#//could be rex and brianna
writermuses · 9 months
It was a big deal for Alina to take off right after the wrap of Nutcracker. It wasn't exactly like she had ever celebrated Christmas or any other winter season holiday. It was the years of messages with Dorian that made her curious. Was it a risk to show up in his hometown (kingdom really) to surprise him on New Years Eve, definitely. She knew he could not only be busy but likely had company. Alina never saw herself as a person that took risks or stepped out of her comfort zone, but she found herself wanting to move beyond her well established safety net for him. The last time she'd come it was for auditions and now that the Nutcracker wrapped this surprise wasn't just that she wanted to kiss that very handsome man at midnight, she was moving to be a principal dancer at the national ballet. Slipping into the crowd, a bustling throng of people awaiting the fireworks over Kylanth's castle, Alina's weaved slowly through them with her eyes looking for just one particular person. She'd left this moment to fate and as she looked up at the castle's windows, catching sight of a familiar form kissing a pretty blonde, her heart sank and she leaned against the cold wall as she tried to will her heart to calm down. Only for her pulse to quicken when a hand took hers. "I'm fine, really."
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closed starter for @hcllriot
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luckyspike · 6 years
I don't even know if we have fandoms in common anymore lol. U could write a small theme park blurb only if u wanted to, but zero pressure.
“This is,” Rina breathed quietly, “a total PR disaster.” Nervously, she drummed her fingers on her prosthetic arm, her eye darting left to right across the spectacle spread across the midway before them.
“The bosses will not like it,” Jaime agreed. “Not at all. But maybe not a disaster?” He put his head to one side, and primly stepped back, before the unending tide of soft serve could reach his shoes, gleaming gold in the sunlight. “How much of a disaster could a flood of soft serve represent?”
Rina put her hand to her cheek, a grimace on her face. “There are children eating ice cream off of the ground, Jaime. The ground. Like … like little animals.”
“Are they not children?”
“Those two are not synonymous.” She rolled her eye. “I know you and Dave know that, but stop pretending I have to remind you. This is very serious.”
Jaime stepped back again. Rina gave in, and let the gooey, mildly cold dairy product seep into her Sperry’s. She resolved herself to become one with the tragedy. “It will be a comical publicity piece online.” Jaime patted her on the back from afar, his arm stretched to reach across the puddle of ice cream. “If we spin it right, we could go viral, Rina.”
“And how do you suggest we spin a bunch of children eating ice cream off of the ground?”
Jaime shrugged and crossed his arms. “Do we need to? Kids love ice cream. This is basically a scene from a movie for them, right?”
“There are crying parents.”
“Doubtless they will live.”
“The health code violations.” She watched, unhopeful, as the new security guard - Brianna, was it? - arrived at the disaster, across the expanse of vanilla strawberry twist, and trudged through the tide in her thick boots toward the machine, still belching out absurd amounts of ice cream, with the occasional explosion of chocolate.
“Grave, certainly, but if we get ahead of the story, emphasize the comic aspect, this might be OK.” He and she watched, her face twisted with despair, his dark eyes cool and observant, as Brianna struggled with the machine, searching in vain for a switch. “We could make it work.”
“We’re gonna need to pull out all the stops,” she groans, as Brianna hits a button and the machine bowls a child over with a spurt of chocolate. “Literally every stop.” She was vaguely conscious of the ice cream rising to ankle height. Atop the ice cream hut, like an overall-clad Batman, Rex arrived, hanging his head down over the side of the roof to assess Brianna’s progress.
“It won’t stop!” they heard her tell him, faintly. He nodded and sat up, pulling on a worn pair of yellow waders.
“It’ll stop.”
Rina glanced to Jaime. “Was Rex trained in … maintenance of ice cream machines?”
Jaime smiled faintly. “Not at all.” They watched as he dropped to the ground and strode, businesslike, to the ice cream machine, prior to bare-handedly tearing off the side panel and yanking out a handful of cords. The machine spluttered, emitted one last forlorn wave of dairy, and died. Children began whining.
Rina sighed. “And I’m going to have to tell Vonna we need to budget for a new ice cream machine. Great.” She turned and stepped away, her shoes squelching and sticking to the clean pavement, as disappointed children were herded away by their parents in the background, escorted off to the showers or the water rides. Jaime was standing a stride away from the edge of the ice cream puddle, intent on his phone. Rina had no doubts he was already spinning a story and attaching photos of joyful children.
“Have to have something to show Dave once we get back to the office,” he said, by way of explanation. Then he paused, and glanced at her shoes. “He will absolutely murder you if you wear those anywhere near admin.”
She shrugged. “I don’t have an extra pair. Maybe he won’t notice.” A shadow fell across her ruined shoes, and she winced, because she recognized the silhouette. Slowly, she looked up, and gave her best attempt at a smile. Dave, slim and tall and terrifying in his custom suit frowned at her. Rina shrugged.
Yes, he signed, and jerked his head toward the gift shop. Sandals.
“Sandals?” She groaned. “I could just go home and get clean shoes, or maybe borrow Vonna’s shoes, and she could wear sandals.”
Now. She looked helplessly from Dave to to Jaime, and the other man shrugged.
“We have to get this viral sooner rather than later,” he said, while Dave nodded, before he again looked expectantly at her, and at the gift shop.
She groaned, and threw her hands up. “Fine! Fine. You have a color preference?”
“Do I have to pay for it?” Nod. “Oh, come on!”
Dave sighed, as if much put-open, and pulled his phone from a pocket, tapping out text before he could even rightly see the screen. Seconds later, the synth voice said “Next time, walk away before the ice cream gets to you. It doesn’t move fast.”
Rina didn’t respond, instead brushing past her boss and making a face. When she was out of earshot, she did her best impression of the synth. “I doesn’t move fast.” She punched the button to open the door, and carried on, “Take a job at a theme park, practically publicizes itself, God damn me and god damn exploding ice cream machines.” She snatched a pair of flip flops off the shelf inside, and tossed them onto the counter. The teen working the register, wide-eyed, cocked her head.
“S-so will this be on the park tab or …?”
Rina fished a handful of bills from her pocket, and handed them to the girl, before picking the sandals back up and making a sticky turn on her heel. “No. Please don’t ask. And never mention this again to anybody. Thank you.”
