#//not ms. tough here getting flustered over it lmao
theladymuses · 3 years
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@kwngo​ sent...
[ FOREHEAD ]: placing a hand on the back of the receiver’s neck, the sender guides them close and rests their foreheads together. FROM RENGOKU HE LIKES FOREHEAD TOUCH
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     Vision a tad hazy when she cracks her dark eyes open to peer at Kyojuro, a blur of tan and fire, Miharu thinks he’s feeling her temperature. She’d known it’s him before she’d stirred from the loose embrace of slumber, also that the nape of her neck is an odd place to feel for temperature. Though Miharu’s eyes are quickly wider than the earlier crack when his forehead touches hers.
     Exterior all but thrown away, a soft flush of pinks takes to her cheeks as she meets his eyes—so much closer than she’s used to—and she can’t help the hitch in her breath as she stutters. Starting out in her usual voice, her volume drops by the end of her scentence to that of a soft mumur, blinking eyes averting themselves, “Re-Rengoku-san...! Don’t get so close to me or you might end up joining me in the infirmary, too...”
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barnesthesarge · 6 years
I Found (Part 10):
Bucky X enhanced!Reader
Warnings: Nightmares, blood, mentions of stab wounds, innuendos,
Summary: as someone trying to get their life together, Bucky understands why you’re not coming around right away. He’s helpful in every way possible but there’s something more to his actions, when you get taken away from him you start to notice that.
A/N: Lmao leave it to me to use a gif from Once Upon a Time That I ONLY watched bc Seb was in it for like 3.23 episodes
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You may be someone else, but you’ll always be our daughter. We’re both glad you sent a letter, we aren’t mad at you. We’d like to see you sometime, if you want to call or text either of us, the number is enclosed!
Mom & Dad
Y/N read the message over and over, it had been so short, but it told a lot. She held her phone in her hand, debating whether or not to text them. She sighed and set both on her nightstand, Bucky was coming home from a mission today and she had missed him dearly.
She decided to shower for the first time in days, the hot water making her feel more alive. After Y/N cleaned herself, she got out of the shower and got dressed.
“The Quinjet just landed. Bucky has many injuries and will be the infirmary within five minutes.” Y/N’s heart stopped.
“How bad are his injuries?” She asked FRIDAY.
“He just needs stitches, he will be just fine.” Sam peaked his head through her door, “Your loverboy is quite tough Y/N. Don’t worry about him.”
“Thanks Sam.” She headed into the direction of the infirmary and waited at the desk to find what room he was in.
“Ms. Y/L/N! How are you doing? I assume your here for Mr. Barnes, he’s over here.” Y/N followed the nurse who had helped her just three weeks prior.
“I’m doing fine, is he?”
“Yes, he’s conscious but he needs stitches, the doc is getting ready right now so you might want to hurry.” Y/N went into Bucky’s room and frowned when she saw he had his hand over a spot on his stomach, blood on his hand.
“Bucky Jesus Christ.” She came over to the bed and he blushed.
“Hey doll, didn’t expect to see you until later, uh, I’m alright.” She ran a hand through his dirty hair.
“I requested you would come back in healthy condition Buck, how dare you?” She kissed his cheek for a couple seconds. “I missed you, does it hurt? I can heal it if you want.”
Bucky rolled his eyes, “Well i’d love that, I’ve been waiting for a Doctor for ten minutes now. Like I’m still bleeding and it kinda hurts.”
“Alright one sec Bucky.” She moved his hand out of the way as hers started glowing green, she put her hand onto the decently sized wound and it healed within seconds.
He sat right up and helped her support herself from the sudden weakness, “Thank you angel, c’mere.” He picked her up in his arms as the doctor walked in.
“Mr. Barnes! You’re going to open the wound even more!” He yelled.
“She fixed it for me. Thanks anyways.” He held Y/N and walked out of the room as the doctor yelled at him more.
“How was your mission?” She asked softly while he carried her into the elevator.
“It was going good until some jerk stabbed me. Like here I am, just trying to get some files onto a flash drive, and these dudes all come in, guns blazing and one stabs me! It sucked. I had to hobble back to the jet with the knife falling out, I have no idea where it went.” She giggled warmly and sat up taller to kiss his cheek again.
