowning, fists clenched so strongly that your nails had made crescent shapes appear in your palms, you tried to stay calm. However, something in you snapped when he had the nerve to laugh.
"Get out! I said get out!”
Your cry was so loud that he recoiled several steps, his hands held up.
“Wow, calm down princess.”
The feeling of having your face on fire becoming disagreeable, you breathed slowly, a hand on it to calm you down. The beating of your heart resonating in your ears, you did not hear the few patting that sounded strangely like footsteps. It was only when the thief approached you, catching your hand in his, that you did realize the threat that was advancing faster and faster, always getting a little closer to its prey. You two.
Suddenly, many sounds of metal friction were heard in the silence of the castle, before shouted orders resonated, they had been pronounced so precisely that they could only be uttered by those who regularly surveyed these grounds.
The guards.
Your wide eyes crossed those of the man. The latter, frightened, stared in front of him, a hand on the holster on his belt, trying to determinate how long it would take these men to reach you. By the sound of their armours, it would not take long. Shaking his head, his thoughts converged in the same direction: he had to protect you—you were precious cargo, after all. Not that you knew.
Kaz would have his head if he were to scuttle the heist.  
A profanity was muttered; it being a word you couldn’t even bear pictured in your thoughts. Without you being able to understand what was going on, your body found itself placed without any delicacy on a shoulder clad in black clothes.
“Sorry, sweetheart. I promise I’m a renowned gentleman in Ketterdam.”  
Jesper began to run at full speed to one of the nearest windows, mysteriously already opened. He must have broken in through here, you concluded. Looking behind him, the man hurried to jump off the ledge when his eyes caught sight of the armed men’s horde dressed in armour.
Ignoring your screams, and the blows your little fists dealt to his back, he reaffirmed his grip on you before jumping, trying his best to protect you as much as possible from the impact.
The flower field softened your landing.
The eyes that you had closed under fear began to filter the moonlight again. The incomprehension could be seen on your face. If he had had the intelligence to steal his oh so precious gemstone and leave without a word, everything would have gone well. It wouldn’t have been difficult for you to make up a lie about your presence in this room.
After all, lies were nothing new to you, they were constantly spilling from your lips. “Yes, I’m fine. Yes, I’m glad to be here. Yes, I can’t wait to become the queen.” Finding an alibi would have been a breeze and would have allowed the thief to escape safely. But, in the name of the Saints! Why did he drag you into this? Now his chances of survival had just been reduced to nothing and you were cold.  
In the middle of the chaos that were your thoughts, you could not help but notice something, however. Watching his pockets, nothing seemed to resemble near or far to a jewel.
“Where’s that famous gemstone? Tell me this mess wasn’t caused for nothing.”
“It’s right there, sweetheart.” Not waiting any longer, he took your hand, dragging you through the field of flowers, moving you further and further away from the castle. “Hurry up before the kingdom learns that their precious princess is gone.”
Soon you reached Os Alta’s outskirts.
Your eyes looked around, admiring with almost childlike curiosity the greenery that surrounded you. Stopping, forcing Jesper to do the same, you crouch in the grass, unconcerned about getting your dress dirty. Your eyes wide open, sparkling with happiness, fixed themselves on a flower with red petals. Slowly, your index came to caress the sweetness of this little gift that nature had honoured your kingdom with. One tear flowed, then the other, falling delicately on one of the petals, a morning dew ahead of time. 
For the first time, you saw and touched a real flower that was much more beautiful that what you had imagined the windows of the castle. For the first time, you could admire nature in its most beautiful form, you could be part of this painting and not just have to look at it knowing that it would never become a reality.
Watching the delicate features of the man who had just taken your hand to help you get up, gently caressing it with his thumb, you laugh. For the first time in your life, a real laugh shook your body, lodged tears of joy in your eyes. For the first time in your life, you felt free. For the first time in your life, you took your courage with both hands, ignoring the voice of your mother who tormented your thoughts, and stood on tiptoe to land a delicate kiss on Jesper's cheek, near his lips.
There was a silence that caused your heart to miss a beat. Did you just ruin everything? Perhaps you were deluding yourself? God, you could already hear your mother yelling at you, and the court laughing. Your cheeks tinged with red by embarrassment, you desperately tried to get away from him, wanting to preserve the last spark of dignity you had but you could not do such thing, already his arm had imprisoned your waist and his hand your cheek. Without your brain being able to apprehend the rest, his lips landed delicately on yours, but they immediately withdrew, so quickly that you thought you had imagined their warmth. A chaste kiss, which sent your thoughts into unspeakable chaos. With wide eyes, red face, you tried to hide the latter in the man’s chest shaken by his laughter.
