#//sophia will be like a normal conversation. is this an appropriate moment to bring up the inevitability of death (its not)
nabataprophet · 2 years
[ 🐺 ] does your muse like solitude? do they prefer it to being around others? how easily does your muse get lonely?
prompts i'd like to receive
gee limit how come the mods let you have three lonely girls
Sophia has lived an extremely isolated life, contained to one little village. As the last full Divine Dragon and Arcadia’s priestess, it only makes sense that Fae and Sophia would be encouraged to stay within the confines of Arcadia.
Sophia and Fae have an interesting friendship where they both remember when they were the same (relative) age and Fae expected them to stay that way, but Sophia eventually started to grow. They’re at odds here: Fae feels lonely that Sophia changes while she doesn’t and Sophia is burdened with the knowledge that comes with maturity. The best example of this dissonance of emotional maturity between the two is how they handle the concept of death; Sophia hides that Igrene’s daughter died from Fae, but she’s very blunt about the fact that she will die before her. 
Sophia: But... You can live...for a very long time... Even when I become old and die...you will still live on... Fae: !? No! No no no! You won't die! Nooooo! Sophia: ...... Fae: Waaaaah... Sophia: Fae...I'm sorry... Don't cry... I feel the same way you do... But... That is what it means...to live for eternity...
...But when Fae becomes (understandably) upset that one of her oldest friends nonchalantly brings up how she’s going to die before her, Sophia backtracks and tells her that they’ll always be together, because Fae isn’t mature enough yet to understand what the difference between them is.
Sophia: Fae... Don't worry... I'll always...be your friend... I'll always be with you...all right...? Fae: Really!? Yay! Sophia: Yes... We'll always be together...
So Sophia and Fae will always have each other (unless Sophia marries Roy and moves to Pherae, in which case, oops!). What about other people? Interestingly enough, even though Sophia had more freedom than Fae did, her social circle isn’t much larger than Fae’s. We know that Sophia was free to talk to the Guardians of Nabata (Hawkeye, Igrene, and Igrene’s daughter by extension), Fae, the Elder (FE6), and Athos, but there’s very little indication that Sophia had any sort of contact with the normal villagers. Sophia is Arcadia’s priestess who's been blessed with visions of the future, not someone that people tend to casually approach... especially if we consider how she reacts to Raigh trying to fucking Grab her lol:
Raigh: Let me see your spell books. I don't think I've ever seen... (Raigh jerks upward) Raigh: Ow! What the... Did you just do that? Sophia: ...Please...don't touch...me...
While Sophia is incredibly excited to meet people from the outside, there’s also a tinge of melancholy. If she does not marry Roy, Sophia will always return to Nabata, so every single friendship she makes will be extremely short lived. As much as she wants to experience new things and meet new people, she knows that she because she is half-dragon, she will always have to return to Arcadia, especially after their location was leaked during the Disturbance of Bern. She is not a normal human girl and never will be, so she has accepted that she will never live like one. She holds her relationships close, but it comes with the knowledge that they will always be fleeting.
also i’m feh bridal alt hater number 1 but Sophia’s Bridal alt’s level 40 conversation makes me unwell:
People have...so little time to live. Even I...with half-dragon blood. Eventually...we will all perish. Perhaps...that is why you pledge eternity to someone...someone who understands. A love that won't fade. I can see it. Such a short time. A fleeting moment. And yet...those feelings transcend all. And I... I wish for it too... An eternal love. Someday...for someone to hold my hand...as we walk to the horizon...
First of all, absolutely insane to spend your bridal alt talking about how death is inevitable and we all die eventually, but very on brand we love a weird unsettling girl. Second of all, OOOOOUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHH. Even knowing that if she ever falls in love, she will probably outlive them, but she still wants to experience the kind of love she’ll remember for the rest of her life. So does Sophia enjoy solitude? No, not really. Ideally, she would spend her life surrounded by people she loves, but realistically, she understands that the most she can hope for is watching over people.
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Is AI to be widely used in surveillance post-Chinese attacks? What is the scope of AI in the future?
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In the year 2020 due to the global pandemic situation because of COVID-19, Artificial Intelligence is going to be the most ghastly growing job at this time because work has to be done on laptops and computers, so one can do it by just staying at home. If you are looking for a career in artificial intelligence, I would say you are on the correct path.
