#// this kdrama brought me back to life brought me back to making gifs
mirambles · 2 years
Little Women - The Ending
What a wild ride this drama was! When you watch too many KDramas there is a constant cynic in you wondering if the drama with a solid start will derail after it hits the mid way mark - or will the finale be a disappointment. Every episode of Little Women upped the level of mystery, thrill, sinister plots, character twists and you kept wondering if the writer and director would be able to tie all the loose ends or will it make no sense at all and leave us infuriated.
The plot twists were largely unexpected, to maintain such consistency over 12 episodes is near impossible, getting 1-2 plot twists right amongst 20 odd is a big win for the writer. It means she had us glued, she had us guessing, she had us theorising and she kept blowing our mind and surprising us. Jung Seo Kyung deserves a standing ovation.
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Before I jump into the main characters and their ending - just wanted to put it out there that every single actor/actress in this drama - whether the role was big or small, brought their A game to this drama. This is what great direction and writing can do!
However it left me baffled that people are actually lamenting and disappointed that InJoo and DoIl didn’t get their ‘happy ending’ - are you effing kidding me? Did we even watch the same drama? The romance is a side plot - it didn’t even exist or even if it had , it would have no bearing on the story. Please stop obsessing over this non existent plot point. DoIl was a side plot. Let it be that - don’t make the drama about him.
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I will re-emphasise this - a drama made by women for women. The story was about the 3 sisters who loved each other immensely and would go to any lengths to protect each other, the story was about the heiress who went rogue after being denied her right by patriarchy, the story was about a friendship between two young girls wanting to free themselves of their family burdens, the story was about a woman’s revenge to avenge her mom’s death. The story was about these women fighting their battles - winning some and losing some and the men were a side plot, they were mere pawns and let them be at that. Don’t make a woman’s life about the men in her life.
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The ending was poetic in many ways - Won Sang A bringing about her own destruction. Her guilt over her mom’s death, her anger at being discriminated channeled in the wrong way. Uhm Ji Won was brilliant, simply brilliant in shifting those expressions and her cold calculated behaviour sent chills down my spine.
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In Kyung was the smart, principled one, but was equally reckless and impulsive; however she realised in quick time the importance of holding back the important cards to play at the right time. I’m also glad she realised that brain producing alpha waves is the right choice over her heart racing. Nam Ji Hyun was stellar and I haven’t seen her look this gorgeous in any drama of hers. She slayed the pants look in this one.
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InHye - everyone hated on her and her selfishness but she turned out to be equally selfless - never ever forgetting her sisters’ love and sacrifices. Once she found her path, she made sure her sisters were in a comfortable place just like she was. She was a great friend to HyoRin and helped her escape a life that would have been pure hell, and who knows might have tipped her to the dark side. How valuable is their friendship to each other.
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InJoo being in the apartment alone - this scene was the most poignant one in the finale for me. How often do we define our happiness by the people in our lives? How often do we forget to place ourselves ahead of others? The grand-aunt did deliver some wisdom nuggets to InJoo. InJoo who loved her sisters and her life was only about them, was now by herself; still loved by her sisters, but free of the responsibility to take care of them, free to live her life. She wasn’t lonely, she was just relieved. Despite all she was put through, her innocence and naivety were not damaged. As @kdramaplaybook on twitter said she grew but she stayed the same.
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The consistency in the characters throughout the drama was impressive. DoIl loved his money and he probably liked InJoo too l, but if he had left it all for her - it would be so cliched and inconsistent and hence I liked where it ended. Maybe they will meet, maybe they won’t , there are other fish in the sea. InJoo needs to finally live her life, happiness is not always being with your loved ones, sometimes it also lies in letting them go to pursue their happiness and putting your own happiness first. InJoo can do whatever she wants to be happy - even if that means spending all her money on buying truckloads of lipglosses and icecream.
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I may need to write another long post in praise of Kim Go Eun’s performance as InJoo in this drama - she nailed every expression, but most of all I loved her expressions when they changed in split second from ‘There I got you’ to ‘holy shit did I mess up again’. I love Nam Ji Hyun, but Kim Go Eun had the meatier role and she did full justice. Having watched quite a few dramas of hers, this is by far her best one.
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The background score and the cinematography were two equally powerful characters in this drama and I can write pages on every shot , frame and scene where they took the story ahead or warned us of the upcoming twist or shocked us to the core. They elevated every frame of this drama. As my friend @KdramasSlump on twitter said - this drama was pure art.
The drama praises would be incomplete without praising the director Kim Hee Won ( also directed Vincenzo) and writer Jung Seo Kyung of this drama. Sure men write good thrilling plots, but women write thrilling plots with equal emphasis on emotions , life’s lessons and well etched characters. Kingdom was a case in point and now it is Little Women.
This drama has so much to be spoken and written about - the social commentary in it, life’s hard hitting truths in so many dialogues, it could well be another long post. It will be a long , long time before I get over this drama and multiple rewatches will happen to discover more hidden meanings behind every dialogue and scene. When a drama sucks you in and engulfs your mind like this - you know the team has delivered a masterpiece, what’s more wonderful is that an all women team delivered it and I will forever be rooting for more of this to happen!
If this drama doesn’t get all the awards - I’m staging a revolt!
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itsmeimcathy · 2 years
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#he's living his best life like. yeah my wife is taking care of me 😌😌 i'm being very normal about this 😌😌 i'm staring a normal amount
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{ klarolineauseason } week 7: dark
[insp. by "The Conjuring"]
Nik and Caroline Mikaelson are a couple of demonologists whom have recently become infamously known for having investigated a possessed doll called Annabelle.
Caroline met Nik back in university, when she moved to New Orleans to study at Tulane - although the Psychology program was more of an excuse, since the main reason for her choice was her interest in the supernatural and ritualistic culture of the Crescent City. Nik, who at the time was already working at his Anthropology Ph.D., took an immediate fancy in the eccentric student who went around asking weird questions and collecting even weirder objects, and couldn't help but offer his help when she needed it for one of her various researches. She was still preparing for her Master degree when they eventually married.
Although Nik understood barely half of Caroline's stories and experiences, he did come from a family whose roots were imbedded deeply in the city's folklore - his own mother was a true believer of Voodoo and various superstitions - and soon enough he was accompanying the young woman wherever her instincts brought her.
Eventually they left their professional jobs behind after having come face to face with their first, true demonic possession, something that put their actual lives and maybe even their immortal souls in danger: Caroline, who has had psychic abilities ever since she could remember, is relatively shocked by the event, while her husband Nik comes out utterly changed from the experience - he then decides to devote his life to protect his wife to the best of his capacities, thus starting their new career as demonologists, authors and lecturers.
Their travels following various supernatural and paranormal events have brought them all over the world, from United States to Europe to Asia, and they have acquired quite the large, creepy collection of artifacts and objects more or less possessed or demonic. The danger of these entities latching onto them and following them back home is an inexcapable one, but Caroline can count on the help of her best friend Bonnie - a Voodoo practitioner who keeps her safe through blessings, rituals and amulets; Nik was wary of her at first, as if witchcraft was somehow less believable than demons, but he quickly had to change his mind when the amulets Caroline keeps hanging from her neck and around her wrists prevented her from being possessed during one of their interventions. He then started to wear them as well.
Now, they've been back in Virginia for merely a week when they're contacted by Damon and Elena Salvatore, whose house seems to be haunted and is making their lives a living hell...
The old Salvatore boarding house lay nested at the outskirts of Mystic Falls, half hidden by a forest and worringly close to a graveyard which stopped being used at the beginning of the past century. Its stern exterior with the black roof and the dark brown bricks and the ancient wooden fixtures certainly didn't help with the grim reputation of being haunted - which tended to be quite the norm in that corner of Virginia, if a building had the misfortune to date back to the Civil War - but Caroline and Nik had seen far worse.
"You know, I knew Elena back in high school," Caroline murmurs in case Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore are close by, starting to sprinkle salt and red brick dust on the windows sills. "One of those girls who just love playing with an Ouija board, you know? She never believed me when I told her it wasn't safe."
Nik snorts soflty, stepping near her. "And this is what happens when people don't trust you - their house gets haunted."
She elbows him, smirking. "That's not very nice."
"I'm not very nice," he says agreeably, curling his arms from behind around her middle section. "Do you think that's enough?" He then asks as a second thought, nodding towards the window.
"I doubt this will help us, specifically," Caroline replies frankly. "It's to ward off evil and protect the house, but if the evil is already inside... I'm not sure. In any case, it can't hurt to try."
"Maybe you should try burning some sage, too," he suggests, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"Well, look at you! My very own expert on cleansing rituals," she turns her head to kiss his stubbled cheek. "I'll do that later."
Nik leans forward to press a more proper kiss on her lips before stepping back with a long-suffering sigh. "Well then, I should go and check the basement. Whatever thing we're facing, chances are it developped in the creepy cells they have down there."
She frowns, not even bothering to hide her worry. "Do you have your crucifix? Good," she nods when he pulls it from under his sweater. "Be careful, try not to touch anything."
"I'll leave everything as it is for your viewing pleasure," he teases with a bow.
Caroline watches her husband as he disappears down the hallway, still limping slightly from their last misadventure - something that still gives her nightmares, with dreadful visions of Nik's bleeding body and a house burning against the pitch black sky. Her eyes turn cold as she sees the lights in the vintage sconces flickering at his passage - too softly to be actually noticeable - almost as if the presence wants her to see, to acknowledge the threat.
She whispers a prayer, and in a blink the lights stop trembling. But her pulse becomes erratic when a sudden chill starts lapping at her fingertips, slithering up her arms, and Caroline brusquely walks back in the living room, grabbing a handful of salt and throwing it behind her shoulder.
She's sure, now, that tonight they'll have a visit.
87 note - Postate 17 luglio 2022
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{ klarolineauseason } - week 1: canon divergence
It's been one thousand years - Caroline has officially been alive for as long as Klaus had when he died, and yet, she has never forgotten him.
But a millennia is how long it took her to find a solution to her hybrid-less life, and now she's more than ready to go back and change the past. It turns out that an eternal existence without the warm comfort of Klaus' presence on the sidelines wasn't what she wanted - she had missed him for so long that his absence almost turned into an obsession, and Caroline was tired of dreams and memories.
So now, with the help of a few rare artifacts and some very powerful dark magic, Caroline is going to get herself back in time and prevent the tragedy from happening - no matter how much she will sacrifice in order to do so.
It's time for her to be selfish.
"The entire world is a dreadful collection of memoranda that she did exist, and that I have lost her!"
[Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights (chapt. XXXIII)]
She had died; when the old crone had pierced her heart with a blessed wooden stake, as her chanting became louder and louder and the words lost meaning, Caroline had unequivocally died. She had to, so that her soul could travel backwards, annulling the last millennia like a hand swiping across a blackboard.
One moment she was, the next she was no more - and then it felt like being everywhere and everytime, as the spell warped reality, undoing it, and dragging her back to the time in which she had anchored herself through the little bit of hybrid blood that she had kept all of this time.
It felt like being in the eye of a hurricane, until abruptly everything stopped.
And she felt like being in a corporeal state once again.
A hoarse gasp echoes in the deadly silent living room, and the vampire laying on the couch blinks her eyes open.
The tangy taste of blood still lingers on her tongue, a blood she immediately recognizes - centuries weren't able to delete that particular memory from her brain - and instinct tells her immediately when the spell has taken her.
It was the chosen moment - before everything started going downhill for him, and for her too.
She turns her head, slowly, barely allowing herself to hope - and there he is, sitting on the leather lounge-chair next to the window, the warm glow of the lamp casting morbid shadows upon his stony face.
He looks angrier and more dangerous than she remembers - or maybe time had simply allowed her to grasp a bette understanding of him to the point of noticing even the smallest of his expressions - even so, she couldn't be happier.
Before she has fully made up her mind - she should probably evaluate the situation, come up with a plan, try not to fuck up too much the timeline as the witches had repeatedly reminded her, but those thoughts come a second too late - she's already up and across the room, a knot closing her throat as she tries not to cry, and --
-- in his arms.
((It doesn't feel real to touch him, hold him, feel his breath against her cheek after all this time. It would be a lie to say that her every waking moment was spent thinking of him, yet there was always something - a word, an object, a place - that made the memory of him go off in her mind, feeding her longing, alimenting her obsession. Exacerbating the void left by his absence. And the feeling of their last kiss still seared in her brain, the bittersweet taste of a goodbye that they weren't supposed to say.
He had promised her an eternity, but was gone long before that started. It wasn't fair - he wasn't supposed to die, not after everything.
She had lived missing what they never were.))
Klaus is not privy to the whirlwind going on inside her mind - he simply found himself holding the trembling bundle of a distressed vampire before he had the time to blink her back into focus. His ancient instinct works faster than his mind, and his hand circles around her throat in a manner both harsh and delicate.
Yet, despite the grief and the rage still cursing through his veins, his voice is surprisingly soft when he calls her name, confused and wary. "Caroline…?"
Her hands hold on tighter on the lapels of his jacket, and a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh comes from her lips.
"It worked," she murmurs, finally backing away to look him in the eyes. "God, it worked! You're alive."
That's when he notices it.
There is something different in the depth of her eyes, something that wasn't there only a few hours earlier - a weariness, a harshness that belonged more on one of his siblings rather than someone like Caroline - and it gives him pause, forcing to assess her, for the first time in a long while, as a potential enemy.
She doesn't look bothered by his hand around her throat, as if she trusts him, implicitly, not to overly harm her. Which is strange, considering that he bit her no less than twenty-four hours ago for much less than a potential physical threat.
