#// I am however proud of the execution of the art; I think the poses and composition and positioning and colors are all on point
cybernexus · 1 year
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Burning Edge
Previous Piece: In a Bad Situation
With a shower of sparks and a sickening crunch of metal, V's cybernetic arm had been pulled off as easy as a doll. The pain had yet to catch up to him, and he was still acting on adrenaline. The way he saw it is he only had one shot. In the brief moment the bigger cyborg had let him go, the Edgerunner twisted around to face his aggressor.
Ririko, the oni mercenary, had dropped her whip mid-strike when she realized something was amiss but she was too late. The Edgerunner's arm had transformed. What had previously been a limbless cybernetic stump was now a weapon, and the silver haired corporate sponsored cyborg assassin was looking directly down its barrel. With a muffled thump, the dead man's trigger was activated - a payload packed to the gills with home-made compressed explosives.
"Fuck corporations, and fuck you!" The last thing the Edgerunner and the corpo cyborg alike would see before it all went black was the gleam of each other's cybernetic eyes.
4 notes · View notes
elven-ariaera · 5 years
Welcome all!
If you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’re familiar with my work as either an artist, cosplayer, writer or any of the other creative things I do. Recently, I had been asked about some of the work that I do, and I thought a fun way to just that was to fill out a few questionnaires. Here I talk about some of the high and low points of doing what I do, what inspires me, and my process of creativity.
For those who are only interested in certain segments, I’ve broken the article into the following sections for you to easily maneuver your way throughout the piece: Art, cosplay, writing, and questions asked by you.
I know I’m no professional and compared to a lot of others I don’t have as outstanding an amount of followers, but if this article can help inspire at least one artist to try something new or learn something they didn’t know, well, that’s good enough for me! I hope you enjoy!
When did you get into art?
I’ve been drawing as long as I can remember, but I do recall middle school in particular being the time that I really started pursuing art. I had to choose between volleyball and art club after school, and guess which one I picked. It wasn’t just academics either. My notebooks were full of fan art of mostly Link and Zelda, but you could find some Kirby, Pokémon, and Naruto scattered in there as well.
Show us your oldest piece of art you have on hand.
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Yeah. It’s… Something.
What defines your artistic style?
I think the faces of the characters I draw distinguish my art. I always have a certain way of drawing the eyes, ears, and other features. I always give my females more prominent eyelashes than males as well. Certain clothing as well — The way I draw capes and hoods are distinct. Not to mention when designing my own clothes, I tend to use similar patterns.
Do you practice other styles/have you tried other styles in the past?
I occasionally dabble outside my comfort zone. I’m not necessarily a huge fan of the “Cal-Arts” style, but I’ve tried it every now and then, especially when creating fan art for shows like Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, and Amphibia. I don’t really do it too often, but I’ve made a piece for my portfolio mimicking several art styles from a variety of different shows just to demonstrate that I can do it if I’d like to.
What levels of artistic education have you had?
Honestly, just high school. I thought I was going to college for digital illustrations but it turned out communication/graphic design was totally different. I actually got into that because I could draw when not many other people in that field could. Of course, I’m always interested in learning outside of school. I learn through watching other artists on social media, seeing how they create their work. Just watching a speed draw can help so much! The way I learn the most, however, is just by doing. Practice, practice, practice! 
Show us at least one picture you drew or sketched recently that you did not put on a public site.
I’ve been doing a lot of Fire Emblem doodles for my new sticker line, so here’s Setsuna. Honestly, I just like drawing bust portraits like this.
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What is your favorite piece that you have done?
I can’t just pick one! I’ve drawn over 900 things since I first joined DeviantArt (and I’ve been drawing even before then), you want me to pick just one? Haha, I’ll narrow it down to three of my favorites (in no particular order):
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I love this one because it was like the first cute drawing of Ivysaur I’ve ever done. Ivysaur was always a tricky pokémon for me to draw, but this was the first time I feel like I nailed it. Ivysaur also happens to be one of my absolute favorites, so that’s a plus.
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This is Minerva, a Guardian from my fantasy stories. Every time I drew her prior, I could never quite get the look I wanted. This was the one that I really liked and so I colored it and am very happy with how it turned out.
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I don’t know why I just love this drawing I did of Dimitri from Three Houses. I think its the eyes and hair. And the color contrast — especially in the original ink sketch (that I hung up over my craft table.) I just love it.
What is your least favorite piece that you have done?
Again, you want just one? Haha, too many failures. I’ll be fair, though, and post three of those as well.
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Here’s one from my early days. I was trying so hard to get the hair all detailed like and instead it came out looking like gross looking veins. Not to mention how atrocious the proportions were. Oh man, I’m sorry past me, I know you tried.
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Here’s one I was so proud of: I copied the official art for Twilight Princess and thought it came out amazing. So amazing I titled the piece “Awesomeful Link.” Yeah. Um. Nope.
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Here’s a more recent one that I’m not too pleased with. I was so excited about the latest batch of Steven Universe episodes (which I would later learn were a big bunch of filler episodes and that didn’t make anything better) I drew Pearl reciting her ‘big line’ of the trailer. I tried to mix styles and I tried something different with the eyes and all in all it just came out… Meh.
What do you like most about your art?
I like the faces that I draw. They’re always the most fun and I think they come out the best. I especially love the eyes, I go into so much detail on them (even though they’re usually so small when I print them.) I’ve had issues in the past where I made all of my characters look like they had the same face, but I feel I’ve been doing a lot better at individualizing the face of each character and that makes it all the more fun as well.
What do you like least about your art?
The hands. Sometimes I draw them well, but I still struggle hard and sometimes it really shows. For chibi drawings, I don’t really care as much, but on my more “serious” art, I get a little bummed when I’ve got a wonky hand hanging off their wrists. Feet also sometimes give me a bit of trouble, but usually only when I do poses that involve more movement, which is why I sometimes make my art stiffer and I don’t like doing that either.
Have you ever considered taking commissions?
I do take commissions. In fact, I’d love to take more if it were possible.
Are you looking to pursue a career in art?
I do it part-time right now. I’m satisfied doing commissions and artist tables at local conventions. I think I’d like to pursue writing more than art, but I do love art just as well, so part-time is perfect for me.
What do you like drawing the most?
As I mentioned before, faces. I love drawing facial expressions, I feel like it’s the very core of a character. It’s the first thing I notice when I look at anyone’s art, so I always go all out on my own. I also like drawing hair and wrinkles in clothing. I used to be really obsessed with wrinkles and it would always look like my characters didn’t iron their laundry, but I’ve definitely toned it down since then, haha.
All in all, I like drawing human characters the best — or humanoid. Elves, fairies, merfolk; I love them the most. I like drawing animals too, but not as much as people. 
What do you like drawing the least?
Once again my answer is hands. They are still as difficult to draw as the day I started.
Backgrounds are also not enjoyable for me to draw. It’s an important part of a piece, but I get so bored drawing anything that’s not a character — which is why you’ll probably notice in a lot of my art that I do a lot of very minimal backgrounds. I’ve been trying very hard not to just take stock photos anymore (with the exception of my Mythical Month art as they’re meant to be stickers,) and I’ve been using games like Skyrim and Breath of the Wild as inspiration with their gorgeous scenery. 
Do you draw more fanart or original art? If fanart, what fandom do you draw the most of?
I post a lot more fan art than original — at least I used to, but I also think I have expanded in sharing my original art more and more with my Mythical Months/Mondays. I guess maybe I’d say about half and half.
What medium/program do you use the most in your art?
Digitally I always use Photoshop. Always. As for traditional art, I’ve been using Copic knock-offs (I’m still learning, so I’d rather not waste the money) and the Sakura Micron pens for my ink sketches. I’ve really been enjoying them, actually, it’s very therapeutic. However, no matter digitally or traditionally, I always, ALWAYS start with a pencil. I like mechanical pencils, I don’t like traditional #2 pencils anymore. The thin lead helps me keep control better.
How would you rank your art? (poor, mediocre, good, etc.)
I always say I think my art is “above average.” I know it’s not bad, but I think it could always use improvement. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to a place where I think my art is phenomenal, but I’m content with it, it makes me happy, and that’s all that matters.