Today, we find artificial intelligence (AI) in self-sufficient vehicles, clinical applications, web search tools, remote helpers, and picture acknowledgment. Despite the fact that in many states there is no “genuine” AI yet and that it will take numerous years to make a genuine AI application, the potential for this innovation is evident.
Since 2015, AI and machine learning has become some portion of our regular day to day existence and are right now a well-known slogan in numerous applications. Man-made consciousness and profound learning advances are coming out of the shadows of building labs and military applications and finding their way into business security organizations.
A few people anticipate that AI should in the long run become a distinct advantage in observation arrangements. Artificial intelligence frameworks can investigate immense measures of information, which obviously is profitable when you have to survey long stretches of observation pictures. This kind of framework could likewise be modified to let you know in what course the item is moving and whether there is more than one article.
Artificial intelligence is the demonstration of re-enacting any educated errand. A basic segment of AI is machine learning (ML) and once in a while, the two articulations are utilized conversely. Artificial intelligence utilizes calculations to experience information, gain from it, and afterward make forecasts.
The global spread of AI surveillance technology
There are significant issues that must be tended to before surveillance observation frameworks can be received all-inclusive. First of all, would they say they are good with existing information assurance enactment? The progressing stir about whether facial acknowledgment penetrates GDPR and the way that a security analyst had the option to get to a Chinese database containing a large number of records, without entering a secret word recommends that a few nations despite everything have far to go on this front.
At last, as this technology is so flexible, it’s probably not going to disappear at any point in the near future. Governments will probably proceed to overhaul and improve their frameworks in the coming years, maybe guaranteeing that they help forestall psychological oppressor assaults by distinguishing dubious personal conduct standards sometimes before an episode can occur. Regardless of whether the innovation will be as compelling is not yet clear, in any case.
Is AI to be widely used in surveillance post-Chinese attacks?
Once the global pandemic is over, threats are not going to go away forever. Our soldiers will always be on the border protecting our country so that we could sleep in our homes safely. So, today we are here to discuss about Artificial intelligence surveillance technology that will be helpful for our soldier’s security purposes.
Artificial intelligence opportunities in surveillance technology are spreading at a quicker rate to a more extensive scope of nations than specialists have normally comprehended. In any event, seventy-five out of 176 nations universally are effectively utilizing AI advancements for reconnaissance purposes.
A surveillance arrangement with or without AI is seldom an off-the-rack arrangement since each business and each reason is special. Understanding the basic role of the framework and how the recording, in the long run, may be utilized is basic. Also, picture ease of use must be accomplished if the framework has been adjusted to the particular states of the premises and if it’s appropriately kept up.
To succeed, the essential spotlight can’t be on the innovation, however consistently on the arrangement of a specific use case. Just as a major aspect of a total and all around planned arrangement, where human skill has considered a wide range of contemplations, would AI be able to offer incredible open doors inside surveillance?
China is a significant driver of AI surveillance around the world. There is a solid connection between a nation’s military consumptions and an administration’s utilization of AI surveillance frameworks. Forty of the world’s best fifty military spending nations (in light of combined military uses) likewise use AI surveillance technology.
How and where to learn Artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence skills are required to make an AI job dealing with surveillance technology. Not just in the surveillance field, AI is a vast field that deals with AI in digital marketing, AI in healthcare, AI in stock, and many more.
If you want to build a career in Artificial intelligence, there are many free online courses available online that one can consider to learn and master AI and machine learning. E-learning has always been very easy and sufficient as one can excess their online class from anywhere all around the world. This online study provides a great learning AI course with a certificate that will help you in future to get jobs.
Apart from just AI courses, many other machine learning and artificial intelligence courses are also available that will help you achieve your goal of becoming an AI surveillance technician.
What is the scope of AI in the future?
Sophia, an AI Robot, is an example and it is the quintessential case of this. The fate of artificial intelligence is dim. In any case, passing by the limits of progress AI has been making, it is clear AI will penetrate each circle of our life. Recorded underneath are the various manners by which AI can change later on.
Digital Security
The future use of AI in cyber-security will guarantee in controlling programmers. The rate of cybercrime is an issue that has been heightening as the years progressed. It costs endeavors in terms of the brand picture just as material expense. Charge card fraudery is one of the most pervasive cybercrimes. In spite of there being location procedures, they despite everything end up being insufficient in checking programmers. Simulated intelligence can carry a noteworthy change to this. Novel AI strategies like Recurrent Neural Networks can distinguish fraudery in the starting stages itself.