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202 note - Postate 8 giugno 2022
canta Rkomi
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352 note - Postate 1 febbraio 2022
Viserys' only issue against daemon and rhaenyra together is because they're too chaotic for their own good lmao. they have the same blood they are basically the same person they are RECKLESS and UNHINGED and every time they're in the same room together they exacerbate my ulcers--
poor man has no qualms about them being related he's just afraid they're gonna destroy the palace with their sexual energy or something
492 note - Postate 12 settembre 2022
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29.731 note - Postate 14 giugno 2022
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ahguamenti · 3 years
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twenty five, twenty one, episode 05
"... i've missed you"
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ruanbaijie · 2 years
bestie i'm giving you free reign to go absolutely bonkers here, so do what you will with this question (give me all your thoughts)
Can you recommend some cdramas to watch?
hi mandy!!!! go bonkers you say? 👀
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ok but full disclosure I’ve done a couple of recs posts before and since then I haven’t watched that many new cdramas, so what I’m gonna do now is to consolidate what I posted there (including my ramblings klaklsdklf) into one super long post (heh)
sorting them into shows I’ve watched, shows I plan to watch but have heard good things about, and shows I’m not currently planning to watch but have heard good things about. all synopses, genres, and tags are from mydramalist!
also! I tend to prefer shows that involve action, mystery, detective, crime, and/ or monsters (think vampires and zombies), so a lot of my favourites and recs (at least those on my completed and to watch lists) are shows of these genres!
someone else also asked me about cdramas / kdramas similar to akatsuki no yona which I’ve answered here for the kdramas! @ anon who asked that, if you’re seeing this post too, my same remarks reply: I’m not exactly sure if there’s a drama with a premise that’s super similar to that of ANY, but I’ve tried to put in notes here and there for dramas that might have similar tropes
completed + my faves (i.e. leT ME SHOVE THIS DOWN YOUR THROAT)
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Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji, two talented disciples of respected clans, meet during cultivation training and accidentally discover a secret carefully hidden for many years. Taking on the legacy of their ancestors, they decide to rid the world of the ominous threat. But in a dramatic turn of events, Wei Wu Xian dies. Sixteen years later, Wei Wu Xian is brought back to life through a self-sacrificing ritual. He conceals himself behind a mask and assumes the identity of his summoner. Soon, Wei Wu Xian reunites with Lan Wang Ji and they start working together to solve the mysteries of the present and unravel the truth behind the events in the past.
Genres: historical, mystery, wuxia, fantasy
Tags: censored adaptation of same-sex original work, tragic past, flashback to past, bromance, power struggle
Fanmade trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mVGYSzg-Pk
ah okay I don’t know if you’ve watched this yet so I’m just dumping it here
it’s easily one of (if not the) most known cdramas internationally! and there’s quite a big fandom on tumblr
I don’t make much content for it now but I’d spent more than 2 years pouring my soul into gifsets for it and it was this show that got me into giffing!
might be similar to ANY because of... majority male cast, action, adventure
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In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is well known as the textbook level expert and top-tier player Ye Qiu. Due to a series of circumstances he was forcefully expelled out of his professional team. After leaving the pro-gaming scene he resides at an Internet Café employed as one of the managers. When Glory launches their tenth server he throws himself into the game once more. Equipped with ten years of gaming experience, memories of the past, and an incomplete self-made weapon. His journey back to the top begins.
Genres: action, friendship, youth, sports
Tags: online gaming, strong friendship, game, competition, gamer, sismance, tournament, bromance
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q16DV-6DidU
ok if you’ve snooped around my tumblr recently, you might have realised that I’m VERY obsessed with this right now
I never expected to start 2022 getting hyperfixated over an esports show… alas.
no romance but why does a show need to have romance to be good amirite
amazing action, palatable cgi that I actually came to like
very strong found family feels and underdog story
also somehow manages to teach you life lessons
kickass music that IS NOT ON SPOTIFY ;u;
please just watch this why is the fandom on tumblr so small ;u;
it’s a whole damn franchise that I’m getting sucked into right now
season 2 when
might be similar to ANY because of... majority male cast, found family
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Set in the mid-1920s. A resourceful young police officer named Qiao Chu Sheng is on the trail of a brutal but devious killer. Realising that the police force will need some extra help with this difficult case, he decides to form an elite crime-busting detective team. He reaches out to a young man who has recently returned from studying in Great Britain, Lu Yao. Qiao Chu Sheng has learned that Lu Yao has remarkable powers of deduction and a brilliant mind – and believes he can help crack this difficult case. To round off the team, he enlists the help of Bai You Ning, a focused young female reporter for a daily newspaper. A free-thinking, independent young woman, she has a strong sense of justice – and pledges to help catch the killer. The trio form a small detective squad that specialises in solving strange and unsettling murder mysteries.
Genres: thriller, historical, mystery, romance
Tags: investigation, Chinese Republican Era, bromance, slight romance, friendship, roommates, murder, bickering couple
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ijcA-Fxh24
chuyao <333
though from what I’ve seen on tumblr you either love it very much or you drop it
a lot of people really don’t like the female lead though - she can get a bit annoying
also the scenes with english dub are.... hilarious
there’s a second season coming up with the same two male leads, with a similar premise of crime solving in the chinese republican era but they’re no longer playing the same characters (i.e. main characters are different I don’t know how that works)
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In 15th-century China, a quick-witted, senior-ranking government official named Tang Fan takes a break from his routine activities in order to investigate a murder, teaming up with martial arts specialist guardsman Sui Zhou in a bid to solve the case. When the peace-loving landlord of the house Tang Fan is renting is found dead, the duo investigates. It is an apparent suicide, but the investigative pair quickly realises that something looks amiss. They investigate and eventually succeed in finding a suspect they believe may have killed the landlord. But they soon learn that this murderer did not act alone – and is just a smaller player in a much grander scheme. As they dig deeper into the crime, the duo soon realises that something very sinister is afoot – including a plot to launch a bloody coup. Can they stop the criminal mastermind before time runs out?
Genres: historical, mystery, drama
Tags: censored adaptation of same-sex original work, Ming Dynasty, bromance, investigation
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCEJd5EI5rc
a really good show! cases are much more solid than MRIAD imo (but I’m biased towards MRIAD *cough*)
adapted from a bl novel that is apparently quite different
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In order to leave the assassin organisation The Window of Heaven, the leader Zhou Zi Shu performs an obligatory departure technique, leaving him with three years left to live. He disguises his face and tries to live the remainder of his days as a drunkard wandering the martial arts world. Three months later, he meets the mysterious Wen Ke Xing, who immediately notices Zhou Zi Shu’s façade. The two then grow closer when they get entangled in a conspiracy regarding the Glazed Armour, a protected legendary key to a powerful armoury.
Genres: historical, mystery, wuxia, fantasy
Tags: hidden identity, censored adaptation of same-sex original work, antihero, martial arts, jianghu, revenge, tragic past
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=danLFjQ53aw
another cdrama with a pretty big fandom on tumblr!
also another one for which I was making quite a number of sets a year back
there’s a short 37th episode because if they’d just stopped at 36 it would have been quite a shitty ending
might be similar to ANY because of... action, adventure
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During the Republican era, a river is haunted by inexplicable occurrences. Guo De You is a policeman who succeeds in his master 'Old River God' and has inherited his ability to weed out the guilty whenever he lights the pipe. He ends up being suspected of the murder of a distinguished chairman whose son Ding Mao joins hands with him to uncover the truth. Together with some unlikely partners, they begin an investigation that leads them to an incident that happened twenty years ago.
Genres: historical, mystery, horror, supernatural
Tags: Chinese Republican Era, shamanism, adapted from a novel, psychic, bromance, investigation, hypnosis
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egtvJ8Gs3dg
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During the Song Dynasty, Ye Zhao cross dresses to become a general of outstanding ability, receiving a top rank of general. The Empress Dowager constantly worries about Ye Zhao holding too much power and took the opportunity to betroth Ye Zhao to one of the Emperor's nephews, the no-good Prince of Nanping, Zhao Yujin, who possesses remarkable beauty but is pampered, lazy and spends his time on "useless" artistic pursuits. Thus, the story of the real battle of who will take power in this new household begins.
Genres: military, historical, comedy, romance
Tags: tomboy, arranged marriage, female warrior, cross-dressing, multiple couples, gender role reversal, Song Dynasty
Trailer (no EN subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EZe-C_w67I
oh my god this show. it’s so underrated ヽ(´Д`;)ノ
the dynamics between ye zhao (sandra ma) and zhao yu jin (peter ma) are AMAZING
especially the heart eyes he keeps giving her when he realises how head over heels he is in love with her
and how much being in love with her changed him from lazy snotty aristocrat to actual functioning “I Will Protect My General Wife Even Though I Can’t Fight At All” member of the government
side note its chinese name literally means “general above/ on top”, and this series was adapted from a novel called 将军在上我在下 “general above/ on top, I am below” like HMMMM
also the costuming in this show is ridiculously colourful and lowkey japanese-like because they actually got a japanese costume designer
might be similar to ANY because of... strong female lead who kicks ass
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A world beyond scientific understanding with a group of passionate adults trying to solve cases done by such forces. Zhao Yun Lan and Shen Wei are tasked with upholding peace between underworld dwellers and humans, and the story will focus on their friendship that transcends past and present lifetimes.
Genres: friendship, thriller, mystery, fantasy
Tags: bromance, censored adaptation of same-sex original work, star crossed lovers, hidden identity, tragic past, power struggle
MV of one of the OST songs sung by the two main actors but can pretty much function as a trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHz6e8c0FZY
ah where do I begin
adapted from Priest’s bl novel Guardian
terrible sfx (that makes the sfx in the untamed looks amazing), barely intriguing plot after the first few episodes
the chemistry between zhao yunlan (bai yu) and shen wei (zhu yilong) is ridiculously good ヾ(*′○`)゚.+:。゚☆
this show was censored so heavily and diverged so much from the original novel, but the actors and the entire crew knew that they were acting a romance and not a romance and it damn well showed
I believe that this show set the road for the untamed because even though it became so wildly popular among fans that I guess it signalled to show runners the possibility of drama adaptations of BL novels despite the heavy censorship
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Set in the Republican Era in Shanghai in the 1930s: An intriguing crime case emerges amidst the bustling city. A beautiful new graduate of the police academy, Qin Xiao Man, joins the investigation unit. The famous detective Luo Fei becomes her colleague and neighbour. Together they solve case after case with a growing conspiracy appearing.
Genres: thriller, historical, mystery, comedy
Tags: crime solving duo, Chinese Republican Era, investigation, suspense, murder, Shanghai French Concession, Sherlock and Watson, attempted assault
Trailer (no EN subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CLfIut0VDI
quite similar to MRIAD, in that it’s a detective show set in the republican era and is structured according to a few episodes per case (in this case - lol - it’s three episodes per case) but with an overarching plot
I feel like they didn’t really touch on the overarching plot here except for a couple of cases? the rest of the cases are unlinked to the overarching plot
though overall the overarching plot feels better executed than MRIAD (which was just… lol)
female lead is absolutely likeable and I’m so glad they didn’t force a romance between the male lead (bai yu) and her
very Sherlock Holmes-ey, down to the music
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A story that follows Wang Lu, a young genius, who enters the Spirit Blade Sect and embarks on an unconventional journey towards immortal cultivation. The Spirit Blade Sect was established in the year 4233. Through years of producing martial arts prodigies, it has been hailed as one of the five great sects. As the nine continents face a crisis, a genius by the name of Wang Lu joins the Spirit Blade Sect and comes under the tutelage Wang Wu. Despite Wang Wu's beauty, she is hundreds of years in age. Famous for having a sharp tongue and an erratic temper, she and her disciple Wang Lu engage in endless squabbles while trudging on a path to becoming the strongest sage in all the lands.
Genres: historical, romance, wuxia, fantasy
Tags: xianxia, student-teacher relationship, bromance, slapstick, slow burn romance
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5nshXtTD-k
quite a fun, lighthearted show to watch
big on humour but also has its smart moments
reminded me of a more lighthearted version of joy of life (below)
female lead is super sassy
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Fan Xian is born in the ancient empire of Southern Qing with memories of the 21st century. He lives in a rural town as the illegitimate son of the Minister of Finance, raised by his grandmother. His mother, Ye Qingmei was once a celebrated inventor and the founder of the Overwatch Department, the country's spy network but was killed shortly after her son was born. Fan Xian has since been protected by a blind martial arts expert, Wu Zhu, his mother's bodyguard. He learns martial arts and the art of poison as a child, also assisted by his knowledge from the 21st century. After an assassination attempt, he decides to venture into the capital to find out more about his mysterious mother and why anyone would want to kill him, as he perceives himself to be an unimportant person. He also wants to know why he has memories of a sharply different era. In the capital, he accidentally meets Lin Wan'er, the sickly illegitimate daughter of the Princess Royal and falls in love with her.
Unbeknownst to him, she is the woman the emperor chose for him to marry so that he would be the new overseer of the Royal Treasury, an institute Fan Xian's mother established in the palace and currently handled by the Princess Royal. In the capital, however, he gets entangled in the intrigues of the Emperor and the two Princes, as well as the Overwatch Department, leading to him questioning his whole identity and inducing him to find his true life goals, abandoning his original intention to just "enjoy life".
Genres: historical, mystery, romance, wuxia
Tags: martial arts, time travel, sword-fight, power struggle, scheme, sci-fi
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D5AyJAXqiE
believe me or not, this show actually has quite a fair bit of science fiction in it
it’s a super clever show and involves a bit of thinking
also stars xiao zhan as a side character that has a completely different personality from wei wuxian
character to look out for: Second Prince. He’s the scene stealer
character description from wiki that I just had to include: Lin Wan'er, a chicken drumstick princess
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A story that revolves around a Peking opera performer and a wealthy businessman who are brought together by their love for Peking opera. Set in the 1930's, it follows Shang Xi Rui, a Peking opera performer who relies on his exceptional talent to gain fame in Beiping. Being an outsider, he faces opposition from the locals but doesn't relent nor give up in fulfilling his dreams to promote Peking opera. As he pours himself into mastering the art, wealthy businessman Cheng Feng Tai becomes deeply captivated after watching a performance for the first time. He makes acquaintance with Shang Xi Rui and becomes an avid supporter. Through Cheng Feng Tai's help, Shang Xi Rui builds Shui Yun Lou and trains a new troupe. When the Japanese army invade Beiping in 1937 and patriotic men and women take up arms to fight, Shang Xi Rui and Cheng Feng Tai are moved to make sacrifices for their country.
Genres: historical, business, romance, drama
Tags: Chinese opera, Chinese Republican Era, censored adaptation of same-sex original work, businessman, bromance, performing arts
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k1XBsF1YlY
a bit of a long show but I enjoyed it from start to end!
a good show that introduces you to the chinese opera scene, plus with the backdrop of the japanese invasion
absolutely stunning costumes
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The iron triangle Wu Xie, Pang Zi and Zhang Qiling restart their adventure after receiving an unusual text from Wu Sansheng. Wu Xie, Pang Zi and Zhang Qiling have hung up their hats to end a ten-year promise. After trading their adventures for a normal life, a text from Wu Sansheng drives them to embark on a mysterious journey for the sake of family and friendship.