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domhnutwick · 6 years
Star Wars - Halloween Theme:
Poe: always proud of his costume Finn: always proud of his friends and their costumes Padmé: always keeps her costume a secret and makes sure she's the best dressed. Makes sure she socializes with everyone Lando: always competing to be the best dressed Scorch: ordering pizza, cracking jokes, playing pranks Jyn: no chill or time for this night Leia: supportive of friends and helps them prepare their outfits before completing hers Revan: dresses up as the bad guy, but is an absolute marshmallow underneath handing out their sweets to their friends Boss: was paid to babysit Bastila: bitches all night Cassian: has a house party with his friends and keeps his home open for others to join in Rey: the perfect time to hang out with friends late at night Han: "What do you mean it's not an actual costume? I'm sexy, aren't I?" Atton: "What do you mean it's not an actual costume? I'm sexy, aren't I?" Chewie: doesn't brush hair for a week and claims that's his costume Bodhi: always worried what people are going to think of his costume but as soon as he sees someone else with a bad costume he relaxes Sev: in on a prank with Scorch, gets drunk, tries to hitchhike his way home, is kidnapped Kreia: chases kids all night off her lawn - always gets TP'd Zaalbar: just adds an extra weapon each year Phasma: wears the same costume every Halloween T3-M4: keeps telling everyone how they can improve their costumes next year, can’t understand why people get angry Rae: makes sure everyone is being responsible, always makes a costume for Armitage. HK-47: literally threatens to kill everyone who questions his costume Krennic: planned for the event months ago with close friends. Sulks the entire night when Galen cancels last minute. Galen: always prefers to stay at home and cook something special. Can only think of a proper excuse at the last minute to avoid seeing Krennic. Atris: criticizes everyone, gets drunk, goes full SJW Fixer: dresses up with friends, tells on them when they're up to shit Nihilus: makes up a language, claiming to be possessed Brendol: constantly receiving a bitch slap from Rae Sion: always shirtless to show how much he's been going to the gym. Always messes up Kreia's house Chirrut: dresses up as Blind Al Qui-Gon: hands people health snacks and tells them why he wishes his parents didn't give him sweets on Halloween. Points out cavities that could have been fixed long ago, but then he wouldn’t be able to tell the story next year. Canderous: always dresses up as different variations of Cable from the X-Men Anakin: always forgets Halloween until the day before. always tries to find out what Padmé is wearing the night before. Always sneaks into her room to find out what she's working on. Always puts together a costume on the day. Always says "Wow, Padmé. We match. What a coincidence" Carth: another year dressed as a soldier, but with a different heart-breaking story Luke: "I didn't have the money to fully dress up, but I made use of what I had around the house" Bao-Dur: always takes suggestions from friends K-2SO: tells everyone he's having a miserable time, is actually having fun Mira: "I know my cosplay is amazing. I have taken photographs and will be selling them all night. I charge extra for a signature." Malak: loses his shit when everyone pays more attention to Revan. Rex: "I dressed like my brother" Mical: doesn't believe this day is good for the soul and stays away Saw: everyone's outside. No one's gonna bother him. Vape time. Maul: Pissed because Obi-Wan doesn't hang out with him on this night anymore. Runs around screaming "KENOBI!" Armitage: the kid who was never allowed to go Trick or Treating until Rae shows up, bitch slaps his father and is allowed out by Rae. Has to deal with Kylo bitching through texts all the night. Hanharr: only goes out on the night if he can get something out of it. R2-D2: trash can Mission: "what do you mean I'm too young to dress like this? I'm 14!" Obi-Wan: doesn't put much effort into a costume - focuses more on what candy he can buy his friends. Baze: warns everyone that if they plan on giving Chirrut a jumpscare he'll murder them. Ends up giving Chirrut more sweets at the end of the night. Juhani: tries to pick fights, is given a snickers bar Sheev: spreads rumors all night about a kid he got expelled from school. Ahsoka: puts a little more effort into costume each year, but helps Obi-Wan's cause Brianna: just wants to show off what she learned in martial arts this year Visas: whips out the crystal ball, tarot cards, and incense to get people to come over and tell them their future Tarkin: sits on a lawn chair all night sipping on tea under his home's front tree - which is covered in toilet paper. no more fucks given. Grievous: tries to pick fights all night, asthma kicks in Mothma: spends the night communicating with everyone's parents to get to know them. Avoids Krennic, Brendol, Rae, Anakin, Tarkin, and Sheev. G0-T0: sits in the dark in the attic, watching everyone from the window BB-8: each year a different kind of dog Meetra: wears a fake sword that looks as if they've been stabbed from behind. Walks around all night with a look of horror on face. Kylo: the kid who was once grounded on Halloween, wasn't allowed out and got TP'd by Finn and Poe where Rey witnessed it all. Reads Stephen King and listens to Lacuna Coil all night. Dooku: forced to hang out another year with Sheev. Done with life. C-3PO: "You probably don't recognize me because of the red ___" a different red limb each year Jolee: goes on about how Halloween was back in his day Beru and Owen: reigning champs.
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comiccrusaders · 6 years
BOOM! Studios Launches Week Long Spotlight on Top All-Ages Comics
BOOM! Studios is proud to kick offKaBOOM! Summer Blast, a week-long spotlight on the best all-ages comic book and graphic novels from the award-winning imprint in the coming months with your first look at ADVENTURE TIME: BEGINNING OF THE END #1, the first issue of a new three issue limited comic book series set in a world separate from but inspired by the Emmy® Award-winning Cartoon Network animated series Adventure Time.
Available in stores May 23rd, Finn breaks a promise he can’t remember making which leads to a confrontation with Chronologius Rex, the lord of Hours and All Time! Ted Anderson (My Little Pony) and Marina Julia (Lumberjanes, SLAM! The Next Jam) set Finn on a journey to confront the ghosts of his past selves, the alternate selves of his present, and all his possible futures, while Jake gathers help from all of Ooo and beyond. Together, they must save Finn before he goes beyond the Vanishing Point and is erased from every reality…which would be really, really bad.
ADVENTURE TIME: BEGINNING OF THE END #1 features a wraparound main cover by Victoria Maderna (Adventure Time), along with variant covers by Diigii Daguna (Adventure Time Comics) and connecting variant covers by Corey Booth (Over The Garden Wall).
“ADVENTURE TIME: BEGINNING OF THE END celebrates the show, the comic, and all the fans who helped us deliver some of the most entertaining all-ages stories of the last ten years,” said Whitney Leopard, Editor, BOOM! Studios. “Back in 2012, when we launched our first Adventure Time series, we wanted to create stories for kids that didn’t pander to its readers and could be enjoyed by all. After more than a hundred comics, multiple series and graphic novels, and numerous awards,Adventure Time – and so many comics since then – have shown that not only do kids remain the most important new readers, they are huge fans of comics. It’s been our pleasure, and will continue to be our goal in KaBOOM! to create content that is truly for all-ages.”
ADVENTURE TIME: BEGINNING OF THE END is the latest release from BOOM! Studios’ critically acclaimed KaBOOM! imprint, publisher of world-class licensed series such as Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, Peanuts, and Garfield, along with original series like Brave Chef Brianna by Sam Sykes and Selina Espiritu and The Deep by Tom Taylor and James Brouwer.
Print copies of ADVENTURE TIME: BEGINNING OF THE END #1 will be available for sale on May 23rd at local comic book shops (use comicshoplocator.com to find the nearest one) or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers, including comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and the BOOM! Studios app.
For more on ADVENTURE TIME: BEGINNING OF THE END and more exclusive previews as part of KaBOOM! Summer Blast, stay tuned to www.boom-studios.comand follow @boomstudios on Twitter.
KaBOOM! Summer Blast: Your First Look At New Comic Book Series “Adventure Time: Beginning Of The End” BOOM! Studios Launches Week Long Spotlight on Top All-Ages Comics BOOM! Studios is proud to kick off…
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Hello wonderful Gotham and imagine team! Can we have a moment about Jamie and Julia's bonding in Modern Glasgow AU? A wee moment when Julia having a nightmare and Jamie soothing her or a museum trip together? 😊
Modern Glasgow AU
Juliatugged on Jamie’s hand, the heels of her wee boots squeaking against thepolished marble floor of the gallery.
“Come*on,* Da!” she exclaimed, breathless with excitement. “We have so much to see!”
Jamiegently brought Julia to a halt as he squinted at the museum map clutched in hisfree hand. “Wait a bit, *mo nighean oír,*” he mumbled, stepping toward a casedisplaying some rather uninspiring Roman stone carvings that had been found inthe River Ness. “Ye’re not the only person who has things to see today.”
Asif on cue, twelve-year-old William coughed and shoved his own museum map uptoward his father’s face. “When will we see the dinosaurs, Da? Ye ken I dinnacare much for this archaeology stuff.”
“Weel,it’s verra important to yer wee sister, ken? So we’ll tour the archaeologygalleries first and then we can make our way toward the natural historygalleries.” Julia sighed theatrically at his hip, and he tore his eyes awayfrom the map to glare down at his youngest – whose lip was thrust out in anexaggerated frown.
“Ye’llhave to be patient, Julia. All right?”
Sheheaved a tiny huff, but nodded. “Aye. Can we go now, please? We still need tosee the chessmen and the golden treasures and – ”
“Doye ken how to get there, then? Can ye lead the way?”
