#// another pov - high school edition:
tintysun · 4 months
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♪ You brush past me in the hallway and you don't think I can see you, do you? I've been watching you for ages ♪
Taylor Swift | I Can See You
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therealdogsinmymind · 6 months
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✩ SOLO PLAY - Chapter 2 ✩
(18+/Minors DNI)
AO3 Link | Word Count: 4,337 | Status: Ongoing
Synopsis: It's been years since high school, and also years since your fight, seeing Jinwoo after all this time is scary enough; but when you finally get to confront him you aren't sure who it is that's in front of you.
Pairing: Sung Jin-Woo/Reader , Sung Jin-Woo/You
Tags: Reader POV, Bickering, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, First Kisses, High School (Almost) Sweethearts, Secret Crushes, Requited Love, Jinwoo has a nickname for the reader, Nickname - "Star",
Picture from @oo0mika0oo ‘s icon edits
There’s usually something to be said about a nice cool evening breeze, head clearing you hear. Not tonight, not for you at least. You’ve never felt more muddled. The soft wind does nothing for the state of your emotional turmoil or the fact that you feel like you’re going to sweat to death in this stupid fucking outfit. Jinwoo gave you a call out of the blue a week ago sounding vaguely breathless and almost nothing like himself; but the number was definitely his. You really should’ve deleted his number but you couldn’t bring yourself to, besides you still keep in contact with Jinah on the occasion to check in, it felt wrong to delete just his. Regardless, you agreed when he asked to meet up, a silent agreement passed between you that you would try to let go of your past disagreements; or maybe that’s you being hopeful. 
Well, you’ve made the plan, the time has come, you’re wearing your stupid little outfit so you look like you have your life together; the stage is set. Now all you need to do is go into the café, easy. Jinwoo shouldn’t even be here yet. Really you just have to stop pacing back and forth right outside the door as if you’ve never been inside an establishment in your life. You know how to open a fucking door, yet here you are digging your nails into your palms so hard they’re leaving dents. 
You’re on maybe your thirteenth pass in front of the door, or is your thirtieth? You’ve long since lost count. Suffice to say you’re on an unknown number of loops in front of the door when you run square into someone, it was bound to happen, you’ve barely been looking at where you’re going. You’re so mortified you can’t even bear to look up at the person who was undoubtedly just trying to get into this café. 
That’s it, you can’t do this, you know it’s getting close to the time you’re supposed to meet up with Jinwoo but how are you supposed to go in now? Following in directly after this person is just simply not an option. You mumble profuse apologies and quickly make your escape. You’re side-stepping around the stranger with a ducked head, aiming to get the hell out of dodge as quickly as possible.
Something catches your wrist and yanks you back hard enough that you go toppling backwards, for a moment you think you’re going to land flat on your ass and make an even bigger embarrassment of yourself but you land firmly against something hard, a chest? Dazed for a moment, it takes you a second to realize you’re loosely encircled in a pair of arms, a hand wrapped around your wrist. Did the stranger from before grab you? What an asshole. You’re ready to swear up a storm, maybe even start swinging, when a familiar voice stops you dead in your tracks.
“Chickening out?” Jinwoo asks from entirely too close to you. His voice is almost unreadable, but you think you can detect a small hint of disappointment in his words. 
The jarring movements and the fact that you’re suddenly in Jinwoo’s arms has you spinning.  “Hwuh-?” Real fucking eloquent, nice. Did you crash into him earlier, then make a break for it? And you thought you couldn’t feel like any more of a loser today.
You crane your head up to catch a glimpse at him, or rather someone that feasibly could be Jinwoo in another world. The man barely looks anything like the boy you knew in high school. It sends you absolutely reeling. No fucking shot. 
“Who the fuck are you?” The words slip from your lips before you have the chance to stop them. You slap a hand over your mouth and he gives an awkward chuckle.
“Aha… as blunt as ever…” If not for the way his eyes crinkle when he replies you’d never believe that it’s him. Pulling away and turning around you take note of the fact that he hasn’t let go of your wrist, only loosened his hold. 
“You gonna let me go?” You ask, narrowing your eyes.
 He’s quick to reply, “Are you going to run again?”
“Depends on if you’re really Sung Jinwoo or not-” You can’t be sure at this point.
“In our last year of high school you fell asleep in class and when I tried to wake you up, you-”
“Alright-!” You cut him off, you really don’t need to be reminded of the rest of that story. Your cheeks feel hotter than they have any right to be. You’ll swear on your dying breath that you were joking when he tried to wake you up and you sleepily asked him to kiss you awake. You know, like a princess or something. You know you weren’t kidding but you’ll never admit that, not to Jinwoo of all people. It feels like something within you is shriveling into a tiny ball at the realization that he even recalls that and for some reason you feel the need to say so.
“Why do you even remember that?” You practically whine, dragging a laugh from Jinwoo. Something warm lights in your chest at the sound, it’s a deeper laugh than before. His voice has dropped farther and he seems far more confident, but the familiarity is still there. You missed him. The sense of apprehension and hurt from the fight that caused your fractured friendship lingers in the back of your mind and you try not to pay it any attention.
He tilts his head towards the door, “Do you want to go inside? I won’t force you.”
You only hesitate for a second before answering, “Yeah… yeah I do.”
His hand falls away from your wrist and your skin feels tingly where it once was, you don’t have time to dwell on it. He holds the door open for you and you thank him quietly as you slip in, your nerves slamming back into you full force by this point. There should be nothing to worry about, just coffee with an old friend, but is it really? Jinwoo seems so different.  Not just in his appearance but the way he speaks, the way he carries himself, it’s all different. Meanwhile you’re still the exact same; or at least that’s how it feels.
When you go to order he asks you if you still have the same tastes and you almost feel embarrassed to say yes, perhaps you’re a creature of habit. When he orders his drink it’s different from what you’re expecting and you have to bite your tongue. Commenting on every little thing he does would probably be annoying. 
The two of you find a table in the back of the café with your drinks and silence stretches on for a while. As you play with your straw he watches out the window quietly, looking rather content just to be here. You try to find words but you’re too busy raking your eyes over every aspect of him. His fingers aimlessly draw circles on the table, even his hands look different. You’re staring, you know that, but your eyes are continuously drawn to him, everything he does feels wrong you don’t know who this man is. It’s rude to think that but it’s churning your insides, this isn’t the sweet boy you were so head over heels for in high school. How are you even supposed to talk to this man?
You say the first thing that comes to your mind, “What the hell happened to your hair?” 
“That’s what you’re concerned about?” He looks absolutely thrown, apparently he’s been able to tell you’re uncomfortable with his changes.
“Yes!” You lean forward quickly, smacking your hand on the table, perhaps a bit too loudly for the setting. It doesn’t even phase him, another new thing. “Well- no. All of it is fucking with me, but you used to look like a sad wet cat and that was so charming what happened to that?” Might as well be honest.
“I don’t know- I got older?” He pauses and his eyes slide over to the side, “I also do some working out…”
“Shit- I guess…” you mumble and lean back in your seat. Sighing, you drag your hand over your face. “I hate the hair. You look stupid.”
“Thanks,” he deadpans before taking a sip of his coffee. “I don’t know why you think you’re one to talk…That hair color looks terrible on you.”
“Thanks for the input.” You take an angry sip of your coffee before you spit, “Hunting-?“
He cuts you off, “Still doing it.” Your face twists in disgust and you have to look away from him. You hate that he became a hunter, it’s too fucking dangerous. The fatality rate on that shit is insane.  The idea of losing your best friend to a dungeon killed you inside, you couldn’t bear it. Hence your huge blow out, Jinwoo wasn’t particularly happy with your lack of support, you wouldn’t back down, the rest is nasty history. 
“I’m doing fine now,” he says, as if you need to hear that. A part of you does, you’ve always worried, but another worse part of you wished that he would’ve missed you just a little.
Regardless of the back part of your brain cursing him, the logical part of your brain is stronger. Your face softens and while you still can’t look at him, you swirl your drink and say, ”Yeah? That’s good.” Your words are genuine and you hope he knows that.
”You?” He prompts, hopeful lilt to his voice. It seems he’s genuinely trying to keep the conversation going. You don’t want to talk about yourself though. You really don’t. 
You drop your chin into your hand, suddenly the music playing from the teenager’s phone three tables away is crystal clear. You’d rather not be having this conversation. “Y’know.”
He tilts his head, “I really don't, that's why I asked.”
You’ll just keep it vague. “Not much to talk about, got a job. Dated a bit.”
Suddenly he gets stiff, voice tight, ”I didn’t realize you had a partner.” 
Your neck hurts, it's so tense, why did he have to ping on that? ”…ah. I don’t.”
He seems to relax almost imperceptibly but you’ve known him for far too long to be unaware of his tells. He seems intent on not dropping the matter, “Bad breakup? I didn’t see any pictures of a partner on your socials.” That’s because all of your partners have looked something like him, be it his hair or his previous body type, you had a streak and you didn’t want evidence. They’ve also all unfortunately been utterly awful because you’ve picked them out on looks alone without getting to know them in the slightest before dating them. Maybe you’re shallow, or maybe you’re just desperate for something you can’t have, call it what you will.
You set your cup down with intent, you are not having this conversation. You’d rather have any other conversation, even a worse one. So, you pick a fight, you’re good at that. “Why’d you tell me to get out of your life when I asked you not to be a hunter?”
He reels back for a moment, before narrowing his eyes, the challenge accepted, “Why’d you tell me you wouldn’t come to my funeral if I died?”
”Why are you so ready to die!?” You hiss, voice intentionally low, you don’t want to make a scene. “You never fucking think about how the people around you worry! You just throw yourself into shit and sacrifice yourself, you think that people’ll be grateful because they didn’t have to do it themselves But newsflash! You have people who care about you! You don’t get to decide that your life doesn’t matter!”
His eyes grow dark, body language becoming more aggressive than you’d like. “Do you think I want to die? Do you think I don’t know what pain feels like?” He hisses right back, you’re both just spitting vitriol at each other at this point.
“I’m not saying that! I’m saying you’re a fucking idiot that can’t take advice! This is why we stopped talking!” You can’t bring yourself to back down, even though you know you want to.
“Have you ever thought that maybe you’re the problem!?” And that’s the end of that, you have no comeback. He looks like he regrets his words as soon as he says them but it doesn’t matter. It hits hard enough to shatter something in you. You have thought about that actually. You agonized over that for quite a while after you guys stopped talking, then over it again and again after each of your failed relationships, and you tormented yourself with it when you finally went no contact with your parents. You’ve always had it in the back of your mind. It never stops being there.
You don’t say anything and neither does he. A few times he opens his mouth like he’s going to say something but then proceeds to close it and look down at his drink. He turns the cup back and forth a few times as if that will give him the answers he needs. You know it won’t, neither of you have an answer to this whole fucking mess.
You sigh heavily, you don’t want to be here anymore. The noise draws Jinwoo’s eyes back to you, “Glad to know you’re still alive. Keep it that way.” The last thing you want is to be right about him dying in a dungeon but you don’t think that’ll happen anymore. He seems different now, more composed, stronger, dangerous even. You wonder what changed him. Was it hunting?
Your chair scrapes against the floor as you stand up. You wish it hadn’t been like this. You wish you two had never fought over him becoming a hunter. You wish everything had just stayed the same. More than anything you wish you hadn’t missed out on your chance to tell him how you felt years ago. Things could have been so different.
You turn your back on him for the second, and hopefully final time in your life. Yanking the café door open you’re hit with a blast of cool air and this time it does do something for you, it’s not calming but at least you feel less overheated. Maybe you should just take your sweater off, it’s doing more harm than good at this point. 
You don’t get very far before a voice calls out for you from behind you. An old nickname resurfaces from the depths of hell just to stop you in your tracks and nearly make you trip over your own feet. “Star.” You haven’t heard that nickname in what feels like a lifetime, but more jarringly you know that tone. It’s the same soft, desperate voice as the time you were sick with a raging fever and Jinwoo took care of you for three days. He says it like he’s afraid he’ll lose you and he can’t bear the thought of that. Your steps falter and your fists clench. It hurts your heart for just a moment before something vicious takes over you.
You don’t turn around, you can’t, there’s hot, angry tears welling up in your eyes. You don’t want him to see, it might break you, and you will not cry here. Not today, not when you’ve already embarrassed yourself in front of this stupid café enough today. 