Genres: adventure, mystery, horror, fantasy
Tags: survival, teamwork, tomb raiding, bromance, treasure hunting, slight comedy
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=649NPvrwoLY
seems super long but was actually aired in two seasons
tbh I would’ve listed horror as one of those genres
because especially in the first half of the show I was watching most of it from behind my hands
there are a whole bunch of series and movies before this one, it’s part of a super big franchise (probably one of the biggest franchises) in china called 盗墓笔记 (the grave robber chronicles, or the lost tomb)
but you don’t have to watch the previous shows to know what’s going on because this one pretty much starts from a new arc, give or take a few casual references thrown into the conversation referring to their past adventures (which are also shown in the opening if you know what to look out for)
xhu yilong here is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from xhu yilong in guardian. there he was invincible ass kicking alien. here he is sick dying old uncle who needs to be protected but still pretty damn smart.
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Miss Su Wen Li, a beautiful and witty socialite, forms an unlikely detective duo with the righteous and serious inspector Luo Qiuheng. Despite their many differences, the pair share an undeniable chemistry and - of course - go on to solve many cases together in and around Shanghai, all while Su Wen Li chases clues behind her sister's disappearance, which happened ten years ago, yet is forever a thorn in her heart.
Genres: historical, mystery, romance
Tags: Chinese Republican Era, investigation, detective fiction, historical fiction, slight comedy
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucsbbo5-P5o
another detective show set in the early 20th century! (I have A Type)
su wenli is absolutely incredible and sassy and the rare female detective
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Chen Si is a righteous detective who got partnered up with Yuan Bu Jie, a dream reader with unrivalled interpreting skills as well as a dark past. They work together to find the truth behind a series of serial murders.
Genres: thriller, historical, mystery, supernatural
Tags: Chinese Republican Era, suspense, murder, detective fiction, historical fiction, special power
Trailer (no EN subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHJ9tsxXITk
I really found this quite good and I was (am??) quite bummed that not a lot of people have picked it up ahaha
maybe it’s because it hasn’t really been subbed though?? at least when I was watching it. I’m not sure if it’s still not subbed in english
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A story that follows two men who are polar opposites, one kills, while the other heals. One is a violent cop and the other is a compassionate doctor. Together they support and redeem each other during troubled times. Jiang Yue Lou heads the Jingcheng Police Station and appears neither good nor evil. Yet smugglers tremble at the thought of him. While investigating an opium case in Hong Kong, Yue Lou encounters Yu Zhi who learns that Yue Lou suffers from bipolar disorder. Although initially reluctant to undergo treatment, Yue Lou eventually opens up to Yu Zhi. Despite their differing values they slowly become close friends. At this time, the secrets from the past start to bubble to the surface.
Genres: thriller, historical, mystery, crime
Tags: bromance, strop friendship, censored romance, Chinese Republican Era, bipolar disorder, drugs, investigation
Trailer (no EN subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fafu0-GU7Ko
the chinese name for this show is super poetic
another one for the heart eyes between the two main male leads
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Young girl Chu Chu came from a family of coroners. She meets Prince Xiao Jin Yu, a dignified prince in charge of criminal lawsuit who appeared weak and sickly. Prince Xiao lacks reliable manpower to investigate case, while Chu Chu lacks people to step up, take charge and be a man. Together, they manage to unravel a shocking case that has dragged on for 18 years. After solving the case, she won the Emperor's approval and is finally certified as the Imperial Coroner, fulfilling her life goal.
Genres: historical, mystery, romance, medical
Tags: forensic medical examiner, investigation, slow burn romance, Tang Dynasty, coroner, palace politics
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otdEkk6ntdw
has romance as well as bromance
a good balance of forensics / crime-solving and palace politics shenanigans!
here’s a really well summarised infographic by @/dramavixen
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You Yi is a young, innocent, and kind-hearted socialite and a successful author, living with everyone's adoration and envy. Her perfect life is turned upside-down when she discovers a betrayal by the two most trusted people in her life. With no one left to turn to, she finds refuge in the friendship and support of Yan Wei, a young photographer with a cold personality. Unbeknownst to all, Yan Wei has a deadly secret identity.
Genres: thriller, historical, mystery, drama
Tags: censored adaptation of same-sex original work, Chinese Republican Era, female centred plot, opposites attract, sismance, murder, revenge, extramarital affair, infidelity
Trailer (no EN subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWPDjkXC6io
a really quick watch, one of the rare wlw cdramas around
republican era aesthetics!!!
plan to watch
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The story follows the amnesiac detective Jian Buzhi who starts on a quest to finding the truth and unmasking his father's killer. Along the way, he finds a love interest and a good friend who work hand in hand with him to solve mysterious cases.
Genres: historical, mystery, romance, wuxia
Tags: murder, amnesia, bromance, sword-fight, hidden identity, strong friendship, swordsman, death
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3J7CML_u50
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Wu Xie and Wang Pan Zi are trying to find out what really happened during The Mystic Nine's trip to Parcel Island while also curious about his uncle’s past. Weighing heavily on his heart though, is the disappearance of his friend Zhang Qi Ling/"Xiao Ge". Wu Xie finds himself mixed up in the same elaborate conspiracy he has been trying to solve but with what looked like dire consequences. Undaunted, he forged ahead with clues he'd uncovered from place to place, finally reuniting with Xiao Ge, joining another group of explorers led by Wu Xie's old acquaintance Ah Ning along with his friends Wang Pan Zi and Pan Zi. They were also later joined by Xie Yu Chen and Hie Yan Jing, along with Wu Xie's uncle. During this trip, Wu Xie was dealt a devastating blow while Xiao Ge lost his memory again. After briefly returning home, Wu Xie and Wang Pan Zi decided to try and find out more about Xiao Ge's past to help him regain the memories he lost. That trip led them on another adventure and they found themselves backtracking to their previous expedition and the evil force trying to cover up some dark secrets. Thanks to an ancient Lei family blueprint, Wu Xie became acquainted with Madam Huo of the Jiumen Sect. At her insistence, the group embarked on a tomb raid of the real Zhang Manor which the Jiumen Sect had attempted many years ago in a final attempt to search for the truth. At the last possible moment, a puzzle is incorrectly solved leaving the entering group including Xiao Ge to disappear into the unknown, with the mystery unsolved and Wu Xie devastated. All hope is not lost though, as Xie Yu Chen makes a suggestion to Wu Xie that he simply cannot refuse.
Genres: action, adventure, thriller, mystery
Tags: tomb raiding, bromance, survival, teamwork, strong friendship, slight comedy, horror
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4H5tWUKJiU
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A story that follows an aerospace engineer Yu Tu and the shining star Qiao Jing Jing. A decision is made to start gaming in order to save her endorsement deal brings her face to face with an old crush. As they grow closer, the two forge ahead to become each other's glory. Being a well-known celebrity, Qiao Jing Jing has to keep up with appearances in order to maintain her multi-faceted image. Alas, one starts to crack when someone leaks a video of her playing an online game and being terrible at it which is completely inconsistent with the image she has created for herself as the game's ambassador. Thus, she joins a gaming competition to prove her skills and to prevent herself from losing her endorsements. Qiao Jing Jing decides to use all of her free time towards improving her game and her decision leads her to reconnect with her old high school classmate, Yu Tu, whom she once had a crush on. He was a legend at their school, outstanding in everything that he does, while Qiao Jing Jing was just your average girl. Yu Tu went on to become an aerospace engineer who is also an expert gamer. It seems that the online game brought them together once more so she asks him to become her gaming coach.
Genres: comedy, romance, life, youth
Tags: time skip, first love returns, steamy kiss, friends to lovers, aerospace engineer, dream
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23PlXDnakJM
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Xu Xiao is the King of China’s Northern Liang in an era of great upheaval. Steppe kingdoms have materialised with deadly intent, as rebellious uprisings threatened to destabilise the Southern realm. Against all odds, Xu Xiao managed to defeat them all. During this period, his unconventional, free-spirited heir, Xu Feng Nian been on the road, honing his equestrian skills and bolstering his fighting prowess. On his journey, he encounters the double sword-wielding martial artist Nan Gong Pu She, who’s soon to become his confidante. In the court of Northern Liang is Jiang Ni, a twelve-year-old girl who is actually a princess from a rival kingdom, with a mind for revenge. As Xu Feng Nian ascends the throne, concerns arise fearing him incapable of following in his father’s footsteps. Xu Feng Nian, despite having mounted a decisive campaign, encounters a crisis while en route to a neighbouring province. Its outcome could very well determine the entire realm's future.
Genres: historical, wuxia, drama, fantasy
Tags: sword-fight, martial arts, master-servant relationship, scheme, slight romance, father-son relationship
Trailer (no EN subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tO6MsdVphM
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When Li Shi Qing awoke that fateful morning, she had no idea her life was about to change forever. Going about her day as usual, Shi Qing boarded the bus without ever giving her actions a second thought. But when the bus she was on was involved in a horrendous accident, Shi Qing had only seconds to realise that her life was about to end. Or was it? Waking up that very same morning, going through the exact same motions, boarding the same bus, and dying in the same accident, over and over again, Shi Qing soon realises that she has become trapped in a never-ending time loop. Desperate to find a way to escape not only the loop but her tragic fate, Shi Qing inadvertently drags fellow bus passenger, Xiao He Yun, into the loop with her. Together they try to find a way to alter their fate, by ensuring the bus arrives safely at its destination but attempting to do so proves anything but easy.
Genres: thriller, mystery, sci-fi
Tags: time loop, explosion, investigation, suspense, slight romance, student, game designer, time travel, web series
Fanmade trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot4OfjUF_Zo
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The young painter Shen Yi resigned from the Academy of Fine Arts and entered Haicheng Public Security Bureau mysteriously. Interpol Captain Du Cheng was furious and said that he would never accept those who caused his comrade to be killed in the police force. Five years ago, Shen Yi, who was still a student, was sketching on the street. A man took a picture of a child and asked him to draw what the child would look like as an adult. However, this painting caused Haicheng detective Lei Yi Fei to be exposed as an undercover agent and he was killed. And Lei Yi Fei happened to be Du Cheng's long-time friend and confidant. The strange thing is that, no matter how hard Shen Yi tried of recall for a few years, he couldn't draw the face of the man who asked him to paint the child's photo. Five years later, the guilt became heavier. In order to find out the truth, Shen Yi accepted the invitation of Director Zhang of the Public Security Bureau and became a portraitist of the Interpol Team. Under Zhang Ju’s persuasion and arrangement, Du Cheng had to accept that he became a colleague with Shen Yi, but he was still full of annoyance and despised Shen Yi’s “drawing to solve cases,” and the two became the “ticking bomb” in the team. However, in several collaborations, Shen Yi has repeatedly cracked the "dead end" of cases with his "three-year-old painting", "drawing based on audio," "micro-colour discrimination" and other stunts, which slowly started to impress Du Cheng. More importantly, the truth of Lei Yi Fei's death is still buried in Shen Yi's memory. On the way to find out the truth of Lei Yi Fei's life and death, the two people who were pursuing alone gradually untie their knots and rely on each other. In the end, "the heaven-matched partners" work together to uncover the dust-covered secrets and create a new world for each other.
Genres: thriller, mystery
Tags: murder, death, investigation, forensic sketch artist, deepfake, imposter, domestic violence, detective, elder fraud, plastic surgery
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddWLaA5DEMk
not planning to watch but still recommended!
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In sixth-century China, Emperor Xiaoxuan of Southern Liang orders the unjust execution of his brother-in-law General Lin Xie, alongside the Lin family, his 70,000 army soldiers, and Crown Prince Qi. Secretly surviving the massacre is Lin Xie's son, Lin Shu, who undergoes medical treatment that changes his appearance entirely and leaves him in a weakened state, unable to perform martial arts again. Lin Shu changes his name to Mei Chang Su and later becomes the chief of the pugilist world and establishes the Jiangzuo Alliance. Twelve years later, Lin Shu returns to the capital with a secret plan after being sought after by Prince Yu and Prince Xian during their fight for the throne. He decides to covertly assist Prince Jing, the unfavoured son of the Emperor, and wisely rids the court of all scheming officials.
Genres: historical, wuxia, drama, political
Tags: power struggle, tragic past, hidden identity, scheme, childhood friends, political intrigue, revenge, bromance, sword-fight
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5LBRJCUcg
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Having finally sold her TV series script, aspiring screenwriter Chen Xiao Qian soon falls under the scrutiny of the male lead, who refuses to act out the role. Vowing to make her script successful, she starts re-writing. While napping, she is transported into her own story, becoming the Third Princess Chen Qian Qian, a side character. Armed with the knowledge of her own script in which her character is soon to be killed in the third episode by Prince Han Shuo, the male lead, Xiao Qian is determined to stay alive and find her way back home.
Genres: historical, comedy, romance, fantasy
Tags: transmigration, screenwriter, parody, bickering couple, writer, love/ hate relationship, gender politics
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5kTims-cmU
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A thousand years since the battle between the demons and heavens took place, the souls of the Star of Mosha and the God of War are sent to the mortal realm to serve penance. In the mortal realm, Chu Xuan Ji, daughter of the Shaoyang Sect Leader, is deprived of her six senses. At a tournament, she meets Yu Si Feng, a skilled disciple of Lize Palace who was born on the same day as her, and the two develop a friendship. Promising to meet again, Si Feng returns to his sect where he is punished for breaking the rules and forced to wear a mask that could potentially harm his life, while Xuan Ji leaves her home to train in martial arts. Four years later, their destinies intertwine anew. While traveling together, recovered memories from their past lives surface, revealing secrets and conspiracies involving themselves and the three realms; demon, heavenly, and mortal. These revelations have a profound impact on their relationship, creating an imbalance in all three realms.
Genres: historical, romance, wuxia, fantasy
Tags: reincarnation, deity, female warrior, hidden identity, xianxia, fated love
Trailer (no EN subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkS_XhQNBYQ
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On a hunt for treasure and extra cash, sixth year primary school student Shi Guang discovered an old Go board in his grandfather’s house. Upon touching the Go board, he was possessed by the spirit of a Go master from the Southern Dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Song, named Chu Ying, that resides within. Chu Ying dedicated his life to Go. And under his influence, Shi Guang gradually developed a passion for the game.