“Big tough guy. We’ll have to warm up a bath for you to get you cleaned up or something, you’re stinky.” Bucky huffed.
“That was uncalled for. I thought you said you’d be happy to see me, no matter what state I was in.” They waited for the elevator to take them to the shared floor.
“I am happy to see you. You smell bad though.” He walked her through the floor as Steve watched him carry her.
“Weren’t you just stabbed?” He asked.
“Yeah until angel with the magic hands helped me.” He replied causally.
“Jesus Christ I thought you were being dirty.” Sam scowled from the other room.
“Wilson, I don’t care that I can barely stand, I will come in there and whoop your ass.” Y/N chuckled, “you’re lucky this guys holding me back.”
“Oh definitely. I wouldn’t want to take you in a fight, magic hands.”
“I’ll kill you!” She yelled with passion and Sam grinned, shooting her a wink.
“We can spar tomorrow and see.”
Bucky took Y/N into her room and set her on the bed, “I’ll go shower, I’ll be right back doll.” He disappeared while she read the letter again, reach out? She huffed and decided not to tell Bucky right away, he would only encourage her. She tucked the letter away into her night stand drawer and waited for him patiently.
Bucky came back in with his hair wet, and in pajamas, he shut the door and laid on Y/N’s bed, “I’m no longer stinky, if you’re interested in cuddling me, or kissing me, or whatever that weird shit is that couples do..” She grinned and held her arms open for him.
Bucky flopped into her arms and pulled her closer to him, a smile on his face, “I’m not sure what shit couples do, so I guess cuddling works for me, plus I’m too out of it to be making out with you.” 
“Who said anything about making out?” he paused, “Actually I am out of it too, cuddling sounds awesome right now, I haven’t slept good in days. I’ve been missing my dollface too much.”
“Is that really the reason? Or are you just gonna lie, I see right through you Buck.” He sighed in response.
“I can’t sleep in combat that well, and I had a nightmare. S’nothing serious.” She brushed a couple stray strands off his face.
“Wanna talk about it?” He shook his head and pulled her onto his chest.
“No, I just wanna enjoy your company right now sweets.” Y/N let out a soft hum and listened to his heart beat.
“Mmm I understand, I didn’t sleep so well with you gone either. These past couple weeks have gotten me used to using you as a full body pillow.” Bucky chuckled for a moment.
“You had nightmares didn’t you?” He confronted and she sighed and said yes, “You wanna talk about them at all?” Bucky expected her to decline like she usually did, but she pulled away and sat up with a nod.
“When I first was taken, it was really hard for my captors to get me to do what they wanted.” She paused briefly and looked at her knee like it was suddenly interesting.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to doll.”
“No no I want to tell you, you’re a good listener, I haven’t told anyone about this and I really want to. I had to wear a shock collar, like the one Everett made me wear, but it was used to keep me in line, and make me do what they wanted. It stopped working after a while because my body was healing itself and it didn’t bother me as much because it was better than hurting people with my powers.” She stopped again and her eyebrows furrowed sadly, “They told me if I didn--” Her voice cracked and tears escaped her sad eyes.
“Doll you don’t have to--”
“They told me if I didn’t do it, they would kill my family. I did it to protect them... And that’s not even the worst part. In my dream, they killed them anyways, and it was so real and vivid I...” She choked back a sob, “Then they made me hurt you and I can’t stand the thought of hurting you, you’ve done nothing but take care of me unconditionally. I really really like you Bucky, but sometimes I get scared the past is going to catch up to me and take everyone away from me again and I can’t lose it all again, especially now that I have you.” She whimpered as Bucky sat up and picked her up, holding her in his lap now, rubbing circles on her back.
“Doll, c’mere it’s okay, as long as you have us, nothing bad will ever happen to you again. You won’t ever lose me, good luck trying to get rid of me.” He kissed her hair.
“You promise?” Y/N held up her pinky and he grinned at it, he took it in his own and nodded.
“I promise.” He answered, she sighed contently and started wiping her tears away, she didn’t know how he was able to keep her grounded, far away from the depths of her mind.