“Don’t call me that,” you spit. Trembling, you pull in on yourself. You need desperately to hold it together. Emotions you barely know how to name swirl inside of you. You’re angry about a years old fight, about the fact that you don’t recognize the man that used to be your best friend. You’re hurting because you don’t know what you’re supposed to do in this situation. You’re confused, you’re anxious, you just want everything to make sense. Who the hell is Jinwoo anymore? Who are you? 
He says your name in the same soft tone, before he tugs on your shoulder. You’re weak to him, he turns you around and you go willingly, as if he’s magnetic. When you finally look at him the sight of the apologetic look on your face forces the wetness in your eyes to spill over. A sob escapes your lips and he pulls you into his chest; you don’t have any desire to stop him. 
“I’m sorry. Really…” The pain in Jinwoo’s voice is palpable.
“Does my hair look that bad?” It’s not what you want to ask but it’s all that comes out of your mouth. Asking the harder questions feels impossible right now.
“No, star… I’m sorry, I was just trying to be mean,” he mumbles into your hair. Maybe that’s what does it, the soft admission of guilt from Jinwoo has everything bubbling up your throat in an instant. 
“I missed you!” You sob, “I missed you so much and now I don’t recognize you!” Balling up your fist you weakly thump his chest. “You don’t need me anymore…” you whisper. That’s the crux of it isn’t it. He got all big and cool and strong so what does he need you for? Maybe he called you just to rub it in your face. “You don’t need me! And you hate me! Why am I even here!? To fight more? I don’t want that!” 
Jinwoo makes a pained noise, “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. I didn’t call you here to fight… I… wanted to apologize, I wanted to show you that I’ve gotten stronger so you wouldn’t be so worried about me hunting… I’ve missed you so much, you know?” You shake your head into his chest. You truly never could have guessed that he missed you, hoped certainly, but not guessed. “How could I not?” He asks with a hollow laugh, as if he’s been hurting for years.
You mumble quietly into his shirt, “Missed you more…” You can’t help your overwhelming need to compete with him on little shit like this. You two have always been trying to one-up each other. At least you’ve stopped crying.
He huffs a laugh, “Hmm I don’t know…” You have to prove him wrong, you have to. You pull back from the hug so you can narrow your eyes at him.
“I’ve been in love with you since I was fifteen so I think I win,” you say completely without thought, as if you haven’t been keeping that a secret for ten years. 
His lips curl up, “I’ve been in love with you since you pushed me down the stairs on the first day of school.”
“That was an accident!” The words come out of you in a burst before you have time to fully process what all’s been said. When the ramifications of what you’ve said sink in your face goes red. What the hell have you done? Then when what he’s said sinks in you start stuttering wordless sounds. When you can finally get some coherent words out they sound something like, “You- wh- huh? In love? With me?”
“I guess that is what I said, huh?” He says slightly contemplatively; who is this man? His confidence is insane, nothing like the Jinwoo from school. You dive back into his shirt because it’s the only place you can go to hide your face. He laughs and wraps his arms around you tighter, rocking the two of you back and forth slightly.
You mutter into his shirt, “We’re so stupid.” After all this time, this is the straw?
“Mm, yeah,” he agrees; he sounds kind of happy about it though.
You pinch his side, forced to take note of the complete lack of softness there, bye-bye baby fat you guess. “I can hear you smiling, you dick, knock it off.”
“I can’t be happy my feelings aren’t one-sided?”
“Yeah- okay well…” You’re happy too, ecstatic even, but you’re also conflicted, you’re still not sure who this new person is.
“You don’t know if we’re compatible now,” he says quietly into your hair. 
“Yeah…” You pull away and hesitate for a long moment before you ask a question you’ve always assumed you knew the answer to.  But maybe you don’t know the answer like you thought. You can’t look at him as you whisper, “Do you think it’s too late?”
“Hmm I don’t know… It’s almost 7pm…” He hums with his hand on his chin. You peek at him and see his stupid pose, it saps the seriousness right out of the moment. 
You kick him in the shin, hard.
“You’re such a jackass!” You’re fuming a little but you can’t help the laughter bubbling out of your lips. A stray tear spills over your cheek, clearly leftover from the previous wetness in your eyes. Despite the fact that you no longer feel the urge to cry it almost feels fitting, the catharsis of knowing you weren’t alone in your feelings for all this time deserves a single tear.
Jinwoo wipes it away slowly, gently, as if he’ll break you otherwise. “It might be too late-” His words plummet your stomach to the floor, however he continues, “But I don’t think we’ll ever know if we don’t try?” The uplift at the end of the sentence betrays how nervous he is. He seems to phrase it as a question so you know he’s anxious about your answer. You’re anxious too, so much so that you’ve started trembling again, but you think they might be the good kind of nerves.
“Trying… I would like that,” your voice is barely audible but the smile he gives seems to say he heard you loud and clear. You clear your throat, “We may need to work some things out first, I feel like we’ve got some unresolved issues.”
“I trust we’ll figure it out, older and wiser and all that.”
“Wiser my ass.” Oh well, you’ll either sort your shit out or not. Regardless of the risks, hope blossoms in your chest at the idea that something you’ve wanted for so long could be right within reach. It almost doesn’t feel real. You take two steps back and lean against one of the bollards at the edge of the street.
“I don’t know about you but I feel a little bit like I’m having the weirdest dream of my life right now,” you say with a wistful sigh. Jinwoo cocks his head to the side and looks contemplative for a second before he steps into your space and leans over you.
You crane your neck to look up at him as he says, “I could try to wake you up, see if you’re really asleep.”
“What? Like pinch me or something? No thanks.” 
“Nah, I was thinking of finally making good on that request of yours.” He leans in until he’s mere inches from your face, lips so very close to your own.
“Req- oh… y-yeah. Yeah, okay.” Maybe it’s a little fast, or maybe it’s long overdue. Jinwoo takes your stuttering go-ahead happily, closing the gap with an utter lack of smoothness that speaks volumes of an absence of experience; it makes your heart soar. Are you his first kiss? You hope so, this inexperienced Jinwoo feels like the one you knew before, it’s sweet. You’re preparing yourself to learn to love the new version of Jinwoo but it’s at least nice to know that not everything has changed. The kiss is fumbling and unbelievably cute, Jinwoo isn’t diving for your tongue or anything but he is applying too much pressure and he’s very eager. It’s quite sweet.
Unfortunately you must be the one to pull away first, mostly because you really want to tell him something. “I think I’m awake, prince charming.”
He wrinkles his nose at the stupid nickname but it makes him even cuter. “Glad to hear it,” he says breathlessly, cheeks pinker than the sunset behind you.
“You’re so cute…” you coo, touching his cheek. He leans into it for just a moment before pulling away, face going even redder. “I’m not teasing, by the way.”
“Yeah okay,” he mutters, avoiding your eyes, “It’s getting late, I should take you home.”
“Shut up, it’s not even that late, you just want to go home and squeal into your pillow because you’re gonna get laid soon.”
“I’m going to push you into traffic,” he mutters before he seems to process the last part of your statement fully, then he echoes faintly, “Soon?”
“Not if you push me into traffic-” You tease and hold your hand out, he takes it, pulling you up even though you didn’t really need the help; you kind of just wanted to hold his hand. “Anyway, you wanna get dinner or something? Catch up?” He shrugs in reply but he still seems dazed about the idea of getting laid, which is enough of an answer. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Of course you would,” he says without any real bite, seeming to snap back to himself. “Next thing- you’re gonna to invite yourself over to see Jinah.”
“Ooh- can I? We could grab something on the way back to your place.”
“That wasn’t supposed to be a suggestion!” His voice is shrill and his cheeks still pink, you wonder if he’s embarrassed about the idea of you seeing his sister after all this time.
You pout, “I guess…”
He sighs, rubbing the back of his head. “Some other time… I promise, okay?” You light up, beaming at him. “Come on, I’ll buy you dinner,” he tugs on your hand; you didn’t realize you were still holding on like that. He didn’t seem to mind, seeing as he didn’t let go, instead he uses his grip on you to pull you forward. You follow him without hesitation, you wonder how far he’ll take you.
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juztscrollingthrough · 8 months
Seven by Taylor Swift
I always interpreted this song as someone looking back at their childhood nostalgic memories and remembering that one troubled friend who left a deep mark in their psyche but for whatever circumstances they lost touch with one another.  This edit kind of depicts the time during the “between years" where they thought of one another but never reached out. This one’s especially from Ian’s POV and all those flashback of memories that compelled him to finally reach out and arrange the meet up with Anthony after a nudge from Dianne.  Ian wonders if Anthony still thinks of him, if he still reminisces about their past as fondly as Ian does. 
Below are the lyrics with explanation/interpretation in Ian and Anthony's context:
Please picture me In the trees I hit my peak at seven feet In the swing Over the creek I was too scared to jump in
Ian wants his friend to remember him by the fun escapades they shared together. He reminisces about their first 6th grade science project, all their sleepovers, the trips, their first experience with alcohol near the riverside in Sacramento. In their big group of friends how these two became closer due to the fact that he didn’t know how to drive and Anthony was the one who drove him home after school, how after graduation when everyone left for college, these two remained in the suburbs, unsure about their future.
But I, I was high in the sky With Pennsylvania under me Are there still beautiful things?
Ian once said "I'm not exactly the poster child for following your dreams, because I never had any”. He never had exact dreams about career or whatever the future had in store for him. Smosh became a place where Ian and Anthony expressed themselves, an outlet to make each other laugh and with smosh blowing up he finally found his dream: to keep making fun stuff with his best friend which for some reason random strangers over the internet connected with. They were riding the high that came with smosh’s success unaware of the fact that this newfound business relationship would tower over their years of close friendship.
Sweet tea in the summer Cross your heart, won't tell no other And though I can't recall your face I still got love for you Your braids like a pattern Love you to the moon and to Saturn Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long
Their genuine love and adoration for one another, how they shared every secret with each other, how Ian lied to Anthony about his first kiss in hopes to impress his new friend in 7th grade and in later years opening up about the lie as he finally got his actual first kiss…. in his friend’s bedroom. Slowly these tender moments fizzled out as they grew up, as their channel grew, and so did their stress and workload. Though, they aren't the people they once were, but their mutual love and respect for each other remained deeply ingrained in their hearts.
And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with Me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry Or hide in the closet And just like a folk song Our love will be passed on
Ian knew that Anthony came from a broken home, and how he lost an authoritative figure, his step dad, who abandoned Anthony’s mother and his step-brothers when he was merely a 12 year old, and due to his tumultuous situation at home, Anthony got this heavy responsibility on his shoulders of his family. Anthony feared that his mothers agoraphobia would somehow find a way towards him too and he would stay stuck in this haunted situation which he desperately wanted to break away from. When Anthony fell sick due to his autoimmune disease, Ian’s mom urged his son to visit his friend. The get well soon card he got signed by everyone in their class and gave to Anthony. After their graduation Ian’s parents invited Anthony for a trip to Hawaii and that was the first time when Anthony got to experience something away from his haunted house back in Sacramento. He got to experience what a complete family felt like vicariously through Ian. 
Passed down like folk songs Our love lasts so long
No matter how many obstacles there were, the power of friendship conquered it all. They not only got their company back but also rekindled their friendship. They said everything had to happen the way it happened for them to eventually reunite. They might be complete opposites but there is this red string of fate that lingers between them. Their creative partnership is too strong and in the end they proved that “Friendship always wins”.
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redgoldsparks · 4 months
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May Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
The Crane Wife: A Memoir in Essays by CJ Hauser 
This essay collection focuses on human relationships, many of them romantic, but also with grandparents, parents, sisters, best friends, COVID-isolation pods, and with the children of romantic partners from previous relationships. The title essay interweaves the experience of a broken engagement with a scientific expedition to study the dwindling population of whooping cranes in the Gulf Coast of Texas to devastating effect. Another experience, covering the DARPA Robotics Challenge trails, in which teams test out potential robotic first responders, speaks to the author's own desire to both save others and be saved by a string of problematic men. The author dated a lot of men and a few women in their twenties and processes them through the lens of media (the film The Philadelphia Story, the TV show The X-Files,the novels Don Quixote, Rebecca, We Have Always Lived in the Castle) and the perspective gained with time. I really loved this whole collection, but the piece that keeps rolling around in my mind is "The Fox Farm", about trying to recreate an archetype of a child's fantasy house (full of animals, friends, gardens, infinite rooms) in real life as an adult. I left this book wanting to know more- when did the author start using nonbinary pronouns? Have they resolved their feelings about their tits? Is that guest room in their big upstate New York house still available for visiting artists, and if so, how do I apply for the position of resident writer/new friend?
