#//Loves hearing her squeals of delight & surprise when he catches and scoops her right up to put her in Air Jail
dutybcrne · 10 months
A secret little way into Kaeya's heart happens to be valberries. He loves them greatly, and if someone were to make it a habit to leave him little bundles of fresh-picked valberries to snack on, guaranteed he would end up adoring them.
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justfangirlthingies · 4 years
Morning Chase (Sunday Mornings) (Dad! Draco Malfoy)
Word count: 1477 words
This is just pure fluff!
Enjoy family time at Malfoy manor!
Here's part 2
Weekends at the Malfoy's were reserved solely for family. Especially the Sundays.
On Sundays there was no work, though the young parents wouldn't even have to go to work at all with the Malfoy and (L/n) fortunes combined. No special plans or duties. Just family. Maybe his parents, your parents or your siblings (if you don't have siblings just ignore the sibling part) would pay you a visit, but that didn't happen too often. Family visits were more of a Saturday afternoon thing after all.
Typically, it was quiet inside the manor when the sun rose and the first rays of light shone through the curtains in the master bedroom on a Sunday morning. At this time of day, Draco and (Y/n) Malfoy were usually still asleep. Her form nuzzled into his chest, their legs entangled. From time to time, their son would sleep in their bed as well, cuddled up in between the couple, basking in the warmth and comfort they provided. However, most nights from Saturday to Sunday the boy would sleep in his own room.
When the sunlight would finally find its way through a slit in the heavy curtains, it would oh so often gently dance across Draco's nose and the rest of his face. This would cause him to pull you closer and hide his face in your hair or his pillow in order to escape the light, which was sure to blind him slightly if he dared to open his eyes. Eventually, the stirring and shuffling of your husband would wake you. On days like these you would pull each other closer, still half asleep when you'd hear the sound of a door opening and closing down the hall, followed by the pitter patter of small feet and thereafter, the noise of the wooden bedroom door squeaking as it was opened, the small footsteps resuming.
Seeing as your face was practically buried in Draco's chest, you were certain he felt the smile that made its way onto your face when you felt the mattress dip slightly, due to the little boy who was climbing onto the bed. Soon there was a lot of shuffling surrounding you and you could feel the light weight of your darling son shift around on top of you as he climbed over you as carefully as he could manage. Once he had succeeded in stepping over you, he'd try to squeeze his small form between the two of you. A quiet chuckle resonated from where your head was placed and you finally opened one of your eyes. Your (e/c) eye meeting a pair of silver irises. Those he had inherited from his father, no doubt, just like the hair and nose. "Good morning sweetheart, did you sleep well?" you smiled at him as you opened your other eye as well, caressing the soft skin of his cheek with one hand as you untangled yourself from your husband, to make some space for the boy. "Good mornin mummy! I slept well!" He returned your greeting gleefully and engulfed you in a hug, which you returned immediately. Fingers gently running through his soft platinum hair. Draco admired the two of you, adoration filled his gaze as he watched you engage with each other, sometimes he was still baffled how he had made it this far. It happened often that he questioned himself about how he possibly deserved you and why you had decided to give him a chance back then. Why you had chosen to stay with him of all people, a bully and former death eater. He couldn't help but wonder how he deserved such a perfect, loving little family. But it didn't matter how and why, all that really mattered was that he had the two of you and that he'd give everything in his power to keep you safe and happy- His thoughts were cut off when he was pulled back to reality by his son "Daddy!" the smaller looking version of Draco must've just noticed that his other parent was awake as well, so he left your embrace to jump into his father's arms. "Scorpius!" Your husband exclaimed, he sat up rather quickly, just in time to catch the child in his arms. A loud, rather overdramatic "OOF!" fell from the blonde's lips as he let himself fall backwards into the bed again, but not before emitting another over exaggerated groan. The young Malfoy held onto his father as he squealed in delight. You yourself couldn't help but giggle at the scene before you. You were absolutely bedazzled with the way your two boys interacted. You watched as a sly smirk crossed Draco's features, he whispered something to Scorpius, all the while keeping his steely gaze directed at you. The way your son's lips curled up into a huge grin as he took in whatever it was that your husband instructed could only mean mischief. You decided to play along, after all Sundays were for family. So you got up cautiously, two pairs of eyes trained on your every move as you sprinted out of the room and through the house. Your son's laughter could be heard somewhere not so far behind you. You were quick to hide in the playroom, a place where you knew they'd surely find you. It was a game after all and not one you intended to win. You were right because after a few minutes the door to the playroom opened and you came face to face with Scorpius. Just as he was about to call for his dad you pressed a gentle finger to his lips " Hey buddy, how about we do whatever you and daddy have planned for me, to daddy?" He seemed to ponder for a moment before a grin appeared on his lips and he nodded "DADDY! I FOUND MOMMY IN THE PLAYROOM!" Not even 10 seconds later the love of your life stood in the door frame, a mysterious glimmer in his eyes as he approached you. Then from one moment to the next you were scooped up bridal style in the man's arms "We've got you now!" a cocky smirk was plastered on his face, yet his eyes were full of affection. Grey eyes you could always get lost in. He raised an eyebrow in amusement, that act effectively ripped you from your trance and was also your clue to start acting distressed. So you did.
"No! Please let me go!" you laughed, thrashing around in his arms, but Draco didn't budge, he just held onto you tighter, by doing so he restrained you from your little play fight and just carried you back to the bedroom where he threw you onto the king-sized bed. "Never!" he played along and trapped you under his body. Scorpius let out a joyful laugh and when he saw you wiggle your eyebrows at him and then shift your gaze to his father, he took the hint and tackled Draco with all his might. Having caught the man off guard he actually lost balance and rolled off you, the groan leaving his throat this time was an authentic one "Scorpius, you can't just betray me like that!" The adult whined. Needless to say, you hadn't expected your son to do that either, he was always such a gentle soul, which is why you were taken by surprise for a moment. The realization that the tackle attack actually happened and your husband's reaction to it caused you to wheeze and roll around the bed because you had found it so funny. "Oh, so you think this is funny, do you?" Draco frowned. "Yes" you took a deep breath before your laughing continued, tears forming in the corner of your eyes from the fun you were having "Yes I think this is hilarious" A smaller hand pulled on your fingers to get you to stop laughing, a bright, flashing smile belonged to the owner of the small hand "Come on mommy, help" You tried to compose yourself as you watched the four-year-old climb onto your husband's chest and start tickling him. As soon as you managed to calm down and gained control over your breathing back, you joined in and helped with tickling Draco, who laughed and wiggled around to escape, until he declared surrender "I give up! Please stop, I yield! I yield!" ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ Sunday mornings were quality time spent together. Sunday mornings meant relieving the house elves of their duty to prepare breakfast and to try yourself instead. Those days stood for a mess in the kitchen and big smiles on everyone's faces. Sunday mornings were reserved for family breakfast and tabletop games. For story time and cuddles on the large living room couch. Sunday mornings were followed by family lunch and Sunday afternoons. ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Now, what happened on Sunday afternoons?
Taglist: @ateez-star
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emilia3546 · 3 years
Our Future - PoppyCas
Keiran's been left to babysit his little sister for a few hours, nothing could go wrong, or could it? Luckily Poppy is on hand to save him, getting her thinking about families, the future she wants to start with Casteel.
"Your majesty!" Poppy whirled around at the shout, still not entirely accustomed to the title, but smiled warmly at the young wolven running towards her,
"What can I do for you, Laurie?" She asked, chuckling as he shifted to wolven form and back again, shaking his head to regain his bearings,
"Lord Contou asked me to find you,"
"Kieran? He'll laugh to hear you call him that," she chuckled,
"but he is, isn't he?"
"Technically, but I don't think he's ever used that official title, even since we made him advisor,"
"Oh, well, he said he needed your help with something, he didn't say what, but he's waiting at his parents' house."
"Thank you, Laurie, I'll head over there now, if you see him, let Cas know where I've gone." She held up a hand as Laurie made to run off again, "If you see him, don't go out of your way, he'll find us,"
"Yes, your majesty," he muttered, but smiled and waved at Poppy when he reached the edge of the garden, and Poppy resisted the urge to laugh as Laurie vanished. It wouldn't take long to get to Jasper and Kirha's house from here, but she did let out a sigh at the sight of the freshly-planted night-blooming roses, she'd come and check on them later this evening. There was something about Evaemon in the spring that had completely captured her heart, perhaps it was the way that the breeze ruffled through her hair, the scent of flowers floating all around her. Perhaps it was the way that her people smiled and waved when she passed them in the street, but perhaps it was simply the feeling of peace, of safety. She hardly noticed her feet moving, following the same path that she'd walked a thousand times now, at least until she found herself at the Contous' door. 
She let herself in, calling Kieran's name, but froze at the sight before her,
"I need your help," Poppy struggled to hold in a laugh at the sight of him holding his baby sister at arms-length, covered in what she hoped was baby food, surrounded by discarded toys. She blinked a few times in surprise, but quietly closed the door, and took the child from Kieran's arms,
"Oh, sweetie, what's he done to you?" She crooned, gently rocking her from side to side,
"Me? Look at what she's done!"
"She's two, Kieran, you're what, two-hundred?"
"Something like that," he muttered, and Poppy snorted with laughter, carrying the child through to the kitchen, carefully cleaning her up, and tickling her when she squirmed, so that she squealed in delight. Kieran sheepishly followed her, still complaining that babies were impossible, 
"Go clean up the living room," Poppy ordered, "I'll deal with her,"
"Thank you," she made a face when he kissed her cheek,
"You smell like baby vomit, go shower as well,"
"Not my fault," Kieran insisted, "I don't know babies, Netta was supposed to help, but she got delayed in Spessa's End,"
"Uh-huh," Poppy hummed, "Go clean up," she didn't wait to see if he obeyed before slipping out of the room, and disappearing up the stairs to find a change of clothes for the toddler now wriggling in her arms. "Shhh," she hushed, humming a tune quietly, trying to quieten her down, just long enough to get a clean set of clothes on before wriggling away and dodging Poppy's attempts to catch her. Poppy stopped chasing her, and cocked her head to the side, laughing as the little girl mimicked her, staring at her with those brilliant blue eyes, "Come here," Poppy held out her arms, laughing again when the child shook her head, 
"Don't want to," she giggled, 
"Come to Auntie Poppy," in that moment of hesitation Poppy lunged forwards and scooped her up, "Do you want to play in the garden?" In a heartbeat, she wasn't holding a child, but a wriggling wolven pup, and she set her down on the ground, laughing again as she raced round her feet, her tail wagging uncontrollably. Kieran was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, "We're going to play in the garden," Poppy explained, grinning at Kieran's shocked look,
"How did you catch her?" He whispered,
"Magic," Poppy chuckled, "You just need to learn to cope with children,"
"I can cope with children," he complained,
"Cas doesn't count," Poppy shot over her shoulder, following Kieran's sister into the garden.
"Hey!" She turned at her husband's voice, "I am not a child,"
"Go and prove it then, she's in the garden," Casteel and Kieran shared a look, but he finally shrugged and passed Poppy to reach the door to the garden. Her heart swelled at the way he immediately took to the task, letting the howling pup pounce on him, and bat at him with her paws. She leaned against the doorway, and ignored Kieran's knowing look,
"You want one," he teased,
"Shut up, we agreed to wait a while," 
"Tell him, if you want one now, just tell him, he's only waiting because you wanted a bit of time to learn to be Queen and to live peacefully first, if you've decided you're ready, just tell him."
"I don't know, maybe he wants time,"
"Maybe, but if you don't tell him you're ready, how can he decide if he is?" Poppy rolled her eyes, 
"Now who's asking questions," but Kieran was right, she did want one, she really wanted one, and she knew that Casteel did too, but the thought of it, of their child still frightened her a bit, but in a good way she supposed. She turned her attention back to where joy and contentment was practically radiating off her husband where he was now playing peekaboo with a mortal toddler. Her screams and squeals of delight melted Poppy's heart, and she was so absorbed with watching that she didn't notice the door behind them opening,
"Kieran roped you two in then, did he?" Kirha nudged her son's shoulder as she spoke, "I should have known better than to think he'd actually cope on his own,"
"Mom! I can cope,"
"Then why are Poppy and Casteel here?" Jasper teased, "We can't even go out for lunch without you needing help," Kieran narrowed his eyes and Poppy chuckled again,
"Lunch? You mean all the mess I walked into was just from about an hour?" Kieran grunted, trying to dismiss her attention, but all he managed was to confirm her question. 
"Mama!" Kirha grinned as her daughter practically leapt into her arms, "I've been playing with Auntie Poppy, and Uncle Cassy," Poppy snorted at the toddler attempt to pronounce Casteel's name, but politely refused Kirha's offer to stay for dinner, claiming that they'd promised to eat with Casteel's parents that evening, even if she was just trying to avoid adding any extra stress to her life.
The night-blooming roses were absolutely beautiful, they'd taken perfectly, surrounding a pond that glowed silver in the moonlight. Poppy sighed to herself, running a hand through the cool water,
"C'mon, what's the matter?" She shrugged, still not quite sure how to explain her thoughts, "Poppy," Casteel gently turned her chin to face him, "You've been quiet all day, tell me what's on your mind,"
"I don't know," she muttered, "This is lovely," she gestured to the roses, to the rest of the gardens, "Our people are safe, happy,"
"And you're not?"
"No, I am, I just, it's like there's something else I want." She paused for a moment, trying to think about her next words, careful not to end up pushing Casteel into something he might not want yet, "Earlier, at the Contous' place, it just felt right, you know?"
"I do know," Casteel murmured, "You think you're ready?" Poppy nodded, 
"I am ready, I want a family, with you, I never really had a chance to think about what I wanted, I assumed I'd never be able to have children, to choose my life, and now we're safe, we have time, I want to. I chose you, and now I want to choose our family." Casteel didn't speak, simply smiled, both dimples appearing, and leaned forward, until his and Poppy's noses were almost touching, 
"I want to choose a family too," Poppy's heart leapt when Casteel closed the gap between them, pulling her in by her waist, a hand diving into her hair as he slanted his mouth over hers. Poppy blindly grasped at his shirt, clinging on as she met him move for move, and sighed when he finally pulled back and tucked her into his side, "We should probably get started then," he murmured, chuckling at the way Poppy squirmed slightly at the suggestion, but grinned, and practically dragged him back to their bedroom.
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whenimaunicorn · 4 years
Playing House Part 10
Ubbe x Reader, Ivar x Reader. Modern Vikings college AU
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Words: 3481. Short for me but I think these words pack a punch...
Content Tags: predator kink, voyeurism, roleplayed fear, roleplayed punishment, overstimulation
Catch up:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
You had spent months wrapped up in delicious, heady anticipation, just wondering what these boys would be like in bed, or if you would ever even get there with either of them. Now it seems like the tables are turned; it’s Ivar and Ubbe that are obsessed, each of them tantalized and awakened in their own way to what you’ve brought into their lives: the opportunity to indulge every kinky fantasy and fucked-up thought they’ve ever had.
You say no to some things, of course. But your limits are so far from “normal” that you still manage to surprise and delight them with your amenability to trying just about anything. You’re here to serve. And the excitement of still not knowing what they’re going to want to do to your body next? That’s the most intoxicating feeling of all.
Classes start again for you and Ivar, meaning you probably have more important things to do than being the fuckdoll that keeps the apartment looking nice for her boys. But Ivar takes care of you here, too: a strict schedule is set, for study and play, so neither of you fall behind. That’s not to say that Ubbe doesn’t sometimes use you as a cockwarmer while you’re going through your flashcards, or that you don’t spend some evenings knotted up on the couch in comfortable bondage while you and Ivar finish your reading assignments. You find ways to get everyone’s competing needs met.
And Ubbe… Ubbe has discovered his own brand of kink.
“Hey y/n,” he says, catching your eye just as you’ve finished polishing up the kitchen. All he’s got to do is give you that look, and you know what’s about to happen. And he reads something in your eyes that signals you’re up for it, too. He winks. “Run.”
You launch yourself past him through the doorway of the kitchen. His hand almost catches at your hip, but you twist away from him just quickly enough, grinning at your triumph even though he probably only let you get by him so that he could enjoy the chase.
You get the couch between him and you, but realize that now you’re cornered. His teeth are bared like a savage as he follows each of your feints, left, right, left again. If you could get past him and down the hallway, you might be able to get to your room with enough time to lock him out.
You know, if you actually wanted to win.
You’re giggling; he’s growling. “When I catch you, y/n,” he threatens, “say goodbye to those panties.” You feint to the right, then rapidly to the left, but he doesn’t fall for it. “I’ll rip ‘em faster than Ivar can keep replacing them.”
You’ve stopped wearing anything other than skirts and dresses around the apartment. Between Ubbe’s constant roughhousing and Ivar’s penchant for sliding his hands up and up and up, you never want to have to pause the action long enough to shimmy out of anything so complicated as pants.
“You’re not getting away,” Ubbe informs you with a deep, predatory chuckle. Tiring of darting from side to side, he starts to climb directly over the couch at you.
That’s your chance, though. As soon as he’s off the ground you dart off to the left, ducking under his reaching arm and speeding over to the hallway that leads back to the bedrooms. You can hear his feet thudding behind you as he jumps down, but maybe you can make it . . .  passing Ivar’s empty room, you duck into your own and fling yourself at the door, adrenaline making you giddy as you try and swing it around and shut it right in Ubbe’s face.
His arms scoop around your waist before you pull it even a few inches. “Gotcha,” he gloats, then lifts your feet up off the floor and tosses you at your bed.
Ever since that scuffle after he made you answer Ivar’s call, you had both realized Ubbe loved to feel you fighting him just as much as you loved struggling against him. And so now, whenever Ivar’s not home, you fear his return only about equally as much as you worry that the neighbors might call the cops on all the bangs and thumps they have to be hearing whenever you and Ubbe get into it. Hopefully they can hear that you laugh just as much as you scream.
You try to bounce off the mattress as soon as he flings you onto it, but again Ubbe is too fast for you. His wide hand centers on your chest and pushes you right back down, then holds you there as he gets his other hand up your skirt. “I don’t know why you even bother to keep wearing these,” he says, the exertion thinning out his voice as he gets his fist around the side of your panties and starts dragging them down.
When you arch your back and grind your ass into the bed to try and make his job more difficult, he slaps the side of your thigh and then tries again twice as hard.
You’ve chosen lace today, which you slightly regret as you feel the friction of the scratchy material digging into your skin. And so you relent, just a little, shimmying along with his efforts and letting him work your panties all the way off without any more snags. “So much easier when you cooperate,” Ubbe notes.
“But where’s the fun in that?” You scoot up like you’re trying to escape again.
His palm slams you down, pushing you into the pillows piled up at the top of your neatly-made bed. Well, it was neatly made. Ubbe’s rumpling it pretty thoroughly now. This time his hand is bridging your collarbone, pressure teasing your neck. It’s enough to make you go completely still, and drop your consciousness into sub-mode as you savor the dominance of the gesture.
With your guard finally down, Ubbe gets himself tucked nice and tight between your legs. He keeps that solid pressure going on your chest, though, while working to open up his pants.
He makes this noise when he’s close to sinking into you, when you’re fighting like this. It’s a growl but it’s somehow gleeful; a predator who knows he’s inches from getting his jaws around your throat. “You gonna keep fighting?” His teeth graze against the side of your neck. “Or are you gonna make this easier on yourself?’
You choose easier, licking your palm quickly so that when Ubbe drops his cock out of his pants you’re right there to slather some lube on it before he starts working his way into you. Ubbe groans at the feeling of your hand, then spits on his own fingers to return the favor in a hurried swipe across your entrance.
No foreplay in this game. The game is the foreplay. Ubbe has taken to eating you out afterwards, long and slow and luscious. Right now, it’s all about the rush.
You cry out as his blunt head catches a little before finding the right angle to sink in deeper. You all did the responsible thing and got STD tests not too long ago, and now you’re free to bareback it as much as you please. It’s easy to believe Ubbe’s promise to be monogamous for as long as you’re doing it like this. With how often he throws you down and fucks you around here, there’s no way that he’d have anything left for anyone else.
Ubbe’s cock has that kind of width that you never just ‘get used to.’ You’ve gotten better at taking it, as fast and hard as he wants it at times like this, but that first inexorable slide always makes your eyes pop a little. It takes up all your concentration to relax your body and let him stretch you.
Which is probably why you just missed something really important.
Ubbe’s about twenty thrusts in before you can get a hold of yourself enough to stop squealing, to relax the clutching grip of your hands around his shoulders and cross your ankles over the back of his bouncing hips, to get comfortable and open your eyes.
You look over Ubbe’s shoulder to see Ivar leering at you from the door.
It finally happened. He finally caught you. Adrenaline seizes your muscles up tight, locking your legs around Ubbe’s back and making him moan deeper while your own vocal chords freeze.
Ivar’s head wiggles as he leans his shoulder against the doorframe. A single finger comes up to his mouth, in that universal gesture for silence. Then his eyes leave yours to trail over the rest of your body, the sprawl of your thighs bouncing under Ubbe’s heaving back.
