#//And then with my hcs; there's Kae
dutybcrne · 10 months
Things that make me smile: Characters with sharp teeth actually using them in combat.
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girlfox · 4 months
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DON'T MIND ME JUST YOU KNOW. freaking out over this potential ahri skin teaser in the hall of fame trailer! i can't gather too much from the overall skin look but HER TAILS? EACH OF THEM FOXES? OH IT'S SOOO COOOOOOOOOOL
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🅱️ogos 🅱️inted?
(she wants your teeth)
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iwant-fuitgummi · 1 year
Okay I don't know how I feel about Huffkae (I don't hate it, I kinda love it because of your work actually, but also I'm still strongly for my aroace Kaeya agenda)
But the way you draw Kaeya is very pretty to me. The outfits! The hair!!! He serves every time, so stunning, so beautiful. Huffman and I are shaking hands because we're both smitten, on the floor, from the sheer masterpiece we see <3
oh thank you!! i draw kaeya like. a lot. if I'm bored, I'll just doodle him in the margins of my classwork lmao, so I'm very comfortable in the way I draw him. that usually makes it look better than characters I'm not used to. I'm also very familiar with his character (kaeya main gang 💪) so that helps me capture his personality, I guess? either way, i love drawing him and it's so much fun :D
anyways thank you so much!!!!! this was so sweet!!!
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 2 months
Sleepless Nights HCs (Kaeya, Diluc, Xiao, Albedo)
In which, both they and the reader have insomnia.
CW: Angst, mentions of death, fluff in Albedo's,
 Diluc and Kaeya get some time to cope and process Master Crepus’s death since hoyoverse won’t give it to us
GN! reader (Kaeya, Albedo, Xiao) Fem!Reader (Diluc) 
Ask box is OPEN for requests and chatter
Kaeya doesn’t often suffer from sleepless nights
Or so you thought
It took months, if not years for you to realize that part of Kaeya’s drinking habit was a way to ensure sleep
But insomnia isn’t something he could hide forever, not when his partner suffers from the same damn thing
One night the Angel Share was closed and he couldn’t find any back up alcohol, so he was up. He couldn't quiet the guilt, to questioning. Unfortunately-- or fortunately-- for him, you were up too, stressing over work or something. 
You walked out of your office or room in your shared home to find Kaeya on the couch, his face in his hands. If you weren’t fully aware of the ice underneath that charm, you would have thought he was crying.
You solution to this is to make two cups of hot chocolate--your go-to solution on nights like these-- and sit next to him. When you put his in his hand, he takes it without even looking at you.
“Kae, love, what’s wrong?”
“Can’t sleep.”
“But why?”
It takes some pushing, but Kaeya opens up fully. On nights like these where he just doesn’t have the energy to hide.
He tells you about being dumped in Mondstadt, about being raised by Crepus, and about Crepus’s death. By the time he tells you about his fight with Diluc, your man of ice is crying.
You pull him into your arms, whispering sweet nothings, telling him that he’s not alone any more, the works.
When he’s cried out you brush the hair out of his face.
“I’m here for you, Kae. Lean on me, ‘kay?”
He makes a promise to lean on you, though you figure it will take a while for the concept of being supported to sink in.
After that Diluc starts noticing a drop in Kaeya’s patronage.
Why? Insomnia, and eventually sleep, is far more pleasant when it’s shared.
Speaking of our favorite vigilante, he’s no better at sleeping than Kaeya is
Adelinde is always worried about it
His usual solution is kicking bad-guy butt, lol.
But once you get together, he’s quick to notice that you’re always awake when he comes home at night
So, being the caring s/o he is, he seeks you out
The night he seeks you out is a quiet one, save for the rain on the tiles of the roof.
You look up from your work, or a book, whichever you feel like doing that night.
“Diluc? You’re home early.”
Diluc shrugs and strips out of his coat. The bare skin of his arms are covered in rivulets of rain water.
Adelinde is quick to bring him a towel, but otherwise, leaves the two of you be.
“It’s too wet to be working. Why are you still up?”
“I can’t sleep.”
When he’s dry, Diluc sits next to you. “Why? Is your bed not comfortable?”
“No, no. Nothing like that. It’s the softest I’ve ever slept on. It’s just...”
You sigh and look away. “I get a bit lonely. I know what you do is important, but I miss you at night. I like being able to say good night and give you a good night kiss, knowing that you’re safe at home.”
Diluc flushes, running a hand over his hair. “I didn’t realize you felt that way.”
“Why wouldn’t I? Of course, some nights, like tonight, I just can’t stop thinking. Work is busy, busier than I’d like and it’s hard to wind down.”
“I can help with that. Come with me.”
Diluc takes your hand and pulls you into the kitchen.
You watch as he starts some tea.
“Dad used to do this for me and Kaeya before he died. I’ve never been able to do it the same way.”
You get up and wrap your arms around Diluc. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
 “Reminding you.”
Diluc’s smile is small and heartbreakingly sad. “I like remembering him like this, y/n. Alive and happy. And he’d probably haunt me if I let grief prevent me from taking care of my lady love.”
