sleepykas · 1 year
Even though it's been following you for less than an hour, I could kind of take a swing at this; for the "reblog about what your art tells me about you":
You're facing burnout, lol, Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to be right. You are an artist, you will face burnout and art block and I am sorry for that. But when you decide to draw your art is amazing, don't doubt yourself.
If you ever feel reluctant to post something because it doesn't "look right". Please remember that people cannot see the final image you wanted to have that's in your head. We only see what you present us with, and as I hope you've learned we eat it up. Even rough sketches paint a picture for us.
You have such great story ideas. And you enjoy prompts that people may create in the tags, are you by chance also wanting to be a writer even if it's only for AUs?
I feel if that is the case, you also would like to write a book. Probably on one of these AUs you love, But you're smart and worry about copyright infringement. If that is the case, get a fic going. And towards the end when you want to publish, for a month every day, just post that you're going to change their names subtly. Their designs are already different, you may have to rename the locations for events. But I bet you could get a book out, I'd buy it 😉
Your work is lovely, so glad I found you and I look forward to what you post in the future. Don't give up on what you love. Stay determined, there are people out there who care for you. ❤️
Thank you for sending me this! I'm glad you love enjoyed my art and I appreciate your support :]
As for your guesses: some of them are correct!
Burnout is not something I've ever dealt with - I've had minor bouts of artblock that I just pushed through, but artistic burnout hasn't been an issue for me (academic burnout, however... /lh).
I am never reluctant to post stuff! I post pretty much everything I draw and if people don't like it, welp, I do, so that's good enough for me. :] And yes, you guys do eat up pretty much everything I post, haha.
As for AUs and writing and such, I've got two projects I'm currently brewing up (one will have the elusive Y/N character along with our beloved celestial boys >:3)
I don't have any plans for writing a book as of now, simply because I work better when there's a basis for me to work with and I don't have to make up everything myself - BUT I do enjoy making OCs and giving them (tragic) backstories. I have over 100 that I can remember off the top of my head LOL.
Anyways, thank you for the message, I greatly appreciate the interaction and I love how much thought was put into this. Have a nice day, friend :]
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Finally! Baby the truth is out! Open the windows (oh right, it was destroyed..) Open the metaphorical windows for open communication! I feel for Y/N, but stars above I hope they can go uphill or at least get through this together ❤️🥹
Also, Y/N isn't allowed to have any holy water or the blessings in their book till we are certain they are not going to banish the bois! Grounded! I'm guessing what happened in that Oliver Trailer is bad. But honestly my focus right now is more on the boys and reader.
I felt like I was holding my breath halfway through that. I actually did have to put down the story, probably twice, just to get my bearings. You know the writing is really good when you literally have to stop yourself and ground yourself back in reality or else you're going to lose some s***. Heart palpitations are something I have now accepted as a part of your writing 💓 I got to find this update just before going to work. And honestly I would have been willing to be late if it meant getting through that chapter!
Thank you for this update! I know there will probably still be drama between the reader and boys. But just knowing that there's going to be more open communication and hopefully the trust be patched up again to where they are a functioning team makes me elated. I loved every bit of this chapter and to copy the boys's quirk, My hands are already twitchy/ grabby for whatever you produce next ❤️
PFFFT rip the airstream, it will be missed. Ahhhhh, I'm so happy you're enjoying CS!! Ahh, that means the world to me ♥
It's been too long for secrets and ommissions, now it's time to talk honestly to each other ♥
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princessmossy · 1 year
Artfight attack! The first attack I did was of a character named void! I animated them in live2d and I think it turned out very cool! Character belongs to: https://artfight.net/~Blacklynx14 Link to my Artfight: https://artfight.net/~PrincessMossy
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asimplechaos · 1 year
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Design commission for @blacklynx14 !! Tysm once again!
kofi commissions open!
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skesgo · 4 years
I love your bois and all the art you've produced has gotten me to smile or trip over myself. If you're okay with it, can we have a picture of your self insert/Sona?
Wahhh Thank you so much ❤ I missed drawing my bois so much qwq And I'm glad to hear that they made your day!