American Teenager: How Trans Kids are Surviving Hate and Finding Joy in a Turbulent Era by Nico Lang
Queer journalist and author Nico Lang traveled around the US to meet 11 families of trans teens and see how anti-trans legislation is impacting their daily lives. Each family has different circumstances; one teen fears his top surgery will be indefinitely delayed, while another had surgery already and has joined the boys swim team at his high school. Some teens are moved to become activists while others want to just live their normal, low-profile lives. With humor and compassion, Lang shows trans teenagers as they really are: kids trying their best, day by day, to grow into their truest selves and fullest potential. The various chapters are by turns deep, silly, introspective, sweet, and smart, just like teens themselves. I was able to read an advanced copy of this book- pre-order it now, or look for it on shelves in October 2024!
Fool’s Assassin by Robin Hobb read by Elliot Hill
NO ONE IS DOING IT LIKE ROBIN HOBB. NO ONE! After a disappointing journey up the Rain Wilds River, baby we are BACK! And by back, I mean, back in a first person POV and back with FitzChivalry, one of my literal favorite fictional characters ever. This is the 7th book about his life, and the 14th overall book in this series, so I won't be summarizing it. Let's just say that Fitz found his happy ending (minus a few key soulmates) and then his life kept going. More problems, more politics, more magic, maybe stranger than ever before. A new character introduced in this series swept in and stole my heart. I can't wait to dive into the next book very soon!
Rose/House by Arkady Martine read by Raquel Beattie  
A brief murder mystery set in an fully conscious AI house in the southwest desert. This story feels in conversation with Ray Bradbury's story The Veldt and has many elements I enjoy, but a somewhat unresolved and slightly unsatisfying ending. I'm honestly still simmering on my thoughts, but looking forward to discussing this in book club soon! Edit post book club: a discussion helped me clarify what I thought was working in this book (tone, setting, themes) and what was not working (too many red herrings for such a short book, and an ending twist that seemed to undercut the book's main premise). I still think it's worth a read for Arkady Marine fans, but it is not as strong as her full length books.
Dances of Time and Tenderness by Julian Carter
In 2016 Julian Carter, a queer author and long-time participant in San Francisco's dungeon kink scene, received an invitation to be part of an archival matchmaking project. The project paired artists, activists, and scholars with specific issues of OUT/LOOK: The National Lesbian and Gay Quarterly. The assignment was to use the issue as a jumping off point to think about queer history and make something "new and provocative." Carter's assigned issue was from Winter 1991, the year the CDC announced 1 million American were HIV positive and AIDS was the 3rd leading cause of death in people aged 25-44 years. One of the many who died in 1991 due to AIDS related complications was Lou Sullivan, one of the first trans men to publicly identify as gay. From this starting point, this book traces paths of queer lineage, both proclaimed and obscured, traveling through history, memory, and poetry. Carter is linked, through friendship or scholarship, to Susan Stryker, pioneer of transgender history, to Zach Ozma, who edited Lou Sullivan's diaries for publication, and to Lou himself. Casting a transgender eye back on a queer history divided sharply into gay and lesbian, Carter allows himself to claim as ancestors sailors, skeletons, writers, lovers, and reaches forward in time towards students, readers, and artists. Including me. I was fortunate enough to be gifted an early copy by the author, and read it back in February back in one delicious rush. I already want to read it again, and more slowly, this time underlining and annotating it. This is a book to savor, but is easy to devour instead. It's sensual and surprising, formally precise, and made me want to dig around in a mess of queer historical papers and also contribute my own to the pile. It's out on June 4, 2024; give it a pre-order or look for it on shelves soon!
49 Days by Agnes Lee 
Kit, a young Korean American woman, wakes up on a beach with a map and a watch telling her she's already late. For days, she clambers over rocks and up trails, reaching for an undefined goal. Slowly, the book begins to flash back to Kit's childhood and family, the people she loved and left behind after her accidental death. In Buddhist tradition a soul travels for 49 days before rebirth, and this book follows one version of that path, the grief and slow healing that follow a loss. Drawn in a very simple yet evocative style, the spare ink lines and limited color fill this journey with meaning.
Early Riser by Jasper Fforde read by Thomas Hunt 
What a bizarre and delightful novel. It's set in an alternate history in which ice-age level cold spells cause the majority of humans to hibernate every winter, which has ripple effects on the development of technology, societal rules, culture, and family structures. Charlie Worthing was born in a "pool" in the independent nation of Wales, or a group home in which nuns dedicated to reproduction birth and raise dozens of children, in returns for credits from those who can't or don't want to have their own kids. Charlie has very few job prospects, especially ones that will give him access to morphanox, a drug which helps most people survive their months-long winter sleeps. The drug also turns about 1 in 3000 into a brain-dead zombie, but this risk is considered better odds than sleeping without it. So Charlie volunteers for the Winter Consuls, the law-keepers and problem-solvers who stay up all winter to safe guard the majority. There he has to face the three well documented dangers of winter- Vacants (zombies), Villains (the British) and Winter Volk (fairies, whose reality is debated), as well as rumors of a viral dream. The humor in this book is a close cousin to Terry Pratchett's work, in which absurdity and invention mask some pretty biting social commentary and anti-capitalist motives. I did think some of the twists at the end didn't quite pay off, however, I had such a good time with the ride this book took me on that I'd still recommend it.
Blue Flag vol 2 by Kaito 
This vol has already taken a kind of melancholy, bittersweet narrative tone which might put me off the series. I still really like the characters and overall think the writing is very effective, out I wish the humor and sweetness of book 1 would last farther into the series!
Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins: Jester Lavorre by Sam Maggs, Laura Bailey, Matthew Mercer, Hunter Severn Bonyun, Cathy Le, Ariana Maher
Short and sweet, this prequel comic shows Jester's first meeting with The Traveler, the prank that caused her need to flee from Nicodranas, and a window into Jester's relationship with her mother. It's a slight story but I loved the artwork, especially the outfits and the beautiful city views.
The Book of Love by Kelly Link
Kelly Link, one of my favorite short story authors, debuted a novel 650 pages long. I bought this the day of release but it took me a few months to actually crack it open. I'd seen it described as slow, but I think I'd say leisurely. It opens with an intriguing premise- four teenagers come back from the dead, not knowing how they died or why they were brought back 11 months later- and have to solve a magical problem if they want to keep living. But the book is less a mystery than a close examination of the teens lives in a small New England town in December. The teens include Danial, oldest of many step-siblings, who rejects his new magical powers and just wants to live a small and ordinary life. There's Mo, who lost his parents young, and was being raised by his grandmother, a famous Black romance novelist- who herself died during the 11 months he spent in an underworld. There's Laura, a musically ambitious teen, who comes back to her single mom and sister Susannah, who seems somehow entangled with the magical ritual that killed and might save her friends. And then there's a fourth person who none of the others know, who snuck out of death on their coat tails and has no name and few memories. The book rotates POVs every chapter, with more than 15 different POVs, some of whom only appear once in the whole volume. I love Link's writing style so this worked for me, but I can see how this choice to linger over details not directly related to the plot might not work for some readers. I really enjoyed this but it did take me 3 weeks to read it and I suggest other readers pick it up when ready for a slow burn of a book.
Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol 
This original fairytale opens with teenage Jane mourning the recent death of her parents, after she already lost her younger brother to the sea as a child. Because there's no male heir, Jane's horrible cousin will be kicking her out of the house in a week. The only option she can see is marrying within the week so that she can access her dowry. So Jane walks down to the fishing village below her manor and proposes to a beautiful but shallow fisherman's son. He accepts- then is immediately lured under the waves by a mermaid. Jane runs into the town asking for help but only an old woman with witchy vibes is willing to aid her. The crone gives Jane a potion so she can breathe underwater, a stone which will allow her to walk on the bottom of the ocean, and a shawl to keep her warm in the depths. So armed, Jane walks into the sea after the boy who feels like her only hope. Under the waves she encounters allies and enemies, learns the true power of her own will, and realizes she might have more choices than she's realized.
Blue Flag vol 3 by Kaito
Well, I started another book because the last one ended on a massive cliff hanger, but I think I'm setting the series down after this one. I still think it's very well written, but the main character has such low self-esteem that he shouts at other characters that he sucks, he's a jerk, he doesn't deserve their friendship and they should leave him alone. I bet the arc of this series will be building this character up to where he believes he deserves their love and friendship, but I just don't feel like dwelling in this character's self-pity at the moment. I would have eaten this shit up as a teen though! Especially with the queer characters.
The Free People’s Village by Sim Kern
Set in an alternate timeline in which Al Gore won the 2000 election and declared the War on Climate Change instead of the War on Terror, this novel is an interesting mix of hopeful and dystopian elements. The main character is Maddie Ryan, a white high school English teacher working in a primarily Black neighborhood in Houston, TX. The novel is Maddie's written account of a tumultuous year in which the grungy music warehouse where her punk band practices and performs is threatened by a proposed high way and oil line which will rip up not only their art space but also a historically Black neighborhood. Maddie starts attending activist meetings which quickly morph into a full blown protest encampment surrounding the warehouse. Dubbed the Free People Village, this protest movement goes viral and is met with the exact same kind of violent police response as the current student encampments protesting for Palestine on college campuses. Woven through this depressingly accurate political forecast are multiple queer love stories, interracial friendships, a 101 crash course in anarchist philosophy and bracing look at what long-term activism takes. Folks with more of an organizing or activist background than I might find some of this book a bit basic; but I was completely drawn in by the relationships and conflicts of Maddie, Red, Gestas, Angel, and Shayna. This book feels almost painfully timely, and I hope a lot of people read it and gain both courage and perspective.
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marionedde · 4 months
jacks insane alien rant stuff (invader zim edition) bc if I didn’t type it out and tell at least one person my head was going to explode
been trying to crack the code about how zim can be an adult (possibly a joke on vasquezs part) and a child (referred to as one in the description early on)
also foh with the ship defending shit. I don’t give a fuck about that I’m just autistic and this’ll keep me up at night
he’s an ALIEN.
he was a baby for two minutes. Irkens are fucked up
I’m still certain zim is physically a child (and prob mentally he acts like one) but age wise and by the speed at which their planet spins is technically sixteen in Irken years.
so he’s been alive for 160+ years but it’s possible considering how weird Irken growth his that he barely grew or even got older that entire time. another couple of giveaways is that he
a) sounds like a pre pubescent child and in the first episode we hear an Irken with a deeper voice who also appears to be taller. this figure, while partially hidden, looks similar to the tallest but obviously is not as high up as they are. The tallest have higher pitched voices than him but Yknow. Men can have high pitched voices. b) he (attempts) to flirt with tak, who at the time was only confirmed to be human and about 11 years old.
It’d be kind of weird if he was an adult.
c) zim acts sounds and Yknow, looks like a child through the entire series. Maybe you can just chalk this down to he’s short but from the pov of me who’s less than five feet and in high school, your face structure can be a dead giveaway about your age. Most people just don’t bother to look down long enough to see.
d) alright let’s talk biology. As we know humans start getting acne around 10-13 years old. now staring again, zim is an ALIEN and they definitely have different skin than humans do but the fact that zim can get acne and from the same source a human can might suggest a bit of a ballpark we can make.
e) “oh um zim is an invader though he’s probably an adult-“ do you see that planet? You think they wouldn’t use child soldiers for sweet, sweet conquest? Have you watched the show?
f) Jhonen Vasquez likes to fuck with the fans. I think we might be taking some statements a little too serious. Also leave the guy alone he made this beautiful show let’s stop harassing him so you can draw your weird yaoi stuff.
ok conclusion?
my main theory is that:
If you get taller you grow. Irkens could have a completely fucked up growth pattern that relies completely on growing. Who knows. Maybe some Irkens stay children forever (see child soldier note) and maybe some of them grow fast as fuck. this also supports the fact that the tallest went to class with zim but ended up in power. I assume at some point they grew taller, essentially got too old for school, were taken out and treated like royalty (thus explaining why they’re less serious than all the other Irken we’ve seen.)
of course I could be wrong. Whatever you headcanon is your opinion and it’d be unfair of me to push that on you. This is mostly for myself to get my thoughts out cuz I was going so insane I remember what tree bark tasted like (don’t ask.)
thank you for reading and remember to be respectful to other people s opinions. As long as they aren’t hurting someone they aren’t doing anything wrong.
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he-goes-down · 1 year
0. There Was A Time
fic chapters/warnings/disclaimers/ect
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Mentions of drugs/ sex ect.