Soon it becomes a routine, he gets home and you have tea together, talking about your days and calming down and then going to bed. After the first night, he takes to sleeping in your bed. Well, until you decide that his bed is bigger and much more comfortable. 
Sleepless nights with Albedo are angst free
Rather, they are a product of two curious, very active minds
They’re all about the “what ifs” and sharing ideas that don’t seem to emerge during daylight hours
Story telling is also a very common past time
Basically, you guys do this to yourselves and don’t have the decency to be ashamed about it
“What do you think it feels like to live among the stars.”
You and Albedo are sitting on the rocks just outside his cave, gazing at the stars.
Albedo tilts his head in consideration. “I don’t know. Probably cold.”
“Mhmm. And lonely.”
You turn to look at the blond. “Why do you say that?”
“They’re very far away.”
“That doesn’t mean they’re cold. I mean, I’ve heard that they’re like the sun, right?”
“They’re not close enough together to make the night sky very hot.”
“True. And lonely?”
Albedo meets your eyes and smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Of course. How could I not be lonely without you by my side.”
You choke on your breath, aware pf the heat creeping up your next. “’’Bedo! Warn me before you say stuff like that.”
Albedo just laughs, the sound bouncing off the frozen cliffs of Dragonspine. “It’s true, y/n. I very much enjoy your company. I wouldn’t want to visit the stars without you.”
“I--I’ll keep that in mind.”
The rest of the night, as short as it is, is quiet, uncomfortably so.
It doesn’t take long before you’re returning inside, swearing that tonight is not a good night to be staying up late.
So it’s canon, Xiao doesn’t sleep
But that means that when you start having insomnia he has no idea what to do about it
At first he is terrified that is Karma is negatively affecting you, which you insist is not the case. 
So he, very discreetly, visits Zhongli. Zhongli is very helpful, having watched humans for as long as he has, and comes up with a number of ideas. They run the gamut from tea to massages (Xiao blushed a bit when Zhongli mentioned that one) to simply cuddling
After some thought, Xiao choses the last option to try first.
It’s a night like many others, when he approaches you with his ideas. It’s not particularly cloudy, nor is it particularly quiet. If anything, the insects around your camp are making it doubly difficult to sleep. 
But despite that chorus of insects, the night is still bitterly lonely. It chills you in a way no snowstorm ever has. But you can’t bring yourself to call the name that would ease that chill.
The Yaksha always seems so distant, even after months of dating. Distant, aloof, intimidating, all things that you love, even though they’re the source of so much irritation. And he’s not nearly so bad now. But still, he’s hard to call on.
You flop back on your back, turning your gaze to the sky, only to meet a familiar pair of gold eyes.
“Xiao. Why are you here?”
“Why are you awake?” he counters, settling himself on the ground next to you.
“Dunno. Can’t sleep. I didn’t want to bother you.”
“Do you not trust me?”
You sit up, waving your hands in denial. “No, no. Nothing like that. I just didn’t want to be a bother.”
“That’s not quiet fair, y/n.”
“You insist on being there for me, but won’t call me when you need me.”
“Sorry,” you mumble.
“I went to see Mo--Zhongli today.”
Xiao changes the subject, not quiet knowing how to react to your apology.
“Oh? How is he?”
“He seems good. He was happy to talk to me. He gave me some advice.”
You turn to face your lover properly. “On what?” 
“Helping you sleep. You’re up like this a lot. I’m worried.”
You kick yourself mentally. Xiao is well known for not understanding humans, but he’s never been anything but observant and attentive. Hiding your sleep troubles from him is impossible.
“Oh. I don’t think there’s anything wrong. It happens to humans sometimes. What did Zhongli suggest?”
Without offering any explanation, Xiao pulls your shoulders down so that your head is laying on his lap. His hands are unbelievably gentle as they twine into you hair, rubbing small circles in your scalp.
The tension drains from your shoulders and any awkwardness over the position fades. For the first time in days, you aren’t lonely.
You’re eyes water at the thought.
“Y/n? Am I doing something wrong.”
“No. Not at all. It feels really, really good. I guess I just missed you.”
“Missed me.”
“It’s not that weird, Xiao. People miss the people they love. I wish I could be around you more.”
Xiao takes a moment to process your words. “We have our own jobs, but at night, I could come to you?”
You turn your head so that you can see his face. “You’d do that for me?”
“I was reminded in no uncertain terms that spending time together is something couples do.”
“If you want to, I’d love to have you here at night. Do you want to?”
“Mhmm. I spend a little too much time thinking about you during the day. It’s distracting.”
A great warmth replaces the chill in your bones. “The words you want are ‘I miss you’ my silly Yaksha.”
You shift the two of you around so that you’re both curled up on you bed roll.
“Thank you, Xiao.”
“Tomorrow night I’ll bring the tea Zhongli gave me.”
Sounds good. Good night, silly Yaksha.”
“Good night, strange human.”
Xiao might be distant, aloof, and intimidating, but there’s no doubt in your mind that he loves you no less than you love him.
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tartigglez · 11 months
Hii can I ask for husband hcs for childe, neuvillette, kaeya, albedo and kazuha?