“We’ll do more of that later, Jewel. For now, we need to get moving or Kaz will definitely have my head and I need it to kiss you.”
Suddenly, in the grey hue that had summed up your whole life, drops of paint fell. They fell by dozens. Red. Yellow. Even green. A real summer shower whose raindrops painted the air, your soul, your heart in colours all brighter than the other. It was a splendid picture of a field of flowers that appeared in your thoughts. In the midst of these tasks of colour, of cheerfulness, two silhouettes ran, their hands intertwined; above them, a crow loomed, almost like a protector.
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"Were you always this short?"
pairing: jesper fahey x fem!reader
genre: fluff
el's thoughts: just thought i'd repost this from my old blog :)
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Jesper was a tall guy. This was a known fact. Y/N on the other hand was short, like really short compared to her boyfriend. And the height difference never bothered either of them. Jesper actually found her height really cute, and it gave him plenty to tease her about. She knew he never really meant anything by it when he was teasing, so it doesn’t bother her. It became a part of their daily routine, and she missed it when he left for the Ice Court heist. She missed the way he would rest his chin on top of her head. The way he would pick her up every time he gave her a hug. She just missed him.
Y/N sat curled up on their bed reading her book and slowly sipping her cup of tea that was now room temperature. She could hear the rain on the roof and yet the muffled voices never quieted from the streets below. With Kaz and the rest of the crows gone, she didn’t have much to do, so she spent her time catching up on her reading. She enjoyed it but it only kept her distracted for so long. 
She sighed as she placed the book down and walked towards the door, mug in hand as she made her way to the kitchen. As she heated up the kettle she heard the door open. “I thought I’d find you here.” 
A gasp slipped from her lips as she turned around and saw Jesper standing in the doorway. He quickly crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her, bending down to place kisses on her cheeks, nose, and lips. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, making him crouch down in order to pick her up. “I’ve missed you so much. Don’t leave for that long again, okay? Are you okay? You’re not hurt are you?” 
Jesper chuckled, “I’m fine, my love. I’m okay.” He smiled against her hair, “Have you always been this short?” Y/N laughed, “I missed you so much.”
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syllvane · 1 year
beautiful as the view from a sinking ship- jesper fahey x reader
a/n: people will watch la la land (2016) instead of go to therapy. it’s me i’m people. angst
“I’m surprised you’re here.” Inej said, appearing out of thin air.
You scoffed slightly, grabbing your drink before turning to look at Inej.
“I’m still a Crow, am I not? Just because me and Jes broke up, doesn’t mean I forfeit my place here.”
The nickname sat in the silence between the two of you and you looked away from her.
Inej didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds, watching you down the shot of hard liquor.
“I know, I just… you’ve been keeping odd hours. You’ve stopped coming around the Slat.”
You signaled the bartender for another round.
You looked at her and, despite the copious amount of alcohol you had consumed, your eyes were clear and bright.
“I’ve been trying to avoid him, if that wasn’t obvious.”
“I know. But by avoiding him, you’ve been avoiding everyone else.”
“Then tell him he needs to take a shift or two of the odd hours so that I can come around.” You snapped, though any anger faded from your voice immediately. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped.”
“What happened between the two of you?”
You sighed.
“It’s not worth talking about.”
“But it was worth breaking up over?”
You looked at her again. This time she could see it more clearly, how tired you were.
Inej took a seat next to you, taking the glass of alcohol that was on the counter in front of you.
“This city will kill anyone who stays here long enough. Every day is another fight, and I just want to rest.” You said softly. “Jesper will stay here until Kaz tells him otherwise.”
“Why haven’t you left then?” She asked, the answer written all over your face.
You looked at the alcohol before looking back at her and shaking your head.
“I don’t know. It’s be easier if I could.”
You left some kruge on the bar top before standing up, stumbling slightly before catching yourself and walking home.
Inej followed you in the shadows, making sure that you got home safely before heading back to the Slat, your words ringing in her ears.
“We need your help.” 
Bitterness rose up out of nowhere at the sound of Kaz’s voice- it hadn’t always been this way. You once cared about him almost as much as Jesper and Inej.
