#// hope this is okay!!
owleics-fr · 9 days
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Happy anniversary @dire-vulture! And of course, happy hatchday to Tarragon :D
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jcksonfields · 2 months
Who: @mikeyhartman and JD Where: Mikey (and Kit's) place When: July 2024
After stopping by The Mirage to see Mikey, JD found out he wasn't there. So he figured he'd be at home, and went and bought some beers, along with some edibles. He had hoped Kit wasn't home as they were still doing this weird sort of dance around each other, though he did miss her as a friend. Getting to Mikey's place, JD knocked on the door, "dude open up! I brought beer!"
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inkshadow · 11 months
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❝ i, uh.... made you some tea. thought maybe we could order in for dinner later if you're feeling up for it but tea makes everything better, i think. ❞ not that much could top their already great second 'date' — or whatever it's called — given that he still doesn't know her name. just knew that the sight of her naked body beneath his sheets was more than enough for now. he offers the mug, making sure to slide a saucer beneath in case shaky hands made a mess on the way over. ❝ sleep well? ❞
closed starter for @vvhimsicals
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pomegrnate · 5 months
close starter for @travelexe inspired by this. 'I didn't want to tell my friend who my real date last night was so i just pointed at a random stranger (you) but now they're storming over to interrogate you and you're playing along??? okay' au
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hwan sat alone, nursing his drink in the dimly lit corner of the bar, never expecting to become entangled in someone else's web of deception. caught off guard by the sudden confrontation, he quickly assessed the situation. It was clear that the stranger who had unwittingly implicated him was in need of assistance, so he made a split-second decision to play along. with practiced ease, he adopted a nonchalant demeanor, meeting their friend's accusatory gaze with a casual smile. 'so...now we're dating?' he questioned when the accusatory friend left the scene, glimpsing at the other with a predatory grin.
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wesmess · 2 months
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hunting was a little easier when he was first turned. security cameras didn't exist then, nor were the police everywhere he went. at least in his time, the law were less likely to believe stories about vampires. they'd just think you hit the whiskey a bit too hard. regardless, arthur was hungry and he had to feed, otherwise he'd be over-hungry and that would be a problem for both him and whatever poor soul he had his sights on.
arthur has a little system. hit a bar, saddle up to someone and offer to buy them drinks. if they weren't interested, he'd back off, but if they were, then the drinks would keep coming until he thought they were inebriated enough to let him walk them out of the bar and right into the dark alley between said bar and another building. the man was too drunk to fight back as arthur pushed him against the wall and sank his teeth into his neck, the warmth of his blood flooding his mouth and spilling down his throat. what a revitalizing rush it gives him.
of course, he doesn't notice someone had noticed him until he sees movement out of the corner of his eye, looking up to see a man standing not too far from him, staring. ah, shit. if the guy tells someone or calls the cops, he'll have to flee and he'll have to be on the run again.
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thesongbiird · 1 month
@evildecd liked this
"I could use your help on this run if you ain't busy? There's still a few of us sick, and it's the kinda job that needs some muscle, you in?"
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scarletsxnss · 2 months
starter for @moondustlings
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it was an AWFUL excuse. "it's too warm in my room." but eddie knew his sister was too kind to deny him. even if their parents have since DENOUNCED the male, due to his extracurricular activities. eddie liked to smoke, drunk, and FUCK. sex was the best part of life and so many of these righeous snobs overlook it. outside of the house, eddie was a shy guy—timid even. but to their parents, he might as well be the DEVIL. 
now that he was in bed with his sister, he let his arms wrap around her. "shit." the male hums as his COCK presses against her ass. he's already hard—and he knows it—but he'll play dumb as long as it gets his sister interested.  "sorry... this never happens." now his hands grope her breasts. "your body is doing something to me..."
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
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imogen unable to find laudna (C3E33 || C3E37) (requested by @lessthanimpressedlesbian)
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teardroplet-blog · 3 months
yes we do.
I don't have my typewriter on me actually uh
... you can have this though!!
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angie-long-legs-moved · 5 months
“No, it’s bad, but I’m. Like. I’m fine. Just give me like, ten minutes.” cont from here
prompt from @hazbinned for vox 🖥
It wasn't unusual for Angel to overhear Valentino in a screaming match with his business associate/part-time lover. In fact, it was almost a marker for normality at this point, a consistent feature of V Tower that made it feel like home.