Quality of the data
Picture ease of use is as consistently of the best significance. Without “crude material” as far as top-notch film and video, an AI framework can’t dissect anything. A functioning domain with trees blowing in the breeze, or an individual conveying something that the AI system thinks about unpredictable, can trigger numerous bogus alerts. In this way, the AI can be utilized to generally decide how applicable an episode is and afterward alert an individual who at that point chooses the reaction.
Face Recognition
The dispatch of iPhone X with face recognition highlight was a stage towards AI future. In the upcoming years, iPhone fans and users may be open to their mobile phones by upgrading the front camera to some next level. Confirming individual substance isn’t the main utilization of facial acknowledgment as there are many more features to it. The government’s safety and security system powers utilize this component to find crooks and recognize its residents. Later on, facial recognition can go past the whole physical structure to an enthusiastic investigation. For instance, it may get conceivable to distinguish whether an individual is pushed or irate.
Data Analysis
One of the ways in which AI will bring profit to the business is in the field of Data Analysis. Artificial intelligence would have the option to see designs in data that normal human intelligence can’t. This empowers businesses’ to focus on the correct clients for the item. The most important case to keep in mind is the association between IBM and Fluid. Liquid, a computerized retail company uses Watson an AI made by IBM for the sagacious item will provide suggestions to its clients.
Various Jobs
Mechanical Process Automation is the use of AI and machine learning to computerize rule-based undertakings. It will help one to concentrate on most of the basic parts of their activity while leaving the normal points of view to machines. Computerization can extend from information passage to finish process mechanization. The compass of AI is additionally expected to cover occupations that are unsafe or wellbeing dangerous like bomb dispersion and welding.
Emotions Bots
Tech has progressed as far as Emotional Quotient. Virtual assistant Siri, Cortana, and Alexa show how the degree to which AI fathoms human language. They can comprehend the importance of setting and making keen decisions. In 2015, a friendly robot called, ‘Pepper’ went discounted. Here all of the underlying 1000 units were sold inside a moment. In general, thinking about this, the chance of passionate bots may turn into reality later on.
Taking everything into account, the AI system has grown rapidly over the previous years and shows extraordinary potential inside the field of surveillance, yet lamentably, open familiarity with these abilities despite everything has the best approach. With Milestone’s open stage reconciliation, you can get to the most recent AI surveillance technology and redo your reconnaissance arrangements.
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Two Words
Read on FFnet here.
He has lived in San Francisco eight years. There’s nothing, he thinks, like the anonymity of that city. It’s booming and progressive, the arts are alive. He’s not the only celebrity to sheath himself in the err of everyday people like it’s natural, and sometimes he can almost forget the way he missed it back in Domino or Duelist Kingdom. Things are always moving forward and that keeps him moving forward, too.
Most of the time, anyway.
People go there to advance careers, chase dreams. Some people follow broken hearts to the waters under the Golden Gate Bridge.  
He cries for them.
Of all the things he has to shed tears over, and more importantly, all the things he never allowed himself to cry over, strangers are the ones who draw sobs from his chest. Raw and heaving, broken in ways he never knew another person could be, before the gray printed name in the paper.
He thinks he keeps much stranger things than a collection of unknown obituaries.
He thinks he remembers them the same way he remembers the pain he caused so many people, back when he let himself believe his hurt had sharper teeth.
They are close to him, like a vow.
More than anything, he thinks that’s a little fucked up.
It takes him six years to find Café Sophia, and while most people shake their heads at the ego of a twenty-something plastering her name on her father’s, father’s, newly refinanced, ramshackle shop, Pegasus finds it endearing.
She has heart.
She also has mice, but people with dungeons don’t throw stones.
He takes a chance that becomes a routine that becomes a ritual. She calls him “foundering artist” after the first three months, when she realizes he likes the ‘atmosphere’ of worn wooden floors and a few old men ogling her behind the New York Times while he makes intervening conversation. She knows she won’t lose his business, and he knows even before he shows up to find a sick five month old in her arms, his business is all she wants.
At first.