Juliabeamed – irritation at her father and brother forgotten. She strodepurposefully forward, tugging once more on Jamie’s hand, twin blonde braidsbobbing on her wee shoulders. “Come on! This way!”
Jamieshook his head but let his daughter lead – making sure that his scowling sonalso followed.
TheFrasers had jumped at the opportunity to visit Edinburgh while Claire presentedat a medical conference. It was a rare treat to spend a few days in a big city,especially since they hadn’t spent much time in any city since movingpermanently to Lallybroch when Julia was a baby. Claire had presented on theThursday and Friday, and the six Frasers (missing Fergus, who was away atuniversity, but kept in constant contact through text and video chat) had had alot of fun touring the city sights.
Theyhad left the National Museum of Scotland for Saturday – and knowing that they’dlikely spend most of a day there, Jamie had taken William and Julia to thearchaeology and natural history wings while Claire had taken Faith and Briannato the World Cultures galleries.
Briannahad been helping Julia research the museum, and the youngest Fraser had had ahard time getting to bed the previous night. Her excited babble about Roman hoardsand Pictish ruins had elicited many groans of irritation from her oldersiblings – but prideful smiles from her parents.
Jamie,Julia, and William turned a corner and stepped into a small, dimly litgallery. Quickly the children stepped toward the display case, Jamie hoistingJulia up on his hip so that she could get a better look.
“Isthat – ” William swallowed – half eager, half terrified.
“Aye,it’s a bog body.” Jamie squinted at the tag beside the case. “Gunnister Man.Found in the Shetlands.”
Juliaclutched to her father’s side, trembling a bit. “Is that a real person, Da?”
“Aye,*a nighean.* It is.”
“Thenwhy is he in the museum?”
“Weel– it’s like the ancient Egyptian mummies, ken? He was found by a farmer in the1950s, and they decided to put him here in the museum. The scientists were ableto study his body and his clothes and then learn all about the people of histime.”
“Buthis skin looks so dark! How did it get to be like that?” William pressed oneawed hand against the glass.
“It’sbecause he was buried in a peat bog. The chemicals in the bog affected hisskin.”
“Andit also made sure that he was preserved,” Julia murmured, stillhalf-frightened, from safe in Jamie’s arms. “Murtagh and I read about it once.”
Williamstepped back a bit to stand right next to his Da and sister. “Do ye think heever imagined he’d end up in a museum, Da?”
“I’dimagine not,” Jamie sighed, Julia turned her face into his neck – clearly shewas ready to move on.
“Comeon, you wee fiends,” he smiled at his two youngest children, quickly steppinginto the next, brighter gallery full of half-decayed baskets and textilesdating back about fifteen centuries. “Let’s find the funny chessmen, aye? Andthen we can find William’s T-Rex!”
Jamiereached over Claire to turn off the bedside lamp, and couldn’t resist kissingher forehead as he did so.
Asthe room plunged into darkness she scooted closer to him on their sharedpillow, hooked one leg around his hip, and drew closer for a proper kiss.
Itwent on for a long while. Christ, he had *missed* her today – even though they’dvery quietly shared each other in the dark predawn while their bairns werestill abed. Seventeen years married – and she still made him feel like he wastwenty-two.
“Doyou think John will mind us making love in his bed?” she murmured in betweenkisses. Lord John Grey – Jamie’s former client from his publishing days, andnow a close family friend – had graciously let them use his spacious Edinburghflat during their visit. Through his family, the man had a house or flat inpractically all major UK cities. They hadn’t seen him on this visit, as he wason vacation somewhere in Africa with his partner Hector – but they had arrivedto a nice bottle of wine waiting on the kitchen countertop, and a new plush toyfor each child waiting on their beds. Even fourteen-year-old Faith had smiled,clearly not yet too old for a new lovie.
Jamiekissed his wife’s smile. “It’s a bit too late for that – ye should have askedme last night. Or this morning.” He seized her mouth then, and gently wormedhis hand down the front of her sleep pants.
“Whathave we here, Dr. Fraser?” he murmured in surprise, a few moments later. “It’sa bit smoother than I remember this morning – ”
Claire’sreply was cut off with the sound of tiny feet pounding down the carpetedhallway before the bedroom door flung open.
Jamieand Claire sat bolt upright – Jamie automatically reaching across Claire’s bodyto shield her.
Thena small blonde blur, clutching her stuffed Scottie dog, landed on their knees,sniffing loudly.
“Julia?”Jamie croaked, heart pounding as adrenaline flooded through his limbs. “What’swrong?”
Shescooted up his legs and crashed into his warm chest, clutching to his sideslike a small monkey, burying her face in his sleep shirt. Safe.
Clairelay a gentle hand on her daughter’s heaving back. “Tell Mama and Da, love. What’swrong?”
Juliagulped. “I had – a nightmare, Da.”
Jamiegently wrapped his arms around his youngest, precious daughter. “It’s allright. It was just a dream, *a nighean.*”
Stillshe shook with terror in his arms. He felt Claire look at him, gently promptinghim to ask her more.
“Canye tell me about it?”
Juliadrew in a deep breath. “I dreamed the bog man took me away from you and Mama.”
Clairesighed – she’d known as soon as Jamie told her what he had taken Julia andWilliam to see at the museum that the bog body would have had a deep effect onthem. But definitely not this much.
“Andye ken that it’s only a dream, aye? Because ye ken that I’ll never, *ever,* letanything take ye away from us?”
Jamiehoisted up Julia so that her head curled into his neck. He ran one big hand upand down her back, soothing her. Feeling her breath even out.
“Aye,”she said softly. “I kent it was a dream – but it was so real!”
“That’swhat happens sometimes,” Claire said softly, kissing Julia’s warm brow. “Butwhen we have bad dreams, we also know that we’re dreaming. So it makes iteasier for us to wake up.”
Julianodded against Jamie’s shoulder. “Aye, Mama. But then I woke up and I didnaremember where I was, so I wanted to sleep with ye and Da.”
Jamiegently lay Julia between himself and Claire, bringing the sheets up to Julia’schin. “Rest now, *mo chridhe.* No one will harm ye. I’m here. Yer Mam’s here.”
Juliaclutched her wee dog closer to her chest and settled onto her side. “I loveyou,” she whispered.
Clairesettled on her side, one arm draped over Julia’s chest – and her fingerstangling with Jamie’s.
“Oh,Julia. You have no idea how much we love you.”
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South Korea is preparing to host its first Winter Olympics when the 2018 edition gets underway in PyeongChang in February.The Games will be made up of 15 sports: alpine skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh, cross-country skiing, curling, figure skating, freestyle skiing, ice hockey, luge, Nordic combined, short-track speed skating, skeleton, ski jumping, snowboarding, and speed skating. Curling and ski jumping get going before the opening ceremony in PyeongChang Olympic Stadium on 9 February. The Games wrap up on 25 February with the women's curling gold medal match and the men's ice hockey gold medal match.The two Koreas will field a combined women's ice hockey team and march together under one flag at next month's Winter Olympics in the South, Seoul said on Wednesday, after a new round of talks amid a thaw in cross-border ties.North and South Korea have been talking since last week - for the first time in more than two years - about the Olympics, offering a respite from a months-long standoff over Pyongyang's pursuit of nuclear and missile programmes, although Japan urged caution over the North's "charm offensive".The two Koreas will compete as a unified team in the Olympics for the first time, though they have joined forces at other international sports events before.North Korea will send a delegation of more than 400, including 230 cheerleaders, 140 artists and 30 Taekwondo players for a demonstration, a joint press statement released by Seoul's unification ministry said, adding the precise number of athletes will be hammered out after discussions with the IOC.Prior to the Games, the sides will carry out joint training for skiers at the North's Masik Pass resort and a cultural event at the Mount Kumgang resort, for which Seoul officials plan to visit the sites next week.The delegation is expected to begin arriving in South Korea on Jan. 25, the statement said.The North will separately send a 150-strong delegation to the Paralympics. Twenty nations meeting in the Canadian city of Vancouver agreed on Tuesday to consider tougher sanctions to press North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned the North it could trigger a military response if it did not choose dialogue.Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono said the world should not be naive about North Korea's "charm offensive" over the Olympics."It is not the time to ease pressure, or to reward North Korea," Kono said. "The fact that North Korea is engaging in dialogue could be interpreted as proof that the sanctions are working."North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has refused to give up development of nuclear missiles capable of hitting the United States in spite of increasingly severe U.N. sanctions, raising fears of a new war on the Korean peninsula. The North has fired test-fired missiles over Japan.In state media this week, the North warned the South of spoiling inter-Korean ties by insisting it gives up its nuclear weapons."We will work actively to improve North-South Korean relations but will not stand still to actions that are against unification," the North's Rodong Sinmun newspaper said.