He just hadn't expected it so goddamn early in the morning.
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Angel groaned, pulling the satin of the pillow over his ears. Couldn't they at least save the bitch fighting til after he'd woken up?
With an indignant sigh, he pushed back the sheets of the bed. Nothing in Valentino's penthouse was particularly to his taste- everything was gaudy and overwhelming, a suffocating shade of red and riddled with tacky heart motifs. Angel wasn't opposed aesthetically excessive decor - but he and Valentino most certainly did not see eye to eye on where to draw the line. (Not that Valentino saw much of anything.)
As Angel shuffled out of bed, scouring the floor for something to wear, the yelling escalated into the smashing of glass, accompanied by a burst of static and a high-pitched yelp. He sighed. So that's what kind of day this was going to be.
Angel couldn't say that he and Vox were exactly friendly. His feelings about the Overlord were, for the most part, restricted to jealousy: Angel was Valentino's favourite toy, his arm candy, his trophy wife. He starred in his movies and slept in his bed, but he would never be more than a warm body for Val to do with as he pleased.
But Vox was his equal. Valentino respected him. It was a privilage Angel knew he'd never share, and the petty resentment that arose from this placed Vox firmly in enemy territory in his mind.
But below the shallow surface, Angel did harbor a strange empathy for him. Vox knew as well as Angel the turbulence of living and working with Valentino: the walking on eggshells, the unpredictable moods, the random acts of violence and the lovebombing that followed. They shared an unspoken understanding of eachother that both parties were far too proud to acknowledge.
As the fight reached it's finale, as was demonstrated by the click of Valentino's heels retreating furiously down the corridor, Angel padded towards the door. He had thrown on one of Valentino's shirts that fitted like a dress on him, but looking less than put together was the least of his concerns right now.
He paused at the door. Did he really want to see Vox right now? First thing in the morning, after a blow out fight between him and Valentino?
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He supposed he didn't really have a choice - Val was quick to hustle Angel out of his room in the mornings, and given the brief taster of what sort of mood the man was in, Angel didn't fancy his chances waiting to see what would happen if Val came back to find him still hanging around.
He opened the door - and there was Vox, sat in a crumpled heap beside it. His usual smart appearance was thoroughly disheveled, the suit that usually looked so crisp and contemporary now wrinkled and torn. Instead of his face, his screen displayed an error message that glitched and pixelated, and thin fractures laced the screen like a spider's web. Fragments of glass littered the floor like confetti. It felt forbidden to look at the Overlord in this state, given that his image was his most prized possession. Angel wasn't sure Vox had even noticed him until he blurted out:
"Are you okay?"
Vox's face glitched into focus, the error message still flashing ominously over the top of it. The words that came out of him were garbled and glitched, but Angel could still make out that he asked for 10 minutes. To be left alone.
So, Angel sat down beside him. He'd hardened his heart when it came to Vox's issues with Valentino, perception clouded by the thick smog of jealousy. But seeing the powerful Media Overlord reduced to a shattered wreck at the hands of someone Angel had been similarly damaged by - it hit that long-neglected part of his heart that bled pure empathy. He couldn't comfort Vox, or offer any valuable words of wisdom, he couldnt be his friend... but he knew the worst thing to be after a fight with Valentino was alone, so the least Angel could give him was company.
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"Little early for him to be bustin' your screen, ain't it?" Angel joked dryly. "Lemme guess - he's all out of his favourite breakfast cereal. Or you used all the hot water for the shower. No, I got it, ya woke him up half a minute too soon and now he's pissed at ya for interruptin' his beauty sleep," he smirked. "Am I hittin' on anythin' here?"
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jcksonfields · 16 days
Who: @mikeyhartman and JD
Where: Merrock Hospital
When: September 2024
Ever since Mikey's accident, JD had been by the hospital as much as he could. He felt horrible about the whole situation; from not seeing his friend's problem, to not being able to stop him from riding his bike after drinking. So he made a promise to himself that he'd help Mikey in any and all ways in his recovery. And to be there for him as best as he could. Popping his head in the doorway of his friend's room, JD gave him a smile. "Good morning sunshine," he said before entering as the sun was shining through the window and it was still early in the day.