List at least one of your “artspirations.”
My art style was greatly inspired by Naruto, Fire Emblem, and Zelda. I always liked more proper body proportions with that hint of anime inspiration. I like bigger eyes on my characters because they help convey emotion so much better, but I also don’t like the oversized baby eyes outside of the occasional chibi style. Avatar: The Last Airbender was also a great influence since the creators did exactly what I like to do and execute it wonderfully.
What do you think you could stand to improve on?
I feel like I can always improve on everything that I do in my art. There are things I’m good at, but I don’t feel like I’ve mastered anything in particular. Then there’s hands and feet again which I definitely need to work on. Lastly, motion. I want to be able to draw more fluid character motions. I’ve been working on it with my original art that I don’t post online, but hopefully I’ll start incorporating it into all my work.
Do you have a shameful art past? (recolor sprite comics, tracing art, etc.?)
Ugh, yes, YES! I admit I was so bad at first, but I also think that’s just how we learn. I used to do a lot of tracing. I started first just full-on tracing images off my computer — That’s right, I’d put the paper up to the computer and trace it like that. Then I started using bases, which was better because at least I had to draw all the details like hair and clothing by myself. Then I finally worked up the courage to stop using them completely. I’d use references, but I would force myself to figure it out by eye rather than copy it straight from the source. I’m happy to say I haven’t been tracing since my late middle school- early high school years.
How many years have you cosplayed?
My first cosplay was when I was fourteen, and I’m twenty-five at the time of writing this article, so eleven years now. Wow.
How did you get into cosplaying?
I honestly don’t know. I was invited to a convention where I heard people dressed up and was like “hey, I want to try that!” I guess it was because I didn’t really do Halloween as a kid and I was so deathly terrified of costumed characters as a toddler that I never took an interest until high school.
How many cosplays have you done?
That’s funny, you want me to remember how many cosplays I’ve ever done. A lot. According to my photo collection, I’ve done about 60 different cosplays (59 exactly if I’m counting correctly.)
What was your first cosplay and why did you choose it?
My first cosplay was Osaka from Azumanga Daioh in her blue summer uniform. Azumanga Daioh was my second ever manga series and my cousin and I were so obsessed with it. She even went as Yukari with me to the convention (though only, like, two people knew who we were.) Tomo is probably my favorite character, but I related personally more to Osaka, being the air-head that I am. I also didn’t have to really style my hair (because that was an era before I used wigs.)
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What is your favorite cosplay you’ve done so far?
It’s a tie between my Trainee Link (Hyrule Warriors) costume and my Royal Guard Link (Zelda: Breath of the Wild) costume. Both are alternative costumes for one of my all-time favorite characters that I hand made all the really detailed pieces all from scratch. Link has always been a special character for me to cosplay, but these two are my favorites.
What is your least favorite you’ve cosplayed?
Rapunzel (Tangled). I was obsessed with her at the time which is why I wanted to cosplay her originally, but my dress was not the best and I didn’t look good as her. At least I think so. It was the only costume that made me feel insecure.
What cosplay is the most uncomfortable or troublesome?
Okay, I love this costume and character to pieces, but my gosh the struggles I go through for Pearl (Steven Universe). Blue Diamond (Steven Universe) is the worst in terms of how long it takes me to put my makeup on, but Pearl is right behind her at about 2 hours being my best time. However, the thing that makes Pearl more troublesome to wear is one thing and one thing alone: armsocks.
They look great and prevent you from having to dab makeup all over your body, but I literally couldn’t even hit the home button on my cellphone and it’s not like I could just take them off like gloves. They’re attached at your middle and putting them on is a hassle on its own. Getting your fingers into each tiny socket is so time-consuming. Now imagine this while also being coated in body paint. Plus, having white be the color of the stockings, you have to be conscious of everything you touch because it will stain and show. Because of all this, I refuse to use the restroom dressed as Pearl, and while that is “in character,” it is not healthy and totally NOT recommended you do that.
What is your most comfortable cosplay?
During the winter, Ravio (Zelda: A Link Between Worlds) for sure. It’s like wearing a giant snuggie. However, in summer, it does get hot very quickly (which is why I literally only wear biker shorts and a tank underneath if I ever do take it out on a hot day), so I only wear it in summer if I know there will be AC. Heatstroke is a real thing. Miss Frizzle (Magic School Bus) is probably the best all-year cosplay in terms of comfort. It’s just a dress, stockings, and a wig really.
But in all honesty, most of my cosplays are relatively comfortable. There’s really nothing that I’ve been so uncomfortable that it’s made my physically ill or scarred me physically. My health is important to me, and should safety should always come first.
How do you research the cosplay before you make it?
I look up lots of reference images. I need an image of the front and back, though if it’s not available, I just improvise based on the images I do have on hand. After that, I kind of just wing it.
Do you sew your cosplays yourself?
A good majority of them, yes. There are a few exceptions to this, though: My Disney princesses are all bought since I use them in performances and want them to be durable if children come and tug on the outfit. Pearl, also being a performance cosplay, I did buy as well. For her second reformation outfit (the sleeveless with the ribbon) I got specially commissioned to look and fit me just right whereas her movie/future appearance (jacket and mom-jeans) I literally found at a thrift store. I also love to find costume pieces at thrift stores. Whether I use them as is or make alterations, they make life so much easier when you make a good find for a cheap price. Leni Loud (Loud House) is probably my favorite thrift/sew hybrid. I found a base dress, altered the top and added strap sleeves, put lace around the edges, found a blingy pair of sunglasses, bought earrings and painted them, and made bows for sandals I already had. The most expensive part of that cosplay was the wig I bought from Arda (and it’s always worth it to buy from them in my opinion.)
When I make a costume completely from scratch (like Ravio, Thranduil, any of my Link cosplays) are when I really love the costume and character and want to take on a challenge and bring it to life myself. They also tend to have pieces that can’t be altered from your everyday clothing, but that just makes me work harder and learn more!
How did you learn to sew?
My grandmother taught me how. Osaka was my first cosplay, but my mom altered it from a tee shirt we found at a thrift store and a lucky skirt find. Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto) was the first cosplay I made from scratch (and I won best novice at the convention I wore it to — even with my terrible wig, haha.) She showed me how to use patterns when we made that and my Ayame Sohma cosplay, but after that, I scrapped using patterns and I basically just eyeball everything now. It’s totally not recommended, but I’m a little weirdo and just prefer to do things the way I do. Still, I wouldn’t be able to use a sewing machine if it weren’t for her. Thanks, Nanny!
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Do you make your own props?
Most of them. I don’t really use props too often as I find them cumbersome to lug around a convention (which is how I thought of the Fire Emblem, Gravity Falls, and Skyrim book boxes to store your stuff and add some extra flair to a costume.) The few props I have made include Link’s sword, his trainee shield, his original shield from Zelda 1, and Soren’s Wind Tome (which I used for Laurent (Fire Emblem: Awakening) because I didn’t finish Soren (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance) yet…) Then there’s my prized cosplay prop; Victreebel for James (Pokémon). That was all thanks to my fleece hat business in high school that taught me the skills to build that thing.
I actually think the only prop I store-bought was my Hylian Shield because it was so lightweight and easy to carry, plus I was dreading doing all those details at the time. Maybe one day I’ll make it from scratch, but for now, I��m content with my store-bought.
Do you style your own wigs?
Yes. I have been improving my styling skills a lot more since I first started. It was always a more difficult task for me, but I’ve been practicing more and more. The first one that I attempted on my own was my short-haired Rapunzel. That was basically just giving it a haircut, though. My first real styling challenge was Breath of the Wild Link. It took a long time, but I actually had fun figuring out his hair.
For most of my costumes, it’s really just the bangs that need that extra pop, to which I use Got2B gel and spray. Does the trick every time and keeps everything in place. For those who are wondering, though: No, I did not style Pearl’s wig. I am not ready for that kind of gravity-defying styling. That was all E-Bay.
What skill has been most useful for making your cosplay?
Well, sewing mostly, but other skills that have come in handy for me personally have been painting, crafting, makeup, styling, and overall decorating. Probably other stuff too, just nothing more I can think of off the top of my head.