Winter Olympic 2018 predictions,news
The South's Unification Ministry said the two sides exchanged opinions on several issues, including the size of the North Korean athletics team and joint cultural events.Seoul has proposed a joint ice hockey team, which triggered an angry response from athletes in the South suddenly being told they may have to play alongside total strangers."I don't know if it will happen, but a joint team will be a good opportunity for ice hockey to shed its sorrow as a less-preferred sport as many Koreans will take interest," South Korean President Moon Jae-in told players during a visit to a training centre.The number of petitions to the presidential Blue House's website opposing a unified team climbed to more than 100 this week, with the most popular petition gaining more than 11,000 votes."This isn't the same as gluing a broken plate together," said one of the signers.Paik Hak-soon, the director of the Centre for North Korean studies at Sejong Institute in South Korea, said North Korea was using the cheering squad to draw attention to its apparent cooperative spirit."Seeing good results in competitions thanks to the cheering squad would enable the North Koreans to say they contributed to a successful Olympics and the South Korean government would likely agree," said Paik."In the end, they are using this old tactic to get to Washington through Seoul."On Tuesday, officials from North and South agreed a 140-person North Korean orchestra would perform in South Korea during the Games. Pyongyang is also planning to send a large delegation in addition to the athletes and orchestra.Reclusive North Korea and the rich, democratic South are technically still at war because their 1950-53 conflict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty. The North regularly threatens to destroy the South, Japan and their major ally, the United States.China, which did not attend the Vancouver meeting, said on Wednesday the gathering showed a Cold War mentality and would only undermine a settlement of the North Korea problem. The International Ice Hockey Federation has expressed support for the creation of a unified inter-Korean women's ice hockey team for the upcoming PyeongChang Winter Olympics, a US broadcaster reported Friday.The two Koreas agreed at their working-level talks on Wednesday to field the joint squad at the Feb. 9-25 Games. The International Olympic Committee will review the agreement and determine the size of the unified roster on Saturday. South Korea hopes the roster will be expanded to as many as 35 from the already-set 22, after adding some North Korean players. The world's ice hockey governing body said that the joint team positively reflects an Olympic ideal of realizing social development and peace through sports, particularly considering the division of the Korean Peninsula, Voice of America said, citing an e-mail from the organization.But the IIHF refused to comment on the expansion of the roster, saying it will announce its stance on the issue after the IOC makes its final decision, according to the broadcaster.Meanwhile, the IOC said in an e-mail the same day that there are many things to review in relation to the inter-Korean proposal, as it will have effect on other national Olympic committees and athletes, the broadcaster said.On Wednesday, Janos Kick, head of communications for the Switzerland Ice Hockey Federation, told Yonhap News Agency, "In terms of sports and for all teams who invest a lot of money and resources in their women's teams, we are not in favor of this (a unified Korea team) since it's not fair and distorts competition."
Sixth-ranked Switzerland is 22nd-ranked South Korea's first opponent in Group B, which also includes Sweden and Japan. (Yonhap)With no participation from the National Hockey League and a women’s team vying for gold, Team USA announced its rosters for its ice hockey teams competing at the 2018 Winter Olympics.The highly anticipated rosters were announced Monday at an intermission during the 2018 Winter Classic and come ahead of the first Winter Olympics the NHL has not participated in since 1994. That means the men’s ice hockey team competing in Pyeongchang, South Korea is a combination of former NHL players, minor league players and college athletes.“Obviously from a selection process it’s been a battle for us on all the players we have available to us,” said Tony Granato, the men’s team coach said Monday.He continued, “I think we’ve put together an outstanding group of players that will represent us well come February and give us a great chance to do really well and compete for a medal.”The men’s team captain is Brian Gionta, who played for the Buffalo Sabres in the NHL until 2017, when he moved to an American Hockey League club and could therefore play for Team USA. Gionta was the U.S.’s top scorer in the 2006 Winter Olympic Games, where the U.S. lost in the quarterfinals.On the women’s side, many of Team USA’s key players like Brianna Decker and Meghan Duggan will return with the goal of earning women’s ice hockey first gold medal in 20 years. While Team USA has medaled every year since women’s ice hockey was added as an Olympic sport in 1998, the U.S. has fallen repeatedly to Canada in the battle for gold.In 2014, Team USA lost to Canada in the final round 3-2, earning silver.“We had to figure out what we were made of, what we wanted to accomplish over these last couple of years, and really put ourselves in a position to achieve the goal we want to achieve as a program and as a team and as a country going into this next Olympics,” Duggan said Monday.“We’re excited,” she added. “We’ve got the right group.”USA Hockey announced today the rosters for its 2018 U.S. Olympic Men’s and Women’s Ice Hockey Teams and 2018 U.S. Paralympic Sled Hockey Team during the second intermission of the NHL Winter Classic at Citi Field in New York City.“We’re excited about all three of our teams and the chance to compete for gold,” said Pat Kelleher, executive director of USA Hockey. “There’s no bigger stage than the Olympics and Paralympics and I know our teams will represent our country extremely well in PyeongChang."The men’s roster includes 15 players with NHL experience, led by Brian Gionta (Rochester, N.Y.), who will serve as team captain of the 2018 U.S. Olympic Men’s Ice Hockey Team. Gionta has played 1,006 regular-season games and captained both the Montreal Canadiens and Buffalo Sabres in his career. He is the lone player on the U.S. roster with Olympic experience, having played for Team USA in 2006.“We really like our roster,” said Jim Johannson, general manager of the 2018 U.S. Olympic Men’s Ice Hockey Team and also the assistant executive director of hockey operations for USA Hockey. “It’s a group that brings versatility and experience and includes players who have a lot of passion about representing our country.”The U.S. has won 11 medals in the Olympic Winter Games, including gold in 1960 and 1980.The opening game for the U.S. men in the in the 2018 Olympic Winter Games is set for Feb. 14 against Slovenia.The women’s roster features 23 players, including 10 returning Olympians and six two-time Olympians (2010, 2014) in Kacey Bellamy (Westfield, Mass.), captain Meghan Duggan (Danvers, Mass.), Hilary Knight (Sun Valley, Idaho), Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson (Grand Forks, N.D.), Monique Lamoureux-Morando (Grand Forks, N.D.) and Gigi Marvin (Warroad, Minn.“Today we took another step closer towards achieving our ultimate goal, which is to bring home a gold medal from South Korea,” said Reagan Carey, general manager of the 2018 U.S. Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team and also the director of women’s hockey for USA Hockey, “We’ve had an exceptional four months in Wesley Chapel leading up to this point and are confident that these 23 women give our country the best opportunity to reach the top of the podium in February.”The U.S. has medaled in all five Olympic Winter Games since women’s ice hockey was introduced in 1998, including gold in that inaugural year.The U.S. women open Olympic play on Feb. 11 against Finland.The 17-player sled roster includes 10 players with Paralympic experience, led by captain Josh Pauls (Green Brook, N.J.), alternate captains Declan Farmer (Tampa, Fla.) and Nikko Landeros (Johnstown, Colo.) and goaltender Steve Cash (Overland, Mo.). All four were members of the gold medal-winning 2014 Paralympic Sled Hockey Team.As a whole, this team has all the ingredients to be successful,” said Dan Brennan, director of sled hockey for USA Hockey and general manager of the 2018 U.S. Paralympic Sled Hockey Team. “We’re going to be a fast-paced, puck-moving team that is led by a great core of veterans who knows what it takes to win.”
