#//i'll need to make a post about how this candy kingdom would work
warncdandwiles · 4 months
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unsaid rule of candy kingdoms, if you eat the candy you end up in an oven.
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eradicatetehnormal · 6 months
Posted this as a comment, but here's a repost to tumblr:
I think that unless something big centered around Kairi happens, I'll always have mixed feelings for her. When I'm playing the games, I don't pay her much mind, but when I go back and think about her, it's so frustrating. Sora was reckless when he stood up to Riku with no weapon but got rewarded for his courage and learning his lesson about the power of connection. Riku is reckless when he joins Maleficent but gets to redeem himself by going through castle oblivion and eventually becoming a keyblade master. Kairi though? As mentioned in the video, when she's reckless in KH2 by jumping into the pile of heartless, she needs to be given grace by Riku and his ability to apparently pull keyblades out of his bum-hole.
It's almost as if the narrative, the very universe of Kingdom Hearts is punishing her for daring to try to be more involved. It's sad. I get that that's the point, but when Sora gets to rebound and save the universe despite his mistakes, it can feel upsetting and unsatisfying to see Kairi be able to barely progress in terms of her position. I get, understand, and agree with some points about the people who say that Kairi sucks because she doesn't fight, having a bit of a sexist mindset. Here's the thing though, when it comes to action movies, cheezy shounen anime, or most relevantly, RPGs, fights aren't just two dudes slicining at each other with "d1ldo sticks," as TheGamer'sJoint calls, them.
Fights carry narrative weight behind them. They represent things. Roxas fighting Sora represented the former's last-ditch effort to get out of the latter's shadow and take control of his life, only to end in tragedy, confirming, for then, that nobodies are fated to be forgotten. Xion's fight with Axel represents the hardships of crumbling friendships and how some desperately cling to something that isn't working out.
Kairi though? She never gets that big narrative fight. Sure, there's the fight with Xehanort, but that's shared with Sora. I guess it's cool that she got to stick it to the guy who tried to "fRiDgE" her, but most of the truly emotional stuff comes from the scene before that fight. It showed how the relationship between her and Sora has changed over time, where she hasn't proven herself to some losers in the real world, Sora has come to recognize her strength and is willing to fight with her as an equal possibly giving her some confidence for the battle. Still, she never has that character that's a foil to her.
She doesn't have anybody forcing her to push past her limits. She's essentially her own cheerleader. I guess Axel's there too? They didn't do anything with that.
I used to feel irritated with how much of her character is centered around her relationship with and to Sora and Riku, but the more I think about it, it makes sense. Particularly with Sora, I always thought of them as parallels to each other. Sora is everything Kairi wants to be. Someone who defied fate and expectations by rising above almost any challenge that faced him in spite of his weakness. Kairi is everything Sora thinks he is. Someone who, despite their best efforts and endless potential, end up failing most of the time and having to rely on others, never quite being able to get out of those training wheels. Sora is what happens when you TRY to be the knight. Kairi is what happens when you are FORCED to be the princess.
I hope that KH4 can find time to make that undertone to their relationship, more of an overtone, even if they're just feeling the relationship change through their hearts or something. I feel like people (myself included) miss Kairi's character because, beyond our misogyny, we're so accustomed to arm candy bimbos in action media, that we'll immediately look at most leading female characters through that lens. I wonder if more people would appreciate her character, had KH been a character-driven TV show instead of an action JRPG. I would love to get some more side material of her, whether it be a short series, a 3-hour visual novel, or another rhythm game. Something that really picks her brain.
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juanarcthethird · 3 years
(because of your kissing booth post) Neptune had asked Jaune to watch his booth, thinking that buissness won't be triving today, when he came back he say a line of girls (he mainly noticed team RWBY, Velvet, Winter, Penny, Neo. So he tells Jaune to leave and says that he is ready to serve the clients but girls either kicks him out of booth or leave following Jaune.
You read my mind. I was already working on something similar, so I'll add your ask to it
Jaune At The Carnival Part 2
Ruby: *Holding a cotton candy de size of a basketball* Carnivals are so much fun!
Yang: * Hugging a big stuffed animal * Weiss, do you like your first carnival so far?
Weiss: *Smiling* It is a pleasant experience.
The two sisters smile at that comment.
Blake:  *Looking away from the group* Pyrrha is at the kissing booth.
Yang: No way!
The rest of the team turn to see what Blake is talking about.
Yang: Wow, I didn't know Pyrrha liked that kind of thing.
Ruby: Same, and isn't she spending too much money on it?
Weiss: How indecent.
Blake: I'm a little curious to know who is the guy she's kissing for her to pay so much.
Yang: Me too, but Pyrrha is in the way.
Ruby: Wait! She is moving.
Pyrrha moves to the side to get another bag of lien off the floor.
Blake: is Jaune.
The girls went quiet
Neptune: *Coming out of the bathroom* I knew I shouldn't have had that burrito for lunch. Let's see how Jaune is doing. (Not many customers are arriving, maybe he is bored)
Neptune returns to the kissing booth and can see a long line of people waiting for a kiss.
Neptune: What's going on?!
Neptune recognizes some of the girls. Some of them are the hottest girls in all the kingdoms.
Neptune: (Team RWBY, the bunny from the CFVY team, Weiss's older sister, that weird read-haired girl, and that twintale short girl from the CEMN team. Why are they all here!?) *Look at the beginning of the line*
Pyrrha: *Stop making out with Jaune and giggles* I can’t get tired of this. *Put a hang on her bag to grab more lien but is empty” Dang it. Don’t move Jaune. I just need to withdraw more money and I'll be back. *Runs off to the nearest bank*
Jaune: *Red and on cloud nine* O-ok take your time. W-who is next?
Ruby: That would be-
Yang: *Gets in front* Me! Hello lover boy.
Ruby: Hey! I was first.
Yang: Sorry sis, you snooze, you lose.
The girls continue arguing while Neptune tries to understand what is happening.
Neptune: (No way! Jaune is getting them all! I need to do something) *walks over to the booth* Hi Jaune, thanks for warming up my seat. *Start pushing him out of the booth* (Sorry buddy, but I won't miss this chance to kiss these hot babe’s ) I can take it from here. *Then he sprinkles some mint in his mouth and with a smile he said* Ok, who's the next customer?
Yang/Ruby: *With disgust* Ugh/Eww
The rest of the girls realize that Jaune is no longer in the booth and they begin to leave the line until there is no one left in it.
Neptune: Wait! We’re are you girls going?! Come back!
Later that day.
A new Kissing booth was built and it was getting a lot of customers. Who had the idea? you ask yourself. This was done by none other than Nora Valkyria.
Nora: *Wearing a top hat and fake mustache * Come on ladies, the Kissing Booth is open to the public. With just $ 1 you can kiss our beloved JNPR team leader, tongue included.
Pyrrha: *Holding a cart full of money bags and wearing red lipstick on her lips* I'm back! Where is jaune?
Nora: That’s the spirit! Get in line! (I’m getting rich!)
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