Genres: comedy, drama, sports, supernatural
Tags: bromance, competition, strong friendship, character development, go game, rivalry, friendship, spirit, life lesson
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m2bSej0HxQ
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The year is 626 C.E, and the realm and its political center Chang’an, are shaken to its core by the Xuanwu Gate Incident, a successful palace coup to take charge of the Tang Dynasty. A scheming prince leads the bloody coup and kills the family of Li Chang Ge during the raid, although she manages to escape. Now the prince has placed himself on the Imperial throne, and rules as Emperor Tai Zong. Li Chang Ge has her mind firmly set on revenge – and musters a powerful army intent on overthrowing the new Emperor. But her plans are thrown into disarray when she suffers an unexpected defeat against the armies of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate. The victorious General, Ashile Sun, decides to keep her in his service, making her his military strategist as he looks to pursue his own military goals. The duo forms a formidable military partnership. And over time, she finds herself falling for her captor – as he also starts developing feelings for her.
Genres: action, historical, romance, war
Tags: friends to lovers, character development, Tang Dynasty, betrayal, hidden identity, slow burn romance
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ2xNMT7d7Q
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As the only true immortal who possesses pure essence energy, Shang Gu has spent countless lifetimes acting as the head of the four true immortals of the ancient world. The four most powerful beings in existence, these true immortals have become gods in the eyes of the mortals who constantly beseech them for help. When commoners encounter difficulties, they will pray to the Gods, but what if Gods meet obstacles? It tells the deep love and hardship between two of the four true Gods, Bai Jue and Shang Gu.
Genres: historical, romance, wuxia, fantasy
Tags: xianxia, reincarnation, bromance, action, demon
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4m_IYU7ENI
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purposelynana · 2 years
What Did I Watch: #22
I watched too many western series. Thanks to Skam and all of its remakes. I decided to just not caring about kdramas, cdramas and thai dramas. New challenge and new territory, that's all I need. But obviously we can't just go away from the things that shaped us. Below I've listed all the series that I watched on the past weeks.
Skam France
I kinda wish to watch all of the Skam's remakes that is out there but it was hard. Like I struggled a lot with using google drive and so on just to download the episode. I had to save it in my cloud drive for re-watch purpose. But still, it was too damn inconvenient for someone that used to this kind of stuff back when I was a little bit younger. Right now, I just hope the show that I want to watch available in any streaming services.
Yet, there's a reward for every effort that we put. Those shows are freaking good. I could biased because I love the original one. But nope. I legit thinking Skam France shot in film camera because it was flawless. And the acting in wtFock made me in awe. These kids were first-timers and still they even better than any teenager actors that I came across before this. Gosh. What a joy just to find a show which trigger you in a good way and taught me in life better than a freaking preacher.
God, I miss Axel.
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I was bored okay. And tumblr gives me this weird algorithm and then I found this little gem. The perfect epitome of 'be gay, do crime'. I feel inclined to have the show more into noir-ish vibe but then, it didn't go there. I want to like it so bad but the camera language was terrible at times. When I look at on who's the director, well it's the least surprising name out there. Ha.
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9-1-1: Lone Star
Because it was on a freaking trending topic for days.
Abbott Elementary
Actually this is the first time I finished a whole season of sitcom. And thank god, it was funny enough for me to continue.
Meng Hua Lu
On hold indefinitely. Its feminism point of view felt too unrealistic. Plus, they weren't willingly to go there for the sake of censorship. Fortunately the romance, for the first time, was actually make sense and look at that shot. Beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous.
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The Summer I Turned Pretty
Team Connie all the way. We all should just make older siblings union. He deserves all the hugs in the world. I relate to him, me, a 27 years old spinster, relate to a freaking teenage angsty boy. He had a lot of baggage and I couldn't imagine when Susannah really really [redacted] how bad he can be.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
Thank God I could live long enough to see this. To see Deborah Chow performed magic on my screen. To look at Hayden Christensen back as Vader, my fucking role model. Yes you read it right. Darth Vader is someone I'm aspire to be. And Ewan McGregor, hands down this is Emmy-nominated performance yall. Come on. COME. ON.
Maybe it was nostalgia or whatever. It was clearly a nostalgia that brought us to our screen, to increase our expectations, and to connect with a certain joy which probably last appeared more than decades ago. It was nostalgia and legacy, whichever it is, evidently set me up into this journey that led to Star Wars. A great reminder I was build like this because of Star Wars. The interest which initiated early by my father. The very first movie that I watched before I knew anything else is A New Hope and that memories engraved deeply in my heart. So, by watching Obi-Wan and absorbed any kind of life values contained in it, felt like a full circle to me. Everything is finally coming back to its own place.
And let's remind people, you can't create someone more tragic than the life of Anakin Skywalker. No one could ever come close to him.
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kdramaxoxo · 3 years
do you have any recs specifically for kdramas that are available on netflix in the us? thanks!
Hi Anon!
Happy to make some recs - It used to be hard to do, but now Netflix has a bunch!
Great K-Dramas on Netflix (United States)
Just an FYI that Netflix has wildly different licensing depending on where you live and these are the ones I recommend if you live in the US).
Chicago Typewriter (Fantasy/romance): I loooooove this kdrama about three people who are connected by their past fates. It’s in my top 10 and I’ll put in on any rec list I can. The historical portion is super interesting, and the chemistry of all three main actors is just the best! Yoo Ah In…I just love him. Best kiss scene!
Run On (Romance, Slice of life): A slice of life romance that follows an athlete and a translator, a sports manager and a painter. It’s really smartly written, has super unique characters and I just really loved it. If you don’t like slow burn, you might want to skip this one but I found the romance and the storylines really enjoyable.
Hello My Twenties: (Slice of life): a bingeworthy drama about a group of college students living in the same house. Friendship, romance, coming of age.
Extracurricular (thriller): This kdrama isn’t for the faint of heart but I think everyone should watch it. It’s not filmed like a k-drama and has a different feel then I’m used to. Full of twists and turns, this drama follows a quiet kid who has a part-time job that’s not exactly legal. He “befriends” a girl he has a crush on and well, no spoilers!!
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Live Up To Your Name (fantasy/romance/comedy/medical): A fun drama about a historical doctor who ends up traveling to the future and meets a modern doctor. I love this couple and the show is great, though I personally do not like medical stuff. The good news is if you are like me, you can fast forward all of the procedures and you will not miss any of the plot. Soft couple alert.
Hospital Playlist (Workplace): A group of five friends who met in college all work at the same hospital together. They are all so different but lean on one another and love each other regardless of their flaws. It’s funny, emotional and the perfect slice of life (though heads up on the long episodes).
Mystic Pop Up Bar (fantasy/found family): A fantasy k-drama that centers itself on found family. Two spirits from the afterlife set up a bar where they find humans who need to settle grudges. When the lady realizes a soft and sweet customer service boy at the local market can read people’s thoughts, she “hires” him to help out. My heart was completely taken by these three and the security guard.
Oh My Ghost (rom com/fantasy): Adorable and super fun k-drama about a shy and quiet girl who becomes possessed by a sassy and flirty ghost. Great story, great chemistry.
Crash Landing On You (Romcom/Melo): A South Korean celebrity accidentally ends up in North Korea for k-drama reasons and is helped by a soft hearted soldier and his crew. It’s one of those totally ridiculous plot lines that makes a K-drama a k-drama - You know, the ones with chaebols and all sorts of tropes, and a lot of plot that ignores reality. Still, the couple is adorable and the found family is amazing.
The Uncanny Counter (Fantasy/superhero/found family): A group of four people were brought back from comas to fight evil. It’s got real heart and you’ll love every “counter.” The found family and friendships were the best!
Stranger (Thriller/Crime): A k-drama featuring a quirky crime solving due: a prosecutor who has lost his ability to feel empathy and his (obviously gay) brilliant and quirky detective partner. This drama has NO romance and is more about political corruption and mystery.
Because This Is My First Life (Romcom, Slice-of-life): I absolutely love this drama about a total sweetheart who gets married in order to have a place to live. A lot of the story is also about her close friends (one of which: Soo-ji, is one of my favorite ladies ever!) It’s funny, heartfelt, and has a very interesting relationship dynamic. I’d say it’s in my top 10 dramas, except that the lead is a creep IRL so I actually will not watch anything is he cast in (I did not know when I watched this drama and dangit I really really love it).
When The Camellia Blooms: (Slice-of-life/Romance): A really well done slice of life drama about a single mom who opens a bar. Lots of great small town characters and her son is like, the smartest kid in the world? The romance is very fluffy too.
Itaewon Class: An optimistic underdog opens his own restaurant to honor his father. He hires in a rag tag bunch of randos who will all win your heart! (well, one of them will not but I won’t say who ;-). I found some of the plot points frustrating, but the chef and one of the waiters are two of my favorite characters ever.
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Psycho But It’s Okay: A gorgeous k-drama featuring two brothers who lost their mother, and a beautiful & famous author who grew up in a traumatic and abusive household. Everyone is very closed off and holding onto intense pain, but the three come together to help one another move on and create their own family. There’s also a really pretty narrative theme featuring fairytales.
One Spring Night (Romance): A romance between a single dad and a girl who comes into his pharmacy. It’s one of those more realistic toned dramas and has a very specific slower moving pace.
Kingdom (Zombie Horror): Seriously only watch this if you are not looking for a non-kdrama-y k-drama because this show is scary. A historical drama about messy kingdom politics and a terrifying zombie outbreak. I dare you not to fall in love with the lead or Bae Doona.
A Korean Odyssey (Fantasy/Romance): Honestly this show is a bit of a mess, but it’s very creative so I just want to give it some props. A cursed demon falls in love with the spirit-seeing human who cursed him. Lots of funny demon in-fighting and while the plot gets really wonky, I still think it’s worth a watch. (you’ll know right away if you don’t like it so you can just drop it if it’s not your thing :)
Reply 1988 (Slice of life/romance/family & friendship): Taking place in 1988-89, this drama tells the stories of a group of families who live on the same block. It’s very heartfelt, funny, sad and super well made. A fan favorite.
Other good ones that I haven’t finished (yet)
My Country
Everyone also loves Vincenzo but I haven’t seen it yet
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jisuyayaya · 3 years
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I posted 471 times in 2021
48 posts created (10%)
423 posts reblogged (90%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 8.8 posts.
I added 622 tags in 2021
#by them - 150 posts
#miscellaneous - 85 posts
#thoughts - 76 posts
#vincenzo - 68 posts
#the devil judge - 64 posts
#gif - 42 posts
#kdrama: vincenzo - 41 posts
#2pm - 37 posts
#not mine - 31 posts
#jang han seok - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like... come on... good friends save each other too... good friends care about each other too... good friends are loyal to each other too..
My Top Posts in 2021
Hanseo : *stands up to his toxic brother, took not one bullet but TWO BULLETS, and just sacrificing his own life to save others*
Others :
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84 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 09:00:29 GMT
In episode 19 we see Hanseok out of prison and he goes to Hanseo in his office. You know what i noticed? He brought a gun, and he uses it on Hanseo, who is the owner of that gun. The gun is Hanseo's weapon, but it was used against himself.
Later, in an attempt to save Vincenzo and Chayoung, Hanseo distracts Hanseok with the hockey stick. You know what that hockey stick is?? Yep, that is Hanseok's weapon. That hockey stick belongs to Hanseok, but it was used on himself by his little brother.
The weapons they own are used against themselves. Im not exactly sure what this means but its interesting!!
84 notes • Posted 2021-05-02 09:56:29 GMT
Chayoung : i'm going to make you regret being born >:)
Hanseo : jokes on you, i already regret being born!
Chayoung :
Chayoung : are you... okay? do you wanna, like, talk about it or something?
97 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 16:26:47 GMT
Hanseo : *is bleeding horribly*
Vincenzo : quick, what's your type?
Hanseo : honestly its anyone, but i especially like someone who can help me be a good person, ya know?
Vincenzo : i meant your BLOOD TYPE you idiot!!
119 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 04:43:28 GMT
I love how the detective guy repeats back the words that are said to him, i think its a nice little touch. Like for example at the beginning when he sneaked in and started disguising himself as one of the red people, his superior was like "Have you forgotten the rules? Dont speak unless spoken to" or something like that. And then later when he stole a superior's mask and started disguising himself as one, he repeated those words to the red people that has a lower rank than him.
It also happened when that dude who sold eliminated players' organs tried to threaten him. I think the dude said something like "Show me your face, or should i do it myself?" while pointing a knife to his face. But then the detective pulled out a gun on him, and repeated the same words back to him.
Later, it happened in that VIP room with that white dude wearing the golden mask. He told the detective "If you can satisfy me in 5 minutes, i can change your life" but our beloved detective tricked him and took out his gun again, repeating the white dude's words back to him.
Its a pretty cool detail, i think.
173 notes • Posted 2021-09-22 08:48:50 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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petrichorblue94 · 4 years
Fiction that had a deep impact on my psyche
The Chronicles of Narnia (11) - basically helped me build a really strong connection with God when I was a kid. I grew up believing in a God that I didn’t fear, I didn’t blame, I didn’t want anything from. God was just my best friend. The entity I bitched to and was angry at sometimes but ultimately loved. As a kid I was a slightly more cynical version of Lucy Pevensie and I loved her.  I also honestly used to believe that Narnia is where I’d go in the afterlife and then I started playing this mind game where if I didn’t find someone ‘Narnian’ enough, I wouldn’t really have a crush on them. But hey, I was 11! 
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Sailor Moon (13)- my first encounter with romantic love. I loved this anime and then I read the manga. Sailor Moon got me into anime, manga, Greek mythology, astronomy, astrology, past lives, regressions, crystalogy (sp?).
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Full Metal Alchemist (15): the equivalent exchange law is one of my most deeply ingrained personal philosophies. 
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(I also just realised that my favourite character, Greed, kinda looks like my favourite porn actor, Small hands, so there’s another thing that this anime inspired.
The Howl’s Moving Castle Trilogy (16) - Howl’s Moving Castle ended up being something like a teenage version of the Chronicles of Narnia for me. Meaning that these were (still are) the books I go to whenever I want to read something that feels like a hug and reinstates my life believes that I’m entitled to feel secure and at home and adventurous and with someone I love and with family and best friends around me, all at the same time. Also Howl’s sass and Sophie’s bravery are things that really rubbed off on me. And I also realised that I wanted to be surrounded by people whose ‘spark’ I really liked!
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Sherlock Holmes (17) - Robert Downey Jr’s Sherlock Holmes was my identity awakening. :D Before that I was slightly conservative, painfully shy, fearful, stiff, quiet. My ideal guy was someone quiet and collected like me. I dressed in boring clothes with dull colours. And then came RDJ. And I suddenly realised that I wanted someone alive like him. Someone witty and charismatic and sassy and really smart and endearing. And suddenly I realised that I also wanted to be someone like that as well. And suddenly I was braver.