What is the hardest thing when making a cosplay?
Probably figuring out how things connect. This is the main reason I’m timid when it comes to armor. I’ve been getting better, but I’m still having trouble figuring out how everything attaches and how to put on these kinds of costumes, which is why my Skyrim Elven Armor has been put on hold.
What was the biggest screw up you’ve had making a cosplay?
I’m not sure if I had any major crisis’ when it comes to making cosplays, but I’ve certainly had my fair share of irritating mishaps and mistakes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally sewn the sleeves on a costume inside out about 4 times before I finally got it right.
I’ve cut holes in my clothing, I’ve sewn sleeves on too tight, and I’ve even completed a hat that took hours just for it to wind up being too small when I put a wig on. I guess most of the major issues I’ve had with sewing are measurement issues, so my advice to you is to always measure and try on your costume as you go. Don’t wait until the day of the con to try out your new cosplay.
How often do you injure yourself while making a cosplay?
Not too often, I occasionally prick my finger with my sewing needles, but I haven’t had too many serious injuries. I think the worst was when I slashed my thumb with the exacto-knife when making my first shield for Link. Needless to say, there was a lot of blood.
Do you try to stay cheap or do you splurge on materials?
I am a frugal soul; if I can save, I will. That’s why I thrift so much. However, on a costume I’m really passionate about, I will spend more to ensure the quality. For example, I spent a little more going to a more shimmery material for Royal Guard Link. It cost about $50 for the blue and red material, which to me, is a lot (and that was with coupons). However, the results were 100% worth it. PS, Michaels and Joann’s ALWAYS have coupons. I totally recommend downloading both apps.
I also stand by that with wigs and contacts. I love Arda, their quality is great, but they are more expensive than Amazon. Contacts I don’t mind spending more for as well since the quality is VERY important in this case; they are going on your eyes, after all.
However, as I said, I am absolutely not opposed to going cheap. If you can make it work, make it work. My Nyo!Austria (Hetalia) cosplay came out very cute and it was literally made from bedsheets. From using mostly thrifted and recycled materials, a lot of my cosplays came to around an overall price of around $30. Some of these costumes include Mega Gardevoir (Pokemon), Tomoyo Sakagami (Clannad), Spyro (Spyro the Dragon), and Luan Loud (Loud House.)
Cosplay can be totally affordable, you just have to be creative and think a little outside the box sometimes to make it work.
Have you ever cosplayed with a partner or group?
Yes, a few times. I’d love to do more group cosplays, but we all have to think of something we all like. Luckily, two of my very good friends decided they would dress up as Steven Universe and Amethyst to go with my Pearl this year for Comic-Con and it was such a great experience! I’m trying to convince them to do others as well, such as The Loud House and The Magic School Bus with me as well, haha.
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Do you try to act in character?
Always: but I don’t always succeed. It really depends on the character. Pearl I could roleplay for days. It’s probably because I connect so much with her and performing as her doesn’t hurt either. Dee Dee Magno Hall says her favorite lines to say are peoples names, and after giving it a shot myself, I totally see why. I even practiced Garnets “Stronger than you” monologue in Pearl’s voice and tone (in case no one volunteered to sing during our karaoke event) and it always makes my friends laugh.
The characters that stump me a little more are the more serious characters I choose to portray; Link, Laurent, Thranduil (the Hobbit), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), just to name a few. I’m kind of a goofball/airhead so those characters clash with my personality a little bit, but I am getting better. Blue Diamond is surprisingly the easiest of these types to stay in character for.
That being said, I love being the outgoing, oddball characters. Like I said, Pearl is second nature to me, as well as Anna from Frozen. Back in my Hetalia days, Austria and America were my go-to guys. I could act as them forever, and my friends and I literally lived as them for a while with how much we role-played. Most of the Disney Princesses it’s pretty easy for me to stay in character, especially (like I said before) Anna, Sofia the First, and Merida.
How do you react to cosplayers dressed as a character from the same anime/game/etc?
If there are some good character opportunities, I will role-play on the spot, but more often than not I will ask if we could all get a picture together. There were so many fun interactions with other Steven Universe cosplayers when my friends and I did our little group, but one of my favorite interactions was probably when I was dressed as Laurent and I stumbled across a Miriel cosplayer and I just shouted out “MOM! I FINALLY FOUND YOU!”
Do you try to duplicate your character’s expressions, walk, movements, etc?
I can talk the talk (mostly), but I have more trouble walking the walk. I’ve been trying to replicate movements better, but facial expressions I have trouble with (ironic as it’s my favorite part of drawing.) I’m not as photogenic as I’d like to be, as you could probably tell by most of my pictures being the same face, but I definitely am striving to improve on that.
What was your funniest experience of acting in character?
Okay, there’s a lot that I could share, and eventually, I want to do an article solely on cosplay “in-character” experiences, but the one I HAVE to share right now is a recent experience when I was dressed as Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
I was performing at the family day event my church helps out at my pastor’s air force base as Ariel, and after my sing-a-long, my makeup was a little smudged. I asked a volunteer where the restroom was so I could touch up before I headed back out to the crowds. I thought he’d take me to a private restroom, but he brought me to the public one where there were families waiting outside. They noticed and the dad joked “See? Even princesses have to go.” to which I laughed and gave my best Ariel shrug to play along. I went inside, fixed my makeup, and went back outside.
It wasn’t long, so the family was still outside the men’s room. As I walked by, the man’s son shouted out “Ariel, congratulations on going pee-pee!” to which I bursted out laughing. Everyone was. I mean, if you gotta congratulate a princess on using the bathroom, you picked the right one! After that, I did explain that I was just putting on makeup but I appreciated his enthusiasm and thanked him for it.
Do you compete in cosplay contests?
All the time. I love them. Whether I win or lose, I always get something out of it. I learn tips from other cosplayers, get to meet so many interesting people, and those times I do win I get prizes which is always nice as well. Most importantly, though, the memories that are made there are the very best part.
Have you won anything?
I have won quite a few. I have three trophies, a medal, a few certificates, and have won a cash prize as well. My first win was my second convention as Kabuto where I won the best novice trophy. My most recent win was for Ravio in August of 2019 with best in show. It’s amazing, I never thought I would get this far, but I’m so grateful for everything I’ve been a part of.
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Again, it’s totally not about winning, but I’ll admit that it does feel really nice to have my hard work appreciated. Just as drawing, I still feel like I have a lot of room for improvement in my cosplay, so winning a few contests here and there definitely helps my low self-esteem.
Do you prefer skits or walk-ons?
I’ve only ever done walk-ons. I’ve never had anyone to do a skit with and I don’t think I could pull one off on my own. I’d love to do one eventually, but for now, our panels are good enough.
How many friends have you made because of cosplay?
Quite a lot. My Instagram is full of cosplayers I’ve met at conventions and I love seeing their cosplays and drawings, it’s all so inspiring!
Do you attend photoshoots and meet-ups outside of conventions?
Occasionally. I’ve never done a professional photoshoot (though one day I’d like to,) but I have attended a few meetups. I’ve done one for Steven Universe, Once Upon a Time, Disney, and I actually accidentally walked into a Fire Emblem: Awakening one dressed as Laurent, so that worked out.
What is the funniest reaction you’ve gotten cosplaying from people outside of the community?
The best one was when I was dressed as Link and my friend and I were on the subway. There was a mom and her kid sitting across from us and she pointed to me and said to her child, “Look, an elf! You see? Santa’s got his helpers out all year round, so you have to be good!”
I also had another wonderful experience outside of a con dressed as Link, though it’s not as funny but more just a sweet memory. It’s quite a bit, but luckily I’ve already written about it for Zelda Universe so I’ll just link it here for anyone who’s interested. 
Name a few cosplays you’re planning to do next:
I’ve got to get Soren (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance) done soon. I’ve been wanting to do this cosplay forever and I did start it, but I need to finally finish it. Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) is also on my list to do next. Not sure about who else I want to do for sure, but some ideas that have floated around in my head have been Tilly Green (Big City Greens), Anna with her Frozen 2 look, Princess Peach (Super Mario), and a Thalmor Mage (Skyrim.)