English is not my first language
POV changes
x reader
inconsistent updates
time line is not perfect or accurate
Character may also not be accurate
I'll also be posting this on wattpad and maybe ao3
So if you see it wasn't stolen<3
Also i dont know how tumblr works and how to link chapters together(someone send help)
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The studio was warm in the coldest night of this Autumn, warm yellowish light and the red carpeted floor made it feel like a cosy log cabin. A full drum set with a few too many ride cymbals and windchimes sat close to the middle of the fat bare bricked wall, with a small metal bucket that had the remains of broken splinter drumsticks. A rack of guitars and two bass holders stood next to the right wall where an old armchair sits, a few different sized amps scattered round the square room. Right in front of the glass that separates the control room from the studio three mic stand in a line with noise cancelling boxes surrounding each of them.
In the control room there is a strong smell of weed and other smokeable herbs, "No! You can't take Runaway Blues off the album!" A man with short shoulder length brown hair and a moustache protested as he puffed on his cigarette as he lied back on the couch, his dark glasses fell back on his face as he tilted his head back. "I agree with Jake. It shows how good we are even when we're shit faced." The man with long curly hair, a gorgeous ethnic nose, stood up – towering over the other 4 people in the sesh – and began to roll another blunt on one of the control panels. The one that started this debated piped in, "Thanks Dan for taking my side." He said sarcastically, his curly mullet was like a solid cloud on his head, and he has a moustache like Jake. "We'll our wonderful manager and producer here," A man that looked like Jesus pointed to a woman that sat next to Jake on the couch. "Was the one that wasn't shit faced, I think that's why it was actually good, Joshua." He finished. "Hey, hey, I'm not saying it's shit because of you, please believe me y/n!" Josh dramatically pleaded to y/n. She was looking up at the ceiling. Pupils dilated. Blunt in hand. "Just, make it shorter." She said confidently, waving her hand a bit. Still not looking at anyone and head craned back. "You have the answer to everything." Danny said his mouth slightly gaped that such a simple solution didn't register in any of their minds. Or he's just on a psychedelic trip and can't spark up a brain cell.
The following week the band had dates in LA since they were still doing there 'Dreams in Gold' Tour. The band was already at the venue setting up, some still sleeping in the bus. Y/n had some business to attend to in their studio in New York before going down to LA. She decided to walk down the infamous Sunset Strip, as a historic music place like this could not go untrekked when having the chance. Wearing a black turtleneck, dark blue flare jeans with dark brown boots and a satchel bag hanging from her shoulder, a small suitcase's handle in the other hand while the silver case dragged its wheels on the floor. As she caught the sight of the colourful sign of The Rainbow, a voice called to her. "Y/n?" A older man, short blondish hair, leather jacket, sunglasses.
Axl Rose.
And like the trigger of a gun being pulled,
A life was lost.
(or misplaced)
Y/n's POV:
Everything stood still,
I stood still.
Then it all went dark. It was a black lifeless void.
Falling backwards but being physically still.
Time was reversing.
A previous life. My life?
Memories rolling past like an old film.
My head spiralled.
I can't comprehend this. What is happening to me?
My first years of school, late 60's early 70's. That's not right. It was the early 2000's.
Falling in love with music, Queen, Elton John.
Highschool was trip. My parents being stricter than anyone else's, they didn't believe I could have a job as in the music industry.
Studying music in college then going on the Uni and taking a science course to get my folks off my back.
One of my most successful record deals was Mötley Crüe and Bon Jovi.
Before they even started writing lyrics for their songs, I knew it off by heart and helped them gain success with it and recording went like dream.
Now I was searching the East Coast for a new band to sign.
March 1985, The City of Angels.
A flash of light, and my eyes flickered open.
It a cold night, dark but the city light was somewhat comforting.
It was the Sunset Strip, but something was...
(Band at the beginning is greta van fleet )
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
Dashing Youth Ep 1-10 Commentary
Ep 11-16, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40
Alrighty let's organise all my thoughts in neat lil piles.
1. Personally the type of Wuxia I enjoy is the more subdued, mature and philosophical vibe like that of Sword Snow Stride and Mysterious Lotus Casebook. I rarely watch youthful, lighthearted, rom-comey wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan. I didn't enjoy BoY a lot and I still wonder how I managed to finish it, the few characters I loved were Wuxin, Tang Lian, Zhao Yuzhen, Prince Chong and Prince Lingchen, because they had the acting style and character arcs that were closer to my preferences.
I clicked on Dashing Youth just for the curiosity and out of "since I watched BoY anw, I'm kinda obligated for this" feeling, but unexpectedly, within 10 mins I was in love lol. Many of the actors I already know and love, the bromance is instantaneous and strong, the promise of a good tragedy is alluring, and I could enter the worldbuilding faster because I already know what to expect from this universe.
AND I ADORE how the casting directors seem to have chosen actors with BLs/BL-vibe shows under their belt for all the important roles, they all know exactly what to do and like:
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I for one am not mad about all the CP pushing promo the showmakers are doing. I mean, even if this was a super straight story we'll end up with gay fanfics anyway, right? So just as well we get to see our fantasies haha 😏
Like, that's an adorable thumbnail!
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OK without further ado, getting myself invited into the Daddies' party time!!
By ep 4, Dongjun has so far charmed the asses off of Spear daddy, Lei daddy, and now Liu Xueyi's daddy. At this rate, I'll have to assume that the future kids are gonna be procreated not via their future wives, but through the consummation of the daddies' elaborate spiritual bodies when they flirt-duel lol
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(Exactly like that)
Now I really wanna see a 重回我爸的高中时代 (Back to My Dad's High School Days) edit for Dongjun and his harem from the kids' povs Like here .
Ep 6- You did indeed, Wu Xie 2.5!
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Hou Minghao collects new boyfriends, old boyfriends and his own other-selves like pokemon😆 Also gotta say that everytime I see Bai Shu now I feel like a proud parent. He's grown so much from the grumpy scrawny bb Wu Xie era huhu
Ep 9- It's amazing how I personally didn't really enjoy BoY, but Wuxin instantly got my love and while I'm 10x more drawn to Dashing Youth, the one who won me over above everyone else is again, Wuxin's dad. Also, Wuxin's dad is a chef! How can I not love this baby!
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Everyone showing off martial arts while they are in their own world, serving a buffet lmao
Lei Mengsha looking at this poster: Yep, I can see this polycule is not a good idea. Usually I'm all in but I'll sit this one out and go make my two kids in peace. I'll have my chance with HMH in another universe anw
Despite being the silliest of them all, LMS is the only one who gives the vibe he'll always stand straight on his two feet even if the entire world goes topsy-turvy. I don't even need to look at BoY to be proven correct.
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Ep 10- Ever since his intro from ep 1 where he went all, "wow, what a fate!", I love the parts they do these crossover jokes
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(In fact, instinctively performing Qimen Dunjia is possibly how LMS figured out the trajectory the other boys were going to be in LMAO)
Now they need to add some tomb robbing jokes when Bai Shu and Neo interact and it'd be perfect!
Also it feels kinda fateful that Lei Wujie would go bond with Xiao Se, Lei Mengsha was best bros with his uncle Langya.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
pov. | chapter one.
jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader.
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→ description: you wish you could read jake’s mind in the heat of an argument and see his point of view.
→ c/w: argument, mentions of sex, swearing, crying, angst, kiddo agenda and jake standing naked in a doorway.
→ a/n: this is based off mcfly’s song, ‘pov’ which is my favourite song by them. i’d highly recommend listening to it as you read! @seriouslyseresin @callsignmayhem this one’s for the kiddo agenda, and mcfly (plus kiddo agenda) for you @kryptonitejelly! <3 my main masterlist and guidelines can be found here! 💌
→ edit: chapter two is in the works! please let me know if you want to be tagged! <3
“Jake, I'm getting tired of asking. Is this the final time we’re doing this?”
You sat on the edge of the bed, facing away from Jake and hauling your jeans up your legs. You stood up and wrapped the belt around your waist.
You’re so beautiful in the afterglow. I wish we didn’t have to discuss this now.
Your glance flicked over at Jake who had been uncomfortably quiet since. His body was posed on the contrary. Jake sat up comfortably in his bed with his stupidly toned torso on display. His thousand thread count bedsheets were sprawled out perfectly to cover what lay underneath.
One of his hands lay on his stomach that was still glistening with a sheen of sweat from your prior activities. His other arm was rested behind his soft locks, cradling his own neck and flexing his bicep muscles.
Jake could only raise one eyebrow at you quizzically in response to your question.
Who’s going to be the first to say it? Don’t make me go first.
Was this the final time you were gonna hook up, caress each other’s bodies like lovers and then move on, only for it to rinse and repeat two weeks later?
You were left lingering in the uncomfortable silence until Jake finally parted his lips to speak. He’d given in and spoke first, but you felt your stomach drop ten feet at his question.
“Did I make you happy?”
I hope I did. I hope this makes it easier.
Fuck. You knew what was coming, but no amount of High School breakups could soften the blow.
“Because you cried an ocean when I told you this wasn’t a relationship last week.” Jake continued coldly. This was a matter of fact to Jake and it meant nothing to him.
I’m doing this to protect you, kid.
“You do make me happy, Jake. Relationship or not, you do.” Your voice wavered and you could feel your bottom lip starting to tremble, but you managed to hold your ground. You didn’t want to have to beg and plead for him. You learned very early on that was futile against Jake.
Please don’t beg me, please don’t make this harder than it is.
“Kid, there's a thousand lines about the way you smile written in my mind. But every single word's a lie.”
Another lie.
The final and pummeling blow hit through your very core and it knocked the wind out of your lungs.
“Jake fucking Seresin!” It was a bloody and horrible scream that came from your throat. You were gasping as you tried to catch up with the breath that left your body. It was a scream that made Jake’s own blood run cold.
Your hand twitched at your side and you bent down to throw the first thing you could find. You grabbed Jake’s old navy sweatshirt he’d given you to wear for the night, and threw it across the bed to hit his chest.
Please keep the sweatshirt, kiddo.
Your own chest heaved as you desperately tried to catch up with your labored breaths due to the previous nature of your movement, and because you were fucking pissed.
It was pure and liquid rage that ran hot through your veins. You held your furious gaze with the stupid blonde, who much to your annoyance hadn’t moved a single one of his perfect muscles. The only muscle that twitched was Jake’s cheek. If you were kidding yourself, you would think Jake was biting back tears.
Don’t cry Jake. Don’t cry in front of them.
You held up a shaking finger to Jake as a firm warning, like scolding a child who’d swore for the first time.
Sorry, baby. Let me make this better, let me tell you I-
Jake parted his lips to speak again, but your finger twisted to point at him as if you were condemning him. You were the judge and executioner now.
“I never wanted everything to end this way, Jake! You have this incredible habit of taking the blue sky that you fly your stupid fucking planes in and making them grey.”
Every time I’m up in the sky, I think of you.
“I swore to you, I swore to you,” your finger planted firmly in your own chest now, “that I would do the best to change and make this work, but here you are telling me it doesn’t matter?”
I should’ve been the one to change. I’m sorry kid.
“I’m looking at you from another point of view. I don’t know how the hell I fell in love with you. I never wish for anyone to feel the way I do.”
The confession left your lips quicker than your brain could register, but it didn’t matter now. Apparently nothing mattered to Jake.
You love me? Kid, please. I lo-
“Maybe this was a sign from heaven? The savior God complex that is ‘Jake fucking Seresin’ is stripped bare for all to see and I can see the light again.”
You spit the last of your deadly venom whilst gathering your shirt and shoes from the floor, slinging them haphazardly over your rigid frame.
“And it doesn’t contain you coming through the fucking clouds this time. I’m better off without you, Jake, so we can leave this entire relationship tonight.”
You grabbed your bag from the wicker chair. The last remaining item of you left in Jake’s room. You stormed out of Jake’s room in a flurry of hot rage and headed for his front door. You wanted to make your escape quick and less painful than this had already been.
You whipped your head around at the sound of Jake coming after you. He stood naked and vulnerable in the doorway connecting to his hallway. He had his old navy sweatshirt bunched up tightly in his hand, angled and reaching out to you.
I need to tell you. I need to tell you how much I lov-
You watched as Jake swallowed thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. You heard him suck in a gulp of air through his teeth and wet his bottom lip with his tongue.
You had been patient. You had waited for Jake to tell you you meant something to him, maybe even say “I love you” back, but you were growing irritatingly impatient with each passing second. Your face contorted into a horrible scowl. Eyebrows knitted tightly together and your jaw set tight.
You’re in so much pain. I’m sorry for hurting you, kid.
“It don’t matter.” Jake finally mumbled. He pulled back the sweatshirt and nestled it tightly into his side to keep it safe. To keep it safe from harm.