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Doctor Who (16): This is the TV series that brought me closer to my current best friend!!! It always feels like a hug. It also combines adventures and domesticity and that’s basically everything I love. 
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OUAT (18): Belle’s ‘do the brave thing and bravery will follow’ and Emma’s ‘Sometimes you just have to punch back and say ‘No, this is who I am’ were life-changing.
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It happened one night (20): Another movie that feels like a hug.
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Warm and Cozy (23): Warm and Cozy feels like a kdrama version of Howl’s Moving Castle. Yoo Yeon Seok on the other hand is exactly my type of guy so since it’s so rare to see people like him, I always enjoy rewatching this (similarly to this: Mr Sunshine but there he’s much more hauntingly endearing and tragic, sort of like a period drama Asian Sirius Black).
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Teen Wolf (25): ‘Be your own anchor’ and ‘When you feel like you’re going through hell, keep going’ are really inspirational as well. Also Stiles Stilinski is another character that has the type of personality that I love, so watching this makes me feel validated.
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Honourable mentions:
The book of the stars by Eric L’Homme
The Lady of the Rivers by Philippa Gregory
All Souls Trilogy (but only the parts about ysabeau and Philippe)
The Labyrinth
The princess bride
The White Queen
Doogie Kamealoha MD
The Arcana: a mystic romance (Julian’s route)
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starlightnakamoto · 4 years
She Knows • Yuta Nakamoto
Member: Yuta x Reader
Genre: angst / fluff / smut / slow-burn / mystery
Warnings: Language, Drugs, Alcohol/Cigarette Use
Summary: You needed to find a way to raise money to find somewhere to stay. Little did you know it had to be through becoming a stripper at the biggest club in town, owned by the ceo himself. He’s not only a ceo though. Only at night he was.
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Chapter 5
Soft lips were trailing all over. From your jawline to your collarbone, you felt the stars in you lighting up in a way you never felt before.
“More.. please”, you kept begging, not getting enough when you wanted all of him.
His hands were getting to know each part of you as you kept his name at a whisper, afraid if anyone would hear.
Two star-crossed lovers had become one through lips and you felt things heating up more.
“Yuta.. I need you”.
“So greedy.. I’m making you a fucking mess aren’t I?”, he smirked, looking up from where he was marking what’s his on your collarbone.
The moment started to fade along with the colors and his touch.
You didn’t want it to end but too late.
The blaring sound from your phone alarm had woken you up from the bittersweet dream you had so longed for.
You groaned into the now familiar pillow of the motel room you were staying in.
8:15 am. Today was show day.
Finally you were gonna get your first paycheck and could start seeing your dream be opposite from black & white.
You did the usual & went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After getting out, you dried your body & curled up hair in a rose towel and went to get dressed.
You put on baggy silver pants & a crop tee, even though later you would be changing into the real outfit for tonight.
You & Ten had been anticipating all week to see what you two would look like on stage.
After putting on hoops and a final shape of lip gloss, you left the motel, this time with all your things.
It was time to find a new place after today and with the money you’d get you wouldn’t pass the opportunity.
The train ride to the Nakamoto Club was usually quiet & filled with only the mind being loud.
Ride by Lana Del Rey was blasting through your headphones as you tapped your hands against the foggy window.
I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast, I am alone in the night. Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble, but I
I've got a war in my mind…
You arrived to your stop and made your way to your destination.
As you climbed up the hollow steps, you headed to Room 1026 to meet up with everyone else even if everyone to you was mainly Ten.
You walked in and immediately were greeted by a slim pair of tan arms but with a body that radiated warmth for you.
“Y/N!!”, Ten gleefully cheered while ruffing your hair up and leading your hand to where you two would usually sit.
“It feels like forever since I saw you, I missed my best friend,” he pouted as he did his usual habit of playing with your hands.
“We just saw each other yesterday before you left me alone with—”
“Yuta!! Oh my god, tell me everything now. How big was it—“
“Ten!!”, you rolled your eyes, softly hitting his arm. “We just spoke for a bit and got to know each other’s names.. nothing else I promise.”
“Aghhh Y/N!! I tossed and turned all night just wondering if a moment finally happened with you two. I didn’t leave you in there for nothing—“
“Well a moment did happen..”, you cut him off as you played with the rings on his sculpted hands.
“Well tell me the moment.. I got my popcorn out and everything”
“Well it wasn’t much but it’s just the way how he looked at me like he already saw through me. Like I know it’s fast and all but I swear you could feel some—“
“Connection?”, a different voice had blurted out.
Oh shit. You had felt your whole face heat up into one color of crimson.
“Ten I think this is yours.. you uhh left it here yesterday”, he smirked like the bastard he was seeing the color you were, as he handed him his water bottle and walked back to the front.
He too was flustered but tried hiding it.
Ten had thrown his head back and squealed into your arm as you sat there with your mouth open.
“I don’t know what just happened but girl I’m loving whatever kdrama yall got going on”, he nonstop said between laughs, trying to catch his breath.
“Yeah yeah okay. Keep laughing, you’ll be crying later when that happens to you one day”, you rolled your eyes as your cheeks were still flushed and playfully flipped him off.
Your bestfriend kept teasing you for the rest the day about the most embarrassing moment of your life and you couldn’t wait till it happened to him later.
The night started getting closer and everyone was getting ready.
We got to our dressing rooms and staff was rushing around everywhere, helping with makeup, lights, outfits or what not.
It was all going so fast but he didn’t leave your mind, which brought you to the thought.. where was Yuta?
“He was there for most of the day but he seemed to have left”, a staff had told you while doing your eyes a bright shade of glitter red. “What can you say? He’s a busy man”.
You had hoped he would appear to see the performance you guys had worked so hard on, at least. After all, he helped with most of the moves.
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7:30 pm
You started to feel more adrenaline as your first time performing is coming sooner than you think.
You had your makeup done & your outfit had shaped your body well. It was a crimson color built up of a corset with fishnets that made you feel self-conscious but everyone else had wore the same in various colors so you tried to feel at ease.
Looking up from your phone you heard “Damn Y/N!!”, from the now familiar cheery voice of Ten. “Girl you look amazing whatt!!”.
With the continuous praises you got & telling you to do a 360, you kept looking down getting all shy. He really was the only one of the dancers who made you feel at home.
Ten was wearing a see through black long-sleeved shirt with patterns on the front which had perfectly fit his figure & leather pants. It almost even turned you on.
His eyes were batted with sparkling black eyeshadow and wavy designs around it.
“The show is starting soon.. have you heard from him yet?”, he had asked as you two sat back down at your parlors.
“Nope. I’m just hoping he’ll show up at this point. I mean he has to after all the hardwork he’s done for us.”, you sighed while applying a cherry flavored lipgloss.
“He should. Lisa’s here, Johnny, everyone. It’s a big night, especially for you Ms. Yuta..”, he had chuckled looking in the mirror while fixing his combed back hair.
“Let’s not get too ahead now. We don’t even know his last name”, you admired how stunning you looked, pleading in your mind that he would consider coming.
“Yea.. weird but whatever”, he pondered but then decided to change the subject and apply final touches as you did the same.
8:25 pm
“We’re on in 5 minutes ladies!! Start wrapping it up and head backstage now”, Lisa had commanded everyone passing by each row of parlors.
“This bitch always forgets I’m here too”, Ten sighed, getting up from his seat.
You chuckled following with “C’mon my lady”, as you two linked arms to head backstage.
Your nerves finally were kicking in as you had no idea how your first performance would play out. You just had hoped it would all go well after busting your ass to learn it for the past week.
When your group’s name was called on stage, you started recalling all the memories from the day you first got here. So much had happened already and you weren’t here for that long yet but you felt like you had. The places you were getting used to.. the faces that became familiar.
To see yourself doing all you can to get to that dance dream of yours, that was home. You knew all your hardwork would pay off one day and you were excited for it.
You got to your spot up in the back as you climbed up the shimmering steps on stage in your platforms, trying your best to see the taped X’s glowing in the dark to find your spot. You got into position as Ten got into his which was further down your row.
Lights of flashing black and white came on that then faded into color hue as the song started.
You know, from the moment she turn around.
She know, how to back it up and drop it down
She know, she what all the fellas looking at
'Cause they know, soon as her song come on it's a wrap.
You had been mirroring the moves everyone else had been doing as the chorus was building up.
And she loves the attention
That she get when she moves, yeah
Showin' out with her home girls
Hypnotizing all the dudes, oh
And she knows.
Even as a back dancer, you had felt confident in how good you were doing and living it up in moment that you hadn’t realized Yuta did show up.
But him also being Mr. Nakamoto, he had sat near the back blending in with the other people sitting on the barstools.
“You seem to come here often. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were Mr. Nakamoto himself”, bartender Jaehyun had remarked with a small laugh as he wiped the bar and served more drinks to customers. “In that case, welcome.”
Yuta was in a gaze as Jaehyun’s words were only muffles to him, trying to set his eyes on you even if you were blended in by other dancers.
You looked so beautiful right then and there even from far. The lights had illuminated your entire beint and made you feel like you were the only dancer in the room to him.
It was all going so well right up until after the chorus that Rosé had tripped you.
You knew something was up when Lisa had asked Ten and Rosé to switch spots before show day.
The music had continued but there was gasps throughout the crowd that led you to rush down the steps and back to the dressing room.
Hot tears were running down your face as you sat in your chair that had faced the mirror & violently threw off your platforms.
You had a bloody gash on your knee from the trip but other than that you just tried to breathe amidst your anxiety attack.
Yuta had noticed later in the dance that you were gone and was starting to worry as well.
You felt too embarrassed to wait till the performance was over to find Ten or just see anyone.
You had picked up some wipes laying around the lights framing the mirror and starting to wipe off the canvas that had been painted earlier on your face.
“It’s just a fall, quit crying Y/N”, that voice in your head telling you on a loop.
Mascara tears kept streaming down but you just hurried up the process so you could grab your things and head on out in the back.
You kept getting flushed at the embarrassed moment that kept replaying in your head and just wanted it all to be erased. Possibly to even just go home and forget you came here. You knew your family & few friends was worried sick from all the missed calls as well.
You were from Cloud City, a small town that not many knew about with only black & white surroundings. It wasn’t anything like Blossom City, with all the colorful lights everywhere and endless people with stories in them filling the streets.
You had come from a complete different area, all opposite from this.
After all you were a dancer, not a dancer for these types of clubs.
You went through the back door and droplets had hit you which progressed more as you walked further to the nearest bus stop.
You still had your outfit on but with a coat over it and your heels in your hands. You didn’t feel like going on the subway with the way you looked this time so the bus it is.
You pulled out a lighter to light up your cigarette as you had stayed hovered under the stop. The rain was making it harder for it to light up so you occasionally blurted curses under your lip with the paper between it.
As you let out the first puff into the foggy night air, you coughed a bit but felt more at ease. You were still new to this as you had picked up the habit from Ten.
Before the next bus arrived, you had realized you didn’t get your first performance’s pay and panicked at the thought of literally having nowhere to stay at tonight.
Suddenly a white polished Benz had pulled up with the passenger window rolling down to greet you with a face that had made the familiar flush come back to your cheeks.
Usually he wouldn’t greet any of his dancers at this time of the day with the work he had going on but here he was with his one hand on the wheel and other waving at you.
“Hop in”, was all it took for you to drop everything and forget your thoughts for the rest of the night.
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
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livefordrama · 3 years
Reviewing Dramas I Have Watched Part 8
Again, here is my rating system:  1- Did not like, 2- Enjoyed but probably wouldn’t watch again, 3- Enjoyed and would watch some episodes again/may watch again, 4- Enjoyed and would watch again, 5- Loved 
Korean Drama
My Strange Hero: 4
Trigger Warning: Suicide, Bullying, Verbal and Emotional Abuse
My Strange Hero is about a man named Bok-su (which stands for revenge), who was falsely accused by his friend and girl friend of shoving his friend off the school roof and expelled from high school. Now nine years later, he gets the opportunity to return to school but he isn’t just going to go back nicely, seeing the seemingly cozy lives those who betrayed him are living he decides to enact his revenge by proving how corrupt the high school and the people working in it are. However, his plans for revenge get more difficult to achieve when he begins to fall for his ex-girlfriend once again. 
This show was cute and interesting, it made me mad and lot and Yoo Seung-ho never disappoints. I ended up watching it in less than a week with studying and all so it draws you in really fast. I absolutely loved the realistic factor of not having to forgive everyone for a good ending and to move on. Many shows, kdrama or otherwise, make characters forgive even those who did horrible things to them just for a good ending, and it’s not always that simple nor do you owe those who did horrible things to you an apology to be a good person and move on looking at you Missing Nine. However my main complaint with it is that the ending isn’t as impactful or satisfying as the ending three episodes previous. I’m glad they had the three ending episodes because the other characters got more closure, I just wish they would have made it as impactful as the ending of episode 29. It is about thirty minutes an episode so it’s a really fun and interesting watch if you need something on the shorter side. I highly recommend!
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Love Alarm (Season 1): 3 
Trigger Warning: Bullying, Suicide, PTSD, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Abuse 
Love Alarm deals with the concept of having an app that can read your emotions and alerts your phone when you are in 10 meters of someone who loves you or alerts your crushes phone if they are within the 10 meters. It follows Jojo, a girl with a mysterious and sad past, who can’t download Love Alarm because of her phone. She is in an unhappy relationship and begins to have feelings for the new student. After being kind to a student, he gives her the phone and she can finally download it only to find that love is a lot more complicated than she originally expected. 