He settles in a little deeper, so he doesn’t need to hold himself up with both crutches. His finger leaves his lips and he palms down at his own crotch instead.
Ivar wants to watch.
Tingles burst out across your body as you incorporate the pleasure of Ubbe’s deep dicking with the self-conscious awareness of being on display for your other lover. Ivar can’t see much besides your legs and your eyes so he must—oh fuck—must be in this just to watch the reactions that play across your face.
“Make some noise for me, baby” Ubbe moans against your neck. “You’re so quiet.”
He lifts his head far enough to look at your face, and your eyes snap to his quick, before he thinks you were looking at anything over his shoulder. Ivar is a dark blob in your peripheral vision as you focus on the face of the man who’s fucking you right now. Not the one that’s sure to fuck you twice as thoroughly as soon as this is over.
You make a little sound for Ubbe, somewhere between a squeal and a moan. It’s really all you can produce under this sense of looming doom that might be smiling sadistically from the doorway at you right now.
Ubbe frowns. “I could barely hear that,” he mocks, then grins and adjusts his hips, pulling your thigh up higher around his back. “Guess I gotta hit it a little deeper.”
“Unf,” you cry, unable to hold back as he, true to his word, tries his best to rearrange your guts. You throw your head back and just ride it out, giving him those full-throated groans you know he’s looking for. As far as you can tell, Ivar’s looking for them too. If this is happening, then you might as well go all out with it.
If Ivar wants to stay and watch, then you can’t be in that much trouble. Just pretend trouble. Which is definitely the good kind.
The weight of Ivar’s eyes means about as much as his hands on your body ever could. He’s not even doing anything, and yet, he is absolutely a third lover in this room. The heat of that gaze makes your skin prickle, makes your cunt tighten around Ubbe’s cock and sets you moaning, then screaming through your teeth as you feel your orgasm building hot and thick and all for Ivar and those eyes.
“Fuck,” Ubbe growls, the desperate edge to his voice showing he’s on his edge too, “you feel so good. Can never get enough.”
You can’t, either. Not of either one of them. Ubbe’s pace increases, coming up to that home stretch before he empties himself inside you. And given the delicious, mad pressure building between your thighs, you just might come right along with him.
Ubbe buries his face in the crook of your neck with a long, guttural noise as he hammers out his final, ecstatic thrusts. You’re so close to peaking, too. So—close—just—a—few—more—
Ubbe’s thrusts are slowing but you’ve still got everything you need. You latch wide, desperate eyes on Ivar’s smirking face, using that dirty feeling of knowing you’re being watched, that he’s watching, to push yourself over the edge.
The look in Ivar’s eyes is dark, so dark, as he reaches to the side and, with a shit-eating grin, pushes firmly against the bedroom door. It hits the stopper against the wall with a loud, distinctive sound.
Ubbe freezes, recognizing that someone must have just come in. You make an odd sobbing noise as your impending orgasm melts away.
“I think that is enough.”
Ubbe leans his forehead against your shoulder, exhaling long and hard. With a slow tilt of his hips, he grinds himself deeper into you, one last stubborn farewell to the pussy. He brings his mouth up close enough to whisper in your ear. “Uh oh. You finally got caught.” As he pulls away, you see a new kind of eagerness on his sweaty face.
He always did want to know what your punishment was going to be.
“I will take it from here, Ubbe.”
There are times that Ubbe Lothbrok can be stubborn; an alpha male with his own plan and need to assert himself upon a situation. Right after he’s blown his load is not one of those times. He pulls himself out of you in one long, slow swipe and tucks his softening cock right back into his pants. His eyes flick over the disheveled sprawl of your body underneath him, a prideful smile curling his lip, and then he straightens up and off your bed. “She’s all yours.”
Ivar struts forward, head waggling as his crutches carry him swiftly to the edge of the bed. You close your legs modestly, but his hand clamps down on your thigh, holding you open for him. “I told you never to let me catch you.” The look on his face is positively wicked.
All you can do is whimper, still flushed and half-crazed with your need to come.
“And yet, you left the door open. Like you wanted me to see.” He starts smacking at your inner thighs, quick, precise little swats, holding your legs spread when you twitch and try to protect yourself reflexively. “Stay. Open.”
You can only imagine what Ivar is seeing, your naked pussy swollen, needy, and leaking cum. It’s almost unbearable. His smacks turn to flicks of his strong fingers as he moves closer in toward your center, alternating sides and just watching you force yourself to keep your legs open.
Then comes the slap you had been anticipating, right on your clit. You cry out, surprised how much you like the feeling. Maybe it’s only because you were just on the brink, but after the sharp pain recedes a fresh rush of arousal suffuses you and you sob. “Ivar, please.”
He pauses. “Please, what?”
“Please let me come.”
He raises one heavy brow. “That’s all you can say? Unrepentant to the end, I see. Well then, dirty girl, if that’s what you want your punishment to be…” His hand covers your mound, thumb finding your needy clit. He rubs one single, glorious circle, then stops. His head swivels. “Ubbe. Did you think you get to watch? Out.”
* * *
You’re going to pass out. Mercy, please, there’s no way that you can handle another orgasm. Ivar’s got your muscles clenching, the sheets soaked, your legs trapped around his body and your pussy stuffed with the third vibrator he’s decided to try. He’s even got another one vibrating right against your asshole, just to give you ideas about other sins he might have in store for you. Pleasure runs like a raging river, unrelenting. Every time you try to catch your gasping breath, Ivar raises the flood.
“Come on, greedy girl,” Ivar coaxes, his voice husky after all the effort he’s spent working you over. “Surely you can’t quit before orgasm number eight.” He changes something down there and all you can do is wail like an animal as he somehow makes you feel more full than ever. And then his finger returns to your clit. He’s just about got this down to a science, after so many experimental trials here in your darkened bedroom. Fuck you with the toy, change the vibration every few minutes so your body can’t get used to it, tease your asshole and press down on your clit juuuuust so.
It’s starting to feel like he knows the angles your body likes better than you do. He’s turned your clitoris against you, co-opting that magic button into something he can press on his whim to make you explode in another spine-shaking climax. This time, you come so hard you see spots blooming in front of your vision.
Something must have changed in your voice as that last one crashed over you. This time, Ivar does not immediately start re-tuning the machine, gearing your body up to start the cycle all over again for number nine. Instead his hand falls steady and warm, covering your shuddering sex with a reassuring stillness as he leans in over you. His voice is low as he comes close enough for you to meet his drowning eyes in the dark. “Mercy?”
“Mercy.” You can barely say it. You barely have a voice left after all the ecstatic screams he’s forced across your throat.
Ivar makes a soothing sound, one that rings in your ears like the most beautiful, reassuring thing you’ve ever heard. He’s letting it end. You made it all the way through; you didn’t have to stop him. You lasted until he offered. That had been the goal your submissive soul clung to as he took your body through just about every pleasure it could handle. He reaches down to click off the vibrations. You sigh as he slips the last toy out of your body. “You did so good for me.”
He covers your pussy with his hand again. It feels immensely comforting, stillness and steady reassurance after all that thrusting and vibration. You let all the remaining tension drain out against his palm as you close your eyes and let yourself come slowly back to something approximating reality.
The next thing you’re aware of is Ivar coaxing your head up higher on the pillows. “Drink,” he says softly, putting a water bottle in your hands and guiding it up to your lips. “I wrung you out pretty good.”
The water is cool and extremely welcome. You want to make a joke about how little moisture you must have left in your body, after all that, but slaking your thirst is so much more important.
Rolling your blanket around you, Ivar lays down to cuddle beside your exhausted body after taking the water bottle away. You never would have guessed, before all this, what an avid snuggler Ivar Lothbrok is. He seems to crave your body against his own, after these intense sessions. He pulls you in tight against him. “We could take a shower, if you want,” he offers.
“I don’t think I can move.”
His chuckle is indulgent. “Fair enough.” He snuggles his cheek in a little closer. “Let me know if you need anything.”
So. He’s not fucking you today, either. Not that this even feels like the right time for your first time…it’s just something that’s been on your mind. Maybe it makes you old-fashioned, but it just feels like he hasn’t fully claimed you yet. Part of you kind of thought that once he caught you with Ubbe, that might have been what he was waiting for, to make you absolutely his. But this doesn’t feel like a turning point at all. Nothing he had said indicated that he did not like seeing you that way, or that he expected you to stop fucking Ubbe now. It’s always just been another game.
Which suits you just fine. You wonder if you will ever have a chance of getting bored in this apartment.
Your meandering thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Ivar’s phone, a quick, chirping notification.
He shifts lazily to check it when it chirps a second time. A short bark of a laugh rumbles out of him a moment later.
Ivar rolls back to show you his screen. The text message is from Hvitserk, who you know to be another one of his brothers.
Be in town tomorrow
gonna crash in Sigurd’s room
“Looks like someone else wants in your bed,” Ivar croons at you.
You know that Hvitserk just doesn’t know that the apartment has acquired a new roommate, but you get a funny feeling deep inside your overstimulated body, anyway.
“Maybe I should tie you up naked tomorrow,” Ivar continues, voice low and teasing as he nips at your ear. “Leave you right here as a gift for him to find when he arrives. Haven’t seen him in a while, I’m sure I missed a birthday somewhere in there.” He grins at whatever he sees in your face. “If you need another lesson about what greedy girls get.” His finger taps you affectionately, right on the nose.
Next Chapter
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fbfh · 4 years
domestic cozy moments with leo - an anthology
i should really be asleep
aged up to 18+ obvs,,,, rlly wishing this was real rn lmao,,, also it’s fluff if u couldn’t tell 
1600 words
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You set down your last box, hearing a thump in the next room as he sets his. You will your legs to carry you into the next room where he’s waiting, standing, looking at you. The glaring over head light still somehow makes him look good, and you can tell, by this point, that he’s thinking something similar about you. He pulls you closer with one strong comforting gesture, and you both flop unceremoniously down onto the bare mattress on the floor. You tuck the crook of your elbow over your face to block out the harsh light, and gently rub your face into the material of his shirt; a dark flannel over a deep red hoodie, some quote splashed across the chest. The arm wrapped around you bent, his hand brushing the hair at the top of your forehead. 
“We did it,” he breathed.
“Yeah,” you replied, “now we just gotta unpack everything.”
“And organize.”
“And decorate,” you add. There’s a beat of silence.
“God, this is gonna be a nightmare, isn’t it…” he laughs, head resting on top of yours. A slow, tired chuckle rocks your body. 
“Yeah, probably…”
You’ve both been up since about 4am, and have only just finished moving into your apartment. It’s around one or two in the morning. You’re beyond exhausted, the thrill of the move and shitty, delerious humor keeping you running for the last few hours. 
“Y’know what,” he moves, kicking off his shoes, “I say we just crash for the night. Deal with the rest of it in the morning.” He’s already mumbling, his voice groggy - groggier than before - and you can tell he’s losing orbit. Against your wishes, you make yourself sit up. You kneel over to a box a few feet away, and rip the tape off. You pull out a duvet, and shuffle back over to him. 
“Yeah,” you say, already slipping out of your sneakers and throwing some of the blanket over him, “sounds good.” You curl back into him, into a slightly more comfortable position, and start to settle down. 
“Shit,” he hisses, “the light.” You realize the light’s still on and groan.
“Oh god… we’re really that dumb,” you can feel the sleep deprived laughter taking over.
“Wait, wait,” he giggles, the infectious laugh spreading. He leans over, fumbling for the mop next to the broom and vacuum, and holds the flat head, the pole in between his fingers. You feel him shift, and pry your eyes open. He’s almost got it. You make some encouraging ‘oh, ooooh!’s as he lines up the loop at the top with the light switch on the wall and darkness engulfs you. He lays back down in a heap, setting the mop on the floor next to him. 
“Nice!” you press a kiss below his ear, the closest place you could reach, and he mutters sleepily, “Thank you, thank you, I’ll be signing autographs in half an hour,” laughter seeping into his words like a teabag in hot water as he pulls his hood up. Your limbs are already tingly with sleep. He mutters something you can’t make out, and you’re pretty sure you tried to ask what, but you don’t remember anything after that. You don’t know who fell asleep first, but you both slept really well that night. 
Your piping was migraine worthy. 
That’s what Leo had said after about a minute under your bathroom sink. 
You had noticed the water pressure in the sink got really weak after a day or two. Your apartment was pretty old, so it wasn’t surprising. 
“Should we call the superintendent?” you asked through a mouth of ramen. A smile hit his eyes, and you finished the thought he hadn’t said.
“To let him know,” you shoved his chest playfully, “I know you can fix it, that wasn’t a question.” It backed off, and instead he said, “You can try, but I’m pretty sure he’s one of those three-to-five-business-days types.” 
“Well, at least he’ll know what’s going on.” He still had that look. “I’ll tell him not to call a plumber. My boyfriend’s an engineer and can more than handle it.” He seemed satisfied, and grabbed his tools. 
“I’m just saying, I think I know a thing or two about this stuff…” You pulled the still ringing phone from your face. “Duh, you’re the-” the phone stopped ringing. Voicemail. You rolled your eyes as the beep sounded, and left a brief message explaining who you were and the situation. After you finished talking, you hung up. 
“God, I hate talking on the phone,” you mutter. You turn the corner to the bathroom doorway. 
“How’s it looking?” you lean on the door frame, and suppress a chuckle at the sight of your boyfriend laying on a skateboard under the bathroom sink. 
“This makes… no sense…” he muttered. “I mean, who- why would you put a dual check there?” You smiled, loving when he talked about his hyperfixations, even if it barely made sense to you. You decided to check back in a bit, and went to transfer some laundry. 
It had been a while. You had checked on Leo two or three times, and he was still doing something under there. He had come out once or twice to get some parts or piping from his supplies, then went straight back to work. If only you had a dollar for every time you heard him sigh, “there’s gotta be a better way to do this…” It’s been two hours and he needs a break. 
You walk back into the bathroom, step over him, and sit down, your hips right on top of his.
He stops.
He pushes you both out from under the sink, skateboard rolling slowly, his eyes locked with yours.
You just wanted to take out the trash, that was all. But when you entered the back alley and saw a little kitty cat looking so scared by the dumpster, you couldn’t stop your instincts. You set the trash down slowly, scooped up the cat, and marched back inside. You set her - or him? You weren’t sure yet. You set them in the bathroom, made a little nest of towels close to the radiator, and left, closing the door behind you. You came back in with a small storage bin with cat litter - which Leo luckily had on hand for absorbing oil spills in his garage - paper bowls with some tuna and water, and a small ball of yarn from a long since abandoned craft project. The kitty ate all the tuna in record time, and looked at you, asking for more. 
“Wait for that to digest, then you can have seconds.” you said, softly. You gave them a little head pat, and they skittered away, unused to affection. It made your heart a little sad. But it’s okay, you reminded yourself, kitty’s gonna get lots of love from now on. You adjust your seat on the edge of the tub, trying to stop your butt from going numb. You pick the cat up to put them in their makeshift bed, and check under their tummy. Yup, girl kitty. She lets out a high pitched meow, and you can tell she’s still pretty young. You pet her back, and she arches up, her tail curling. She moves away from your hand, still not used to it yet, but a loud purr resonates through her chest and off the walls. You hold back a delighted squeal as she curls up into a ball. Oh jeez, do you have any blankets? You could cover her with a towel, but do you have anything softer? You leave to check, closing the door securely behind you. You dig through the linen closet for a few minutes before you hear the door open and close. 
“Honey, I’m home,” Leo quipped, putting his jacket on the coat rack. You picked up a small fleece decorative blanket you had no use for until now. 
“Hey,” he turned the corner, and placed his hand on your face, and your free hand rested on his. He pressed a warm kiss to your lips, and pulled away even though he didn’t want to. “Hey, Sparky,” you replied, a smile only he could give you blooming on your face. 
He started to tell you you two could catch up in a minute, he just has to wash the stubborn leftover machine oil off his hands, but you stopped him before he could.
“I have a surprise.” You said.
“Okay,” he replied, smiling, “what is it?”
You bit your lip, and quickly pulled him into the bathroom, closing the door quickly behind you. 
“Woah, babe,” he smirked, “if you wanted-” his voice cut off when he saw you kneeling next to a small kitty. 
“Her name is garbage, cause that’s where I found her!” you giggled, quoting the episode of The Office you two had watched just last night. 
“Aww,” he cooed, and began to wash his hands hastily so he could pet her, “she’s adorable!” his voice was soft, and higher than normal, and it was the cutest thing you’d ever heard. He dried off his hands, and bent down to give her a cuddle. You stayed like that for a while, watching her play with string and baby talking her. 
“By the way, Estrella,” he said, breaking his baby voice to look up at you, “we’re not actually naming her garbage, right?”
“No!” you laughed, “She’s too cute, that’d be mean…” 
He giggled at your face, and you two batted names back and forth for a while, trying to find the right one, and eventually settling on Jackhammer, maybe Jack for short.  “She’s definitely as loud as one,” Leo mused when he’d first heard her purr.
She purred a lot more after that.
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bittykimmy13 · 4 years
Let It Snow (GT Fluff)
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Ramona is plagued with troubled thoughts on a snowy winter's day. Will may not be the best with words of comfort, but he is determined to cheer her up.
A gift for my wonderful friend, @marydublin5 / @little-miss-maggie​ ! <3 (who also made the lovely header image!)
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Will made it perfectly clear to Ramona that she was going to love what he was working on in the kitchen. The fact that she was so impatient made it more fun for him, if he was being honest. 
He left her in the living room with the TV on to keep her company while he worked—making sure she had her warmest blankets too, considering snow had started falling that morning.
When he paused to check on her, he expected to find her hugging the baseboards on the way to the kitchen to spoil the surprise. But she was exactly where he left her. She wasn’t even looking at the TV, and she didn’t seem to notice he was there, either. Her eyes were fixed at the front window, where snow was falling even more steadily and adding to the white landscape.
By the third time he spotted her like that, he was concerned.
She turned to him with a flinch, sitting up straighter on the sofa’s armrest. Blinking, she seemed to come out of a trance. “Oh, hey. What’s up? Is it ready yet?”
“Not even close,” he said.
Normally, she would have groaned and demanded to know exactly how much time until she could eat—and whether he had any snacks for her while she waited. Instead, she offered a distracted smile and a weak attempt to complain.
“Then what are you bothering me for?” She pointed at the kitchen half-heartedly. “Get back to it, chef.”
Will lingered at the doorway, then took careful strides into the living room until he could kneel by the sofa. He folded his arms on the cushion and cocked his head at her. “What’s on your mind?” he asked.
She looked down at her fidgeting hands. “Nothing.”
Sinking into thought, he glanced at the window, where she had been so fixated each time he came to check on her. “Did it snow where you’re from? Do you want to go outside once it settles?”
Although he didn’t react outwardly with anything other than a deepened frown, his insides lurched. He tried to catch her eye, leaning closer to the armrest, though she shied away.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
Ramona pursed her lips, looking from him to the window. “I would’ve died,” she said in a small voice.
Her admission didn’t help his puzzlement, but he remained patient. “What do you mean?”
“I mean… out there. In this weather. I would have died, no matter what. If that thunderstorm hadn’t happened and you hadn’t brought me in, I would have been out there during this.” Her minuscule fingers dug into the fabric of her pants. “I’m so stupid. I thought I was getting the hang of things out there, such a survivalist, and I never stopped to think about snow. If I were still out there, I’d be dead by morning.”
Will let the words sink in. Truth be told, he hadn’t given any thought to what life would be like for either of them if he hadn’t brought her in. “You’re right,” he murmured. “You wouldn’t have made it.”
She snorted a laugh, looking ready to cry. “Geez, Will, you should’ve been a therapist,” she said derisively. “You always know just what to say.”
“What? It’s true.”
But she seemed to have had enough of the truth. She rubbed her eyes and cast another haunted glance out the window. A distant sort of fear etched itself onto her face, as though part of her was actually still out there, tortured by the cold. She even shivered.
Will offered his hand—she looked smaller than ever next to it. “Why don’t you come and help me in the kitchen?”
 “Because you’re super mean and won’t let me see what you’re doing.”
He curled his finger invitingly. “I’ll make an exception today.”
Her shoulders fell with a sigh, and she shook her head. “I think I’ll just take a nap.” Her eyes drifted back over to the frosted window.
His hand inched closer so he could gingerly guide her chin back his way with a fingertip. “I don’t think it’ll be a very good nap if you keep looking out there.” His other hand swept in to scoop her out of her blankets without warning.
“Hey!” She gave a kick at his fingers and scowled up at him as he stood. “Let me mope in peace!”
“Fine. But could you at least do it where you’re not torturing yourself with the window?” He ferried her to the edge of his pocket and held it open. He knew better than to tilt her in, at least offering the option to climb down or decline.
She huffed. For a moment, he thought she would turn him down, but then he felt a tiny tug as she grabbed the lip of his pocket and hoisted herself over. “You’re lucky you’re warm,” she grumbled.