“There are other Inferni in this city, you know.”
“Yes. Probably ones who don’t smell like alcohol as well, but none that I trust as much as you.”
“Ha.” You deadpanned, turning around to face him.
He took one quick glance at you before looking around the warehouse you had been squatting in.
“This is the last thing I’ll ever ask of you, since you no longer seem interested in being a Crow.”
“I never said that.”
“You didn’t have to.” He shot back quickly, tapping his cane absentmindedly. “We’re meeting tonight. You know where to find us.”
“I’ll come with you. Just give me a couple minutes to get ready.”
“Fine.” He said, turning away and looking towards the entrance that he had came through. “You broke his heart, you know. Breaking up with him.”
You gathered your gun and your knives, his words cutting into your skin.
“It broke my heart as well, if that makes you feel any better.”
“It doesn’t, believe it or not.” He said, getting awfully close to expressing a human emotion. “Remind me to never fall in love with anyone.”
You scoffed, involuntarily thinking of Inej.
“What?” He asked and even without looking at him, you could tell that his eyes had narrowed.
You shook your head.
“Nothing. From my experience, you didn’t get to choose that kind of thing.”
The rest of the way, the two of you walked in silence. 
Your heart thumped in your chest as you stood in front of the Slat, dreading the prospect of seeing Jesper again.
He did his best not to look at you as you walked into the Slat, the other Crows giving you a warm, if not slightly awkward, welcome.
It’s a straightforward enough plan- infiltrate the party to gain access to the safe, use your powers to get into the safe, leave with the documents.
It’s simple enough, except it all goes to shit, because of course it does.
The actual safe-breaking is the easiest part of the gig- you’re all outside when the guards show up and start shooting without asking questions, leading to a gunfight, with pairs of Crows isolated from another.
It all feels like it happens in slow motion: someone fires a gun, Jesper is facing the other way, oblivious that a bullet is about to find purchase in his chest.
Your feet move faster than your mind does and you bodied him, the two of you falling onto the ground.
You looked at him.
His eyes, his beautiful eyes were wide with surprise and confusion, his eyebrows scrunched together, bracing the impact of the tackle.
“What do you think you’re-” He started, his tone indignant before his eyes were drawn to the red stain blossoming on your chest. “What did… what did you do? Nina!”
His voice came out as more of a scream and he maneuvered you gently so that you were laying on the cobblestone ground.
Your training in the Second Army, a distant memory from your childhood, might have prepared you for what getting shot feels like if you had stayed longer.
Or maybe not- maybe it would have always hurt this much.
Jesper put his hand on your cheek, forcing you to look at him, his skin cool against yours.
“Hey, hey. Look at me. Don’t close your eyes. Just keep looking at me.”
He’s pretty when he’s fawning over you and you listen to him, look at him, your eyes locking on his.
In his eyes, you see a future.
You see yourself recovering from this, the two of you getting back together, any distance that was in between the two of you made small in the shadow of death.
You see the two of you taking trips out to the countryside, the two of you holding hands, every second the two of you spend together a promise.
It’s all so distant now, tomorrow creeping farther and farther away from your grasp
You lifted your arm, your strength fading from you fast. Your hand settled on his face, cupping his cheek and wiping away a tear that had formed.
You have so much to say still- so many apologies and I love you’s and conversations- you don’t have enough time.
“I’d do it again.” You settle for, trying to assuage the notions of guilt already forming in his head. 
His face crumples and Nina rushes over, finally, but there is nothing to be done. 
She is not a healer and you are dying.
“Nina, you have to do something. Nina, you have to fix it, please.”
Your hand falls from his face and he grabs it, holding it tightly. 
Your hands are cold.
“I love you, Jes.” You say, his name an exhalation of air.
“I love you too. Don’t go.” He begs.
Only Nina hears.
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at1nys-blog · 1 year
Freedom pt.2
Pairing: Crows x fem!reader
Summary: New life, new name, new family. This is what your life was going to be.
tag: @queenofshinigamis
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Faking your death wasn't as easy nor painless as Kaz Brekker made it to seem, but you trusted him, and you just went along with the plan.
The plan was easy: they would drench you in water; put some make up on you and Nina would make your heart stop for enought time for the doctors to conclude you were dead and that nothing was to be done to bring you back and least but not last the Crows where to exhume you.
It took them longer than anticipated but at the end you were out and surrended by the Crows.
