#//moved to a fresh thread
liamoftheirish · 2 years
Bound | Liam & Thalia
Continued from here
“Breaking the rules? Yea, it’s a good way to get my attention. I do enjoy correctin’ attitudes from time to time, though yours doesn’t generally require that sorta correctin’. I don’t think I’ll mind pretendin’ too much though,” His hand that had been exploring along her sides, slid down across the front of her thigh, pulling her partially suspended frame back against him. His large torso enveloping hers as he lifted the other hand to wrap into her scarlet locks and tugged her head back down against his shoulder, whispering lustfully into her ear with heated breath. 
“But still, looking to gather attention or not, you did break the rules and that means I’ve got to make sure you’re punished. Maybe I make sure you don’t have any fun and you just get whipped the whole night...” He smirked then, his hand sliding now down between her thighs, squeezing his large hand over her crotch as he bit at her ear then, “But no, that wouldn’t really be all that fun. Perhaps I leave you bruised, sore, and marked for all to see, though left satisfied. Perhaps I make you earn your pleasure, so many choices.”
He chuckled then, pulling his lips down and kissing, biting along the slope of her neck as the gripping hand between her thighs began to rub, kneading into her covered sex, before stopping a moment later and raising a brow, “Or perhaps we play it by ear and I just have my way with ya. I like that idea...” Raising a brow, “But I’ll be a bit lenient. Which hole should I fill first, Darlin’? Your choice.”
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Making Moves [Amani/E]
[ Previously On ... ]
"Just as a disclaimer, I should probably remind you that I'm not very agile. Or good with targets. Or balanced. Or basically any form of 'in shape' that might be beneficial for this little training session." Amani wasn't delusional. She knew her weight would slow her down, especially given the type of messes E could potentially get into, considering her lineage. "So...where do we start?"
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shadowedvales-a · 8 months
this blog is starting to get wayyy too cluttered for my liking. so over the next few days i am going to be archiving it and making a new one— and making it wayyy more private than this one. if you wish to remain mutuals, be sure to like this post and i’ll follow you over there when i am set up! if you don’t want to, no hard feelings and i wish you all the best!! <33
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storiesxtold · 1 year
Casually puts out feelers to see if people would still be interested in rping if I came back
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amischiefofmuses · 3 months
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@cr1msonpeak from [Here]
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The reassurance was quietly appreciated, met with a small hint of a smile as he felt a wave of relief wash over him. Alison hadn't met the new revelation about his rank with disgust in his actions, the world was still just as it had been moments before, as always she still met him with that same patience and kindness that had roped him into seeing her as a daughter. It didn't ease the guilt he still felt for what he'd done, it was still shameful but at the very least he could face Alison now without feeling like a fraud, no longer would that be hanging over his head. There was a shift in his demeanor at the mention of Havers, expression softening, a touch wistful perhaps. Bittersweet. Even in life he'd not had the opportunity to wax poetic about lost love, a man sent away before the two of them could ever breach the chasm between them. -- ❝Mm, he was an outstanding soldier, one of the very best of the regiment. Crackshot, truly the pride of Button house.❞ Though fond, the words came across more as a review of the man, something undeniably formal. A bad habit that was hard to break but he caught himself, letting out a soft breathed huff of a chuckle. Better to continue with the story, he decided, let her hear the ending before he got lost in the many ways to describe his fellow soldier. -- ❝Somewhat- I- hm.❞ It had been easier with the weight of death on his shoulders, urging him to spill the truth to the others- a trend for him apparently. Swallowing hard and clearing his throat, he pushed onwards. -- ❝I was caught as I tried to get his attention, a fellow soldier all but cornered me and unfortunately it seemed that was too much. My heart started to give out, everything went black for a moment, I was then on the ground with all the soldiers present.. Havers included. I tried to tell him then but he silenced me. Told me he knew.❞ The warmth in which he spoke those words was enough to assure that it wasn't a dismissive response, it had been just what he needed to hear, just enough to ensure both were aware of the connection they'd shared. It took a moment for him to fully look up at her again, sadness in his smile. -- ❝The smartest way to handle it, of course. It was foolish of me to speak so flippantly with other soldiers present.❞