He realizes a month later, when she tells him the story of the place beyond the books (a book) of sales; his own judgment can’t be trusted. It’s her father’s shop, her grandmother’s name; she works to pay off student loans from a failed stint at college that ended in pregnancy. She even says pregnancy, not forlornly, but as a truth hardened by the number of times it’s been thrown in her face. She kisses her daughter’s – Faith’s – head, and calls her a miracle, but somewhere behind the scent of rain on the pavement, the word echoes of failure.
Pegasus buys her a cup of coffee and waves off the look of offense, sliding his mug back from the baby’s curious fingers and tearing a napkin to ribbons to hear her laugh.
He comes the next week so she doesn’t think she’s scared him off, but skips the week after for his own sake. Blames the flu.
With no interest outside her being the only consistent contact he’s had with a person in…a decade, he’s already idealized her.
Made her out to be a bold, up-and-coming, supremely maternal woman with her life entirely together. Maybe she is and maybe she isn’t, the point is that he doesn’t really know her at all.
He’s dusting off bad habits and asking someone else to bear the brunt of them.
And maybe everyone constructs versions of people from who they really are, maybe everyone sees who they want to see, doesn’t make it right.
He really hasn’t been right since she died. Maybe he should go to therapy.
Within six months, “foundering artist” becomes “Mr. Art,” within eight months, just “Art.”
They never give their names and for some reason that’s comforting. He carries the obscurity of San Francisco and she lifts a mug to meet it like the tide rolling in to meet the shore.
A year after he first steps through the door, one of her regular old-timers steps out for good. He frets for all of a minute about chasing her business away – she relays his final words as something like “not needing the heckling” – before she dissolves into teary thanks behind the counter.
It’s the first time he wonders after her father, who owns the place and supposedly lets her live upstairs.
The first time he wonders how a few regular customers support the upkeep.
Looking is enough, mind you, but it’s the first time he wonders if old-timer number two, who has the audacity to slide his “friend’s” old chair close enough to prop his feet on in a show of not being run off, does more than just stare.
He misses a meeting to flip her open sign to closed, waiting with a patient smile as the old man shuffles out. Pegasus follows right behind him. It’s getting dark, and she’s dealt with more than enough of the wrong sort of male influence. It feels appropriate to go, but about halfway down the cobblestone strip he starts to think it was a mistake.
His entire being aches when he reads the obituary on Monday, tracing the unisex name on the page.
Her tears come back to him, their sheer brokenness an echo where Cecelia’s concertos used to be, and he wonders for a split second, almost potently enough to go back two days in a row, if it’s her.
He thinks about how he’d be forced to remember her, or she him.
Without a name.
He wonders if she still wants to be as such.
The following week he resolves to ask for it and doesn’t.
Neither of them can say why – and both of them notice – but the thirteenth month of knowing one another suddenly leaves him more aware.
Maybe it’s because he still hasn’t forgotten old-timer number one’s face, maybe it’s because it’s only gotten stronger with time, but Pegasus watches the windows for it while he nurses his coffee. And he notices. It’s embarrassing, really. He considers himself a perceptive man and for thirteen months he’s somehow genuinely missed the straying eyes lingering on his face through the door.
They don’t come in, but they watch. They know.
Once he leaves he camps out on a bench four shops down, face veiled by a book, confirming. It only takes twenty minutes for a swarm of customers to appear. Not old timer – he checks twice – but several men and women he’s nodded to as he passed them by. The place is fuller than he’s ever seen it.
He frowns, refolds the newspaper unevenly, and drives home with too many questions.
The fourteenth month gives him hope it hasn’t been this way the whole time. Faith is whining from the sling on her mother’s back, matching red curls matted to her sweaty forehead. He sings Pretty Woman and her mother does a little spin through the laughter. It gets a laugh out of Faith too, and her laugh is one of the best sounds he’s ever held onto.
When he gets up to leave, she catches his arm gently and tries to give him back half his tip.
“You always leave too much.” She says. “Coffee is only three dollars.”
And there’s a twenty in her hand, pressed to his suit sleeve like her determined glare can serve as adhesive. He looks down at her long fingers and as she pulls them away several moments later, rewarding his smile with a frustrated sigh, she lets one trail the label on his wrist.
Pegasus’s tip is so meager in the scheme of his finances it’s embarrassing. But anything else would be insulting, and even the twenty, judging by her reaction, is toeing the line.
“Until next week.” He says, and neither of them knows it yet but her forgiving smile is a lie.