"Now the only think that I need is to become unrecognizable. A Tailor I need one." you were about to walk out the graveyard when Kaz stopped you.
"Where are you going like this? Here." he said trowing a hoodded cape at you. "follow me." you walked opposite to the Katterdam, Wylan started rambling about the pox and some other historical facts you, and maybe no one else, cared to know about. At least not in that moment.
Kaz made Jesper open up an entrance to some sort of chapel, you didn't care much, the only thing that matter was living your life feeling free and doing what you liked the most.
Sleep was not coming to you, but at least you weren't alone. The same went for Kaz. The man was in his little bubble thinking only the Saints knew what. You pondered if it was a good idea to strike a conversation with him. No, let the man alone, he is going through so much just for you, it was what your thoughts kept telling you.
"Can't sleep?" you nodded your head.
"I'm just not used to..." you looked at the ground. "sleeping on concrete. I never had to before." Kaz smiled, for just a brief second but you noticed. "Yes, yes I know what I told you, but just because I'm not used it doesn't mean I'm never going to get used to it."
"whatever makes you sleep at night, your highness" he joked, making you roll your eyes. "Jesper and Inej will miss you" he added, tone once again stoic as his usual. "I know is been just a month but they grew fond of you." a pause. "and so did I." he said not looking at you.
"Same goes for me, but we all knew today was coming. I can't stay in Katterdam any longer. If my father's..." he stopped you, asking you to not even think about it. You were dead now and he saw it, there was no reason for him to search for you.
"You can always say you are not her, if asked." you never thought Kaz Brekker would go an extra mile for someone he had meet just a month ago, but here he was, trying to figure out a way for you to stay.
"Kaz, I'm very sorry for everything that happened in this past month because of me, but you were my only hope to escape the hell that was home." you didn't mean to out your abusive father, but there you were. Telling him the secrets you were too scared to share with anyone, feeling finally free from all the horrors you had to endure for the simple facts that you were born a girl. "he is going to pay."
"Is not worth it. I think you saw him acting like a caring father, sad about his little girl that is now with the Saints." you kissed your thumb and bringing it to your forehead, eyes closed a pray wishpered in the dark. "he always hated the sight of me. I made him and myslef a favour, now I'm in debt with you Kaz Brekker, for saving me." another small smile adorned his features, this time it was on display much longer.
"Now try to sleep. You need it."
It was after a couple of days that Nina came back, followed by a girl. She was a Grisha, one that could help you escape Katterdam without drawing too much attention to you.
"A tailor. I found her at the market. Kaz I promised she is to be payed good for her services and her silence." Nina left the girl inside the little chapel and went back out.
"You are Pekka's daughter? I thought you were dead. The news is all over the walls of Katterdam." she said looking at you up and down. You gave her a little smile, hoping she wasn't to out you to the Stadwatch or your father directly. "Don't worry, I won't say a world to him" she said rolling up the sleeve of her shirt showing you a bunch of bruises all over her arm.
"Oh he likes to hit on ladies now? New hobby of his?" said Jesper noticing the condition of her arms, imagining the rest of her body was filled with purple and green signs. You apologized for your father's wrong doings but is not like he meant those words you spoke and you knew it. You and him were two completely different people.
The Grisha in front of you started to move her hands like if they were dancing with each other, rays of color moved in the air between the two of you, sparks adding a sense of magic and mystic to the experience. You started to feel your flesh morphing under her spell and you imagined your face changing shape onto her magic. Some seconds were needded before Jesper handed you a tiny mirror and you noticed how different you looked now.
"is temporary rember this. I suggest you to leave now, and for my payment... Just for the service, I would not out you." she said and turned to Kaz, hands in a cup form waiting to receive her kruge. The man rolled his eyes but payed her non the less.
The port was calm and not as busy as in the morning. The fishermen were getting ready to leave in the early morning, but Kaz did not stop there. He walked until he stopped infront of a boat of a privateer. At its front two people, siblings you noticed.
"Where is Sturmhond?"
"Inside." said the woman and she walked in, you thought to call whoever that Sturmhond was.
"Is she the girl Nina talked us about?" was the man turn to speak. Kaz nodded. "Great. We are leaving anytime soon so say goodbye to your friend and on we go." he added, he too walking back on the boat.
"Take care of yourself." was the only think Kaz said to you
"I'll pray the Saints to keep you safe at all times and remeber, no mourners..."
