#//And thank you for the ask as always Cermit
ramshacklestar · 5 months
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@wishkept sent || [THE MAGICIAN] - Are they resourceful? What skills do they possess that help them navigate the world around them? [THE EMPRESS] - Do they participate in or have a self-care ritual? If so, what does their routine look like? [THE HIEROPHANT] - What are important traditions to them, if any? Do they stay true to these traditions, or do they adapt them to fit their current situation? [JUDGMENT] - What was an epiphany/awakening they recently had? Did they realize something that they've been naive to? Did they discover something about themselves? What happened?
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The Major Arcana || No Longer Accepting
Magician- Yuuna tries to be a very resourceful person, always aiming to stop the potential issue before it becomes a bigger conflict, as for whether or not she succeeds in such a thing is another story as in a few cases she has unintentionally made a situation worse. Or in one particular case was selfish about her decision and didn’t think of the potential repercussions in freeing her friends from a certain someone, even though she was logically aware those same friends put themselves in that position in the first place. Ever since the first incident where she had played witness to what a full overblot was though she has learned to be constantly on guard, and that goes for the NRC students, the professors and more so the RSA students just because she gets a very off feeling about them and that particular school in general. Of course, that could always be because of the influence from NRC, to say she’s gotten used to her chaotic life while at Night Raven wouldn’t be incorrect. . Empress- Not particularly; I mean we are talking about a girl that barely wears makeup, eye liner being the most she ever wears unless it’s some special event, and has (in a hc of mine) absolutely appalled Vil in the notion that she cleanses her face with just a squirt of hand soap and a wash cloth. She is very meticulous about keeping herself and her clothing clean though which comes from a self-loathing of smelling even slightly foul and trying to maintain some sort of image of having herself together physically at least. She is by no means a germaphobe though, and if she gets into a situation where she ends up coated in dirt or grass stains Yuuna isn’t going to go frantically rushing to the nearest water source to wash it away. . Hierophant- Growing up in an orphanage has kept Yuu for developing any type of traditions, not that she’s complaining by any means. The only real tradition, if you even wanted to call it that, is when a child from the orphanage is adopted she as well as the other children and nursemaids alike will make that last day for the adopted child one to remember by accommodating to what that child may like. For example if they like books being read to them that’ll happen between the residents of the orphanage, if they liked a particular meal that will be the meal of the day for the children and nursemaids alike and so on. This tradition has naturally not been one she’s practiced in Twisted Wonderland as the situation is entirely different in this world, but should she return to her own world (which granted in the main story doesn’t happen) she would like to continue those practices and become one of the nursemaids at the same orphanage she grew up in.  . Judgement- That Crowley is in fact not making any effort to find her a way home and seems to be hiding something big from her. For this particular Yuu this belief started right before book 7 while she Ace, Deuce and Grim were all waiting out the appearance of Mickey since she had figured the mysterious mouse creature might be of more help. It isn’t until after she find out the truth that she in fact cannot return home (in main verse) thanks to Lilia’s UM that she believes herself to be naïve in thinking a mouse, that may not even be real, was somehow going to get her home. And of course her reaction follows the longer hc where she demands Crowley give her answers and all the hurt of being kept in the dark leaves her mentality to finally break.
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hirudou · 1 year
You love all of your muses so much, and it's so wonderful to see your passion for each of them. Whether it's Jade, Tsuki, Kai, Dottore or anyone else you put a whole lot of love and thought into each of them and it shows. You're doing good, you really are.
wow thank you!!! i try really hard to put nothing less than 100% into my muses, and i'm really glad it's being seen. not to reverse uno this on you too, but gosh, cermit!! you've been such a wonderful addition to my dash. seriously, i love seeing you, and all your muses so much. and i love getting little unprompted asks from you it's always such a welcome surprise in my inbox. ❤️❤️❤️
beep beep- how's my portrayal?
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starcunning · 6 years
Night Watch
An expansion and reworking of a snippet I sent to friends at 1 AM some weeks ago. (I do this a lot. “Nightfall”--which this precedes--was born of one of these, too.) Adult situations and MSQ spoilers ahead!
This story contains MSQ spoilers for FFXIV Patch 4.5, “Requiem for Heroes.”
