#//He does the very same with Klee if he happens to have berries or other snacks and she pops by
dutybcrne · 10 months
A secret little way into Kaeya's heart happens to be valberries. He loves them greatly, and if someone were to make it a habit to leave him little bundles of fresh-picked valberries to snack on, guaranteed he would end up adoring them.
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This was a request from a while ago and I’m so sorry @m3li0das I seriously forgot abt it man😭
Anyway I know this is probably kinda short but I’ll remake it some other day I just didn’t want to keep you waiting any longer since I felt baddd
Lee!Kaeya x Ler!Albedo
“Hmm, the indigenous flora of Wolvedom…surely, this has to do with the elemental energy from Andrius, but why does it create these wolfhooks?”
The Cavalry Captain tosses his lucky coin in the air as he speaks, “possibly it’s the same answer as to why cuihua trees in Inazuma grows lavender melon and sunsettias in the mainland of Teyvat.”
“Perhaps, Kaeya, perhaps.”
“Then the real question is, why does it take the form it does, right? Electro is manifested in a purple color, hence the hue of lavender melon…so, if this is caused by Andrius, why is it not a cyan or a blue color? Since the wolf lord controls cryo and is immune to anemo.”
“Well, I don’t think it has to do with the color of the berry itself, but the way it is perceived by the native inhabitants. Wolves lack the cones for viewing colors, for they only have two. They can only see yellow and blue, not any other color.”
“So, what are you implying, Albedo?”
“When it rains, familiar scents in the air are washed out, making it difficult for wolves to find their way back to their den. With the purple contrast of the berry, wolves see them as blue against the landscape of yellow. Using the fallen wolfhooks as markers, they can find their way back to their home.”
“That was quick, as expected.”
“Yes, so I will collect some wolfhooks as samples.”
“Very well.”
Albedo gathers some berries and seals them in a bag, “there, we may return to the crafting bench in Mondstadt City. I still have to visit Klee before I head all the way back to Dragonspine, either way.”
“Is that all you needed me for? A shame,” said Kaeya, “I thought the party wasn’t going to end so soon, after all, you invited me to come.”
“Hmm, now that you mention it, I could use a test subject, but I thought after what happened last time…you’d decline.”
“Nonsense, I’d always be happy to help.”
“Oh? Are you sure?”
Kaeya nods, walking towards the alchemist, “what do you need?”
“Well, these hooks are quite peculiar. I’d like to test them.”
“How so?”
“I’d like to see how they react to human skin, since it’s already evident they are prone to getting caught in fur.”
“True. Well, go ahead.”
Albedo picks a berry out of the bag of collected samples.
“Ready? It’ll be very quick.”
“Ready when you are.”
Albedo softly drags the hook of the berry along the rim of Kaeya’s ear. The Cavalry Captain smiles softly, the sensation creating goosebumps along Kaeya’s skin.
“Hm, it’s very sharp, yet not at this strength. Interesting,” says Albedo.
“It’s…not painful, no…hehe.”
“What does it feel like?”
“It…it feels like…the writing end of a quill.”
“Oh, does it?”
Albedo moves the wolfhook to behind Kaeya’s ear, “how is this then?”
Kaeya jerks his head to the side, “hehehe- the same just more…ah, more…”
“More ticklish?”
“Yes- hehehehe.”
Albedo moves the rigid berry down to Kaeya’s neck, and the Cavalry Captain flinches.
“Oh? Are you alright?”
“Yes, it’s just a bit rough.”
“Hm…why is that the case?”
“Well it’s not tingly like a fingernail. It’s sharp like an Abyss Mage’s icicle.”
“Surface texture, of course.”
Albedo puts the berry back in the bag of samples, “in that case, may I try something else?”
“Thank you for your cooperation.”
Albedo drags his fingernails up and down Kaeya’s neck, “how is this?”
“Aha…hahaha…much less harsh than the wolfhook, yes.”
“Hm, I suppose I’ll have to add microscope work to my experiment.”
“Hehehe- why?”
Albedo looks up at the giggling man, “it’s like the difference between getting a papercut and being cut with a knife. The knife cut will hurt less, because the surface is microscopically smooth. The papercut will hurt more, because the surface is rough and rigid.”
“Hehehe, smart.”
“Thank you,” Albedo ceases his experiment, “I know what I must do now. I appreciate your help, Kaeya.”
“Anytime, shall we head to the city?”
“Yes, let’s.”
Kaeya bows playfully, “allow me to personally escort you back.”
“You’re too kind.”