The U.S. has medaled in four of the five Paralympic Winters Games it has competed in, with gold medals in 2014, 2010, and 2002 and a bronze medal in 2006.The 2018 Paralympic Winter Games begin March 9 in PyeongChang, South Korea.Jim Johannson, the general manager of the 2018 U.S. Olympic men’s ice hockey team and a two-time Olympian, has died, USA Hockey said on Sunday. He was 53.The assistant executive director of hockey operations with USA Hockey, Johannson was part of the management team for every Olympic Games since 2002 and served on the U.S. staff for 18 world championship teams.In building the teams that achieved so much success for USA Hockey, Jim Johannson had a sharp eye for talent, a strong sense of chemistry and a relentless pursuit of excellence," National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman said in a statement."The NHL family's respect for Jim's contributions to hockey, at all levels, is exceeded only by our shock and sorrow over his sudden passing."Johannson died in his sleep early on Sunday morning at his home in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA Hockey said."He was so compassionate and as loyal a friend as you could have," said Tony Granato, who will coach the U.S. team at next month's Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. "He was the ultimate team mate."Johannson twice played for the U.S. in the Winter Olympic Games (1988 and 1992) and was a member of the American team at the 1992 world championship.We are beyond shocked and profoundly saddened,” said Pat Kelleher, executive director of USA Hockey. “As accomplished as Jim was in hockey, he was the absolute best, most humble, kind and caring person you could ever hope to meet."Jim Johannson, general manager of the United States Olympic men's hockey team, has died unexpectedly, it was announced today.The 53-year-old Johannson was due to lead the US team at Pyeongchang 2018 after helping select the team.He died in his sleep this morning. USA Hockey executive director Pat Kelleher claimed they are "beyond shocked and profoundly saddened" by the news. "As accomplished as Jim was in hockey, he was the absolute best, most humble, kind and caring person you could ever hope to meet," Kelleher said."His impact on our sport and more importantly the people and players in our sport have been immeasurable. "Our condolences go out to his entire family, but especially to his loving wife Abby and their young daughter Ellie."Johannson had played for the US at the 1988 and 1992 Winter Olympic Games in Calgary and Albertville.  We lost a true friend in Jim Johannson today," US coach and 1988 Olympic teammate Tony Granato said. "He was so compassionate and as loyal a friend as you could have. "He was the ultimate teammate."Johannson began working for USA Hockey in 2000 after spending five years as the general manager of the Twin Cities Vulcans in the United States Hockey League. He was promoted to assistant executive director of hockey operations in 2007, overseeing its teams preparations for international competition."We mourn the tragic and untimely loss of Jim Johannson, who has been one of the most prominent figures in American hockey for decades, both as a player and an administrator," Scott Blackmun, the chief executive of the United States Olympic Committee, said. "He will be acutely missed at the upcoming Olympic Winter Games by the team he assembled, the international hockey community and the global Olympic family. "We offer our deepest condolences to his family - and all those who knew him - at this difficult time."The US is due to open its Olympic ice hockey campaign at Pyeongchang 2018 with a match against Slovenia on February 14. South Korea has proposed fielding a joint women’s ice hockey team with North Korea at next month’s Winter Olympics, days after Pyongyang agreed to send a large delegation to the Games.South Korea’s vice-minister for sport, Roh Tae-kang, said the two sides had discussed an inter-Korean ice hockey team during talks on Tuesday – the first high-level contact between the neighbours for more than two years.Japanese kayaker banned eight years for spiking rival's drink. They also discussed having athletes from both countries march together at the opening ceremony for the Pyeongchang Games, which begin on 9 February.North Korea has yet to respond to the joint-team proposal.Media reports said North and South Korean officials would continue their discussions on Olympic arrangements on Monday in Panmunjom.They will also attend a meeting of the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne on 20 January to discuss the size of the North Korean delegation, the number of athletes and details such as where the North Korean flag should be displayed, Yonhap news agency said.It would not be the first time the two Koreas have fielded joint teams. In 1991, they joined forces at the World Table Tennis championships and the football under-20 World Cup. But they have never fielded a joint team at a multi-discipline sports event such as the Olympics.
Roh said he would seek IOC support for the ice hockey proposal and hoped other countries taking part in the competition would give a unified Korean team their blessing.He added that an all-Korea ice hockey team should not force any South Korean players to lose their place in the existing squad to accommodate their North Korean teammates.Instead, the South Korean authorities are expected to seek permission to expand the size of its squad from the existing 23 players to 35.Hopes of North Korean participation in Pyeongchang rose after the regime’s leader, Kim Jong-un, said on New Year’s Day he was willing to discuss sending athletes.At last week’s inter-Korean talks, the North agreed to send a delegation comprising athletes, officials, journalists and members of the country’s all-female cheerleading troupe.It isn’t clear which North Korean athletes will take advantage of wildcard entries reportedly under consideration by the IOC.The figure skating pair Ryom Tae-ok and Kim Ju-sik were the only North Korean athletes to qualify but missed the deadline to register for their event.Seoul has no plans to push for a joint Korean team in sports other than women's hockey at the upcoming Winter Olympics, a sports ministry official said Monday.The official, on the condition of anonymity, rejected media reports on the government's hopes for a unified Korean team in figure skating's team event and even in bobsleigh at the PyeongChang Winter Games."We've never considered the idea in those two sports, and we never will," the official said.Earlier this month, Choi Moon-soon, governor of Gangwon Province, where PyeongChang is located, proposed having North Korean skaters alongside South Koreans in figure skating's team event. The North Korean pairs duo of Ryom Tae-ok and Kim Ju-sik, who qualified for the Olympics but missed a deadline to confirm their participation in PyeongChang, were the logical choice. But their participation in the team event would have to come at the expense of a South Korean pairs team, Kim Kyu-eun and Kam Kang-chan.There were reports of a joint Korean training in bobsleigh, but it was also shot down.Instead, South Korea is pursuing a unified Korean team in women's hockey. It made the proposal during high-level inter-Korean talks last Tuesday, but North Korea didn't immediately respond to it. The proposal was only revealed last Friday.The two Koreas are expected to meet sometime this week on further working-level talks on North Korea's participation in PyeongChang 2018, the first Winter Olympics to take place in South Korea.Separately, the International Olympic Committee has scheduled a four-party meeting for Saturday at its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, with representatives from PyeongChang's Olympic organizing committee and the two Koreas' respective national Olympic committees. IOC President Thomas Bach will chair the meeting, which will discuss the North's participation and the joint team in women's hockey.South Korea is seeking cooperation from both the IOC and the International Ice Hockey Federation to expand its roster from 23 to more than 30, so that South Korean players won't lose their spots.Even if South Korea gets its wish and adds a few North Korean players to the team without cutting any South Koreans, the situation may still force some South Korean players to sit out some games as healthy scratches, since only 22 players can be on the bench at once.It also remains to be seen whether South Korea's opponents in the group stage, Sweden, Switzerland and Japan, would agree to having one country carry extra players. (Yonhap)South Korea is looking into the possibility of a shared women’s ice hockey team with North Korea at the 2018 Winter Olympics after talks between the two nations this week.North Korea confirmed on Tuesday that it will send a delegation of athletes to the Olympics, which take place in Pyeongchang next month, despite the two countries technically still being at war.During the talks, which are the first to take place between the North and South in more than two years, South Korea’s second vice-minister for tradition, sports activities and tourism brought up the possibility of combining the women’s ice hockey team.The offer has not been confirmed by North Korea officials yet, but they have announced that a delegation will be sent to compete at the Winter Olympics – including a ‘cheering squad’ – in what is seen as a major step forwards in improving relations between the two nations.An offer has also been made by the South to have both countries’ athletes walk into the Opening Ceremony together under a unified flag, although like the ice hockey proposal, a resolution has not yet been reached.The 2018 Winter Olympics will take place from February 9 to 25, 2018 in PyeongChang, South Korea.The host city was announced on July 6 2011 by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), beating Munich (Germany) and Annecy (France). The 2018 Games will be South Korea's second Olympics and the Republic's first Winter Games after hosting the Summer Games in 1988. PyeongChang will also be the third Asian city to host the Winter Games after Japanese cities Sapporo in 1972 and Nagano in 1998.  A total of 90 teams have qualified at least one athlete to compete in this year's Winter Olympics, with 89 countries and the delegation from Russia taking part under the IOC flag. Ecuador, Eritrea, Kosovo, Malaysia, and Singapore are also scheduled to make their Winter Olympics debut.With the official Olympics schedule being released late last year, it was revealed that the competition for the 2018 Winter Games will begin on Thursday, February 8 with mixed doubles curling and ski jumping events starting on this day.  The opening ceremonies will be held on Friday, February 9 and the closing ceremonies on Sunday, February 25 after the traditional finale of the men's ice hockey final that will share the billing with curling and cross-country skiing.
