#//god i hope this makes sense. i feel like it does not dsjkfl;sd
oreburghminingmuseum · 7 months
Hello! Would you all happen to have any baby Lileep care tips?
Oh I just saw the video on your blog, Lily! Congratulations on the little guys!!!
Lileep are honestly such a delight to work with in general, especially when they're newly hatched! They're oh so silly, and i've had more lileep babies than I can count attempt to cling to my arms and take a nibble or two(Luckily they don't hurt too much hehe)
In the nursery wing when we have babies we usually keep them in a shallower tank until their roots come in so that they're not subject to the whims of the stronger currents of our larger tanks(Don't want them getting caught up against the filters or anything! It's much easier to guarantee their safety if they're in a controlled area)
I'm not sure what the currents are like in your aquarium- but if you have particularly strong currents you'll want to either keep a hold of them with your tentacles, or find a place with a calmer current for them to hang out.
It shouldn't take long for them to grow in their roots that let them properly cling to rocks, and from that point on they should be a-okay on the mobility front (or lack thereof hehe)
I'm sure you have diet handled, but you'll need to make sure to keep meals small enough for them to swallow, you may need to break up a fish fry into smaller chunks.
And uhhh I think that's all I got, happy parenting, Lily!
~ Kristen
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