A tiny weight dropped to the bottom of his pocket. After she settled, he peered down while still holding the pocket open. In the shadows, he could see her curled up tight, partially covering her face with her hand—perhaps to catch whatever tears had made it out. 
He hesitated, debating on whether to speak any further on the subject. After a moment, he released the edge of the pocket and headed back to the kitchen with his added passenger. He fully expected her to cheer up and peek out at some point while he worked, but she didn’t. Each time he checked on her, she was curled up in the same position at the bottom of his pocket, fast asleep.
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Ramona groaned low in her throat when she felt something prod her from outside the pocket. Burying her face in her hands, she hid her eyes from the light that poured in overhead. “M’still sleeping,” she protested.
“I think you’ll want to wake up for this,” Will’s voice rumbled.
That was when she noticed a delightful scent in the air—cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and sugar. She could take a guess at what he had done, and if she was right, then it was very true that she would want to be awake for it. 
“Fine.” She yawned and stretched her arms overhead, allowing Will to reach in and scoop her out. He had gotten quite good at it in their two months together; she was still working on maintaining an unpanicked heart-rate every time his hands surrounded her.
Sure enough, when he brought her out in the open, there was a fully-assembled gingerbread house waiting on the counter. He had cut holes for the door and windows. The house itself was undecorated, but chocolates, peppermints, frosting, and other sweets were scattered over the counter, ready to adorn the walls and roof.
“You know, you do a terrible job of being as scary as you look,” she told him as he lowered her to the counter. “This is adorable.”
“I never wanted to be scary.”
He reached past her to pluck something up between his finger and thumb. Steam curled from the top of the doll mug as he handed it to her—rich brown hot cocoa. She accepted the mug, unable to hide an endeared smile.
“I know,” she said. “Just teasing.”
She sipped from the mug as she strolled up to the gingerbread house, impressed yet unsurprised to see that it was entirely homemade and scaled right to her size. As far as the careful assembly, she wasn’t shocked in the slightest, either. It didn’t look very different than the birdhouses he built regularly. She peeked through the door’s opening.
“Is it safe to go inside?” she asked.
He shrugged. “As safe as frosting cement can be.”
“If it collapses on me, you’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”
Ramona stepped inside, overwhelmed by the scent of gingerbread. It reminded her of bakeries and sweet shops and cold nights indoors with her friends. Her heart ached and warmed at the same time as she stood in the center of the floor, clutching her drink and looking around.
One of the windows darkened as a single blue eye peeked in at her. “Do you like it?” he asked.
“It looks a little sad,” she said airily. “Let’s make it look as good as it smells.”
He helped her a lot, of course, spreading frosting on the outer walls where she directed him to. She stuck candies and chocolates in careful patterns while Will focused his attention on the roof of the little structure. He got the same intense look in his eyes as when he was crafting something for a client.
“More here,” she said, pointing to a spot by the door. As Will carefully frosted, she ducked under his hand and continued to stick green candies along the base like grass.
When she was satisfied with the outside, she went back into the gingerbread house and gave the interior some much-needed love as well. She moved in and out, calling for Will to leave chocolates and tiny candy canes at the door for her to haul inside. Prematurely, his eye filled the window again to see what she was doing.
She rushed to the window, holding her arms out to block his view. “I’ll tell you when I’m done! Out!”
It was dark outside by the time she had finished framing the windows with colorful candy beads. She paced around to admire her work, then strolled to the door. She could see Will’s shadow moving there, working on something for the front part of the roof.
“Hey, I’m—” Her words cut off in a squeal as a glob of white icing fell on her arm. She looked up to find that Will was making icicles on the edge of the roof. Hurriedly skittering out of the way, she gave him an exasperated look and wiped at the frosting. “If you laugh…”
“I’m not, I’m not.” But a smirk wavered on his lips when he looked right at her, and he needed to avert his eyes.
Gathering the thick glob in one hand, she threw it up at him. It arced in the air and didn’t come close to reaching his face, plopping on the counter a pitiful distance away. She crossed her arms and gave him an expected glare. Taking notice, he diligently swiped the icing on his fingertip and smeared it on his cheek. 
“Happy?” he said, stepping away to tear up a piece of napkin for her.
“Getting there.” 
As she cleaned away the icing, her gaze was drawn to the kitchen window. Though it was dark, the outdoor lights illuminated the snow that was falling even heavier than before. Willow followed her gaze, and then she felt his eyes rest back on her. He folded his arms on the edge of the counter, pulling her attention to him.
“You wouldn’t have died,” he said gently.
She gave a rueful chuckle. “You don’t have to lie. That’s even worse.”
“I’m not lying. You would have lived, I promise.”
“That’s a steep promise. How can you be so sure?”
“Because… I was beginning to suspect there was a trinket out there. Once the snow started falling, I would have gone out to find you. No matter what, you would have ended up safe.”
“What if I had refused?” she asked in a softer voice. “You know how I was at first… I didn’t know what you were like.”
He untucked one arm to reach over and smooth her hair down with a light fingertip. “I would have won you over with the gingerbread house, of course. You wouldn’t have stood a chance the moment you saw it.”
A laugh bubbled up before she could stop it, and against all odds, the shadows that had haunted the corners of her mind that day didn’t feel quite so dark. “Right, nothing to do with you. The only reason I stick around is the food, just so you know.”
“Trust me, I know.”
His hand pulled away from her so that he could break off a piece of gingerbread and pop it into his mouth.
“Hey!” She strode over to put herself between him and house. “I plan to live in this thing until it rots! Stop eating the roof!”
Snickering, he easily reached past her little slapping hands and broke off another piece. Instead of eating it, he offered it to her. “Have a bite, and I don’t think you’ll blame me.”
Begrudgingly, she snatched the piece and took a bite. The flavors that filled her mouth were unlike anything she ever expected to experience as a trinket. Humming happily, she strolled closer to Will to sit with her back against his forearm.
“Fine,” she said. “Keep it coming. Wouldn’t say no to another cup of hot cocoa, either.”
“Of course you wouldn’t.”
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allisondraste · 3 years
Ambivalence: Chapter 2
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Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Nathaniel Howe x Female Cousland
Story Summary: It has been just over a year since Nathaniel Howe and Elissa Cousland were reunited, childhood friendship forged into a love that endured a decade apart.  However, every love is tested at some point. Presented with circumstances that could either make or break their relationship, Nate and Liss are no different.
Previous Chapter
[AO3 Link]
Chapter 2: Uncertainty
Chapter Summary:   Nate and Liss spend some much needed time with Delilah.
Just Outside Vigil’s Keep, Cloudreach 9:33 Dragon
“Come on,” Liss said with a laugh, speeding up her pace and tugging at his hand, “Put some spring in your step, Nate.”
“Why the hurry?” Nathaniel asked, slowing to a stop and watching as their intertwined fingers halted her march forward.  She spun around to face him, locks of golden hair flowing behind her and settling on her shoulders as she studied him in amusement. An endearing notch formed between her brows and he couldn’t prevent the chuckle that escaped him, nor the undoubtedly dopey grin that lingered on his lips afterward.  “We have all afternoon.”
Liss scowled more deeply at his comment, bringing her free hand to her hip. “It would be rude to keep your sister waiting, especially with a fussy little one about, trying to waddle into the river.”
“I am certain that Aidan is on his best behavior.”
“Aren’t you eager to visit with them?” She took a few steps closer. “It’s been weeks since we’ve all been free of duties at the same time.”
Nathaniel brought her hand up to his lips, brushing a kiss across her knuckles.  “It has also been weeks since you and I had more than just our nights alone.”
“Are you suggesting we abandon Delilah and cavort about on our own?”
“I am suggesting that we take our time in reaching our destination,” he said softly, pulling her nearly flush against him.  
Liss laughed and blinked up at him, smirking and biting her bottom lip in that feigned innocence she so enjoyed putting on. “Oh?”
In lieu of a response, he dipped down and captured her lips, tentatively as if it was the first time they’d kissed.  In her typical fashion, she returned the gesture with full-bodied confidence, cinching her arms tightly around his waist as she did so.  It was an exchange that was truly theirs, a habit, a ritual that offered him security he’d never really known before. When they pulled apart, she smiled at him widely, eyes sparkling with affection, and he truly did not know what he’d done to earn such a boon from the Maker.
With that, they continued on at a more leisurely pace toward their established meeting place with Delilah, arm-in-arm and enjoying casual conversation about nothing and everything all at once.  Nathaniel had always appreciated Liss’ ability to have conversation.  She was knowledgeable and passionate about so many things, there were times he had to do little more than listen and nod along as she prattled on about the latest book she’d been reading, or the symbology of the family crests for each and every noble house in Ferelden, or the mating practices of common nugs.  Being around her was so easy. It always had been.
They were headed toward the bank of an unnamed tributary of the Hafter River, an area not too far from Vigil’s Keep, beautiful and well hidden by foliage. When he and his siblings had been children, the spot served as their own special secret, a refuge from the prison their home had slowly become after their mother died.  It never mattered the weather, when they stole away to their little stream, they were able to pretend that they were normal children skipping their lessons and hiding away from tutors and maids.  Now, Delilah used it as a refuge from her responsibilities to the Arling, a place to relax, visit with loved ones, and have picnics.  
As they approached the wooded bank, Nathaniel spotted his sister straining in an attempt to drape a blanket across the ground with only one arm while clinging to his squirming nephew in the other.  Liss had apparently seen this too, as she nudged him with her elbow, released his arm and took off running toward Delilah and Aidan.
“Looks like you could use a hand or two,” Liss said cheerfully as she approached.
Delilah looked up to greet her, letting the blanket fall to the ground as she straightened up and adjusted her grip on her son. “You’ve no idea,” she said with an exasperated laugh.  She looked at Aidan and asked, “Want to go play with Auntie Liss for a bit?”
Aidan, who was just over a year old, glanced with drooling skepticism between his mother and Liss who wiggled outstretched fingers at him excitedly.  After a moment of furrowing his little eyebrows and an encouraging nod from Delilah, the boy giggled and reached out with chubby arms toward Liss.  She scooped him up without hesitation, tossing him up into the air and catching him before propping him on her hip and walking over toward the water’s edge.
Nathaniel had approached more slowly, watching with no small degree of warmth as the interaction took place.  It was a domesticity he never realized he desired until it played out right before his eyes.  When he reached his sister, she had just begun to pick up the blanket and resume her attempt to spread it out.
“Here,” he said when he reached her, “Let me help.”
Delilah smirked, extended one end of the fabric to him, and teased, “Whatever would I do without my big brother here to help me complete the simplest of tasks?”
“Just because you can do something alone,” Nathaniel replied matter-of-factly as they stepped away from one another, each holding onto ends of the blanket to stretch it out, then lower it into a neat square on the ground, “Does not mean that you must.”
Delilah rose up, hands on her hips, admiring their handiwork before turning her gaze to Nathaniel, an eyebrow raised. “You sound like Lady Elissa.”
He snorted out a laugh, eyes drawn to the woman and little boy presently splashing about in the water with bare feet. “She must be rubbing off on me.”
When he forced his eyes back to his sister, she was grinning widely, clearly having caught his admiration. “I can’t imagine how that happened.”
Delilah lowered herself down into a leisurely sitting position on the blanketed area, then looked up and patted the empty space beside her.  “Come on, Nate. Sit.”
He did as she bade and sat down next to his sister, extending his legs out in front of him as he leaned back on the palms of his hands, taking a quick glance at the branches above his head before turning back to examine his sister who grinned mischievously.
Nathaniel scowled. “Why are you smiling like you’ve lured me into a trap?”
“How do you know I haven’t?” She raised her eyebrows.
“I suppose it’s too late for concern anyhow,” he said with a shrug, attention drawn out toward the water’s edge, to Liss once again.
Unlike the last time he’d looked at her, she was crouched down in the shallows of the water, Aidan hovering over her, watching intently as she focused on whatever it was she was doing.  It was difficult to tell from a distance.  Delilah shoved his shoulder playfully, muttering something about him not being any fun, but he barely noticed.
Liss stood up, and stepped back out of the water, the bottom quarter of her skirts soaked thoroughly and dripping.  She sat down on the bank, hands clasped together tightly as she motioned for Aidan to come sit with her. He toddled gleefully over toward her, crawling up under her arms to sit in her lap, waiting expectantly to see what surprise she held in her grasp.  She opened her hands slowly, still keeping them partially cupped, as he peered in and squealed in delight.
Liss giggled and asked, “Can you say ‘ frog’?”
The boy looked between her and the creature thoughtfully, then said, “FOG!”
“That’s right,”she exclaimed, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, “Good job, pup.”
Nathaniel froze, a confusing mottle of emotions surging up into his chest, burning behind his eyes.  Pup .  He’d heard that particular endearment hundreds of times during his summers in Highever.   It had been Bryce Cousland’s chosen diminutive for his own children, as well as for any child whose name he could not remember.  He wondered if Liss had used it intentionally, a way to honor her father’s memory. Perhaps she had not even realized.
They’d never discussed it, what pet names she would call a child.  In their situation... it had never seemed warranted to discuss children at all.  It was not as if they were able to have a family of their own, if that were something she wanted.  A pang of guilt speared through him. Andraste’s Blood, he had not even thought to ask her if that was something she wanted. There was a tug at his ear that made him snap around, frowning at the interruption.
“What,” he asked his sister as she blinked back at him with those fierce blue eyes.
“Maker, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that enraptured,” Delilah teased, chuckling and watching Liss help Aidan hold the frog she’d caught, “She’s so good with him, isn’t she?”
Nathaniel nodded, steeling himself with a shaky breath before speaking. “She truly is.”
Silence fell between them, comfortable yet heavy with his turbulent emotions, insecurities and doubts like a dark cloud looming over an otherwise ideal afternoon.  However, if his sister noticed, she said nothing of it and kept her attention focused on her son and the woman who was currently doting upon him.  After some time had passed, she looked over to him thoughtfully, raising her brows as she tapped her index finger to her chin.
He snorted out a laugh. “What? Is there something on my face?”
Delilah let out a sigh and straightened her posture as if preparing to deliver a speech.  “I know you’re tired of hearing it but—”
“Delilah, I know where this is going and—”
“Is there some reason you have not asked that lovely woman to marry you yet,” she continued her lecture anyway, “The way that you look at her… I know it is not for lack of interest.”
He let his head hang, ashamed at her honest, biting words.  In truth, it was something he’d desired for sometime now, asking Liss for her hand.  He simply wanted to go about it in the most appropriate way, at the most appropriate time, but it was more complicated than that.  Still, wasn’t that part of his mission today? To tell Delilah what he intended?
“Actually—” he began, interrupted by the excited gasp that escaped his sister—”That’s something I had hoped to speak with you about today.  I wasn’t sure we’d have the chance, but it seems Aidan has provided the perfect distraction.”
“Nate,” Delilah said softly, hushed voice wavering.  Tears glistened in her eyes when he finally looked up at her, “Are you serious?”
He inhaled sharply and let out the breath with force before answering. “I think so.  There are still so many things to consider, but… yes.  This is what I want.  She is what I want, whatever that looks like.”
“That’s so… wonderful,” she blurted, a touch too loud for Nathaniel’s comfort and he widened his eyes at her, “Sorry, I’m just happy for you.  It’s more than about time.”
“If I am to be completely honest, I have been having doubts— nothing about her, just uncertainties about the life we live now, whether or not marriage is even appropriate.”
“Do not tell me you intend to second guess a proposal to someone you’ve been in love with since you were ten years old over protocol. ”  She wagged a finger at him. “Don’t you dare get my hopes up like this.”
“I just—”
“What did the Warden-Commander say?”
“I haven’t told her yet.”
“If protocol is something that concerns you, why haven’t you approached your commanding officer?”  Delilah was relentless, clearly invested in a wedding neither of them knew would even happen.
Nathaniel let out a frustrated sigh, laughing bitterly as he thought about Lucia with her gentle practicality.  “Because she will tell me to do it.”
“So what is stopping you, Nate?” She softened at that, searching his face as if the answer to her question might appear on his forehead if she stared long enough.  “You have clearly thought about this enough to approach me about it.”
“I’ve also written to Fergus,” he confessed. “I sent a raven to Highever just this morning.  I was actually excited about it.”
“I know this might be hard for you to believe, but—” Delilah placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him gently— “It is normal to have doubts.”
He met her gaze and rolled his eyes as he fought a smile. “I suppose you are right.”
“So you’re going  to do it?”
“I am… going to do it.” Saying the words out loud was more freeing than he’d expected.  To see the joy on his sister’s face, even more so.
“Good,” she said with a nod, “If it helps, you could imagine Father’s spirit in the Fade, fuming over the prospect that despite his many, many efforts, you will be marrying Elissa.”
“It helps if I don’t imagine Father at all,” he stated flatly.
“Fair enough,” Delilah chuckled. “That is exactly what I’m going to do, though.”
They sat conversing for a short while longer, mostly to allow his nerves the time to settle before Liss decided to rejoin them.  Then, an idea struck him.
“Do you think you might be able to see how Liss might feel about—” he motioned vaguely— “All of this?  Discreetly, of course.”
She smirked. “I’ve never seen you so worked up about anything since you found out you had to leave for Starkhaven.  It is quite endearing.”
“I am pleased you find my distress endearing,” he said pointedly, “Will you do it, or not?”
“I will.”
“Then I shall go retrieve her,” he said, rising to his feet, “I’ll insist that you two deserve some time alone together.”
“We do,” Delilah admitted with a shrug, “That’s not even a deception.”
Nathaniel made his way slowly towards Liss, who had just lifted up Aidan after helping him to release their frog.  He used her distraction to his advantage and rushed forward, sweeping the boy from her arm in one swift motion.  She let out a startled gasp that turned into an offended grumble as her eyes fell on him.  
“Thief,” she accused with a pout.
“This boy’s mother requires your attention,” he replied, shifting the boy in question to hold propped up on his hip with one arm.
Liss raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “Privately?
“Not in particular.” Nathaniel shrugged.  “But I figured it would be easier to gossip about me if I am not present.”
Her eyes lit up with mischief and she laughed. “I like the way you think.”
“Anything for you, my lady,” he said, stepping forward, taking her chin in his hand, and tilting it up just enough for him to press a reverent kiss to her lips, heavy with the secret he would someday share.
When he pulled away, she sighed and blinked back at him with misty eyes.  She must have felt it, too. “That was—”
“I know,” he said breathlessly, grinning and kissing her forehead this time, “Now go spend time with my sister.  She misses you.”
“Okay, okay fine,” she hissed back at him playfully then looked at Aidan, “Hey, tell Uncle Nate what you want to do.”
Aidan grinned and turned to point a little finger at something over Nathaniel’s shoulder.  “Quack!”
Liss giggled and Nathaniel turned around to see a small group of ducks congregated at the edge of the water, several feet further down the stream.  He glanced back at Liss, then to Aidan. “Shall we go see the ducks, then?”
“Quack, quack,” Aidan replied enthusiastically, body trembling with excitement.
“You heard the man,” said Liss as she knelt down to pick up her shoes, “I wouldn’t keep him waiting if I were you.”
As he watched Liss flash him one last grin before turning to head toward Delilah, and his uncertainty vanished, clouds of doubt dissipating in her wake.  It was all he needed.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: The Royal We ch.5
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Summary: Finally the concluding chapter of 'The Royal We'! Wonder what's gonna happen here, hmmmm.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Edge woke far later than normal to the sound of the shower running. He jerked halfway upright in the bed, briefly disoriented, before the events of the day before came back to him in a rush. The baby shower planning, the discussion with Stretch about having children, or rather not having them, Janice’s son getting lost, and learning that Stretch’s abilities as a Judge allowed him see Monster souls, including his own.
Small wonder he’d overslept, Any one of those things would be tiring but put together it was entirely too much for a single day, particularly one where he and Stretch finally came upstairs in the wee hours of the morning, barely taking the time to shed their clothes before flopping together into their bed.
At least Stretch seemed to be somewhat recovered if he were up to taking a shower. Edge sank back against the mattress, kicking the blankets from his feet as he stretched with joint-popping bliss, luxuriating in a moment of uncommon laziness. As stressful as the day before had been it had also been cathartic in some ways, certain issues clouded between him and Stretch discussed then cleared away.
This morning his leg felt fine even without the brace, without even a trace of a pain. It was actually healing as the doctor promised it would, despite Edge’s occasional loose interpretation of their directions, and as time passed it would keep getting better until the injury was only a memory and an occasional ache on very cold days.
Getting back to normal, that was all. The term ‘normal’ when it came to their lives was certainly up for creative interpretation, but it honestly felt like they were getting to it. Of course, that was dependent on nothing new cropping up in their lives and it surely would. It didn’t matter, whatever came he and Stretch would face it together.
Thinking of togetherness, Edge rolled out of bed and made his way to the ensuite bathroom. Muffled strains of music were coming through the closed door and when he opened it, it poured out, bright and pop-cheerful. Behind the shower curtain, oblivious to his audience, Stretch was singing along. He’d always have a lovely singing voice, husky sweet and pitch perfect but it was the lyrics gave Edge a pause.
