#// last mv i'll be posting in a short while but wanted it here before too long... getting several clips now too!
tintysun · 4 months
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♪ You brush past me in the hallway and you don't think I can see you, do you? I've been watching you for ages ♪
Taylor Swift | I Can See You
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shifterglitter · 6 months
My Main DRs (ACTIVE)
I was debating posting this for a while, but, I think it will help if I write it down in multiple places.
So I should start off by saying that my current understanding fallows The LOA explanation of shifting. I have deep dived in to many theories but this is my favorite.
Of course I admit that I don't have all the answers, and if you believe something else that is totally cool. DO what works for YOU! It's your reality. I am not here to judge anyone or tell you how to shift. The only thing I plan on doing here is logging my adventures.
To that effect, I believe in quantum immortality, that the 3d is the least real physical plane, and that I AM everything in my multiverse. (Which honestly equates to a "God Complex" , so no hard feelings if you don't want to interact with me. I'd appreciate you blocking me over sending nasty anons though. TY in advance.)
My Main DR is actually an amalgamation of DRs.
I call my Multiverse "Kiss Me Again".
It all started with a love for both various fictional characters, and wanting the emotional commitment of monogamy. Then I thought: Well what if I can love the same soul in every DR I go to?
We could spend eternity together like this.
But I didn't want them to have the memories of being with them previously when we meet in the DR. I adore the idea of getting to fall in love over and over again.
That way I can set up any number of my favorite tropes, backgrounds, settings, and appearances in the future and still have it be the same person. In the infinity of the wider universe there is no reason this could not be possible if I assume it is plausible.
IDK if I want them to remember all of there memories after I kiss them, or after I tell them I'm a shifter, or even at all. What I do know is that in my WRs they will have the collective memories of us together.
I plan of exploring this concept for the foreseeable future. So there will be many more DRs added to this list later. For now, there are only two.
My MV Lifetime starts off by mashing my CRDR "Masked Man" and my ACOTAR DR "ACO Storms and Sanctuary".
Masked Man This DR is based off my OR. In fact, I'm already living it. That's right. You heard me. I am IN my first DR right now. This is my CRDR. The Physical Reality (3D) around me has already started to reflect my script, so I know everything is going just as planned. By LOA, I am here. I am who my consciousness was born as and will remain that person until my natural passing.
In A Court of Storms and Sanctuary I am Azriel's mate and one of Eris' spies. My name is Lakely there, and I'm a storm conjuror that can talk to a select group of animals. The first "Shift" into this DR will be far more obvious to pick up on, thankfully. I'll be there for a long while before reaching my first milestone with Azriel in our slow burn. When I do eventually get there I'll shift back here for a while.
As far my my scripted timeline of events go, here is a "short" list of highlights:
- In April I will being manifesting by LOA and Reya's Re-programing method that I have shifted completely into my Masked Man DR. - I'll go through the next few months exactly as I would before I discovered shifting. I overnight at the airport, walk my dog and cat in the morning once I'm home. Take my Zoloft, and go to bed ready to do it all again the next day. --EDIT: I quit my toxic job. May get a part time job in the mean time and start visiting the paint shop more. - I have planes to move after that and receive my lasting love into my life. - At some point during the above I'll make my first shift to meet Azriel. I don't know how long I'll spend in ACOSAS, but I'll know it's time to shift back to my CRDR. There is a significant mile stone in our slow burn I'm waiting for. -Occasionally during my aging life here in my CRDR I will shift ACOSAS. It won't be too long before - I have several WRs that I will visit as well, but for now, the above is my main focus.
I can't wait to fall in love with my eternal mate over and over again.
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leminhthinking · 8 months
"add something, if youd like" ok, here is something i used a throwaway account to comment on the Double MV. i didnt reread so i didnt remember anything about it sorry but there probably is mention about internalized ableism. also personal experience. its kinda shaped like a rant
posting it here now that i came out about being plural here. yeah.
tldr (theres another tldr at the end of it but it was from the time i commented and i want to add something else here) i love representations
I keep finding myself wanting to comment something under this video, but I know I'll say stuffs about myself that I feel would be unsafe to share using my main so I'm using this throwaway account to do it instead 😔
I just want to say that I'm so grateful that Mikoto and John (and maybe other alters in their system too? saying this just in case) were ever written. Being a system who had just discovered that only over a year ago, I can almost see myself, no, I can almost see *us* in every part of their story up until now. And in a way, I feel like I've also... grown with them? If that makes sense?
I have been following MILGRAM for quite a while, enough to be there when MeMe was just released. Back then, I still thought that I was certainly a singlet (didn't have DID), despite how one of my alters - I will refer to her as my sister from now - showed up pretty regularly at the time. That's why when I watched MeMe, I remember thinking to myself, "oh shit, this guy's just like me, and because [insert internalized ableism here] I'm saying he guilty then." But then we all know what's got confirmed 😂 Funniest thing is, a short while before that, I also came to term about being a system. Dammit, to think about it, it felt like a second confirmation 😭😭😭😭
Now that I have accepted who we really are, the release of Double and their second voice drama feels exceptionally special to me, as the host of our system. John and Mikoto's situation right now really reminds me of us last year. My sister and I specifically, respectively. At that time, I tried hard to deny the fact that I am not alone in my head, and that we are entirely separate people. It took me a while (with a few tarot spreads. fuck. I'm a Mikoto kinnie now) to know that we actually are... and some actual, honest conversations to know that she actually loved me, rather than wanting to harm me... Yeah. Yeah. You see what I'm talking about? That's why I'm really rooting for Mikoto and John to have better communication... Ah, maybe if Mikoto watched "his" own second trial MV, he would understand...