When she had finished with him, she laid down beside him on the airship’s hull. The stars stretched from horizon to horizon overhead, brighter than she had ever seen. There was the rustle of cloth as he tucked himself away, and the sound of a zipper; she wiped her lips with the back of her hand and stared upward with a sigh.
All at once she got the impression that she was the wrong twin. It should have been her sister laid out beside the Black Wolf, cermite at her back and the firmament before her eyes.
Odette was not certain if this was her conclusion or Gaius’s; if she had not owned it a moment before it was hers to keep forever afterward. The ache in her chest was paralyzing. She should sit up, she knew; she should stand and cross to the hatch and descend back into the belly of the ship. Gaius Baelsar could weather a night watch alone.
But she did not trust her legs, under the circumstances, and so she lingered. His feelings were not settled, either—she could not help but get some sense of him, owing to the dubious blessings of light, and he was glad to see her. But still, she was not her sister, and never would be.
Odette turned her head to regard him. Seiryu’s Wall cast a pale blue glow over the scene; with his body betwixt her and the generators, the light traced only the rim of his profile, leaving his familiar features in shadow.
Sadness. That was what afflicted her now, settling in her chest like a leaden weight. Shouldn’t that have been easier to identify? She was familiar enough with the emotion, not least of all after recent events. But that did not fully encompass all she felt. True, she mourned a little what was no longer to be, betwixt her and Gaius—but she mourned it like a little bird, who had sung so prettily once and would not lift its voice to that melody now nor ever again. What she felt was nowhere near as light as birdsong, nor as its absence.
Something else, then.
“I wish to ask you something, Baelsar,” she said, before even she was aware of her intent to speak. “Have I earned that privilege?” Gaius turned his head to regard her. The motion cast his face in shadow, looking upon hers in light. “You may ask,” he said. “Your rights do not extend so far as to the expectation of an answer, just the same.” She closed her eyes, as though she could not bear to look upon what came next. “Have you ever been in love?” He said nothing. She could hear his breathing, feel the roiling of his emotions beneath the surface of his flame-scarred skin. The silence extended on a while, underlaid by the low hum of the magitek generators some yalms away. “This is not a question I ask in hope,” she added, opening her eyes. “Good, for you would be disappointed,” Baelsar said. A curious answer, she could not help but note—in that it was no answer at all to the question she had actually asked.
Guilt, she realized, slipping into it like a tailored jacket. That was a more apt name for the feeling that pinned her limbs. The guilt of having taken from her sister’s plate—yes, that was part of it, but not all. She could not compass the rest of it in Baelsar’s presence, and did not wish to try.
“I don’t believe I have ever been in love,” Odette said. “I am always sure to leave ere there’s any danger of that.” “There are worse strategies that strategic retreat,” the Black Wolf told her. “It has been put about that I am broken by this incapability.” His snort was derisive, dismissive—and not meant for her, she realized. “Look at all you have accomplished, girl,” he implored her. “Even set against one another, I could not deny what you had wrought. Let them call us broken, if they call us broken.” And they had, she knew instantly. “Wolves need not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.”
She should thank him, she knew, but gratitude did not settle any more easily upon her than had guilt. Instead, she said something else: “I think we should not do this any longer.” There was a smallness in her voice. “That might be best,” Gaius Baelsar agreed dispassionately. Then he said, “I can finish the night watch alone.”
The sharp sting of dismissal should have compounded the weight upon her, but she felt it like spurs instead, and let it drive her to her feet. But it was not the crew hatch she found herself drawn toward; rather she dared the curve of the hull until she could jump, safely, landing on the soft white sands below.
Odette got the sense, even then, that this was a ritual she was bound to repeat for as long as the three of them remained in the Burn. She put Seiryu’s Wall to her right, and began to walk.
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sudexplorer-blog · 5 years
“Have you lost your hydaelyn loving mind?”
It wasn’t the first time Sud had asked this of the engineer. In truth it was a sentence that stumbled out of his mouth almost weekly at times. The depths of odd ingenuity that the garlean technician was capable of could be frightening; though no more frightening than the thundering ceruleum engine that the pureblood expected Sud to put between his legs.