“i’d get down on my knees, i’d do anything for you…ohhhh, i don’t want anybody else, when i think about you, i touch myself…”
Well, that was an invitation if he’d ever heard one.
Edge only took long enough to strip of his pajamas, casting them off in a rare messy pile on the floor before sliding around the shower curtain. He was ready for Stretch to yelp and jump, catching him before he could slip on the wet porcelain. His lovely bones were slick with water and soap and he was blinking through the spray, his pale eye lights still bright from the surprise.
“holy shit, babe,” Stretch sputtered, licking water from his teeth. “a little warning would be nice!”
Edge only shifted Stretch in his arms, settling him with his spine pressed firmly against Edge’s chest. At his silent urging, Stretch let his head drop back against Edge’s shoulder, huffing a groan as Edge murmured against his skull. “And miss the chance to sweep you off your feet?”
“you can get in your gropes without giving me a—oooh,” Stretch broke off and Edge smirked, mouthing lightly at his scapula as his hands wandered lower, his bare fingers seeking out places he knew were sensitive, pressing and stroking until Stretch shivered in his arms despite the heat of the water pouring down on them.
“What was that?” Edge crooned. “I couldn’t quite hear.”
“baaaaaabe,” Stretch moaned. He squirmed, his pelvis scraping tantalizingly against Edge’s. “this isn’t fair.”
“No? I was only trying to confirm the truth of your statement,” and before Stretch could ask, “Do you, then? Touch yourself when you think about me?”
“heh.” That squirm turned into a deliberate grind and Edge caught his breath, “want a demonstration?”
As it turned out, by the time Stretch was finished ‘demonstrating’, they both needed another shower and Edge was never more pleased to have splurged on their hot water heater. The chance to hold Stretch in his arms for longer without any chilly surprises was well worth the extra cost.
It was a few hours later that Edge was finishing buttoning his shirt, giving his husband a sideways look where he was still sprawled out on the bed, entirely naked except for a single sock that was still sagging at the ankle. The other was in his hand, waiting for its owner to either work up the energy to put it on or to abandoned it to its lonely fate.
Tipping the scales in favor of wearing might be in order. “Are you planning on putting that sock on or do you need longer to bond?”
“i’ll put it on as soon as i can feel my feet,” Stretch sighed out dreamily, “babe, you sure know how to make an entrance.”
“In a variety of ways,” Edge said serenely. “I do well with entrances.” He sat on the side of the bed next to Stretch and leaned in to give him a lingering kiss before snatching up the sweatshirt beside him and dropping it on his head. “Come on, get dressed, we need to check on the chickens. I believe there may have been an event we missed.”
Stretch lurched upright, fighting his way out of the clinging folds of the sweatshirt to give Edge a stricken look, “fuck, i forgot!” The sweatshirt was only half on when he started for the door and he was still struggling to pull it over his skull when he made for the stairs.
“Pants!” Edge shouted after him. Their neighbors asked so little of them and he really didn’t think that no unexpected nudity was an unreasonable request.
A shout floated back up, “bring ‘em with you and i’ll get the coffee going!”
Edge only shook his head and retrieved a clean pair of track pants from their dresser. However this might end, at least it would be with a reasonable amount of dignity.
Well, that might be a tall ask of Stretch and if he couldn’t be clothed in dignity, pants would have to do, so long as it wasn’t the bare minimum.
Edge stifled his grin and headed for the stairs, pants in hand and ready to share that particular witticism with his husband. Anytime was a good time for pun to Stretch, but over morning coffee held a certain brewtiful appeal.
It was with puns exchanged (among them was Stretch declaration that so many jokes this early was a latte to handle) and coffee in hand that they finally made their way to the chicken coop to investigate yesterday’s happenings. The morning air was still tinged cool, only hinting at the afternoon’s predicted warmth and Stretch shuffled through the fallen leaves to the coop door where Noodle and Dumpling were already waiting impatiently for the bringer of their breakfast.
“yeah, sorry, gals,” Stretch set his coffee cup down outside the coop before opening the door. He leaned over to give them each a brief pat before heading to the feed trough. “i know, we’re running late. let’s get you fed before checking on your sis, okay?”
“I wouldn’t get your hopes too far up,” Edge cautioned. He set his cup alongside Stretch's and followed him inside. “I can’t even calculate the odds of her not only finding a fertilized egg but also managing to hatch it.” Her finding an egg at all was a question that Edge already decided not to look into too deeply.
“i can calculate it and trust me, it’s a lot of decimal points. don’t worry,” Stretch said as he measured out a scoopful of feed. “i won’t. not even sure i wanna meet whatever’s supposed to come out of the cryptid egg she stole. hope nugget isn’t too disappointed when her basilisk doesn’t hatch.”
The sound of feed pouring into the trough was enough to summon the smallest of their wayward poultry. Nugget poked her small head through the coop’s door flap, chirring inquisitively, and then darting out to beeline right for the feed. Hungry indeed, she didn’t detour even briefly in Edge’s direction, intent on her pursuit of tasty grains.
But it wasn’t Nugget that had their attention. Behind her, coming from the coop was a faint sound, a peeping reminiscent of those Edge heard on the farm back when he was considering whether to invest in chickens of their own. Stretch only stood frozen, staring at the coop door and Edge was the one who finally opened it and stepped inside.
They’d persuaded Nugget to abandon the plastic bucket she’d nested in for one of the coop boxes, lining it with soft hay and that was where the sound was coming from. The single caged bulb overhead didn’t provide much light and Edge peered into the darkened nest, his sockets narrowed. Nearly buried into the hay was a tiny ball of yellow fluff. Edge reached for it, scooping it cautiously into his hands and bringing it out into the light.
Stretch hovered over his shoulder anxiously, “is that…what is it?”
From the rounded cup of his hands, a tiny, billed head poked out. Webbed feet shifted against his palm as the little creature peeped anxiously, its eyes dark against the bright yellow fluff.
“it’s a duckling! holy shit!” Stretch managed to keep his delight to a muted squeal, reaching out with cautiously grabby hands. Very carefully, Edge deposited it into his hands, watching as the little bird settled against the warm bones. “this is way better than a basilisk!”
“I believe the neighbors will agree,” Edge said dryly, watching as Stretch very gently inspected their newest acquisition, petting that feathery softness. “Is it male or female?”
Stretch rolled his eye lights. “welp, all the years i spent studying physics instead of zoology are letting us down here, babe. i’ve barely got ‘duck’ cleared, if you want a more detailed report, you’re gonna have to hire a pro.”
“Understood,” Edge said. He looked out the door at their backyard, freshly layered in falling leaves. “What on earth are we going to do with a duck?”
Stretch only held the little duckling closer to his chest with a gasp, “we can’t get rid of it!”
“Of course not,” Edge said, exasperated, “I’m not suggesting we drop it off at the local livestock orphanage, it was a legitimate question. We’ll need to make arrangements for it, ducks may have different nutritional needs than chickens. It will need some sort of pond to swim in and—” He broke off as Stretch gave him a look. “What?”
That gentle smile matched the softness in Stretch’s eye lights as they briefly flashed into hearts, shining with love, “nothing, babe. you’re really gonna let me keep cheese?”
Edge blinked. “Did you just call that duckling ‘Cheese’?”
“yeah.” Stretch grinned. “short for cheese and quackers.”
“Oh, for—” Edge sighed. “I walked right into that one.”
“headfirst,” Stretch agreed. “don’t feel bad, i left the door wide open.” At that moment Nugget came wandering back into the coop and started to make concerned motherly noises. Stretch hastily set the duckling, no, Cheese back into the nesting box. Nugget hopped up into it, squirming back to bury her child beneath the bulk of her feathery warmth.
“guess introductions are over.” Lacking a tiny duckling to hold, Stretch settled for flinging his arms around Edge and giving him a hard squeeze. “c’mon, hot coffee waits for no fowl and cold coffee is foul, so let’s get ours.”
“You’re an endless font of hilarity, love.” Edge followed him out and the two of them retrieved their cups. By unspoken agreement, they settled to sit at the patio, sipping their coffee as the trees rustled softly around them.
His phone buzzed, breaking the silence, and Edge checked it to see a text from Papyrus. Ah, another loose end from yesterday’s tapestry to tie up. He opened the text to find not a jumbled of excited words but a picture. Of Undyne in a hospital bed, looking both weary and elated, Alphys at her side, but it was the small bundle in their arms that drew Edge’s gaze.
The only thing visible from the swaddling of striped blankets was the child’s face, the same deep blue skin tone as their mother and a small tuft of red fronds falling over their forehead. Childbirth seemed to have left a certain squashed quality to that face that hadn’t had time yet to fade, puffy cheeks and swollen eyes, and as Edge studied the picture another text came through.
It’s a girl!
A girl, a little niece to spoil and teach, and Edge could already picture her toddling along and joining the other children as they followed Stretch around very much like ducklings as he taught them science and experiments, spending his weekends building snowmen and painting excited faces. Without making any undue assumptions, Edge could imagine the formidable child that Undyne and Papyrus’s genes would produce and the adventures that might come of it, the coming years would certainly be interesting and—
“is that the baby?”
Almost, Edge twitched his phone away before Stretch could see the picture. But none of yesterday's upset or melancholy appeared, Stretch only looked at it with an appropriate expression of interest, smiling widely.
“aww, what a cutey,” Stretch cooed. “tell undyne she does good work.”
“I will,” Edge agreed, and did so. Before he set his phone aside, another picture came through, this time with Papyrus holding the baby, the very vision of a delighted uncle and why his arm was in a sling, Edge decided not to ask. The story of Undyne’s labor and delivery was likely an epic one and not to be heard before plenty of coffee. He was nearly ready for a second cup when Stretch spoke again.
“so,” Stretch began. He shuffled his feet against the porch, his coffee cup held tightly in both hands. “you wanna get started on the pond today?”
Edge smiled faintly. “Of course, love, best to get it ready before Cheese needs it.”
He watched as Stretch lit up, equally delighted by his answer and his ready use of Stretch’s chosen name. It was hardly more ridiculous than Noodle, Nugget, and Dumpling, and besides, their baby deserved the best, too, did it not?
A pond and some research into their little duckling’s needs, that was the challenge for the day and Edge was more than up for it, so long as Stretch was by his side.
Edge set his cup on the table and reached over to take Stretch’s hand in his, slender fingers tangling with his own. He ran his thumb over Stretch’s wedding band, the smooth metal body-warm. Together, no matter what, and Edge was ready for that adventure as well and any that came along with it, for the rest of his life.
Even when it included unexpected additions.
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yoongihoseok97 · 4 years
Cookies and kisses💋Pt3
BTS Jungkook
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Summary- Jeon Jungkook is a broke college student who’s just trying to get his degree and find his place in the world but things aren’t always that easy. Especially when you’re only 21 years old and have a 4 year old daughter.
Warnings- Mentions of underage sex, brief mentions of past drug & alchol abuse. Mentions of past depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts. Quite a bit of swearing but nothing too harsh, don’t read if you’re sensitive to anything mentioned above.
Word count-2.7k
“Eunha baby please for the love of god can you just listen to me for once!” Jungkook cried out to his daughter who giggled loudly and ran away from her fathers grasp. He had been trying to get Eunha to have a bath for the past 10 minutes but the young girl was determined to get her own way. A quality she 100% got from her father.
“But daddy I had a shower the other day! I don’t need another one.” She exclaimed slightly out of breath from running up the stairs, her half naked frame was covered in a mixture of dried paint and dirt that she managed to pick up from nursery. Jungkook eventually managed to scoop her into his arms before she ran away again and locked herself in her room. A trouble he has had to face a few times when it came to bath time and he is only realising now that it would be easier to remove the lock. Luckily non of the boys were in to witness the young fathers struggle due to a ‘welcome back’ party half the campus was going to. Jungkook of course wanted to go and see everyone again after the summer break but the thought quickly disappeared when he realised he wasn’t a teenager anymore, he was a father and his daughter was his top priority, not some stupid house party that’ll probably be shut down by the police within the first few hours.
She squealed in delight when Jungkook playfully tickled her belly, an action that he knew would help win her over from past experiences. “Daddy has to shower everyday, some days when he’s really stinky he has two so you don’t get to complain misses.” He sat her down on the closed toilet seat and added the finishing touches to the bath, bubbles. Eunha hated baths more then anything but she wouldn’t even go near one of it didnt have bubbles in and so he makes sure to stock up on ‘unicorn mist bubble bath!’ Every week. After making sure that the water was just right he turned to his daughter and smiled “Bath time.”
It didn’t take long for Eunha to grow bored of the bath so Jungkook quickly dried her off, put her pyjamas on and ordered some food for them both whilst they relaxed in his bed. His long fingers made their way through her thick brown hair as she laid against her fathers chest. Jungkook couldn’t help but be reminded of the times when Eunha was first born and her mother was still around, cuddling into his side whist Eunha laid in his arms. Back to a time when Jungkook was vulnerable and believed her when she swore she’d never leave him. For a long while after she had left he wanted nothing more then to go back in time and and be with her where he felt loved and cared for. Now however he despised those memories. He wanted nothing more than for the images of her to be out of his head so he could finally move on. Eunha taught him what love is and he had finally learnt what she gave him was not it.
The father shook the thoughts out of his head and focused on the girl in front of him. Her glowing eyes were engaged with the tv. They were watching Beauty and The Beast, Eunhas favourite film. Even as a new born when Jungkook was 17 and had no fucking clue on how to take care of a child she always seemed to calm down and relax when it came on. Now himself and Eunha has watched it so many times together that they knew every word to every song and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t know the script inside out also. Even so Jungkook didn’t mind watching the film, deciding it was one of the better disney movies that actually taught kids the lesson of not to judge a book by its cover and that love comes in all different shapes a sizes.
Eunha lifted her head suddenly from her dads side and shifted to look around the bed, her tiny hands patted down onto the mattress clearly searching something. “What are you looking for baby?” He asksd curiously sitting up so he was beside her again. “Your phone daddy I want to know the time.” He chuckled and leaned across her small frame to grab his mobile from the bedside table.
“Why didn’t you just ask? And it’s 9:45 why do you want to know?” He picked her up and placed her on his lap so that she was facing him. She smiled brightly “Well earlier you told me to remind you about getting your clothes from the laundry place but I forgot so I’m telling you now.” Jungkook burrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he wondered what she was talking about before it dawned on him. He gasped and mumbled a small curse word under his breath and prayed that she didn’t hear him before removing her from his lap and began getting changed back into the clothes he was wearing before.
“God I completely forgot! I need those clothes for tomorrow so we’re gonna have to get them now sorry baby.” He apologized and kissed her forehead before taking her into her own room and grabbed a light jacket from the back of her wardrobe. It was a nice summer evening so she probably didn’t need it but her pyjama shorts and tank top were too little to be wearing outside at this time. The father sighed as he paced around the house, picking up his keys and turning off the television whilst Eunha waited patiently by the door.
“Are we going in the car daddy?” She asked as Jungkook picked her up and walked out of the shared apartment.
“No baby the place is only a couple minutes away so we’re gonna walk.” They strolled hand in hand down the street as the sun set in the distance. The warm evening breeze struck them with a pleasant burst over their bodies, a reminder of the summer that had just arrived in Seoul after a year of bitter coldness. The laundry shop wasn’t far from the house, just through the park and down the street so Jungkook didn’t have to worry about rushing to get there as it was a 24 hour service. Something the father was thankful for.
Despite the time there was still quite a few people sitting around, students having a beer before the sun went down and older people walking their dogs which Eunha was intraced by. She looked up towards her father and pointed out a particular dog that she always seemed to fondle over than any other. It was a golden retriever puppy that made the young girl giggle as he raced up to her and buried his face in her shoulder. “Look daddy!” She screamed in excitement and pet his golden fur whilst Jungkook laughed at the cute sight in front of him. He had always wanted to get a dog. A big silver husky that could help keep the house in check. The thought sounded stupid to some people but Jungkook weirdly felt like getting the dog was perfect to help keep Eunha safe but after discussing the plan with the rest of his housemates his idea was quickly shut down by Jin when he mentioned the price of such a dog.
The father snapped a quick photo of the pair and kneeled down to join his daughter with patting the overly energetic pet. “When can we get a dog daddy?” She said with a voice full of hope as she looked over at Jungkook, a wide smile wedged on her face. He chuckled and stood up, brushing himself off before holding his hand out to help his daughter up off of the floor. “Soon Eunnie, soon.” The young girl turned around once again and waved goodbye to the small dog. Her knees were muddy from the grass but she didn’t seem to mind as she skipped through the park, forcing her dad jog a bit to catch up with her.
“This needs to be done by 4:30 tomorrow latest, washed and dried. I have a very important party to go to.” The middle aged women smirked as she pulled a $50 out of her over priced Louis Vuitton purse and handed it to you from the other side of the counter. “And keep the change, you clearly need it.” The obvious fake smile on your face widened as you snatched the cash out of her perfectly manicured hand. “Of course ma’am I’ll see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day.” The smile stayed glued to your face until she was out of sight of the building. The last thing you needed was for her to catch you flipping her off and get you fired.
You inhaled deeply for a moment and regained your composure before putting the money into the till and taking out the tip in change. After months of searching you finally found a job that fit perfectly with your schedule and whilst working at a laundromat was not the most ideal job, it paid well and the amount of tips you got was surprising.
“God she’s a right bitch. Her names Karen Kennedy and she’s a regular, I don’t think she even owns a washing machine.” Your co worker said as she carried a large bag of clean laundry to the desk behind you. You chuckled quietly and shook your head. You’d only been working there a few weeks and you’ve already dealt with too many rich white people bossing you around and quite frankly, you were sick of it.
“Yeah well she tips good so I’m not saying anything.” You joked and turned to face the petite girl. Your co worker Mia was another reason as to why you hadn’t quit the job yet, she was slightly older then you and she was the type of girl that was pretty enough to be on a magazine cover so you had no idea why she was stuck working at a 24 hour laundromat. The two of you quickly clicked after working a 13 hour shift together and discovered that you both had a weird obsession with ‘NSYNC’. After that your friendship bloomed into snarky comments and late night trips to 7/11 after your shift.
“Anyway how’s rehearsals going?” Mia asked as she sat herself down in the space next to you, sorting through a bag of laundry that was dropped off earlier on in the day. You sighed “not the best, out choreographer broke his leg the other day so he can’t help anymore so we have to hold auditions for a new one”
“Shit that sucks, has Richards asked you too help?”
“Unfortunately, I mean it’s not like I mind helping her she’s done a lot for me it’s just I have no time at the minute”
“Oh well, why don’t you-” Mia was cut off by the sound of the bell Indicating a new customer has entered. Your eyes widened when you saw the beautiful man from the park with his daughter standing in front of you, smiles across on their faces. “Hello I’m Jungkook, I’ve come to pick up my dry cleaning.” He said as he picked up the little girl from beside him.
“Okay sir I’ll go grab them from the back, feel free to take a seat.” Mia said as she smiled at the two before raising her eyebrows at you and disappearing into the back.
He smiled at you before taking the young girl to go and sit down in the chairs closest to the counter. You looked away and pretended that you were busy so you didn’t embarrass yourself and do something stupid. You could hear the two talking quietly between themselves and you smiled as the giggles left the little girls mouth. It was just the two of them yet again, making you further wonder about the young girls mother. You turned your head away before he could catch you staring and pretended you were busy writing things down, his deep brown eyes and cute smile engraved in your mind. He was truly beautiful and the way he acted with his daughter was completely adorable, you wanted nothing more than to have the confidence to talk to him. Boys never usually made you feel like this. Why was he so different?
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Jungkooks voice “Eunha! Stop that please you’re gonna hurt yourself.” You turned to look at the two and found yourself amused when you saw the young girl twirling to the music that was playing through the building. You giggled at the sight, finding her dancing cute. He placed her on his hip and turned to look at you, a sheepish smile on his face when he heard your laughter. His tattoos were on full disply as he was wearing a short sleeved shirt and you admired the way the designs wrapped around his muscular arms.
“Sorry love, she gets excited when she hears this song it’s her favourite.” His deep voice sent shivers down your spine, a small blush covered your cheeks at the nickname he gave you. You smiled widely “Don’t worry about it, I loved it! You have some good moves.” You smiled at the brown haired girl as her eyes sparkled with delight. “I love dancing.” She stated proudly grinning widely.
“Love is an understatement, she dances all day and if she could she’d do it all night.” You laughed at the statement happy he was speaking to you. “I want to be just like daddy! He’s good at dancing too.” Excitement laced in her words as you raised your eyebrows in surprise. He was a dancer, no wonder why he was so buff, your mind filled with thoughts of how good he’d look all sweaty and panting for breath. Your cheeks flushed at the thought, Jesus this man was something else. “You’re a dancer? That’s so cool, I’m terrible at dancing it’s like I have two left feet.” You joked.
He laughed at your comment and the young girl giggled into her fathers neck. “I might have to teach you some time then.” He smiled as another blush spread across your cheeks. “Maybe” you said as Mia came out with his dry cleaning, a wide smile on her face as she handed Jungkook the bag.