Pegasus arrives at the usual time, which in and of itself is a paradox since it changes every few months, and finds a crowd in the café. There are so many people he at first assumes the line is pressed to the door. But they’re just patrons carrying drinks, chatting with too much emotion to be random stop-ins.
An unfamiliar man is behind the counter, dark hair streaked with silver, and Pegasus swallows his anxiety to try and alleviate it. He doesn’t even have a name, like asking after half a person.
But before he even gets the nerve, most of the conversations stall, the shift in noise level is so jarring it lets the air out of his lungs. Things trickle back to normal in record time, but it’s far too late to mask that he’s the subject of too many people’s curiosity. He orders the usual, to go, and doesn’t feel bad about not lingering. He hears his name on the way out, likely from her father behind the counter, and can’t bring himself to face the pain of looking back to confirm it.
He knows he should at least call back for the man to keep the change, but continues walking. Briskly.
The obscurity of San Francisco goes up in smoke. Every pair of eyes trailing him is a knife drawing blood from different points, by the time he makes it to the car, claustrophobic and unable to breathe, the blades have shattered. Thousands of fragments slice him open and write her ownership into his vulnerability.
He wonders how long she’s known.
He wonders why she never gave her own name.
He wonders if he’s making treason of her kindness by feeling he’s owed it. Because whether this ruse was his first or hers, it was shared.
The words in his head are loud enough that he almost stays away, and he learns the following week that he should have.
It might not be betrayal, but it feels like it, and it isn’t her last.
The following week he steps into Café Sophia for the last time. But he doesn’t know it is an end and doesn’t mourn it fully. Like everything else, it slips from his grasp quick enough to be gone but too slowly to take the warmth of its presence with it.
It’s a little after two when he opens the door, eyes cast down, counting seams in the cobblestone path rather than the number of eyes making holes in his back. When he lifts them, one familiar face becomes two.
Tea Gardner eyes him with one part guilt and two parts determination, the rust stain of his past on her lips. Behind her, the eyes that leaked relief into the fabric of his suit jacket return to the inside of a coffee mug.
He understands everything, all at once.
Her father steps up to the register with a smile that might be tired, offers to take his order.
Pegasus thinks of the story of this place, wonders after its namesake, catches the note of failure on the word ‘pregnancy.’
He tries to smile and remembers the face of old man number one, the shame of reading the same paper he read, and the deeper shame of needing it for the obituaries. Like they were the only things he could feel completely. Like the rest of the world was stuck in grayscale at forty or fifty something percent.
He wants to know how much of his life was leaked without his permission – fucked up – but can’t ask that.
Because she won’t look at him.
Why won’t she look at him?
He wants to know if any part of this was real, if this man is her father, if Sophia is her grandmother, and strangely enough if she thought he looked her up, he had the resources to  – fucked up – and a little whisper asks where the baby is. He wants to know that too.  
His hands shake in anger and shame when Tea Gardner smiles at him and he can’t wonder if she’s well because that man is standing at the register, having offered to take his order.
That man never stood at the register while old timers one and two harassed her.
He never offered to take their orders – fucked up.
The hurt in his chest radiates, stealing his breath and making him light-headed. He doesn’t know how long he’s been standing here, but he knows that he needs to leave.
When he fumbles back to the car, he doesn’t hear her quiet whisper of his name, like she’s saying something she shouldn’t be.
He doesn’t cry for her, maybe because it would really be crying for himself. He doesn’t have the kind of past he’d want for his daughter if he had one.
Fucked up.
Fucked up.
Fucked up.
Fucked up.
And he knows now that it’s just an excuse but as he hugs the newspaper, thankful there are no suicides in the obituary, it crosses his mind.
He hasn’t been right since she died.
He wonders if it’s his pride that keeps him from going back, or if it’s the right thing to do. He’s never been great with social graces but he’s never felt this lost in them either.
Daily he thinks about leaving the city.
Sometimes he thinks about paying off her school loans, calling up anonymously and lifting the burden. She’d know it was him, but it wouldn’t matter.
Sometimes he thinks that’s crossing a line and sometimes he thinks he owes it to her for being a lifeline, even if she didn’t know it.
He finds a park to drink chain coffee in and a therapist who tells him to keep the obituaries if he needs them.
He wonders if it’d make a difference to say he prays every day they’re not hers.  
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