Bxbshshe As for my sona, here's lil bunny me XD
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toonlemon · 4 years
Your Anamaniacs and Undertale comic got you another follower. But seeing you love UT and the aus makes me have you on notify. So I can contribute to see your work and the parts you share that you agree with or can smile to ❤️
Aaa I’m so flattered ;;; Tysm ❤️
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gurestart · 3 years
The first art I've gotten to see from you was the recent gaster one with his collar flipped up. And instantly I fell in love with your blog! Beautiful artwork and I hope Inspiration stays by your side ❤️
You're the first ask I've received on this blog, so hgjfkfldk thank you so much for the lovely comment 😭🙏💕💕💕💕 I'm happy you like my drawings!!
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maiuoart · 4 years
Massive DragaSwap Asks!
Heya, Folks! Got a massive information dump for the wonderful DragaSwaps! 
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@rofa1309​ Ohboy! This is actually my favorite, because Azure actually sleeps hilariously and adorably!! 
Azure sleeps like a literal egg; Meaning he curls up, arms under his head, hands cradling his skull slightly, while his wings completely cover and wrap around him while his tail’s magic goes out, leaving him with his boney tail nub! 
Though it would be a hell of a lot easier if Azzie would just... Y’know, move his horns like his brother?? Like, keep them back or position them some DIFFERENT way?? He prefers to never move them, but that’s alright... He seriously loves curling up and being literally compacted. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had him in your home, you’re trying to look for him; And here you haven’t found him ALL DAY... But you open a closet door, and here you just see something that shouldn’t be there... Low and behold, it’s fucking Azzie sleeping like an egg in your closet xDDD
Abyss? He sleeps easily with his ability to move his horns. Normally ends up sleeping on the magical-substances, honestly! Doesn’t hurt him though, he’s so used to sleeping on them, on his hood, but it does shock him awake when he’s able to pinch his hood magic.
However if they really could; They could turn their magic off within their horns (And other spots containing their magic) but they only do this when regenerating from fights! 
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Oh, the brothers would be very cautious if it’s a new person their meeting! Actually, they have to be; They wouldn’t dare go near someone/thing/monster without fully understanding the situation at hand. So basically, that won’t happen... At least... With Azzie.
However, if you’ve already known them for a bit but not much or something to that affect;
Azure would be watching your moves and curious of what you may be staring at. 
He’ll focus really hard on whatever spot you’re daydreaming at and trying to see if he finds the appeal of... What is that? A rock? Why? What’s so special about it? And he’ll literally get closer to you to try and view what you are; And if you jolt when he gets too close; He’ll probably be so focused on the spot himself he’ll either; -Not notice you jumping, with furrowed brows and trying so hard to figure out the meaning behind your staring at a thing -Or if you make a noise; He’ll accidentally hiss and jolt himself before asking you questions!
Abyss, well...
Truth be told, he’d keep staring at you. He’s the jokester, so he’ll begin to make small tail movements around your direction and keep playing around like that until he finally gets a reaction from you. Either his tail, flaring his hood a bit, ‘sssss’ing softly or the like; And when you jolt? He’s going to rightfully laugh and chuckle, make a few jokes where he can.
If it’s a first time meeting; He’ll stay hidden and keep a close watch on you. Though, he’s the more curious one, ironically; Had to be, after Azzies accident. If you’re, lets say... About to fall off a cliff or something; He might help ya out but without showing himself. If he somehow ends up doing so, however; He would be as tense as you. His hood would flare, his eyes would darken as his eyelights would turn to tiny slits, waiting for you to make a move first... If you showed that expression though, he would relax a bit and chuckle, then start telling you to watch where you step and quickly get you both back on the ways you were heading.
But, if you catch this boy in his Feeding Frenzy... Walking in on him while he’s Eating; Could literally be anything, but he would become more than aggressive. With his mind on the concept of Food only; you better turn right around as soon as you hear his rumbling and warning hiss he will no doubt do. He’s... Very feral when in this area. His Food, His Feeding; You better pray he has a full stomach so he doesn’t chase after you. 
Lord only knows what the fuck he’d do if he managed to still be hungry!!
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@inkswirl​ Both brothers would be... Well! Very enthralled with that!! After the whole jolting and semi freaking out because you had somehow came right up and asked them, anyways! 
After the shock;
Azure would fluster a bit; Never had a picture taken at all or had someone wanting to look at him like they didn’t want him dead or something! Though he’d be super flattered, he would actually try and say he isn’t that interesting due to all the low self-esteem in his mind raging, perhaps trying to get you to draw his brother instead??? But all in all, if you were a bit more insistent, he would ask shyly if he could see it afterward. 