“That’ll be 18.95 please sir.”
He nodded as set his daughter on the ground next to him, pulling out his wallet to give Mia 20 dollars. “You can keep the change, thanks a lot.” Jungkook smiled at Mia before turning to me, “I’ll see you around.” Giving me one last smile before mumbling a small ‘come on baby’ as the two walked out the shop. The young girl turned around and gave me a quick wave bye which I grinned at and returned.
Mia turned to me with a wide smirk wedge on her face, “He was so cute! He was so flirting with you!” She exclaimed clapping excitedly.
You turned to look at her after watching the pair walk down the street, “he was cute but he was not flirting with me, he was a daughter! Meaning he probably has a girlfriend.” You stated giving her a sad look before sitting down on the chair behind the counter. The thought of him going home to another women made you weirdly uncomfortable even though You had just met him.
“You don’t know that y/n, he could be a hot single father for all you know” she replied looking at me with another smile.
“Oh well, I doubt I’ll see him again.” You shrugged like you didn’t care when deep down you knew You were disappointed. He seemed like such a nice guy and for some weird reason he made your heart flutter whenever he spoke. You really wanted to see him again and talk more but you knew it was very unlikely.
She rolled her eyes at your words and got back to her work “whatever you say hun.”
Author’s note!- Hi everyone! It’s been awhile since I last updated this fanfic & it’s been awhile since we’ve been active on this account but we’ve just been so busy and we didn’t have time to update. I’m not gonna make any promises as to when chapter 4 is coming out because I have no idea but it won’t be as long a wait as this one was. Again I’m sorry it took so long but I hope you all enjoy!- love anon hobi Xxx
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atths--twice · 4 years
Shades of Blue
It feels like a long time since things have changed in the world. Simple and every day enjoyments have become unknown at the moment. But, some can be experienced still... just perhaps a bit differently. 😊
This was an idea that came to me and I could not stop thinking about it. It is disgustingly fluffy and I make absolutely no apologies whatsoever. I think I smiled the entire time I was writing it.
I hope you do too. ❤️🍬❤️
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July 2020
Scully finished putting away the dishes from lunch and dried her hands on the towel in her hands. As she hung it up on the oven door, she glanced down at her feet and sighed.
The nail polish she had applied a few weeks ago was nearly gone and she knew she would need to do something about it soon. Making a mental note to take the polishes out later, after Faith was down for a nap, she sighed again and looked up, catching Mulder’s eye.
“What the troubs, Bubs?” he asked from across the room and she chuckled. Shaking her head, she walked over and sighed as she sat beside him on the couch, where he sat watching Faith play.
“Not really troubling, just…”
“Tell me,” he said, bumping her shoulder and smiling at her.
“It’s… it’s silly, really.”
“Nonsense. Out with it.”
By way of explanation, she set her bare feet on the coffee table and pointed with another sigh. He looked down and back up at her with a frown.
“What? Your toes?”
“Yeah. Like I said, it’s silly and not even something I do very often, but I would really like to be able to go and get a pedicure,” she said with a tiny pout and he smiled. “Get out of the house. Sit in one of those wonderful massage chairs… hmm. Have someone rub my feet while I read a magazine about some celebrities I’ve never heard of nor care to know really, or just close my eyes and relax.” She hummed again and closed her eyes as she leaned her head back on the couch and let out a breath.
She heard Mulder shift around and then his foot brushed against hers. Opening her eyes, she watched as his toes ran across hers. Clasping her hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed it.
“It’s been a long time, I know. Being home all the time like we have been,” he said, both of them looking at Faith as she knocked down her blocks with a squeal of delight. Scully smiled at her and Mulder kissed her hand again before letting it go and standing up quickly.
“What’re you doing?” she asked, looking up at him in surprise.
“Give me about… ten minutes, okay?” He bent and kissed her, stood back up, and turned toward the stairs with a grin.
“Okay,” she said with a shrug and a quirk of her lips. She scooted off the couch and sat down next to Faith on the floor. “What could your daddy be up to, my love?”
“Dada,” Faith said, walking to Scully and crawling into her lap. “‘Piedah?”
“Itsy Bitsy Spider?”
“Okay,” Scully said with a smile, hugging her close and kissing her head before she began to sing.
When she had finished, Faith stood up and picked up two books, bringing them to Scully and climbing back into her lap. As she read and Faith repeated the words she knew, she kept her back to Mulder, not wanting to ruin whatever surprise plan he had concocted in his mind. She could hear him banging around, opening and closing cupboards, the sink running and the front door opening.
Her curiosity was not the only one that was piqued. Bella trotted over to him and then out the open door, her tags jingling as she walked back and forth across the porch, following Mulder with whatever he was doing.
“No, Bella!” Scully heard him say and she smiled. “That’s not for you, girl. If you’re thirsty, go inside.”
“Thirsty?” Scully asked Faith, her lips pressed against her sweet smelling hair. “What is he doing out there?”
“Cow. Mooooooo,” Faith said, pointing at the cow in the book. “Cat. Maow. Gay. Maow.”
“Yes, love. Grey says meow. You’re so smart.”
“Gay. Gay. Cat.” Faith stood up and walked over to the scratching post, reaching up to pet Grey, who was sleeping with her head hanging off the side. “Hi, Gay.”
Grey woke up with a trilling purring meow, opening her blue eyes and stretching. She let out a big yawn and then pushed into Faith’s hand with a purr.
“Aww, Gay. Wahv, Gay.”
“You love Grey, Faith?” Scully asked her with a smile at hearing her say love for the first time. Rising up on her knees to work her way closer to the scratching post, she rubbed Faiths back gently. “Honey, I love you so much.” She kissed her head and then they both pet Grey, who rolled over and stretched, scratching at them gently.
“Ladies,” Mulder said behind them and Scully turned to look at him. He was smiling as he stood in the doorway, arms outstretched. “Would you care to join me on the porch?”
Grey jumped down and ran toward Mulder, Faith laughing as she followed her. He laughed as he scooped Faith up and kissed her, blowing into her neck and making growling sounds. She laughed and wiggled in his arms. Scully stood up and smiled, shaking her head as she walked toward them.
“What’s on the porch, sneaky man?” she asked and he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Well, it’s not exactly a massage chair in a nail salon, but…” He stepped aside, moving Faith to lay across his shoulder and patting her on the butt. Scully stepped past them and let out a breath as she walked through the doorway.
“Mulder…” she said quietly, shaking her head again. She looked back at him and he grinned with a shrug as she turned to look back at what he had done.
On the porch, he had set up a chair from the outdoor table set, along with the small chair from the child’s table set they had bought last year. In front of the chairs, was one of the black plastic tubs they had used for beverages at Faith’s birthday last year,  filled with water and bubbles. The large makeup bag, in which she kept her collection of nail polish bottles, polish remover, fingernail clippers, and cotton balls was sitting on the table, and a couple of towels lay across the back of the other chair.
“You… Mulder…” She shook her head as she walked across the porch and sat down, putting her feet in the water, glad she had worn shorts that morning. “Come on, Faithy my love, this is your spot. Daddy’s going to treat us to pedicures.” She tapped Faith’s chair with a grin and Mulder set her down beside it.
Faith leaned forward and looked at Scully’s legs and then touched the bubbles sitting at the top of the bucket. She looked up at them and then back at the bubbles.
“Bath,” she said, splashing her hands in the water. “Watah.”
“Yes. It is like a bath,” Scully said with a chuckle. “But, we are going to do things a little differently. Sit down, love.” Mulder knelt beside her, rolled up her leggings, and helped her put just her legs in as she looked at him confusedly.
“Yeah, just like this. Can you feel Mama’s feet in there?”
Scully touched Faith’s feet with her own and she gasped. She looked at Scully and then raised her feet out of the water and splashed them back down, spraying water and bubbles everywhere. Bella barked excitedly and came over to the tub, putting her face in and coming back up with a nose full of bubbles. They all laughed as Mulder wiped her muzzle and stood up, his shirt wet in spots.
“I fear this may not go as seamlessly as you may have pictured when you decided to do something so sweet,” Scully told him, moving her feet in the warm water as Faith splashed hers again. Grey walked over cautiously and when a drop of water hit her, she jumped and ran away.
“Yeah. I kind of thought it would be one of those moments we look back on that was idyllic. But…” He sighed as Faith splashed even more, the bubbly water in the tub disappearing quickly as it hit the porch.
“No, Mulder. It’s perfect,” Scully said with a chuckle, and she meant it. It was perfect.
He looked at her and she crooked her finger at him. Walking around, he stood behind her on her right hand side. He bent over as she continued to crook her finger with a smile, her eyes shining.
“It’s perfect, really,” she repeated quietly. He looked down at the whirlpool of water Faith was creating. It was soaking the porch, her legs and Scully’s, their clothes, and Bella’s face, as she refused to budge from beside the tub. “Now… you best hop to it. These feet aren’t going to massage themselves.” He chuckled, kissed her neck loudly, and stood up.
“Yes, ma’am.” He bent and kissed the top of Faith’s head as he walked around them.
Looking at the wet porch, he shook his head. Raising his eyes to Scully’s, she smiled with a shrug, knowing he was about to get very wet, despite the best of his intentions.
He told Bella to move and she sat up, licking his hand, and then flopping down in the shade. Grey chased after her, swatting at her tail as she wagged it. Mulder sat down cross legged in Bella’s spot and sighed with a happy smile.
“Do Faith’s toes first. See if we can calm some of that wildness,” Scully suggested and he nodded.
“Hey, wild girl,” he said with a laugh, grabbing a hold of one of Faith’s feet, the splashing stopping instantly. “I’m gonna paint your toes, okay?”
“Toes. Pigs.” She made a pig sound, or her version of it, breathing quickly in and out through her open mouth. They both laughed, as they always did, the sight of it beyond adorable.
“This little piggy went to market,” Mulder began to recite, rubbing her feet and twisting her little toes. She laughed and clapped, saying some of it with him.
He put her foot back and repeated the process with the other foot. Knowing she wanted more than a mental picture, Scully pulled her feet out of the water and shook them off, walking with wet feet across the porch and into the house to grab her cell phone.
“Mama go.” She heard Faith say and she smiled. She was speaking so much now, adding new words to her vocabulary daily. Sighing at how fast time truly did fly, she walked back onto the porch to join them.
“Mama,” Faith said with a smile as Scully sat down beside her.
“My love,” Scully replied, stroking the top of her head.
“Dada, toes, pigs.”
Scully grinned and took some pictures of them, her phone on silent, so as to capture candid shots. Watching Mulder be so attentive and gentle, especially with Faith, always made her feel like mush inside. Every day he was wonderful with her, of course he was, but these special moments… God, it just made her melt.
“Okay, Miss Faith,” he said, her feet held in both of his hands. “Now that your feet are clean, if Mama would be so kind as to hand me a towel and the bag there, we’ll get your little piggies painted.”
“Pigs.” She made the snorting sound again and Scully chuckled as she turned to do his bidding.
Handing him the items, he dried her feet and pretended to bite her toes, making growling noises as he did. She laughed and pushed them closer to his mouth, silently asking him to do it again.
“I’ll get those piggies!” he cried, growling and moving his mouth all over her feet. She squealed and Scully caught every second of it on video.
“Okay, time to get serious,” he said, scooting her chair away from the tub a little and opening up the bag, moving things around as he looked inside. “So in here, we have a few color options. Let’s see… oh a dark red… a bit grown up, but there is a pandemic going on, so...what the hell? Ah, a nice purple- lilac? Is that what we would call that color? Eh… a couple different shades of pink. Orange, really?” He looked at Scully in disbelief and she laughed.
“It was for that thing at the hospital. At Halloween a few years back, remember?”
“Oh, right. So this is old polish?”
“Some of it is. The pink ones and the lavender are not.”
“Lilac, lavender, it’s all purple to me,” he said with a shrug as he set the colors in his lap and closed the bag. “So which one would you like, my girl?”
“There are a few more bottles in the bag.”
“No, there’s not.”
“There is or there should be- different shades of blue. Did you not see them?”
“Saw them. Not an option. Not for her,” he stated, not meeting her eyes as she looked at him with raised eyebrows.
“I’m sorry, what?” She shifted her feet in the tub, raising her right foot, and poking at him with her wet toes.
He looked at her then, his eyes dark and full of desire. Taken aback, she made to move her foot, but he caught it. Squeezing her toes, he stared at her hard and she swallowed as her heart began to pound.
“The blues are for you. You can pick one of them when it’s your turn.” He let go of her foot and returned his attention to Faith. “So which would you like, sweetheart? Red, pink, or lavender ?” Scully put her foot back in the water, his words intriguing her as to why blue would be the color for her, even as the look in his eyes made her feel out of breath.
Faith stood up from her chair and then  squatted down to see the bottles better, reaching for the lavender one and a light pink. She looked at them and then at him, handing the pink one back and holding onto the lavender one.
“Purple? Is that the color you want?”
“Okay! Great decision, Squatchy.” He put the other bottles away and set the bag beside him. Reaching for hers, she pulled it back and shook her head.
“No. My puhpo.” She held it closer and he smiled.
“I see. Well, it appears you’ll need a demonstration as to what will be happening before we can move forward. Mama, if you would be so obliging…”
He reached for the bag again and looked up at Scully. She nodded and lifted a foot from the water. He dried it quickly and took the bottle of “grown up red” from the bag. Opening the bottle, he began to paint her big toe, glancing up at Faith with a smile as he did.
For a moment, Scully was transported to a different time; when she was pregnant with William and feeling very uncomfortable. She had complained about a lot, a lot a lot on that particular day; one of the complaints being that her toes were chipped and messy. He had walked away and into her bathroom and she knew she had pushed too far, tears pooling in her eyes as the pregnancy hormones had betrayed her yet again.
But then, he had walked out of the bathroom and guided her to the couch. Making sure she was comfortable, he had sat down on the floor in front of her and placed her feet in his lap.
Taking his time, he had painted over the pale blue polish she had been wearing. He had said nothing, understanding that any words he said would have fallen on deaf ears. Making sure they had looked good before he got up, he had propped her feet up on the coffee table.
“Better?” he had asked softly, as she looked at the freshly painted dark red on her toenails.
“Better. Thank you,” she had said, shaking her head and sighing as he had sat down beside her. “I know it’s silly-”
“No, Scully. It’s not. You're growing a person inside of you. A little uber Scully. You can complain about things. I may not be able to fix them all, but toes… well, that I can do.” He had taken her hand and squeezed it as she put her head on his shoulder.
“Thank you.”
They had sat in silence until she spoke and corrected his previous comment.
“An uber Scully-Mulder,” she had said with a whisper and he chuckled softly, nodding against her head, as he had moved his arm to wrap it around her shoulders.
“See, honey? You see how I painted Mama’s toe? That’s what I want to do with the purple, but on your toes. Do you want me to do that?” Mulder’s discussion with Faith pulled her back to the present and she took a deep breath as she closed her eyes briefly.
“Me. Me do puhpo,” Faith said and Scully looked at her as she handed her bottle to Mulder, put a foot on his leg, and held onto his shoulder. He chuckled and nodded, closing up the dark red.
“Sit down then, my love. Sit down.” He glanced at Scully and they both smiled. Making sure the dark red was closed properly, he put it back in the bag and moved Scully’s foot back into the tub. “I’ll take care of that later.” He winked and began to shake the bottle of purple polish as Faith sat down.
“With a shade of blue?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. “As that’s already been decided?”
“Hmm,” he said, putting Faith’s left foot on his leg and opening the bottle. “I didn’t decide that, honey, you did. Years ago, in fact. Okay, you ready, love?” He looked at Faith and she nodded enthusiastically.
With a chuckle, he opened the bottle and set it beside him, taking the wand out and holding onto her little foot. When he painted the first toe, she gasped and put a hand on Scully’s knee as she leaned forward to look closer.
“Puhpo! Mama! Puhpo toe. Puhpo pigs!” she exclaimed and they both laughed exuberantly.
She watched intently as he painted the next one, once he had stopped laughing. When they were all done, he put her right foot beside her left and started with her little pinky toe.
Scully ran her thumb across the top of Faith’s hand before she began snapping more photos, catching the excitement and wonder on Faith’s face, and the happiness on Mulder’s.
“Annnnd done!” he said, looking up and smiling at Faith as he closed the bottle. One last photo was taken, before Scully put her phone down on the table. He bent his head and blew on Faith’s toes, attempting to dry them faster. She giggled and lifted one closer to his mouth. “Oh no! Purple piggies!”
He pulled back as he held her foot and she giggled again. Bella ran over, her tail wagging as she pushed under his arm, licking at his face. He laughed and Faith squealed, pulling her foot back and standing up.
“Oh, Bell,” she said, hugging her neck as Mulder wrapped an arm around Faith, knowing how excited Bella could get.
She licked at them both as Scully once again took pictures, smiling as she moved her feet around in the now much cooled off water. Grey sat a few feet behind them, her tail wrapped around her legs and her head cocked to the side as if trying to figure out why everyone was so excited.
Once Mulder had gotten them calmed down a bit, Faith sat back down and put her feet back in his lap.
“Moh puhpo,” she said and he smiled.
“No, love. You don’t need more. They’re all finished. You wanna play in the tub while Mama has her turn?”
“You’ll need to add more warm water before she does. It’s a little chilly.”
“Oh, you should’ve said,” he told her, feeling the water. “No, it’s a lot chillier.”  He looked at her and she shrugged.
“It feels good to me in this heat, but it won’t to Faith.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” He stood up and walked inside, Scully laughing as she saw the wetness from Faith’s splashing, staining the back of his dark blue basketball shorts.
“You got him good, love. Nice job,” she said as she lifted Faith into her lap.
“Mama. Puhpo toes. Yook.” Faith pointed as she wiggled her toes and Scully laughed.
“Yup. You have purple on your toes. Daddy painted them for you.” Faith leaned back and took a deep breath, putting her arm up around Scully’s neck. Taking a deep breath of her own, Scully began to hum and rock her in her arms.
“Wahv Mama.”
“Oh, honey. I love you. So very much.” Scully squeezed her tighter and rested her head on top of Faith’s.
“Okay! Here’s the warm water,” he said, carrying a large silver pot in his hands.
Scully took her feet out of the tub and he set the pot down. He dumped out half of the water from the tub, and then refilled it with the warm water; some bath toys coming out with it. Scully smiled as she stuck a toe in and felt the temperature. With a nod, he smiled as he set the pot down and reached for Faith.
“You ready to play in the tub, purple piggies? Let’s get your clothes off.” He took off everything and set her down naked into the tub. She looked at him with a smile and began to splash happily and play with her toys.  
“Good plan to keep her occupied. You still have a job to do and I have some questions,” Scully said, clearing her throat and raising her eyebrows.
“Is that right?” he asked as Bella laid down beside the tub, calm in the middle of Faith’s excited play.
“Oh, it’s absolutely right,” she said, moving her chair a little, away from the tub, and handing him a towel. He smiled as he took it from her and picked up the makeup bag.
Sitting down cross legged again, he took her feet into his lap and dried them with the towel. She wiggled her toes and he grabbed at them, his eyes once again desirous as her heart raced.
“You want to know about blue being the color for you,” he stated with certainty.
“You’re damn right I want to know about that,” she asked, shaking her head and glancing at Faith. She was playing with a tiny pink watering can with a white daisy on the side from some toy set she had and had taken into the tub one night.
“I figured you might have figured it out by now,” he said, taking out the polish remover and cotton balls. Looking up, he winked as he opened the bottle and applied it to a cotton ball, and then her toenails, removing the current light pink she had been wearing.
“Nope. I’m at a loss here,” she said, her right foot moving slowly up his inner thigh.
“Hey,” he warned, moving her foot back to his knee. He looked at Faith and shook his head. “Stop that.”
“You started it.”
“How?” he asked incredulously, shaking his head.
“You mentioned the blue polish and then looked at me all… hmm. You started it. It was just a simple pedicure until you did that, so yeah, you started it.” She pressed her toes into his knee and he let out a sigh; continuing to take off the polish as he shook his head.
“Mama. Yook. puhpo.” Faith held a purple walrus bath toy in her hand, holding it out to show Scully. “Puhpo toes.”
“Yeah, baby. It’s purple like your toes. Good job. You’re such a smart girl,” Scully said, smiling at her as she watched her playing happily in the black tub.
Mulder had moved onto her other foot by the time she looked back at him. The toenails on her left foot were now bare and it looked odd to her, having them been light pink for quite awhile.
“Ahem…” she said, tapping him with her toes. He looked up and she raised her eyebrows. Nodding, he took a deep breath.
“Your toes were painted blue the first time I ever really noticed and it threw me,” he explained and she frowned at him. He smiled and finished taking off her polish, setting the cotton balls beside him. Lifting a foot, he began to massage it and she sighed happily.
“We were in South Dakota and it was hot as balls outside. The air conditioner had stopped working in your room, so you were in mine, where it was only slightly cooler. You were grumpy and frustrated with the case, talking really fast as you paced, and all I could do was watch you.” He hit a particularly sensitive spot on her foot and she groaned, her head dropping back.