Your scowl alleviated and turned into a scoff of laughter at your own foolishness. How could you ever believe Jake had feelings for you in the first place? You reached for the lock and clicked it upwards. Your hand rested on the lock and you took one last look at Jake.
If this is the last time I see you, I never want to forget what you look like. I never want to forget the crinkles in your eyes that light up when you smile. I never want to forget the scar on your forearm when you fell off your bike as a kid. I never want to forget the strands of hair that always fall softly in front of your face. I never want to forget you from my point of view, kiddo.
“Don’t you dare come back and try to make things right like you always do. I’ll be ready for a fucking fight this time.”
That was the last thing you said to Jake before his front door was slammed shut and he was left alone in his apartment. Jake had nothing but his sweatshirt that smelled like you left.
When night eventually came, you lay in your bed and stared mindlessly up at your ceiling. Normally you would trace your eyes over the cracks that appeared in the paint when you couldn’t sleep, but something else was eating away at you tonight.
“You said it don’t matter.”
I love you.
“You said it don’t matter.”
I love you.
“You said it don’t matter.”
I love you.
Your index and middle finger tapped on your hand as you rhythmically recounted, out loud, the last thing Jake said to you before you left.
“What was it, Jake? What were you trying to say?”
I love you, kiddo.
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mtchee · 3 months
I'ma Shine Like Gloss~! [Kugisaki Nobara] DOJA SERIES | MDNI | GN AFAB 18+
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Sure, you're a little more softspoken than Nobara, and despite being her senior you can't help but feel a little inferior next to her. Miraculously, she's taken a liking to you. While enduring another one of her shopping sprees, she reveals to you just how enthalled she is with her precious senpai.
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, everyone is 18+, jujutsu tech is an extended school AFTER high school!!, [name] is older by around 3 years, swearing, mdni, smut, fingering, cum eating??, aspects of exhibitionism, groping, dirty talk, praise, use of terms cunt cunny pussy breast tit, i might actually come back and rewrite this later, let me know if you want an amab ver. of this series
| masterlist | jujutsu kaisen collection |
Yeah, ain't tryna be cool like you Wobblin' around in your high heeled shoes I'm clumsy~ made friends with the floor Two for one, you know a bitch buy four! And two left feet, you know I always drop First thing a girl did was bop I'm the whole damn cake and the cherry on top! Shook up the bottom, made a good girl pop
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Average is your middle name, crippling anxiety is your game.
The Jujutsu world is not for the faint of heart, so you wonder where that leaves you. With nowhere else to go, you continue on with your missions and assignments, wallowing in your self pity in your free time.
When Gojo had asked you to supervise the first years on a mission while he went and did god knows what, you died a little on the inside.
Not once did they need your help--hell, you didn't need to even be there. It was just for appearance sake. Eventually, you just sulked and told them to take care of one half of the building while you took the other.
There were a lot of third grade curses scattered about, so you instructed them to stick together. Not that they'd have any trouble anyway, but at least they wouldn't get bored.
Unbeknownst to you, they'd finished faster than you planned and circled back to let you know, only to witness you absolutely clobbering a borderline grade one curse with a lackluster expression.
You'd let out a demurred sigh before startling at the sight of them behind you, staring with slack jaws.
Nobara and Yuji had immediately jumped you while Megumi stood back nodding appraisingly.
"That thing had so much cursed energy!" Yuji's eyes sparkled with admiration, "how'd you do that?!"
"Yeah! What the heck!?" Nobara heckled you, "have you been holding out on us!?"
"No!" You'd reeled back, shrinking in on yourself at her outburst, "I-I'm a rank 1 sorcerer..!"
You wince at their chorus, turning tail and speed walking back to the entrance of the building while they followed you like puppies.
"Why do you sound so surprised..?"
"Well, you don't look like it." Megumi states plainly, and you inwardly cry at that.
"O-Oh," Your voice cracks, head lowering pathetically, "I see..."
Your successful supervision of the first years and their raving reviews resulted in Gojo piggybacking off of you a lot more often. In turn, you spent more time with the unique trio who were more outgoing than you.
For some reason, they kind of adopted you too.
You've always been one to take care of your juniors, leaving them a basket of snacks outside their classes or after training. If you happened to be assigned someone on a mission or for supervision, you'd give them some money for lunch, sometimes even joining them.
Other than that though, you tried to stay out of everyone's way.
Inumaki and Panda adore you, Yuta looks up to you, and Maki tells you to grow some balls. Though when you almost cried at that, she'd huffed and patted you on the head.
Your kouhais thought you were kind of cute like that.
You thought you were pathetic.
"Senpai! Let's go get lunch!"
"We're going shopping now."
"Senpai, come help me practice close range for training."
"SENPAI! Hold this!"
"Oh, let's see what they're selling!"
"I'm not letting you say no. Next shop!"
"Senpai, what do you think of this skirt?"
You have no idea why Nobara is so insistent on hanging out with you. Sure, you might've looked cool in the first few missions, but already you can tell her skill is on par with yours.
Besides, she's so much cooler than you.
When you hesitate to order your food, she orders for you.
If someone shoulder checks you a bit too rough on the streets, she's spinning around and barking at them, threatening to tear them into shreds.
You're nowhere near special enough to garner her attention, so why the hell did you have it?!
Nobara is pretty, and energetic, and you feel like a senile old croony in her shadow. And if not a senile old croony, then a dusty moth hovering next to a monarch butterfly.
Besides, you feel bad that she's wasting her time with a nobody like you. You appreciate the effort, but you don't want to be holding her back.
You yelp when a pair of hands come slamming down on either side of your face, stinging your cheeks. Nobara stares down at your seated from with narrowed eyes and a disgruntled pout.
"I've been calling you for the past five minutes! Get up, I don't like this shop. We're moving on."
"Oh, okay," You pick up the shopping bags you'd placed down to give your arms a rest, letting them hang in the crook of one elbow while the brown haired beauty occupies the other.
With no reservations, she drags you to the next store over that caters to a more minimalistic style. She lets go of you to peruse through the accessories and quickly becomes torn between the rose gold and silver options.
You shuffle the bags to weigh evenly onto your now free arm and look around for a place to sit. Seeing nothing, you purse your lips unhappily.
Nobara drags you around a bit more, holding onto the things she likes before leaving you outside the fitting rooms with a stern 'don't move'. You deflate at the lack of seating, resigning yourself to leaning against the wall with a sulk at the ache in your arms.
"Now!" She opens the patternless curtains with a flourish, "how do I look?"
Kugisaki sports a beige pleated skirt with a thick black belt and silver waist chain that's meant more for style than practicality. A white faded t-shirt with a poison laced rose printed on it is tucked into her waistline neatly, a faux fur cropped jacket finalising the look with a rose gold necklace sitting pretty in the dip of her collarbone.
You swallow tightly.
"Y..-You look good..!"
She deadpans, "You say that everytime."
"But it's true!" You glance off to the side, "you always look good..."
Nobara squints her eyes at you with a pensive hum before turning up her nose and retreating back into the fitting room. You flinch when she flings the curtains closed a little more aggressively this time around.
"ALRIGHT!" You stiffen like a deer in headlights when she reappears with a wide, unforgiving grin and a much too cheery sparkle in her eyes, "YOUR TURN!"
Before you could blink, you had been freed from the burden of the shopping bags and shoved backwards into the fitting room where she had emerged. In an instant, a pile of clothes are tossed your way before the privacy curtains are flung shut.
"Try those on!"
You sweatdrop at the mess of clothes scattered around you, "U-Um..."
The curtain jerks back and a heavy wad of accessories are pegged at you. You let out a shriek, trembling when they smack into the floor length mirror with a sharp and dangerous thwack!
"Those too! HURRY UP!"
You whimper.
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Your eyes are watery, embarrassment pricking at your tear ducts with your face pressed up against the fitting room mirror, Nobara's hand forced down the front of the pants she'd made you try on, button up cropped top undone and skewed unevenly on your shoulders as she licks at your nape.
She plays with your swollen little clit, her other hand groping your left tit in its cup while she nips at the black choker she'd picked out.
Your hot and shaky breaths fog up the glass of the mirror, and you whine when she slides her fingers down to gather more of your slick before rubbing circles on your pleasure bud.
"Mm~?" She smiles against your neck, kissing across your shoulder and leaving sweet teeth marks across its skin, "hey, keep it down..! We're in public, remember?" She snickers when your lips tremble.
You don't even know what happened--one moment you were showing her another one of the outfits she'd all but thrown at you to try on, and the next you were shoved back behind the curtain with her lips against yours and her hand down your pants.
In an instant you were reduced to a whimpering mess, heart fluttering from her kisses and stomach contracting from her not so innocent touch.
"P..-Please..?" You have no idea what you're pleading for, but definitely not for her to stop.
"Oh, my poor senpai," She pouts by your ear, and her demeaning tone sends a wave of heat straight to your core, "does it feel good? Hm~?"
Her expensive gloss leaves shiny lip stains across your neck.
"Ah! Y-Yes! Yes!" You keen as she slips her middle finger between your folds and dips it into your slobbering hole. A whimper escapes you at her teasing before she grants mercy and slides it in knuckle deep.
She chuckles, her voice a low whisper, "Oh? Just like that, senpai?"
You nod frantically, sighing happily as she slowly thrusts it in and out before adding in another finger. Your body tenses as she crooks them up into the roof of your cunt, and she hones in on the spongy spot inside you.
"God-- you're so cute like this!"
You end up coughing after barely stifling a shriek, legs shaking as you grab onto her wrist, "S-Shit..!"
"Yeahh... just like that," Nobara giggles, suckling the sensitive skin under your ear as she digs her fingertips into your sweet spot, latching her iron grip onto your pussy when you start bucking back against her.
You feel embarrassed to be seen like this, shy at the prospect of your gorgeous kouhai watching you squirm and plead pitifully.
Yet you can't help but preen at the sight of her pretty lashes fluttering at you when you do, barely able to fathom the overwhelming feeling of her presence dominating yours. Pushing and pulling you as she so desires, playing nicely with her precious senpai for treating her so patiently all the time.
"O-Oh-- fuck, fuck!"
"Oh~ Oh..~" Her brows bend inwards, mouth agape as she watches your fucked out expression in the mirror, copying your breathless moans.
You hiss, clenching your eyes shut as she holds onto your cunny. You can feel your wetness dripping from her hand and soiling your garments through and through.
As she adds in a third finger, your eyes roll into the back of your head, and she uses her other hand to push up your bra and fondle your naked tits.
She starts thrusting in and out again, fingertips pressing into that squishy spot over and over and over, palm grinding deliciously against your glossy clit.
Pleasure shoots through you like electricity, and your body shakes as the coil in your tummy just gets tighter and tighter in tandem with the gummy walls of your pussy.
"Hng! Ahah... Mm~!"
You struggle to keep your voice down as you feel your peak quickly rising.
"N-Nobara! HM~!! K-Kouhai..!"
"Oh! Do you like this, senpai?" She licks a stripe against your neck, and your thighs snap shut around her slender hand while you whimper and whine.
A white hot rush burns through you, and you bite down on your lip as an agressive wave of utter bliss crashes over your entire being. Your hot and plushy walls pulse and throb, and your breath hitches in your throat as you feel yourself gush.
You let out a pathetically muffled whine, slacking against the cold glass of the mirror to ground yourself.
Your orgasm leaks from your throbbing cunt, white slick seeping between her fingers and gathering around her knuckles as she gradually slows to give you some reprieve.
Nobara lets out a soft moan beside your ear, cooing at you, "My big, tough senpai~ You've always been the squirmy type, haven't you?"
She noses at your warm cheek, leaning forward to kiss you endearingly.
When you pant against her lips, she swipes her tongue out to mingle with yours. Sucking on it lewdly, the fitting stall is quiet aside from the faint music playing from the main room and the rhythmic squelching of your cunt. She sighs contently.
"Mm, so good for me..."
You shudder when her fingers leave you empty, and she brings up her hand to lick clean at the slick and cum coating it.
She hums at your taste, the sheer slick reminiscent of her pretty gloss that she'd smeared all across your neck.
Gathering your bearings, your eyes flutter, and you gasp when glancing down at yourself. A humiliating flush engulfs you at the massive wet patch staining the store's clothing, ignoring how your sloppy, greedy hole gushes at the prospect of what caused it.
"Nobara!" You whisper shout in horror, "t-these pants aren't mine..!"
She tsks, a little pop sounding after she sucks her ring and middle finger clean.
"Relax~ I'll buy them for you," She grins wickedly.