Okay, I started this show because the new season was coming out and everyone was freaking out about it. I had been avoiding it all this time because I love Song Kang and have been following his work since his smaller roles, hoping he would get bigger roles. I was so excited when I first heard he would be the main here but couldn’t ever bring myself to watch it cause I don’t like romance love triangles and already knew he was playing the webtoon second lead which made it worse. Plus I have a trauma with anything that has Kim So-Hyun in it. I adore her acting, she is so good, too good. She just always plays in really sad, dark Kdramas and I always like the second leads in her shows so I just get sad and angry when I watch her shows. I at the time just didn’t feel like dealing with being annoyed and finally got in the mood to watch a cheesy love triangle romance. *spoiler alert* I can confidentially say that while no character and no ship is necessarily healthy, I do prefer Sun-ho to Hye-yeong. No, not because he is played by Song Kang, in the first few episodes I hated his character. I wanted to punch him so badly, but with all his immature flaws he did do some mature things. He told Hye-yeong to not fight over Jojo and to let her pick which I loved because, shows like to have the two people fight amongst themselves who gets the crush and that’s so stupid to me, Jojo is a person with feelings too and she might not like either so I loved that he said that. I also loved that instead of telling Hye-yeong not to pursue Jojo because he still loved her, he told Jojo to stay away from Hye-yeong so that he wouldn’t be hurt by her like Sun-ho was. He still loved her but his friend came first, and I felt horrible when he lost almost everyone who genuinely loved him. Hye-yeong is okay, but he isn’t even a healthier option, he literally stalks her all the time without her even knowing about it, he memorized her daily routine, where he’s going to college so he could move there to be around her, it’s just too creepy to me. Yes, Sun-oh stalked her too and that is not okay at all, but he made his presence known so that she can voice if she was uncomfortable or knew to call someone if she felt threatened, Hye-yeong sneaks around and doesn’t even talk to her and that’s super creepy to me. I just think they are both immature and personally with some growth I think Sun-oh is more fitting than Hye-yeong cause the two really do seem like they are in love with each other while Jojo and Hye-yeong seem like a crush that will turn out to be more platonic. I know it’s wishful thinking but that’s just my hopes. *spoiler over* I did really love this show actually, sometimes you just need a trashy dramatic romance. Yes, it had toxic behaviors but I still liked it, it felt like a realistic teenage couple in high school (minus Mr. Stalkery Stalks.) I think that not everything has to be analyzed, I enjoyed the cute romantic scenes at face value, even though I knew they weren’t healthy. If it happened to me in real life, I would have punched a bitch but it’s fun to watch on a screen. 
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Blood: 2
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Suicide, Terminal illness, Murder, Abuse. 
Blood is about a surgeon who is also a vampire. He tries to control his vampire self and help humans while working on a way to make himself human. When he transfers to a new hospital things take a turn for the weird as the patients of the new ward start exhibiting symptoms he is all too familiar with. 
Blood was really good for the first two thirds of the series. I watched it before I found out about the main couples real life situation but continued to enjoy it because it’s none of my business what they do in their personal lives (so please don’t message or leave comments about that situation or your opinions on it.) Both couples were super cute and there were some plot twists that admittedly got me. I liked the story line and the idea that vampires were viruses that doctors were researching in secret. I really got hooked for most of the story; however, the last few episodes felt almost like they switched writers and the new writer had never watched the previous episodes. Comments were made that never were brought up again, like the thirty minutes of vaguely discussing his parents and who he was as an infectee that was never even slightly brushed upon for the rest of the episodes let alone resolved. Not to mention that last episode was a total mess and the ending sucked. The last two episodes are not canon in my mind that’s how weirdly out of place for the show they felt, it was like a 180. The ending was so confusing and I just really hated how it all played out. Because of this, I give the show a 2 cause I did enjoy it a lot but I won’t watch it again. Once of that was enough. 
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Legend Hero: 4
Legend Hero, also known as Legend Hero Samgugjeon or Legends Heroes the Three Kingdoms, is about people who compete in a dream battle to acquire their ultimate dream. The main character acquired three spirit helpers which help him in combat by transforming him into an armored knight with special power, and later befriends angels who help him in the battles by boosting this power. He has to fight friend and foe alike to achieve his ultimate dream but that begs the question, is a dream really worth it?
I really enjoyed this show, it was admittedly difficult to get into at first but once I did, I was hooked. The characters were so cute and endearing, the plot had humor, angst, and fluff alike. The acting was a little silly at points but it was made for kids so it’s a little overdramatic. It was all around a very entertaining watch, I watched the whole series while on vacation during the resting hours when my family and I were lazing around the hotel and it was such a refreshing, happy, lazy watch. I highly recommend for those who enjoy a happy watch when they just wish to relax.
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Power Rangers Dino Force Brave: 4
Power Rangers Dino Force Brave, while technically a sequel to the super sentai series, is a original stand alone production and sSouth Korean take on the power rangers series. While the power rangers finally enjoy the peace that had come to the earth, a new threat is brewing. The Neo-Deboth Army has arrived looking for the power of the dinosaur king, the power ranger once more have to come together to defeat this threat.
This show was super interesting and cute. I have never seen any of the power ranger series so I am entirely inexperienced when it comes to their world. However, I can confidentially say this is a good stand alone as I was not confused while watching it. The first episode got recommended to me on youtube and since I was bored and unsure of what to do, I decided to watch it. I believe I finished the whole series in only a few days. It was super cute and I liked how ironic and silly the ending was with all the characters, including the evil ones dancing together. I’m sure die hard power rangers fans hated that but as someone who knows nothing about the series, I found it quite hilarious. The plot itself was entertaining and cool, it had some angst moments and some cute moments. I loved the ending, but that’s all I will say about that. 
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Founder of Diabolism Q: 3
Founder of Diabolism Q is simply snippets of cute or funny scenes from the book that didn’t make it into the series or at least not in as much detail. It follows many characters in small, five minute long episodes and the shenanigans they get in to. 
Founder of Diabolism Q was super cute! I have watched The Untamed and read some of the book but haven’t watch the actual anime yet. Still, I decided to watch this short series. I watched each episode as it came out and loved every one. There isn’t much to say on it though, other than it was super cute and if you love The Untamed or its adaptions, I highly recommend. Just make sure you watch or read one of the full adaptions first otherwise you will be very confused. 
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Imaginary Cat: 4
Trigger Warning: Depression, Suicide, Vomit, Illness, Death
Imaginary Cat is about an aspiring webtoon artist who, after loosing his crush and falling into a depression, finds a cat in an alley and takes her in. He is able to recover from the loss and get back into writing when he meets a girl who is obsessed with cats especially after she lost her kitten as a child. He is just trying to get his webtoon accepted and she just wants to get close to him and his cat. 
This was such a cute little easy watch, but was really sad at some points throughout the series. I teared up through some scenes and laughed so hard through others. I also related a lot to how the main plays with his cat, especially when said cat wants none of it. It was a really nice mini-drama to watch in the very little time I had between studying and moving house. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would highly recommend to those who want a easy watch that’s a little sad and very cute. 
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Korean Movies
The Magician: 4
Trigger Warning: Blood, Abuse, Drugs, Suicide Attempt, Murder, Death
The Magician is set in the Joseon Era and follows the famous magician, Hwan-hee. He along with his blind friend Bo-eum ran away from their abusive caretaker as children and are still worrying about being found by him even to this day as they perform to keep their livelihoods. Meanwhile a noble lady who was sold to the Qing dynasty comes to town. The two end up running into each other and quickly fall in love, however they both have to overcome the obstacles in their way in order to be together. 
I loved this movie, I had to pause a few times just to process how much I personally enjoyed it. I wish I was able to watch it in a better quality because I never once saw how his one eye was blue, I just took their word and the movie poster for it. Unfortunately, it was the only place I could find to watch so I took what I could. The only reason I am giving it a four instead of a five is the ending sucked. I hated the ending. It just felt unnecessary and honestly really pissed me off. I don’t always need a happy ending but I also didn’t need that kind of ending either. I would still recommend it to those who like angst with some romance and a open-ish ending. 
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Seondal The Man Who Sells the River: 5
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Death, Vomit, Gore
Seondal is supposedly a comedy about a group of swindlers who become fast family after escaping from a war they were drafted in. They work together to swindle their way into riches and out of dangerous situations. They gained a huge name in the Joseon dynasty for even swindling the king. However, after tragedy strikes, they decide to do their greatest job yet, sell a river of fake gold. 
The movie was really good, both funny and heartbreaking. My friend and I watched it together thinking it would be a nice comedy after we watched some sad kdrama earlier that week however, it was most certainly not. We both ended up crying and raging. So just be warned it claims to be a comedy and it is hilarious for the first half of the movie, however it quickly turns dark so fast you are just sitting their in shock wondering what happened. I thought Xiumin’s acting was great and his character was adorable. I had not seen his acting before and he easily became a favorite. The movie’s plot and writing kept you engaged and entertained throughout and the ending was great in my opinion. Overall it was a really good watch, I have seen it twice now and thoroughly enjoyed it. I highly recommend to those who enjoy both comedy and angst.
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kpop-zone · 5 years
Too late pt.2 | Irene
Genre: angst, fluff
Wordcount: 1,371
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The rest of the evening was spent in comfortable chatter. Irene tried her best to sell her story about being fine and only being a little upset about something in class. You seemed to buy it though. Your best friend telling you that she accepted your girlfriend felt like being on cloud nine. Finally, everything was alright again.
At least for the night.
But the peace was short-lived. There were no new problems between Irene and you. If any, the opposite. It felt like old times and you enjoyed every second you could spend with her. A little too much maybe. Wendy and you, however, fought almost daily. You had worked fine as friends, but as lovers, your opposites seemed to clash. You could never agree on anything and you found yourself fleeing from your fights by spending more time with Irene again, who didn’t seem to mind. Although she nipped every conversation that you started about your relationship in the bud.
Irene had no interest at all in being your counselor, but after a while, you had to talk about a specific topic with her. You didn’t want to force her to do something she so clearly despised, but this time you had to be selfish. You were desperate. You were lounging on her bed with the credits of a Kdrama rolling on screen, when you couldn’t hold back one question that had been bugging you anymore.
“Do you think I should break up with her?”
You asked Irene, in need for your best friend to help you get out of this mess. But Irene avoided your gaze. You didn’t understand why Irene was so reluctant to talk about Wendy, but you could see that she was internally torn.
“Don’t put me in this situation.”
She suddenly said barely above a whisper, letting her head hang in defeat. You reached out to her in concern, lifting her chin up with your hand.
“What do you mean? What situation?”
You asked confused, starting to feel panicked when you saw tears welling inside Irene’s eyes.
“Can’t you see?”
Her desperate voice broke, breaking your heart at the sound.
“No, I don’t understand.”
You stammered, ready to do anything to make Irene feel better.
“I can’t answer your question, because my answer would be too selfish.”
Irene now looked into your eyes and you stroked away her tears.
“What are you talking about? You are the least selfish person, I’ve ever met.”
Irene laid her cheek into your hand, searching for comfort, too tired to fight back her feelings anymore.
“But this time I would be. Because...”
She took a last glance at you, debating whether she should risk losing you forever. But her heart won the fight this time.
“Because I’m in love with you, Y/N.”
The words hung in the air like a heavy veil and you stared at Irene blankly.
“But you rejected me...”
You thought out loud, thinking back to the heartbreak Irene had brought over you, making your heart ache again.
“I lied.”
Irene sobbed, burying her face into your hands.
“You deserve better. I thought I could fight back my feelings, but I can’t. Not anymore, Y/N.”
When she looked into your eyes again, you could see the desperation in them. She needed you to redeem her. In whatever way. Either by breaking her heart or giving her yours in return since you had hers for a long time now.
But you couldn’t make that decision now. Your head was spinning. It was like your memories of the past years with Irene played in your mind at the same time. You remembered how you met her. How you first fell in love with her and how you fell out of it again. But did that really ever happen? Or had Wendy always been a distraction to the fact that you had only wanted Irene all this time?
Your mind was racing, and you needed it to stop. Without saying a word, you stormed out the room, leaving a crying Irene behind that hugged her own legs in need for comfort, feeling her heart breaking into two.
Irene spent the next days hiding inside her room. She didn’t feel like interacting with other people and although she normally cared a whole lot about her classes, she couldn’t even bring herself to do that. She heard a knocking on her door and when she opened it, her eyes became wide, because instead of the pizza guy who she was expecting it was you standing in front of it. Both of you just stared at each other before Irene moved to the side so you could pass her. You immediately made your way to her bed, plopping down on it like you usually did.
“I think we should talk.”
You broke the silence while Irene was still standing at the door in an unaltered position. She shook her head at your words, closing the door and sitting on the chair in front of you.
“I broke up with Wendy.”
You stated bluntly and Irene didn’t know how to react. Partly, she did feel sorry, because she actually liked Wendy and she also didn’t want to get her hopes up that you broke up with Wendy to be with her instead. On the other side, she couldn’t stop her heartrate to pick up, only at the thought of having a chance. Her mouth opened and closed in search for the right words and you looked at her expectantly.
Your name was all that could leave her mouth and you sighted.
“After all, you still don’t talk to me?”
You said bitterly, stroking your hair out your face in frustration.
“I’m sorry.”
Irene said, feeling your eyes on her with a searching look for more answers.
“I’m sorry for not being honest. But I’m also sorry for your break up. I know that Wendy meant something to you and although I was heartbroken to see you two together, it was always more important to me to see you happy.”
She said honestly this time, deciding that the lies between the two of you had actually never helped anyone.
Your eyes were fixed on her with a firm gaze and she started to shift uncomfortably in her seat. She knew how much she had hurt you. The guilt had been with her ever since she broke your heart.
“I think you have a lot of making up to do.”
You suddenly spoke up, making her flinch a bit.
“I know, I’ll do anything you want, Y/N.”
Irene answered, ready to do whatever it took if you only kept her in your life.
“Then take me out on a date.”
You stated confidently, looking straight into her eyes that widened in shock for the second time that day.
She asked in disbelief and you sighted in response.
“We have wasted enough time, don’t you think? And the lies weren’t really helpful either. Although I wanted to hate you, I couldn’t. You have always been the only one for me. So why don’t we cut this game and do what we both have been wanting to do all this time?”
Irene was at a loss for words, but not because she didn’t know whether she liked your proposition, but because she had dreamt about this moment for so long that she wasn’t sure if it was for real this time.
“You have to answer me, Irene. I can’t wait forever. Don’t be too late this time again.”
You gave the ultimatum, not wanting to go through all the heartbreak again.
Irene asked and you hummed in response.
“Do you want to go on a date with me?”
The words she had been craving to ask you finally left her mouth and you tried hard to seem like you had to think about your answer. But you couldn’t fight back the smile that was drawn to your lips.
“I would love nothing more.”
You said, reaching out to take Irene’s hand, who took yours to her lips to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“Rather late than never, huh?”
She joked, making you roll your eyes in response while you pulled her into your arms savoring your heartbeats finally beating as one.
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bangtansdoc · 5 years
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It started with a kiss.
Pairings: Kim taehyung x reader.
Warnings: slight mentions of abandonment and blood, other than that, pure tooth rotting fluff!.