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twcbelts · 1 year
@rvyalfamily cont. houston thread
“ yeah? ” words turn into a soft whisper as he leans down close, pressing gentle kisses to her cheek “ i’m good, baby ” cody keeps one arm wrapped around her frame while fingers slowly run through her hair. it’s much quieter now but he’s still steadying off his breathing, thankful for the cold breeze over sweaty skin. “ hey— you did so good, honey. didn’t mean to get so rough ” his fingers lightly grasp against becky’s chin to move her gaze up to meet his own. cody’s touch lightly brushes across marks left on skin, leaning over to kiss each and every single one. “ cmere ” once it seems like the pair of them have eased off, he gently picks her up into his arms under a firm grasp, back inside to the warmth of their hotel room. he places her back on the bed, careful as ever as he disappears for no longer than a minute, returning with a towel and a new shirt. “ here, put this one on it’ll be comfier ”
self satisfaction radiates through orbs, manifesting as a modest smile which oh so gradually forms. she liked pleasing him, and it made her heart skip a beat to hear that she was successful in doing so. but, the smile fades. in it's place is a confused frown, dismissively shaking head. the roughness was nowhere near a bad thing, quite contrary. he lavished, languished her unlike anyone else ... seth, or otherwise. cody made her feel things that she didn't even think were possible. " no, no, i ... oh, fuck. " swallowing hard, another aftershock hits and sends trembles through her limbs. " - mm, i liked it ... a lot. " as he touches her, even the most benign contact sends those pulsations all over. it happens in a blink. one second she's in his arms, and the next she's being carried to bed. becky would be lying if she doesn't enjoy it. he vanishes and returns in a matter of moments, in his absence memorizing the phantom feeling of him buried deep inside, their fluids still dripping down clenched thighs. smiling up at him, she takes the shirt and brings it to her nose. " thank you, baby " voice is soft with fatigue. short-lived sniff, taking in the scent before unfolding it; white print upon black cotton. " this is one of your BULLET CLUB shirts... are - are you sure? "
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filthysins · 1 year
I have officially moved blogs over to @daddyissves. This blog is now closed and will not be updated.
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liamoftheirish · 2 years
Liam/Lexi | Choke
Continued from here 
Liam grinned at her defiant response, and twisted the woman around. His hand remained on her throat, but now with her back towards him he pulled her taut against his frame, his fingers squeezing again to tighten and constrict once more as he bit at her earlobe, “Seems I’ve found myself a feisty vampiress tonight. You may regret that...” He teased, his free hand moving down along the front of her frame. 
Sliding his hand up beneath her shirt, as he ascended it along her frame until fingers wrapped around her breast, squeezing tight and pinning her back against his broad chest. He could feel the power within her, knowing she could fight out of it if she really wanted, but knew that wasn’t what she wanted.
“May have to keep that throat of yours closed, in some fashion, to keep you from talking yourself into more trouble. Hmm?”
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strayslost · 5 months
Yumeno... so that's this child's name? Either way, from the huge grin on their face, it seems they're definitely excited about getting the crepe. It makes Kyouka a little happy to see them so full of energy... Doing this was definitely the right decision.
"They have a lot of flavors." Kyouka nods as she speaks, as serious as if she's imparting the most important knowledge in the world. She doesn't recall if brown sugar was an option, but it very well might've been - Kyouka remembers being stunned at how many flavors were available, herself.
...To be honest, she wants to ask more about Yumeno. Like why they're on their own. If they really are a kindred spirit, maybe she can help them... it surprises her how strong that desire is in her heart all of a sudden. Normally, she only thinks about the Agency, and doesn't pay much thought to strangers unless they're her responsibility, but... what could this mean...?