"No funerals" you ended the phrase with her. "Take care of Kaz for me too, and tell him before is too late, promise me Inej you would tell him" you said.
"Oh come on now, is my turn to say bye" said joyfully Jesper hugging you and spooning you around. You giggled and when your feet touched land you asked Jesper to keep being like this, no matter what.
"One more think Jesper, do not hide your true self. Not anymore." he gave you a shy smile and then moved closer to Inej. You thanked Nina for the big help and wished for her to be reunited with her man, then it was time to say goodbye to Wylan.
"You left me for last" he joked.
"The best is always left for last. Take care of yourself and keep Jesper in his place from time to time" you hugged him as strong as you were able to. Before you could add something Kaz was talking to someone behinde you.
"keep her safe, if something has to happen to her you know I'll find out Sturmhond."
"Geez man, I haven't even spoke a world and you attack me like this. Do not fear I'll protect her, well actually Tolyan and Tamar will."
"WHEN DID I AGREE ON THAT?" he said surprised to hear his captain's words. His reaction made you laugh a little getting the man's attention. "why are you laughing uh?" You turned to Kaz and the rest of your new friends, that you were already leaving behind.
"I will write to you as much as possible so keep an eye to the mails. Now go, you guys need some good rest." to this Sturmhond accompanied on his boat and you gave a last wave before sailing to Saints knew where.
"Inej, would you pray the Saints to protect her for me too?" the Wraith didn't say a world, just prayed for him too with a little smile. Maybe she had a change at the end, maybe she had to wait for him to break out his shell but a change whatsover.
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Petition link
YALL! LEIGH BARDUGO (author of six and crows and shadow and bone) SHARED THIS LINK ON HER STORY
This is a link of signatures of many who love shadow and bone and six of crows. If enough people sign this petition, it increases the chance of shadow and bone being picked up by another company and we could still have season three and a six of crows spin off
There is already a sequel of our crows in their heist from the original book, so if you want to see their stories finished and told, please! Please! Sign this petition!
This petition catches the attention of streaming surfaces such as Amazon prime video, Hulu, HBO max and others that have the choice and chance to pick up shadow and bone and six of crows to continue their stories!!
We still have a chance to save it!!
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gabbyshere · 1 month
Jesper: How're you feeling?
Kaz: Not good. I have this headache that comes and goes.
Y/n: *walks into the room*
Kaz: There it is.
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midnight-rain-fics · 1 year
All of the girls you loved before
{Fandom: Grishaverse}
{Pairing: Jesper x reader (platonic)} {Jesper x Wylan}
Summary: Reader is an old fling of Jesper’s and joins the crows on a job. Wylan is not amused as the reader and Jesper flirt and his mean side makes an appearance. Just fluff. That’s it.
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“Every dead-end street led you straight to me
Now you're all I need, I'm so thankful for
All of the girls you loved before
But I love you more”
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• From the moment you joined the crows on their latest heist, you could tell that Jesper’s boyfriend, Wylan was not your biggest fan
• You hadn’t really been on jobs for some time, what with you trying to be a better person
• For her
•because she deserved that and much more
• partaking in criminal activity wasn’t the benchmark for being a good person but Kaz was a friend and the pay was just too good to pass up
• Seeing Jesper, one of your old friends was just the cherry on top
• Jesper and you had been friends and then something more before you two broke up and you fell in love with someone else
• “well, well, well, if it isn’t the infamous Y/N L/N” Jesper had smirked as he swung an arm around your shoulder
• “looking good, Fahey”
• and that comment had probably been when Wylan first started glaring at you, his eyes narrowed as you and Jesper joked around until you both got reprimanded by Kaz.
• It turns out Wylan tended to be quite mean when he was jealous, something that had surprised the rest of the crows
• “You talk quite a lot, did anyone ever tell you that?”
• “I don’t think now is the time to joke”
• You had found his jealousy amusing and Jesper seemed to share the thought as he looked at Wylan with heart eyes
• Kaz had paired you, Jesper and Wylan together to search the merchant’s study while he and Inej stole the dekappel from his living room.
• “my fantasy threesome” Jesper had smirked, “of people to work with” he hastily added as Wylan’s glare turned from you to him.
• You leaned down as you rummaged through the drawer of the merchant’s table, looking for anything valuable.
• “isn’t this so much fun?” Jesper asked aloud as he looked at himself in the mirror and posed with his guns.
