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dolmimi · 3 months
What's ur love hate relationship with Whitney like broski
hey anon thats a rlly interesting question u got there.... i'm gonna use he/him pronouns bc he's male in both runs
hate because.... hes a scoundrel, a brat, a menace, and a monster. he "loves" pc in his own twisted way (that is if you keep him at high dom). love because... his soft moments got me hooked. his fleeting moments of vulnerability, which he hides behind a tough shell. the fact that vrel says he would be a good parent, and how he knows the town is fucked....i've been trying to understand whitney's character lately. like why is an asshole like him a love interest?
i think most would observe that he likes being in control all the time, thats why he asserts dominance over others (in school, to his gang, and pc). it makes me wonder about his background. did something happen to him? but also, it's possible that nothing happened too, he could've just been perceptive. i think it's understandable to put up a rough front when you live in a town like that. he seems to have a fear of vulnerability (him being hesitant to show softness in public, but is a bit more soft in private).
iirc vrel confirmed that pc makes him feel things he never felt before (i saw this in a screenshot and i don't have the source, sorry 😔). i think that may explain why he treats pc like property. he has never felt about anyone like that before, and it makes him vulnerable. since he has a need to be in control, he asserts dominance over pc. hence why he calls them toy, property, etc etc. for awhile it confused me because he would share pc with others.... and act jealous when someone looks at them? but now i understand (of course, i don't think it's right. he treats pc like an object, which is toxic. hope i didn't give this impression 😭). he doesn't wanna be taken advantage of, and is also emotionally constipated.
tldr: i love and hate whitney because hes an asshole but is also very intriguing.
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muppetjackrackham · 7 days
black sails has made me so insane that i started plotting out a 1980s band au with every major captain as the frontman of their own band and every band name is a reference to black sails or treasure island
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antisocialxconstruct · 7 months
oof as much as I'd love to start drama by asking what IFs you have beef with..... I have to go with the less targeted question of 'what are some IF tropes you think are overdone'. personally if I have to see the same four ROs recycled into another game one more time I'll scream
LOL probably a safer question for me to answer too...
ROs are a big sticking point for me as well. Seeing the same archetypes over and over, feeling like someone came up with ROs first and is now desperately trying to finesse a story that can justify all of them being date-able*, someone having an actually interesting and compelling story to tell but bending themself into pretzels to fit in six romance arcs that may not even serve the plot just because that's an expected convention... Also in general I never lose interest in a new project faster than when I see artbreeder RO portraits. Not even because it's """AI art""" but because it's always the same empty eyed model-perfect 20something in different colors.
(*NOT the same as a story primarily designed to be a dating sim. I generally think that's fine as a genre, and some of these people would have an easier time if they were willing to admit that's what they were writing and not some sweeping grand narrative.)
My other biggest issue with a lot of amateur IF is like... excessive and overly ambitious customization? I think a lot of authors don't know where the line is on what they can just allow the reader to imagine without there being a variable for it, as well as what they should frankly just... be willing to decide for the reader when it best serves the story. As far as MC customization, I think this really stems from a lot of people in the community getting their first introduction to IF through CoG and then drawing the conclusion that if some character customization is good, more customization must be better! But if it's not going to come up in-text and be directly relevant to the plot or how the MC is characterized*... it doesn't need to be canonized.
(*by which I mean, like... making your character a specific religion, or disabled, or something like that. Things that actually impact how they engage with the world.)
Branching off of that, I think maybe my most potentially controversial take is... not every IF needs to have a customizable MC at all. It's entirely possible to write a story with a set, static protagonist, and still allow the player to make decisions that allow them to shape that character and the broader plot in a way that still feels personal and like they're an active participant. VNs tend to go this way, or else they have a faceless MC who still tends to have a more set personality, and I think sometimes I read IF demos and I really get the feeling they wish they could be writing someone specific, and they're getting hamstrung by the idea that they need to sand off enough defining features to let the MC be anyone.
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coiledqueen · 23 days
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Still sprawled out in her Seviper's coils, Lucy adjusts her Masquerain facemask and groans. What did you do now...?
The Pike Queen's senses are tingling, and she can just tell. Somewhere, somehow, Noland's definitely rushed ahead and hurt himself. Again.
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amitsuma · 1 month
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oh my god the quality jump is wild
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exturk · 6 months
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btw, I mentioned on my other blog that my activity is going to increase after friday. (spring break) .... so I was curious if anyone would like to plot?
thread plot or just dynamic plotting is fine. I'm just really new to writing Cissnei and... some rough ideas of how I can approach others IC would be great ~
if interested, give this post a like and I'll send you an IM.
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tetrangel · 11 months
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style meme ft. mizuki
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avernusfuries · 4 months
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@spiderwarden asked: Shi’ndra Jr takes a seat right by her feet and then looks up at her and yells.
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Karlach loved children. Not in the way she had considered having her own just yet, when the adventure hadn't quite settled in her just yet. Maydril and Shi'ndra had quickly changed that, and as weeks turned into months, and months turned into a year, it was quite easy to slip into the swing of things. If she looked at them like pint-sized drunk people, it made for a wickedly good time. While Maydril's affections were kept firmly with her father, Shi'ndra had taken a shine to her. Truth be told, she'd thought he was still sleeping in the little nest of blankets they'd declared their fort, and it was as she was preparing something for his lunch that she felt the grip of a chubby little hand cling into the fabric of her trousers.
She was proud of the fact that she was not easily startled, and hadn't been since her smile was gap-toothed with missing teeth and her knees were always grazed. The little drow was quick to verbalise his displeasure in how long it took for the tiefling to actually pick him up, and half way through it, she stooped to do just that. As with all little ones, his eyes moved to squint at what she was doing.
As far as cooking went, she strayed from the more ... fancy recipes, and as she turned back to pot of instant noodles she'd been happily stirring, she caught the faintest whiff of burning.
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Quick as lightning and with a giggling child on her hip, she quickly moved it to the sink.
Shi'ndra took in a deep breath, and yelled a very loud: FUCK.
Karlach felt her heart sink like a stone.
Fuck, thought Karlach. Minthara's going to have my guts for fucking garters.
"Hey, no kiddo, you're gonna get your mate Karlach in a whole world of trouble. Bad word, baaad word."
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milksetters · 1 year
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Enstars oc (REAL) (NEW) (hes not the nicest person around)
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 9 months
for later! like this and i'll throw a little thing in your ask! ( say who you want/multis tell me who you want please! or just say the fandom! )
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
What does everyone put first cereal or the milk I hope it’s the cereal because that’s correct
Cereal first: Ren, Elanor, Teo, Jae
Milk first: Violet, Leon
Eats the cereal raw and drinks a glass of milk afterwards: Moth
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spxnglr · 6 months
Egon in his Professor days being an absolute menace for the board @ Columbia.
Attending student protests, constantly campaigning for better scholarships, grants and assistance programmes, encouraging people to be constructively critical of the university and hold it to account when something goes wrong.
No-one would've been able to control him and you know they would've been looking for ANY excuse to yeet his arse out of the door.
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byanyan · 7 months
@skxrbrand replied to your post “"Your aura." Khazaan kneels down to regard the...”:
" They /can/ chew through concrete, this is true"
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ㅤㅤ​" so was it an insult or an observation? 'cause i'm willin' to let the latter slide if ya acknowledge that me bitin' you would prob'ly hurt. "
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crimsontroupe · 2 months
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aserpent · 8 months
rebellion-era lucifer would have taken death over being cast out, and he'll never forgive st. michael the indignity of defeating him without granting him an execution :')
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