Both opening and closing ceremonies are expected to be held PyeongChang Olympic Stadium which is a temporary structure with a capacity for 35,000 fans.Where are the Winter Olympics?The 2018 Winter Olympics will be hosted in PyeongChang in South Korea, a city 80 miles east of capital Seoul and 60 miles south of the Demilitarised Zone separating South and North Korea. This will be South Korea's second time hosting the Olympics after Seoul hosted the Summer Olympics in 1988.This Winter Olympics will see a total of 102 gold medal events, the most ever contested at an Olympic Winter Games.There are a total of 15 varied disciplines across the seven sports in the Winter Olympics competition that include traditional events like the bobsleigh, figure skating, ice hockey, luge, skeleton, ski jumping, snowboard and speed skating.Are there any new events for the 2018 Winter Olympics?The programme for PyeongChang 2018 includes six new events: snowboard big air (men's and women's), speed skating mass start (men's and women's), curling mixed doubles and the Alpine team event.The Winter Olympics schedule reveals that short track and speed skating sessions will take place in the evening, as well as the luge, ski jumping and biathlon which will occur under floodlights.All Alpine skiing competitions will be held in the day so that spectators are able to attend many events in one day and will be split between two venues. The speed events (downhill, Super-G and combined) will take place at the Jeongseong Alpine Centre and the technical events (giant slalom, slalom and the new team competition) at the Yongpyong Alpine Centre.What will the Winter Olympics medals look like?The PyeongChang 2018 medals have been created by designer Lee Suk-woo with a texture that resembles tree trunks, a symbol of the development of Korean culture and the work put into the Games themselves. The medals also feature diagonal lines and three-dimensional Korean alphabet consonants that stretch across the face. Overall, a total of 259 sets of medals have been cast for the Winter Olympics and the gold medal weighs the most at 586 grams.How to watch the 2018 Winter Olympics. PyeongChang 2018 will be broadcast on BBC TV, Eurosport and digital platforms in the UK and on NBC and online for those in the US. The time difference for South Korea is nine hours ahead of London and 14 hours ahead of New York. What is the mascot for the 2018 Winter Olympics?The 2018 Winter Olympics mascot is Soohorang, a white tiger, chosen because of the tiger's association with Korean mythology and culture and is a symbol of trust, strength and protection.Will North Korea be competing?Despite backlash, it was announced that North Korea would be sending a delegation to the 2018 Winter Olympic Games after officials met for high-level talks for the first time in two years. This delegation will include supporters, art performers, observers, a taekwondo demonstration team, journalists and athletes, who intend on marching with South Korea at the opening ceremony as they did in 2006.  The talks between North and South Korea were held in the Demilitarised Zone, otherwise known as the Panmumjom 'peace village' and five senior officials from each side attended. This came after Kim Jong-un revealed he was considering sending a North Korean team to the Olympics this year and the talks were scheduled after the US and South Korea agreed to delay their joint military exercises until after PyeongChang 2018. Will Russia be competing?In February Russia was banned from taking part in the Winter Olympics due to 'systematic manipulation' of anti-doping rules, according to the IOC. However, Russian athletes who can provide evidence that they are clean, will be 'invited' and will compete under the name 'Olympic Athlete from Russia* (OAR).Which British athletes are competing?Team Great Britain are expected to bring back more medals (one gold, one silver and two bronze) than they did from the Sochi 2014 Games. With short track speed skater Elise Christie winning three gold medals and one bronze at the 2017 World Championships, she could become the first British athlete to win more than one medal at a Winter Games.Lizzy Yarnold could become the first British athlete to defend a Winter Olympic title after her gold medal win in Sochi, while freestyle skiers James Woods and Isabel Atkin have the potential to win Britain's first ever medals on skis. Katie Ormerod and Billy Morgan could win medals for snowboarding as well as the Team GB women's curling team, led by Eve Muirhead, that won world bronze last year.Which US athletes are competing?