Just general hcs on what married life with them would them would be like :)
If that's too many characters you can just do your favourites out of them-
Thank you for your time! Have a good day <3
・❥・i actually haven't had a second since this req was sent but i am FINALLY GETTTING IT DONE DNWOEIEOWOQWIEWO
・❥・childe, neuvillette, kaeya (separate) x gn!reader
・❥・fluff time!!!
・❥・kissy times, lots of physical touch, suggestive at times, my clingy bois!!, talk of marital issues, protective kae (my beloved), i think thats itttt! enjoyyyy!!
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kaeya is a TEASE, still. he straight up never stops, even though you’ve been together for so long. He’ll do anything to make you blush and catch you off guard, for no reason other than he thinks its funny, yet adorable when you react to him. 
he loves to give massages. the intimacy of it all is so important and fulfilling to him (even though he has to keep an eye on his cryo powers the whole time to make sure his hands aren’t cold) (bless him, lil baby). sometimes if he’s doing this, he’ll give you little kisses all over, and talk about his day. other times he’ll tell you how much he loves certain parts of you, your tummy, thighs, or whatever else he’s feeling enamoured with at that particular time. other times, he’s completely silent, and just basks in the feeling of being able to be with you, soft breaths or sighs from both of you filling the air. 
at times, he can be a little overly protective of you, even if you yourself are well versed in battle. this man wants to make sure you’re safe at all costs, because he knows what it’s like to lose family. in a way, you’re most of what he has. he isn’t losing you. 
he has some weird/funny habits. poking your cheeks, accidentally staring at you, sticking his tongue out at you, or at times even gently biting you for giggles. he definitely has a playful side hidden underneath his suave façade, which only you can bring out. 
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ajax always wants to keep your relationship fresh and exciting! he'll always have new date ideas, or make secret plans of where to go on your next vacation (which are revealed to you about five minutes before leaving). be it a new restaurant or a revisit of your favourite places, trust he will bring as much energy and passion as always. 
he's clingy as heck, always wants your attention and is a spam texter, one hundred percent. he has really high energy so he can sometimes take a lot of patience to deal with. defo gives you at least 10 good morning kisses before he leaves for work, and might even wake you up if you're asleep. don't punch him, he's just desperate for your (albeit sleepy) attention.
he’s learned a lot about how to navigate issues in your relationship over the span of it, and is still learning. because of his childhood he can sometimes not fully understand how you feel about certain things, but he loves you, and knows he can learn no matter how long it takes. as long as you’re willing to be patient with him, he will definitely put in all his effort for you.
if there’s one word to describe childe, its curious. he wants to know everything about what makes you tick, and this doesn’t stop even after you’re married. he can sometimes struggle to speak softly when you’re upset because he has a tendency to joke around about things quite a lot, but if you tell him that you need serious time, he will definitely provide it for you.
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neuvillette definitely thrives on routine, he kisses you twice each morning. once on the forehead when you’ve both just woken up, and once on the lips before he leaves to begin his work as iudex. of course this also applies when he gets home,  but perhaps he’d rather keep those routines behind closed doors ;)
neuvillette can struggle a little sometimes, but he always tries his hardest to listen to what you said all those years ago; “i love you, if something’s wrong we’ll work through it”. when he has an issue he will first mull it over alone, before coming to you. 
he is an excellent comforter. although he doesn’t see it himself, he has an incredible ability to recognise each of the emotions displayed on your face. he knows if you’re thinking, its best to stay quiet and let you come to a conclusion before speaking any more. 
random one but he LOVES when you do his hair for him, it makes him feel so cared for and loved. he feels really relaxed when you massage his scalp for him. just gives that warm fuzzy feeling, y’know?
sometimes when you’re at home he’ll start following you around the house for no apparent reason. well, there is an apparent reason, he’ll just never admit to it- he wants a hug. you might go to your bedroom or the kitchen to look for something, and he’ll just be trailing behind, waiting for your attention. when you finally give in and wrap your arms around him, burying your head in his chest, he lets out a low, calming hum. he’s content.
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nsfw masterlist || sfw masterlist
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© tartigglez, 2023. do not copy, translate or repost, reblogs appreciated
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zorosdimples · 2 months
i do hc that chopper unwittingly moves my (not-yet-romantic) relationship with zoro forward. because we love him and he goes to both of us separately and confides in us like, “zoro kept asking me questions about you!” and, “kae wouldn’t stop talking about how cool and strong and funny you are!” he helps make us idiots realize that our feelings for one another are mutual.
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crazystargirl · 1 year
Hiii!! Ur blog is amazing! I saw you wanted requests so!
Could u write smth abt f!reader x Ethan Landry where the reader is kind of like a rockstar gf? And she’s very flirty with him but has an attitude with everyone lol. And Ethan just being shy when the reader flirts with him but always has her back and if necessary drags her out of arguments/fights.. established relationship pls,I hope u enjoy writing this if u decide to :)<333
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musician!ethan x rockstar!reader hc  ♥︎
pairing ♥︎ - musician!ethan landry x rockstar!reader, ethan landry x fem!reader
word count ♥︎ - 0.5k !
a/n ♥︎ - kae, thank you for being such a sweet person and being so patient for me to finish your request, i honestly took forever to write this bc i had no idea how to write this so i made it into headcanons. i hope you enjoy it !!! ( p.s. i looked up what a rockstar gf was and just didn't really like the idea of it so i kind of changed up it up and added my own lil thing )
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↳ first of all, both you and ethan are musicians
↳ you're pretty reckless so people were shocked when they found out that ethan, a shy musician, was dating you, a rockstar
↳ also ethan probably plays the acoustic guitar while you play the electric one
↳ you guys met at one of your performances that chad dragged ethan to
  🎸 "dude i can't go tonight! i have homework!"