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dourpeep · 3 years
you asked for albedo stuff yesterday and i forgot to give you some 🥲 here
-Albedo bites the ends of his pencil/pen while in deep thought
-He covers his mouth while laughing
-His hair is a huge problem to becoming messy so he usually keeps it in one style bc he sucks at styling hair
-I believe he would hyperfocus on a meal until he starts to hate it and goes onto another
-Probably sleeps on his back or stomach
-Quietly sings to himself when he's alone doing experiments
-his hands are probably soft as hell
-he probably bounces his leg when stressed
-I cant decide whether or not he's always cold or always hot (wearing his jacket everywhere but seems fine at dragonspine??)
-would break klee out of jail
-he always tries to have at least one meal with klee
definitely a pleasant surprise nodnod always a treat to have more Albedo, thank you for the food, Chi OTL
I'll write a little about each one b/c I have no self control and I'm feeling inspired by ur headcanons so lets goooooo ehehehe
They'll be a mix between imagines and drabbles!
Enjoy the food :3c
Contains: Albedo x gn!Reader, some standalone Albedo, Klee, fluff
- Breaking Habits -
"Albedo? You're doing it again-"
He blinks, shifting to remove the tip of his pencil from his lips, frowning when little indents come into view.
"Hm...it appears to be so."
Really, the Chief Alchemist has tried to wean himself off the habit, taking to coating the butt ends of his writing utensils with a horrid concoction of qingxin and jueyun chili, but the moment he slips into his usual daily tasks, it arises once more. The bitter spiciness is a taste that he still has not forgotten.
When his brows crease and his gaze seems to burn into the pencil, you offer a smile. With a kiss pressed to his temple, you take it from his loose grasp, setting it down on the table's surface.
A few weeks later, it dawns on him that the touch of wood to his lips evokes the memory of your gentle reminder. Without fail, he sets his pencil down in search of a sweet to busy himself with instead.
- His Laugh -
I can just imagine him with his hand lifted to cover his mouth, a smile tugging at his lips and his eyes slightly squinted. It's something that'd happen almost instantaneously--he doesn't intend to hide his smile but for some reason he can't help but do it.
An endearing habit that you've come to look for.
If you lower his hand and pepper him with a few little kisses, you'll get another giggle out of him before a kiss.
- Hairstyles -
Albedo only knows two ways to do hair: Klee's twin pigtails and his own half-up braid.
Over the past three years of his residency in Mond, it's become a sort of trademark. The assumption that it's just how he likes to style his hair has long since been accepted as truth--and really, he does prefer the style.
"Mr Albedo? Perhaps you should try to tie it all up instead...?"
The stray wisps of bangs that escape from the securely tied braid fall into his face and distract him from the task at hand. There's also the ever-present tickle right where the blond locks fall around his jaw. Surely, this shouldn't prove to be a problem considering he always has this style...right?
Needless to say, the smell of singed hair makes him choke and the Alchemist finds himself pulling away to tie his hair properly.
It's simple.
Or at least that's what he has been stuck repeating like a mantra as he stares at his reflection, unhappy with the way there's a strange bit of hair that refuses to stay tied. Sighing, he undoes his pony tail and tries again.
No, now it's lopsided...certainly can't have that.
- Mealtime -
First, two little ears peek up above the surface of the counter besides him. Then, two little eyes belonging to a stuff rabbit toy followed by a red hat--
The little girl stares at the fish steaks sizzling away on the pan, displeasure on her features despite the incredibly enticing smell. With unmatched resolve, she huffs.
"Big brother, Klee doesn't want fish again-"
Ah, right.
He's been in another of those moods, the particular taste and texture of the fish mingling with the salted butter, simple sauce, and lightly seasoned veggies sounding so much more appealing compared to nearly any other dish he's tried to enjoy in the past two weeks. It's without a doubt Albedo's all-time favorite dish. Perfect for someone with a small appetite and a need for something quick, filling, and nutritious.
"What would you like then?"
Ultimately (and truly, Albedo wasn't surprise), the little knight requested a serving of 'Fishy Toast'. Cutting up one of the fillets he'd fried, he laughs and shakes his head.
- Sleep Time -
When you come home, it's already dark, the streetlamps lining the cobbled road illuminating the front door as you fish out your key.
"Albedo? I'm back-"
Soft snoring punctuates the silence.
With a fond smile, you remove your shoes and make your way to the make-shift 'sleep station' set up on the couch. Sure enough, with his face shoved at an awkward angle against a pillow, Albedo lays on his stomach holding a second pillow to his chest.