"Consider it a reward, and a memorabilia for today since you've been so good for your kouhai~!"
Nobara cackles when you let out an undignified shriek.
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panicroomsammy · 7 months
Remember staying up late to do homework in high school and getting to that point where you couldn’t focus and just had the craziest mental breakdowns in the margins of your notebook? I think Sam would have done that a lot so I made a page of notes from his POV.
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Notes on my thought process below the cut
I chose The Yellow Wallpaper for the themes of family members being controlling, the protagonist having something unnamed wrong with her, and wanting to escape while winding up trapped in the end. I actually forgot that the husband’s name was John until I was rereading it which just gives another layer to the mental breakdown I think Sam would have while reading this story. Here is a link to a pdf if you haven’t read this story before.
The poetry in the margins are lyrics from Nicole Dollanganger’s Angels of Porn with “nails in their wrists and knees on the floor” being changed to “nails in my wrists and knees on the floor” as if Sam was the one writing the poetry.
I think Sam’s anger and feelings of being trapped would spill over into violent/gory drawings because he can’t take that anger out on the people he’s angry with and he can’t self harm due to lack of privacy.
This is supposed to be set in the fic that I procrastinated editing by making this lol.
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tom-hunter-summah · 29 days
Born in the Wrong Era pt. 3
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a/n: it's finally here! sorry it took so long and thank you to @iluveveryone for sending your ask. i hope all y'all enjoy it!
edit: I linked pt. 2 because I forgot to last night.
warnings: shouting/screaming, flirty best friends, mentions of death/trauma, mentions of mr. martin, hitting (not a person but inanimate object(s))
word count: 2k
pt. 2
Reader’s POV
A frustrated noise leaves your mouth. You really wish you hadn't let Wally get into your head about Bea. You knew he had a point but could Bea have really been that different? Insistent, maybe but not stubborn. And it was always for the other person's good because she knew their potential. Bea was the only person in your life that actually listened to you. But this was her son. He knew her first. And in some weird way you knew Wally. You knew that he loves Bea with everything he has and then some. 
"Damn it. Hey Siri?"
Siri Dings.
"How do you apologize to a ghost?"
Tuesday-Wally’s POV
“Can we change? Or do we simply live in the heart of the mulberry bush destined to return where we once started?”
As Mr. Martin started on whatever pseudo-sophical rant he was going on Wally perked up. The dead have no choice to change do they? Wally remember’s Charley going on about this movie with Cybill Shepherd and Robert Downey Jr and how her dead husband was able to  cross over after living as him. Wally knows he’s missing some details but that’s besides the point. Almost every ghost movie ever made has some plot-point that the dead have to cross over and they have to grow and all that other shit before they can cross over and start their afterlife.
Wally had been here for 40 years. That’s forty years longer than he ever wanted to be in high school. But how is he to change? 
“Wally? Is there something you would like to share?”
Wally didn’t even pay attention to the last five minutes of whatever Mr. Martin was spewing this morning. Now there are many pairs of expectant eyes on him. 
“We’re debating whether or not people can change. Dead or Alive. I’d like to hear your thoughts Wally.”
Wally goes to open his mouth but his8 voice isn’t the one that’s heard. 
“He’d have to have a brain for that.” Oh Rhonda, always quick with a jab to the ego.
“Well you should start with getting a new heart, Rhonda, because the one you have now is cold and shriveled.”
Rhonda breaks out one of her sarcastic grins. “Finally someone sees me.”
There are a couple of chuckles from the circle before Mr. Martin clears his throat.
“Wally, please continue”
Wally gets one more taunt in by squinting at Rhonda before he starts talking. 
“I think when you die, you break the circle around the mudberry bush as you put it–
Wally catches Charley mouthing something out the corner of his eye but can’t make out what it was.
“And can give you the room you need to change.”
There are a couple of murmurs of agreement around the circle which made Wall feel proud of himself. 
“That’s interesting Wally. But before we break the circle; why don’t we move to the center of it?”
This made Wally think. “Maybe. Thanks Mr. M.” 
Mr. Martin gives Wally a tight-lipped smile that never seems to bring comfort to Wally but what’s new. 
Soon the morning circle is dismissed but Wally lingers for a minute after everyone else left. Or so he thought. 
“Hey Wally?”
It was Janet. Even after 40 years Wally still wasn’t used to her 60’s fashion. Her light pink gingham dress with matching ballet flats and white gloves on her hands. Compared to the others in the group it was a silent rebellion that was all Janet’s. Which is pretty rad if you ask Wally. 
“Hey Janet what’s up?”
“I was wondering; what was on your mind earlier? You don’t really space out like that.”
Wally hesitated. “Uhh.. I was tired from… working out earlier.” Wally barely believed himself.
Janet’s furrowed brows had him coming up with another lie in seconds. Before he could though; Mr8. Martin called Janet away. 
Before Janet left the gym she turned and waved goodbye. “We’ll talk later Wally!” 
Wally returns the wave and once Janet and Mr. Martin are out of sight, Wally lets out a sigh of relief. 
“Hey Wally you okay?”
It was Charley this time, luckily Wally is able to keep his shock to a minimum. 
“Yeah, it’s just sometimes the morning circle makes me want to…”
Charley interjects. “Die all over again?”
Wally snaps his fingers and points. “Yeah! I mean I know he just wants to help but Jeez sometimes it’s agonizing.”
Charley laughs. “Well, Hippie dude has a sub and they’re watching a movie. Wanna come?”
Wally pretends to think about it. “Is it Rudy?”
Charley sighs in defeat. “I don’t know what movie it is but I’m almost 100% sure an AP Lit Class will not watch “Rudy”.”
“Where is there “enjambment” in “Finding Nemo”, Charley?”
“Where is the ‘allusion’ in ‘Rudy’, Wally?”
“What are you talking about, all Rudy does is dream!”
Charley pinches the bridge of his nose. “Allusion not ILLusion!”
“You’re literally saying the same word.”
“I- you know what? Sure. Anyway if you get tired of working out you know where I’ll be.”
Charley walks off, leaving Wally alone with his thoughts. He needs to find some answers. And there’s only one person who can give him that. 
Reader’s POV
There’s a sense of comfort you feel when “Bad Reputation” flows through your ears. You wish you were more like her. Letting things roll off your back and not listening to what others say. You feel for Wally, you do. You’re not going to agree with your parents about everything but to insinuate that they don’t care? Ridiculous. Wally’s feelings are still valid though. Eye twitch inducing but valid nonetheless. You don’t know how to summon him (and you’re not sure you want to know?) but when you see him you’ll apologize for being impudent. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when “Fat Bottomed Girls” starts to play and your eyes widen. It’s not Queen that shocks you so much as this may 8be a clue as to what his type is. Not that it matters. Not that you care. 
The next thing you know there’s a giant pair of hands waving in your face, luckily they’re attached to your good friend Jacques. You take off your headphones so you can hear him. 
“Hey Jaques.”
“Hey dorkalicious!” You chuckle. “Where were you yesterday?”
“Just getting tickets to Horror Con.”
You stop in your tracks. “You’re joking.”
Jacque fights a smile as he shakes his head. “Waited in line all day for these. I can’t wait to go next week.”
“Wait tickets? As in, plural?”
“I’m pretty sure “tickets” means more than one ticket.”
You have to jump a little bit to properly hug him because he’s so damn tall but you can’t contain your happiness. 
While horror isn’t your biggest interest you’re utterly obsessed with the cinematography of it all. Plus dressing up has always been a favorite pastime. 
“Merci mon cher ami!”
Jacques blushes. “Alright, alright get down before you start licking my face dork. And stop speaking to me in french, it shifts my beret.”
You laugh as you pull away from him. “Oh shut up you’re like a quarter french.”
“My name makes it half.”
Before you can continue to call him on his bullshit, the bell for class rings and you have to go to third period which is Mr. Anderson’s class.
“Oh Jacq, do we have a sub in Anderson’s class?”
“How’d you know?”
“ I didn’t. I was hoping for it though. I had a weird interaction with Anderson outside of class.”
“Is it because you guys argued about which decade was best again?”
“It’s not my fault we had better movies! Plus peak television. I’m still looking for who shot JR. And there was history made when Alexis called Krystle a bitch. The first time it was ever said on primetime TV.”
Jacques sighs, filled with regret. “Why did I even ask? Look for whatever happened, I’m glad you can avoid addressing it for another 24 hours. Just like I will do to you if you don’t shut up.”
“Like you could go that long without talking to your personal musipedia.”
“They have this thing called shazam.”
“Yeah but I’m cuter.”
Jacques ruffles pats your head. “Yes you are. Now go make me proud okay?” You smile at him “C+ it is.”
Jacques dabs fake tears from his eyes. “I’ve never been more proud.”
“Do I want to know?” It’s Ms. Fields. You and Jacques' favorite teacher. 
You answer. “It’s best if you don’t.”
She nods her head. “Good to know. C’mon Jacques, today we’re going over the war of 1812.”
“So nap time?”
You slightly shove him into the class which makes Ms. Fields chuckle.
“Be good.”
“Bite me.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m sorry about him. I’ll catch you later Ms. Fields.”
“I’ll see you in class, hon.”
You nod and keep making your way to class. You decide to switch out Wally’s tape with your own. You love Wally’s taste but the music definitely got better later in the decade. Which is why when you hear “Raspberry Beret” You smile. 
You walk into mr. Anderson's class still smiling, causing everyone to look at you. Including the dead. 
You quickly make your way to your seat. You wait a couple of moments and are shocked when you don’t see Wally at your desk. You turn your head and your brows can’t help but furrow when you don’t see him.
You’re slightly disappointed but you figure he’ll come around when he’s ready. 
Wally’s POV
They still make walkmans? No, they still have cassette tapes? Wally only half circles Retro as to not draw attention. He sees the walkman hanging on the waist of their jeans, and gently pulls it up. As he inspects the walkman he can tell it looks a little worn; like they bought it from a secondhand store.
Then he sees It. “W.Clark” written in black sharpie.
He drops the walkman but catches it last minute, so as not to break it. There’s too much going on in Wally’s brain to process what any of this means. 
Wally takes the walkman and storms out of the classroom. He puts the headphones on his head only to hear “Never Gonna Give You Up” which is the icing on the cake to his frustration. 
He knows you and Bea are close but that close? Wally knows it’s been 40 years but it still feels like yesterday. That tackle. It was so fast Wally barely felt the weight of the Behemoth that ended his life. It doesn’t mean it stung any less. His moms last words to him. 
“Make me proud”
It comes flooding back at the memory. That anger, the exhaustion and defeat. 
Letting these emotions consume him, with a scream Wally’s fist connects with a locker. And again. And again. He eventually has enough and has his forearms resting on the lockers while he catches his breath. Somehow, while his head is hanging low, his headphones catch his ear just in time to hear the beginning of “Deacon Blues”. 
He chuckles. “The kid’s got taste.” 
“Of course I do. And who are you calling Kid?”
Wally’s head turns in Retro’s direction. “Shouldn’t you be in class?”
“I had to take a leak. The bigger question is, how the hell are you able to listen to my music?”
“I can interact with the physical world but I don’t make an impact on it. So I can listen to your surprisingly good mixtape but I can’t skip a song I don’t like.”
Retro’s eyebrows furrow. “That doesn’t make sense. I mean have you tried with the walkman? It is yours afterall.”
Wally shakes his head with a chuckle. “I don’t think it’s going to make a diff–
Wally is cut off by his own shock as deacon blues cuts to September.
“See I told you.”
If Wally could pass out he would. 
“Walls, you okay? You look like you’re gonna be sick.”
“I knew it. You’re the answer.”
“To what?”
“You’re going to help me cross over.”
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ssreeder · 3 months
I would say my thoughts about it but I have too many thoughts but I also don’t wanna fill your asks with 20 million anons so,
after I finished it I decided to re-read from LIAB and bro…
That shit broke me.
The way you perfectly constructed sokka’s arc, like I swear everything was intentional
He literally went from “it took years for him to get comfortable killing” to “he was always so good with people, that’s was before he started killing them” and from “if he felt a way about something he would most definitely share it” to literally hiding everything that happened to him from people he trusts. Wow.
Once again, absolutely amazed by your incredible writing skills, like actually impeccable.
Enough of me being philosophical,
YOU GAVE BATO A BF!!! HE CAN FINALLY GET OVER HIS HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH!!! AND JEE GETS TO BE HAPPY!!! AAAAHHH!! I’m so happy for them (ik they aren’t even an item yet but still, super happy for them)
Hooray for Ara!! She got her closure, and now she can start a new, healthier, happier lifestyle. Congratulations to my favorite violent dog!! May she get what she deserves (ominous)
But the way she just.. told Katara about zukka being together?? Like, no hesitation.