  🎸 "fuck homework dude, you need to loosen up for once"
↳ you immediately noticed ethan out of the large crowd since there aren't many people like him at your performances
↳ you realize that ethan is the musician you go to watch perform sometimes to take your mind off of school
↳ you guys ended up talking back stage later and he asked you out
↳ he took you on a little picnic and the rest is history
↳ you guys had been dating for a few months and ethan very quickly picked up on all your bad habits
↳ for one your room was always messy so he always cleaned it up while you were class
  🎸 "eth! you don't need to clean up my room everytime it gets messy!"
  🎸 "but love if i dont you're literally going to have a landfill in here
↳ he takes you with him most days so you can watch him rehearse his stuff
↳ you usually just sit there watching on one of the trunks ( you made it VERY clear early on that you wanted to sit on a trunk and not the chair )
↳ sometimes he'll let you join in or just do your own thing
↳ you like flirting with ethan a lot since it makes him all flustered
↳ his love language is giving you little gifts and sometimes writing songs for you
↳ since you're stubborn as fuck he usually finds you arguing with people
↳ and him being the sweet, shy boyfriend, he has to drag you out of fights or arguments 
  🎸 "baby you cannot keep arguing with people!"
  🎸 "but he said you weren't a good musician so i had to argue in your defense!"
↳ ethan's asked you before why you're like that with others and not with him
  🎸 "because you're my boyfriend and i love you, are you complaining?"
  🎸 "nononono i was just curious baby"
↳ sometimes you're like a little kid and to calm you down he gets you ice cream and the worst part? it works
↳ unfortunately this isn't the only time you'll act like a kid, if you're at one of ethan's performances and you're bored because your phone is dead, he'll give you his and it will shut you up
↳ sometimes he'll let you sit on his lap when you rehearse
↳ after performances he'll take you to go get food and then you guys will watch a movie together at his place
↳ when you guys are both on break, ethan will take you out on cute little dates
↳ sometimes when you're bored out of your mind, he'll teach you how to play the acoustic guitar 
  🎸 "eth this is too hard"
  🎸 "baby you cannot give up that easily otherwise you'll never learn"
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taglist ♥︎ -  @xyzstar, @ourloveisgod23, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @bhk1234uwu, @nonniesworld, @athenalive, @lanaslittletwinkie, @beccajoestar
if your name is crossed out it's bc it wouldn't let me tag you
a/n ♥︎ - this is kinda short, i apologize, but if you want there to be a pt. 2 or a lil drabble for this, just send me an ask :)
©crazystargirl 2023 || do NOT translate or repost my work without my permission
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heyybaejjk · 1 year
pairing. human!ao'nung x samoan!fem reader
summary. just Ao'nung with a Samoan girlfriend
warnings. swearing
a/n. for my polynesian babes wherever yall at ❤️
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masterlist. pt. 1 pt. 3
AAPI month and Samoan Independence day have passed and I think of this idea NOW 😭☠️ out of all times wtf
But idc 🧍‍♀️
Gotta do what I gotta do because I am not letting ts go
I love my culture, just like anyone else does, I'm still learning more about it so I researched and placed some of my own knowledge into this.
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Aiuli - Participants who dance and cheer around a solo performer as they dance. Participants are never allowed to dance and cheer in front of the performer, only from behind them.
Taualaga - A performance, importantly the last, to close off an event. Mainly done by a solo female performer. Some are allowed to have people in the back while they Aiuli, some just rather have a solo performance.
"WHAT?" he screams in the middle of class, causing everyone to glance at him.
It was supposed to be a surprise, really. But your ass accidentally slipped out the fact that you were going to perform a cultural dance on Multicultural Day that was coming in a few weeks.
He would definitely try to Aiuli when you dance.
No questions asked.
Although he doesn't know how to properly dance the traditional way, he'll look around and copy the actions of the other pupils.
You both are heavy on learning each other's culture, so when he forgets a certain thing, he goes to your cousins to ask for help
"Wait so- I can't ae-oo-lee in front of her?" Ao'nung poorly pronounces, a slight dark tint on his cheeks as he scratches the back of his neck.
"Never. Always stay behind her, or whoever is doing the solo," a boy says with his arms folded against his chest. "If you see people giving money during the dance, don't throw it at her while cheering. Be respectful and softly stick to her arms, they're gonna be covered with oil, anyway. If you can't do that, put it on the ground behind her.
"Right, right..." Ao'nung frantically jots down as the latter continues to speak.
On the day of your dance, he gets so confused when he sees people swarming around, especially in front of you. He will literally stand there like 🧍‍♀️???