What is your dream cosplay?
Princess Zelda from Twilight Princess. I’m still too scared to try to cosplay her. I bought a cheap starter costume that I was going to build off of and it wasn’t turning out the way I wanted, so I put it off again. One day I’ll feel confident enough to make her costume, but until then I’m totally satisfied with my Link cosplays.
What do you take into consideration when picking a character to cosplay?
Honestly, I just have to love them as a character and the costume itself has to seem do-able. I mean, I’m totally not opposed to buying cosplays if I really want to be a particular character, but like I said, making it means all the more to me. It’s my display of affection towards that character, the creators behind them, and the series as a whole.
Is cosplay serious business for you?
Yes and no. No because I don’t do it for money, likes, or internet fame. I do it because it’s fun and what I like to do. Yes because I go all out when I cosplay. I do everything I can to get the look the way I want it and I put my blood, sweat, and tears into it when I make them by hand. 
What is your favorite thing about cosplay?
Everything: Dressing up as a character I love, roleplaying them, taking photos, just everything! I would do it more often if I could!
How do you want to grow as a cosplayer?
I want to learn how to make more. I want to build armor, I want to learn new makeup and hairstyling techniques, and so much more. I’m happy where I am, but I know I can be better. I will watch others and learn from them and push myself to try new things!
Are you willing to answer questions and help other cosplayers?
Absolutely! I may not be a top dog of cosplaying, but if I can help someone with something I’ve learned along the way, I’m more than happy to help!
When did you start writing?
I started in middle school as well, I used to write a Nintendo fan fiction called “The Kirby Show,” where Kirby and his friends would get into wacky sitcom scenarios. They were really just knock-offs of the television shows I used to watch back in the day, but hey, everyone’s gotta start somewhere.
As for my original writing, I started that more in high school. I still wrote a lot of fan fiction at that point, but I was starting to develop my own characters as well. I thought it about time to think of my own creations, and I did. I remember I was in my Godmother’s car when I thought of the main three characters and since then the cast has expanded so much, their stories are much better developed, and the lore is much more solid.
When you were a beginning writer, what did you write primarily? What do you write now, primarily?  (i.e. romance, fan-fiction, poetry)
As mentioned before, I started out writing stories about characters that were not my own. Now I do all original writing — well, aside from my work at Zelda Universe. There I get to write about all the unique aspects of one of my favorite game series of all time, so there’s that as well. Writing there has helped me start writing little fandom topical posts for my own blog, such as top 10’s, reviews, and other things along those lines. 
How often do you write?
I make it a habit to try and write at least a half-hour a day. If I’m really on a roll, I could write up to a few hours a day before I get burnt out. Even though I’m not always writing, I’m always developing the stories in my head. 
When is your favorite time of the day to write?
I always write a half hour before I go to bed. The later it is, the more ideas keep rolling in. With my early hours for work now it’s harder to stay up late, but that doesn’t stop the ideas. I just gotta push myself a little harder to start earlier to have more time before I need to go to bed. 
Do you have a writing muse? If so, who/what?
Not in particular. I always just write about what I like and incorporate different aspects of my life into it. I guess I’m my own muse in that sense? I don’t know. I just write what I do know. 
What is your most popular lit piece?
Out of all my public pieces, I’d say either my “Animal Crossing Diaries” series or my “Endless Ocean” screenplay. “Vagabond” gets some decent attention as well, which is nice, but honestly, I’d be happy if there was just one person enjoying my work, so I really can’t complain. 
What is the piece you are currently writing?
Out of my public blog works, “Vagabond,” from my Zelda Universe collection I’m working on a character piece on Colin from Twilight Princess. 
What is the piece you most recently finished?
On my blog that would be my “Top 10 Favorite Fire Emblem Characters” list. For Zelda Universe, it’s actually a piece about Fire Emblem as well — It was DS week, I could write about whatever DS game I wanted to, of course I have to sneak in some Fire Emblem.
What piece are you most proud of?
While “Vagabond” definitely needs some more work, out of all the pieces I’ve posted publicly, that one is the one I am the proudest of. If anything just for Kurt and Maerwynn. They are two of my favorite characters to play around with and I’m so happy that somehow I was allowed to think these two up.
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In my more private works, my fantasy story is my pride and joy. I feel so blessed to have been able to come up with these characters, and I do hope that someday I will be able to share them, whether on a television screen as I’ve always dreamed of in a novel of some sort. One day, maybe. 
What piece are you most disappointed in?
It’s not so much disappointment, but rather I’ve grown so much in my work, it’s very hard for me to look back at my first romance story. It’s a little cheesy and the dialogue is a bit clunky, some of the actions that my characters had performed totally go against what their characters have become now after spending a lot more time with them. It’s something I would love to revisit and maybe even go public with, but it’s going to take a lot of work. 
From all of your stories, who is/are your favorite character(s) and why? (try to limit it to 3)
Since I only published “Vagabond” online, I’ll stick to characters from this story in particular.
Maerwynn is definitely a favorite because she’s got a lot of qualities that I wish I was bold enough to enact myself. She speaks her mind without a care of what anyone else will think, even if it’s blatantly rude. She goes for her goals, even if they may seem ridiculous, and she pursues them with great passion and ferocity. Even with this rough and tough exterior, she’s still got a softer side that she’s just discovering in her new life at the palace. Now, I wouldn’t ever recommend being like Maerwynn ALL the time, but there’s definitely is a time and place where we could all be a little bit more like her, I think. Her confidence is the thing I admire most about her.
Kurt I connect with as well. Again, he says all the things that we all wish we could get away with at one point or another, but he knows he can because he’s royalty. However, he’s got so much going on underneath the surface as well with the complications of his past. He’s learning to open up, connect with others, and understand his feelings. Despite feeling restricted by the laws of his kingdom and the traditions of the royal family, he finds his own way to feel free and be himself. 
What is the best compliment you ever got on your writing?
My best friend who I’ve been sharing these stories with for as long as we’ve known each other told me the nicest thing not to long ago. I always laugh at myself for going so crazy in-depth with the lore and characters of my fantasy world, but she told me how she’s admired that and the love and care I put into each little thing was what made it so great. It really meant the world to me to hear that and I can’t thank her enough for all the love and support throughout the years! 
What is your main goal in writing?
I don’t know if there’s one main goal in particular, but I suppose if I had to pick just one, it would be to show good through the works of my characters and hope and pray that it inspires others to be like them. Kindness is growing scarce in the world, and if I can just inspire a little bit of it in someone, I suppose that’s all I can ask for. 
Have you ever been published?
No, but I am aiming for it. Once I complete Vagabond, give it another revise myself, and hopefully find an editor to give it another look over, I’d love to find someone to publish my book or even self publish on a platform like Amazon. Just something to get my work out there.
Questions asked by you
Who is an artist that you look up to? There are a few artists online that I follow who I just adore their work. Three that come to mind in particular are Bianca Roman-Stumpff, Bellhenge, and TheStarfishFace. Their art is so different from mine, but I think that’s probably why I love it so much (if that makes sense?)  They each have such a unique style and great subject material, I highly recommend giving them a look!
What did you think of “Frozen 2”?
I loved it. No secret that I’m a huge Frozen fan, so I was bound to like it. I was actually really nervous about how it was going to end, but I can say (without spoilers) that I am 100% satisfied with how it concluded. Also, Kristoff finally gets the spotlight that he deserves, thank you, Disney.
However, as much as I did love it, I do totally admit I do see flaws in it that could have been improved on. That being said, there was that in the first movie too and I stilled loved it. The characters have enough charm to keep the film entertaining throughout and I just adore them!
What does your family think of your art?
My parents have always encouraged me about my art and I know my grandmother loves it; I gave her a sweater with the art she liked of mine last Christmas and my mom says she wears it all the time. The rest of my family knows and supports my art as well, I  never really had any issue with my small art business and the family.
Any memorable cosplay experiences at a con?
So many. I’ve shared a few before, but I think I’d like to make a whole article on the great cosplay experiences I’ve had! There are so many to talk about and stories to share.
