#//ngl im not even going to lie but lambdas utopia ideas have roots in an oc I had way before I made him
mechahero · 2 years
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@pzfr​ asked- Lambda is very clearly an amalgam of a lot of things you think are cool, an expression of some elements of identity and maybe even some feelings, and just all over the blog and story seem like it's a great creative outlet. It always makes me happy to see others have something like that where they can come up with stuff and explore like that.
go on anon (or not) and tell me your favorite detail about my muse! (accepting)
//oh yeah he totally is! i’m not even going to lie about that because it’s true dhdjehfibldkl
not to overuse this word but it’s fun! i do have fun with that. its good to have something (like an oc in this case) and to use it in a multitude of ways. from identity and feelings, like you said. like you can basically use it to vent in a way. or being a writing exercise! i enjoy writing up the concepts for this story and world and being like okay where can i take this now? what would be in it? how similar or close would it be to our world? stuff like that. it’s been neat to kind of see where it goes.
more people should totally do this tbh
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