• “just like old times, Jes” You smirked inwardly as you heard Wylan huff in annoyance.
• You made a victorious noise as you finally found something of value and pulled a pearl necklace out of the drawer, “look at this beauty”
• “you like pearls?” Wylan asked, his eyes trained on you judgmentally, “I think they are quite tacky”
• Jesper let out a disbelieving chuckle as he looked at his boyfriend
• You looked at Wylan with a raised eyebrow, amusement clear in your eyes, “I am more of an emerald person but Linnea adores pearls”
• “Linnea?”
• A small smile broke out on your lips as you touched the pearls of the necklace, “Linnea Opjer, my girlfriend”
• “Oh”
• “yes, Oh”
• safe to say, Wylan felt quite embarrassed by his previous behavior. Jesper chose that moment to join the conversation, “and how is she nowadays?”
• You chuckled fondly, thinking of your girlfriend as you clutched the pearl necklace in your hand “still smart as a whip and pretty as these pearls”
• “which are not tacky, by the way, at all” Wylan said hurriedly as you pocketed the necklace.
• “good to know” you smiled at him. You hoped Linnea liked the necklace. Maybe one day you’ll get her a pearl ring too, asking her to be yours, forever. But for now, the necklace would suffice.
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A/N: Did I intentionally make Linnea, Nikolai’s half sister, reader’s girlfriend? Yes, yes I did. I could totally write some headcanons for her if y’all want. She’s Nikolai’s half sister, which means she’s already iconic.
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Whole Heart
Pairing: Jesper Fahey x reader x Wylan Van Eck
Summary: Wylan returns from a trip to Shu Han...
A/N: I know I mentioned something smutty, but I stressed myself out with school so I needed something fluffy 😂
Also I wrote this bc WYLAN NEEDS LOVE
This was uncharted territory for Wylan.  He’d grown up without knowing any sort of love, any sort of happiness.  And now he had not one, but two of the most attractive people in the Barrel who wanted to be his.  He swore he’d wake up back in his father’s house, sure this was some cruel dream.  But he woke up every morning in yours and Jesper’s bed, in your arms, and slowly, steadily, Wylan was coming to believe in his new reality.
He’d been asked to travel to Bhez Ju to speak on behalf of the Merchant Council and their newest investment, leaving you and Jesper in Ketterdam.  “I won’t be more than a week, a week and a half at the most,” Wylan had said, which led to Jesper pouting and you drawing your lover into your arms.  “Ignore him, we’ll be fine.  I mean, we’ll miss you like crazy, but we’ll survive.”  “Speak for yourself, Y/N!” Jesper lamented.  “How am I expected to survive without my precious darling boy?”
The next morning, when you and Jesper saw him off at the docks, Wylan heavily debated throwing his bags into the harbor and making Jesper carry him home.  But he kissed you goodbye, accepted Jesper’s bone-crushing hug, and boarded the ship to Shu Han.  It was only an hour into the voyage that Wylan realized just how hard this trip would be without the two of you.  When he saw dolphins from his cabin window, all he’d wanted to do was tell you, to show Jesper, but you weren’t there.
It seemed that now that he’d gotten a taste of what it meant to be loved, Wylan couldn’t go without it.  He would do his best to push that aside and go what he’d been sent on this trip to do, but every spare moment, his thoughts were occupied by your smile, by Jesper’s laugh, by the feeling of your arms around him, keeping him safe.  Back in Ketterdam, you and Jesper were faring no better.  Wylan had only been a part of your relationship for a month or so, but in that short time, he had integrated seamlessly into your life.
Jesper came to expect the sound of flute music lilting through the halls, to smell Wylan’s shampoo on his pillow, because he could never seem to keep his head on his own; you’d come to relish Wylan popping into your study to tell you about the new piece he’d been working on or the progress he’d made with his reading.  When the three of you would fall into bed at night, it was common for Wylan to sandwich himself right between you and Jesper, wanting to be cradled in both of your arms.
But now, the halls were quiet, Jesper’s pillow smelled like his own shampoo.  Your work was uninterrupted, and the bed felt far too large.  And as nice as it was to spend some time alone with Jesper, you both missed your other lover, you missed Wylan.  The week passed far too slowly, and when the door opened on a Saturday morning, you flew from your seat in the living room.