As much as you'd rather not wake him (after all, he's barely gotten sleep over the past few days with how busy it's been), you kneel besides the couch to gently shake him awake.
"Bedo? Bedo, lets go to bed-"
He shoves his face further into his pillow, muttering something about waiting for results. But the silence that follows only lasts so long until he sighs and opens his bleary eyes.
"Welcome home," he mumbles, carefully shuffling best he can closer to meet your lips.
With a stretch and sigh, he sits up. Blond hair sticks up from the top of his head and to his cheek, some parts tangled despite his attempts to prevent it--your hair shouldn't tangle if you sleep on your stomach, right?
Holding back your laugh, you help him up so that the two of you can get ready to sleep.
- Singing -
Most often if not nearly each day, if you pass by the Favonius HQ's workshop, you might catch the soft sound of singing. A light sound that drifts from the partly-cracked door echoes into the empty hallway. Regardless of the traffic outside, it shows no sign of stopping, so you easily can sit right outside and listen.
It's not shy, though, even as the man's dulcet tone comes out gently, and there are days that the lyrics that slip from his tongue are of other regions.
Perhaps if you ever approach the Chief Alchemist, you might be able to convince him to sing just a short little tune. He'll oblige, though a soft dusting of pink will cover his cheeks as he does.
- Hands -
"My hands?"
Albedo watches as you tug off his gloves, head cocked to the side curiously. The moment his hands are free from their confines, you press a kiss to his palm and intertwine your fingers.
"Do you use lotion or something?"
He laughs.
"...Not that I am aware of...?"
When you squeeze his hand once, he squeezes yours back three times before bringing your joined hand to his cheek. Resting against them, his eyes close.
"Why do you ask?"
He feels you take his other hand as well, turning it over palm-side up, your fingertips tracing over the lines that adorn it's surface.
The tenderness of your touch is enough to make his heart stutter in his chest.
"Mmm...no reason."
- Leg Bouncing -
Whenever Albedo bounces his leg sitting at the Dragonspine workshop, a curse or two will slip out the moment his knee bangs against the wood.
Even being considered short, the table has decided to lay just low enough for him to cause minor injury to himself.
Shaking his head, he rubs at his knee to rid himself of the dull ache before continuing his observations at hand.
- His Jacket -
Wait okay but like...what if he actually has different versions of the same jacket? They look virtually the same but there's some of lighter material for warmer days, 'standard' ones for day-to-day use, and heavier ones lined with warm, soft fabric to insulate heat when he's on Dragonspine.
Same with his tights. I do know for a fact that there are tights lined with fleece that are incredibly warm and comfortable!!
- Escapees -
"You need to be very quiet, alright?"
Once more in the dark of the night, Albedo finds himself awake within the walls of the Favonius Headquarters.
Now...Klee technically wasn't grounded, so technically escorting her out of the so called 'solitary confinement' wasn't against any rule. To be fair, the room itself also wasn't really that either, judging by the child-themed decor, soft bed, books littering the floor, and the little table that sits just off to the opposite side of the room.
So! Albedo was certain that there wasn't any harm in what he was doing.
Not that he wasn't still sneaking around on his little improvised rescue mission.
He looks back to Klee, the little girl now wide awake and hanging on to his hand tightly.
When the morning comes, he sighs, crouched sitting on one of the child-sized chairs in the solitary confinement room, Klee peacefully snoozing in bed.
If only Jean wasn't pulling an all-nighter last night as well.
- Very Early Breakfasts -
Klee wakes up to the smell of sweet berry jam and chocolate in the air.
Clumsily, she slips out from under the covers with Dodoco cradled in her arms, padding along the wooden floors on her way to the kitchen.
"Big brother...?" She rubs the sleep from her eyes waiting for him to turn around.
"Oh, good morning Klee-"
"What time is it?"
That, Albedo decided, was a very good question. Especially considering that he hadn't yet gone to sleep and instead shuffled through the kitchen in the early hours of the day to make pancakes. If he had to guess--and he took a quick peek out the window despite the darkness of the early morning lending no clue--he'd say it was nearing 4am.
"Early. Go ahead and sit down, breakfast is almost ready."
The plate is presented to her with a brilliant smile, the Chief Alchemist satisfied to be able to keep his promise with her to always share a meal. But...the fluffy pancakes and freshly made whipped cream were also a source of his brightened mood.
Even though he knew he'd have no time to sleep and pack for his next Dragonspine expedition, the lack of sleep was worth seeing the sudden widening of eyes and delighted giggle from his younger sibling.
He could always take a quick nap at the base camp, anyway.
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