Team USA snowboarder Jamie Anderson stole the show at Sochi 2014 where she earned a gold medal in the slopestyle snowboarding event and Kelly Clark will also return, renowned as one of the most celebrated American snowboarders in history.  Nathan Chen is also one to watch after becoming the first male figure skater to ever land five quadruple jumps in a single performance, in addition to skater Adam Rippon, who has qualified for the first time this year.Which Australian athletes are competing?Snowboarder Jarryd Hughes will be returning to the Winter Olympics this year after ranking number two on the FIS World Cup Ranking, but finishing in 17th place at Sochi 2014.Matilda Friend will be joining her ice dance partner William Badaoui to realise their Olympic dreams and skier Britt Cox, the youngest athlete at the 2010 Games at age 15, will be the one to beat at PyeongChang 2018.Where and when did the first Winter Games take place?PyeongChang 2018 will be the 23rd Winter Olympics. The first ever Winter Games took place in 1924 in Chamonix, France after the IOC decided that there should be a separate 'International Winter Sports Week'. The Games were a success with more than 250 athletes from 16 nations competing in the five sports: bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, Nordic skiing and skating.Where will future Olympic Games be held?After the 2018 Winter Olympics, the Summer Games will be held in Tokyo in 2020. The next Winter Games will be held in Beijing in 2022 and it has been decided that the next Summer Olympics will be in Paris in 2024 and Los Angeles in 2028.Switzerland — The 22 North Korean athletes now invited to compete at the Winter Olympics next month are unlikely to bring home any medals across the border from South Korea.Of all the athletes given late entries in five sports, only the figure skating pair met the qualifying standard on merit.North Korea’s wait for a first Winter Games medal since 1992 is expected to continue.Still, the deal confirmed Saturday is a big win for the International Olympic Committee and officials north and south of the Korean border.Here is a look at the athletes heading to the Feb. 9-25 Pyeongchang Olympics:The most symbolic and emotive of the North Korean entries.The 23 players on South Korea’s roster will now have 12 North Koreans added three weeks before their opening game against Switzerland.South Korea never qualified for the tournament since women’s ice hockey joined the Winter Games program in 1998. It placed fourth at the 2017 Asian Winter Games.As the host nation, it got an automatic entry despite being the No. 22-ranked nation in an 8-team lineup where No. 9 Japan is the next lowest-ranked.North Korea is currently No. 25, and has been promised to have at least three players ready for action in a 22-player active roster for each game.South Korea’s coach, Sarah Murray of Canada, will select the team, and be joined on her staff by one official from the North Korean Olympic body, the IOC said.Ryom Tae Ok and Kim Ju Sik won bronze in pairs at the 2017 Asian Winter Games held last February. It was North Korea’s only medal at the 64-event competition in Sapporo, Japan.At their world championships debut weeks later, in Helsinki, Finland, they finished 15th ahead of pairs from traditionally strong skating nations.They skated to music by The Beatles and Tchaikovsky but declined to talk about their choices with reporters.Their Olympic qualification was confirmed in September by placing sixth at the Nebelhorn Trophy in Germany.However, the team did not enter the pair by the International Skating Union (ISU) deadline.They have been trained by Montreal-based coach Bruno Marcotte who conveys instructions via a translator.The IOC has granted places to two North Korean skaters in short track races.Jong Kwang Bom will enter the men’s 1,500 meters and Choe Un Song is in the 500. Neither has a formal biography in the athletes section of the ISU website.Two men and one woman from North Korea have been found places in giant slalom and slalom.They should blend in easily. Olympic races through the technical gates typically have around 100 starters and many come from countries never seen on the top-tier World Cup circuit. Recall that pop violinist Vanessa-Mae skied for Thailand in giant slalom at the 2014 Sochi Olympics.The three North Koreans have little track record in racing, according to International Ski Federation (FIS) archives.Choe Myong Gwang is listed as age 28 with only two results in the last seven seasons. He raced in super-G races in Iran last March on the third-tier FIS level. He placed 10th of 11 and last of 11.Kang Song Il, aged 23, competed in junior races in Iran six years ago, the FIS archive says.The female athlete, Kim Ryon-hyang, is 25 and also raced at Darbandsar, Iran, last March. She finished eighth of 10 starters and 10th of 11.North Korea will have two racers in the men’s 15-kilometer freestyle, and one in the women’s 10-kilometer freestyle. All raced in Apatity, Russia last April, according to FIS.Han Chun Gyong placed 90th of 92 finishers, and Pak Il Chol was 92nd. Both are listed as members of the Photaesan club.In a women’s race in Russia, 18-year-old Ri Yong-gum from the Jangjasan club was last of 83 finishers.Olympic ice hockey is a cornerstone event at any Winter Games.In 2018, the dynamic of the draw shifts without NHL players for the first time in 24 years, but for Hockey Canada, medal expectations at Pyeongchang in both the men's and women's tournaments are high as ever. The Games remain appointment viewing for diehard hockey fans and casual Olympic followers alike.The Canadian women begin play first Feb. 11 against the Olympic Athletes of Russia. The men follow Feb. 15 with their preliminary opener against Switzerland.A 14-hour time difference between South Korea and Eastern Standard Time means most hockey games are scheduled to be played during early morning hours in Canada, a slight inconvenience for viewers. A few exceptions include the much-anticipated rematch between the Canadian women and rival United States — an early schedule highlight. All of the Canadian men's games are scheduled to air live late in primetime.CBC partnered with Rogers and Bell to broadcast the 2018 Games, meaning Canadian cable and internet subscribers with access to CBC, Sportsnet and TSN will have access to watching every event live. CBC is expected to host most of the top-tier events, include men's and women's ice hockey.
Live broadcast times (all Eastern) are listed below and will be updated with additional viewing details when a final television schedule is announced.Soon after South Korea was awarded the 2018 Winter Olympics, Marissa Brandt sent an e-mail to the country’s ice hockey federation. If they needed talent for their fledgling team, she had just the ticket: her. Born in South Korea and adopted as an infant by Greg and Robin Brandt, Marissa grew up playing ice hockey with her younger sister Hannah in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area and went on to play at nearby Gustavus Adolphus College.There was no answer to that email, but four years later Marissa did get a call. The coaches for South Korea’s team had heard of a Korean-born player in Minnesota. How about flying to Seoul for a tryout?“I didn’t know anybody in Korea. I don’t speak Korean, so it was very terrifying for me to go, by myself, 15-hour plane ride, not knowing anybody,” Marissa said after a recent exhibition game in Connecticut.“But I immediately found myself saying ‘yes’ over the phone.”Now the 25-year-old is preparing to wear South Korea’s colors when the 2018 Games begin in February, an assistant team captain no less.And if having one Olympian in the house were not enough for the Brandts, it turns out Marissa could face off against her sister in Pyeongchang.Hannah, born to the Brandts within months of Marissa’s arrival, has been named in the U.S. squad.“It’ll be cool just to be there with her, and for both of us to be making our first Olympics,” Hannah, 24, said in an interview in Boston.For their mom Robin? It’s understandably “overwhelming.”The Brandt sisters’ start on ice occurred as it often does for girls, on figure skates.“I didn’t envision either one of them going in the direction of hockey,” Robin Brandt said.Hannah was the first to make the switch, even though her first experience - a one-hour practice with a boys team when she was about five - left her in tears.“She wanted to be better than the boys, and she was determined to go back,” Robin said. Marissa, despite being a “lovely” figure skater in her mother’s eye, was soon keen to join her.Robin remembers sitting with Hannah when she was nine or 10 years old. “‘Mom,’ she goes, ‘how are they going to find me?'“‘What are you talking about?'” Robin asked.“‘How will they know where to find me for the Olympics?'” Robin recalled with a laugh in a recent telephone interview.“She had a tenacity. She’d be on the ice all the time, falling, but she’d be scoring from her stomach!”Indeed, Hannah can score. She won three Division I National Collegiate Athletic Association championships titles in four years at the University of Minnesota and tallied a school-record 115 goals and 170 assists.In 2014, she was shortlisted for the U.S. squad that went to the Olympics in Sochi but did not make the cut.Marissa’s playing career suffered a setback in high school as a result of back-to-back concussions which took nearly a year to recover fully from.“The career she might have had was probably affected by what happened,” Robin said.At Gustavus, a power at the collegiate Division III level, she switched from forward to defense, the position she plays now for South Korea.Hannah admires her sister for the risk she took to help promote ice hockey in South Korea.“For her to be able to help grow the game in Korea I think is pretty cool.” For Marissa, whose Korean name is Yoonjung Park, it has grown larger than that.“It’s bigger than just being there to win games,” said Marissa.”Being adopted and playing in Korea now, I hope that adoptees can be comfortable or want to embrace their birth countries.“For me growing up, I didn’t want that at all. It’s really been kind of life changing for me to be able to be in Korea and have that ‘Aha’ moment of being proud to be Korean. So it goes deeper than just hockey.”It remains a long shot that the Brandt sisters will face each other in Pyeongchang.The Americans are in a different group from their hosts in the preliminary round and making the knock-out round is a tall order for the hosts.Facing each other is also rare as they were always on the same team as children and played at colleges that never met.They played each other in an exhibition game last January, though, Hannah scoring two goals as her Minnesota Whitecaps came out on top 3-1.“I‘m like ‘Okay Hannah, just make me look good’,” Marissa recalled.“I think I had actually taken the puck from her because I know she wasn’t happy about it,” Hannah said. “I‘m like, ‘sorry’.”For Robin Brandt, the unlikelihood of their meeting at the Olympics is good news.“I think it’s a bit of a relief in one way, because who would you root for?” Robin asked. “Greg thinks he’d root for Korea because they’re the underdogs.While it’s widely assumed the Americans will be in the hunt for gold, Greg Brandt cautioned against being too quick to dismiss South Korea.It’s not impossible,” he said. “They are very tenacious. They never quit. They might surprise people there.”