“My baby’s home!” you cried, running into the entryway.  Wylan had barely set his bags down when you swept him into your arms, peppering his face and neck with kisses.  “Y/N!” he giggled, and oh, what a beautiful sound that was.  “Ghezen, I missed you, we both missed you, love.”  Wylan wrapped his arms around your waist and held you, nuzzling his face into your chest.  “I missed you too.”  For several minutes, you stood with your boyfriend in your arms, stroking his hair and kissing his temples.  “I love you,” you whispered, and Wylan shuddered, still somewhat unaccustomed to being openly adored.
“I love you too,” he replied, and you coaxed his head from your chest.  “I think there’s someone upstairs who’s just as excited to see you as I am.”  His face lit up at the mention of his other lover, and Wylan wound have bolted up the stairs if he hadn’t been so reluctant to let go of your hand.  But you followed him to the bedroom, where Jesper was still dozing, happily watching as Wylan perched himself on the edge of the bed.  
He bent to press a gentle kiss to the Zemini’s forehead, causing his face to scrunch up.  “Jesper,” Wylan said, kissing his cheek.  “Wake up, darling.”  “Hmm, Wylan….  Wylan?”  Jesper sat up, nearly knocking his boyfriend over, a mad smile overtaking his face.  “Wy, sweetheart, you’re home!”  “I am–oh!”  Jesper pulled Wylan into his lap and kissed him deeply, making the mercher blush.
You moved to sit on your side of the bed, draping your arm over Jesper’s shoulder and pressed a kiss to his cheek.  “I missed you so much, baby,” Jesper said, his forehead resting against Wylan’s.  “I was only gone a week,” Wylan said, and you laughed. “It felt longer than that, honey,” you said, and Wylan was all too eager to accept your kisses, your embraces, to be showered in love and attention from you and Jesper.
It took a fair amount of convincing, but Wylan managed to separate himself from both of you long enough to change into pajamas.  The journey back to Ketterdam had been rough; storms the entire time, and Wylan hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep.  And being back in his lovers’ arms had him nodding off in seconds.  “I love you,” he said, snuggling between you and Jesper; lying on his side facing you, his face pressed into your chest, with Jesper spooning him from behind.  This was usually how the three of you slept, the position letting Wylan be held by both of his lovers.
“I love you too, Wy,” Jesper replied, kissing the back of his neck.  “Love you too, baby,” you said, smoothing his hair from his face.  “We love you so much.”  Wylan’s heart felt like it could explode with how happy he was, with how much he loved the two of you, and as he fell asleep, he was smiling.  Jesper reached over his sleeping boyfriend and cupped your cheek.  You reached up and laid your hand over his, squeezing it gently.  “I have my whole heart again,” you said, and Jesper hummed.  “So do I.”
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witchthewriter · 10 months
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𝐒𝐧𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
・Jesper’s love language is mainly words of affirmation, but he can’t deny some physical affection 
・You always cuddle on the bed, seeing as though you don’t live in a huge place. And you rarely stay there. You’re a part of the Crows, so you and Jesper are away a lot 
・But you’ve tried to make it your own. With photos, knick-knacks, presents; memories. 
・When you’ve both jumped on the bed (hardly ever made) you crawl close together and he gives you a wink (a common accurance. Winking at you from across the room, or before he shoots something..)
・He loves pretending to be the big masculine man. But you just look at him and shake your head
   “You really want to be the big spoon?”
“...No, not really.” He said with a pout. 
・And he jumped on your chest and practically melted into you
・Your nails lightly scratched his scalp, sending shivers down his spine. 
      “Ughhh,” was the only noise he could make. He was in heaven. Smelling you, feeling your heartbeat. The gentle thump, thump, thump. It helped calm him down and for a few moments, you actually got a quiet Jesper.
・His large hands enclose over your spare one, threading his fingers through it, tracing the lines on your palm. 
・Chaste kisses are shared, usually too tired to go any further (well, only on certain nights). 
・Then Jesper gives you a look and you sigh. 
・Shifting, you lay between his legs and lay your head against his chest. You don’t like this position, only because you feel so ... exposed. 
・So you turn onto your stomach and face Jesper, who looks down at you with so much love that you could combust
・His hands run over your face, booping your nose and moving the hair from your face. 
・Sometimes you’ll just lay your head down on his chest and let him dote upon you
・Scratching, humming. One of your favourite things is when he tells you a story. And you can hear it through his body when your ear is pressed against his bare chest. 
・That’s how you both fall asleep, or Jesper moves so he’s laying down, and wrapped around you. 
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