Abyss wouldn’t care at all which way it would go; You might get a bit annoyed with the picture taking, though... Film is easy to convert, especially with Magic Waves he would give out and basically say he isn’t doing anything when you become frustrated at the camera for not being able to take ‘Good Pictures’ of the brothers... Even Azzie is disappointed, but Abyss wouldn’t care. No photo evidence. Yet, you sketching them? Yeah, he’d be all for it and sit and sun bathe, take a nap while you do your thing; Because it’ll be drawn, so theres no real danger in it.
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@desithecubi They both are flattered and say you’re mighty adorable, too!! Thank you for the hugs~ ♥
Both of the guys would prefer night; But thats due to the fact they’re nocturnal! Though if they could, especially Azure, he’d try to become a day-bird... He HAS tried, but it’s failed so much... Doesn’t stop him though! He turned to half/half while Abyss is all for the night. 
There are rare days though they’ll be up during the days; But that’s probably due to work or someone disturbed them! Or their minds won’t let them rest~
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Yes! Both brothers have the ability to merge or camouflage with their backgrounds/surroundings! However, it takes a bit of time for it to completely cover them, so they have to be stealthy... It’s quick to disappear, though! It’s due to so much magic within that makes up their horns and everything, that it’s used to help them go basically invisible! It’s why their so rare for; No other Monster in their area can do this, making them the perfect candidates for being Protectors!
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 That’s actually two different terms of Hunter; 
Azure's meaning is he literally Hunts for food and patrolling around. His brother is whats called a Watcher, where he stays in place. 
Hunters for Humans is what I have called the Mages right now; They’re out to get any Monster they can; Whether it be for Magic, Dust, whatever treasure they can get their hands on, or even just for kicks. It’s literally like those people who have a lot of money and hunt Lions or other rare breeds of animals and some WILL kill for sport.
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I have already answered this one, @blacklynx14​! 
Here ya go! ♥
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Actually!! This is slightly flipped; Both the brothers are constantly out in the Forbidden Forest making rounds and making sure trespassers are taken cared of. Mainly with kindness, but they both aren’t scared to get forceful! The Monsters where never Underground and don’t plan to be; Though, ironically most would prefer it rather than being up in the open due to previous attacks way back when they could remember by Hunters. It would be hella-lot safer, that’s for sure! But ever since the Brothers were put as Protectors, everything has been... Good?? Better??? It’s seriously nice; Even though some may not be very welcoming to them :’)
Nah, the Royal Guards are deeper within the Forbidden Forest. What Azure and Abyss are? Their much higher than that, so they have no need for it! But, most of the RG’s are very jealous, because the two get to see from outside the Forest, basically!
But when the brothers get bored and feel no other living forces around? Well, Abyss is the Sunbather. But if he sleeps for far too long, Azure will actually come and push him or have a bottle of cold water to wake his brother up!
Azure likes to; 
-Soar in the sky high above the trees, will even go into the Mountains for a while! He’s the explorer and enjoys to sight see. Sometimes, he’ll even travel as far as he can go before the beads on his outfit warn him to turn back. -If he’s able to find any small creatures; He ends up so side tracked playing with them, he doesn’t realize he’s been gone for hours! Especially little cougar cubs and baby bears... And he becomes great friends with a lot of the woodland and other creatures! At least they don’t judge him... -If it’s super late at night and there hasn’t been any humans wandering within their territory for a long while; He’ll actually go to the Village of a particular one to make sure the Humans are alright. There is a certain Human too he enjoys to hang out with, or... Did. 
Abyss enjoys;
-To literally stay in one spot and laze about. And if he can easily catch critters that go in his path, he’ll eat them out of boredom. -He seriously loves pranking his brother, but he has a dark twist to it. Azzie is and has been sick of his humor though. -One of his favorites is to eat squirrels and chipmunks in front of Azzie and Azure’s actual reaction is getting Pissed The Fuck Off and Abyss loves it. (No, worry not; The Animals don’t suffer long. Abyss makes sure it’s quick.) -He... Will watch his stomach digest his food when he’s extremely bored. It’s like watching tv for him. -Go into their Village and talk with other Monsters and just try to have an enjoyable time. Sometimes it’s hard, but at least a few of them don’t mind what he is!
