#// sorry i’m SO bad with tenses ignore grammar errors pls 😭
teamplasmaofficial · 5 months
There was a loud crashing noise heard from near the entrance followed by large, heavy footsteps. These were supposedly made by someone running throughout the castle. As the seconds went by, the grew louder and louder, approaching Ghetsis at a decently high speed.
Suddenly they stopped. There was a brief moment of silence. What the fuck? The silence was then quickly broken by a ear-piecing banging noise and the sound of a door being slammed up against something. The wall or the floor, presumably. A voice was then heard, yelling. A... familiar voice.
"HEYA, GHETSIS!" Archie shouted, lowering his foot back down onto the ground. This fucking pirate for real just busted down this guy's door. With his foot. Just fucking kicked it in. Okay, Archibald. Alright.
Before the footsteps, Ghetsis had been sitting in his office, the shadow triad standing attentively before him, receiving their usual daily debrief.
At first, he presumed it to be another worthless grunt with a promise of an ‘incredibly rare pokémon’ (most likely another absol). Though, the footsteps seemed much to heavy for any grunt he could think of, plus, they’d been firmly told not to run in any part of the castle.
As the thundering grew closer he narrowed his eyes, gesturing for each shadow to take a defensive position somewhere in the room. Perhaps an escaped pokémon? A planned attack from the pokémon league?
With each thud on the door he grips his cane tighter, a practiced deadpan on his face despite the racing of his heart.
Oh my Arceus..
“Archibald?!” he quickly takes to his feet, slamming his cane into the floor. “Did I not prohibit you from entering these grounds?” he scowls, the beautifully ornate door still on its hinges, thank arc. He sighs, gesturing for the triad to fall at ease. Regardless, they take their places surrounding the intruder.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, not even bothering to ask how the man passed his grunts, “what is the purpose of this visit?”
@team-aqua-official ))
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