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erynavensara-blog · 7 years
Walking Through Fire
It’s been about a week since I last wrote in here. I didn’t really want to write anything. Fai is the second person we’ve lost since first hearing about the Death Curse, and I think it’s starting to sink in. Fai isn’t going to come back, ever. It used to be, if a noble or an adventurer or just anyone with enough money died prematurely, someone could pay a powerful cleric or druid to bring them back.
Not anymore.
Does that mean I can never bring Brianna back? I’ve been trying to get the money together for a resurrection for years - I even buried Brianna in her favourite dress so she’ll look pretty for me when she returns - but can that even happen anymore? Will ending the Death Curse mean that we can resurrect people again, like... the ones we lost before the Curse? Or are they lost forever? Where is Brianna now?
Dread musing aside, we had to focus. We’re stuck in the middle of the jungle, one man down, and we had Shago and Xandala to keep alive. That said, I think Xandala can take care of herself, if she had a hold of her magic. She could easily take us all out if she wanted to. Ugh. Shago tells us that we’re still a ways from the undead-infested jungle, so we should be safe to bury Fai normally. As we do that, and as Thralgar gives Fai his last rites, a little creature shows up. A tiny, humanoid-looking spirit floats over to Fai’s corpse and touches it gently. Oh! It’s a Chwinga! I’ve read about these little things! They’re elemental spirits that live in the jungle and like to follow people, sometimes granting them boons if they’re deemed worthy. It looks like the little guy saw something in us. Maybe it knows we’re trying to help?
Thralgar uttered something in a strange language after the little Chwinga left, and he said that it feels like Fai’s body is fully protected from the undead scourge. It was beautiful to watch the Chwinga, and at least now we have some reassurance that we have allies in the jungle. Maybe there’s hope for us yet! We decide to make camp as it’s getting late. Zaphiel and I decide to share a tent, partly because he’s an expert cuddler and partly because I want to make Istimar jealous.
The following morning, I decide to try and fluster Istimar even more. He mentioned something about Alyssa being so free that she didn’t wear underwear, so I decided to do the same. I left my undergarments poking out of my bag - I hope he notices! You’ve gotta try and have a bit of fun in dark times. It’s not like I need clothes now anyway, the beautiful dragon scales I got from the elixir are doing a good job of protecting my assets.
I use our more spacious marching order - maybe if we’re not as close together, we’ll be harder to attack and flank - to talk to Zaphiel. We’re both glum, but he seemed pretty worried about me. He noticed that I wasn’t myself back at the Fort, and I figured I owed him something after all he’s done for me. I mentioned that I used to be in the Fists because I needed a job, and that I had a girlfriend there, who died. I told him I deserted the Fists after that, and I was worried that someone at the Fort would realise I used to be one of them. I don’t know if they punish deserters, but I didn’t want to find out! I didn’t tell him about the content of the nightmares though. I just want to forget about that until we get back... maybe I can deal with it a bit better when I feel a bit safer. Zaphiel’s late-night snuggles are definitely helping to tone them down, though. I hope he’s doing okay. He didn’t sound so sure when I asked him.
A few relatively uneventful days pass. You know when you feel like you’re being followed, but you can’t see or hear anything? I’ve been having a weird feeling like that for a couple days now. It’s probably just anxiety. I don’t think Shago totally knows where we are in the jungle; he might have gotten us lost. I really hope he gets us back to Nyanzaru. We stumble upon a group of strange goblins wearing creepy masks - I think I read about these guys once - who had attacked an adventurers’ camp and killed the people there. We decide to attack them, and I use a spell that I read about in Alyssa’s book but never got chance to use - Ice Knife! So cool. I hurt some goblins, but I’m pretty sure I also ended the life of one of the adventurers. They looked dead! Things were looking up, and now we have another person who might never come back. Ugh. I also almost hurt Thralgar and Marduk with that spell, so maybe I should just not use it. Ha.
That night, after killing goblins and looting the camp - not like the people there needed the stuff - I decide to try and take my mind off things and go up to Zaphiel. Might be going a bit far here, but I quietly ask him if he wants to make out a bit and see how much it annoys Istimar. Sadly, Zaphiel isn’t up to it, so we just cuddle instead. Baby steps!
The next day, we stumble upon a huge dinosaur! I think Shago said it was a triceratops! We tried to back away from it, but Shago’s jungle machete seems to have startled her. Yes, her. Zaphiel tries to scare her off by conjuring an illusion of a tyrannosaurus rex screech - we saw one of those horrors on our way to Fort Belurian - but all it does is scare the triceratops’ babies. Ugh. We don’t really have a choice, she can move a lot faster than we can I bet, and her idiot babies panicked and ran right into us!
Regretfully, we take down the triceratops. Shago impressed me this time, he fought well and dealt some serious blows to the mother. He even somehow found time to flirt with me during the battle, ha! I really hope we can save this guy from Kwayothe. He’s only young, and has a lot of heart. I decide to let him have some of the spoils from the fight, and he creates a rather good-looking helmet out of the skull of one of the babies (Marduk got a bit too angry and killed one, and we lost another before I asked that we keep the babies alive). We managed to capture two of the babies, and Shago told us that we can sell them in Port Nyanzaru, if we can get them back there. Hopefully the surviving babies can have a good life in the Port city.
Before we even think about that, it’s time to rest. We had a long day, and Shago thinks we’re relatively close to Nyanzaru now. He told us the journey would take us a week, but it’s looking closer to nine or so days now. I’m worried about Syndra.
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writermuses · 2 years
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Giftmas Request from @hcllriot
Explanations under the ✂️
Nathaniel x Seraphina - It's been a year and he's known for quite some time. So he's doing the ole "is that a present still under the tree" and "Arlo must've knocked it way back there when he and Cosmo were playing... Oh, it's yours" 😏
Yasin x Mercedes - Key with a 'home sweet home' keychain... but it's for his new place in Miami that he can't move into until the New Year and he's just going to let her think it's for her to come and go from his place in Maine until he's down there. They both can be little shits.
Lale x Blake - The girl has nothing to give except her body. Seeing as how she's fairly certain that he'd be unimpressed by a Lale with a bow on top, she made him peanut brittle.
Danny x Kiraz - Danny's shit at gifts and asked his mom what to do. She ordered Kiraz and her daughter matching aprons (Head Baker and Taste Tester) but made him wrap it (and it shows).
Aubrianna x Rex - The black leather Tournis Tresse bracelet from Hermès. Cartwrights aren't so great at gift giving, but Brianna would want him to have something discrete he could wear/keep on him that reminds him of her.
Sorcha x Serkan - She made him a basket of three teas and biscuits. The labels only read measurements; steep time; and 'wake up', 'relax', and 'get well soon'.
Pembe x Emre, Zeynep, Ferit - She made each of them a mug that was perfect for their size and in a color she remembered reminded her of each of them.
Tristan x Riley - A simple, black diamond pendent necklace with a rose gold chain. the leaf has an 'R' engraved on the side that faces out and a 'T' on the other side.
Yana x [the] Roman Cohen - She already felt like she was overwhelming him by putting up little decorations, so her gift was simple (though heavily researched) a very fancy and expensive knife with a holster that was actually practical.
Hannelore x Billy, Charlie - Baked the baes German stollen and gave it to them before she left for Aspen. She loves it, but I suspect they may chuck it.
Emirhan x Ceren - A keychain that looks like a song is playing. It's the song he was playing on his guitar when he met her in the hospital and the 'album art' is a picture of them on a picnic kissing. Just something for her to keep on her when they're apart.
Caleb x Seyda - A recipe box but inside is a bunch of cards (50 to be specific) with dates all tidy and in order. Caleb gives her clear instructions to not open them except on their day. They're all love notes; memories, reasons he fell for her, things he wants to do with/to her, and observations about how amazing she is. He's hoping she'll have forgiven him by the end of the box because he has a plan 👀
-- I didn't include the ones we already know about in other threads, obviously. But if there's others I should put in another post lmk --
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