For the Ask they were talking about; Go here!
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Ohhhh, you got some pretty cool hobbies, Rofa!! That water painting sounds super relaxing and ultra pretty ♥ But Hobbies for the boys, huh?... Well, lets see...
Azure is the one who ventures, so hiking is his main thing! But if not hiking, he really does enjoy to cook~ Feeding animals is also his ordeal, while learning from the humans of their medication things! He’s very curious how they heal!! Not to mention, want to heal animals, as well!
Abyss is the one who’s all about making clothing from furs and hides. You wouldn’t think he’d be the one to make clothing or anything, but he’s gotta do something productive so his brother doesn’t yell at him... He’s also the fire maker, a bit of a pyro, and enjoys to cook, too. Very big foodie, always looking how to get herbs or learning how to cook; But he’s also good with working and construction types. Building firepits to camps, he’s very much the builder despite not looking like it!
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I have not really thought of them quite yet; So if people have ideas for them, I wouldn’t be opposed to hearing you out!! 
And because it’s a Swap verse; Yes! My Grillby would be a Gillby, the Water Element! 
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Yes, actually!! A very good relationship; Abyss and Asgore get along very well together. It’s actually because Abyss shows interest more in the Monster heritage that Asgore is happy to have him in their area! 
But, that brings up the question for Azure... Toriel is fine with both the boys; But Asgore might be very weary of Azzie due to his interest in the Humans and then how he got hurt. Still though, he watches out for both of the Brothers and makes sure their alright! He’s still a loveable Goatdad! Just questions Azzie’s place sometimes... 
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blipblorpsnork · 4 years
Can I have a picture of your icon so I could draw you?
!! Yes!! It's from this picrew avatar maker!
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freakbullet · 5 years
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ko-fi sketch of @blacklynx14 for @skafororya-weiss-crest - I was so happy to get to draw my sweet and supportive friend Lynx, thank you Ska for commissioning me!
I sort of think of Lynx as a butterfly, flitting in to her friends’ lives to brighten their day, so here’s a butterfly for her <3
| $9 Ko-Fi Commissions |
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askvoidster · 5 years
[Water is death to all who enter it. Do not believe the people who tell you that surface animals can live within water. That is a vile and repugnant lie.]
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ravings1 · 5 years
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So, these were originally going to be full body drawings, and I was actually almost done with one of them. However, I had to take my computer in to get fixed because the operating system was corrupted. But then some idiot didn’t back up all my data, even though I told them on TWO SEPARATE OCCASIONS to back it up, they didn’t. The drawing, along with a lot of my other drawings were lost, and I just haven't felt motivated to redraw them.
I’ll do full bodies at some point, just not now.
@7goodangel @lunarkitten707 @blacklynx14
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Sleuth's had my dying at the end! Help I wanna combust! My chest is becoming a blackhole cause I swear it feels like my heart is craving him on itself 😭💔
And then chapters later "....a brother" UNHOLY STATIC SCREECHING Noooooo! They visited him! I can't take this! Then more character development after that! Please have mercy! Your writing is an addiction at this point I swear! Please, love can maybe be a square! I know it won't because what has been made is made, but stars above my heart hurts! He's bad, I should not care for him! DIES
I love your work, but please accept the shattered parts of my existence as I continue reading and know your time and effort you share with your writing his adored and appreciated 👐💔
They're brothers, always ♥
Ahhhhh, thank you so much! I have reread this over and over again, and alsdfjasldf I am amazed every time! Thank you for reading!!! ♥
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skellylicious · 5 years
Happy Mother's Day~ Hope Voidster can be a good kind of dick to you today 💐
Sorry I missed this!
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dirtyskellylover · 6 years
Will you be posting your writing, Kitty artwork, and other memes here? Honestly I'm sad at the idea of not getting to read your writing that I'm saving it to read on my phone because I love it so much 💙
I am not sure if all of my writing will be allowed on Tumblr anymore, but if it is, I will be posting it. Otherwise, my writing will be on AO3 for sure. I’ve already started copying over the short stories that I had only posted here. Thank you for your continued support.
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13thdoodle · 7 years
3C for Grillster?
Send me 2 characters and a pose!
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