But doesn't copy the others as he sees his friend from earlier who told him what not to do, cheering from behind. He smiles warmly before sticking noted bills onto your oiled arms. Kissing your cheek slyly before going back to his position.
"Alu ai gi ou kae."
Bro got slapped. Not too hard, but hard enough to know that he said something wrong.
"Ow! Baby, what was that for?" He holds his cheek, rubbing it softly. Slightly pouting while looking down at your shorter figure. Quite dramatically because you felt like all you did was tap his cheek.
"Why did you say that for?" You looked up at him with your nose scrunched.
"I asked Vika how to say "wanna kiss?" I asked him an hour ago so my pronunciation wasn't that horrible." He sulks. You roll your eyes before cupping his face, leaving kisses all over his cheeks, nose and forehead. "Yeah well, you just told me to go eat shit. Vika's Tongan, you idiot. He only knows the swear words."
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i wanted to write sm more but i rather keep this short LOLOL.
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grievedeeply · 2 years
Hiiiii. Can I get a hc for Thor give reader a back rub/massage with his huge warm hands? I need more content for my big boi. Lol
hi! thanks for the request. thor lives rent free in my mind and his actor was also in the walking dead and i love that :") sorry this is kinda short, but it's a start!
gn!reader | no tws | join my taglist!!
thor giving his s/o a massage headcanons
first, we all know this mans hands are ginormous. we all saw how small sif's looked in comparison to his, so expect him to essentially dwarf you in every way
he's a very gentle lover. he wants you to feel appreciated by him, so a massage is a simple yet effective way to do that
he has a soft touch. he knows exactly where to place his hands to ease all of the tension and stress in your neck and shoulders
he finds himself humming a bit as his hands work his magic. his voice is pretty deep in your ears, and it sounds like a lullaby to you :")
he's happy to massage your back, too. he won't stop at just your neck. like i said before, he wants you to feel loved and appreciated
he knows that you care a lot for him, and he tries to show you how he cares for you, too. it's soooo sweet
he's a natural as massages, too. he knew right from the start where to touch to help you relax and feel better
it's a way to help both of you unwind after a long day
also... he loves when you attempt to massage him. your hands feel so tiny on his back... <3
his hands are rough, having been through years and years of fights and battles, but his touches are kind, loving, and gentle
he really does love you. massages are just one way to help him show it without saying it verbally
tags: @graciegizmo3184 @anzanishira @chocokaylarobin @uncoveredsun @caelestis-lyrae @prio-motu @bluehorizon987 @freyrees @ieatmarbles @rohansregret @konigd1cks0ck @smilesdarling @huan-chan @rustypotatospork @onlydeas @luna-charlie @orangeflavouredwitch @hayleethefrog @imcomingforyourskin @itsnat-bitch @mimothemoth @elizabeth-hatake @ink-sap @spacexplosion @fandomcatchall @ss-kimo @sinfulmatt @lacm-ac @iinterdimensionals @thatspookyagent @kiss-kae @twiistedspades @closet-creature @shawtylikamelody @judyfromfinance @hobistangerine @aikochan4859 @whywouldiknowstuff
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ooh-khamil · 4 months
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Fun Hc : the scar occured on both Kaeloo and BadK when they held hands at the end of the ep "beautiful words"
This scar symbolize their first step into accepting each other and wanting to be friends!
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dutybcrne · 7 months
Kaeya is definitely the sort of parent who prefers to sleep in the same bed as his baby.
#hc; kaeya#//Birthed that little nugget; like FUCK is he going to leave them out of arms reach#//Especially the first few days after the birth; he'd be SO anxious every time they've gotta be apart#//ESP considering the kinds of shit he gets up to; the last thing he wants if sb with a grudge getting em & him being too far to get there#//Takes a good long leave until they're able to be left with a sitter (gets Noelle to deliver him paperwork so he can still help)#//And even then; after leave’s up; prolly brings the baby in to work to have around for paperwork duty#//Might leave them to Noelle or Lisa if he HAS to head out; or might suck it up & make the trek to the Winery to ask Addie for help#//Gets a protective barrier between himself and the baby so he doesn't accidentally smother them & around the bed so they don't fall tf off#//Love the idea of him being like. Ahsoka’s mom in Star Wars; brings the baby along during patrols when they are old enough to handle it#//Deffo gets an earful from Addie the Instant she hears abt it#//Prolly teaches the kid self-defense Real early on like his dad did for him; too#//Makes Kae feel a little more reassured and comfortable giving them more space/time on their own the older they get#//V smotheringly protective at first; but gets better over time; esp if the kid wants to be more independent#//Or enough ppl tell him to let the kid be such. Knows they gotta fend for themself at some point but like#//He hated having to do so whenever his dad had to take care of things; & felt like he had to even at the Ragnvindr’s#//Never wants his kid to feel that#//Might end up parenting them the same way he does Klee with enough encouragement/time accepting this#//But the first couple years would be Rough#//Idk; brainrotting of Kae being a parent 🥺#//Rotating the concept in my brain like a centrifuge jdbfbw#//Deffo would be easier on him overall if he had a partner/co-parent; he for a Fact would not mind having a kid without one#//Even with the stresses of it all
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anemodaycare · 2 years
Iff requests are open!! could I get some age regressor Diluc n big brother kaeya hcs?? {I love them so much hakabsksbshs<3333} PLUS UR CONTENT IS SO ADORABLE MY GOODNESS!!!