“You were so serious about it, and all I could think was that you were so beautiful, and I couldn’t stop myself from looking at you while you were distracted.” He stopped massaging her foot, simply holding it in his hands, and she raised her head to look at him. “You were wearing a black camisole and your work skirt, fanning yourself as you paced around in your tirade. Your hair was pulled up with pieces of it falling down and your heels were off in the corner.”
She smiled at him, remembering that case and he was right, it was as hot as balls outside. It was muggy as well and their motel was next to a large disgusting pond which smelled and drew mosquitoes to it. She had been bitten a lot while they were there, forcing them to stop at a drugstore for bug bite medication on their way home. Needless to say, she had been unhappy the entire time they were there.
“I remember South Dakota,” she said, taking her foot from him and offering him the other. He grinned and began to rub it. “But what does that have to do with blue toenail polish?”
“I’m getting there,” he said with a wink, glancing at Faith, who was filling the little watering can and pouring it on her head.
“So… as I was saying,” he said as his thumbs rubbed the sole of her foot and she moaned again. “I was looking at you and knew if I was caught, you would kill me.” He looked up at her and she shrugged with a smirk.
“Well, when you stopped moving, I noticed your toes were painted blue and I wasn’t able to concentrate on anything else.”
“Why?” she asked with a laugh.
“Mama. Yook.” Faith filled the watering can again and poured it out on the porch.
“That’s nice, honey,” she said with a smile, turning her attention back to Mulder. He shook his head and shrugged.
“I don’t know. There was just something about seeing those blue toenails, knowing you had been busting balls all day, staring down our suspect, wearing heels… I can’t explain it. It was just so… hot. ”
“Quite literally,” she laughed, remembering the heat of the room. “What if they had been red?”
“Nah. Not as good,” he said with a shake of his head, rubbing her heel and smiling. “Red is too commonplace. But blue… hmm.” He shook his head again and she laughed.
“That was years ago. God… we hadn’t even been working together that long at that point. Barely even nine months.”
“Oh, of that I am well aware,” he said with a heavy sigh and a shake of his head and she laughed again.
“That one time and now I’m destined to choose only from shades of blue?”
“It was more than once and every time it was hot. You’ve had different colors, of course, but the blue, well… And as I’m the one painting your toes today, you will be choosing from the various shades of blue in the bag.” He grinned and set her foot down on his lap, holding both of them in his hands. She smiled and then held her hand out as she licked her lips.
“Hand me the bag.”
“Good. I’ll check that the water is still nice and warm for Squatch as you pick.” He handed her the bag as he stood up and stretched, walking over to Faith and squatting down.
“Hey, love. You having fun?”
“Dada. Yook. Puhpo.” She showed him the walrus and he kissed the top of her head. “Pigs. Puhpo.”
“Yes, your piggies are purple. You warm enough?” He felt the water and nodded, kissing her head again as he stood up, walking back to Scully.
“So, did you make your decision?” He sat down and stared up at her with a smile.
“Wellll…” she drawled out as she handed the bag back to him. “I can’t say that I have as I like all of them.” She sighed and showed him the bottles in her lap.
“Five bottles? You have five bottles of different shades of blue?!”
“I like blue,” she said with a shrug. “And apparently you do too.”
“Exactly! I’m saying, you have those five bottles of blue and they haven’t appeared more often in the rotation? Seriously?” She laughed and shook her head.
“If I had known how much you enjoyed it, they would have. But as I’m just learning of it today, I can’t be held responsible.”
“Fair enough. Hand me the bottles,” he said with a smile, putting out his hand and smiling as she handed them to him.
“South Dakota,” he mumbled, setting one aside. “Movie night at your place. Tennessee. My apartment. Kroner.”
“What?” she asked curiously, watching as he looked at the bottles.
“Well, these might not be the exact color, but they’re pretty close.” He shrugged and stared at them, mumbling under his breath.
“You remember the exact shades from each of those times?” she asked incredulously and he raised his head to look at her.
“I remember everything, Scully. Did you forget that?” He smiled with a wink and her heart raced again.
Faith splashed in the tub and Scully glanced at her, making her decision. Placing her feet in his lap, she nodded. He tilted his head to the side and she grinned.
“All of them.”
“What?” he asked, his eyes wide.
“Five bottles, five toes on each foot… seems the decision has already been made. Five shades of blue… one for each toe.”
“Do you have any idea what you’re saying?”  He shook his head as he let out a deep ragged breath. “Any idea, Scully?”
“She goes down for a nap in half an hour,” she said, glancing at Faith and then back to him. “I know what I’m saying.” He stared at her and she smiled, winking as she slowly moved a foot back and forth across his thigh. He cleared his throat and grabbed her foot, stopping her movements.
“They will need time to dry. The girl needs to get out, dried and dressed… and all in the next half hour. I suggest you figure out the pattern you wish to use before it gets too much later,” she said, pressing the toes of her other foot into his leg. He swallowed hard and nodded.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said in a low voice and she shivered with the anticipation of what was to come. He picked up the first bottle and began to shake it, his eyes once again full of desire as he stared at her.
“Half an hour,” she said again. “Forty five minutes, tops.”
“No. It will be half an hour,” he stated firmly, as he began to paint her big toe dark blue.
“As long as they look good.”
“All the blues at once, Scully… do you even know me?” He shook his head and she laughed. “Now, stop distracting me, woman. I’m working on a deadline here.”
“Yes, dear.”
She watched him for a second, the serious dedication he gave to the task, and she grinned. As she turned her attention to Faith, she looked up and smiled at her, the pink watering can in her hands, and Scully smiled wider.
Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes as the warm wind blew, happy in the moment. No other pedicure would ever measure up to the one shared with her wild girl and given by the man she loved.
No matter how wonderful those massage chairs would feel one day, nothing would compare to discovering the love and desire that lay unknown within the different shades of blue.
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23 please ☺️ bonus if it includes them being parents. I'm forever sad we'll never get to see that
“And the evil knight tried to hurt the princess but she fought him off...”
Alex whispers, pressing a light kiss to Ryan’s hair. Running one hand through her long curls as he stared up at the glowing stars stuck to the ceiling. He’s managed to get comfy on the four year olds bed, even with his feet hanging off the edge. Ryan had snuggled up against his chest, her fluffy pink bunny clutched tightly to her side as she stared up at his face, totally captured by the story.
“No one came to save her?” She asks, her eyes wide, flashing the same puppy dog look Jo always does.
“She saved herself...” Alex smiles, as Ryan pushes her little hands against his chest leaning up to see him clearly. “She saved herself because she was strong…and clever...and most importantly she was brave.” He mutters pressing soft kisses on the little ones cheeks in between each word. “And one night she escaped the evil knight… and she ran straight to the prince’s castle where she knew she would be safe.”
“Because the prince would protect her?” Ryan questioned, reaching out to run her hands across Alex’s stubble.
“Because the princess knew that the grumpy prince would never let anything bad happen to her.”
Before Alex has a chance to respond another voice cuts him off making both Ryan and Alex jump as they turn to find Jo leaning against the doorway smirking.
“Mommy!” Ryan cries, jumping out of Alex's arms, her foot hitting Alex square in the stomach as she raced off the bed, Jo just has enough time to bend down and catch her, as Ryan leaps into her arms.
Alex watched the two in awe as Jo scooped Ryan up into her arms, smothering the girl in kisses all over her face. “What are you still doing up Shrimp? Hmmm?” Jo questions poking the little girls stomach making her squeal and giggle in delight. “It is way past your bedtime.”
“Daddy is telling me my favourite story” Ryan whines sassily, as she points over to Alex as if it was an obvious explanation for being up two hours past her bedtime.
“Oh…” Jo nods, matching her daughter's serious pout, as she lifts Ryan up and makes her way over to the bed. “Okay then, daddy finish the story.” She nods at Alex to continue as she places Ryan back down on the bed into Alex waiting arms. Alex pushes himself against the wall as far as he could, as Jo shimmies onto the edge to join them.
Once they were all settled in Alex's arms he continued.
“So the prince had all his friends from the kingdom come together to keep the princess safe.”
“And the princess never had someone to protect or care for her like the prince had and she wondered why he would do this all for a little old her.” Jo adds, smiling as their daughters face lights up while she looks between the two, totally engrossed in a story she's heard a 1000 times.
“He did it because he loved her mommy...” She explains, giving Jo a sympathetic smile like she felt sorry that Jo hadn’t worked it out. “right daddy?”
Alex smiles down at his little shrimp, he nods softy, before looking back up at Jo surprised to find her eyes already on him. “Yeah that’s right.”
“But she didn’t know that yet…” Jo whispers, leaning in closer “but on that night when she escaped, there was a magical storm raging across the kingdom and she asked him...she asked why he would do all of this for her.”
“And just as he’s about to tell her that, he's madly in love with her.”
“BOOM” Alex bellows, grabbing Ryan and lifting her up into the air above him, making her squeal.
“THE TREE” She cries happily, settling down on Alex's chest.
“Yes the tree.” Jo nods laughing at her excitement, she brushes her hand across the little girl's cheek marvelling at her enthusiasm.
“The tree came crashing down through the castle.” Alex continues, lifting his arm up so Jo could move in closer, wrapping it tightly around her shoulders once she setttled in.
“That’s my favourite part.” Ryan whispers in delight.
“I know it is.” Jo grins, leaning in to press a kiss against her cheek. Squealing as Alex pulls them both in tighter.
“Can we get a tree in our house?” Ryan begs, jumping out of her parents' grip, flinging her pink bunny to the side as she looks between the two waiting for their answer.
“Not unless it’s Christmas shrimp.” Alex shakes his head as he and Jo begin to shift out of the little one's bed.
“Okay now it really is time to go to sleep Ryan.” Jo says trying to sound stern and failing miserably as she stands beside her bedside.
Ryan sticks her bottom lip out, making it tremble like she is about to burst into tears. A trick Jo knows too well. “But I don’t know what happened next” the four year old pouts.
“Yes you do silly” Alex laughs, lifting up swirling her around quickly before laying her down on the bed.
“They lived happily ever after.” Alex informs her as he pulls the covers over Ryan, tucking her in tightly.
“And they had a tiny little princess that always stayed up way past her bedtime.” Jo adds, kneeling down next to Alex, pressing a light kiss to Ryan’s forehead.
“Goodnight Shrimp”
“We love you.”
Jo follows Alex slowly out of the four years olds bedroom, tiptoeing as to not wake the sleeping three year old next door as they make their way down the hallway.
“How did your surgery go?” Alex whispers turning back to her while she shuts the door quietly.
“It went well thanks...I mean there was a lot of damage but if she makes it through the night, it should be all good.” Jo shrugs, today had been one awfully long surgery after the other, she’d only seen Alex briefly at lunch time.
“That’s good.” Alex nods, padding down the hallway toward their bedroom.
“How was everything here?” Jo asks, carefully opening the door to check in on the littlest Karev who was softly snoring away.
“Good little squid went down easy, you know her though she sleeps like us, it's just that terror that has an aversion to sleeping.” Alex mumbles, gesturing towards the sleeping Karev as Jo shuts the door again softly, scared of waking her.
“Yeah where did we get her from?” She jokes grinning as she follows him across the hall into their room.
“Hi” Alex whips around, taking Jo by surprise as he pushes her up against the door.
“Hi,” Jo whispers back, instinctively wrapping her arms around his neck as she leans in close. “I missed you today” she admits, lacing her fingers through the curls at the nape of his neck.
Alex wrinkles his nose, as he gives her a curious gaze “I saw you at lunch” he counters.
“I know but you didn't kiss me at lunch” Jo says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and Alex knows exactly where their daughters get all their tricks from.
“I didn't?” He frowns, it should be a crime not kissing her every chance he gets.
“No you didn't.” Biting her lip as she cocks her head to the side Jo pulls him in closer.
“I’m sorry let me make it up to you” He murmurs, feeling her breath fan his face lightly.
“Oh please do Dr Karev”
“Dada” Just as his lips graze hers, the littles Karev's voice fills the air.
“Urgh” Alex sighs leaning his head against Jo’s as she deflates in his arms. Giving him a sympathetic smile as she rubs his back softly.
“Not it” She calls, lifting her hands up and backing away from him.
“Fine...fine I’m going” He grumbles, as she moves to the side letting him pass.
An hour later Alex has just managed to escape, after trying to soothe his little squid back to sleep he’d managed to get stuck with her sleeping on his chest and spent that last half hour slowly inching himself out from under her. So much for quality time with Jo.
“Hey daddy?” Damn seriously he couldn’t get a break around here, turning towards the little voice he found Ryan who had clearly just woken up standing outside her bedroom door, her pink bunny tucked under one arm as she rubbed her eyes adjusting to the light.
“Mhmm” he nods making his way down the hall to her.
“Mummy is the princess right?...That was hurt?” She’s really obsessed with the story Alex thinks, she asks to hear it most nights, not that Alex minds but he’s definitely too tired to tell it again.
“Yeah mummy’s the princess.” He confirms lifting the little girl up into his arms, as he walks her back into her bedroom.
“But you stopped the evil knight from ever hurting her again right?” Ryan asks, yawning as she leans her head against his shoulder.
“Yeah I stopped him” He confirms, laying her back down hoping she’ll fall asleep quickly without too many questions.
“What if the evil knight hurts me?” Her little voice quivers as she leaves Alex arms, instantly reaching out for him.
“That won’t ever happen…” Alex frowns, leaning down beside her bed, holding onto one of her little hands “because daddy would never let anything bad happen to you, just like he’d never let anything bad happen to mommy.”
“Pinky promise…” she whispers, holding her tiny finger out for him.
“Cross my heart.” Alex agrees as their fingers lock. Tucking her back in, Alex sits beside the bed for a moment, waiting for her to fall back to sleep before he makes his exit.
“Daddy?” Ryan’s voice cuts through the silence.
“I’d never let anything bad happen to you either.” She mumbles, flashing her toothy grin at Alex before rolling onto her side and curling up.
“Thanks shrimp” Alex grins ruffling her hair lightly before leaning down to place a kiss against her forehead, tucking her in tightly. “Now get some sleep before mom finds out you’re awake.”
Sighing Alex finally makes his way to his bedroom, too tired to spend any real time with Jo now. As he enters the room he finds her already tucked up in bed, the only light coming from her bedside lamp.
“You're such a pushover” She grins looking up at him as he wipes his hands across his face exhausted.
“I am not” Alex grumbles making his way around the bed.
“She has you wrapped around her little finger” she laughs in a singsong voice.
“Whatever” Alex rolls his eyes, lifting the throw pillows off his side of the bed, as he pulls back the covers to join her.
“You know that story gets cheesier every time you tell it.” Jo mumbles, turning off the light as she rolls over into his welcome arms.
“She’s likes it” Alex sighs, settling back into the cushions, getting comfy as Jo lays her head against his chest.
“Oh I know she does. I just never knew our story could be much of a fairytale.” She counters, tracing patterns across his chest.
“It’s my favourite one” Alex mumbles, already feeling sleep take over.
“Really? Mines Frozen.” Jo teases looking up at Alex's faces, smirking as he watches his nose curl up in disgust, if you ask Alex the worst part of being the father of two girls, it’s the amount of times he’s been forced into watching that crap they call Frozen.
“Shut up.” He mutters, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Thankyou for requesting this prompt it was really fun to write, its probably not what you’re expecting because I changed the prompt slightly but I hope you enjoy.
If you’ve requested a prompt please know it’s coming I’m just an awful human and super lazy.
Thankyou for reading and liking its so appreciated. Also I’ve randomly changed my imaginary Jolex babies so the babies from my fanfics on fanfciton will be different children from the ones on my tumblr from now on. So here they have shrimp and squid.
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Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader x Roger Taylor
Summary: They meet the reader’s family for the first time
Requested: Nope
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: I hope you guys like this - it’s my first time writing for a relationship like this and writing for this pairing so please let me know what you think!!! Please reblog and leave comments, they really make my day and inspire me to write more - I reply and follow back with my main blog @ijustreallylovezebras
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“There’s no need to look so nervous, love, parents love me,” Ben said, reaching back and grabbing Y/N’s hand from where it was drumming on the centre console. Y/N bit her lip, smiling at him uncertainly.
“They tend to hate me,” Roger piped up with a mischievous grin, catching Y/N’s eye in the mirror and winking at her in the hopes the cheeky action would calm her down a little. Y/N’s smile grew a little and Roger took one hand off of the steering wheel to place it on top of Ben’s so that the three of them were clasping their hands tightly together.
“I love you guys,” she said quietly, leaning forwards so that her head was resting on their hands. Roger and Ben shared a soft smile over the top of her head.
“We love you too,” Ben responded, leaning down to kiss the top of her hair.
“And it will be fine today, honestly,” Roger promised, squeezing their hands quickly.
“No matter what happens today, we’ll still be the same, us three, yeah?” Ben said. Y/N turned her head so she was looking towards him and smile at her boyfriend.
“Yeah,” she agreed quietly. 
Ben used his free hand to turn the radio on, turning the volume down so it was playing quietly, enough to relax the three of them - him and Roger were much more stressed about meeting Y/N’s family than they were letting on.
They were sat in the same way that they always did when they drove anywhere. Roger was in the driver’s seat - he almost always drove, and when it wasn’t him it was Ben, they insisted that Y/N wasn’t a good driver, a running joke amongst the three of them, the only time they allowed her to drive them was when they had been on a night out and she was the only one sober enough to do so. Ben was in the passenger seat and in charge of the music controls and keeping Roger entertained while he drove. Y/N was in the middle of the back seat. She almost always sat in the back because it meant that she could fall asleep and stretch out as much as she wanted, something that Ben and Roger actively encouraged as they were always concerned that Y/N was not getting enough sleep.
“Love? Love you need to wake up,” Ben said, gently shaking her shoulder. Y/N groaned and raised her head to blink at her boyfriend. Ben offered her a smile. “There’s our girl,”
“I need you to direct me,” Roger explained. “Sorry to wake you up, Princess,” Y/N stretched forwards in her seat to press a sloppy kiss on Roger’s cheek as a response.
She rested her head against Ben’s shoulder as she mumbled directions out to Roger, who still held their hands tightly in his, shooting them adoring looks every once in a while.
They pulled into Y/N’s family’s driveway, gravel crunching under the wheels and Roger turned off the car, the three of them sitting for a moment, taking in the momentous occasion.
“I’m shitting myself,” Y/N finally announced and the boys laughed. Roger turned her head towards him and placed a firm kiss to her lips.
“We’re meant to be the scared ones, love,” Ben pointed out and Y/N smiled, turning to him and kissing him quickly.
“We’ll be fine,” Roger promised and Ben smiled at him, his gaze so loving and adoring that Y/N could feel nothing but ecstatic.
They lent over the centre console, their lips meeting in the middle, both of them grinning into the kiss.
“Are you guys coming in?” The boys broke apart, embarrassed, but Y/N couldn’t help the squeal that escaped as she flung the car door open, throwing herself into the waiting arms of her sister. Jenny laughed, squeezing Y/N tight in a hug. “The kids have not shut up about seeing their aunt again,”
“I’m their favourite aunt!” Y/N grinned.
“Yeah, you need to tell them to stop saying that to Hannah’s face, she’s getting offended,”
“But it’s true,” she protested and Jenny let out another laugh, hugging her sister again quickly. 
“She doesn’t need to know that though,” she nudged Y/N and Y/N rolled her eyes. “Are you going to introduce me then?” She asked, nodding towards Roger and Ben who were waiting patiently throughout the reunion, smiling a little as they watched. 
They would have looked perfectly at ease if Y/N didn’t know them so well. Ben was biting his lip harder than normal and Roger’s free hand was drumming on his jeans, as was his nervous tell whenever neither Ben nor Y/N had a spare hand.
“Right!” Y/N exclaimed, stepping back and grabbing Roger’s nervous hand. He shot her a grateful smile at her action and squeezed it in acknowledgement. She then looped her hand through Ben’s arm, leaning against his muscles a little. “Jenny this is Ben and this is Roger. Ben, Roger, this is my sister, Jenny,” 
“Y/N hasn’t shut up about you two,” Jenny informed the guys who let out nervous laughs.
“Trust me, it’s been the same for us two,” Roger said, nodding over at Ben over y/N’s head. Y/N pulled a face, which made Jenny chuckle.
Ben dropped one suitcase and held out his hand to Jenny who rolled her eyes a little, shaking her head.
“Come here, dude,” she said simply, pulling Ben into a hug. Ben was slow to react, taken by surprise at the warm gesture, but dropped the other suitcase and Y/N’s arm, hugging Jenny back. “And you,” she laughed as she parted from Ben and smiled at Roger who grinned and was quick to embrace her.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Ben commented and Jenny nodded.
“Yeah you guys too,” 
“See,” Ben whispered, kissing her forehead and Y/N turned to smile at him, kissing him quickly.
“Wait until you meet her kids,” she warned as Jenny took one of the suitcases from Ben. Roger took her hand again, swinging them backwards and forwards.