She finds it's hard to ask, though. What if Yumeno doesn't want her ruining the mood? Maybe when they're sat down and eating, she'll ask then...?
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"When Atsushi took me here for the first time, I was shocked. ...It's nice to eat together with someone else."
@theircurse ( continued! )
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Magical Moves [Azula/Tim/Elaine/Natalie]
[ Previously On ]
Azula paced around the apartment, making sure everything was perfect as if expecting an inspection from her parents--who always expected everything to be pristine. She had tea brewing, cups laid out, snacks for everyone--overcompensation for her guilt by hosting. “I can hear your concern from here,” she said, her voice soft. With a sigh, she turned to him, her eyes almost pleading. “I don’t know how to do this,” she admitted. When she told Tim three days ago she was ready to tell Elaine and Natalie what happened, she’d meant it. Now, with that moment approaching, she only felt nervous and unsure of herself. 
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normaltothemax · 8 months
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∗ o8﹕ sender  shows  up  at  receiver’s  home  late  at  night . for max! just. finds him in her living room or w/e probably mid-eating a condiment with his fingers
“What the fuck.”
It wasn’t spoken like a question, but it sure as hell was one. Max gaped at the man sitting on her couch, practically wrist-deep in a jar of relish, her mind struggling to come up with something that would explain the bizarre scene playing out before her.
She had absolutely nothing.
She wasn’t even mad (for the moment, at least), just confused beyond belief. What was he doing here? How had he gotten in? Why relish, of all things? Why couldn’t he at least use a spoon? “You—” A blink, two, before letting out a long-suffering sigh, head falling back. She stared up at her ceiling for a long moment, silently regretting every choice she’d ever made in life, before muttering “Screw it” and kicking her shoes off.
This might as well happen.
She tried to ignore him as she put her stuff away, tried to ignore the headache that was steadily growing, but eventually came back to the living room brandishing a spoon. “That’s disgusting. And also, terrible manners. You don’t just break into someone’s house and then stick your dirty fingers in their condiments. That’s just rude.”
@ofkasterborous (x)
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austerulous · 1 year
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I made great progress on those summery asks today – I only have a handful left to send. ✨
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sensesdialed-aa · 2 years
now located on @sensesdialed !! 
certain threads/some asks will be moved over as i see fit, mostly referring to the ones i said i’d keep when i asked those i owe if they wanted to continue <3
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praeceptr · 2 years
*waves* Hi sorry for the absence. I’ve been thinking about it and have decided to move Mordin over to my multimuse where he’ll be low-activity ! You’re not obligated to follow ofc but if you’d like to check it out :  here !
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strywoven · 1 year
continued. // @tvstarkuma
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Was it really so serious … ?
They lift their shoulder a bit , shaking their head.  ❝ W- well Ah didnae think it was all tha’ important , really. ❞  Comes the sheepish reply , gaze casting elsewhere in momentary g u i l t ( besides , wasn't it normal to lose track of time & forget to eat when busy ? ) .  It startles them when they feel his sudden pull , ❝ W-wait , hey— ! ❞ But already Teddie is hastening forth , asking them to hurry along with him or risk being d r a g g e d behind instead.  Stumbling forward the first several paces , Kaen quickly resumes their balance , keeping pace with him as he runs.
Oh , how the two of them must seem like q u i t e a sight ; going on some MAD DASH to an unknown destination , hurriedly weaving their way through the evening mill of people forced to dodge comically out of their way when they rush on by.  ❝ Teddie ! ❞  Kaen’s voice is tinged with a breathless laugh , cheeks flushed some from running in the cold , ❝ C’mon , wha’s wit’ ye ?  ‘S not like Ah’m gonna starve in th’ next couple minutes , y’know ?  We can take our time gettin’ there ! ❞  They’re not sure these placations will have much effect , they know the bear was quite DEVOTED to a task whenever he got an idea ( especially whenever it came to his friends ) .
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totentans · 2 years
Okay, listen. Navidson and Karen are Alpha Couple. Their story is Tallahassee
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