Is there a type of art that you would like to get into? I’ve seen a lot of people doing wood carving and burning, but that looks insanely difficult.
I’ve actually been considering wood burning, haha! It does look difficult, that’s why I’ve been hesitant, but maybe in the future I’d give it a shot. I think they’d make my Skyrim wood pieces look legit.
I’m really up for trying anything. If money wasn’t a thing, I’d have tried a lot more by now. In the future, I’d love to try needlepoint as well! 
Recently, I had been asked about some of the work that I do, and I thought a fun way to just that was to fill out a few questionnaires. Here I talk about some of the high and low points of doing what I do, what inspires me, and my process of creativity. Welcome all! If you're reading this, I'm assuming you're familiar with my work as either an artist, cosplayer, writer or any of the other creative things I do.
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Dancing Shoes and Silver Strings: Chapter 1
((So...my three day weekend is coming to an end- sad llama- so it’s probably not a good idea for me to start a chaptered fic, but here we are! I literally don’t even know where this came from. Out of the clear blue, that’s where it came from. I don’t know! I just thought the idea of Soonyoung being head over heels for someone who wasn’t a dancer, but a musician- kind of like his polar opposite, you know?- was cute! I had this idea of him staring all starry-eyed at them while they tune their instrument or played a song just for the hell of it. Anyway, we’ll see how this goes. I don’t foresee this having a lot of chapters, so it should end quickly, but cleanly. Bear with me! And enjoy!))
((P.S.- The song Y/N is paying is “Prism” by Lindsey Stirling. Just in case you want to look it up and listen to it.))
Pairing: SoonyoungxChubby-Black!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,983
Summary: In Soonyoung’s eyes, you hung the moon and 3PM is the only time it’s acceptable for him to openly admire you without coming off as creepy. 
The walls in the dance studio shook and absorbed the bass bouncing in every corner, quick moving feet scuffing the shiny wood floor while a chorus of voices meshed together, competing with the blasting music. The air was heavy with sweat and body heat, but Soonyoung doesn’t notice or care, too lost in the rhythm and beat of his newest choreography. After four consecutive hours of non-stop dancing, his body aches and begs for relief, but he just needs one more minute…one more move and perfect pivot.
The song ends, as does his dance. Flawlessly, I might add, and those who were watching him and his dance mates practice broke into impressed applause. Soonyoung smiled bashfully, but doesn’t hold back the pride swelling in his chest. They have been working on that number for the past week, preparing for an upcoming competition, and it was only right then that they finally executed it perfectly.
“Hyung, how did we do this time?” Chan, their youngest yet one of their most talented members, asked through his panting, sweat trickling from his temple.
“Not a step out of place,” Soonyoung answered with a grin, looking at his three main dancers and then at the rest of the troupe, “Everyone, you did an amazing job today! We finally got the dance down to a T. I’m proud of all of you!”
The small group applauded themselves with Jun, Minghao, and Chan standing off to the side, the three of them just radiating their own sense of accomplishment.
“The competition is next week, so make sure you take care of yourselves until then. Continue to practice on your own and make sure to attend the rest of our club meetings. I should be getting the competition schedule soon and will keep you guys updated. Break!”
Everyone clapped and then disbursed, gossiping excitedly amongst each other. Soonyoung went over to where he placed his duffle bag, dropping down next to it with a deep sigh and rummaging around in it for his towel and water. Jun, Minghao, and Chan joined him once they cooled down themselves, chattering about classes, professors, upcoming projects and the competition. Soonyoung, for the most part, just listened while scrolling through his emails and social media, chuckling some when Chan started complaining about his Korean History professor being a hard-ass.
“I swear she has a personal vendetta against me! Every single time she poses a question to the whole class, she picks on me first to answer it,” he explained, leaning against the wall, “She doesn’t call out anyone else by name. Just me!”
“Maybe she’s got a thing for you and that’s her way of making you notice her,” Jun joked, laughing at the disgusted scowl marring Chan’s features.
“Ugh, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Chan grumbled, taking a swig of his water, “She’s as old as my mom!”
“I thought you liked the noonas,” Minghao joined in, smirking.
Chan’s eyes nearly bugged out, “She’s not a noona anymore!”
Soonyoung laughed at Chan’s distress, holding his stomach and nudging Chan’s leg with his foot, “Hey, think about it this way: if you play along, you’ll be set for an ‘A’ for the rest of the semester.”
The three older boys had their fun teasing Chan, the younger threatening to walk out if they didn’t shut up, but Soonyoung pulled back and busied himself with his phone again when a Snap from Seokmin came through.
It was a random shot of his laptop with what looks to be a new project he was working on for Video Production, the caption ‘Prof might actually kick me out for this one’ pasted over it. Soonyoung smiled, always amused by Seokmin and his antics, before swiping out of the app…and that’s he saw the time.
2:55 PM. His heart dropped into his stomach. “Shit, I have to go!” he exclaimed, jumping up and snatching his bag off the ground.
“What’s the hurry?” Jun questioned.
“It’s almost 3!” was the only answer he got as Soonyoung sprinted out of the practice room; he didn’t need to say anything else, though. The grinning boys already knew where he was running off to.
With renewed strength and vigor, Soonyoung ran as fast as his tired legs would allow him to through the university campus, drawing curious gazes as he sped past groups of his peers. He cut a 10 minute walk in half and arrived at the Performing Arts Auditorium in just under five minutes, crashing through the doors and stumbling towards the seating area. Luckily, the lights had been dimmed where he entered and none of the theater kids at the front noticed him or his noisy entrance.
With a hop and a skip, Soonyoung quickly took a seat in the middle row, close enough to the stage to see everyone clearly, but far away enough to not be spotted easily. Panting breathlessly, he eyed the small number of students studying the musical arts that were scattered on the stage, searching for one musician in particular, the only reason why he broke his personal best sprinting record to be at the auditorium in the first place.
“I don’t see her,” he mumbled to himself, craning his neck to try and look around the piano set off to the left, “Did I miss her? Did she not come?”
Disappointment started to creep up on him, Soonyoung slowly deflating in his seat until; “Y/N, where are you?! We’re getting ready to rehearse now.”
He sat up ramrod straight, eyes wide and ears tingling as the most lyrical voice he’s ever heard in his life fluttered in the air, “Coming! Coming!”
There you were: gorgeous, stunning, as adorable as a puppy in a teacup. Your bushel of sun-dyed curls were pulled away from your face and into a thick ponytail, displaying that nose so broad, those eyes so sweet, and those lips so full. Dark skin like mahogany and chubby, plump body reminiscent of a Renaissance-era painting, you scuttled back onto the stage and slid into your seat, a soft cloth in hand that you used to wipe down the strings of your violin.
Soonyoung felt all the air in his lungs rush out in a swift gust, his heart performing a happy little dance as a result of seeing ‘the love of his life’ as he liked to call you. He watched you giggle and chat with your friends while carefully tending to your violin, a gun-metal silver piece that you lovingly polished and tuned with gentle hands. Soonyoung was so strung up on you, he actually felt jealous of your violin.
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let me have your attention please,” the musical director called over the din of gossiping youth, silence immediately following, “As you know, the showcase is in one week and while I am well aware that all of you are practicing hard and taking advantage of the open auditorium and the practice rooms, I thought it would benefit the lot of you to practice your pieces together in the same order that you will appear in the showcase. Give each other proper feedback and help where you can, okay?”
A chorus of okays filled the air, the director smiling before holding up a sheet of paper in front of her, “So let’s begin. First, we have…”
Piece after piece was performed, a combination of duets and solos that came in one after the other. There would be fifteen performances in total and Soonyoung would wait- however impatient- through every single one until it was your turn. He entertained himself by studying you: how you sat with your hands folded in your lap and your ankles tucked under the chair, how you paid close attention to each piece and smiled encouragingly if anyone stumbled. Oh, that smile- so perfect and welcoming. That smile was what captivated him the very first time he saw you. He dreamed of that smile, mostly of it being directed at him, but the chances of that happening were slim to none for one reason…
You didn’t even know he existed.
