#//i love making headcanons for hummanoid pokemon because i can add a lot of traits of ancient humans and i love it
quillpokebiology · 4 months
Any Pawniard facts? I would like to own one, so what advice do you have for me to start?
Pawniard Facts
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-The scientific name for Pawniard is "similus acutis" which roughly translates to "Sharpened Similar"
-Pawniard live in packs on rocky mountains or badlands, with numbers ranging between 10-30. They're most often led by a Bisharp, and when one evolves, they'll find lone Pawniard of their own to form a pack. Sometimes, female Bisharp will form small packs with their children if they have any
-Because of this dynamic, Pawniard only evolve if something happens to their Bisharp or there are no other Bisharp evolve
-Each Pawniard pack has their own dynamics and cultures. When caught, it can be hard for Pawniard to adjust to Pawniard's of other groups, but it can happen
-Pawniard sharpen their claws by rubbing them on sharp stones. Getting a scratching post for them is advised
-Biologically, Pawniard are omnivores, but in practice, they mostly eat meat. They eat larger prey that they take down with their pack, and their prey can consist of pretty much anything
-Pawniard are very smart pokemon and are capable of using wood and stone to craft various items
-Because of their pack mentality, Pawniard are very clingy pokemon when it comes to their trainers. While they don't show much physical affection (they literally have blades all over their bodies), they show affection by giving food and following you around. Be weary though, because the food they give you can range from berries to a dead dedenne
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(Art by matazo)
-When freshly hatched, Pawniard have very soft metals that are sensitive to heat. The other Pawniard will protect them by keeping the young Pawniards in caves or in shade
-When looking for mates, Pawniard will sometimes leave the packs; either to prevent inbreeding or because there's no one in the pack they like. It can be difficult since their mates often come from different packs, so one has to choose to leave the pack to join another, but the new pack might not accept them or their mate. When this happens, the two Pawniard will make their own pack, usually with only one evolving into Bisharp but sometimes, both will evolve. It can be even more dangerous if a Pawniard chooses to court a pokemon of another species as there's a higher chance that they won't be accepted. But, they are accepted sometimes (I once saw a Pawniard pack that included an Illumise, I bet it was a situation like that)
-Pawniards mark their territory by leaving markings on rocks or trees. Each pack has a different marking symbol
-I've been calling them packs the entire time, but a group of Pawniard can be called a board
-Pawniard don't like the Tinkatink like at all as all members of the line attack them for their metals. This hatred runs so deep that pawniard packs will murk any Tinkatink they see, even if they leave them alone
-Bisharp make their homes in caves or at the bottom of large trees. They'll make separate rooms for eating and sleeping
-Despite Galar having a lost history of trying to keep pokemon away from their settlements, Pawniard were viewed highly because of their pack mindset and their unquestionable loyalty to their leader. While many commoners disliked them, as they had dangerous blades and would scratch settlements, Galarian knights were known to have a few Pawniards train amongst them
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If your curious, here are some Bisharp facts!
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