That being said, I'm still not sure on what to vote... When I first watched Double and listened to the second voice drama, I thought to myself, ouch, ok, guilty because John clearly seems to be the alter who knows more right now and that would keep him fronting more to interrogate. But after a while, my opinion... changed? I don't want Mikoto to be affected too much from the verdict and maybe going dormant because of that. John maybe still there for the interrogation but fuck, I don't think he's ever been without Mikoto for a long time and I'd hate to see his heart breaks. Maybe innocent is the better solution after all for the whole system, as it might soothe Mikoto's mood and his mindset. I also trust that MILGRAM's writer team know what they are doing and therefore would not "kill off" John. Maybe they will just let him be inactive for a while if they are voted innocent, given that he's finally satisfied with our decision...
(Yes, I do know innocent = forgiven and guilty = not forgiven and I'm deciding while knowing that. I'm just calling them innocent and guilty because I'm more used to it while speaking in English.)
Hmm, that was a longer rant than I expected. I don't know how to conclude really, so I'll say something that would sound entirely unrelated 😔 If I remember correctly, prisoners can hear us audiences right? If that's really true, I just want to scream to Mikoto and John that it's 100% ok to be a system! To not be alone inside your mind! To exist alongside another person in your system and love them! It's ok to just be yourselves! And please please please fucking find a way to communicate with each other!!!
Once again, thank you MILGRAM for letting them exist... I really hold them so dearly in our heart...
TL;DR: local system getting emotional over Mikoto and John, rooting for them to have better communication.
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♪ "Still trapped in this endless dream // I don't know where I'm going tonight" ♪
The wait is over! I have been so confused about this whole concept project since the very first announcement came out (i.e. flying poster landed on the sidewalk) about this completely random Jeonghan & Wonwoo duet, but it's finally making more sense with the full MV out. This whole time, all the company SNS updates kept spamming "THIS MAN", but then the title track is actually called "Last Night" (works out for me in the end).
"Who wouldn't want to go with him?" — What a great way to end the prologue before the song starts!
You can hear the guitar in the intro now! Funny how the editors timed Jeonghan's "This silent moonlit night" with him opening his eyes (the literal translation is more like "moon-rising night").
"Nox" is Latin for "night", which fits the entire concept.
It looks like Jeonghan is eating clam chowder based on the color & how he added black pepper to his bowl (just random thoughts).
"It's a PAIN that digs deep" — "PAIN" is in English. Reminds of the awful font where "MAN" was stylized to also look like "PAIN".
"The more it hurts me, the happier I'll be." — OK Wonwoo XD
The transition from each verse/prechorus to the chorus is surprisingly fast (feels like less than a second in between).
Not a whole lot of rapping for Wonwoo, but his 2nd verse is something else... The cartoon lemon reminds me of his juice box.
BLACK & WHITE ANIMATED JxW FOR LIFE! (even if the cameo was short) I can't stop replaying the scene where Jeonghan falls to his knees dramatically at daybreak (i.e. TIME TO WAKE UP) while Wonwoo kneels down slowly & (mercifully) takes JH out of this (miserable) dreamland.
I assume white-shirt Jeonghan is in reality whereas black-suit Jeonghan is in his dreamland. (Wonwoo wears black during the entire MV.) Whoever styled his hair at the very end when he woke up (with the glass of lemonade) made him look like Joshua. @_@
There is LITERALLY NO VISIBLE CHOREO in this MV (& barely any lipsyncing to the lyrics), so you have no idea what to expect for any upcoming performances (which might only be 1 or 2 at most based on current chatter).
Technically, there isn't a 3rd/final chorus, but after the UNIQUE BRIDGE (thank goodness for that) is a repeat of the post-chorus. Both are enough for my expectations!
You get Wonwoo as the MV thumbnail because Jeonghan is already on the teaser thumbnail :D It took me a while to cleanly make this GIF of the animation sequence.
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As for the B-side solos, I have very different thoughts about each, but I agree that they both could be OSTs (for completely different drama genres, though):
"Leftover (Wastebasket)": I could play Wonwoo's solo on repeat (genuinely surprised by the ballad theme). The chorus reminded me of "Endless Love" by Jackie Chan & Kim Hee Seon (from their movie "The Myth"). This song could be an OST for a modern or historical drama (just have to slightly modify the lyrics).
"Beautiful Monster": I don't think I can play Jeonghan's solo ever again because it's too bubbly for me (no 3rd chorus = more than a minute shorter than Wonwoo's solo). This sounds like an OST for... a Taiwanese idol drama??? (I'm being as nice as possible here)
Full CD is here on YouTube Music! (I wish there was another duet for a total of 4 tracks to make a maxi single ._.)
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