Genre: fluff, slight angst, fluff fluff fluff!!!
Word count: four thousand something something 😁😁😁. Ost: yayaya by urban zakapa ( Ost of hi! School love on)
Synopsis: you are a hopeless romantic who believed in the stuff of kdramas and as such had planned your first kiss to be something right out of a fairytale,but when those dreams are brutally crushed by a careless dare, chaos ensues. But will your chaotic feelings eventually turn into something else?
The handsome stranger walked towards you. He had strawberry pink hair, broad shoulders and the face of a literal Greek god. He was devastatingly handsome. You had glanced at him a few times as you stood by the pool with your canned coke at the freshman orientation party for Jaeguk University. You snuck glances at him as he stood with his friends and DANG, he was drop dead gorgeous, even in his flannel shirt and ankle length trousers.
And now he was walking up to you. You braced yourself for impact, rehearsing several scenarios in your head so as not to sound like a drunken mule when he finally arrived in front of you. You cleared your throat and opened your mouth to speak when he suddenly grabbed your waist and planted a soft kiss on your lips. People often said that when you were about to die , your whole life would flash before your eyes. Well, you might've as well been in a life or death situation with what this stranger had just done to you. Your whole life did flash, as you saw all your plans and dreams for your first kiss shattered right then and there. You had grown up in a conservative Christian home,where you had been taught a lot about love and with the help of several dramas and novels, had planned the perfect scenario for your first kiss. Your boyfriend or fiance who you were madly in love with, would kiss you beside a fountain as it erupted behind you and fireworks lit up a beautiful night sky. Cheesy yes, but it was your fantasy. The same fantasy that this handsome stranger had just stolen from you in a matter of seconds. Like you said earlier, he might've just killed you right then and there.
Anger welled up in you as you shoved him away violently. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!!!!" You yelled, getting the attention of most of the people around you, but you couldn't care less. The stranger looked taken aback. "Cool off girl. It was just a dare. And I had to kiss you."
It was a dare?!!!!
This guy had just shattered your dreams and claimed the lips you had been saving for the nineteen years of your existence on Earth for a DARE?!!! You didn't know when your hand moved up and Gave him a hot slap across the cheek. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. "What the actual hell?! Did you just slap me?!" "You have no idea what you just did!" Tears welled up in your eyes. "If I had a gun I would murder you right now!" You yelled again before storming off to shed the tears that were already spilling over, leaving the stranger dazed and confused in shock.
"You slapped him?!!" Mina , your best friend said to you in shock. Well more like yelled at you in shock. Mina was two years older then you and was in her second year at Jaeguk University. "Omo, omo" she said sheepishly as she giggled. "I can't believe you actually did that!" "Serves him right though." You growled, stuffing your face with rock candies. Upon getting to the apartment you and Mina shared, you had bawled your eyes out, unimaginable hatred filling you for that stranger, and as soon as Mina had arrived home, you had poured your heart out to her. Mina had been your best friend since grade school, and though she considered it childish, she knew how much and how important your first kiss was to you and she had shared your pain when she learnt that all your plans had been thwarted. "I don't even know what to do with myself anymore" you muttered miserably as you fell back on the bed. "I feel so used, so corrupted so..... Impure". Mina rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic. I know how much this meant to you, but maybe..." You glared at her and she put her hands up in defense. "Just maybe ....you should take this as a sign."You groaned. "A sign of what?" "That there are just somethings you can't plan".
You walked groggily through the school lawn. One reason you had picked Jaeguk University was the stunning scenery. You were smack in the middle of summer now, and the dandelions, peaches and tulips burst out in a magnificent array of colours that painted the walkway the color of nature. You inhaled the sweet smell of the flowers, it bringing an earthly peace to your insides. You felt you could just lie there and paint the flowers all day. A deep, masculine voice brought you out of your bliss.
"Hey! Hey Y/N!"
You didn't know anyone fully yet, so you wondered how the owner of this voice knew your name. You spun around and saw the stranger that had kissed you bounding up to you. Your eyes saw red, and you quickly made the wise decision to ignore him as you were not sure you could control your emotions were you to engage him....but he persisted. "Y/N?! Y/N?! Hey I know it's you Y/N/L/N! Stop ignoring me! Hey!" You finally stopped and spun around sharply, bringing the stranger to an abrupt halt. He panted a little as you took in his features. He wore a bandana over his now light brown hair, he had hazel brown eyes that were deep and calculating, and though you "hated" him, his attractiveness sent shivers down your spine. "What do you want?" You asked through gritted teeth. "About the other day,... I'm sorry". Well you hadn't expected that. You felt yourself relenting but then you remembered that his apology wouldn't repair the damage done and your heart hardened. "I don't want your apology". You began to walk away. "Wha....hey wait up!" The stranger fell into pace with your hurried steps. "What do you mean you don't want my apology?" He asked, bewildered. "You seem to forget that you did hit me, but I'm willing to ignore that since I figured that I probably took you by surprise with that kiss". You scoffed inwardly and wanted to retort back at him but you kept your jaw wired shut. "And why are you so mad anyway? It was just a kiss, and not even a deep one at that. Or was it your first kiss or something?" You stopped dead in your tracks, trying to will your legs to move but they were rooted to the ground. The stranger's eyes widened. "It WAS your first kiss wasn't it? Wow". He laughed. "No wonder you got your insides all twisted up. Well at least now you've been kissed, and by me, the one and only Kim taehyung. Now you can boast to all your little friends that you are finally a woman".
The entire time the stranger- taehyung had been talking, your hands had balled into fists. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks until you could take no more of his mindless rantings. You burst.
"It was more than just a first kiss!! It was something special! Something meant to be shared with someone special! During a very special moment!!!! Notice how much I've said special?! Cos it's special to me!! It's something I've been planning my whole life!! It wasn't meant to be taken- stolen from me by an egotistical college celebrity wannabe who thinks he's all that when he's really nothing at all!!!" Taehyung had stared at you open mouthed the whole time you ranted, and now he scoffed. "Wow you really are dumber than you look aren't you? Wake up kid. This is the real world and not a kdrama. Who the heck plans a first kiss? Gosh, you're dorkier than I imagined". You went livid with anger. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!!!". He smirked as he inched closer to you. "I called you a dork, dork". You raised your hand to hit him again but he reacted quickly and grabbed your hand before it made contact with his face. "Don't you even dare. I had to use multiple ice packs to ease the pain of your last outburst". He scowled before pushing your hand back with force, causing you to stumble. He then began to walk away. "Yaaaaa!!!!! KIM TAEHYUNG!!! This is not over!!! You won't ever get away with this! I will hate you for the rest of my life!" With his back still turned to you, he rose up his hand and gave you the middle finger. You had a list of people that you wished would die in a freak accident or get eaten by a shark, like the men that had molested your younger sister when she was twelve and the woman that had hit you with a car and run off, and now KIM TAEHYUNG HAD JUST MADE THE LIST.
"I really don't wanna go Mina". It had been a month since your incident with taehyung and you had rarely seen him around campus. The oh - so brief moments you two had crossed paths were filled with dirty looks and rude gestures. Mina had fallen head over heels with a third year criminal law student, Kim Namjoon. He had by wooing her for a while now and she was biding her time with him to see how things would go. Eventually she had reciprocated his feelings and they were to go on their first date the coming Saturday. However, Mina was extremely nervous and as she didn't want to mess up her date, had convinced Namjoon to make it a double date, thus setting you up on a blind date with one of Namjoon's friends. You really wished she had asked your opinion first as you weren't really into blind dates and you really needed to study. You tried to weasel your way out of it. "Pleeeeeease Y/N. I need you. Just do this one thing for me Hun? If I'm alone with Namjoon I might say something stupid and he'll think I'm crazy. You have to help me" . You rolled your eyes. You knew you were eventually gonna say yes. She was your best friend after all, and she really liked this guy so you decided to just tough it out. "Fine. I'll help you". Mina smothered you in a hug. "Thank you so much!" She said and planted a kiss on your cheeks. "I love you!" She said and you chuckled to yourself.
Saturday came quickly and you soon found yourself preparing for your double date. Even though you were doing it for Mina, it still was a date after all, one of the rarest occurrences in your nineteen year life, so you tried to look pretty, touching up your make up, and styling your hair. You stared at your reflection in the mirror and smiled. Maybe this night wouldn't be so bad after all. The sound of the doorbell interrupted your thoughts. "They're here!" Mina screeched as you both ran to the door, she took a deep breath and opened it . A tall, blonde haired man smiled at her. "Hi Namjoon oppa" she greeted and Namjoon greeted back. You initially focused all your attention on the man in front of you so you didn't notice the person behind him. When you finally did, your purse clattered to the ground and your eyes widened in shock. "Oh hell no". You sputtered as the person's eyes met yours and contorted in surprise. "He's my date? Oh hell-to- the - no". You said as you rushed back into the room with Mina hurrying in after you. "Y/N! What's the matter?" You sat on the bed and began to take off your shoes. "That guy, Namjoon's friend, my blind date,..." You almost puked at the thought. "...is KIM TAEHYUNG". Mina sat beside you. "Oh God. Oh God. I didn't know. I'm so sorry. I'll tell Namjoon that the date is off and...." "You'll do no such thing". You said finally. "You're right. You didn't know. And I'm not going to let my feelings ruin your date." Mina smiled sympathetically as she hugged you. "Thank you so much". " Now stop feeling guilty. You just enjoy your date and don't worry about me." You said again as you both walked out the room door and back to taehyung and Namjoon who looked like they had both had the same conversation you and Mina had had in the bedroom. Taehyung glanced at you for a second, but his expression was unreadable. Namjoon led Mina to his car leaving you to walk in step with taehyung."Now we're both doing this for our friends so let's try to be civil." You started. "I believe we can both put aside our differences and..." Taehyung interrupted you by putting earphones into his ears and walking off into the backseat of the car. You sighed. It was going to be a long night.
Overall the night had gone pretty well, if one ignored the popcorn fight you and taehyung had at the movies. And now you were both squeezed in the backseat of Namjoon's car , staring at anything but each other as you headed home. You stared outside at the raindrops that pelted the ash roads. "The winds picking up" Namjoon said as he turned the corner to your apartment block. You had noticed also that it was raining rather heavily for a night in August. Namjoon pulled up at your apartment, just as lightning flashed and the pouring rains threatened to penetrate the covering of the car. "So, here we are". Namjoon said coyly. "Yes here we are." Mina repeated after him and you rolled your eyes. They both obviously wanted some privacy. From the look on taehyung's face, it looked like he had picked up on that too. "We'll both go inside and get a drink or something." He finally looked at you. "You have a key right?" You felt like replying sarcastically but held your tongue. You smiled forcefully at him instead. "Yes I have a key". You both got out of the car and you glanced back for a brief second in time to see Namjoon smile at Mina warmly as she shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. You couldn't help the pang of jealousy that bit at your insides. Namjoon was a great guy, you were sure, from your brief interactions with him. At Least he could've brought any other friend, but instead he stuck you with Kim - hell - of - a - jerk - taehyung. You sighed and wondered if constant sighing was bad for your health.
Taehyung plopped down on your couch while you tried to lock the door. You scoffed inwardly at how quick he was in getting comfortable in another person's home. "You guys got anything good to watch?" He asked. "We literally just came back from watching a movie". "Well you were bugging me the whole time so I could barely concentrate, hogging all the popcorn." He said matter of factly. You made your way to the stash of DVDS by your TV.( Mina's parents were lawyers and had furnished your apartment with all the essentials) "I've got some good horror classics. You a fan of the exorcist?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "You like horror?" You raised an eyebrow. "Yeah" "Hmm". Now you raised both eyebrows. "What do you mean by....." Your words were cut short by a sudden clasp of thunder, a loud crash followed by an equally loud scream. Your mind immediately went to Mina and Namjoon who were sitll in the car. As if on cue, both of them yanked the front door open and tumbled into the apartment. "What happened?!" You and taehyung yelled. Namjoon took a deep breath to calm himself. "An electric pole fell on the car." "Oh my God are you both okay?" You said , as you began to worriedly inspect Mina's arms and legs. "We're fine. But there's no way we can get home now even if we wanted to. It'd be crazy to go out in this rain" . "Rain? More of a storm". Taehyung said, looking out the window. "Hyung, so we're stuck here?" He asked, incredulous. "For now. We just have to wait it out". Taehyung groaned loudly and you quickly tried to liven up everyone's moods. "Why don't we all just make ourselves comfy? I'll go whip us up a cup of hot chocolate. I was about to watch a movie with taehyung. We can use it to pass the time." Your plan looked like it had had the desired effect. Namjoon took off his coat, Mina her heels, as they both plopped down on the settee beside taehyung while you smiling, made your way to the kitchenette. You noticed taehyung staring at you as you did.
"Oh God I've got to use the bathroom". Taehyung said as you glared at him, obviously annoyed. You were all squeezed in on the settee as the movie rolled the ending credits. Taehyung had constantly whimpered and squealed during the entire movie that you were unable to enjoy it. You tried to conceal your irritation. "So?". He turned his head to face you. "So, sassy, I can't go alone". "Why?" "Cos your stupid movie freaked me out!". "If you knew you were easily scared why did you watch it?". He furrowed his brows together, confused and you noticed how cute he looked that way. "Well what kinda man gets scared of a horror movie?". Ugh. You face palmed yourself. "A you kinda man. Obviously". You stated, frustrated. "Well the point is you have to follow me" "I AM not following you into the bathroom....". "Geez girl you don't have to follow me all the way....". He said and smirked and you almost lost your hot chocolate. "You can just Stand outside the door while I do my business". "The answer remains NO". Taehyung frowned , staring at you intensely, and you honestly thought he was going to kiss you again. He suddenly burst out, whining like a child and grabbing your arm. "Ah c'mon Y/N! Please please please please please!!" "Okay fine just please stop that racket!!!" "Ha ha". Taehyung laughed and gave you the most heavenly boxy smile you had ever seen. You led him to your bathroom and stood outside the the door. You had a good mind to lock him in and switch off the lights but decided against it. Your mind wandered back to when he had been pestering you. He had been so close to you. You found yourself not getting repulsed at the thought of him kissing you again. You felt your cheeks grow hot. "Wait what am I thinking? I barely even know this guy, and I hate him. Right?" Taehyung opened the door and smiled at you. Whomp. There went your resolve. He stared at you for a while. "What?" You choked out. "You Know Y/N, you're pretty cute when you're not being sassy". Your whole body trembled but you hid it by Rolling your eyes. "And you're pretty cute when you're not going off kissing random people". Taehyung gave a genuine and hearty laugh. "You're not so bad after all Y/N ".