“Whoops, thought you were banging my brother. Sorry lol.”
“No lmao it’s okay. Zuko’s deff banging him though”
“Yeah lol. Toodles!!”
And then she just- LEAVES?? honestly mood though.
i liked how sweet and genuine she sounded when explaining zukka’s love story though, that was so good of her, she didn’t even talk them down or anything. It was actually so nice.
Can’t wait to see what you do for Jet, really really hope my little street rat gets better. on agni we gonna get you some will to live!!
So many exciting things happening I can’t wait!!
-suki closure!!
literally have said this a million times but actually super scared for sokka for the last bit (zhao tea talks usually didn’t go well)
But I also feel like ur gonna make that an iroh pov… (I’m an empath) so I’ll stay tuned!!
Yue and La bless my favorite water tribe man Hakoda! He loves his kids so much I hope nothing bad happens to them (this is gonna be foreshadowing isn’t it?)
But anyways!!
I wanted to finally tell you about music!!
It’s gonna be a lot of mitski cus she’s one of my main artists I listen to but still,
I thought about “once more to see you” by mitski A LOT throughout RIA and a little bit now through ITF, it fits this part of the story perfectly (in my opinion). It’s literally just zukka through sokka’s pov.
Another one is “Christmas Kids” by ROAR, this one is more for LIAB, and a little bit of RIA, (can you tell I make the edits in my head?) But this time the choruses/verses change pov or can just be seen as multiple characters.
“First Love/Late Spring” by mitski fits zukka through zuko’s pov
And “I bet on loosing dogs” by mitski is Ara with zhao/shen
Now this one is very specific:
“Vampire Empire” by Big Thief
The first verse to the first chorus is LIAB-RIA kataang through aang’s thoughts about katara,
the second verse to the second chorus is zukka LIAB-RIA (and now more recently the current ITF situation) told as per sokka’s pov
And the third verse to the final chorus is how Ara feels about zhao. Like their entire history.
Okay that’s it sorry for bombarding you with my random ass disorganized ask 😭 I’ve been yapping too much, I know, I sound like Reho. Sorry if I said anything disrespectful!!
Anyway!! Can’t wait for the next update!! STAY SUPER DUPER AMAZING SSREEDER!!!
HI ANON WHO I ADORE & LOVE SO MUCH I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING 10000 YEARS TO ANSWER THIS. (In my defense it’s a perfect 10/10 ask and I couldnt let it go right away<3)
I AM SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOO happy you enjoyed sokkas arc because damn, I really dismantled him throughout the series and the way you highlighted some of the details about sokka pre prison and how he did a drastic 180 is *CHEFS KISS* yeahhhhhh it was a long process but I’m glad you noticed the intentional dedication I had to ruining our boy sokka <3 (i know I know he’s not ruined but he’s not in a great spot mentally but he’s getting better but hell regress and progress and regress and yeah sokkas just not the same I mean but we will love him and he’s still our SOKKA)
JEE DID GET HIMSELF A BOY FRAND… He is smitten with our boy Bato it’s cute.
Ara is hilarious that’s all I gotta say about her haha.
JET!!!!! I love him!!! He’s not the besttttt influence on Suki but FUCK IT JET IS AWESOME (don’t expect any life changing shit from him but I’m excited that he’ll stay a part of the story) sorry Jet haters he’s staying in LIAB till death does us part of the story ends haha.
oh shit you sent this ask before the last chapter was dropped so now you know ITS AN IROH AND ZUKO TEA TALK (& let me tell you HAAAAA… they’re wonderful in a room together haha)
I was trying to listen to all your songs before I answered your ask but I couldn’t get through all of them, but I will!! I love that you are so passionate about music and the scenes and characters I feel the same way and that’s why I always try to give you songs I’m vibing with lol.
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anghraine · 4 months
hi, i read all your snippets tagged "borgias modern au: bay area edition" recently and wanted to ask, is there a finished fanfic or it's all there is to that concept? because i liked it so much!
Thank you!
The Bay Area Borgias AU is actually the (mostly) unposted publishing house AU I was talking about the other day (...the day before yesterday? what is time), though you sent this before I made that post.
But yeah, I never got the AU to a coherent enough point that it felt ready to post in full. The basic idea is that Rodrigo's aunt Calista (=Pope Calixtus) founded this now very powerful and lucrative publishing house in San Francisco that has since become Amazon crossed with Tor under his leadership. He has ~plans~ for his younger children, of course, but early on, most of his attention is on his eldest child, Luis (=Pere Lluís/Pedro Luis de Borja), already a prestigious writer while César, Juan, and Lucrecia are growing up in their mother's house after the divorce.
So there was this earlier part of the story that I wrote quite a bit of, mostly centered on Lucrecia in middle school after she scores very high on some standardized tests and is moved up a grade. There's the usual concern about her being out of sync with her age group, especially considering the separation from her twin brother Juan, but her family pushes pretty hard for it and she has another, closer brother in the new grade, anyway (César, obviously).
César promises to help her and make her welcome in her new grade and is actually very willing to do this—though if anything, Lucrecia helps him make more friends than he would have otherwise done. In particular, the two of them befriend an unpopular (gay) new kid, Miguel Corella, who becomes a loyal lifelong friend to them both in the years that follow.
At this point, the three siblings only periodically interact with Rodrigo and Luis (though Rodrigo is distinctly fond of Juan, whom he sees as the truly creative one if a bit undisciplined, and Rodrigo also finds Lucrecia pretty adorable). But Luis's tragic death in, I think, a car accident drastically alters Rodrigo's relationship with his now high school-aged younger children (perhaps most of all with Juan, but certainly César and Lucrecia as well).
There was a side fic focused pretty specifically on the strain on Juan's relationship with Lucrecia during and after all this, and ways he sort of tries to reach out to her but is also an asshole, and they drift apart.
And then there's the main fic, which as you've seen, starts out from the POV of Al, the rich and insecure boyfriend of the now mid-20s Lucrecia. She and César work for the family company and are actually quite good at their respective jobs (I think L ended up in marketing and enjoys it, while C is stuck in editing hell), and it was going to follow Al for a bit as he gets to know her family and feels rather pathetically threatened in his extremely WASPy way before seguing into the "real" story of Lucrecia, César, and Juan. I never even finished the Al section of this part, though :(
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downn-in-flames · 1 year
kanej/soc fic masterlist
needed a new pinned post so here goes:
big reputations cinematic universe
big reputations [wip]
the crows in their senior year at ketterdam university as the dramatic (and often drunk) little shits they are. a chatfic that has spiraled wildly out of my hands, the crows are in charge now.
↳ high above the whole scene [wip]
prose content from big reputations to fill in the gaps.
↳ caught up in a moment [wip]
more prose content from big reputations to fill in the gaps, but this time it’s all just kanej spicy moments because people keep requesting them and i am more than happy to oblige.
↳ i want your midnights [2.2k words]
prose content from big reputations, but just new year’s eve and also it was a collaborative thing.
↳ forever with your hands in my pockets [wip, helnik]
the big reputations helnik origin story.
↳ just wrong enough to make it feel right [wip, zoyalai]
zoya and nikolai as moot court partners in law school, also vaguely set in the brcu.
treacherous [30 chapters, 25.3k words]
flashes of kaz and inej’s relationship over the years, in the choose your own adventure style of ‘do i read this in the order of the song lyrics or chronologically.’ 98% fluff.
↳ begin again [2.5k words]
somehow treacherous prompted kanej babyfic.
midnights [13 chapters, 16.4k words]
another set of kanej flashes that can be read in two different orders, this time written pre-midnights release with only the track names to determine the vibes. slightly less but still mostly fluff.
↳ midnights (3am edition) [7 chapters, 8.2k words]
midnights scenes (or adjacent scenes) told from different povs. expect three gut punches.
↳ midnights (the late night edition) [1k words]
one final midnights fic because obviously i had to write one for ‘you’re losing me.’
carry your baggage up my street [4.8k words]
kanej is renegade by the national and taylor swift. change my mind. (you won’t).
castles crumbling [2.9k words]
kanej baby but make it hurt just a little.
come morning light, you and i’ll be safe and sound [3.4k words]
kaz and inej have enemies, they’re each other’s protectors, and both of them deserve some damn decent sleep.
die for you in secret [5.3k words]
a 5+1 in which kaz keeps all his soft thoughts close to his chest until finally he doesn’t.
forever is the sweetest con [2 chapters, 3.6k words]
there’s a wedding for tax incentive purposes. kaz sends jesper through the entire range of human emotion in the span of approximately 10 minutes, purely for shits and giggles. now with bonus inej content.
i could be the way forward only if they pay for it [1.1k words]
kaz buys a ship. for reasons.
keep your brittle heart warm [2.1k words]
kaz reveals his true tell. once upon a time this was baby’s first kanej fic. now look where that got us.
the end of a movie i’ve seen before [3.3k words]
a modern au and the final result of ‘i wonder if i can gaslight readers twice in one fic.’ also the only non-taylor swift title of them all.
what if i told you i’m a mastermind [5k words]
another modern au in which kaz schemes to win over inej, failing to realize that he is not in fact the one pulling the strings here. 
wishing for right now [1.1k words]
genuinely obscene levels of cottagecore fluff.
you had some tricks up your sleeve [2.6k words]
inej wears silks and gets a new knife. that’s really all that matters.
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lowaltitude · 1 year
can you do a short steve x reader? i need something to read on my bus ride. fluff maybe?!?!? i don’t want it include the demogorgans
Know What? | Steve Harrington
- Stranger Things
- x Reader (Y/N)
- edit: STEVE’S POV: HERE!
- 2,437 words. Read time: 5-9 minutes
Tumblr media
❪ FEM! ❫
───── ❝ description + disclaimer ❞ ─────
𖥻 steve & y/n enemies to lovers? one shot. set in s2. small prologue before s1. You know about the upside down, etc. friends with Nancy.
𖥻 Billy included as a “love interest” for quick story progression. short & probably a bit shitty (it’s 5:30am and i’m angry at tumblr)
───── ❝ prologue - 1982 ❞ ─────
My pants were stained from some jerk spilling his drink at lunch. My shoes had brown and black tyre marks across them from my little brother’s bike. And the cherry on top; I got dress coded for my sleeves being too short. MY SLEEVES, can you believe that? I’d already woken up in a bad mood today, why couldn’t the universe just do me one favour.
I wanted to pound my fist into the metal of my locker, I’d put the combination in more times than I had cared to count but it wouldn’t unlock. All I wanted to do was grab my stupid $80 text book and go to the last class of this awful day.
“Do you need some help?” The voice was right beside me and I turned my head to look at who it was. One of the boys a couple of grades above closing a locker a few down from me.
I ran my tongue over my teeth and went back to turning the lock “No.”
“Are you sure? Because I can—”
“I said, ‘No.’ Which word don’t you understand?”
“Jeez” The boy laughed but you could easily tell how forced it was. “What crawled up your ass?”
“I don’t know what your problem is, but I’ll bet it’s hard to pronounce.”
“Well, aren’t we a bloody ray of sunshine.”
I harshly pulled the paper I’d scribbled my locker code down on from my pocket and scanned the numbers. 19 0 75. That’s what i’m putting in!
“Hey” I rolled my eyes at the sound of someone else approaching. Another boy stopped at the locker beside me. He whistled and muttered something under his breath before leaning against the locker and looking at me. “Ok, I’m here. So tell me, what do you want for your next wish?”
I grumbled and dropped the lock, giving up on attempting to unlock it and hoping that since it was our first day we just wouldn’t have to do any actual work.
Turning away from them I began towards my class and just hoped that it would go fast. “What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?”
As I walked into class (late) all eyes turned to me.
“Miss Y/N, was it?” The teacher said, eying the list of student names he had.
“Uh- Yes”
“Late on the first day, that doesn’t set a very good standard… And I hope someone’s already told you about your shirt being inappropriate?”
Gritting my teeth, I forced a smile to stop myself from lashing out at the man. “I’ve been told. I’ll just take my seat now” I shuffled down to the only empty seat in the back of the classroom, some girls shooting me a look of pity but Jonathan Byers greeted me with a cautious smile as I sat beside him.
The teacher let out a deep exasperated sigh. “No textbook, I see. Mr Byers will you please share with her.”
Jonathan pushed the book towards the centre of the table and I sighed, grabbing a pen and opening my notebook.