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devourcr · 5 months
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( @cursedviolinist asked: [ fight ] sender gets into a physical fight with receiver ((from @cursedviolinist cus he's always trying to fight // too lazy to look up memes tonight // always accepting !! ))
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he sees it coming before it happens — the change in his expression, the maddening look in his eyes — and yet, he does nothing to stop him. as nicolas lunges towards him, his muscles relax, allowing the momentum to fling him back with enough force to shake the sturdy table behind him. not a wince or a sound comes from him, but he's holding onto nicolas's arms in a vice grip, delicate fingertips rough, unyielding as he finally expresses his strength, twisting his body to reverse the roles, table behind the younger vampire instead.
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‘ is this what you want? ’ a mockery. a challenge. but armand's lips never move, like he'd forgotten how to use his voice, at home with the mind gift ( as if it might drown out whatever thoughts were catapulting inside the other ). armand's grip loosens, a swift movement backwards to put space between them. still, his arms open wide, beckoning, and finally he speaks aloud, ❝ come then, hit me, strike me. let me see what's inside you. ❞
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b4didea · 5 months
that's not a real answer .
a  lingering  gaze  towards  @allthatwas  ,  a  pained  expression  almost.  he  wasn't  sure  he'd  let  that  show  though.  she  was  an  enigma  ,  an  impossibility  ,  false.  yet  she  was  here  ,  wasn't  she?  and  she'd  been  here  before  ,  yes?  why  now?  and  how?  why  with  this  face  of  his?
  eyes  narrow  ,  hardening  as  throat  contracts  ,  swallowing  roughly.  "  rose  ,  i  -  "  he  starts  ,  searching  for  a  feasible  answer  to  a  question  that  was  floating  in  the  air  between  them.
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    BAD  WOLF  ,  he  swore  he  felt  a  twitch  in  his  right  eye  ,  "  i  can't.   "   it'd  been  so  long  ,  so  much  TIME.  but  it  didn't  erase  any  of  it  ,  not  a  moment.
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secondhnd · 2 years
Phoenix couldn't count the number of times he went to the bar on one hand. No, he was there nearly every night. Was that a problem? Not right now, meaning it was a problem for future Phoenix. And honestly? Fuck that guy. He would have to take what he could get in the moment and the future was tomorrow's problem. It wasn't the best theory or way of living, but what else was he to do - think about the consequences of his actions? As if.
He took another shot of the cheapest liquor on the menu. It was the way to go, he thought. Why pay more than the bare minimum to have a good time? He could already feel the buzz running through him. Perfect. He set the shot glass down and scanned the crowd for anyone he might know. The frequency he was at the bar truly helped with this endeavor. However, the familiar face wasn't one of the regulars, but rather someone he'd run into at the grocery store. Oh well. You could make friends anywhere. He stood up from the stool, crossing the distance over to her and eyeing her for a moment. "So zombies drink now?" he asked playfully.
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leylayilmz · 6 months
« ✧ starter for @levibecker »
WHEN: 8.45pm WHERE: Briar Ridge Charity Masquerade
All she needed was some fresh air, surely that would help quell the sensation of her world slowly beginning to spin. The balcony of Paradise Point Resort & Spa seemed to beckon her with its ocean breeze and view of the moonlight dancing on the water. As she reached the farthest point of the balcony in a bid to prop herself against the railing, she realised upon surveying her surroundings that she wasn't alone. He appeared unrecognisable to her — not that she'd be able to tell too easily given their masked outfits. "So, are you one of the unlucky ones being bid on, or one of the potential lucky or unlucky ones buying a date tonight?"
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cannotflyarc · 6 months
@gabegoodmcn ( starter call. )
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typically, there is some normalcy at the beginning of the school year. she'd been looking forward to the first day for more than one reason. the summers are long with her guardian and after graduation, she can finally escape. but suddenly getting moved to public school ( her guardian is still fuming about the scandal that got her private school shut down ) has tilted her plans slightly. this school is far bigger, smelling of the cafeteria food and she looks back at her guide. ❝ have you . . . um, have you gone here every year? ❞ johanna glances over her shoulder, as if expecting her guardian to show up at any moment. it wasn't difficult to sense how hesitant he was about letting her tour the school with a male student her age. what else was she supposed to do? wander the halls on the first day without a clue? she tucks a curl over her ear. ❝ sorry if that's a stupid question. it is a stupid question. i'm just . . . sorry. ❞ anxious. overwhelmed. stressed. ❝ are you looking forward to the first day? ❞
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