Requests are open right now so feel free to send as many in!! And thank you so much!! I'm glad you like them :))
Age Regressor Diluc with Big Brother Kaeya Headcanons:
(minor content warning for mentioned guilt with regression, it doesn't go into it though!)
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Diluc has a pretty small age range, being from 3-5
He goes relatively young because that was, of course, the prime of carefree-ness
And it reminds him of Kaeya
Diluc started to regress after the whole incident with his father and Kaeya
He thought he was doing a pretty good job at hiding it, too!
He was able to take care of himself (to an extent) and refused the help from Adeline
But of course, as he grew older, regression was a thing he couldn't comfortably do anymore
It made him feel guilty, so of course he tried to push it away
Cut to adulthood
Diluc owns the bar, Kaeya comes in often
Kaeya has known. For a while that his brother regresses and he's wanted to help
He didn't want to force him into talking about it, buttt if he were there when it happened then he was sure that he could finally start to mend the bond in a way
Of course, Diluc wanted the bond to be repaired, but he didn't want to be the one to do it
It took a few nights for Kaeya to stay until closing to catch it
It was during a meltdown
The bar was busy, Diluc had been stressed and pushing it off for years
Now, it was only Diluc and Kaeya
"Are you sure you'll be okay, Diluc?"
There were immediate tears
Kaeya is quick to take him back to the manor, not bothering to lock the bar up. Angel's Share was relatively safe at night
And of course. After that day, Diluc learned to go to Kaeya when he felt small
NOW the fluff :)
Diluc's favorite person while small is Kaeya
He will follow him everywhere and hold his hand to better trail him
Unless he's currently playing, but Kaeya is usually with him
Kaeya loves taking Diluc out while he's small
They usually stay away from the city of Mondstat
Sometimes they'll skirt into the edges of Liyue to see the landforms
Diluc loves seeing them for some reason
The brothers love doing things from their childhood together
Sea shell hunting is a big thing
Diluc's favorite game to play with Kaeya is hide and seek
Kaeya's favorite thing for them to do is nap time because. Man Diluc has a surprising amount of energy
Diluc will call Kaeya "Kae" most of the time
Kaeya calls him "Luc" in return
They are brothers and best friends and I hope that they make up in canon soon because they deserve to be happy :(
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dumbcoffeebee · 2 years
drops hcs and runs
Ice burn scars on chest & forearms from the fight when Kae got his vision
Lots of scars. Lots. Blades, bludgeoning dmg, various elements from the Fatui hunt or otherwise
Slight permanent tinge of blue/purple at fingertips from being unacclimated to the Snezhnayan weather the first few months of the Fatui hunt (no pyro vision during that time)
More red to his hair, bit of an orange tinge to the ends (make it look more like fire, basically)
By extension he gets grey hairs every once in a while and nobody really comments on them bc yk its Diluc mans is stressed all the time but he dyes them out/plucks them every time he notices them bc it reminds him of his dad when he started using his delusion too much & it makes him sad :(
Thick eyelashes— not super long but really thick
Freckles!! Lots of them!! Resident pretty boy fr
Calloused hands from claymore
Fire burn scars from not knowing how to infuse weapon w/ fire at first
Hawk talon scars on forearm
Has the second of Kae’s earrings hanging next to his vision on his belt (sobbing)
Bro used to have sharp teeth but he grinds tf outta them so he should wear a grind plate thing but he doesn’t bc he’s stubborn
Every time he goes like a madlad, which is all the time but yk, he just,, forgets to shave & so it’s not uncommon to see him with like a family of six worth’s of luggage under his eyes & red stubble (little bit of grey in there?)
Oh my god this man’s eye bags. It’s so hot but oh my god the dark circles too?? Holy shit
Used to wear black pencil liner on his waterline (jk he still does esp when he’s doin the whole darknight hero thing OH MY GOD HE TAKES THE MASK OFF AND HE.. OH MY GOD DRAW THAT DRAW THAT NOW JESUS SHIT)
As much as he runs himself ragged he actually has really high personal maintenance esp hygiene-wise like bfr he’s the no.1 most sought after bachelor in Mondstadt for a reason (and it’s not just bc of his money) & that’s also just bc he was raised by Crepus who I feel like believed that no matter who you were or where you came from, everyone is deserving of respect regardless of anything & first impressions are highly important for people like them (direct descendants of the Ragnvindr clan)
So then Diluc has like an eight step skincare routine that he speedruns & I feel like he takes care of his nails really well for some reason??
Circular reddish scarring on left hand from repeated delusion use, both in Snezhnaya & out of it— it looks like a matrix-style computer virus but in his veins
Lets start w/ the obvious. He says there's nothing wrong with his right eye but I beg to differ there’s a long vertical scar in the middle of his eyelid from Diluc’s weapon grazing it in their fight.