Before Soonyoung could start sulking over his non-existent love life with you, the director calling your name broke his thoughts and made him perk right up. You took to the stage in excited steps- almost skipping, really- and your engraved violin in hand. Your fellow performers, and the small audience that liked to watch the musicians practice in the auditorium, clapped encouragingly for you, their collective energy buzzing in anticipation for your performance.
Soonyoung perched himself on the edge of his seat, his eyes fixated on the way you spread your feet just so, turned your body at a comfortable angle, tucked the violin underneath your chin and then…
And then…the first notes fluttered in the air, singing a playful song that tickled your insides and made you smile. Soonyoung sighed dreamily, folding his arms on the back of the chair in front of him and planting his chin in the crook. He floated away with your song into a realm of colors and crystals, cotton candy clouds and lollipops. Your violin sang and shrieked its joy under your fingers, your hips moving to the beat of the song itself. The expression on your face was pure elation as you lost yourself to the music. Playing that violin, you looked the same way Soonyoung felt when dancing:
Immeasurably happy.
All too soon for Soonyoung, the last notes sliced through the air and faded into silence. A nanosecond later, the auditorium filled with applause. A flustered smile played across your lips, one you tried to hide behind your hand, and you bowed in gratitude towards the audience and then the other musicians. You took your seat right after and Soonyoung no longer cared about the last three acts that came after you.
At the end, once everyone had their run, the director took to the center stage once more, clapping proudly for her students; “Good job, everyone! That was spectacular! The showcase is going to be an amazing event. You all did so well!” she praised, the musicians preening, “Well, then, I believe that is all for now. You are free to remain and practice if you would like, but remember the Advanced Theater class will be arriving in an hour. Oh! And before I forget, please show your appreciation to Lee Jihoon for stepping in as our accompanying pianist for today since our regular one has the flu.”
Everyone’s head turned- Soonyoung’s mostly snapped- to the baby grand piano where a rather short male with dyed auburn hair and dimples deeper than space had been sitting and playing. Jihoon nodded to the other musicians with a polite smile, bowing his head respectfully while the rest greeted him and thanked him in kind. Soonyoung didn’t even notice that Jihoon had been there the whole time. He had been busy focusing on more important things such as you and your adorable giggles that added at least one year to his life each time he heard them.
“Have a good day, everyone! See you at the showcase!” the director said, promptly making her leave of the auditorium.
Mindless murmuring filled the air as soon as she bid her goodbye, the musicians mingling amongst each other and gushing about the upcoming showcase while Soonyoung sat rooted to his seat. He wondered, with eyes shifting back and forth between you and Jihoon, if he was finally lucky enough to have found a direct line to meeting you in person. From the friendly smile that Jihoon gave you as he approached you and the way you interacted back with him- speaking animatedly as if you were old friends- the answer was clear.
He was lucky enough, he did find his link, and he 100% planned on taking full advantage of being Jihoon’s friend to get close to you.
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4
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Personal Specialist Field: Final Evaluation
In this final evaluation, I will be talking all about my experience with this project, what I believe went well, what did not, how well I managed my time, and what this project has taught me throughout.
The Rundown
At the start of this project, I was researching my personal specialist field, which I had decided to be illustration as this was what I wanted to pursue. After conducting a fair amount of research on the theme of illustration, for example, its origins and how it is practiced today through my own observations, I chose a few artists that I greatly admire and analysed their work and process, which was an eye-opener and helped me to understand that everyone, regardless of their skill level begins with a rough plan before they create masterful pieces of art. It was also very interesting to learn of the different techniques and processes that they followed, ones that I will certainly keep in mind when I produce pieces of my own; lighting tips and methods of drawing backgrounds, etc.
After this, I produced a list of six ideas that I came up with in a day; these ideas ranged from a background painting with a character, to pixel art of a background, to even a musical motion graphic. Next, I produced and developed many different sketches in my sketchbook, so that I had a very rough idea of what I wanted to create for my final piece. I generated many ideas, these mainly consisted of fighting scenes, including characters performing dynamic poses. By this point, I genuinely felt as though I had already improved my anatomy skills greatly; as I had not experimented with this kind of thing before this project. Moving on to the next phase of the project, I came up with three final ideas that I pitched; these were my three strongest ideas. I talked about a few more artists corresponding to these ideas, and produced some work of my own inspired by them, this was all to ascertain the strongest of the three ideas; the action scene illustration. It was finally time to start working on my final piece, one that, along with the project as a whole, has drastically improved my confidence and skills in illustration.
What went well?
Personally, I think that it isn’t a stretch to say that the majority of this project went well, I kept a positive mentality towards the project from the start and it lasted all throughout. From the initial research phase, all the way to creating my final piece of work. The research I carried out on the different aspects of illustration, specifically “where it is now” was interesting and I actually enjoyed sharing my observations with illustration across social media platforms, and how it is distributed and purchased, through the likes of Patreon for example. Learning about three of the artists that I admire the most was also very inspirational and lent me an insight into how they work. Sketching out various sketches across multiple pages in my sketchbook proved to be incredibly beneficial; it helped me greatly with not just improving my skills by starting with the basics, but also with coming up with a solid idea for what I wanted to do in the end. I enjoyed producing digital illustrations like personifying brands which was inspired by the artist Revolocities, as well as learning a new type of perspective by observing Igor Wolski’s tutorial. I tried my best to follow the three underlying themes that I had set at about the middle point of the project; lighting, perspective and anatomy—I kept these all in mind to ultimately produce a piece of work that I am genuinely proud of, one that I believe has all of these elements.
What didn’t go so well?
Of course, there were certainly times at which I felt I was not in the greatest mindset, and this started during the time that I was trying to come up with six ideas that I could potentially execute for my final idea. The pressure was kicking in as I could not think of any good ideas, my main one at the time being a background illustration, which did indeed turn out to be one of the three ideas I considered the strongest by the end of this project. Among these were pixel art, motion graphics as I mentioned, and an array of different types of illustration—I was all over the place to be honest. Aside from that, some of the sketches I produced were not to my liking by the time I had finished them, the work I did inspired by Igor Wolski for example. I tried to execute the same type of perspective that he had demonstrated in his tutorial, but wasn’t able to recreate the same kind of effect.
I think that the last main time that things weren’t going exactly according to my plan was during the creation of my final project. I actually enjoyed about 80% of the creation of my final project, but there were certain times that I just felt frustrated—when I was drawing and painting the castle for example, there was a lot of trial and error that went down before I was able to produce something I was somewhat pleased with, and I think that the main problem lies within the fact that I didn’t really have experience with painting such a material as castle brickwork, this is one of the reasons why I placed background illustration as one of the three ideas I considered my strongest.
What would I do next time?
If I were to redo the whole project, I would mainly do the same as I did this time, however, that doesn’t mean that I would do everything the same of course. Firstly, I would try to plan more, I think that some of this project consisted of me almost going with the flow, like with the initial idea generation, where I just tried to come up with six ideas from my own head. I should have done more research into the artists I admire and what they have created, which would inspire me to come up with more solid ideas that related more to illustration. I realise creating a motion graphic has essentially no relation to illustration, therefore it was a wasted idea and one that I had pretty much ruled out before I even considered doing it. I should also have followed Igor Wolski’s tutorial more closely, and done exactly what he said, instead of what I did which was sort of my own thing which led to me disliking that final sketch. Perspective overall was by far my weakest of the three themes I had set myself, so next time, I want to practice this more.
How well did I manage my time?
I think that my time management overall was good, I think that I balanced out every task evenly, although I will say that my task 2 has almost an excessive amount of work put into it, therefore I did dedicate perhaps too much time into this phase, when I could have potentially spent more time planning for an even stronger final piece. I dedicated about three evenings actually working on my final piece, from rough draft to completion, with the third day just focusing on finishing the castle. I think that was a reasonable amount of time to complete my final piece, and my reason for doing this instead of starting in the morning/midday and potentially finishing in just a single day was because I didn’t want to burn myself out and possibly get frustrated at something minor and begrudgingly continue working on it—I thought that working on it in intervals of about four hours a day was a way better alternative than pushing myself through an entire day.
What has this project taught me?