Y/N put her head into Bucky’s neck and laid it there, breathing softly, his scent filling her lungs and mind, it was so intoxicating, he smelled like home.
“Bucky?” She whispered, the letter in the back of her mind.
“Yes doll?” He questioned her to go forward.
“Thank you for all you’re doing for me. I’m glad I have you. There’s another thing, my parents sent me a letter, they want me to come visit them, and gave me their phone numbers.” He pulled her out of his neck to look at her reaction, she was nervous.
“What do you think about it?” Bucky asked Y/N, she bit her lower lip and shrugged.
“They said that they wanted to get to know the new me, it’s nice, I guess, I’m just terrified. I wanted to lead the last conversation into this one, what if the people who hurt me in the past find out I visited them and kill them?” A wave of sadness lingered in her Y/E/C eyes.
Bucky frowned, “Angel, I think you should do it, I know you’re scared, and you’ve told me in the past you don’t want people to know you, and you’re getting better, you were able to reach out, and I’m so proud of you. I’ll tell you what, I can get Tony to set up his security system around the house, that way we’ll know, and they’ll be safe. Does that help you?” She smiled and kissed his cheek, with a nod.
“You always know exactly what to say, good gosh you’re making me fall for you.” He grinned.
“Wait really? Holy shit..” he looked at her lips briefly, and studied her facial expression for anything that could indicate she was lying—she wasn’t.
“Yes really. I cannot stand it, you make me so flustered, and no ones ever done that. You stupid jerk, stop being cute.” Bucky leaned in and kissed her nose, resting his forehead against hers.
“Not until you do. Can I please kiss you now? This just seems like the perfect moment to kiss you.” Y/N rolled her eyes but agreed, Bucky exhaled as he connected his lips to hers.
Her hands tangled into his hair, tugging at the strands lightly, Bucky’s left hand was on the back of her neck holding her there, while the other was cupping her cheek. The kiss was soft and loving, neither of them would’ve had it any other way.
Y/N pulled away when she was out of breath, she got off Bucky’s lap and studied his reaction, he seemed just as winded as her.
“Hey—um doll, do you wanna go out to dinner? Or order in? I’m hungry.” She giggled and pecked him on the lips.
“Sure we can go out, let me get dressed I think I’m better now.” Y/N stood off the bed and walked for a couple seconds, testing the waters, “Yep I’m good to go. I’ll get dressed.”
Bucky took Y/N to a Chinese restaurant, they were seated in a booth having a conversation, “So you think that having mind powers is better than super strength?” Bucky scowled, feeling slightly hurt.
“Buck, super strength didn’t heal your wound, did it? You know what did? Mind powers. They’re more useful and practical, like I don’t have to punch people, I can take them down with my mind.” She winked at him and he huffed, shaking his head.
“Alright fine, you have a point, but it doesn’t make up for my feelings you just hurt.” She giggled and grabbed his hand from across the table.
“Thank you for helping me all the time Bucky, I don’t know what I’d do without you, other than continue avoiding everyone.” He chuckled and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
“You’re welcome doll, I’ve wanted nothing more than to help you.” Y/N chuckled and gave his hand a squeeze.
“And yet this entire time I thought you were creepy.” She scoffed at her own self.
“You were scared of me?” Bucky’s face fell and he pulled his hand away nervously.
“Bucky, I fear no man.” She paused and giggled at her wording, “I mean you were always in the background of what I was doing. I thought you were stalking me.”
“Oh, I guess in a way I was. I wanted to talk to you so badly but I didn’t know how. I’ve heard you scream at night in terror and such, it’s just, the time I came into your room, I felt like I was needed in a way. I wanted to help you so badly, and you brushed me off, I was so hurt but I knew I would offer help to you anyways. You only talked to Tony, it worried Steve too.”
“Bucky I’m still not an open book. You guys are my team but I still think I shouldn’t get too close to them, after all that crap with Everett, I don’t think it’s safe to be close to me.” Bucky laced his fingers back with hers.
“Doll, it’s not safe to be close to any one of us.”
Taglist: @animegirlgeeky @yafriendlyfangirl
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