“What’s the matter with your shirt?” Jonathan whispered.
“Oh, you can’t tell?” I scoffed. “My arms are, quote, very distracting and it’s a shame for a girl like me to be wasting my potential flaunting myself in the hall, unquote.”
Jonathan, seeing how bad my mood was, nodded to himself and went about his studies. Allowing me to marinate in my anger without him getting burned.
───── ❝ ❞ ─────
“How was your first day?”
“Oh splendid” I huffed. “High School is absolutely positively amazing”
My mother stared at me for a second before turning her attention to my brother. “How was your first day?”
He happily spilled details of his day, and I sighed to myself. Hopefully tomorrow would be better, and maybe I could apologise to the boys I’d yelled at.
───── ❝ 1984 - 2. Trick Or Treat, Freak ❞ ─────
As I chained my bike up, I couldn’t help but hear the loud sound of an engine. And neither could anyone else apparently since all eyes were on this shining blue car with California license plates.
New kid in Hawkins.
I found Nancy as she stepped out of Steve’s car. She lifted her hand to wave and I saw Steve follow her gaze towards me, the smile disappearing from his face and causing in to appear in mine. I raised my hand to wave back at her but unintentionally caught the eye of the new kid.
He looked around and, since Nancy was across the parking lot, didn’t see anyone waving back so he assumed it was for him.
“Hey” He nodded, smirking as he strutted towards me.
“Oh, hi?” I uttered. “I wasn’t waving to you, actually.”
He forced a short laugh, as if he didn’t believe it. “Sure. I’m Billy. Hargrove.”
“Cool.” Turning away from him, I tugged my backpack straps and smiled at a few girls from my class. The boy followed me and it took me a few seconds to register. “Sorry, am I meant to introduce myself too?”
“It would be nice” He scoffed. Steve and Nancy passed by, Nancy not saying anything while Steve’s jaw was practically on the floor. A disgusted scowl on his face.
“Uh, i’m Y/N.” I did my best to mimic his voice as closely as I could.
“See you ‘round then?”
I forced a sickeningly sweet grin on my face. “Probably not.”
Billy turned into the administration office and I continued to my locker, Steve already raising an eyebrow at me.
“Problem, Harrington?” He simply hummed in response, closing his locker door and going off to his class.
───── ❝ ❞ ─────
Tommy H made his way though the crowd of students trying to get home, leaning on the lockers between mine and Steve’s. “What’s your costume?”
“Nance and I are Joel and Lana, from Risky Business”
“What about you?” Tommy looked at me expectantly and I just stared at him. My mind blank. Steve was gawking at the back of his best friends head, as shocked by the question as I was.
“Excuse me?”
“Your costume. What is it?”
“Trust me, not even make-up can make her look good” Steve scoffed. We’d been somewhat ‘nicer’ to each other since he began dating Nancy, but of course he decided to be a dick like always.
I hummed, closing my locker. “Weird you think you need a costume, since you’re always pretending to be something you’re not”
Steve opened his mouth to make a comeback but I was sick of looking at him already. I poked my tongue out at him, swinging my backpack over my shoulder and staring the walk out of the building.
Billy was just outside the door, lighting a cigarette. “Hey” He spoke as I almost bumped into him.
“Hi” I continued walking, Billy deciding to walk alongside me.
He stood idly as I unchained my bike. “You don’t drive”
“Amazing observation”
“You don’t like me”
“Ding ding ding. Another winner”
Steve walked out the door, stopping in his tracks when he saw Billy and I talking. Billy turned to look at where my eyes had wandered, clicking his tongue when he saw Steve there.
“Ah, you’ve got a crush on that guy?”
“Ew. Steve? God no.” I fake gagged aloud, beginning to walk with my bike, Billy jogging to catch up with me. “He’s got a girlfriend, and he hates me”
“So, will I see you at that halloween thing tonight?”
“Not a chance”
“Y/N” Steve called. I looked past Billy, giving him a questioning look. “Come over here”
I groaned, turning my bike so I could go towards Steve. Billy only laughed, pulling his keys from his pocket and taking another puff of smoke “I’ll save you a drink”
“I’m not going” I beamed, the two of us parting ways. “What?” I hissed at Steve.
“I think you need to stay away from that guy”
“I think you pretending to care about me is annoying”
“He’s an asshole”
“And you’re what, better than him?” Steve blinked a few times, not daring to answer.
───── ❝ ❞ ─────
The music was blaring as I entered Tina’s house. A few steps inside and I already wanted to go home, regretting my bold costume choice of just not wearing a costume and found my way to the kitchen for a drink.
“We’ll don’t you look…” I looked over Billy’s costume “Shirtless”
“You did show up, I knew I was irresistible.” He passed me a plastic cup before scooping another in the punch bowl. Walking out of the kitchen, Billy followed closely behind me.
I sipped my heavily spiked punch and eyed the blonde “You’re obsessed with me a little bit, aren’t you?”
He laughed, leaning against the wall and looking down at me. “Youre obsessed with yourself if you believe that” He brought his cup to his lips, looking around the room and giving a few suggestive winks or smiles to girls that were drooling over than him. Each girl would immediately perk up, turning to the friends surrounding her and practically go into a giggling frenzy.
“Why do they like you?” I wondered aloud. “I get it, they think you’re ‘like totally smoking hot’ but they don’t know you”
Billy opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by almost everyone near the kitchen gasping, I tried to peer past him but failed to see what was so shocking. He lost interest quickly, the party returning to how loud it had been a moment ago and Billy giving me his attention again. “Mystery is part of my charm.”
I hummed in response, sipping my drink again when a door down the hall slammed, Steve rushing out. He glanced at me, keeping his head down as he went towards the door. “Harrington?” I questioned but he kept walking. I pushed my cup into Billy’s hand and pushed my way through he crowd to the door. “Harrington!” I repeated, the door closing behind me.
“What? What?!” He shouted, throwing his arms in the air and turning to look at me.
“You never leave a party early, you’re King Steve.” I walked down the steps, clinging my arms to my chest in defence against the cold breeze. “I know youre a douche but I’m still concerned. So what’s wrong?”
“Why don’t you ask Nancy? Or did you already know?”
“Know what?”
Steve walks closer, now only a few inches away, anger radiating off of him. I could even smell the alcohol on his breath.“You know.”
“Jesus, I’m trying to help you but if you cant put this petty feud aside for 15 seconds then I’m going back inside” I pushed his chest, turning back around. Steve moved quickly, now blocking the porch steps.
“I’m surprised you didn’t make it a point to tell me, wouldn’t that have made you happy? Rubbing it in my face that Nancy doesn’t love me!”
“I—” Steves words slowly sank in and I registered what he had just said to me. “She doesn’t love you?”
He paused, the anger fading as he realise I hadn’t known but I felt the anger now boiling inside of me
“You’re so good to her, too good to her. You fought a man eating monster from another dimension for her! How could she not love you?”
Steve stepped forward, one hand of his gently placed on my hip. His face coming close to mine, eyes closing, lips puckering up, and all the other sounds of the world going silent— the wind in the trees, the party in full swing— all silent, as Steve’s highly educated lips met mine. I was frozen.
And then below this, my heart reacting. Not a loud thump. Not a leap. More like a melody. My heart moving between two elements: one, excitement, and the other, fear. I tried to pay attention, push him away from me but I found myself unable to. My eyes fluttering shut as the heat rose in my cheeks. Finally, Steve broke off the kiss. He looked at me blankly a moment, and without a word he walked away, rushing down the front lawn and away from the party. I touched my finger to my lips before turning to see if Steve was gone before slowly walking back up the steps and in to the house.
“Hold the door” Jonathan spoke as I got inside, he held up a drunken Nancy. Stepping out the door, I put Nancy’s other arm over my shoulder to help him. “Thanks”
We made our way to his car in silence, carefully putting Nancy in the passenger seat.
“Do you need a ride?” Jonathan asked, closing the car door.
“No, no. I’ll find a way, just get her home.” I was afraid if I stayed with them I’d tell them what just happened, and I didn’t full understand it so how would they? Jonathan nodded and climbed in the drivers seat, startling the car as I went back inside again. Billy was leaned against the wall still holding my cup as he sipped on his.
“Hey” He grinned “I was afraid you weren’t coming back.”
“Yeah, I’m ready to head out.”
“Let me drive you, parties boring anyway.” He shrugged, throwing his head back and finishing his drink. Putting my drink on a random table, I followed closely behind him and out the door for the last time. He twirled his keys around his finger, walking down the lawn in an almost perfectly straight line, indicating to me he was sober enough to drive. Hopefully. I doubt there would be many cars on the road, and it would only take 2 minutes to get to my house.
Billy’s car was nice to say the least, and he instinctively turned down the radio as the car started. He didn’t say anything for a minute but when he finally spoke I barely even noticed him talking.
He exhaled sharply out his nose, as if angry I hadn’t been listening but not wanting to show it. “I asked what was wrong with Harrington, why’d he storm off?”
“He was too drunk to tell me” I shrugged, hoping it was a decently believable lie. Billy nodded seemingly accepting it. “Turn left”
He did as I instructed, and parked when I pointed out my house. “Nice place.”
“It’s alright.” I opened the door, Steve was still running though my head and I wanted to think of anything but him even for a few more minutes. The lights were off, my parents probably long asleep. “Do you want to come inside?”
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science-lings · 2 years
what’s some of your favorite loz/Lu fics of all time? :)
Most of my favorite LU fics are here
but what you guys may not know is that I'm also a big fan of botw and modern au Zelink fics, however, take heed, most of these get a little spicy
Like Real People Do by ScarlettStorm: one of the best post-botw fics out there, lots of pining, I absolutely adore how Link's experience with Gender is portrayed, how he and Zelda are both treated as equally traumatized, as sometimes it feels like there's always one troubled one and one caregiver and I can get that for shorter fics but this one is long and beautifully balanced in that aspect. It also gets real horny at the end and in my opinion, it's very tasteful.
Alone With You by @deiliamedlini: honestly this author has a bunch of bangers, I'm waiting for their pirate au to finish so I can binge it all and I reread their Zelink oneshot collection all the time, this one is their modern high school au where Link is kind of a bad boy who is secretly Fucked Up, and Zelda is a popular girl and surprise surprise, they both get along really well. Normally I hate anything that reminds me of high school but this is the only exception. I love how previous characters are included, like how Link knows ASL bc he's friends with Pipit who is deaf and how Revali is a bitch and I still want to strangle him. Also big sister Aryll is a treasure and this fic does such a good job portraying Link's mental struggles and PTSD and how Zelda is being neglected and I'm also a big fan of the overarching plot of medical issues and trauma.
The Calamity of Link's Cargo Shorts by @zeldaseyebrows: I don't understand how someone can make smut so funny and so focused on Zelda's own self-hatred. Seriously though, there's a lot to love with this fic and I adore Zelda's pov. Sometimes you have to have sex before opening up emotionally and that's okay. Also, it's a modern au too, I just realized how many of these are modern aus.
Strangers in the Night by @zeldaelmo: Another modern au, this time Zelda has a kid from a ons with Link and he doesn't know about it for a bit, I just love Link being a dad and how they both work for a museum and there's just something about the courtroom scene that makes me want to reread it over and over again. Sometimes it's hit or miss with family ocs but Tetra is my favorite zelink child ever. All the fics on this list are ones I reread a lot but this one is the one I'm currently rereading bc it's been a few months lol. I love the domestic but also a little dysfunctional vibes, it's definitely not the normal romcom type of thing but I think I like this more.
K.K. Love Song by @airplanned: Again, modern au, pandemic edition. This one in particular has a certain unexplainable soft vibe, like there's some long-distance, Animal Crossing online romance and idk why I like it so much, I guess I was one of the suckers that got pulled in by new horizons when it came out so there's some strange kind of covid nostalgia and it's nice to see how a functional government would deal with the pandemic. Also, Link's grandma is a treasure and there's something sweet about crown princess Zelda meeting some guy on animal crossing and accidentally making him a public figure by dating him. Honestly, this author has a lot of great fics that I reread a lot lmao.
Farore's Day and Windvane Lane by Jenseits_der_Sterne: modern thanksgiving au, Zelda is a quirky scientist single mom and Link is her neighbor. I love Link being a nerd and Zelda being a bit of a disaster. Like she accidentally almost blows up her kitchen and he's just looking on with heart-eyes, after helping her put out the fires of course.
tbh, I'm probably not the best person to go for fic recs as I just find a few really good ones and then reread them till the end of time and rely on other people to recommend me things to read lmao, I hope this was at least a little helpful anyway.
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