This project has honestly taught me a lot more than I would have imagined walking into it. I came into this with an unclear vision of what I wanted to produce as a final piece, and came out with what I believe is a much stronger understanding of anatomy, lighting, perspective and illustration in general. Before this project, the concept of drawing something other than a head-shot of a character was something I thought I would never be able to achieve to an acceptable standard, as I had just never gotten around to experimenting with drawing full bodies. Now though, I feel much more confident about drawing human characters, and my final piece proves this to myself. The same thing applies with lighting, I had not once gone to such lengths as setting up a light source within my own scene, and especially not one that applies to two separate characters, both exhibiting different shadows.
An unexpected but surely welcome by-product that I improved upon would be drawing clothing—in particularly, creases and folds. It is shown in my final piece that the main character is wearing a reddish-brown coat that has multiple visible creases, the most notable ones displayed around the middle of the torso. This was something I felt as though I was very weak at, and I suppose I subconsciously prefer drawing tighter clothing with minimal creases or folds as a result—this final piece has proved to myself that I can do such things, if only a few for now.
0 notes
eorzeasntm · 7 years
Cycle 7 - WEEK 6 Results
Here we are, we have come to the end of Cycle 7 of Eorzea’s Next Top Model! That said, look for information about Cycle 8, in August!! I will leak one thing about it, ex-model or new – everyone can apply for Cycle 8, so be on the look out! :3
If you have not yet, you’re welcome to join the ENTM community on our discord server: https://discord.gg/Bdf9cWD
First a few thank you’s!
Model’s: Thank you for the awesome job y’all did this cycle! It’s not easy to put yourself out there and be judged, even for fun, and all of you did an amazing job this cycle! No matter who wins (cuz I don’t even know at this point lol – math time!) I hope you are all proud of the job you did, because I am! Congrats to all of my Cycle 7 models for being wonderful!
Judges: Just as it’s not easy to put yourself out there to be judged, it’s not easy to be the one doing the judging. I’ve been a model and a judge, so I know both are hard in different ways. To have to be fair, and analyze each image, sometimes having to nitpick because all of them are just so good! Y’all have a hard job and I thank you for doing it and making it look so easy! Thank you, Cycle 7 judges, you’re amazing!
Community: Thank you to all of you as well, if we didn’t have you spreading the word and voting, ENTM wouldn’t even exist! I am the 3rd person to take up this mantel and run ENTM, and I’m still amazing by the kindness and support that we get cycle after cycle. Thank you all of you!
That said – let’s see who this week’s top model is, remember this is this WEEKS top model and not the overall winner. That will be in a separate post once I’ve got the math done. Yes, you gotta wait just a little longer!
The top model for Week #6 is:
Kusuh Valentione
Congratulations for having the top score for week 6, but is it enough to make you the overall champion?
Judges Reviews:
Kusuh Valentione: This is a pretty spot on take of Takaya. The color filter and screen effect work nicely together and the pose and angle do work in your favor. The background looks wonderful in this picture and actually sets the mood for your whole entire set. All in all this looks like in belongs in the world of Persona. I've really enjoyed looking at your photos this cycle and have seen how much you have grown and you took the judge critiques and used them to your advantage.  
Doki Kodoki: I remember being a teen when the first .hack// game came out and I loved every minute of it. Sadly that's my only really knowledge of the franchise but I've always been drawn to the art style and overall feel of the series. Without even glancing at who you were cosplaying, your picture instantly reminded me of .hack and I was happy you brought two "MMO" worlds together. I wouldn't have thought of this outfit and it works so well! The background and the staff give me a stronger vibe more than anything else.
Rivienne Cotrlaint: I have to admit I haven't ever heard of this character nor the anime. But you worked it out and made the picture your own. The songbird outfit works well for the outfit your trying to capture in the picture and the dark background gives that extra eeriness. I think my favorite part of the whole picture would have to be the lanterns in the background. I'm instantly drawn to them and the background.
Noesis Phobos: So while this was not trying to be an exact replica, you make it your own and it looks totally awesome! I love the shadows and the mystery of the picture. The brightly lite background complements the red shade and the shadowy figure rushing off. This is creating a unique but also staying true to the original type of work.
Stephen Fairbrook: It's a case of who wore it better, but I have to say you both rocked these photos. The Joker pictures were two of my favorite because while they are both of the same character, the bring their own unique looks and feels to them. I'm loving the ledge shot with all the people down on the lower floor. Makes the photo look busy with minimal effort on your part.
WoW Wie: Harley is one of my favorite DC comic characters. While at first, I didn't like this photo that much it grew on me and you can see Harley and Joker's dysfunctional relationship in this picture.  I really like the outfit and thought you did a wonderful job.
Nadede Lasalle: Nice to see a King of Fighter fan. This is a really accurate depiction of Leona and I'm glad this hairstyle just came out so you could use it for her. The Miqo starting top looks really nice as well. Awesome fighting pose and background to tie the photo in with.  
Kusuh Valentione
Despite the differences in body size, I think you pulled Takaya off quite well! The hair (even the forehead band!) and your outfit are accurate to your reference picture, and the green lighting mimics the eerie lighting while giving your shot a different twist! I’m liking the brilliant 1 effect; it adds some texture to your background and doesn’t stand out too much. The screen tilt along with the background adds to the eeriness mentioned before, and you even captured Takaya’s smug grin! The only thing I find a bit odd is your left hand; at first, I thought it was only your right hand up with your left hand by your side, but then I noticed your other hand and it looked somewhat out of place. I still think the angle and pose of your shot is fitting for the character!
Your shots had different and unique stories being told, and I really enjoyed reading them as I looked over your shots! I still can’t stop laughing at your beach shot hahaha! (It was definitely not expected but still very fitting for the theme!)
Doki Kodoki
The background in combination with the lighting is interesting! One half of the shot is brighter than the other, but it works well because the white of your staff balances the darkness out. Everything about your outfit is spot on with your reference picture, and the lighting on you helps you stand out while creating shadow on your face, giving your shot a more serious mood. Your expression in combination with the shadows on your face give you a worried but determined look, and looking towards the darker side of your shot helps to not wash you out. While I do like the screen tilt, I don’t like how it cut off your feet. Zooming out just a bit more would make some of the creeping darkness to the right more visible, which I think would add some intensity to the more serious mood of the shot!
You consistently came out with strong shots every week, and I was excited to see what your next shot would be for each week! I was entranced by your waterfall shot!
Rivienne Cotrlaint
This is a great use of the screen tilt! While it’s not too much, it gives the viewer a sense of uneasiness, and the dark lighting makes your background ominous. The lighting on you helps you stand out very nicely in contrast to the background, and the background itself practically wraps around you to draw the viewer’s attention straight to you. I am liking the combined outfit, but it doesn’t seem to stay true to the character. I feel the Songbird dress appears a bit too carefree in comparison to the more modest outfit displayed in your reference picture. However, I think the contrast of the black and white in your outfit is quite nice, separating the darker parts of your outfit while helping you pop out!
I loved the strong, yet gentle elegance you exhibited in your shots! I think your snow themed shot was the perfect balance of such!
Noesis Phobos
This shot has some nice action going on! The saturated linework gives the shot a layer of intensity in combination with the screen tilt. The red lighting outlining your back is just like your reference picture, and that is quite impressive! No doubt you’re Joker with your outfit, and I’m loving the mosaics in the Gold Saucer mimicking the windows in your reference picture. I understand that your pose is supposed to appear as if you’re running, but it looks like you had a mega sneeze and are using your elbow to catch it. Nonetheless, I feel the shot has a fun and fast-paced vibe to it with the lights and surroundings of the Gold Saucer!
I love the aesthetic of your character and how you managed to create such interesting concepts that helped your character shine through! I adored your waterfall shot; I would love to go on an adventure like that!
Stephen Fairbrook
I love how clear this shot is! The saturated linework is just barely visible around the edges of the shot to give it a nice focusing effect while not appearing cartoony. Your location in the shot gives you a nice distance between the others on the lower level, and I feel your character is incredibly cunning perched on such a high ledge. Your outfit remains true to Joker, and the hint of your smile under the mask is just great! The screen tilt gives the shot a nice energetic feel, but I think you are too far to the right. Of course, you wouldn’t be able to see the others down below if you moved over to the left, but you’re facing down to the right which makes the shot feel unbalanced. I’m just itching to see a confident smirk directed right at the camera!