“Yeah my kids will be your harshest critics,” Jenny added, letting out a laugh. 
As soon as they stepped into the hallway they were attacked by Jenny’s twins - Lily and Sebastian.
“The kids like them,” Y/N turned at the sound of her mother’s voice and she smiled, nodding. Her mum place a mug of tea in her hands and settled herself on the sofa beside her.
Sebastian and Lily had taken a shine to Roger and Ben quickly. Ben was lying on his stomach playing trains with Sebastian and Roger was joining in, when his head wasn’t being yanked back by Lily who declared that she wanted to plait his hair for him. Her brother and sister-in-law’s baby (James) was sat on Roger’s lap and the drummer cradled James carefully to his chest, cooing down at the baby in the most adorable fashion.
“i didn’t realise how good with kids they were,” Y/N admitted with a shrug, blowing on her tea. “What about you, though?” She questioned, nibbling on her lip in nervousness. While her parents had appeared thrilled with Y/N’s boyfriends - and made them feel completely welcome and at home in Y/N’s childhood house - she was aware that their relationship wasn’t exactly conventional and desperately sought her parent’s approval.
“They make you happy,” her mum shrugged with a soft smile in her daughters direction. “That’s all that matters to us really,” Y/N turned and lay her head on her mother’s shoulder.
“They make me really happy,” she said in quiet agreement. Roger heard and turned towards her with a grin.
“I love you,” he mouthed. Y/N mouthed it back, her eyes crinkling at the edges.
“I think Ben won your dad over with all the rugby talk,” her mum joked and Ben looked over at the sound of his name, raising his eyebrows with a cheeky grin on his face.
“i said parent’s love me,” he joked and Roger scoffed.
“They love me more,” he argued, feigning an angry glare at Ben who rolled his eyes, leaning forwards to press a kiss to Roger’s lips.
“I think it’s time for the kids to go to bed,” Jenny said, coming into the room with Y/N’s sister-in-law Hannah and her husband Joe (Y/N’s sister). Hannah was quick to scoop the baby up from Roger’s arms and Jenny tilted her head at the twins, indicating for them to follow her. “Come on Seb, Lily,”
“I want Uncle Roger to tuck me in,” Lily whined, tugging on Roger’s hair. The drummer’s face was conflicted between a wince and a look of complete shock.
“Why can’t Uncle Ben do it?” Sebastian argued, glaring at his sister.
“Do you guys mind?” Jenny asked through a sigh, looking at Roger and Ben, both of whom were quick to nod their agreement, huge smiles blossoming on their faces as they each scooped up a twin, making the kids let out a squeal of delight. Ben swung Sebastian around so he was resting on his back and Sebastian let out a joyful laugh, winding his arms tightly around Ben’s neck.
“Where too, Princess Lily?” Roger asked, resting the young girl on his hip. Lily giggled in delight, ordering ‘Princess Roger’ to take her upstairs.
Jenny raised an eyebrow at her sister, her lips curling into a small grin as she followed the four of them.
“Did you hear that, Y/N?” Roger asked, bounding into their room and jumping on the bed next to his girlfriend who hugged him tightly. Ben flopped on top of the two of them, embracing them both into a tight hug.
“They called me Uncle Ben,” he whispered, still disbelieving. Y/N ran her fingers through his short blond hair and Ben turned his face up to kiss the palm of her hand.
“Fuck I love you,” Y/N murmured and Roger placed a kiss on her cheek.
“We love you too,”
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Shadowhunters Short Story #47, Herongraystairs. What if Jem had never been addicted to Yin Fen?
It is a cool October morning in 1887 and Tessa Herondale-Carstairs has found herself wide awake again due to the feeling of little feet kicking inside of her. She is currently 7 months pregnant with her, Will and Jem’s second child, a daughter they plan to name Lucie Ella. They have a 1 year old son named James William, after both of his fathers. 
Tessa had fallen in love with both Jem and Will the moment she met them and they had fallen in love with her, though little did she know they already loved each other too. During the battle with Mortmain, after Tessa transformed into Ithuriel, Jem had run to her side to aid her, but the Heavenly Fire was still burning through her, when he touched her, it burned him too and burned off his parabatia rune as well as Will’s, breaking their bond. Tessa had expected them to be devastated, until a few weeks later she walked into the music room and found them kissing. After that the three of them sat down together and talked about how they all felt about each other, in the end they realized no one had to choose anyone and that all three of them could be together.
In early 1886, much to everyone’s surprise, Tessa found out she was pregnant. She, Jem and Will were thrilled beyond words but also extremely nervous that something would go wrong. Throughout the pregnancy Will and Jem were extremely protective of Tessa, hardly letting her lift a finger and they were constantly at her beck and call. Throughout the pregnancy they did not know if the baby was Will or Jem’s, but they did not care because any baby born to the three of them would have two fathers, no matter their DNA. 
After a rough pregnancy filled with pain and sickness, Tessa gave birth to a healthy baby boy. It was almost immediately clear that Will is his biological father, even at moments old he looked just like him, with a few wisps of thick, curling black hair, Will’s bone structure, mouth and eye shape along with Tessa’s pallor and nose shape. Tessa was afraid at first, that Jem would be disappointed that they baby was not his, but he has always loved James just as Will does, he loves snuggling him and playing his violin for him, while Will loves to read him stories and tell him about everything he and Jem had gotten up to when they were younger.
Approximately 9 months ago, Tessa began to feel ill and achy and felt a lot of the symptoms she had felt while pregnant with James. She didn’t dare get her hopes at first, for the last year she had convinced herself that James was a miracle baby and that Tessa would not be able to fall pregnant again. However after a check up from The Silent Brothers, it was confirmed that Tessa was pregnant with a healthy baby girl. Once again all three of them were utterly thrilled and James was so excited to be a big brother, he loves feeling his sister kick and is forever asking Cecily to tell him stories about his daddy as a big brother, and vowing to be just as good as his daddy. 
Right now, Tessa is just weeks from her due date and having a lot of trouble sleeping due to the baby constantly kicking. She has been awake the past 2 hours and knows it is worthless trying to get back to sleep. With a sigh Tessa grabs her book off the bedside table and heaves herself from the bed, quietly padding across the hall to Will’s office where she can sit and read for a few hours without waking Will and Jem by switching on the lamp. It is odd to have light at the flick of a switch, but much better than trying to fumble around in the dark for a witchight or a match to light a candle with. 
After Tessa has been reading for approximately half an hour, she hears rapid footsteps approaching the office and seconds later the door swings open to reveal Jamie, his golden eyes wide with excitement for the new day, his thick black hair tangled and one of the legs of his pajama bottoms has rolled half way up his leg.
“Good morning my baby.” Tessa brightly says, setting her book down and holding her arms out for her son. Jamie dashes across the room to his mama and flings himself into her arms. His favorite way to start the day is by cuddling with his mama for an hour or two, he loves the way she holds him, strokes his hair, kisses his cheek and tells him how much she loves him. 
“Ucie.” Jamie softly says, placing a hand on Tessa’s bump and beaming up at her in delight. Having only turned 1 recently, James cannot pronounce his sister’s full name yet, so he calls her ‘Ucie’ which Tessa, Will and Jem find extremely sweet and endearing. Jamie is so excited to meet his sister and be a big brother, he’s always been so jealous that his cousin Anna has a little brother and his cousin Thomas has two big sisters, now he’s finally getting a sister and he could not be more happy. 
“Lucie’s been awake all night, I think she missed you.” Tessa softly tells her son, pushing his tangled hair back from his eyes. 
“Ove oo Ucie!” Jamie says, resting his head on his mother’s bump, pouting when he doesn’t feel her kick.
“Oh don’t be sad Jamie, she must have fallen asleep at last, shall we see if we can wake her up?” Tessa gently asks her son, pushing her top up and resting one hand on the side of her swollen stomach. “Come on now little one, you’ve been awake all night and now your brother wants to say hello.” She coos. Jamie furrows his brow at his mother when Lucie still doesn’t kick, then leans forward and pokes her stomach which immediately gets a reaction from Lucie. James’ face lights up and he laughs in delight.
“Mama she kick!” Jamie exclaims in a tone of delight. Tessa laughs lightly and says
“So she did, you must have woken her up.” 
“What a beautiful sight to wake up to.” comes a familiar voice, from the doorway. Tessa turns to see Will standing in the doorway, his hair ruffled from sleep, a smile playing on his lips. 
“Jem still asleep?” Tessa asks.
“Of course, you know him he could sleep through the apocalypse.” Will says in an amused tone, catching Jamie up in his arms when he runs at him. “Good morning Caraid, how are you this morning?” Will softly asks. 
“Good! I wake Ucie up!” James happily exclaims. 
“Did you now? Speaking of your sister, how is Miss Lucie doing in there?” Will softly asks, making his way to Tessa’s side and placing his hand on her bump. 
“Energetic as usual, even more so now she’s heard you and Jamie, this little girl is going to be an amazing Shadowhunter one day, if these kicks are anything to go by.” Tessa lightly says, holding Will’s hand over the spot where Lucie is kicking. 
“I guarantee the minute she hears Jem she’ll calm down, the man is so calm he can even relax an unborn baby.” Will says in an amused tone. Lucie always kicks up a fuss every time she hears Will and Jamie, but when Jem speaks to her she is totally calm and relaxed. When Jamie was a baby he had been the same, he was always hyper and wide awake around Will, but with Jem he was so relaxed and calm, it was amazing. 
“I’ll have to get him to have words with her, she’s not letting me sleep very much.” Tessa lightly says, rubbing at her heavy eyes. 
“Is she only this active at night?” Will asks, lifting his eyes from the bump to look at Tessa, who nods. 
“Yes, during the day she’s quiet calm.”
“Then you should get some sleep during the day when she isn’t so active, Jem and I can easily handle Jamie, you need your rest.” Will softly says. Tessa smiles at him and says
“I suppose but I like being up and spending time with my three boys.” 
“We love spending time with you too but you know how important it is for you to get enough rest.” Will says in a tone of concern. It worries him greatly that Tessa isn’t getting much sleep at night, Brother Enoch made it very clear that it is essential for Tessa to get as much rest as possible, especially in these last few weeks.
“I do but I feel guilty when I go back to bed during the day.” 
“You have absolutely no reason to feel guilty, you are carrying and growing our child, that is hard work and bound to wear you out, feeling guilty over needing to rest is as silly as feeling guilty over needing to eat.” Tessa hears Jem say. She turns to see him walking into the room with Church in his arms and a look of concern on his face.
“Papa!” Jamie squeals, wriggling in Will’s grip until he lets him down. He darts over to Jem, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist.
“Good morning sweet boy, I missed you so much.” Jem says in a tone of joy, scooping Jamie into his arms and kissing his cheek.
''Miss Oo too, love Oo papa.'' Jamie sofly says, snuggling into Jem. Jem beams and kisses his son's forehead.
''I love you too Jamie, shall we go have breakfast?'' Jem says. Jamie nods enthuastically and says
''Mama and daddy come too?'' Will and Tessa smile at their son and Tessa says
''Of course, I think Lucie is hungry too, judging by these kicks.''
When the three of them arrive downstairs they find they are the only ones up for breakfast, there is no sign of Charlotte, Henry, Charles and Matthew or Gabriel, Cecily, Anna and Christopher.
Halfway through breakfast Tessa begins to feel a famillar aching cramping pain in her lower stomach, she immediately knows that the pains are contractions but doenst want to say anything to Jem or Will incase she frightens Jamie.
When Ruby -The Institue Maid- arrives to clean up after breakfast she notices Tessa wincing and clutching her stomach.
''M'am are you alright?'' Ruby asks in a tone of concern, which immediately catches Jem and Will's attention.
''Tess are you alright, is it time?'' Jem calmly asks. Tessa winces as another pain hits her and weakly nods.
''Yes, yes I think so.'' she weakly says.
''I will take Jamie to my sister, Jem you help Tessa up to the infirmary.'' Will orders. Jem nods and begins to help Tessa out of her chair, while WIll takes Jamie to find Ceciily and Gabriel.
Tessa's labor is long and painful, she wishes more than anything that she could have Jem and Will by her side, they were there when this baby was concieved they should be here when she is born. But Tessa feels far too weak and tired to fight with the midwife and settles for having, Cecily, Charlotte and Sophie by her side. while Jem, Will, Gideon, Henry and Gabriel wait outside along with Jamie.
After six long and painful hours, Tessa gives birth to a healthy baby girl.
''Oh, Sophie can you bring Will and Jem in now?" Tessa asks in a breathless tone, wanting her husbands to meet their daughter immediately.
''Of course, Gideon and I will keep an eye on Jamie until we leave and Cecily and Gabriel and Charotte and Herny are practically fighting over who gets to look after him tonight, so you dont need to worry about that.'' Sophie lightly says, rising from her seat and making her way out of the infirmary.
A few minutes later, just as the midwife places Lucie in Tessa's arms, Will and Jem walk into the infirmary, immediately making their way to their wife's side.
All three of them gaze down at their daughter in awe, she is absolutely perfect, she looks so much like Tessa it would be almost impossible to tell who her father is, if it weren't for her blue eyes, identical to Will's.
''Lucie, sweet girl you look just like your mama and daddy you lucky little thing, you are so perfect.'' Jem queitly says, softly running his hand over Lucie's chestnut brown hair.
''I cannot believe she's finally here.'' Will queitly says.
''I cannot believe we have two children under two, I still cannot believe I was pregnant again when Jamie was only eight months old.'' Tessa lightly says, rembering how shocked she had been when at Jamie's eight month check up, Brother Enoch had told her she was pregnant again.
''At least we know we can concieve and quite easily, unlike poor Charlotte and Henry who tried for Mathew for years.'' Jem quietly says. He feels awful that he, Tessa and Will seem to have absoluetley no trouble concieving and had two children in 18 months while Charlotte and Henry struggled greatly to have a second child.
''Right as usual James.'' Will says, leaning in to kiss Jem on the cheek.
Just then, Lucie begins to fuss annd whine in Tessa's arms, her little fists clenched and her face turning bright red.
''And so it begins.'' Will jokingly says.
''Let me try and settle her, she always calmed down for me when you were pregnant.'' Jem says, holding his arms out for the baby.
The instant Lucie is placed in Jem's arm she calms down, her cries die down to whimpers before ceasing altogether and she snuggles closely into Jem, reaching a hand out of her blankets and grabbing onto Jem's shirt. Jem's heart swells with love and joy, just as it did when he held Jamie for the first time. He can still hardly believe he has two beauitful and healthy children.
''I think you're showing a bit of favouritism Miss Lucie, but I cannot blame you, your papa is rather wonderful.'' Will coos, leaning over to stroke his daughter's cheek softly.
Jem chuckles and kisses his daughter's forehead. He then looks between Lucie, Will and Tessa, his beautiful family.
''I love all four of you so much, I could not possibly ask for a more perfect family.'' Jem says in a tight tone, trying to hold back his tears of joy.
It has now been two weeks since Lucie was born, and James is absoltuely in love with his sister, he loves cuddling her and showing her his favouriet books, though he's not too happy that his sister mostly sleeps all day and is too small to play with him just yet.
Right now Lucie is having her afteronon nap in the living room in her bassinet where Tessa, Jem or Will can hear her better if she starts to cry.
Just as Tessa sits down next door to read her book, she hears Lucie begin to fuss and whine. With a sigh Tessa closes her book and makes her way into the living room. When she arrives in the living room she doesn't know wheather to be anry or amused at the sight in front of her. Jamie is standing over his sister's bassinet, lightly poking her.
''James what are you doing?'' Tessa asks in a stern tone, making her way over to the bassinet and lifting Lucie into her arms and holding her against her shoulder.
''Want play wif her mama, but she not wake up so I poke her, when she in your tummy I poke her and she wake up!'' James explains, looking up at his mother with innocent golden eyes.
''Sweetheart when she was in my tummy she was protected by a sack of water, so when you poked my tummy it didnt hurt her, but it will hurt her now, you need to let her sleep okay?'' Tessa softly explains.
''Okay, oove oo mama.'' James softly says, leaning into her. Tessa places one hand on Jamie's back and softly says
''I love you too baby.''
That evening, a few hours before James' bedtime, Tessa, Jem, Will, Jamie and Lucie all head up to Tessa, Will and Jem's room and get into bed. For the first whiile Jem plays his violon for them, which soothes and relaxes both Jamie and Lucie. Right now, Jamie is curled up in Will's lap listening to him read, Tessa is nursing Lucie and Jem is simply watching his family with a huge smile on his face.
''Our family is just perfect now Lucie is here, dont you agree?'' Jem queitly says to Tessa, putting an arm around her and their daughter.
''Yes absolutely, it feels complete, I do not want anymore children, these two are more than enough.'' Tessa quietly says, looking from Jamie to Lucie.
''Me neither and neither does Will, we were talking about it earlier today, everything is perfect as it is.'' Jem softly says. Tessa smiles and nods in agreement.
''I love you.'' She softly says, tilting her head up to look Jem in the eyes. He grins and leans his forehad agaisnt hers.
''I love you too, you and Will and our babies have given me the perfect life and I could not love you all more.'' he says, before leaning down to kiss her. Tessa closes her eyes and while she enjoys the kiss she also revels in the delight of the weight of her beautiful new baby in her arms, the heat of Will next to her, the sound of her baby boy's giggles and the feeling of Jem's kiss. When she got off the boat from America all those years ago, she could never have imagined a life like this, but it is perfect and she could not be happier.
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svucarisiaddict · 6 years
Could you write about the reader working as a detective with Sonny, they dated for a while and have a baby/toddler together but the relationship didn’t work out so they’re trying to just be friends but then the reader finds out Sonny has a date/maybe she turns up at the precinct to meet him and the reader gets upset and realises that her and Sonny belong together 💕💕
//changed this up a bit as far as readers career. Thank you for the prompt!//
“I bet I know who that is,” you said to Autumn, your two-year-old daughter when the doorbell rang. Picking her up from the high chair you put her on your hip and walked to the door.
When you opened the door she squealed in delight. “Dadadada!” She reached her arms out to Sonny.
“There’s my girl!” Sonny took Autumn from your arms and hugged her to his chest. “I’ve missed you so much.”
The interaction made you smile. Sonny was such a good Daddy. Even though things hadn’t worked out with you and Sonny you were able to remain friends and co-parent Autumn. He followed you into the apartment to grab Autumn’s bag since she would be staying at his place for the weekend.
“So, what are you two up to this weekend?” you asked as you finished packing Autumn’s bag.
“Oh, you know, the usual. Clubbin’, playin’ the craps table in Atlantic City…” Sonny teased.
“I’ll give you  $5, play it on red,” you said back and smiled. “Autumn, your Daddy is silly.” She giggled when you tickled her side. Going to tiptoe your kissed her cheek. “You have fun, toots.”
“You still use that strawberry shampoo.” Sonny looked down at you.
“Yeah-yeah. You remember that?” Taking a couple steps back you gave him a confused look.
“I remember everything about you.” Sonny held your gaze for a beat then shook his head. “I, uh, I’ll have her back Sunday afternoon.” He grabbed Autumn’s bag and left the apartment.
“What the heck was that about?” you said to yourself.
A couple of weeks later you got called into work on a Friday evening. “Shoot,” you said when Sonny’s phone went to voicemail again. It wasn’t unusual that Sonny had his phone on vibrate and not hear your call. Deciding to take your chances that he would be at the precinct you loaded up Autumn in the car.
“Hey, Amanda. How are you?” you said in greeting.
“Great. You?” She smiled and took Autumn from you. “Y’all need to come over for a playdate.”
“That would be fun. Just a little frazzled. Got called into work and can’t get ahold of Sonny. I was hoping to catch him here.”
“Y/N? What are ya doin’ here? You and Autumn okay?” You turned at the sound of Sonny’s voice.
“We’re fine. I got called in,” you answered. “Can you take Autumn? I can pick her up later as long as work-”
“Yeah. Yeah. Of course,” he responded.
From the corner of your eye, you saw a woman approach you and Sonny. She touched his shoulder. “Sonny. Sorry, I’m late.”
Sonny spun on his heel. “Kate. I thought I was meeting you at the restaurant.”
“I thought I’d surprise you,” she said. She gave you a sideways glance.
“You have a date. You should have said-” you started.
“It’s not a big deal.” He turned toward Kate. “Can we do dinner another night?”
“I’m not a big deal, right. So why does it matter?” she snapped.
Amanda raised her eyebrows and stood to leave the room with Autumn with you following her.
“She is a piece of work,” Amanda remarked as the two of you watched the exchange.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “How long has he been together?”
“I wouldn’t say they’re together. They’ve had a few dates.” Amanda put Autumn down to toddle around the breakroom. “You know he still talks about you all the time. What a great Momma you are. How much Autumn loves you. How beautiful she is because she looks like her Momma.”
Turning your head you looked down at where your daughter was pressing her face against the glass of the vending machine. “Sonny can’t say a bad thing about anyone-”
When you turned back to the window Kate was storming out of the precinct. Sonny entered the break room. “Sorry about that.” He gave you a tight smile.