As a result its not that sensitive since it was years ago, almost a decade from my math
One eye is blue like we see yes but i hc that the other is like yellow with the star pupil bc mm khaenriah
Once again freckles
Long ass fingers
Ice burn scars on chest from receiving vision & the shield it created, blasting Diluc away from being able to go in for the strike to his chest he was planning.
Constantly cold. Not really appearance but just general temp he’s always cold
Blisters/callouses on fingertips- partly from the ice, partly from training so vigorously with Diluc in swordsmanship.
Very small star tattoo from Khaenriah on inner left forearm like- the crook of it
Dark blue hair like it’s sapphire dark Albedo describes it as flowing jewels with a streak of starlight through it (the lighter streak in his bangs)
Much darker complexion than is shown in game like i hc that he’s half Khaenriahn (well, all Khaenriahn but yk) and half Sumerian on his mother’s side
Lots of scars like his brother. Not to Diluc’s magnitude, but still a lot nonetheless.
Lots of little scars from different elements w/ close calls from abyss mages, ruin guards, etc.
Yet another thing he picked up from Diluc as a child, has a really good hair care routine
Consistently dry skin & eyes from the ice n shit
Muscle spasms & slight numbness in hands from the cold
His smile is the same as it was when he was a kid— when it’s real, that is
Little bit of a tooth gap in his front middle teeth
There’s a theory bopping around that the Alberich clan messed with Kae’s eye, being able to see through it & considering the symbolism with Khaenriah and eyes it makes a lot of sense, as well as his turning his back on his clan and nation in favor of Mondstadt would make the eyepatch much more of a useful thing beyond appearances, refusing to let whatever higher Abyssal powers get intel on Mondstadt by his doing.
Traveler Lumine-
Constantly getting new scars & bruises (she has a knack for worrying Paimon)
Lets her hair grow out- it reminds her of Aether. (she ends up cutting it short again save for her bangs in an episode, and she says it’s better for fighting that way anyway.)
Lightning scars from anti-raiden shogun training (she still slightly distrusts Yae Miko for that), as well as getting struck down constantly in Inazuma- they’re all over her spine, shoulder blades, neck, hands, legs, everything. She jumps every time lightning cracks in a storm, whipping around as if to lunge at the next thing that moves
Various elemental-caused scarring from mastering different elements- that’s why she prefers Anemo, it does the least long-term damage to her body and it’s easiest for her to control because she’s had it the longest
Oh my god her hands are filled with callouses, they’re so rough yet her touch is so soft girlie is pretty <33
Her hair is consistently knotty and dirty- what can I say, the girl doesn’t get to thoroughly shower much, especially before getting the teapot
Literally every item of clothing she owns is stained. Noelle is her saviour every time she comes back to Mondstadt for insisting on getting the stains out and patching her clothes up for her/redoing Lumi’s shoddy patch jobs— sewing was always Aether’s thing.
This isn’t new for me but she and Aether have matching earrings— his is still black in the Abyss but he never takes it out, the only time he tried he got a gut punch of regret and feeling like he was viscerally betraying some unspoken binding law, and Lumi has never even tried taking it out, always cherishing how it connects her to her brother no matter where he is, changing colors with each nation closer she gets to finding him and bringing him home to her.
May the Seven help the monster that rips it out as she’s fighting. You think you’ve seen Lumine seething with unbridled rage until you saw what happened to every monster in a 700 m radius of her that night. It makes her grinding teeth and piercing stares that could kill look like child’s play in comparison. Tears rivered down her cheeks and sobs wracked her body as she staggered towards the nearest teleport waypoint, seeking out the one statue she finds the most comfort in. Under the tree of Windrise, she places the earring back into the slit where it once hung as Barbatos’s statue seals her wounds and encloses her earring back into place, housing her safely for the night high in the tree, the wind god watching over his warrior.
She handles her injuries well, both physical and mental. It’s only in the teapot, secluded in her room with Paimon and a German shepard from Mondstadt as her only comfort, that she lets her cries rock her to sleep.
Although a nuisance while swimming, she’s always thankful for the white and grey armor she had gotten custom-made after her initiation as honorary knight at the start of her travels.
Every region she’s traveled through, she’s made sure to acquire a signature accessory, displaying them on her dresser in the teapot and wearing them when she misses those in other nations.
Makes it a habit that every first new flower she picks up gets pressed in her adventure journal. Her favorite has always been the windwheel asters.
Lumine is always the one to protect Paimon, so the first time her floating companion throws herself in between her and the enemy, she makes a vow to herself to never let harm come to the best travel guide in all of Teyvat, even if it costs her everything.
Lumi is often off put by quiet things, preferring to let every noise filter through her. As a result, she ends up seeming very aloof and reserved, but she’s really just studying everything she can get her eyes on. She often forgets to even speak, despite being active in conversations with others mentally, and the link between her and Paimon forged after their many travels has allowed for Paimon to be able to speak up for Lumine in most situations, with well-enough accuracy. Paimon uses this to great degree when she can sense Lumine becoming overwhelmed and nonverbal, subbing in for her, as well as for phrases and words Lumine had not yet learnt in the common language of Teyvat at the start of her adventures. While the language barrier is much less of a problem now, Paimon still often speaks up for Lumine when the ladder starts feeling overwhelmed and anxious, something she greatly appreciates.