What he could best describe as a contraption lay here before him. As long as three hrothgar laid end to end, and with wheels equally broad, was a device that was queerily labeled a ‘battle bike.’ Complete with a smooth black finish, a dark leather seat, and a device that sounded like six Yanxian tigers in a cage growling at each other.
All in all the explorer found it equal parts revolting and curious.
“I think I have found my star loving mind, thank you.” The engineer, a tall though lithe woman named Pax, asserted firmly. Staring up at the towering Sud. “We’ll be going to the new world soon; with the all of the jungles there we won’t be able to bring our usual machines. Something smaller and faster would be a big help.”
“Faster than a chocobo?” The doubt was made known from his snort all the way to his raised brow.
“Well… faster than /our/ chocobos.” Pax relented with a sigh. The woman moving over to one side of the garage - sliding her nimble hand over a console to bring up the door. “Come on big guy; aren’t you always wanting to experience new things?”
The hrothgar in question only gave another snort in reply. Arms crossing over his chest as his gaze returned to the battlebike. Approaching the machine warily - carefully running the pad of one finger along it’s armored side. An alloy that was cool to the touch yet spoke of a subtle strength. No doubt one of the cermite blends that Pax offered the conglomerate.
“Are they all this stupidly large? Kokoko couldn’t even sit in the seat and reach the controls.” An annoyed flick of Sud’s tail came as he glanced to the controls in questions. Handlebars that featured a variety of knobs and triggers whose functions he could only guess at.
“This one’s purpose made.” Pax called, having approached the battle bike carrying a pair of magitek glasses - a device offered up to Sud. “I figured if you gave us a glowing review it would put a lot of people at ease.”
The hrothgar held the glasses. Sighing deeply to himself. Turning them over in his hands in thought - and some private chastisement of the younger engineer. Something that came out in occasional grumbles in the mans native tongue.
Still. In the end Sud turned over the glasses. Resting them upon his nose and ensuring they pressed snuggly on the side of his head. Secured in place and staring through their screen he could see a number of readouts; things he hardly understood in the moment.
“Right. Right.” Finally the man relented; approaching the battle bike. “Just show me how it works…”
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limesandbiscuits · 7 years
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I'd like to take a second and appreciate these people... @river.__.peery : You've always been here for me since we met in kindergarten and I honestly don't know how you've put up with me for so long. You're a gr8 frand and I hope nothing else can come in the way of us ever againnnn!~ I've missed you're memeness!~ @sleepypuka : We don't really get the chance to talk a lot but you're one of my closest friends!~ You're so noice and funny and ahhh. We met on, what, the first day of sixth grade? :') I'm glad we've been able to be friends for so long now~ @blessent7 : Where do I start with this one. She's been my best friend since Kindergarten, too. We've never been in a real fight or broken our relationship ship. Honestly how are you not just tired of me. 😂 I love youuu!~ Lola: Well, we're not currently friends but I just wanted to thank you for being my friend since Kindergarten, too~ You're so talented and funny and I hope you're doing well!~ <3 @yoi_yaoionice : Dude. We've been friends since 6th grade and we've been through a LOT. More than some of my friends I've known all my life. I'm glad that we've kinda sorted things out and I hope things won't get in the way again or be to awkward~ :') <3 Ive missed yewww @swizzle_twizzle : Alyvia. Alyvia Alyvia Alyvia. We honestly met in the weirdest way possible. 😂 I remember it perfectly. We were in the gym locker room and we started talking like we've always been friends and things just kinda ended up blossoming from there~ I love you so much you gorgeous memey bean~ I hope we stay friends FUREVUR! :'D I'm v proud of you, My Child!~ <3 @kall._me._collin : Ahh. Collin. We've been friends since we first got seating arrangements in FACS whenever that was. :') I remember you always talked about Jenna Marbles and Superwoman and would write things on my folder and notebook and we started calling each other Paesh & Cermit. In conclusion, Ily my other child!~ V proud. :') @insulting_joke_2.0 : We only stared talking last year in gym but I feel like we've known each other way longer. I'm glad to have you in my life~ I couldn't ask for a better guy best frand! You're so understanding & funny and you make everything bettur! ~ <3
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