The colors of your shots are one thing I won’t forget, and the simple but meaningful concepts for each theme were executed well! I am absolutely in love with your beach shot!
Wow Wie
The background you chose is perfect for Harley Quinn! The lighting gives the shot an animated quality and helps you stand out. Your outfit screams Harley Quinn with the color palette, and your friend in the back is a nice addition to the morbid theme you have going on! The lighting on the spiked rollers really catches my eye, and makes them look dangerous. I like your pose as it is playful, but your expression reads differently to me. You look too worried to be having a fun or casual conversation with your partner. I do like what the screen tilt does for the shot though; it adds to the crazy, bizarre mood of the shot!
You had such fun and playful concepts, whether alone or with friends, and each shot was something new but completely fitting for your bubbly character! I loved the confidence and playfulness of your raidin’ tombs shot!
Nadede Lasalle
Watch out, Nadede’s coming through! I’m loving the intensity of your expression, and you look like you’re not only flexing your muscles, but you’re about to beat someone up with your pose! The lighting on you is nice; I can still see some undertones of green light, but the rest of the light appears whiter which helps you stand out against your background. I think your current distance from the camera is nice, but I also would have liked to see just a bit more of your body to have a better context of the background. With that said, your proximity to the lighting creates some nice shadows, giving your body a more toned look!
Your shots were so adventurous and exciting, and I was always curious what your next one would be! Your snow themed shot was a beautiful and calming respite to your adventures!
When I was unfamiliar with a character, I gave them a Google image search so I could make sure I got the appropriate "mood" and feeling for the character. Because of in game limitations, I didn't judge the outfits to be exact, just that the feeling of the character seemed right.
Kusuh Valentione - One of your strongest shots yet with this cosplay.  I love how you managed to find pants with almost the exact belt!  The character is lean and powerful and the angled back shot you chose with your highlander manages to capture that mood despite being a bit heftier. I'm trying to place where the background is... the incredible use of the filters obscures it, but I think it's Gridanian?  I love it.  You've transformed the location into something else entirely.
Doki - The original MMO anime always brings a smile to my face.  I think you did a fabulous job matching the feel of the character here, especially with the clever use of make-up and that wonderful staff.  Strengthened effects and the location feel lifted straight out of the series.  The usage of the camera tilt is appropriate, and the entire composition actually made me start humming the theme song in my head.  
Wow Wie - Harley Quinn - with a bonus joker!  I really like the background choices here.  The Joker extra laughing manically in the background, her timid pose, with the extreme camera tilt and the obvious torture device, really drives home Harley's unstable mindset.  You captured the essence of Harley incredibly well, and did a pretty darn good job getting her outfit depicted within the game's limitations.
Noesis - One of our two Jokers.  I love the way you managed to get the red outline of the character shot you chose. The line work and camera tilt add the appropriate action to the shot.  The outfit is a great match as well.  I would have liked to have seen a bit more of that mask, but since I'm unfamiliar with this character... maybe he does the face hidden thing a lot?  But it definitely adds to the mystery of this character.
Riviene - Homura is one of my absolute favorite anime characters.  The embodiment of a strong, powerful female character who has grown through trials and hardships (and many redos from the save point, so to speak.) Your outfit selection is very good, and conveys her sense of elegance and pride.  You've done well matching the background to the shot, but considering who the character is and what she represents, I wonder if a more action oriented shot might have been more appropriate, especially with a colorful and ... shall we say, witchy background.
Stephen Fairbrook - One of our two Jokers. I've experimented with railing shots in the Gold Saucer myself, and I must save you pull it off far better than I managed to!  The linework and camera tilt add the appropriate action to the shot. I really love the perfect red gloves.  Even the lighting on the hair is a great match.
Nadede - Your Leona is spot on!  I really like the clever usage of the Miqo top here, to make it an outfit that no other race could even pull off as well.  Great choice for hair, too.  I think I get what you were going for with the background, since she's often depicted in front of swirling purple things, but I wonder if an explodey or actioney background might have suited the character better.
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lpillustration · 8 years
I feel I have developed a lot over the past year in terms of my practice, and have also learned a lot more about my likes and dislikes. I am starting to discover my position in illustration, and the materials and methods I use frequently.  However, I have always had problems with time management and procrastination, but it seems to have got even worse after starting my degree.
During the interaction project in my first year, I really suffered a lot of artist block and could not produce any ideas at all. This meant I wasn’t doing anything and the final outcome was last minute and not fully resolved, despite spending some additional time on it after. The publish project posed the same problem, however for different reasons. I had too many ideas about what I could do as I was very excited at the prospect of producing a book. It took me a long time to finally reduce my ideas down and come up with an outcome, and when I did it was very last minute. This meant that the execution was sub-par and the standards of my book were way below the level I wanted them to be. My poor time management skills negatively affected my work and I really regret the time I wasted.
Procrastination and being behind with work has always been a big issue for me. I started to realise this during my A-levels and became known for doing things last minute. This has continued through my first year of university and although I have had some success despite this, I know that I could achieve more if I were to ensure I do more work on time and efficiently. The stress of continuously working last minute means that there is a lack of enjoyment in my practice and at the end of a project I am just relieved for it to be over, instead of feeling proud or accomplished. 
Starting second year has been a bit of a jump as we have more projects to juggle than ever, and I think it’s finally given me the incentive that I needed to try and fix this issue. I know that if I want to be a successful illustrator, it is essential that I learn to multi-task and split my time effectively and evenly between various projects, and to adhere to deadlines. I cannot continue working throughout the night for the rest of my life as this will not only affect my work but also my health and happiness and it’s obviously important to me that I enjoy my career.
As I have been aware of this problem for a while, I have tried numerous solutions to resolve this problem such as making lists and time plans for when I will complete each piece of work. However, I do not always have the self-control to stick to these plans, resulting in procrastination. I am starting to realise that the best solution for this problem is just to ensure that I am interested in the project. If I have a positive attitude towards the subject and my own skills and work then I find I am more eager to start the work. If something is hard then I tend to just give up or stick to what I know, but this is not aiding in the development of my work and practice, so I need to get past this barrier. Towards the end of last year, I experimented in collage, surface pattern making, typography, book-making and illustrating buildings, among other things, which I really enjoyed. These aspects really excited me and I can think of a dozen future projects and ways of development that I would love to complete, which is a good sign for my motivation. Therefore, if I can interject my own personal ways of working onto the briefs then I think this will greatly improve my time-keeping skills and productivity. I have incorporated these into my fiction project on The Swimmer and I think it has been quite successful. I need to ensure that I do as much work when I can as often unforeseen events happen, such as being ill, and cause problems if I leave things till last minute.
I am learning that making work as often as I can, instead of simply stopping till I come up with an idea is definitely a better solution. Researching, drawing, brainstorming ideas and visuals will help me in relieving the artist block quicker than simply waiting for inspiration to strike.  Doing nothing will produce nothing. Therefore, I am trying to be proactive in beating my procrastination.
In addition, I have a lot of personal projects that I would love to be able to complete. I always have the urge to draw or create something, but feel like I never have the time as I am always behind on my coursework. I plan on organizing my time better so I can then complete my personal work.  I think this will make me much happier and have a more positive outlook on illustration and my work in general. Also, the extra work and practice is obviously beneficial to developing my skills, so will hopefully aid me in improving and one day achieving the high standards I have set for myself.
I definitely plan on working with the aforementioned aspects of illustration and materials throughout my fiction project, and hopefully developing them further and discovering other ways of working that I may enjoy. By the end of second year, I hope to have obtained a good sense of identity of my work and ways of working, and where I want to fit within the world of illustration and art. To do this, I really need to ensure that I step up my game and be as productive and punctual as possible. Sticking to schedules and deadlines is important, and I will try all the methods I can to ensure I organise my time effectively, and don’t waste it by procrastinating. I want to feel proud of the work I create and have fun doing so and I am going to try my best to make this happen in the future.  
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