When Lumine finds it difficult to sleep, she often ends up taking walks around wherever she’s staying, most often the teapot or whatever hotel she can find. She finds the moon and stars calming, knowing every time she lays eyes on Celestia that she and Aether will one day return to those gates and conquer the one who had separated them 500 years ago. She finds comfort in knowing she and her brother can and will be reunited.
Despite “The Traveler” being a well-known enigma across Teyvat, most end up not being able to recognize her on the streets until she eventually ends up saving their country. She wonders what it would be like to be able to live in anonymity for eternity, not having to put everything on the line in trade for simple recognition?
Despite the familiarity of her armor and dress, she often wonders what the fashion of different nations would be like to wear. That is, until she sees the price tag, resolving to save her Mora for better equipment instead.
God I have so many brain melt heartache traveler ideas
Lumine is always gentle with animals out of compassion, but it never occurs to people why she is so ruthlessly efficient with what she dismantles or kills— ever since the incident with Dain in the Chasm, she has vowed to make whatever suffering of Abyss creatures brief, viewing her extermination of camps as early releases from the curse of the Abyss. She couldn’t handle thinking about it any other way. She couldn’t let herself view them as anything more than things to be put out of their misery after learning the truth of their existence.
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explosionshark · 1 year
Character ask game Rachel Amber?
General opinion/How much I care about them: BACHEL BAMBER MY ORIGINAL CHARACTER OC. Okay obviously not really but part of me will always think of her that way a bit - Kae and I DID start intensely working on Rachel fic before BTS was even announced. And I still think we did a better job writing her. Anyway obviously yeah I love her I find her so compelling. Being charming and beloved is such a part of who she is, but she's also got this darker side, this bottomless pit in her that always wants more more more and doesn't know how to fully let herself connect with someone that loves her because to do so would require her to compromise something else she wants. It's such a compelling central struggle, I love teasing it out. 8 years on and I'm still not normal about Rachel Amber
A ship I love: AMBERPRICEFIELD PEAK!!!!! I love the yearning and tragedy of Amberprice, the way they're slightly toxic. I think Amberfield is really sweet too. But put all that together and you've got a real meal.
A non-romantic relationship that I love: idk. Always liked writing the Joyce/Rachel relationship in HTLH. And I love Rachel/Dana friendship. Bicons tbh. Of course there's also Rachel/Victoria which (in my head) is a deeply one-sided looney Tunes ass relationship where Victoria is horny and scheming and filled with hate and Rachel just is like. "Victoria? Lmao ew"
The NOTP: I find Rachel/Frank compelling on a character level but I think he's an interesting mistake for her to make not a relationship I want to see progress. Jefferson/Rachel is, of course, the ultimate NOTP. Ditto to Nathan. Yuck.
My biggest headcanon about them: tons just tons but I love longboard Rachel Amber the most
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: (if I have none in my WIPs I'll make one up on the spot!) Lmao. I mean. I still wish we could finish HTLH someday - I dumped all my fave HCs into it, every time I find myself trying to come up with another Amberpricefield fic idea I realize I'm just doing HTLH again. Alas.
Something that makes me think of them: (a song, a character in another fandom, an animal, anything) me and Kae do have extensive Rachel Amber playlists but #1 Rachel Amber anthem of all time for me is "L.A. Looks" by HEALTH. absolute banger
Character Asks
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zorosdimples · 2 months
hi lovely kae! it’s been so long since i’ve popped in your inbox, i hope you’ve been well ૮꒰ྀི◞⸝⸝⸝⸝◟꒱ྀིა i’m so very curious about that vampire au neka you made with childe ! i’d love to hear more thoughts on the au if you’re willing to share :3
my sweet awea ❤️ i’m so glad to see that you’re back; i hope life has only been kind to you—you deserve it!
i’m combining your ask with @pastelle-rabbit’s and @mydiluc’s, if that’s okay! all of your questions revolve around the nekas i made.
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for childe:
i hope this isn’t a disappointment to anyone, but the childe neka is part of the fucked up yandere long fic that i’ve been working on for months now. he’s not actually a vampire; i just personally hc that he has pointed ears and sharp incisors (that he mysteriously developed when he was in the abyss as a teen). i’ve spoken about this au so many times that i’m afraid people will get bored of hearing about it; there’s an in-depth explanation of it here if you’re interested!
for zoro:
this au is very much a work-in-progress and only exists in my mind (and discord messages with a couple individuals). but essentially: reader—depicted by me in the neka—is a minor sea goddess who was banished to an all-but-forgotten sea long ago by her estranged husband, the god of wind. zoro is a swordsman traveling alone by boat and gets caught up in a terrible storm; while he survives, he is stranded in the middle of the sea with no wind, all of his provisions depleted. he’s on the brink of death when reader discovers that a human has entered her sea of banishment for the first time in...she can’t remember how long. he may be the first. though her powers are weak, reader is able to appear before zoro. she offers him a deal: in exchange for saving his life, he must assist her in regaining the power she has lost, and seek revenge on her husband
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