“I ruined your date. Didn’t I?” you asked.
Sonny didn’t answer but picked Autumn up in his arms. “Text me when you get done. If it’s too late she can stay the night with me.”
You nodded your head. “Bye baby girl. Love you.”
By 10pm the travel nurse was there to relieve you. As you were walking to your car you sent Sonny a text letting him know you were done. He sent back a short video of Autumn running around his apartment with the caption, ‘she’s wound for sound’.
Twenty minutes later you were knocking on Sonny’s door. “It’s open,” he called. “She literally crashed two minutes before you got here.”
Autumn was asleep on the couch, dark hair falling into her face, one sock off and mismatched pajamas. She recently took to picking out her own clothes which some days could be very interesting.
“Want a slice of pizza?” Sonny asked.
“No. Thanks. I’ll get out of here and pick her up in the morning. I already ruined your evening-”
Sonny interrupted. “I got to spend the evening with the most beautiful girl in the city. I wouldn’t call that a ruined evening.”
“Good point,” you said. “We did good with her didn’t we?”
“Better than good, we did fantastic,” Sonny replied. “I know you didn’t eat. Sit down and I’ll warm ya up a couple slices of pizza.”
You smiled up at Sonny. “Thanks.”
While Sonny warmed up the pizza you tucked Autumn into bed.
You and Sonny sat and talked for what you thought was a half hour at most but was actually almost two. “Man I better go.” You pushed back from the table and stretched your body.
“Stay here. It’s late. Besides, you’ll be back in a few hours to get Autumn,” he offered.
“I’m not sure.”
“I really don’t like the idea of you out this late alone. I’ll take the couch and you can have my bed,” Sonny said.
“No. If I stay, I’ll take the couch. You’re too tall. You get a kinked neck whenever you sleep on the couch,” you countered.
“Still just a stubborn as the first night I met you. Good to know some things never change,” Sonny teased.
“That’s not the only thing that hasn’t changed.”
Sonny’s eyes scanned your body. All at once his lips were pressed to yours, his arms around you pulling your flush to his body. Your body went up in flames. God how you missed his touch.
Your hands went to his back clutching his shirt. It was like you couldn’t get close enough to him. Images of Kate filled your mind making you push Sonny away. “Stop.”
Sonny gave you a confused look. “What? Why? Don’t you want me as bad as I need you?”
“More than you know. But I won’t get in the middle of your relationship with Kate,” you stated.
He raked his hands over his face. “There is no relationship. We went out on three dates. She was jealous that I chose Autumn over our date tonight. Told me that you should’ve found someone to babysit instead of bringing her to me.” He rested his hands on his hips. “I told her you and Autumn would always be priority over anyone else.”
Tears were stinging your eyes. “I’m a priority?” You pointed to yourself.
“Of course you’re a priority. Y/N you're the mother of my child. You gave me the most precious gift.” Sonny reached out to touch your cheek. “I love you, Y/N. I want you back.” Sonny's eyes glistened with his own tears.
“I never stopped loving you.” You covered his hand with yours. “When I saw you with Kate...I was jealous.”
“There was never anything to be jealous of. You were the last person I was with,” Sonny confessed. He dropped his hand to your waist.
“Same for me.” It was the truth. From the time you and Sonny broke up you hadn’t even kissed anyone else.
“Can we give us another try?” Sonny’s blue eyes pleaded with yours.
“I was always yours Sonny.” You gently grasped the back of his neck to pull him down for a kiss.
Giggling from the hall got both you and Sonny’s attention. He smiled against your lips. “We’ll pick this up later.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” You gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“Miss Autumn Juliet Carisi, your Momma and Daddy can hear you,” Sonny called out in a sing-song voice.
She dashed to you and you scooped her up. Sonny wrapped his arms around both of you causing Autumn to squeal with delight. “Gotcha ya both and I’m never lettin’ ya go again.”
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fanficshiddles · 6 years
I’m still breathing, Chapter 43
Loki returned from an overnight mission with Thor, Steve and Tony.
When he walked into his room, he found Sophie dancing around to music with her hairbrush while wearing only one of his shirts.
He stopped in his tracks and leaned back against the wall, watching her intently. She hadn’t heard him come in yet, so continued dancing around and singing. But then she did spin around and let out a squeal when she spotted him there.
‘Loki!’ She threw the hairbrush down, her cheeks turned bright red at being caught.
A mischievous grin spread across Loki’s face as he took a few of his large strides towards her. ‘That’s my shirt?’ He said and slid his hands underneath said shirt to squeeze her sides.
‘It is.’ Sophie grinned up at him and giggled.
‘You look delightful in it.’ He growled, squeezing her again as he lifted her up and tossed her onto the bed, falling on top of her.
‘What about my moves?’ She smirked.
Loki raised an eyebrow at her and pretended to think for a moment. ‘Hmm. Could do with some practice, I’d say. And your singing, well, don’t give up the day job.’ He winked at her.
‘Oi!’ Sophie whacked his chest. ‘Better than your singing and dancing, you ass!’
Loki laughed, leaned down and kissed her lips, then smirked. ‘I missed you.’ He said, trailing his fingers down her sides and along her hips.
‘It was just one night.’ Sophie whispered over his lips.
‘Shhh.’ Loki chuckled, kissing her again. ‘Says the woman who is wearing my shirt in my absence.’
Loki went for a shower while Sophie waited for him, lounging around on the bed while she read a book. When Loki came out from the bathroom, he was wearing only his leather trousers and the towel draped around his neck.
‘What are you reading?’ He sat down on the edge of the bed, stroking her leg and causing her skin to break out in goose bumps.
‘History of mutants.’ Sophie said sheepishly, placing the book down on her lap.
‘Oh, sweetheart.’ Loki reached up and stroked her cheek. ‘We will do everything we can. I promise you.’
‘I know. I just thought there might be something in here, if it’s happened before. But so far, nothing.’ She sighed.
Over the weeks, Sophie had gotten ever so slightly used to not having her power. But she still missed it greatly. She knew the first time back out on the field would be extremely hard. She wasn’t even sure if she would be able to fight again or not…
Loki ended up lying on the bed sideways with his head resting on Sophie’s lap, reading his own book while Sophie continued reading through her book, also while running her hand through Loki’s still damp hair between turning pages.
‘Did you know that mutants go right back before possibly even the first human?’ Sophie asked.
‘Really? Perhaps you are as old as I am.’
‘I doubt that, Granddad.’ Sophie said playfully, grinning as she glanced over the top of her book to see his reaction.
She was met with a mischievous glare, his book disappeared and his hands moved under the shirt quickly so he could tickle her. She fell to the side with laughter, trying to fend him off even when he straddled over her to keep her in place.
‘ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!’ She screamed through her laughter.
Loki stopped and leaned down so his lips were just hovering over hers, a sly smirk plastered on his face. ‘If I am that old then you must remember that you are sleeping with this old Granddad.’ He chuckled and kissed her.
She mumbled against his lips, feeling him still smirking for a bit before he leaned back slightly.
‘I guess old could be classes as, experienced.’ She laughed.
‘Good save.’ He winked at her.
There was suddenly loud knocking on the door, then Tony called through. ‘Come on, lovebirds. Stop rolling around in the sheets and get your asses down to the training ground!’
Loki rolled his eyes and grunted, annoyed by the interruption.
‘Who needs a training session when I can kick your ass right now, Stark!’ He called back to him through gritted teeth.
‘Bring it, reindeer games!’ Tony shouted then Sophie and Loki could hear his footsteps disappearing down the corridor.
Loki growled in annoyance when Sophie wriggled out from under him and started grabbing her clothes to get dressed. ‘Perhaps Stark takes a walk on the rooftop and accidentally slips on a banana skin without his suit on.’ He said darkly, only a hint of mischief there.
‘Loki. Behave.’ Sophie chastised.
Loki sighed dramatically and flopped over onto his back, his dark hair sprawling out on the pillow. ‘I doubt anyone would actually miss him. I’m sure Pepper would be glad, I bet he’s a pain in the ass to share a room with.’ He said while staring up at the ceiling.
Sophie snorted and crawled onto the bed to lean over him, her face coming into his view. ‘I get the feeling she would miss him more than you think.’ She grinned and gave him a quick peck on the lips before jumping off the bed again before he could grab her, which he did try to but she was too quick for him that time.
He moved onto his side and narrowed his eyes at her in a predatory way while he motioned her to him with his finger. She just stuck her tongue out and darted into the bathroom. Loki growled and leaped out of bed to go after her.
He went up behind her while she was at the sink, starting to brush her teeth. He pressed himself against her back and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her and making her laugh.
‘You really should lock the door when you’re in here and don’t want to be disturbed.’ He purred and started kissing her neck, moving her hair out of the way.
‘Wh, sd, wnted, b, distrbd?’ She mumbled with the toothbrush in her mouth, making Loki chuckle against her skin that caused a delightful shiver to run down her spine.
‘Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to speak with your mouth full?’ He teased, trailing his nose up her neck.
She shrugged, grinning at him in the mirror.
Loki kept licking, sucking and nibbling on her neck while she brushed. Once she was finished, she managed to turn around in his arms to hook hers around his neck. She had to go up on her tiptoes to even gain a tiny amount of height compared to him.
‘You do realise if we take too long, Stark will bust in here at any moment.’ She grinned.
‘Well, we better be quick then.’ He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her.
When Loki and Sophie arrived down at the training green half an hour later, Tony did not look pleased.
‘About time!’ He said.
‘What’s the rush?’ Sophie asked.
‘It’s training time, that’s what the rush is.’ He folded his arms over his chest, which looked quite funny considering he was wearing his Iron suit.
Loki’s full armour, helmet and cape materialised onto him. Sophie was already wearing what she normally wore when on a mission or fighting. Though she wasn’t exactly feeling up to it without her powers. She’d managed to avoid training up till now because of it.
She turned to Loki while the group discussed what they were going to do.
‘I’m not sure if I can do this, Loki.’
Loki hooked her chin, to have her look up at him. ‘Hey, it’s alright. You can do this, Sophie. You’re an amazing fighter, with or without your mutation. It just means we will have to re-plan some of our moves.’
‘I feel vulnerable without it.’ She wrapped her arms around herself, but Loki took her hands and pulled her arms away from herself.
‘I’ll be right by your side, as always.’ He assured her.
Sophie looked over at the team, who were waiting for them to join in. She sighed and ran a hand down her face. ‘Alright. I’ll try.’ She nodded.
It took her a while to really get into the fight that they had against some of Tony’s training robots. Normally she would be straight in there, ripping out their little card that caused them to die out. But now, she wasn’t sure what to do.
She watched as Peter swung around the place using the trees, taking out the robots. Tony blasted them all with his blasters. Natasha was kicking ass with her combat skills. Clint from a distance with his arrows. Steve used his shield and fists. Thor was using his mighty hammer. Vision the power of his stone, with Wanda teaming up with him to combine their powers. Hulk… Well, smashing. And her dearest Loki, was using his tricks and energy to take them out with ease.
She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to give herself a mental kick up the ass. When she opened her eyes again, there was a robot running straight towards her.
Part of her wanted to flee, but she stood her ground and prepared herself. When the robot was close enough, she ran forwards and slid under the robot as it swung out towards her. She jumped up to her feet and gave it a high kick to the back of the head. It fell forwards and before it had time to turn around, she jumped on its back and managed to yank its head off.
She was breathing hard from the rush of adrenaline, but she suddenly felt a presence next to her.
‘Impressive. Now, help me take out this bunch.’ Loki said, his breath hot against her ear.
She looked up at him and nodded with a smirk. Feeling the adrenaline pumping through her again.
The couple then ran head first into the fight to help take the rest of them out.
After they defeated enough of the robots, Tony turned them all off and had them gathered up to be fixed for the next training session.
Sophie was exhausted. She was leaning over with her hands on her thighs as she tried to catch her breath.
Loki rubbed her back. ‘Are you alright, love?’
‘Yeah… just… out… of… shape…’ She gasped as she waved her hand at him.
Loki chuckled and scooped her up in his arms, making her squeal in surprise. ‘Well in that case, m’lady needs to be carried back to her chambers.’
‘Loki!’ She laughed. ‘I can walk, you know.’
‘Nonsense. I’m taking you back for a nice bubble bath and a massage.’
‘Well, when you put it like that.’ She grinned, sliding her arms around his neck.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
I'm still breathing, Chapter 43
TITLE: I’m still breathing CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 43 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine a mutant has been living on the streets for years, until she is picked up by the Avengers. She’s taken to live with them so they can help her to discover what her powers are. Loki especially, takes an interest in her. The two become very fond of one another as they discover what her power is. RATING: M
Loki returned from an overnight mission with Thor, Steve and Tony.
When he walked into his room, he found Sophie dancing around to music with her hairbrush while wearing only one of his shirts.
He stopped in his tracks and leaned back against the wall, watching her intently. She hadn’t heard him come in yet, so continued dancing around and singing. But then she did spin around and let out a squeal when she spotted him there.
‘Loki!’ She threw the hairbrush down, her cheeks turned bright red at being caught.
A mischievous grin spread across Loki’s face as he took a few of his large strides towards her. ‘That’s my shirt?’ He said and slid his hands underneath said shirt to squeeze her sides.
‘It is.’ Sophie grinned up at him and giggled.
‘You look delightful in it.’ He growled, squeezing her again as he lifted her up and tossed her onto the bed, falling on top of her.
‘What about my moves?’ She smirked.
Loki raised an eyebrow at her and pretended to think for a moment. ‘Hmm. Could do with some practice, I’d say. And your singing, well, don’t give up the day job.’ He winked at her.
‘Oi!’ Sophie whacked his chest. ‘Better than your singing and dancing, you ass!’
Loki laughed, leaned down and kissed her lips, then smirked. ‘I missed you.’ He said, trailing his fingers down her sides and along her hips.
‘It was just one night.’ Sophie whispered over his lips.
‘Shhh.’ Loki chuckled, kissing her again. ‘Says the woman who is wearing my shirt in my absence.’
Loki went for a shower while Sophie waited for him, lounging around on the bed while she read a book. When Loki came out from the bathroom, he was wearing only his leather trousers and the towel draped around his neck.
‘What are you reading?’ He sat down on the edge of the bed, stroking her leg and causing her skin to break out in goose bumps.
‘History of mutants.’ Sophie said sheepishly, placing the book down on her lap.
‘Oh, sweetheart.’ Loki reached up and stroked her cheek. ‘We will do everything we can. I promise you.’
‘I know. I just thought there might be something in here, if it’s happened before. But so far, nothing.’ She sighed.
Over the weeks, Sophie had gotten ever so slightly used to not having her power. But she still missed it greatly. She knew the first time back out on the field would be extremely hard. She wasn’t even sure if she would be able to fight again or not…
Loki ended up lying on the bed sideways with his head resting on Sophie’s lap, reading his own book while Sophie continued reading through her book, also while running her hand through Loki’s still damp hair between turning pages.
‘Did you know that mutants go right back before possibly even the first human?’ Sophie asked.
‘Really? Perhaps you are as old as I am.’
‘I doubt that, Granddad.’ Sophie said playfully, grinning as she glanced over the top of her book to see his reaction.
She was met with a mischievous glare, his book disappeared and his hands moved under the shirt quickly so he could tickle her. She fell to the side with laughter, trying to fend him off even when he straddled over her to keep her in place.
‘ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!’ She screamed through her laughter.
Loki stopped and leaned down so his lips were just hovering over hers, a sly smirk plastered on his face. ‘If I am that old then you must remember that you are sleeping with this old Granddad.’ He chuckled and kissed her.
She mumbled against his lips, feeling him still smirking for a bit before he leaned back slightly.
‘I guess old could be classes as, experienced.’ She laughed.
‘Good save.’ He winked at her.
There was suddenly loud knocking on the door, then Tony called through. ‘Come on, lovebirds. Stop rolling around in the sheets and get your asses down to the training ground!’
Loki rolled his eyes and grunted, annoyed by the interruption.
‘Who needs a training session when I can kick your ass right now, Stark!’ He called back to him through gritted teeth.
‘Bring it, reindeer games!’ Tony shouted then Sophie and Loki could hear his footsteps disappearing down the corridor.
Loki growled in annoyance when Sophie wriggled out from under him and started grabbing her clothes to get dressed. ‘Perhaps Stark takes a walk on the rooftop and accidentally slips on a banana skin without his suit on.’ He said darkly, only a hint of mischief there.
‘Loki. Behave.’ Sophie chastised.
Loki sighed dramatically and flopped over onto his back, his dark hair sprawling out on the pillow. ‘I doubt anyone would actually miss him. I’m sure Pepper would be glad, I bet he’s a pain in the ass to share a room with.’ He said while staring up at the ceiling.
Sophie snorted and crawled onto the bed to lean over him, her face coming into his view. ‘I get the feeling she would miss him more than you think.’ She grinned and gave him a quick peck on the lips before jumping off the bed again before he could grab her, which he did try to but she was too quick for him that time.
He moved onto his side and narrowed his eyes at her in a predatory way while he motioned her to him with his finger. She just stuck her tongue out and darted into the bathroom. Loki growled and leaped out of bed to go after her.
He went up behind her while she was at the sink, starting to brush her teeth. He pressed himself against her back and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her and making her laugh.
‘You really should lock the door when you’re in here and don’t want to be disturbed.’ He purred and started kissing her neck, moving her hair out of the way.
‘Wh, sd, wnted, b, distrbd?’ She mumbled with the toothbrush in her mouth, making Loki chuckle against her skin that caused a delightful shiver to run down her spine.
‘Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to speak with your mouth full?’ He teased, trailing his nose up her neck.
She shrugged, grinning at him in the mirror.
Loki kept licking, sucking and nibbling on her neck while she brushed. Once she was finished, she managed to turn around in his arms to hook hers around his neck. She had to go up on her tiptoes to even gain a tiny amount of height compared to him.
‘You do realise if we take too long, Stark will bust in here at any moment.’ She grinned.
‘Well, we better be quick then.’ He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her.
When Loki and Sophie arrived down at the training green half an hour later, Tony did not look pleased.
‘About time!’ He said.
‘What’s the rush?’ Sophie asked.
‘It’s training time, that’s what the rush is.’ He folded his arms over his chest, which looked quite funny considering he was wearing his Iron suit.
Loki’s full armour, helmet and cape materialised onto him. Sophie was already wearing what she normally wore when on a mission or fighting. Though she wasn’t exactly feeling up to it without her powers. She’d managed to avoid training up till now because of it.
She turned to Loki while the group discussed what they were going to do.
‘I’m not sure if I can do this, Loki.’
Loki hooked her chin, to have her look up at him. ‘Hey, it’s alright. You can do this, Sophie. You’re an amazing fighter, with or without your mutation. It just means we will have to re-plan some of our moves.’
‘I feel vulnerable without it.’ She wrapped her arms around herself, but Loki took her hands and pulled her arms away from herself.
‘I’ll be right by your side, as always.’ He assured her.
Sophie looked over at the team, who were waiting for them to join in. She sighed and ran a hand down her face. ‘Alright. I’ll try.’ She nodded.
It took her a while to really get into the fight that they had against some of Tony’s training robots. Normally she would be straight in there, ripping out their little card that caused them to die out. But now, she wasn’t sure what to do.
She watched as Peter swung around the place using the trees, taking out the robots. Tony blasted them all with his blasters. Natasha was kicking ass with her combat skills. Clint from a distance with his arrows. Steve used his shield and fists. Thor was using his mighty hammer. Vision the power of his stone, with Wanda teaming up with him to combine their powers. Hulk… Well, smashing. And her dearest Loki, was using his tricks and energy to take them out with ease.
She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to give herself a mental kick up the ass. When she opened her eyes again, there was a robot running straight towards her.
Part of her wanted to flee, but she stood her ground and prepared herself. When the robot was close enough, she ran forwards and slid under the robot as it swung out towards her. She jumped up to her feet and gave it a high kick to the back of the head. It fell forwards and before it had time to turn around, she jumped on its back and managed to yank its head off.
She was breathing hard from the rush of adrenaline, but she suddenly felt a presence next to her.
‘Impressive. Now, help me take out this bunch.’ Loki said, his breath hot against her ear.
She looked up at him and nodded with a smirk. Feeling the adrenaline pumping through her again.
The couple then ran head first into the fight to help take the rest of them out.
After they defeated enough of the robots, Tony turned them all off and had them gathered up to be fixed for the next training session.
Sophie was exhausted. She was leaning over with her hands on her thighs as she tried to catch her breath.
Loki rubbed her back. ‘Are you alright, love?’
‘Yeah… just… out… of… shape…’ She gasped as she waved her hand at him.
Loki chuckled and scooped her up in his arms, making her squeal in surprise. ‘Well in that case, m’lady needs to be carried back to her chambers.’
‘Loki!’ She laughed. ‘I can walk, you know.’
‘Nonsense. I’m taking you back for a nice bubble bath and a massage.’
‘Well, when you put it like that.’ She grinned, sliding her arms around his neck.
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