You made your way through the canopies and the throngs of people at the orphanage. You were on semester break and you were volunteering at the seungri orphanage for their fundraiser. You hadn't seen taehyung since that night of the storm and you couldn't say you hadn't missed him. Something had changed in you since that night and you found yourself thinking about him one too many times. "Y /N! Is that you?" Great. Now you were imagining his voice as well. "Hey Y/N!" Taehyung appeared in front of you looking excited. "Didn't you hear me calling you?" You stared at him, stunned. "What are you doing here?" His face fell. "Well hello to you too." He paused. "I work here". "At the orphanage?". "No, at the carnival. Of course the orphanage dummy". He say and poked your head. You rubbed the spot. "I'm a volunteer here. I stopped for a while because of school, but when I heard they were having a fundraiser I decided to help out". "Wow that's amazing. I volunteer here too. I love kids...." His eyes widened in the most beautiful way. "Really? Me too! I mean who doesn't? But i love them so much. I plan on having at least three when I get married." You chuckled as you began to walk in step with him. "Wow." You said, genuinely amazed. "I never pictured you...." "As a kid person? Yeah I thought so." You laughed again. Taehyung suddenly reached out to grab your wrists. "look Y/N, about the kiss from before..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm really sorry. And for all the things I said to you. I should've respected you more." He looked at you keenly. You gulped. You had to get away from him before you lost all your senses. You quickly tried to say something so he wouldn't think his apology wasn't accepted. "It's fine really taehyung I...." You were interrupted by a scream that rang through the air. There was a commotion as people ran towards the source of the scream, you and taehyung as well. You arrived at a clearing where a woman and two nurses were crouched down in the soil. You angled your neck and tried to look over people's heads and bodies, and suddenly you froze. There, half buried in the soil was a baby. The baby was covered in red spots and bloody bruises, possibly ant bites. The baby probably wouldn't have been more than three months old and was crying it's lungs out. The women struggled to get the baby out and you found yourself joining them, tears already dripping from your eyes.
It was dark . You sat on a bench in the park. The baby had been rescued safely. He was alive, but barely. He had been rushed to the ICU at the nearest hospital. You wondered how a person could do something so despicable. The tears started pooling again as you imagined the amount of pain he must've gone through and the more to probably follow. You began to wish God had just taken him instead. "No". You said. Wiping your tears. "He deserves to live, he should live happily and survive no matter what you show that wretched person who threw him away". "Hey, you okay?" Taehyung said as he sat beside you. He offered you a grape soda which you accepted gratefully . Earlier, you had bawled your eyes out in front of him and he had hugged you tightly, whispering words of comfort. "Mina called. I told her you were okay and that I'd bring you home later." He chuckled lightly. "She was surprised that you were with me". You sniffed and smiled. "I'm sorry you had to see me that way. And thank you for staying with me. I just- I lost my cool when I saw him...." You began to choked and taehyung moved closer and cupped your face in his hands. "Hey, hey no more tears. You are just very caring about others and that's a great virtue not many people have." His face was inches away From yours now. You looked up and locked eyes with him. "Thanks". You said quietly. Taehyung's expression was unreadable. His eyes darted to your lips and then he leaned in. You shot up quickly. "Wh- what do you think you're doing?" He stood up after you. "I like you Y/N." He said and your heart nearly burst out of your ribcage. "I don't know when, how or even the hell why, but I do". You began to gasp for breath before you turned round and took to your heels.
School had resumed and winter was fast approaching. You had avoided taehyung like the plague. He had gotten your number from Mina and called you but you avoided him and his calls. So far your strategy had worked but now he was approaching you. You searched for somewhere to duck and hide but he was faster. He grabbed your arm before you could make a run for it. "Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked. "Why wouldn't I?" "Who the heck runs away from a confession?!" "Well I wasn't expecting it!". Taehyung sighed. "You're going for lunch right? Have lunch with me." "No way..." " I'm buying". You began to nod slowly and taehyung snorted. "Cheapskate. Follow me". He led you to the school's water fountain and you sat on the white bench erected by it. He handed you a soda which he conveniently had in his bag and took one for himself. Something was fishy. Taehyung noticed your countenance. "Before you ask, Mina gave me your class schedule." "That crazy wench...." " But only because we really needed to finally talk this out". He paused. "Do you like me?" You choked. "What- what kind of question..." "It's either one of two things, either you're avoiding me because you still hate me and don't want things to get awkward or you're avoiding me because you do like me as well." You stared at your knees. "You can't force an answer out of me." "I just want you to admit it" . You looked up and met his gaze. You saw the sincerity in his eyes and you relented. "Yes I do like you Kim taehyung". Taehyung sighed and smirked. "See? Now that wasn't so hard was it?" You chuckled and he stared at you intensely. You knew in that moment he was going to try and kiss you again. And this time you weren't going to stop him. Seeing this taehyung smiled and captured your lips in his. He cupped your face in his hands and carresssed your cheeks softly. You didn't really know what to do so you ran your fingers through his hair and he sighed into the kiss. All of a sudden, the fountain behind you erupted, sprinkling water on you both. Taehyung broke the kiss and laughed. "Well you wanted a magical first kiss and you got one." You smiled and sipped your soda. "It wasn't the scenery or event that made the kiss special, but the person." Taehyung's face broke into a wide smile as he raised his soda bottle in cheers. "Well, I will most definitely drink to that."
Wow! This took a long time to complete. Thank God it's done. I'll be back with another fic titled into the light. I'll also make a request box/ ask me once I can figure out how. Hope you all enjoyed the story. I didn't know it would be this long 😁😁😁. BTW, I usually have osts( original sound tracks) for all my pics. They're kinda like songs that play in my head while writing a fic If you get what I mean. anywayyyy write them at the top of each fic and you can check them out if you'd like. I would add a link if I knew how to. Bye!
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alottamoney · 3 years
Lisa anon here.You are not a cynic.Two third of the army thinks whatever they see on Tv, whatever bh says is the ultimate truth. This is the most bizarre phenomenon that maybe is as close to a cult as I have seen so far.Even nature documentaries are rearranged for giving suspense and dramatic shots.But an entertainment company that makes money by dancing,singing and putting out reality content wouldn't because they made pinky promise.Okay.
Why Jungkook chose Jimin is simple.Why Jimin filled the gap that taekook apparently left out is even simpler.It is because 1. Jimin wanted to. 2. There was an opportunity for career growth. Jimin is a clout chaser.If being bff with a goat would get him to the peak, you would see everywhere "Jimin bff with goat". In early years of bts Tae was popular.He hung out with Tae.Then he was teamed with Taekook.Then from 2017 when Tae fell out of favour with bh,Jimin was with JK.A lot can be said regarding Jimin's primary goal and how it changed with each era, how his ambition changed, and it really deserves a post on its own. Him always putting bts first no matter what,ride or die,shows he can't separate himself from bts to the point that he doesn't want other members to do it too.He will stand against them if they moved against BTS.He has mentioned he cut off close friends because they were speaking bad about the member/s.In early 2018 he and JK publicly teamed up to peer pressure Tae I think because Tae was really reconsidering renewing his contract.He knew if Tae goes,JK will go too.At the outset of that year that was supposed to happen.Tae wanted to leave.No one had any major problem.But when Kookie wanted to leave that was when everyone went mental.Only Suga supported them unconditionally.The texts that only the two got.Jin mentioned Kookie would stay in his room all day in 2018 and shut himself in.Tae left the house in 2018 February.JK has lived with Tae from 2011.I think I don't need to emphasize how big of a shock that was to JK.He grasped at anything to cope.He completely changed his persona.He was on medication probably.I say this because this sudden surge of confidence,chanting this mantra of I love myself,I am happy over and over again, these were completely,and I mean completely opposite of JK up until even January 2018.Jimin actually listened to him at that time.He in the beginning helped Tae get to JK in 2016.After that due to bh interference, jimin and JK became bff more than Vmin.That period wasn't the problem.The problem started in 2018 when V realized Jimin was tending to his interest first and JK was embroiled in it.Jikook had a symbiotic relationship without knowing.
Jungkook wants Tae like he is oxygen and this is not funny.He really can't think straight if they are not close anymore.He has found a father,lover,brother,mentor everything in Tae and this dependence got a reality check when Tae moved out.He tried to fill that with Jimin's affection for a time.He really tried moving away from that emotional dependence.This is complete conjecture but I think JK spilled secrets to Jimin that he shouldn't have about Tae and taekook because that's how introverts roll.When they are close with someone that's where all their secrets go.That's why I think it's not a Jimin problem.He is an independent agent working for his goal with whatever resource is available to him.It is a jungkook problem.If Jimin is not there to listen to him, he will look for other distractions.He needs to fill up that gaping void where Tae resides during good times.
I agree taekook is not the sort to discuss.People came in too late in the fandom.Taekook have done a lot of early relationship courting behavior in 2013- 2014 when they were very young.After 2015 they were not in the stage of figuring out if they liked each other.They knew they liked each other since 2015.People are wrong when they try to find signs of liking in 2020.They are over and done with all of that now they have hit the boring phase but they keep it exciting nevertheless.
I want to mention something interesting.There is a lot of talk about how JK's stare at Tae is not special because he stares at everyone.But this is the only pair where one involved(Tae) gestures the other(JK) to look away and stop looking.This has happened multiple times.Snowwhite Tae behind the scene,before spine breaker mv shooting,in one of the US interviews with Hoseok in between.
The memories 2020 segment that I described,and the almost kissing scene should confirm to people that Jimin does things to his own end.No he is not coming in between taekook.But he was mocking Tae. Taekook cannot act that way in public.If Jimin still did that gimmick, that means it's nothing serious to him.Which is tremendously insensitive to the lgbt causes.Knowing Tae didn't like it,he raised his brow AT TAE like saying 'What are you gonna do?'.Members are going to invite him to their wedding like 'wish you could come but you are so busy don't you have that thing on that very day so unfortunate we know you will be with us in spirit bye'. No wonder they are estranged from him.And Kookie acted like my dog when she hears 'bath time'.Pretend you are not here. Jungkook is thinking he is performing the sacred duty of holding bts together.He doesn't want them to suffer because of taekook.He doesn't want members to fight.He prioritizes bts over his own relationship because he does not want to be seen selfish.But..old habits die hard. I wouldn't have paid any extra attention to that mock kissing attempt if I hadn't seen the aftermath of it in a video at least 3 or 4 months ago.Tae was really angry in that shoot.While singing he and Jimin touched head while sitting and JK came jumping and separated them.In that video it was seen as JK getting jealous of Vmin but V doesn't hide his angry face.The whole time JK was looking at Tae.In todays's dropped memories in bts, Tae ignored JK when he was trying to catch up with him on the same day.
I have seen kookie trying fanservice with members but they are not jimin.They respect Tae.They are older and don't see why they need to do these things specially when they are getting into the next phase of their life :serious relationships. You think they see Kookie and thank him for saving bts?They see a child who is desperately trying to hold onto his favourite toy even if it means destroying himself in the process.I think JK has already started seeing how respect in relationships work by observing the members relationships.You think they are gonna let Jimin climb all up on their gf while their gf act like a statue?JK in his weverse said he doesn't think about the past,his focus is always to the future.His ego wouldn't be able to cope if he did.
There are a lot of secrets within that group.They want to stay truthful but it is not what happens.Tae and bh, their relationship is key to uncovering all of the favouring that Jimin got in the successive years.In this festa he said he believed about himself "I can make my own way". Jimin's insecurity is so deep rooted, anything to cover that up. RM said in the same festa he stopped believing that people are inherently good.
You have a nice weekend.
Lisa anon,
“Cult” would be an accurate description. "Pinky promise" lol it wouldn't be so bizarre if I didn't see adults say such naïve things.
My confusion arises because I started with the assumption that Jimin didn't have an agenda. I guess if you look at it that way both BH and Jimin's own desire for visibility could have played into it but I also think Jikook did have a genuine bond, a bond that changed from the early years independent from company and shippers narratives but Jungkook's relationship with the rest remained the same from whatever we can see. That part I don't understand. I could be wrong about this but there was quite a bit of Jikook even in the earlier content so the company always had plans for them but it didn't morph into it's current form the until 2017.
May I ask why you think Tae was the only one to move out? Couldn't they all afford their own places by then? I wasn't in the fandom back then so the personality shift in Jungkook isn't as clear to me as it would be to someone who was closely watching them in real time. Interesting thing about the staring you brought up there. Anti-Taekookers have made it their mission to convince everyone that Taekook isn't special and never was. Even if they paint him as someone who ignores Tae, I am of the opinion that Jungkook can be a bit (very) intense. So, I am somewhat in agreement with the "wanting Tae like oxygen" sentiment lol. I can definitely see them disagreeing over their friends, living arrangements and loyalty to the band but none interestingly enough seems to lead them to reconsider the whole relationship thing. If you take into account their environment and the things they have to deal with daily, the only reason they lasted so long is that one or both of them really want this unless they feed off the drama of it all.
That memories 2020 Jikook clip was quite something, I'll need more time to piece it all together but yes, it looked awkward. Some things may be obvious to us but until Jungkook himself says or does something it'll just be "Taekookers making Jimin the villain of their kdrama" type responses. The new trend is to say that Tae is the one who makes Jungkook uncomfortable whenever Jungkook doesn't respond when Tae interacts with him. It's a losing battle and I'm not interested in convincing anyone if they refuse to see.
I think the accusation against Jungkook was that he increased fanservice with the other members for attention. After the 2019 scandals Jungkook seems to have this parallel image of being the black sheep of BTS, the intentions behind his actions are over-analyzed. He’s painted as this two-faced, opportunistic person who would throw anyone under the bus for his image and solo career, using his bandmates to queerbait unsuspecting fans, and so on. Jungkook doesn’t help his case the way handles certain things which makes me think he really is unaware of how the fandom perceives him or Taekook. That would explain a lot actually and it makes sense I’d probably avoid this fandom and filter content too.
I’m probably going to annoy you but I don’t take Festa content at face value either. BTS definitely have a lot to hide, I’m impressed by how they managed to stay unscathed so far. I feel we won’t get the truth from them any time  soon. They have more reasons to be careful and they’ve become too significant for Koreans to let anything happen to them. So, only a huge scandal will take them down.
You too have a nice weekend. 💜
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